You can live excited, because your breakthrough is coming! Hope is a positive attitude that something good is about to happen at any moment.

now the first thing I want to talk about

today is doubt and how doubt affects us

in getting answered to prayer

James 1:5 through 8 James chapter 1

verse 5 through 8 if any of you is

deficient in wisdom which i think is

probably most of us let him ask of the

giving God who gives to everyone that

includes you liberally that means way

more than enough and ungrudgingly he

doesn’t resent helping us he likes to do

it without reproach and fault-finding I

could sit and just look at this

scripture for a long time so when I come

to God even though maybe some of the

messes in my life are of my own making

they came through my own lack of wisdom

I got myself in trouble I didn’t listen

to God to start with I didn’t follow

peace I can still even in the midst of

that I can go to God and ask him to help

me and he won’t even reproach me which

means shame or blame and he doesn’t find

fault with me he just helps me now that

doesn’t mean he doesn’t teach me and

train me and correct me but one of the

examples that I’ve used many times is if

you have a child that has not done all

their chores this week but they’re

outside playing and the neighborhood

bully gets after them and you hear them

screaming for help you’re not going to

go check their list of chores to see if

they got all their check marks otherwise

is too bad for them I mean you if the

door is not open you may go through it

to get outside to help your kid are you

hearing me

man and that doesn’t mean that you won’t

correct them later about their chores

that doesn’t mean that you might not

even you know tell them they can’t go

outside for a day or something but you

will not refuse to help your children

because they are not perfect and don’t

do everything exactly the way you want

them to so stop letting the devil steal

from you by thinking that you dare not

ask God to help you because you have not

done everything that you should do just

own it

amen only it must be in faith that he

asked with no wavering no hesitating no

doubting for the one who wavers

hesitates and doubts is like the

billowing surge out at sea that is blown

hither and thither and tossed by the

wind for truly let not such a person

imagine he will see anything he asked

for from the Lord for being as he is a

man of two minds hesitating dubious

arrested he is unstable and unreliable

and uncertain about everything he thinks

feels and decides now doubt leaves us

midway between believing and not

believing and this says we’re not to

become people of two minds so the Bible

talks about the mind of the Spirit and

the mind of the flesh and I think we

have to learn how to live by the mind of

the Spirit and that’s really like what

you sense down in here so there are

times when I can believe something with

my heart but the enemy is going to use

my mind to try to steal my faith now are

you with me so I am NOT going to stand

here and tell you that I have some nifty

message that I can give you a little

three-point sermon on how you can never

have doubt again because to be honest

with you doubt comes to all of us and

I’ve thought about this quite a bit

because I just really don’t like to give

people answers that I don’t think will

work and so I’ve thought about this

because there’s times when when I

have doubts sometimes when I’m up here

preaching and maybe you know I’m not

getting the right reaction I think I

should I’ll hear the enemy say this is

not the right message and while I’m

preaching to you I have to tell him to

shut up and I have to go back to my own

heart of yes this is right I prayed

about this I saw God about this and I’m

not going to stand up here and be

double-minded it is important that we

believe all the way through to the

manifestation and I can pretty much

promise you that doubt is going to come

against your mind but that’s when you

need to go back to the mind of the

Spirit and very often go back to

Scripture what does the word say you see

it doesn’t matter how I feel it doesn’t

matter what I think it doesn’t matter

what people say it doesn’t really matter

even what my circumstances are the only

thing that really matters is what does

the word say this is what it means to

walk by the word so what I want to

strongly recommend is when you’re

standing in faith for something or

you’ve asked God for something and it’s

just not happening I mean let’s just say

you’re believing God for one of your

children salvation and the more you pray

the worse they act well you know that’s

not really uncommon because what happens

when you pray and this may be something

you never thought of when we pray for

somebody else God begins to deal with


and I don’t know by Cupid I don’t know

he’s act real pretty when God’s dealing

with me and so it is very possible that

when you start praying for somebody they

can act worse than they did and then

what the devil wants you to think is

well that sure isn’t working but what

you need to say and I’m saying say

because we need to use our mouth for

right stuff in a time like that what you

need to say you can just take your

doubts and head back to Hell where you

came from because

because it is God’s will that all should

be saved I have prayed and I believe

that God is working in my behalf

right now and not only will that help

the answer come through but here’s a

really good benefit you stay happy and

excited in the meantime everybody’s

exciting excited when they’re expecting

a breakthrough at any moment that’s what

it means to live with hope a positive

expectation that something good is about

to happen any moment instead of waking

up and saying I dread the day I dry

today we need to wake up and think I

can’t hardly wait to see what God does

today amen mark 11:23 and 24 says truly

I tell you whoever says to this mountain

be lifted up and thrown into the sea and

does not doubt at all in his heart

doesn’t even really say that doubt won’t

come to your mind but does not doubt it

all in his heart but believes that what

he says will take place it will be done

for him for this reason I’m telling you

whatever you ask for in prayer believe

trust to be confident that it is granted

to you and you will get it now we talked

about this last night I need to believe

I’ve got it before I see it did you hear

me we need to believe we’ve got it

before we see it and boy is that hard

for people who are not accustomed to

living like this how can you believe

what you don’t see well because we have

two lives we’ve got a spiritual life and

we’ve got a natural fleshly life and the

spiritual part of us cannot be seen it

operates in an unseen realm where there

are unseen yet wonderful amazing things

happening and when God suddenly does

something in your life

that doesn’t mean that that was when he

started working on it God is already

working in your behalf you know it’s

like little kids play there pretend

games have their little invisible

friends but you know what we’ve got an

invisible friend too

I love it don’t you and I talked to my

invisible friend okay now this is such a

cool scripture 2nd Corinthians 4:13 yet

we have the same spirit of faith as he

had who wrote I have believed and

therefore have I spoken we too believe

and therefore we speak so what I’m

saying is when doubt comes open up your

mouth and confess what you’re believing

not the lie the devil is telling you

just because a crook knocks on your door

that doesn’t mean you have to let him in

and then and then here’s another facet

to doubt if we know very much about God

at all to be honest we rarely ever doubt

that God can do something but we doubt

that he will do it for us it’s easier

sometimes to tell somebody else what

God’s going to do for them and believe

it for them than it is to believe it for

ourselves and that’s because we look at

all of our mistakes and I’m not saying

that we live sloppy lives and don’t care

about how we live and that you know God

just brushes over everything I’m not

saying that at all

God is merciful but I’m talking about

somebody whose heart is right toward God

and and you know I make mistakes matter

of fact I doubt that there’s a day that

goes by that I don’t make mistakes but

I’ll tell you the truth and I’m sorry if

this upsets you but I am not focused on

what’s wrong with me

you know why because I wasted too many

years of my life focused on what was

wrong with me and just taking an

inventory of every little thing that was

wrong with me and I gave that up because

whatever I am I am in Christ and

whatever I’m not I’m still in Christ and

if I do anything good it’s because he

enabled me and if I do anything bad then

he’s the only one that can forgive me

and I want God’s conviction I want to

know when I’m doing wrong things i I

mean I thank God when he shows me now

Joyce you had a bad attitude in that

situation home thank you God I do I

think because I lived in darkness and

ignorance for too many years going

around mistreating people and not even

knowing I was doing it but see the only

way you can thank God for showing you

what’s wrong with you is if you’re not

condemned by it I said the only way you

can thank God for showing you what’s

wrong with you is if you’re not

condemned by it and the Bible says he

that knew no sin became sin that we

might be made the righteousness of God

in Christ where sin abounds grace does

much more abound in him we are justified

made right with him sanctified redeemed

set free

our imperfection has nothing to do with

God’s ability and willingness to answer

our prayers now you know if somebody is

got hidden sin in their life and they’re

living wrong and they’re not paying

attention to anything that God’s saying

then it’s certainly within God’s realm

of choice to withhold an answer until

you can get your attention and get you

to come to a place of repentance it’s no

different than the way we handle our

children I’ll give you my word first but

if you don’t do what I told you to

eventually I will have to touch your


amen I mean that’s about as plain as I

know how to make it so wonderful

Scripture in Hebrews 4 15 and 16 got to

read this can’t can’t not read this for

we do not have a high priest who is

unable to understand and sympathize and

have a shared feeling with our

weaknesses and infirmities and

liabilities to the assaults of

temptation but we have one who has been

tempted in every respect just like we

have yet without sinning Jesus knows

what it’s like to be in a human body and

I have doubt come and temptation common

impatience come he he understands all

that he made it through all of it

without sinning and he did it for us and

now we get the reward that he deserves

so then let us fearless Lee and

confidently and boldly draw near to the

throne of grace the throne of God’s

unmerited favor to us sinners that we

may receive mercy for our failures and

find grace to help in good time for

every need appropriate help and

well-timed help coming just when we need

it so don’t ever draw back from asking

God to help you you know to me when I

and this is the way I start a lot of

mornings father I come to you today in

Jesus name

admitting to you that I don’t deserve

anything good I don’t deserve your help

I don’t deserve anything but I come in

his name presenting to you all that he

is not what I am my faith is in Jesus

and because of that I can come boldly to

your throne

and get my needs met