To truly understand righteousness, you must be able to withstand the storms of life. Today on Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer discusses the profound importance of building a solid foundation in Christ. – – – – – – – Follow Joyce: WEBSITE:

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– – – – – – – Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way. #JoyceMeyer#EnjoyingEverydayLife#Righteousness


I’m Joyce Meyer and I believe that God

can heal you everywhere you


hurt well thank you for joining me today

on Enjoying Everyday Life I’m going to

be talking to you today about the

importance of stability and if you have

the right foundation in your life how

you can be stable in any kind of a

circumstance or situation now I spent a

lot of years of my life and what I

called yo-yo Christianity I was up when

my circumstances were up and down when

they went down and I can remember when

the ministry was still very small and we

had handful of employees maybe I don’t

know 15 or 20 and D when I would go out

pretty much every weekend and do some

kind of a conference

or seminar or speaking engagement


and we would come home and and go down

to the post office and want to see how

much mail we had I had a lot of mailbox

faith and

uh then we want to get the mail and go

sit at McDonald’s and drink coffee

and read the mail and boy I tell you if


was no mail which sometimes there was no

mail or just maybe one or two pieces of

mail down my mood would go Dave always

just stayed the same he was a lot more

experienced Christian than I was when we

got married and he’d already been

through enough to know

that you got to put your trust in God

plus he’s just a real easygoing cast

your care you know type person and I was

the absolute opposite I was

like and

uh you know that that being up and down

and up and down I mean the devil just

plays games with you when you’re like

that and

because he can work in our

circumstances he’s very good at creating

circumstances very good at creating

problems he is the God of this world’s

system and he can uh do all kinds of

things especially if we don’t recognize

that it’s him and know how to resist him

and so we need to have

a foundation in our life of knowing that

God loves us and he loves us

unconditionally yeah and I I wonder if

any of us really know how to do

that I mean if we really can love a

person no matter what they do you know

it’s like I guess the way you feel about

your kids would come about as close to

that as anything you know I may not like

everything you do but I I can never stop

loving you and

um so God often the Bible says shakes

everything that can be

shaken until only the things that cannot

be shaken remain and so even though God

loves us and we’re made right with him

through the blood of Christ and through

our faith in Christ and we’re precious

and we’re valued in all those things

that I’ve been telling you the last

couple of

days he also has to work in our


to correct us and chastise us to help us

give up some of these wrong

behaviors because we may cling to them

if God doesn’t deal with us

and you’re going to see here in just a

little bit that the Bible pretty much

says that unless you understand

righteousness you can’t receive

correction because you always take it as


it’s like God rejecting you but he’s

really not he’s correcting you and even

as an authority here in the ministry

there have been many times when I’ve


to correct someone in a loving way and

they take it personally and get all

rejected and you

know correction is just trying to get

you to go in the right direction is not

necessarily mean there’s something wrong

with you are you need to feel

rejected and

um hard and disappointing times will not

leave you

devastated if you have a proper

foundation in your

life we had a foundation one time the

first house that we ever owned and built

we didn’t build it but we had it built

in a subdivision and the foundation had

a fairly large crack in it and we

constantly were trying to get the

builders to come out and fix it and they

just gave us all kinds of trouble and we

tried two or three ways to fix it and it

just every time there was a

storm guess what we had a

mess in the basement to deal with so we

really couldn’t even finish off our

basement or anything because every time

there was a storm we were going to have

a mess well if you have a crack in your

foundation your spiritual

Foundation or I have a crack in my spir

spiritual Foundation every time there’s

a storm you’re going to have a

mess and so part of what God is trying

to get us to do is

to let those cracks get repaired through

his love and mercy and kindness and

goodness and sometimes God has to deal

with us fairly sternly you know it’s

like how many of you would much rather

that your children would just listen to

you when you tell them

something it’s kind of

like you’re saying to your kids if

you’ll listen to what I tell you it’s

going to be good but if not I will touch


circumstances and so rather that means

taking away a privilege or you

know time out or

whatever whatever you think is going to

get them to listen we’d much rather well

God’s the same way if you’ll listen to

my word or when the Holy Spirit

chastises us and that just means you

can if you have experience with God you

you know that feeling it’s like you know

that God doesn’t

approve of what you’re doing but it’s

it’s a battle when we want to do

it it’s especially in the early stages

of being a Christian until you learn

that God is not going to change his mind

and you’re going to be miserable until

you change your

mind and then you get to the point where

it’s like you get pretty quickly

obedient because you don’t want to keep

going around and around the same

Mountain over and over and over again I

always say that God gives us tests to

pass before we get a

promotion just like in school you may go

through first grade but you don’t go to

second grade until you take final exams

and so God wants to promote Us in life

and he does it in levels I can see it

plainly in our ministry I taught 25

people in my living room floor for 5

years then I worked with somebody else’s

church for 5

years and then we started our ministry

and we had meetings of 50 people and 70

people and my goodness if I ever got a

hundred people I thought i’ died and

went to heaven and you know that went on

years and years and and then we finally

got up to where we were having some

places four or 500 people and that was

like Wow amazing and and then when we

went on television it things just

exploded and then we were having

thousands of people and looking for

places to rent to have our meetings in

and things like that but before each one

of those

promotions if I had the time and I’m

going to take the time to do it today I

could go back and tell you different

test that I had to pass and

obediences that were different diff

difficult I can talk yes that were very

difficult for me and

so God sometimes would have to deal with

me rather sternly but he does it for our

own good because he has a plan for our

life and it’s a great plan and the only

way we can have that plan is if we’re

obedient to God the Bible says that

Jesus was extremely obedient even unto

the death of the

Cross it’s in Philippians and there was

given unto him a name that is above

every name that at the name of Jesus

every knee must bow and every tongue

shall confess that Jesus is Lord that’s

going to be a beautiful day you know

what you know that especially when all

the people who don’t believe and some of

the silliness that goes on

and I mean trying to watch and you know

I believe in science and I respect


but sometimes when you try to divorce

science from

God it they they can come up with some

of the stupidest things I

mean this all came about by a big bang

yeah well who okay who created the

ban oh well no it wasn’t that there was

a some kind of a cell that crawled out

of the ocean on the beach and millions

and millions of years later here we

are okay who created the ocean see you

can’t go back far enough to not run into

God sooner or later you’re going to R

run into him because he’s without

beginning and Without End he just says I

am am I’ll figure that out I am and I’m

not going anywhere and so you have to

really we really need to pray for people

that believe some of the stupid things

that they believe because they are

deceived Satan is a Great Deceiver and

to be deceived means to believe a

lie but you see if you believe it it

becomes your reality right and so have

you ever tried to talk to anybody that

they just they believe beli they were

right about

something that I mean you could prove to

them you could show them proof that they

were wrong and you’re still going to

believe that they’re right and that’s

the way deception is so we want to learn

to be promptly and quickly

obedient we do have authority over the

devil but in James 4:7 it says resist

the devil and he will

flee well no it really doesn’t say that

mhm that’s the way we quote it but it

says submit yourself to God right resist

the devil and he will flee amen and so

we can’t be so foolish as to think that

we can live a disobedient life and have

unforgiveness in our heart and be

critical and judgy and you know all

these different things and then when the

devil attacks us say I rebuke you in the

name of

Jesus well you know you can use that

name all you want to but there’s no

power in

it if you’re not being obedient I use an


that when I married Dave I got his

name I legally got the use of his

name but I didn’t get it when we were

dating right and a lot of people are

dating Jesus they’re not

married in other words it’s a on and off

thing and when I need you and you know

it’s beautiful when Dave and I got

married I didn’t have any money and he

had some money and all of a sudden I had

money I mean it’s a cool thing

to really get

committed to God and uh I didn’t have a

car he had a car and all of a sudden I

had a

car it’s a great thing and you know

Jesus has got everything that you could

ever possibly want yes and so why not

make a full

commitment instead of just having a

little Sunday morning date every once in

a while and then forgetting about him

the rest of the

time when you have that proper

foundation in your

life nothing can really shake you too

much now I’m not saying that you

know trials and tribulations don’t

ever bother us but if you know how to

talk to yourself you can talk yourself

off the ledge pretty quick it’s what I

call it like sometimes I can feel myself

about to have a tantrum and it’s like

I’ll take myself and have a talk with

myself right okay Joy’s been there done

that you know it’s not going to do any

good calm down settle down put your

trust in God and you really

can talk


into behaving the way that you should

behave if you want to Romans 8: 35-39

some of the most beautiful scriptures in

the word who shall separate us from the

love of

God of Christ shall tribulation our

distress our persecution our famine our

nakedness our danger our

sword as it is written for your sake we

are being killed all the day long we are

regarded as sheep to be slaughtered and

I I think that deserves an

explanation it to me it’s it’s kind of

like saying some of the things that we

go through as

Believers it may look to somebody else

like you’re a sheep being led to the

slaughter because you sure don’t look

like you’ve got any victory in your

life but if you know who you are in

Christ and you know who he

is this is getting ready to say that

we’re more than conquerors and I think

to be more than a conqueror means that

you know you’ve got the victory before

you ever get the

problem so therefore when problems come

it’s not that you like them it’s not

that they don’t hurt it’s not that

they’re easy but if you really trust God

you know that in the end it’s going to

work out okay and even if it doesn’t

work out the way you want it to it’s

still going to work out

okay amen one of the first things I say

when trouble starts is this will end

well and you got to believe that you can

go through whatever you need to go

through until you get to the end of it

right you all know that earlier this

year I had a back surgery minor back

surgery got a blood clide at the surgery

site caused damage to the nerves in my

right leg so I was two weeks in a rehab

hospital till they got me to the point

where I could get on a walker I couldn’t

I couldn’t put any weight on my right

right leg I couldn’t at first I couldn’t

lift it that far off the bed I mean had

no strength in it at all so they had me

doing exercises and rehab and I got to

the point where I could go home on a

walk and I got home

and got a little full of myself and

thought I was doing better than I was

and I fell and broke my left leg so I

ended up being in the hospital a total

of 23 days out of 27 but for 6 and 1/2

Weeks 2 and 1/2 months I couldn’t

walk but I’m happy to say and I’m not

bragging from day one I said God please

help me do this

right and I wanted

to trust God stay in peace I didn’t want

to complain I didn’t want to murmur

about it I wanted to stay thankful and

God really really helped me during that

time and I

believed that it would turn out good and

and I think that that comes from

experience with God and some of you have


experience some of you sadly are still

getting it and I know how you feel I

know you feel like throwing the towel in

about 200 times a day but if you just

won’t quit and you won’t give

up the longer you’re in relationship

with God the more you know how much he

loves you the more you watch him deliver

you from situ

amen you understand that he’s

faithful and the more we can put our

trust in God the easier life

gets if we can trust God in every

situation then there’s really nothing

that can shake us we may have to go

through things but it’s so much easier

to go through something if you already

believe it’s going to end well then if

you go through it afraid that something

bad is going to happen know in all these

things we are more than conquerors

through him who loved us that’s all you

that’s the foundation God loves me he

loves me I’m made right with him through

the blood of Christ I’m precious in His

sight in his sight he values me he’s

going to take care of me because I

belong to him and I am sure Paul said

that neither death nor life nor angels

nor rulers nor things present nor things

to come nor powers was saying I don’t I

don’t know what the future holds but it

doesn’t matter what it

is nor height nor depth nor anything in

all creation will be able to separate us

from the love of God that’s found in

Christ Jesus so there it is right there

we don’t have to let anything separate

us from the love of God Proverbs 10:25

says when the Tempest passes the wicked

is no more but the righteous are


forever I love


but buildings without


man you know foundations are not very

exciting when we were building I think

we built like three houses in our 57

years of marriage and uh we never

invited anybody to come out and see the

basement I you know but I can remember

inviting people well they’ve got the

frame up you want to come and see the

frame but I really don’t remember ever

ever asking anybody to come and see the

foundation and yet the

foundation is what the building stands

on yes and so our life has to be built

on a strong

foundation and unless it is we are

always going to have a mess in our lives

and so if you don’t know if you don’t

have a revelation on how much God loves

you then I suggest you just set

everything else aside for a while and do

nothing but study that till you get

it amen am and

then go on to righteousness if you don’t

know who you are in Christ or if you’re

still one of those people who even after

you repent you feel guilty

then let that be your next college

assignment you know we need to

study the word in the areas where we’re

having problems not just randomly

study the

word the Bible is like

a it’s got a pres prescription in it for

everything that ails

you it’s like Isaac leiser’s translation

says that he’s our physician and the

medicine is his

word and so there’s medicine in there

for anger there’s medicine for

hatred there’s medicine for guilt and

condemnation there’s medicine for

sin and when you go to the doctor you

get a prescription

filled you go get it refilled however

many times you need to until you get rid

of what’s bothering you and you’re

faithful to take your medicine too you

don’t take it and just set it on a shelf

well if we would treat the word of God

the same

way we might

get well a little bit quicker

am the milk of the word is for those

unskilled in righteousness you have to

be able to hear the meat of the word and

the you know today yesterday last two

days and today it’s easy I’ve been

telling you how wonderful you are and

you’re the righteousness of God in

Christ and he loves you and you’re

precious and you’re valued and all of

that is important that has to be the

foundation and once that once that’s

settled and you’ve got that Foundation

there’s no cracks in it then we can

start to build a life then God can start

dealing with us

but if we don’t have that every time God

tries to deal with us we’re just going

to feel

guilty you see you have to understand

there’s a difference in conviction and

condemnation and I used to feel every

time when the Holy Spirit convicted

me let’s just say that I went to lunch

with somebody and we ended up gossiping

about somebody else the whole

time and of course as soon as you shut

your mouth and get quiet you

know well you usually know what we’re

talking and but then when the Holy

Spirit would convict me immediately I

would feel

condemned and boy the devil loves that

because when you feel condemned nothing

changes but if you receive the

conviction of the Holy

Spirit then with his help you can make

those changes and now I love it when the

Holy Spirit convicts me of something

because I know that’s a sign of his love

and I’m grateful that he cares enough

about me that he won’t leave me the way

I am the rest of my life how many of you

are hoping for a little change in your

life see so

um Isaiah 54:1 14-17 says in

righteousness you shall be

established you shall be far from

oppression for you shall not fear and

from Terror for it not shall not come

near you if if anyone stirs up Strife it

is not from me whoever stir up Strife

with you shall fall because of you then

I’m going to skip from verse 15- 17 no

weapon that’s formed against you shall

prosper but every tongue that rises

against you in

judgment you will show to be in the

wrong this is the

Heritage the inheritance of the Servants

of the Lord the Amplified Bible says

righteousness peace security and Triumph


opposition is our inheritance from God

let me go through it again

righteousness peace

security and Triumph over

opposition is what you can expect in

your life if you know who you are in

Christ it’s so wonderful to not have to

live with

fear the Bible tells that we should be

rooted and grounded in Christ

and rooted and grounded in the love of


Roots we’re called Trees of

Righteousness the planting of the lord

well a tree with no roots we all know

what’s going to happen to that in a

storm it’s very simple analogies that

God gives

us if I’m a tree with no

roots any storm that comes along even a

little one’s going to blow me

over but when you’ve got Roots I’m I

mean we’ve got a huge oak tree in our

backyard that’s been there I don’t know

maybe 100 years 50

years and I tell you that Baby’s Got

Roots and I’ll tell you no matter how

hard the Wind

Blows the trunk on that tree the the

leaves May blow but the trunk on that

tree does not

move because it’s roots that go way down

into the ground they even come up over

here and then they go down again and the

roots are big

and that’s the way we can be through

enough study of the word and experience

with God we can be the kind of people

that are rooted and G grounded in Christ

and have that stable sure foundation in

our lives

amen have you been looking for a

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the Mind actually is the battlefield

that’s where we win or lose the war with

Satan he said all he gets to

say the day is mine you start asking God

to heal you and he will restore he the

God of all comfort and I am so grateful

that I know how to call on

