The Courage To Be Different | Radio Podcast | Joyce Meyer

Join Joyce Meyer as she dives into the theme of standing out from the crowd in her series “The Courage to be Different.” In this powerful teaching, Joyce encourages us to embrace our uniqueness and remain steadfast in our faith, even when the world demands conformity. Learn how to overcome fear, rejection, and societal pressures to live boldly for God. Get Today’s Offer From Joyce: – – – – – – – Follow Joyce: WEBSITE: FACEBOOK:   / joycemeyerministries   INSTAGRAM:   / joycemeyer   X (Formerly Twitter): – – – – – – – Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way. #JoyceMeyer#EnjoyingEverydayLife


welcome to Enjoying Everyday Life with

New York Times bestselling author Joyce

Meyer on today’s program Joyce will be

teaching from her series the courage to

be different it’s okay not to fit in

with everyone in today’s society in fact

the Bible is full of people who refuse

to follow the crowd we must be bold

enough to stand up for what’s right no

matter the cost now here’s Joyce with

today’s teaching now there’s a story

that I tell and I thought this morning

should I tell that again but it’s so

good yes if you’ve heard it I apologize

but I’m just going to tell it anyway um

cuz I believe here’s what I believe I

believe that many times when we’re going

through some kind of uh there’s a a

temptation to compromise our

integrity I believe that it’s not only

an attack of the enemy but I think

sometimes God just kind of stands back

and it’s a test for

us because there’s something else that

God wants to use us for but he’s got to

test us where we’re at to make sure that

we’re going to handle it right that’s



amen you see if we fall apart because

two neighbors don’t like

us and you’re praying for some big thing

do you have any idea

yeah see I know thank God a lot of

people love me but there’s a lot of

people that

don’t I I agree unbelievable you’re

right right


there I mean I was in a drugstore the

other day picking something up and a

lady came up to me and she said I’m so

sorry to bother you and can I just hug

you and so she hugged me and she said

you know you have just changed my life

and she said here here’s an interesting

thing she said when I was first Saved I

was told do not listen to Joyce

Meer she said but I’m so glad I listened

anyway and you know I

thought I I mean stuff like that used to

hurt me but now it’s like I don’t know

God’s got me covered I go out and I just

think everything’s fine you know and uh

even though I know it’s happening I mean

I’m still sometimes kind of like in

shock that somebody’s like don’t like

me well see that’s kind of what happens

when you like


hello I said that’s kind of what happens

when you like

yourself you don’t go around being

insecure all the time because you think

well they probably don’t like me they

probably don’t like me they probably

don’t like me and I think when you know

that God likes you


hello when you know that God likes you

then you don’t you’re not worried so

much about what everybody else thinks

now don’t misunderstand I don’t I don’t

like it when people don’t like me I

don’t like it when people talk about me

I don’t like it when we get ugly things

sent into the office uh about me because

I’m just really trying to help people

now I’m not doing it perfectly but

that’s what I’m trying to do and but you

got to realize that people who do that

kind of stuff have got more problems

than anybody on the

planet if all you have to do is write me

a letter and tell me that my earrings

were too long when I was preaching then



know oh yeah you yeah we get some goofy

stuff really goofy stuff it’s like

really that’s all you got out of that


so anyway I’m just telling you if you

want a

promotion and you can’t handle you’re

going to get depressed cuz somebody

doesn’t want to go to lunch with

you I mean you not going to make it on

the next

level come on you are not going to make

it on the next

level because let me tell you when

you’re the boss you cannot make any

decision that’s going to make everybody



happy all right my

story uh H I might have

been 28 maybe 30 when this happened and

um Dave and I had three children by then

and um we W to buy a house and so I went

back to work and I got a job we only had

one car so I got a job thankfully in the

downtown area of St Louis where also

worked and so we had similar hours so he

could drop me off and pick me up and we

could ride together cuz we really didn’t

have the money to buy another car and

because of not having enough money in

previous years I had not paid proper

attention to my teeth and I got to the

point where I just I really had to have

a lot of dental work and so I had been

to the dentist and I had uh they’d

started working on my teeth and you know

when you when they start working on your

teeth it’s really not cool to quit in


middle so it’s was kind of like one of

those things you started this you got to

finish it well it was going to cost

$1,200 and which was a ton of money back

then and uh I worked at a company in the

bookkeeping area in the office area and

my boss every month we’d send out

statements to the people telling them

how much they owed the company and one

particular client

our customer had overpaid he had like

double paid a bill and so he had a large

credit on his account well my boss

didn’t want me to send out the statement

showing that he had a credit because he

knew the guy would ask for the money

back and he didn’t want to give it to

him and so he told me to put a debit on

the account and send out a zero balance

well I went home that night and I mean I

was I was a Christian I loved God we

went to Church all the time I mean I

didn’t know what I know now but I I had

a reverential fear and awe of God and to

be honest with you I think that’s very

missing today in our society and in our

church I think we could use a little bit

of that ananas and saira stuff you mess



me come on ananas and Safar lied to the

Holy Ghost and they fell over dead and

it says great fear came on the church

I think we need to just stop thinking

it’s okay to

lie it’s okay to have sex before you’re



am see and to be honest PE people don’t

even want to talk about this kind of

stuff I mean I knew when I said that but

probably somebody wouldn’t like it but

here’s the thing I’m not called to tell

you what you like I’m called to tell you

what you need to hear

I mean I I could tell you a whole bunch


stuff but I better not get off into that

ditch but the the thing is is we have to


compromising and learn how important it

is to do what’s right because God is

powerful and yes he loves us and yes

there’s Grace and there’s mercy and yes

there’s forgiveness but if we live

sloppy lives there is going to be a

price to

pay and that’s just

it and so I went home that night and I

was just tormented I was just like what

am I going to do what am I going to do

what am I going to do but you

know I already knew what I needed to do

how many of you know what I needed to do

see we’re a lot smarter than we act

sometimes it’s like it’s not that we

don’t know what to do it’s just that

what we want to do doesn’t always agree

with what we know that we should do so I

knew that I needed to go to work the

next day and say I’m sorry but I just

can’t do that you know I just I’m a

Christian I’m a Believer and I just

which he wasn’t and so I knew that he

wasn’t going to understand that and you

know if I do that I’m going to feel like

I’m stealing their money and I just

can’t do it well of course then the fear

came remember we’re talking about fear

the fear came I’m you’re going to lose

your job you’re going to lose your job

and you’ve already committed to this

dental work what are you going to do

you’re not going to be able to pay for

it and if you have to go out and look

for another job it probably won’t be in

the area where Dave works and how are

you going to get to work and how are you

going to get home and see anytime that

we try to step up and do the right thing

fear attacks us with all the Whata

ifs and so that’s the point at which we

need to trust God and say I can’t worry

about what if if your word is true true

and I do the right thing then you will

take care of

me you will take care of me when you

pass through the waters you will not

drown when you pass through the fire you

will not be

burned for I am with you so I went in

the next morning went in real early cuz

he usually got there early and I mean I

was shaking and

trembling and I went in his office I was

so nervous and

and I said called him by name and I said

listen I’m I said I know you’re probably

not going to like this but I just I

cannot do what you’ve asked me to with

this person’s account I said I would

feel like that I was stealing their

money and I just can’t do that so I went

I said I’m a Christian and I just

believe it would be wrong to do that and

you know so he just

like just get on out to your desk and go

to work so all day long I expected fully

expected for him to to come out and fire

me right before quitting time he came

out and he slammed that statement down

on my desk and he said well just send

him a

check and

so but now here’s the interesting thing

and you can think what you want to but I

think that had something to do with me

being able to stand here

today see you don’t know what you may be

forfeiting that God wants to do in your

future if you compromise

now if you don’t take a stand now then

God can’t trust you in a higher level

where there’s going to be more pressure

and more

persecution well long story

short he sold the company to somebody

else and every year for several years

after that he sent me a Christmas

present and I got promoted in that

company until eventually I was the

second in charge over all the company I

was over the warehouse all the truck

drivers and everything and here’s the

thing I didn’t even know what I was

doing and

got I mean I look back and I think how

in the world did that


happen see God can put you in places

that you have got absolutely no natural

ability to be in if you’ll just simply

serve him with your whole hard and do

the best you can do to be an honest

person and there’s so much compromise

today I mean there are whole professions

where there’s no way that you can

succeed in that particular job market if

you’re not willing to

compromise and then I’m sorry but I

would just have to say then you don’t

need to be in that that line of


now let your life

shine Matthew 5:116 let your light shine

before men that they may see your moral

excellence and your praiseworthy Noble

and good deeds and recognize and honor

and praise and glorify your father who

is in heaven you see if we don’t if we

say that we believe something and we

don’t stand up for it unbelievers

recognize that and that’s when they yell

hypocrite Dave says that what the world

is waiting for is for Christians to

stand up and act like who they say that


are and I believe

that we talk a good talk but we’ve got

to learn how to walk the

walk Matthew 10 16 behold I am sending

you out like sheep in the midst of

wolves come on these are not just nice

little verses in the Bible he’s given us

a warning I am sending you out like a

sheep in the midst of wolves amen

be wary and wise as serpents and


harmless as

doves now the Bible is full of

examples of unbelievably

amazing men and women who did great

things if we want to be bold we must

stand firm on God’s word today we’re

offering the secret power of speaking

God’s word gift Edition this small But

Mighty book teaches readers how to

declare scripture over their lives also

included is good thoughts great life in

this book Joyce shares how to identify

wrong mindsets and the Beautiful journey

of letting God’s word renew our minds

request now for a gift of $30 or more at or call toll-free at800

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this beautiful hard cover Edition is

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Peace the Mind actually is the

battlefield that’s where we win or lose

the war with Satan he said all he gets


say why is the last of the days mine you

start asking God to heal you and he will

restore is the God of all comfort and I

am so grateful that I know how to call

on God
