The Invisible Kingdom – Part 2 | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer
Contentment doesn’t come from the things of this world. On this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer, discover the joy of loving God with your whole heart and pursuing His Kingdom. Get Today’s Offer From Joyce: 1-800-709-2895 – – – – – – – Follow Joyce: WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: / joycemeyerministries INSTAGRAM:
/ joycemeyer X (Formerly Twitter): – – – – – – – Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way. #JoyceMeyer#EnjoyingEverydayLife
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Ministries when you make sacrifices God
rewards you I mean he just does that’s
all there is to it and one of the things
that happens is it gives you a lot of
favor and favor is just it’s just
fun I’m Joyce Meyer I’ve seen God power
transform my own life and he will do it
you so the biggest biggest biggest
biggest problem that we have as
Christians and the biggest problem that
the world has with
Christians is those who talk the talk
and don’t walk the
walk and that’s because of not having
made that
decision that you’re walking away from
that old old life you cannot just take
Jesus tack him onto your old life and
expect him to go along and fix all your
problems while you still live the same
way that you lived
before amen there’s no person that could
be truly born again and never
changed it is not
possible in 1 John 3:9 the Bible says in
the Amplified Bible that anyone who is
born again
habitually purposely continue in
sin doesn’t say he never sins but he
says he cannot habitually purposely
knowingly live in sin because the seed
of God lives in
him do you know what that means when you
are born again you become pregnant with
everything that God is
but it comes into our spirit in the form
seed and that’s why the word is called
the water of the
word every time you hear the word you’re
watering the seed of God that’s on the
inside of
you and it helps you
grow I’m not getting too far
here we only enjoy the king kingdom of
God through the principles of the
Kingdom for example Jesus said over and
over if you want this then do
this I maybe I’m odd but I like that
system I like somebody to tell me if you
want this you can do
this I don’t you know my mistake was for
a lot of years I tried to do it on my
own without humbling myself and asking
for God’s help so I didn’t get very far
but now that I’ve learned to say well I
want to do that but I can’t do that if
you don’t help
me then I make a lot more
progress Matthew 7:12 says so whatever
you wish others would do to you do also
to them for this is the law and the
prophets now in the Old
Testament it said an eye for an eye and
a tooth for a tooth if somebody does you
dirty then you do them dirty
back we get another whole set of
spiritual laws thank God that Old
Testament law is done away with but we
still do have spiritual
principles are you understanding me you
can’t be a Christian and live like the
world you can’t be a Christian and live
like the
world I didn’t say you couldn’t enjoy
things in the world but some of the
worldly things you can’t enjoy because
they wouldn’t be proper and they
wouldn’t be
appropriate I like to watch TV in the
evenings when I rest but I usually watch
it with the remote control in my
hand and I can tell when the bad stuff
is on its way before it gets
there and I just fast forward past it
you know what you don’t need all that
junk for something to still be good
and I’ve got different editing things
and edited movies and you know I I don’t
want to feel myself full of
junk I
well come on don’t make me work so
hard but now we have we have this new
thing in the Kingdom you don’t do to
others what they’ve done to you you do
to them what you would like them to do
you well that’s pretty upside
down well what if
I treat them good and then they still
don’t treat me good back well guess what
you’re still obeying God and you’ll
still be happy and you’ll still have a
coming payday is coming
did you hear me payday is
coming I’m giving my life to this and I
don’t plan on missing my
now all of this would just be fine and
work pretty easy if it wasn’t for the
devil but see it’s a
fact that when you want to do good evil
comes Paul said that when you want to do
good evil always
comes it it is hilarious the things that
happen to
us just trying to do these
conferences I mean it’s just gotten to
be we we keep a record at the end of the
year my assistant reads it and it’s
like the devil just never seems to get
it that we now get
him and we know what he’s
doing and we’re not laying
down because he makes it a little
inconvenient I mean we had team members
that had flights cancelled and just I
mean all kinds of problems you know and
then it gets everybody all stressed out
the devil if you get here at all the
devil wants you to get her all stressed
out and even those of you that are
coming I wonder how many things happened
at your home right while you were trying
to leave that just got you
like probably a large majority of you
they’re probably weren’t too many that
just made a plan strolled
around came with no problem how many of
you somebody was supposed to come with
you and they backed
out almost everybody you know why
they weren’t wise enough to realize what
Satan was trying to steal from
them the devil is a
liar to
deceive he’s a Great Deceiver it means
cheat to
cheat he only comes to steal kill and
destroy that which gives a false impr
whether by appearance statement or
influence riches are said to be
deceitful the world is said to be
deceitful sin is said to be deceitful so
let me just talk to you for a few
minutes about the world because we live
in it but we’re not supposed to be of
it and I want to make it clear I believe
God wants to bless us and I believe that
he wants us to have nice
things and and I think it’s fine for you
have an abundance of things as long as
you’re generous with what you
have but it can
also really draw you away from your
relationship with God if you’re not
mature enough to really handle
it well sounds like one little group out
here in the middle
see we we don’t realize that we’re just
passing through
here this is not your
home did you ever wonder why no matter
what you have or how many good things
happen you just never are 100% content
well I was like that and I got tired of
it I’m like come on God I’m trying to
serve you with my whole life and I have
no reason to be discontent why do I
always feel like there’s something I’m
missing and he just said because you’re
not home
yet I’d be more concerned if you could
get 100% comfortable and content here
then if you told me I just feel like a
little something is missing well God has
written eternity in our
hearts and there’s no place like
home it’s nice to go for a visit but
there’s no place like
amen as for what is sown among Thorns
this is the person who hears the word
but the cares of the world and the
deceitfulness of riches choke the word
and it proves
unfruitful so let’s just say that
somebody is born again and God wants to
bless them and he gives them favor and
they get a promotion at
work then all of a sudden Here Comes
temptation if you want to really climb
the ladder of success you’re going to
have to compromise a little
bit I mean yeah you you can be a
Christian but let’s don’t be one of
radical yeah yeah you know go to church
but just you don’t have to talk about it
all the
time don’t have to sit and study your
Bible on your lunch hour just don’t be
so hyper religious you
know and there is some value to some of
that but I’m telling you that the more
have the closer you better stay to
God because money and things and
success nothing can draw you away from
God quicker than those
things that’s why it’s not wise to want
anything that God doesn’t want you to
have cuz even if you think you can
handle it God knows whether or not you
really can handle
it and I pray that God don’t give me
anything that I can’t handle and still
keep you first in my life I don’t want
I’ll be done with this in a few more
years here let me tell you you feel
different about things when you get a
little bit older things that used to be
so important to you I mean I used to
love to shop oh my gosh shopping was
entertainment come on I mean just go out
and roam around the malls and go in and
out of the same stores and then go to
the next mall and go do it the next day
and the next day
and now I
just I mean it’s like
really I have one place where I buy most
of my clothes and I enjoy going there
the woman’s a friend of mine I’ve been
buying clothes from her for over 30
years it’s not that I don’t like pretty
but I don’t crave them or have to have
them like I once did I mean if you you
have 50 pair of shoes do you really
need another pair and if you are going
to bring one in then have a guideline
when something comes in something goes
amen I’m kind of okay with that but at
least if you’re going to bring more
in the world is so deceptive
how about this
one buy this new car today and no
payments for one
year well that sounds
good only problem is is a year from now
when the payments
start the car don’t look that much
different than the one you turned in to
get the new one only since you really
couldn’t afford it you had to take the
long payment plan so now this car that’s
a year old you’ve got to pay on for
another s
years I bought piece of jewelry one time
at a jewelry
store and when I got it home I thought
this don’t look like it did in the
store have you ever noticed
and I realized it was was the lights in
the jewelry
case and I actually took it
back I just said I
don’t I mean I’m all for pretty things
and you know I’ve got more shoes than I
can wear and more earrings than I can
wear but I do try to be generous with
what I have and give all the time but
you cannot let those things mean more
more to you than Jesus does and don’t
let your relationship with him be all
about trying to get him to give you what
you want don’t seek him for his presence
p r s n
TS but for his presence can I have those
two packages
M I’m going to give you an example of
the how the world is and how our flesh
is now I got these two packages here and
one of them is just wrapped in brown
paper and boy that one’s pretty ain’t
now most of
you there’s always somebody that would
do it right but most of you if I said
which one of these do you want you’d
pick this one in
heartbeat so this is the way the world
is it looks so
pretty oh it’s got to be
wonderful but guess what
nothing in
there now this one doesn’t look all that
inviting probably just kind of feels
like a book what
the everyday life
now this is the greatest treasure that
anybody could ever give you
because the kingdom is in
here you know there really is no
substance in scratching and scraping for
what the world calls success it often
results in loneliness and emptiness the
only one that gives our life purpose is
Jesus Christ and every time we hear the
word we’re watering the seeds of God
that’s on the inside of us that help
grow our faith legendary Sports Castor
James Brown understands all of that he’s
experienced great success in life along
with some difficulties and through it
all he has learned what is most
important and he pursues what really
matters you’ll hear from him and his
wife Dorothy later in the program so
stay tuned for that but first watch this
are you ready to go deeper with God are
you willing to take the next steps in
your relationship with him I made that
decision many years ago and I’ve never
looked back you see I didn’t even know
that I could have a close and intimate
personal relationship with him through
God’s love he has shown me so much when
I’m willing to let him in and he will do
the same thing for you he has become my
everything and I’ve encountered healing
experienced his love I’ve even
discovered how to have an abundance of
joy in my life all because I want all
that he is and has for me God is waiting
for you but the choice is yours Say Yes
to God and all that he wants your
relationship with him to be that’s why
I’d like to share with you my book
knowing god
intimately inside this book you will
discover four levels of intimacy that
you can expect to experience with him
understand God’s character and his
incredible love for us and it will help
you trust him in every area of your life
knowing god intimately is yours today
for a gift of any amount call us today
at 1
80079 2895 or visit us online at
and start reaching new levels of
intimacy with him if you would like an
increase in Joy love peace patience
kindness and more consider consider
adding the fruit of the spirit series as
an additional offer you’ll receive the
fruit of the spirit teachings from Joyce
as a digital download or physical CDs
for your gift of $50 or more it’s
important to study these areas in order
to grow as a mature Christian you can
receive knowing god intimately for a
gift of any amount or take advantage of
this additional offer with the fruit of
the spirit series for $50 or more well
Kathy shared this with us she said as I
was reading your awesome book knowing
god intimately
a book that I really love I was filled
with the Holy Spirit I never understood
that God wanted me to have this
beautiful gift you see the Holy Spirit
has the ability to change your life and
I want you to experience this today you
can receive knowing god intimately for a
gift of any amount or take advantage of
this additional offer with the fruit of
the spirit series for $50 or more your
gift allows us to continue to share the
love of Christ around the world through
our Hand of Hope outreaches call us
today at 1
800709 2895 or visit us online at Joy James Brown is the leading voice
in sports casting and has likely graced
your TV many times but he and his wife
Dorothy are also strong voices for
Christ they’re just wonderful people and
they have a lot of wisdom to share we
have made it to Super Bowl Sunday folks
I’m James Brown and welcome you’re a
football fan James Brown needs no
introduction I think it is indeed safe
to say it is a wide open race in the AFC
he’s a legendary voice in The World of
Sports JB is the current host of inside
the NFL and NFL today and has hosted a
record setting 11 Super Bowls he is also
a special correspondent for shows like
60 Minutes CBS Evening News and 48 hours
he’s won countless Awards including
including being inducted into the sports
casting hall of fame there are many
other accomplishments to list for James
Brown The
sportscaster however his wife Dorothy
would say his biggest accomplishments
have nothing to do with his
career James Brown first and foremost is
a child of God many people don’t know
that he’s actually an ordained minister
he speaks at various venues just
declaring good news of Jesus Christ he’s
a very loving man uh very caring man and
my husband of uh nearly 29 years well we
need to take you guys with us everywhere
we go because I I enjoyed hearing
that Dorothy Brown she’s been the one
who has set the pace she has Bulldog
faith and we as a couple have been
blessed as a result well I think that’s
what initially attracted us to Joyce
Meer min is because she um to me she
applies the word and it she makes
practical application of the word and
whatever issues you have in life
whatever problems you have um there’s an
answer and it’s in it’s found in the
word of God James and Dorothy’s bibles
are well worn today a sign of countless
hours spent pouring over them but there
was a time when Dorothy says a lack of
Understanding God’s word caused a lack
of purpose in her life I was born again
when I was 18 however in terms of living
a uh Victorious Christian Life it
requires knowing what God’s word says
about how that’s done and to know the
purpose that he has for your life I was
living in New York at the time going to
school it’s amazing cuz New York is such
a huge City filled with so many people
but I just remember feeling this sense
of loneliness in my heart I think that
kind of started my search for a deeper
meaning in life um which I ultimately
was led to by a church that would teach
me the love of God and it does give give
you um a sense of purpose a sense of
belonging um a sense of identity um
things that we all I think are searching
for in life um so I it filled that void
for me James says his identity was
wrapped up in basketball garnering
prestigious accolades during both high
school and college he ultimately secured
a position with the Atlanta
Hawks I wanted to play basketball that
was my purpose that was what I thought I
was excellent at and when I got cut by
the team it did begin a search for what
my purpose was going to be but I was
hanging out with my ball player friends
and we would go to happy hours or and
clubbing but after a short while that
got to be real old hat there was nothing
substantive there at all and there was
an emptiness and that’s when I asked the
Lord I said Lord I’ve heard of you Jesus
I’ve heard of you but I don’t know you
if you would reveal yourself to me I’ll
serve you so that’s where I found my
purpose I had no idea who I was but when
you get to learn the word you get to
understand who you are I don’t go around
in my job my boss didn’t hire me to
pratie but it’s who I am yeah I know
when Awards have come that’s a worldly
recognition and I appreciate it but I
know who made that happen and I also
recognize that on the platform that the
Lord places each of us excuse the
vernacular It Ain’t About Us it is all
about him one of the scriptures that I
pray before I get on air is uh that I
desire to do all things excellently to
the Lord and not unto man amen and I
just as as you were um talking about
integrity I was just thinking we just
received um a financial report Joy my
financial report in the mail um and I
love um the transparency of the ministry
I love
that they show you what they do with the
offerings that we plant partnering with
the ministry uh it’s such a blessing for
us because we know how the funds are
being used to me it’s also it’s part of
our internal inheritance because when
you get to heaven people aren’t going to
ask you how many TVs did you have how
many cars that you drive they’re going
to come up and thank you and say you’re
part of the reason that I’m here because
you sewed into the ministry that taught
the word to us and we were able to uh
have our lives changed and that to us is
so much more meaningful than any of the
materialistic things that you can
accumulate here on this Earth You know
where where was the Joyce Meyer um
Retreat that we went to yes Florida and
was it the girl initiative that she was
calling it yes and she gave the example
you know what in my church I was known
as The Weeping minister so I shouldn’t
start down this road too much cuz I
certainly don’t want to cry in front of
guys I’m not even going to go into it
because it hurt me so much to hear man’s
an example of man’s inhumanity to man
with a young girl that was being taken
advantage of and I just sat there and I
just wept you know she’s she’s the real
deal when she shared that and talked
from her heart about what they’re doing
nobody can question what she’s doing the
impact that she’s had but I will also
say looking at her conferences it is the
the beniton of
colors of types and I’ve seen more men
in the audience because her advice is is
practical for
everyone a huge thank you and much love
to James and Dorothy for being the
influence and the inspiration that you
are to so many we appreciate you both
very much and we hope that you all were
just as inspired as I was by their story
remember remember God has big things for
you too that’s really important and we
want to thank all of our partners like
the Browns who are such an important
part of everything that we do here at
Joyce Meer Ministries remember
everywhere we go if you’re a partner
with us you are right there with us and
if you’ve never partnered before with
Joyce Meyer Ministries I want to ask you
this would you consider becoming a
partner today now you ask what does that
mean how do I do it well being a partner
means that you are making an ongoing
commitment to financially support the
ministry a monthly pledge and that
you’ll pray and that you’ll consider
yourself an important part of what we
are doing and it makes a difference
because together when we combine our
resources when we believe in the same
thing when we pray together so much more
is accomplished we would love to hear
from you today
so reach out right now and become a
partner we’ll see you tomorrow when
Joyce talks about traits of a perfect
heart you won’t want to miss
that we hope you enjoyed today’s
program we are so grateful to our Joyce
Meyer Ministries Partners who make this
and all we do possible including sharing
God’s word and offering help to people
in need all over the world
this program has been made possible by
the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries