The Power of Thanksgiving-FULL SERMON | Joyce Meyer
In this powerful sermon by Joyce Meyer, discover the life-changing impact of giving thanks and how it opens the door to God’s blessings. Joyce shares biblical insights and personal experiences on how a thankful heart can transform even the toughest circumstances. Watch “The Power of Thanksgiving” and learn how to cultivate gratitude in your daily life for spiritual growth and joy. – – – – – – – Follow Joyce: WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: / joycemeyerministries INSTAGRAM:
/ joycemeyer X (Formerly Twitter): – – – – – – – Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way. #JoyceMeyer#EnjoyingEverydayLife
I do what I do because I’ve seen God’s
power transform my own life and he will
do it for you the key to everything is
found in God’s word I’m Joyce Meyer and
I believe that God can heal you
everywhere you
hurt well welcome to Enjoying Everyday
Life I’m so glad that you’re with me
today and I pray that you’re going to
really enjoy the teaching today you know
attitudes is a very important subject
and you can change your
attitude from bad to good and literally
change your whole life with it and so
I’m going to talk today about just
having a thankful attitude and really no
matter how often we hear about having a
thankful attitude we need to hear it
over and over and over because it is so
easy to slip into murmuring and
grumbling and complaining about the
things we don’t like or that we don’t
have forgetting about all the blessings
we have and how many things we have in
our life to be thankful for you know
your attitude begins in your mind it
begins with your thoughts and then it
becomes your words and your actions and
your attitude and your attitude is
really like just the
posture that you take towards something
your attitude will affect your body
language if you don’t like something
there’s going to
be a face made or a certain way that
you’ll stand but if you like something
you’ll usually have a smile on your face
and I I just want to tell you God is so
good to us now I know we hear that a lot
and say it a lot but God is really very
very good to us and many times we do not
deserve it and there’s so many things to
be thankful for and I don’t know who
might be watching today but maybe just
maybe there’s a few of you that kind of
got on up on the cranky side of the bed
this morning and you started right away
because the devil loves to do this put
thoughts in our mind about well you did
this to me and you didn’t did did do
that for me and I’ve been praying about
this and nothing’s happened and you know
we need this and we don’t have it but
this is a wakeup call to say you can
stop that right now now and instead you
can think about all the things that you
have to be thankful for you know a lot
of mornings I just thank God that I can
walk and talk and
see and hear just think of how many
people there are that wake up in the
morning and if they’re crippled and have
to use a wheelchair just how hard it is
just to go to the bathroom and those of
us who can just jump out of bed and go
do that we forget about sometimes what
we do have and we don’t we start
thinking too much about what we don’t
have so Philippians 25 says let this
attitude and purpose and humble mind be
in you which was in Christ Jesus let him
be your example in humility and you know
I think humility does have a lot to do
with being grateful because if you’re
humble you realize that there’s so many
blessings in your life that you have
that you really don’t deserve and it
makes you very thankful for them but
we’re going to focus on let this same
attitude be in you which was in Christ
Jesus now he had a good attitude we
never hear Jesus
complaining he didn’t complain when he
was on the cross he didn’t complain In
The Garden of Gethsemane he didn’t
complain when his disciples acted like
little babies and fought over which of
them was the
greatest he was always thankful
a thankful attitude is the will of God
it’s kind of interesting you know so
many people they want to know what is
God’s will for my life how can I know
God’s will for my life well maybe there
is something specific that God wants you
to do but there are things that the
Bible talks about that are what I would
call General things that we all are
supposed to do and being thankful is one
of them and I think sometimes if we’re
not doing those things then if there is
something specific God wants us to do we
may never find out what that is because
these are basic things that are very
very important 1 Thessalonians 5:18 and
19 thank God in
everything I’m going to say that a few
times because I I want to make sure we
don’t just rush past that thank God in
everything goes on to say no matter what
the circumstances might
be think about that thank God in
everything so if you’re having a problem
right now even a very big
problem or even if you’ve gotten a bad
report from the doctor or if one of your
kids has given you a lot of trouble or
there’s an issue in your marriage or you
have a financial
issue don’t just focus on the problem
but Focus also on all the things in your
life that are going
good and you can you can be honest with
god father I don’t like what’s going on
in my life right now it hurts and it’s
hard but I’m thankful to you if you
can’t think of anything else just be
thankful that you’re born again and
you’re going to go to heaven when your
time here on Earth is
up we should be thankful that our names
are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life
and that we’re we’re going to spend
eternity with God thank God in
everything no matter what the
circumstances might
be be thankful and give thanks and I I
really like that be thankful and give
thanks you know if you talk to people
about are you a thankful person a lot of
people would say well yeah sure I’m a
thankful person but how often do you
give thanks not just to God but also to
people this morning I was thinking about
uh well actually it was yesterday I was
about how much time I spend writing
books and how Dave is
so really agreeable to give me that time
you know there’s a lot of times when he
would like me to go and do something
with him and I say I can’t I need to
write today actually that happens a lot
and so I thanked him this morning for
giving me the time to write without it
being an irritation to him you know
there’s a lot of things that I have to
take time to do that doesn’t allow me to
be maybe what you would call a normal
wife because I have this call on my life
to preach the gospel and Dave is very
good about all that matter of fact he
said this morning when I thanked him he
said well sure he said what you’re doing
when you write those books is helping
people all over the world and I’m glad
that you have that time but I wonder how
many things you could thank
your kids far or the person you’re
married to or a good friend or your
parents or whatever that you just don’t
you know so often we just
don’t take the time to verbalize I even
called my daughter this morning and I I
thanked her because she does so much for
me that makes my life easier and I
called her and told her I just want you
to know I love you and I want to thank
you for all the things that you do for
me and can I tell you that
the more thankful you are the happier
you’re going to
be let me say it again the more thankful
you are the happier you’re going to be
do you know when we murmur and Grumble
and complain and find fault with so many
things all it does is make us unhappy
but you can increase your joy just by
increasing your attitude of
gratitude so thank God in everything no
matter what the circumstances might be
be thankful and give thanks for this is
the will of God for you who are in
Christ Jesus the revealer and the
mediator of that will and verse 19 sayso
not quench suppress or subdue the holy
spirit so this is basically saying that
when we’re not thankful we are
hindering the work of the holy spirit in
our life and I don’t know about you but
but I sure don’t want to do that I want
the Holy Spirit to be able to do in and
through me whatever he wants to do he’s
our helper our strengthener and I need
all the strength that I can get so
thanking God in everything no matter
what the circumstances might be is a
order no doubt about that I think we’re
born grouchy but we’re born again
thankful and so we’re
always having to say no to the Flesh and
yes to the spirit and that’s going to be
that way as long as we’re alive in
Galatians 5 it says the spirit Wars
against the Flesh and the flesh Wars
against the spirit and they are
continually antagonistic toward one
another so all day long every day we’re
making decisions rather we’re going to
go with what we know God wants or rather
we’re going to do what the enemy wants
us to do now there is a scripture in the
Bible that I think really kind of
I you know it’s hard to say it’s the
best scripture in the Bible because
there’s so many great ones but I think
this scripture is one that kind of
brings everything together and it’s
8:28 all things work together for good
to those who love God and are called
according to his purpose now I know that
you probably hear that scripture a lot
and pretty much anytime that I’m in
front of a crowd and I’m I use that
scripture people clap it’s a very
comforting and encouraging scripture but
I want I want you to think about that
things end up working out for
good to those who love God and are
called according to his purpose if you
love God and you’re doing the best you
can to walk in his will then no matter
what happens in your life God can cause
it to work out for your good that’s so
encouraging to me think about it like
this you know if if you bake a
cake especially if you’re not using a
box mix but you start from scratch you
have a lot of different
ingredients it’s been so long since I’ve
baked a cake I don’t know what they all
are but I know there’s flour and I know
there’s oil and there’s eggs and there’s
sugar and there’s a lot of different
things well you know any one of those by
themselves would be very distasteful who
would want to eat two or three cups of
flour I certainly wouldn’t or even sugar
I mean you I wouldn’t want to sit and
eat a whole cup of sugar it would make
me sick but it’s interesting when you
put all those things
together they bake a
cake and everybody probably likes cake
and so God is able to do that in our
life he can
take maybe the good things that happen
and he can take the bad things that
happen and he can mix them all together
and make them work out for our good you
know one thing that people don’t realize
that I love to teach on is
experience and everything we go through
that’s difficult we are getting
experience and that experience will do
one of two things or it’ll do both it
will help us the next time we go through
that to know how to handle it or we’re
getting experience that we can use to
help other people when they’re going
through difficult times
Psalm 1072 says and let them sacrifice
the sacrifices of
Thanksgiving it may be a sacrifice
sometimes to be thankful because really
you’re going through a tough time you’re
hurting and being thankful is not really
what you really want to do maybe some of
you right now are you’re just maybe
you’re hurting maybe you’ve got a
migraine headache or maybe your back is
hurting her or you’re having trouble
with your kid at school and the school
is called and said they want to you to
come up and talk to the principal and
you’re like oh no not again well you
might not feel like giving thanks it
might be sacrificial but you can say
that to God God I offer up to you the
sacrifice of Thanksgiving because no
matter what is going on that I don’t
like there are far more things in my
life that I do like than those that I
don’t I have shared before that one time
I was not real happy happy with Dave and
I was just thinking about all the things
that he didn’t
do that I wished he would do and God
challenged me to make two lists make a
list of all the things you don’t like
about Dave and then make a list of all
the things you do like about Dave and
you know what the things that I liked
that list was so much longer than the
few things and I mean it was very few
things that didn’t like and I think
really all of us are like that sometimes
you just need to stop and
think what are my blessings you know I
live in a City St Louis where it gets
really cold in the winter and when it’s
really really cold
outside very often I will thank God that
I have a
home and a comfortable bed to get in
with all the covers that I want and that
I’m not living out on the street
somewhere covered up with a cardboard
box trying to stay warm because I’m
homeless think about how blessed you are
and it will make you so much happier
than if you think about what you don’t
have Psalm 341 says I will extol the
Lord at all times his praise shall
continually be in my mouth I love that
well you know thanking God for specific
things is really good but
how about if we just pray that God will
help us just live with an attitude of
where that’s our normal go-to attitude
is I’m thankful I’m always
thankful when a person has an attitude
of gratitude it says a lot about their
character and you know character is
really important I love to have friends
that have good character
people that I know that I can count on
and depend on and you know we teach
sometimes about the character of God he
was always good he’s a God of Justice he
always makes wrong things right he’s a
provider he always meets all of our
needs and these are things that we can
count on all the time we don’t have to
wonder will he do this this time and
maybe not the next time he’ll do that
every time
petition usually outweighs praise it’s
much easier to ask God for things than
it is to remember to go back and thank
him for them 10 lepers requested
healing but only one returned to give
thanks let’s look at Luke 11 I mean Luke
11-16 now on his way to Jerusalem Jesus
traveled along the border between
Samaria and
Galilee and he was going into a village
and 10 men who had leprosy met him and
they stood at a
distance and they called out in a loud
voice Jesus Master have pity on
us and when he saw them he said to them
now go and show yourself to the priest
and as they went they were
cleansed well they had to take a step of
Faith they didn’t know for sure what was
going to happen as they went but we
always have to take a step of faith in
our dealings with
God one of them when he saw he was
healed one of them when he saw he was
healed came back praising God in a loud
voice you know when God has done a lot
for you in your life sometimes it’s hard
to be quiet about it we get a little bit
loud we get a little bit excited about
all that God has
done and he threw himself at Jesus’s
feet and he thanked him and the Bible
says and he was a
Samaritan now why does it say that well
the Samaritans were
hated by the Jews now I don’t know if
the other nine were Jews but let’s just
suppose for a minute that they were and
the Jewish people were the ones that
were supposed to be the religious
ones and in verse 17 Jesus
said were not all 10
cleansed where
then are the other nine
and you know what that’s a scripture
that makes me feel
sad but if we think about that if we’re
going to go by that
percentage if 10% of the petitioners are
truly thankful that means
90% of all the people that God does
things for don’t bother to come back and
give thanks to God after they get what
want let’s don’t be the kind of people
forget the goodness of
God you know especially in the Old
Testament God warns the people over and
over and over remember do not forget the
things that I brought you through and
how I blessed you it’s dangerous to
forget how good God has been to us we
need to remember and
honestly we need to think about it every
day keep a thank you
Journal I do thanking God for the things
that he gives me for little things that
people do for me for gifts that go that
people send me when I’m out and about
and it’s obvious that God is giving me
favor don’t ever get tired of thanking
God and don’t ever get tired of even
thanking God for the same things over
and over and over in Philippians 13-5
Paul said I thank my God every time I
remember you you he was talking to the
people who were partnering with him in
Ministry and he said in all my prayers
for you I always pray with joy because
of your partnership in the gospel from
the first day you heard it until
now well you know that’s always been
interesting to me that here’s people
that from the very first time they heard
gospel they started
partnering financially with with Paul
because they understood that he could
not preach the gospel and do the work
needed to also support himself while he
was doing it and Paul said every
time I remember you I thank God for you
so what about the people in our life
that do things for
us on a continual basis that every time
we think of them we should say father
thank you that you put them in my life
things like our
families our homes and our jobs our
health our
Salvation Jesus the holy
spirit thank God that you have a purpose
you know I’m so glad that I have a
purpose in
life I don’t want to just sit around day
after day after day and do nothing I’m
glad that I have a purpose something to
put myself into that’s helping other
people people you know the word
Thanksgiving appears the word thanks and
Thanksgiving appears 2016 times in the
Bible and we’re told 73 times to give
thanks so that’s about 200 times so I
would say that that’s something that is
pretty important and you know what
everything that God tells us to do
believe it or not is for our
benefit that’s why I say that the more
thankful we are and the more we voice
that Thanksgiving the happier we’re
going to be
now one of my very favorite scriptures
is Philippians
4:6 and it says that we should mix our
prayers with
Thanksgiving Philippians
4:6 do not be anxious about
anything I believe this scripture is the
answer to anxiety do not be anxious
about anything but in every situation
by prayer and petition with
Thanksgiving present your request to God
don’t worry about anything the minute
that you start to worry about something
turn that worry into a
prayer ask God to take care of it and
then start thanking him for things that
he’s already done in your life that
would be a good time to remember God I
remember the last time I had a problem
and I remember that you took care of it
and I know you’re going to take care of
this one too
this a great time don’t ever ask God for
something without thanking him for some
things that he’s already done could I
say that again don’t ever ask God for
something without thanking him for
something that he’s already done God is
so good you know Daniel was a great man
of God and he was very
blessed and the Bible says that three
times a day Daniel Prayed and gave
and the king put out a law that nobody
could pray to anybody but him for a
certain amount of time and David’s habit
was always to go to his room these three
times a day open his windows and pray
get on his knees and pray and give
thanks to
God and Daniel 6:10 says now but when
Daniel learned that the decree had been
published he went home to his upstairs
room where the windows open toward
Jerusalem and three times a day he got
down on his knees and prayed giving
thanks to his God just as he had done
before I love that he was going to
continue to give thanks to God no matter
what the king said and no matter what
kind of
threat there was against him you know
thankfulness protects us from the poison
of envy and
jealousy sometimes it’s so easy to get
envious or jealous of somebody else else
but if you thank God for what you have
and I want to add a little something
here that may sound strange thank God
for what you don’t have you say well why
in the world would I do that well you
know what if God hasn’t given it to you
yet then that means that you’re either
not ready to handle it yet or it’s not
the right time yet and I’ll tell you
something there’s nothing worse than to
have something that you’re really not
ready to handle so how about saying God
I thank you you for the things that
you’ve done in my life and I thank you
for the things that I’ve asked you for
that you haven’t done yet because that
means it’s not the right timing for me I
believe that the Lord has shown me that
if I ask him for something and I don’t
get it it’s only because he has
something better in mind and I don’t
really know how to ask him for that yet
so don’t forget today’s message be a
thankful person
all things working out for
good I mean of course I can you know I
can tell you my story and just quickly
say that you know how could anybody in
their right mind stand and
say I’m not even really sorry that what
happened to me happened
now I can’t explain it but I know that
some way somehow my life is better
because of it I know that I know that I
think if I would have had this great
beginning in life and just been treated
like polyana I don’t think my life would
be as good
now as it is I don’t think I would know
God as well I don’t think I would have
his the depth of relationship that I
have with him I don’t know that I’d be
helping as many people let me tell you
something you can turn your pain into
somebody else’s
gain your mess can become your
message I’m on a mission to to find
really unique unque and creative things
to be thankful for in my life I mean I
like all the regular stuff thank you for
salvation thank you for food and home
and family and Jesus I mean I love all
that that’s all important to do that but
I just think there’s things that we
miss I really do now I think God a lot
for clean water it’s amazing to go to
the sink and just turn a button and get
it hot or cold as much as you want when
I get up in the morning I usually thank
God that I can walk talk see and hear
there’s so much to be thankful
for so much to be thankful for let’s get
creative in gratitude does that sound
fun I mean let’s just get really
creative in our
gratitude so we’ve started this whole
campaign we’ve got a big bookstore at
the office it’s got all glass windows
and I said I want all those windows
covered up with little sticky notes of
different things that you’re thankful
for let’s don’t be like like the
lepers 10 were healed and only
one only one came back if we’re going to
take that percentage that means only
10% of people are grateful and 90% are
murmuring and grumbling no matter what
they do for you the Bible says be
anxious for nothing but in all things
through prayer and supplication with
Thanksgiving let your request be made
known unto
God why should God give me if I’m a
complainer why should God answer my
prayer and just give me more to complain
about the heart has to change do all
things without grumbling and fault
finding and
complaining against
God I’m back to Philippians 2:14 and 15
do all things without grumbling and
fault finding complaining this says
against God it’s like well God I’m not
complaining against
you but he says we
are that you may show yourselves to be
blameless guess innocent
uncontaminated children out in the world
in the midst of a wicked generation
among whom you are seen as bright lights
and shining stars God saying you’re my
people get out there and give some
flavor to a dull tasteless
world how about going to your place of
work and giving some flavor there don’t
just sit and complain about your
workplace like everybody else at lunch
be a person who well you know yeah you
know there’s some things that need to
change here but I I’m thankful to have a
job cuz you know what if you don’t want
yours somebody will take
it okay I have three scriptures that I
want to share with you
that I hope and pray puts a little bit
of fear in you about
complaining I think we need to be afraid
complain I mean it obviously hasn’t
totally stopped me yet but you
know maybe tonight will help
me I am really a grateful and a thankful
person but I find myself you
know 1 Corinthians 10
9-1 we should not tempt the
Lord try his patience to become a trial
him critically appraising him and
exploiting his goodness see God is
basically saying I am so good to you so
when you complain you’re exploiting my
goodness as some of them did and were
killed by poisonous
serpents he’s talking about the
Israelites when they were going through
the desert nor should you discontentedly
complain as some of them did and they
were put entirely out of way by the
Destroyer which is
death 23,000 of them fell dead in one
serpents got into the camp through
murmuring grumbling and complaining now
thank God we live in the dispensation of
Grace but I don’t think we’re going to
drop dead If We complain but I do think
that we block our
blessings at least to some degree thank
God for his mercy and there you know his
goodness is not based on my ability to
never complain but I think it’s a
principle that if we don’t learn to live
with a grateful heart
and especially being grateful when
things are not going our way and to give
thanks not only to God but to people I’m
telling you I think you can change the
atmosphere where you work you can change
the atmosphere in your home you can
change the atmosphere in a church
perhaps in a city perhaps even in a
nation what would happen if just the
Christians got
thankful we should be the happiest
people on the face of the Earth because
we’re not going to hell
I mean that’s something to be thankful
for we’re going to miss the whole
Brimstone and fire
thing thank you God yeah thank you amen
if you’re not happy now you’ll get
happy so 23,000 of them died and then
they got a
revelation Moses pray for us for we have
really I wonder what gave you that
clue I think if nothing else we can at
least go to bed at night and ask God to
forgive us for any time we complained
and murmured during the
now now numbers 14 veres
1-6 and all the congregation cried out
with a loud voice and they wept all
night and all the Israelites grumbled
and they hated their
situation and they accused Moses and
Aaron to whom the cold congregation said
we just wish we would have died in
Egypt or that we would have died in the
wilderness see these are the people that
were begging God to get them out of
bondage in Egypt
wonder how many times we beg God to
change our
situation and he doesn’t take us the
route that we
hello you know we really don’t want to
be transformed we want to be
translated some of you don’t know the
meaning of those two words
okay to get translated means I’m here
and then all of a sudden I’m there
I get to skip all the going through
part but when you’re transformed God
circumstances that force you to trust
him and to stop being dep independent
and stubborn and
bullheaded and there’s a Brokenness that
have has to take place in our
life and only God knows how to break us
in the right places where we’re not
destroyed he breaks our pride he breaks
stubbornness come
on the Bible says that there was a
shorter route that God could have taken
them to the promised land but he took
them the long hard way on purpose
because they were not ready for
war see you think when you get into the
promised land when you’re getting
everything you want there’s going to be
no more trouble from the Devil
no every new level is a new
Devil so we have to learn how to do war
and how to face our enemies while we’re
still in the wilderness because every
level of new responsibility means you’re
going to have new things coming against
you now I can tell you most of it just
don’t even bother me anymore it’s just
like been there done that know where
this is
headed okay now watch this cuz this is
just really good
so verse three numbers 14:3 why does the
Lord bring us to this land to Fall by
the sword our wives and our little ones
are going to be a prey it’d just be
better for us to return to Egypt then
they said to one another let us choose a
captain and return to
Egypt and there’s thousands of these
people and watch this the response of
the men who became the leaders now come
on there’s a message here
then Moses and Aaron fell on their faces
before all the Assembly of the
Israelites when they heard the
complaining it grieved them so much
because they understood the danger of
what they were doing that they just fell
down flat on their faces before God and
I’m sure started praying for God to
them and Joshua the son of nun and Caleb
the son of jeepa who were among the
scouts who had searched out the land
they rent their clothes they were so
grieved that they tore their clothes
back then that was a sign of great grief
when somebody would die they would rip
their clothes and so these are four
men that get talked about in the Bible
as being Heroes the rest of them you
never hear anything about again I want
to ask you do you want to be talked
about as a hero for God or do you want
to just get lost somewhere out in the
wilderness and maybe yes end up in
heaven but never really do anything here
that’s going to count for anything
oh God what’s wrong with my life I don’t
understand what’s wrong with my life God
what’s wrong with my life my lousy
stinking terrible miserable life that I
hate I wish I had somebody else’s life
God now thank you for my life
Lord thank you for everything that’s
even happened to me in my life because I
trust you to work it
out for
good you know what if you’re bold enough
you can even thank God for the pain that
you’re going through right now you know
why because when you’re hurting you
either go under or you go over but if
you go over you get to know God in a way
that you could not possibly have known
him without that pain in your
life you can have something in God that
no nobody can take away from
you well there’s always something to be
thankful for even in difficult
circumstances being grateful adds power
to our lives while complaining brings
weakness Ginger joins me now with some
of your questions on this topic well
Ginger did you get some interesting
questions s in we did and are they going
to be easy for me to
answer well I think this time they’re
right in your willhouse absolutely
um I I think there’s something about
gratitude that people easily Overlook
right because it just seems like a part
of life maybe it maybe it’s good but is
it really that valuable and so Ted from
Alabama says and what day in what ways
do you think gratitude can be powerful
in our lives well I think that uh
definitely we the more we focus on what
we have to be thankful for the less
we tend to complain and that’s a big one
yeah well complaining really is a bigger
problem than most people think it is it
actually really is sin
and thank being thankful has a lot to do
with your prayers being
answered in Philippians it says that uh
be anxious for nothing but in all things
by by prayer and supplication with
Thanksgiving let your request be made
known unto God and I know one time the
Lord put on my heart he said why should
I G if you’re going to complain about
what you’ve already got why should I
give you more because you’ll just
complain about that too wow and that’s
really true and it just it it’s a much
more important thing than what we even
begin to realize I really believe that
the more thankful we are the more
powerful we are the more spiritual power
you have and the less Authority the
enemy has over your life yeah that’s
huge because we don’t think about thank
fulness as powerful no we we think about
it uh in a very different way but we
don’t often think about that it’s it’s
opening a door to strength in our lives
yeah well it’s like you know we have
Thanksgiving once a year
and you know we need to be thanking God
all day long every day I mean there’s
how how many
things even like to thank God for the
things that he protects you from that
you don’t even know yeah would have had
happened had he not been protecting you
and so there’s always things to be
thankful for no matter how bad you have
it well and of course you talk about the
importance of our thoughts all the time
the Battlefield of the Mind and that is
a great way to help win that battle is
to focus on the good things that’s right
so another question for you here this is
from Carrie in Florida how can I have
gratitude for the trials and
tribulations I’ve been going through
since 2014 I’ve had three major
surgeries one left me with limited
motion um I’m in constant chronic
debilitating pain and I would love to
hear your thoughts on this well one
thing I think that let’s take the pain
for example I think
that the more things that you find to be
for the less you even pay
attention to the pain that you have we
know that whatever we focus on becomes
the biggest thing in our lives and you
know the Bible says to be thankful in
things but it also says to be thankful
for everything and that’s a little bit
harder you know because like she’s
saying how can you be thankful for right
bad things but the way that I
feel that the Bible explains that is
because it says that all things work
together for good and so if you
believe that no matter what’s happening
see I think that when we’re having a
very difficult time if we complain all
the way through it then it may not end
up working out for good but if we will
be obedient to God even when we’re
hurting and say I’m going to thank you
in this and far this if it’s something
bad I don’t believe God did it but I’m
going to focus on you and thank you
right because I know that you can take
anything no matter how bad it is and you
can work it out for good in my life and
I I I have come to the point where I
this is not something I say I really
really really believe that and when you
do then it makes it easier and you
always grow spiritually when you go
through difficult things I mean really
to be honest Ginger we don’t grow in the
good times we grow in the hard times
yeah I think that there’s something
beautiful in what you’re saying in that
there is power in gratitude but it is
not easy to be grateful in the hard
times but the things that that are are
strongest in our lives the things that
make us stronger that that bring that
power are often the hard things not the
easy things so it really just all makes
sense well the Bible talks about the
sacrifice of praise and uh
it’s yeah definitely a sacrifice it’s
sometimes you have to do it
sacrificially it’s not something you
feel like doing but you do it in
obedience to God because there I mean
I don’t know how many scriptures there
are in the Bible about gratitude and
Thanksgiving and giving thanks but I’m
sure there’s several hundred and uh I
mean like even Jesus he said I thank you
that you hear me when he went to pray
and so we always need to fill our
prayers full of Thanksgiving yeah be
thankful and say so you know we enter
his gates with Thanksgiving we come into
His courts with praise you can’t even
really come into the presence of God
with a grouchy grumpy attitude and it’s
so so easy to complain it’s like it’s
almost like if you don’t purposely fill
your life with things to be thankful for
will complain we have to replace the bad
things with good things so the bad
things have no place to get into our
life well let me ask you this then what
is the danger of complaining because
sometimes we feel like we need a release
and you know we’re we’re just talking
what is the danger in in that
complaining well actually in the Old
Testament and in the new it talks about
an example of how the Israelites when
they were going through the Wilderness
they complained and murmured about the
Mana they got tired of the Mana I mean
you know who gets tired of your food
being rained out of the sky every day
but it seems like our human
flesh has no ability I’m sure they were
very thankful for that in the beginning
but it seems like no matter
how good things are or how amazing they
are the flesh only
has a short span of time that it can be
grateful and it talks about how that
they opened a door through their
complaining for serpents to get into the
camp and 23,000 of them died in one day
and then in the New Testament it’s in 1
Corinthians or second Corinthians I
think it’s chapter 10 it it goes back to
that example and and it actually
says we’re repeating this here and
sharing this with you so that you might
not fall into the same sin that they did
and so it is a sin and it does open a
door for the enemy where being grateful
closes the door to the enemy yeah that’s
great that is so helpful okay we’ve got
uh one more question here Sandy from
California says I’m in a very difficult
position right now my 87-year-old
mother-in-law has been living with us
for 6 months she’s unable to live alone
and needs supervision this has taken
over our lives I’m trying to be grateful
for the experience and whatever lesson
God is trying to teach me but we’ve had
a difficult relationship and I’m quite
resentful sometimes how can I have
gratitude through this well first of all
you know I mean I ended up having to
take care of my parents who my father
sexually abused me and my mother knew he
was doing it and let him do it and so I
understand it being hard to take care of
somebody elderly and my mother had some
mental problems and so that was made it
a double Challenge and she was also very
needy which you know that was hard and
so I get it I understand but taking care
of your parents when they get
older is actually one of the most
powerful things that you can do it’s
something that the Bible tells us to do
and it really says if you don’t do
it you’re no better than an Infidel it’s
very important to God that
we take care of our parents and and even
other people extended family members
that don’t have anybody to take care of
them we also took care of my aunt who
had no children and so the way that you
can do it is to do it unto the Lord
don’t look at it like I’m doing it for
you yeah that’s good you know I mean I I
never one time went to the nursing home
to visit my mother that I wanted to go
and and that may sound awful but I’m
just being truthful I
went because I knew it was the right
thing to do yeah and I think that we
need a lot
more in our day the days we’re living
and we need a lot more of people doing
what’s right because it’s right we’ve
gotten way too far over into the do I
feel like
it don’t I feel like it is it fair you
know God everything in life is not fair
but God is just yeah and if she does
this and God understands she can talk to
God about how difficult it is but do it
unto the Lord yeah and so the things to
be grateful there are that God has given
them what they need to be able to care
for her that he’s there in the midst of
the hard situation that they’ll they’ll
see his goodness through it somehow even
if they don’t understand it it’s a
little bit I I love and I know you do
too like like the mystery of not knowing
everything about what’s happening and
finding those little nuggets of gold to
be thankful for is kind of like an
adventure for me I I think it helps me
to stop being so disgusted so
disgruntled about things when I make it
a challenge to find the things to be
thankful that too like I feel like that
any day that I can get through without
complaining is a great success I don’t
know how many of those I have but I
really like to do the same thing I know
the devil wants me to complain and
murmur and you know just as a closing
thought for
her she’s sewing
seed that she’ll reap on later in her
life and none of us
knows what kind of condition we’ll be in
when we’re that age or how much help we
may need and so but I really think I
really think the important thing is to
just do it because you love God and
because you know it’s what he wants you
to do and that that kind of takes all
the bitterness out of it and makes it
sweet yeah thank you for joining me
today on Enjoying Everyday Life today I
want to talk to you about a very very
very important subject and that is the
subject of being thankful
you know I believe that thank you has a
lot of power in it and the more thankful
we are to God and to other people in our
Lives who help us make our lives easier
I think the more thankful we are the
more powerful we are the title of this
message today is be thankful and say so
and that comes from a scripture Psalm
100 verse4 be thankful and say so a lot
of people might might say well I am
thankful but you know other people can’t
read your mind they need to hear the
words and I believe it’s very important
that we all step up our thanking people
and thanking God for all the good things
that he does for us you know so often
people want to know what the will of God
is for their life that’s probably one of
the biggest questions that people ask
what is God’s will for my life well of
course this is not God’s ENT high will
for your life but 1 Thessalonians
5:18 says give thanks in all
circumstances I drew a big circle around
all give thanks in all circumstances for
this is God’s will for you in Christ
Jesus so while you’re looking for God’s
specific assignment for
you his General will for all of us is
that we have a found foundation in our
life of being
thankful all the time in all things the
word thanks and
Thanksgiving appears in approximately
100 Bible
verses and we are told 73 times to give
thanks so you know I think if anything
is in the Bible that often it must be
something very very important
be thankful and say
so I want you to get that down be
thankful and say
so is expression of our words that
people need to hear you know so often we
take God for granted we take the things
that he does for us for granted we get
so used to God being good to us
that instead of continuing to thank him
for his goodness we grouch and complain
the first time something happens that is
maybe a little bit even inconvenient for
us and sometimes we can do the same
thing with people people are good to you
and they do things for you or they meet
needs that make your life easier and
maybe you just don’t say thank you often
enough or I appreciate you those are
power words that lift up anybody be sure
you begin to thank people
more thanking God
is what many of these scriptures are
about but it’s very important that we
don’t become so accustomed to the
blessings of God that we take them for
granted speaking words of gratitude has
a powerful effect in the spiritual realm
Satan loves to hear us complain murmur
Grumble and fine
fault and you’re going to see before the
program is over today that actually
complaining according to the Bible is
sin and you know when I found that out
several years ago it really had an
impact on my life that it’s not just
something I can just do and it doesn’t
have any effect complaining has a big
effect in the spiritual realm and it
opens the door for the enemy I invite
him into my life to cause me more and
more trouble if I complain about maybe
the little bit of trouble that I’m
having right now speaking words of
gratitude has a powerful effect in the
spiritual realm Satan does not want us
to be
thankful I want you to get a hold of
that Satan does not want us to be
thankful he wants us to murmur Grumble
find fault and complain now God doesn’t
need us to thank him but to be honest we
need to thank
him when we thank God for the things
that he’s done for us and we focus on
those things it keeps us from focusing
on what we don’t have or what God hasn’t
done and there’s way too much of that
way too much of complaining about what
God hasn’t done and looking at what we
don’t have and what people don’t do for
us instead of looking at the things that
God has done has given us what people
are doing for us are you focused on your
blessings or are you focused on your
problems you know whatever you you focus
on is what becomes bigger in your life
the more we focus on our problems the
bigger they seem to get and to be honest
some of the things that we murmur and
complain about are not even anything
that major if we would just get our mind
off of them they wouldn’t even bother us
at all Philippians
4:6 says do not be anxious about
anything but in in every situation not
after the situation goes away but in
every situation by prayer and petition
Thanksgiving present your request to God
you know it just so happens right now
I’m in the process of writing an entire
book based on Philippians 4:6 I think
that’s one of the most important
scriptures in the Bible the first thing
we should do when we have a
problem is pray I ask God to get
involved there’s so many problems that
we have in our life that we can’t do
anything about and worrying about them
and becoming anxious is only going to
make them seem bigger it’s not going to
help them go
away if we’re not thankful for what we
already have why should God give us
anything else one time I was asking God
for something and he whispered that in
my heart Joyce you’re already
complaining about what you do have so
why should I give you anything else to
complain about just think about it now
not to insult you at all but maybe
you’re a
complainer maybe you’re not but maybe
you are maybe you’re the kind of person
that is what I call High Maintenance
it’s hard to keep you happy I can say
that to you because at one time in my
life for many years of my life I was
that way I wasn’t very thankful but I
sure noticed
everything that was wrong
and once again the devil loves that it
opens a door for him in our lives in
11-9 there’s a great
story on the way to
Jerusalem Jesus was passing along
between Samaria and
Galilee and as he entered a village he
was met by 10 lepers who stood at a
distance they lifted up their voices
saying Jesus Master have Mercy on
us when he saw them he said Go and show
yourself to the
priests and as they went they were
cleansed healed of leprosy as they did
what Jesus told them to do then one of
them one of
them when he saw that he was healed
back went back to Jesus praising God
with a loud voice I’m glad that the guy
got loud you know the devil doesn’t
doesn’t like it when we get loud I think
about blind barus and he cried out Jesus
have mercy on me and the people around
him said be quiet don’t bother the
master and it says that he shouted all
the more Jesus have mercy on
me I don’t mind a good shout once in a
while and he fell on his face at jesus’
feet giving
thanks and he was a Samaritan that
that’s important to to notice because
Samaritans were were
hated the the Jews hated Samaritans so
much that they wouldn’t even go through
Samaria and so this this man would have
considered not even a believer but he
came back and gave thanks for what God
had done for
him Jesus answered were not 10 cleansed
where are the other nine so he noticed
that they didn’t bother to give thanks
and I think when we don’t bother to give
thanks that God also notices it and it’s
not a good thing remember being thankful
adds power to your
life every time you thank God for
something he’s done in your life it
releases power in the spiritual realm
and it
weakens anything that the devil can do
in your life I know you might think oh
it’s just you know thank you has that
much power yes thank you is full of
power if you’re sincere and you mean it
thank you is full of power I’ve been on
a real journey especially this last year
of my life to try to be more thankful
and each morning when I pray I thank God
for many sometimes the same things but
I’ll thank God for my home that I have a
roof over my head that I have food to
eat that I’m warm in the winter and cool
in the summer and I thank God for my
family my children my husband I thank
God that I have clothed to wear so many
things that we take for granted but if
we didn’t have them we would certainly
complain it should not be easier to
complain than it is to give
thanks was no one found to return and
give praise to God except this Foreigner
and he said to them rise and go on your
way your faith
has made you well so thank you when we
say thank you to God it must be an
expression of our faith we know that he
has done something for
us and we release our faith in him by
saying thank you God for helping me in
situation Jesus noticed that the nine
didn’t come back and you know what if
any one of us is not coming back and
giving thanks to God for all the good
good things he does in our life he
notices that
too I can’t help but wonder what
happened to the other nine can
you think about
that I wonder what kind of door they
open in their life for the Enemy by
unthankful you say well maybe they were
thankful well they didn’t say so and
Psalm 100 ver4 says be thankful and say
so and I’m hoping that those of you who
are hearing this teaching today will
realize that it’s important for you to
get your mouth open and start saying
thank you to more and more people and
saying thank you to God more and more
often and that you will complain less
and Grumble less and find less fault and
I pray that since I’m teaching this
today that it will have an effect on me
and it will cause me to also come up
higher even if you have problems right
now and I’m sure many of you do I’ve got
a couple things going on in my own life
that I could certainly do without but in
the midst of them I’m still giving
thanks to God and no matter how many
problems you have right now in the midst
of them you should still be giving
thanks to
God even if you have a problem right now
take some time and think of the things
that God provides all the
time things such as peace answered
Mercy Grace the Forgiveness of our
sins New
hope right standing with him through
Jesus Christ you know we get all caught
up in the material things that we don’t
have and we really should be thinking
thinking about the spiritual blessings
that we have just imagine your sins are
forgiven and God has forgotten them and
removed them as far as the East is from
the west and if you’re a believer in
Jesus Christ your name is written in the
Lamb’s Book of
Life and you are not going to go to hell
you are going to go to heaven and spend
eternity with God there’s so many
spiritual blessings that we could stay
busy thanking God for and if we did we
wouldn’t notice the material things that
we don’t
have so no matter how many problems you
have right now find things that you can
be thankful for and I’m really
encouraging you strongly encouraging you
every day of your life be thankful and
so Paul never prayed for anyone’s
problems to go away if you examine the
prayers of Paul in the Bible which there
are many of them especially they’re
listed in the
Epistles everything that he prayed for
the people was
something for their Spirit it was
something for that would make them
stronger spiritually he prayed for them
to know the height the depth the length
and the breadth of the love that God had
for them he prayed for them to know and
choose and prize what was excellent to
abound in love all things that would
help them in the spiritual realm and the
only thing that he said about their
problems was that he prayed that they
would endure whatever came their way
with good temper in other words no
matter how many problems they had he
wanted them to keep a good
attitude let me ask you a question can
you have a problem can you have a big
problem and still keep a good
attitude I think it’s very important
that we all learn how to do that I
believe that once you reach that point
you are coming into higher levels of
spiritual maturity and it’s really
important do you give thanks more than
complain or do you complain more than
you give
thanks I want to say that again do you
give thanks more than you
complain or do you complain more then
you give thanks maybe you’ve got a job
that you’re not particularly fond of
maybe there’s people that work at your
place of employment that annoy you and
maybe you don’t like your boss and so
you complain complain complain complain
anybody that’ll listen you complain but
you know I bet there’s people that that
would love to have your job because they
don’t have a job and so how about
thanking God that you do have a job and
if you really want to work somewhere
else then go and look for something else
but be thankful while you’re doing it
this is so important I pray that you’re
getting this message today there’s power
in thank
you in Paul’s short letter to the
Colossians which was actually very short
I found five times where he told the
people to remember to give thanks and
that’s really what I’m doing today I’m
just reminding you I’m reminding you to
be thankful and to say
so to the people in your life lives to
God to Jesus for what he did for
us first Thessalonians 518 was the
scripture that we read in the beginning
that says that it’s the will of God that
give thanks in all things and verse 19
the verse right after that sayso not
quench the Holy Spirit the word quench
means to to stop you know we want the
Holy Spirit to work in our lives we want
him to have free reign in our lives we
need the help of the Holy Spirit but if
I’m understanding this
correctly if I’m complaining all the
time that I’m quenching the
spirit and I’m preventing him from
helping me in my life I believe even our
Angels the Bible says they hearken to
the word of God when we’re being
thankful to God for what he’s done for
us I think that the angels that are
assigned to us can work more powerfully
in our lives but who knows maybe when we
complain we’re also giving up their help
think about it we
complain it quenches the Holy
Spirit it stops the the angels from
working in our lives let me tell you
something we’re giving up way too much
just to voice our
complaining Philippians 2:4 and
15 do everything not some things do
everything without
grumbling or arguing fault finding and
complaining that’s the Amplified
translation so that you may become
blameless and pure
children of God without fault in a war
in a warped and a crooked generation
then you will shine among them like
stars in the sky oh this scripture is so
important because you know what he’s
saying get out in the
world and don’t
complain you know why because everybody
is complaining these days I don’t know
about you but I am so tired of listening
to people complain complain complain
complain and the the Bible says that we
as Believers in Christ should get out in
public among the people and we should be
thankful and grateful and then we will
shine like stars in the midst of a
warped and a crooked generation you know
you can be a good example to somebody
just by being thankful you never can
tell you may actually be able to lead
somebody to Christ just by being
thankful be a good example to people
grateful if you’re eating lunch at work
with a lot of the other employees and
everybody’s sitting around and grumbling
about something at the company why don’t
you speak up and say well you know
everything is not perfect here but I’m
thankful that I have a job there’s a lot
of people that don’t have a job or wow
ladies what if you complain about your
husband all the time you know I bet
there’s some lonely person that would be
happy to take him off your hands
one time I remember I was not happy
about couple of things that Dave was
doing that irritated me and God
challenged me to get a piece of paper
and make two lists one the things that
Dave did that bothered me and the other
list all the things that I could think
of that I really liked about Dave and
you know what I was pretty ashamed when
realized that the list of things that I
liked about him was so long and there
were only two or three things on the
list that I didn’t like but because I
was focusing on those things it was
really hurting my relationship with him
I wonder how many people end up getting
divorces just because they focus on the
one or two things that they don’t like
about somebody how about
inconvenience how how inconvenience can
you be without
complaining can you make it through an
inconvenience when you have to wait on
something can you be
patient and still remain
thankful complaining is a reaction to
something that we don’t like and it’s a
natural reaction we don’t have to try to
complain it’s just naturally going to
happen but if we’re going to give thanks
we’re going to have to do it on
purpose retrain yourself every time
you’re tempted to compl instead find
something to be thankful for life is
filled with little
annoyances and if we can make it even
through one whole day without
complaining I think it would be a major
miracle and as I said complaining is sin
Israelites were brought out of
Egypt and they headed toward the
promised land you might say when we’re
again we’re brought out of a life of sin
our sins are forgiven and we find all
the promises of God there’s over 7,000
Promises of God in the word of God and
we want those promises we want to see
them happen in our
life but very often we have to travel
through the Wilderness of our own soul
first and they traveled through a
Wilderness and they complained and
complained and murmured and complained
and found fault and there’s a scripture
in numbers 21 that says that
snakes serpents got into the camp and
bit 23,000 of them and they died just
because of complaining well I I liken
that to Satan that when we murmur and
complain I think we open a door for him
to get involved in our lives and there’s
no telling how many people end up with a
life that is just miserable because all
they do is complain all the
time Paul said in Philippians 4 I have
learned to be content whether I’m a
based or abounding and you know
something we can learn it I can learn it
you can learn it and that’s what this is
all about
today have you been looking for a
365-day devotional well look no further
than the promises for your everyday life
devotional from Joyce Meyer that’s a
focus verse for all 365 days of the year
along with a prayer starter get your
copy of promises for your everyday life
devotional at Joy
365 devvo the biggest thing that we need
to do is learn how to think like God
thinks and the only way you can do that
is by knowing the word of God in words
to live by Joyce Meyer shares how
studying the word of God transformed her
life experience a deeper and more
meaningful relationship with God through
the captivating collection of verses in
this beautiful hard cover book by Joyce
Meyer discover the transformative power
of His word words to live by from Joyce
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two have you ever been trapped in a
never-ending frenzy where every passing
moment feels like a blur leaving you
gasping for a chance to pause and catch
your breath in her insightful book
pursuing peace Joyce Meyer explores the
importance of seeking peace at all costs
this beautiful hard cover Edition is
filled with meaningful scriptures and
uplifting quotes from Joyce providing
valuable guid guidance for living a
peaceful lifestyle so grab a cup of
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Pursuit Of
Peace the Mind actually is the
battlefield that’s where we win or lose
the war with Satan he said all he gets
say rest of the day is mine you start
asking God to heal you and he will
restore it’s the God of all comfort and
I am so grateful that I know how to call
on God