2024 KCM Southwest Believers’ Convention Highlight Episode [Inside the Vision S02E40]

There’s no better way to SUPERCHARGE your vision than by immersing yourself in the Word…just like thousands of believers do at the Southwest Believers’ Convention. This week, on Inside the Vision, our team has put together HIGHLIGHTS from each day of the 2024 convention. You’ll hear takeaways from Kenneth Copeland, Mark Hankins, Bill Winston, Jesse Duplantis, Pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons and others. You’ll also see special interviews with Terri Savelle Foy, Jeremy Pearsons, Nancy Dufresne and David Winston. Plus, hear the message about vision Pastor George Pearsons shared with the youth in 14forty. It’s powerful! Become a KCM Vision Insider and get access to ALL Inside the Vision episodes PLUS extended interviews, bonus downloads and more. Ignite the vision God has placed inside you today! Get your FREE vision journal and more at https://www.insidethevision.org When you become a KCM Vision Insider, you will receive regular email updates directly from Pastor George concerning key vision projects at Kenneth Copeland Ministries, as well as encouraging tips and teaching to help you fulfill the vision God has for your life. Sign up today and get an exclusive Inside the Vision journal and a special minibook completely FREE. Visit https://www.insidethevision.org. Subscribe to this channel to be notified of new Inside the Vision episodes! Connect with Pastor George GET WEEKLY EMAILS & VISION TIPS! Become a KCM Vision Insider: https://www.insidethevision.org FACEBOOK: / georgepearsons INSTAGRAM: / pastorgeorgepearsons GIVE TO KCM: https://www.insidethevision.org PARTNER WITH KCM: https://www.insidethevision.org


Kenneth copen Ministries has taken over

the downtown Fort Worth Convention

Center and we are getting ready for the

2024 Southwest Believers convention it

takes a lot of people to do this it’s

all hands on deck we’re going to be

ministering to the adults in here to the

teenagers to the super kids we are going

to be preaching the uncompromised word

of faith and we’re getting totally

immersed in the word of God I mean

completely submerged and drenched so

that we can be strong for the times that

we’re facing we are strong in the Lord

and in the power of His might through

the word of God that’s being preached at

the Southwest Believers convention

welcome to the

2024 Southwest Believers convention can

we give God praise for this

Hallelujah Southwest Believers

convention number


Hallelujah here we are once

more thank you Jesus

come on let’s give God praise and glory

welcome to the 2024 Southwest believer

convention we are so glad that you’re

here hey everybody I’m Aubrey Vell and

you are watching inside the vision out

this week we’ve got a treat for you

behind the scenes of Southwest Believers

convention everybody wants to be invited

to the party but we want you in the room

stay with us on this journey and you’ll

see why we’re going to see you next year

would you please welcome to the platform

this morning brother Kenneth Copeland

Southwest Believers convention number

43 something about it when people who

know how to use their faith come

together to pray I want you to think

about David in the Bible think about how

David he killed a lion and he killed a

bear in private with nobody watching but

that prepared him to kill a giant in

public with everybody watching you going

to see this go in the world and preach

this gospel to Every Creature lay hands

on the sick and they shall recover go do

everything I do and greater Works than

the shall you do that’s what you ought

to do sir I said greater is he that’s in

you than he that’s in the world I said

the greater one the greater one is right

here nothing that he went through was

unnecessary everything he was doing was

buying you something 2025 will come


one thing that we’ve talked about and of

course on this program everything that

is always centered and focused on is

Vision but what what has that been like

taking what you know yeah and applying

it to your own Vision as Pastor like

like your dad um but then also taking

this message of Faith to the Next

Generation to your generation and those

Beyond like your

grandfather well faith and vision the

the further we go into this the more I

see they’re synonymous I mean one

creates the other if you really have a

faith a genuine faith in God the vision

concerning your future is What flows out

of that because he’s always increasing

he’s always moving onward he’s always

moving upward which is a little preview

I think of what I’m supposed to teach

tomorrow but uh when you’re in

fellowship with teaching here yeah I am

I don’t know I forgot to tell you that

no way write that down oh my goodness

I’ll have to let someone know goad if

you are truly walking with the Lord and

walking by faith then vision is going to

flow out of that you’re going to get a


of who he sees when he looks at you and

that’s what that’s what your calling is

people kind of mystify and overp

spiritualize I’m called to that’s just

simply what God calls you when he looks

at you he calls you this so that’s your

calling and so much of the time that has

to do with the future and what’s out in

front of you and vision or faith will

create that and um you know you can only

give what you’ve been given and this is

what we’ve been given we were born into

this house we were born into this

environment um and yes Southwest

Believers conviction was a huge part of

it but you know this as well as I do

that this wasn’t just a week a year this

was morning noon and night for us this

was the way we conducted life and the

way we interacted with each other and

the way we um built our lives and walk

with the Lord so when the life of Faith

permeates every part of your life then

yes you are pressing to towards

something that God has for you in the

future and the word that he gave Sarah

and I years ago was the word

legacy and if when you dig into that the

way we approach it is we believe our

responsibility is to serve as a bridge a

bridge that Revelation can go across

from one generation the one that came

before us to the one that’s coming after

us and honestly every generation has

that assignment you had that assignment

yeah so that Revelation could travel

across you to your children and now it’s

the same thing’s happening with your

grandchildren so that’s what we’ve been

given and so that’s what we have to give

is that same Spirit of Faith with faith

as the foundation it yields and produces

hope which is an

expectation the expectation of good well

that has to do with the future as soon

as the conference is over we always like

discuss what we’ve learned and how we

can apply it to our lives we’re really

excited to see what the Lord has in

store for us listen to me I am not


healing that’s right I am not seeking

Prosperity that’s who I am I God said I

will pour out my spirit on All Flesh

that means something’s happening in

America right now yes some if you’re on

the brink of I don’t know if I want to

go should I go I think it’s something

you just need to go experience it and

you’re never not going to go again and

faith in his word is so powerful it will

undo anything that Satan has done and

leave no

Trace I could say one of the most

important things about vision is this

don’t formulate it hear it you just have

to take time to hear the vision because

faith comes by hearing

you know people said to me pastors have

said to me because God helped us to not

falter in the momentum of what he was

doing when my husband left when he moved

to Heaven yeah um we did not miss AEP if

I could say we didn’t falter and go we

didn’t lose our footing yeah because all

we did was my husband trained us

prepared us and we weren’t looking what

next well we know what next we’re in the

same flow we just continue on

and so ministers have asked me Pastor

Nancy how did you keep from losing

Faith’s momentum the momentum of the

vision the momentum of what was in your

heart and I said it was real easy I just

heard you heard I just heard because

faith comes by hearing and Faith for you

have to hear the vision from God to have

faith for the vision because if you’re

formulating the vision yourself there’s

no faith in it because you didn’t hear

it from God you formulated it yourself

and so that’s so key u to staying on

course just hear What God Says and just

walk it out that goes along with back at

two where it talks about right div

Vision but before it it says I stood

upon my the my watch and and was

watching for what he would say to me and

that’s what you’re talking about

listening listening for the vision

absolutely uh

because um in that recognizing what God

is saying to you I got to thinking about


12:2 be not conformed but be ye

transformed by the renewing of your mind

the rest of that verse said so that you

may discern The Good the acceptable and

the perfect will of God that word excuse

me prove that you may prove right the

good acceptable perfect will of God the

word prove means discern you have to

hear from God and the way you the way

you hear what God has for you you have

to renew your mind to his thoughts you

have to hear what’s he saying to you

because your mind is renewed when you

know what he’s saying yeah yeah taking

on his thoughts his vision for you so

tell me what are you seeing even into

the future I mean here you are at the

convention speaking as a matter of fact

um I’m going to look back so that you

can see her

um I was watching you the first day yeah

that you spoke and the interesting thing

is if you go up on the platform you can

look down over into the the little

speakers area there okay so I looked

over as the service was getting started

I watched you and you were just you were

quiet you folded your arms you were

walking back and forth I thought whoa

she is she is getting ready for this

this is this is a big a big moment uh

well because it’s a

fulfillment of something he said and

Pastor yeah I’ve never tried to fulfill

what he has said I’ve let him bring it

to pass bring it to the Lord doesn’t

heal you for any other reason except he

loves you there’s nothing we can do to

make him love us anymore because he is

love he doesn’t have love this is a love

story I came last year and it was the

best week of my life and I wanted to

come back and soak up the word it

changed my life last year and I’m in so

much better place this year and I’m

expecting greater things to happen you

have been born again into the wealthiest


that’s ever been known to

mankind and I would like to say to

encourage someone to say take that Faith

step come to the believer’s convention

your life will never be the same again

it is possible to be truly his but not

wholly his how do you know it depends

upon your degree of

discipleship what are you willing to

become in your walk with God Jesus is



Lord my name is Jose rco I am here with

my beautiful wife Christina and we have


children we are members at Eagle

Mountain International Church it was

June 25th Sunday service that’s when we

came to emic and soon after that we

became members and that’s when I really

got connected to the word of faith I’m

like man this is like it’s bringing me

to another level it’s brought my family

to another level it has brought our

ministry helped birth our ministry think

it was already in my heart but helped it

come out

my call to be an evangelist it gets

fired up over here we get trained up we

encourage each other in the word of God

we praying and we go out to win souls

and that has changed my life the way we

do it here the ministry we were just at

Walmart and I think our team alone won

over 40 people to Lord in about an hour

so that’s why I come here yeah the Bible

says whoever calls upon the name of

Jesus Christ the Lord will be saved

let’s pray together okay pray with me

say heavenly father heavenly father I

believe believe I believe in your son

Jesus Christ your son Jesus Christ who

died on the cross who died on the cross

Lord forgive my sins for heal my body

body fill me with the Holy Spirit and

use my life you need to be here you get

encouraged in the word of God you know

those who meditate on the word of God

day and night they will flourish they

will prosper that’s what really happens

here I see it you’re here day and night

and and I would encourage you make that

commitment you know come be a part of it

amen come be a part of Southwest

Believers and believe for God to move in

your life and that God would use you for

your family for your friends for Don


amen tell us a little bit what are you

doing right now and what what’s

happening there and so you know it it’s

no secret that Dad had had a Health

Challenge you know you had a tussle with

the devil and he was and so you know

during that time and during his

sabatical I’ve stepped in and been

leading our 7 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Sunday

morning Services let me tell you that’s

7:00 a.m. service 7 a.m.

that t that takes another that takes

Faith right there and so there’s a nap

in your afternoon I know there

absolutely and so been stepping in and

doing that since really since the end of

March since Easter Sunday and God has

just given me a Grace to do it and what

I’ve learned is that I have to exercise

my faith each and every Sunday just like

dad taught me to get a word from the

Lord yes and to not only be able to

bring Revelation but also a prophetic

word to the people what is God saying

for them in this season in this time and

being able to not only deliver it with

accuracy and boldness but also have

faith that the people hearing it would

respond to the gospel they would use

this word that is being preached and new

salvations new Souls would comeing to

the kingdom of God and it’s been a faith

walk each and every week it’s been a

faith walk and God has just been so

gracious and and I think coming to this

season before the season I don’t know if

I was ready but I did know that once I

end Ed into it it’s got to be by grace

and it was it was kind of a surprise

because it it hit everybody kind of

broadside yeah and all of a sudden you

found yourself in a place where you had

to step up to the plate yes but you had

been serving all of those years

Faithfully y that’s the key that’s the

key you’ve you’ve been preparing for

such a time as this yes and it wasn’t it

it wasn’t hard really to step in and do

what you had to do it wasn’t and and

Pastor George here’s what I’ve learned

learn is that faithfulness is the

prerequisite for promotion wow and and

that’s what I’ve really lived my life on

that’s that principle that I based my

life on is just continuing to serve I

mean my first job was at the church in

the facility maintenance department and

I tell the story about way before I had

a a platform and a microphone I had a

mop and a bucket and a vacuum oh that’s

good and so I learned how to take care

of God’s house not from having a

platform and influence but being able to

take care of it and clean it make sure

that it’s suitable for the people to

come hear the word of God and I believe

that that faithfulness has really

carried me and God has preserved me and

and now I got to this opportunity where

um it was an honor to be able to step in

for Dad I mean it was an honor every

single Sunday and and I would tell him

thank you Dad for trusting me with this

opportunity and and I’ll make sure that

we make you proud and we’ll do what God

is saying to do and I believe it’s that

kind of heart that God is looking for

Even in our generation environments like

this where you pull yourself away from

everything else all the other

distractions where God is able to get a

hold of you about certain things and so

this is always an opportunity for us to

get filled up and to go home with New

Direction new Energy new excitement we

got to be unafraid and unashamed they

got to see more power on your side than

it is on the world’s

side I believe

in the power of God every day every day

I don’t wait for crisis moments to draw

on power power is for

everyday life I’m not going to be

depressed and crushed another day in my

life cuz he did it he went through it he

bought it he paid for it and I now have

the peace that passes understanding

keeping my heart and my mind through

Christ Jesus I would say your

environment can stretch you or Shrink

you oh that’s your environment can

stretch you or Shrink you and so I told

him I said I brought this fish it was in

my first twoo everyone carries a fish I

love how big your back is just pulling

all kinds of stuff out yes so here’s the

thing about the fish I heard there’s a

certain fish that you put them in a

small aquarium and they’ll stay small

you take that very same fish and you

release it into a large body of water

and it will grow to its intended size

wow and the article I read said people

are the same way you stay in a small

limited harsh environment you’ll stay

small y but if you get in an environment

that causes you to think bigger to dream

bigger to believe bigger you’re going to

grow to the size God intended for you to

grow exactly wow so that’s why I like

coming to the conference absolutely

you’re in an environment that will

stretch you like get around people who

are living at a higher level

it’s not meant to intimidate it’s meant

to inspire yeah and you can you can read

books you can look at documentaries

there are things even though you might

be living in a small space you can you

can get out of that space by what you’re

putting on the inside you can enlarge

from the inside out right cuz what you

consume you become yeah I like to say

what you tune into you turn into yes so

if you can’t get around people or you

can’t come to a conference like this

read the books listen to the audios

watch the broadcast right right and just

fill up with it do we have time for an

illustration Abol absolutely so I um I

was listening to a story about a guy who

he said he wanted to improve his life he

wanted to be successful but he didn’t

know how so he said he asked this very

successful man he said what would you

tell me to help me better my life and

it’s very wealthy man he said four words

he said keep the right company keep the

right keep the right company so he said

the guy went home and he made a list

he said if someone could drag me down I

put their name on the list and I spent

no more than 5 minutes with them wow he

said if someone could improve my life

you’re not on my drag list oh I’m so

glad if you can improve my life put the

name on the list and spend as much time

as possible wow he said after following

the Make It or Break It List within 3

years he was a millionaire completely

out of debt and successful wow oh that’s

tremendous keep the right

company so you know I remember years ago

I finally got the nerve up to believe

God for offices like millions of dollars

you know and I’m going okay I’m going to

write that in the dream book to believe

for offices well I went to a conference

in West Palm Beach and the host of the

conference said Terry I want you to meet

this friend am I he walks up to this man

he goes this guy is the real Wolf of

Wall Street I was like what he goes well

I used to be he said but I got out of

that life God saved me I said what do

you do now he said oh I’m just an

entrepreneur and then my friend goes

just an entrepreneur he goes this guy

owns 70 Planet Fitness Centers 30

smoothie cans go all this stuff oh now

the reason I’m saying that is I’m

listening to that guy I went home and

looked at my dream and said you only

want to own offices come on Terry dream

bigger but it was the environment your

environment can stretch you or Shrink

you yeah so get around people who are

living at a little higher level cuz all

it does is cause you to come up higher

by proximity that’s so good that’s so

that is really good what would you say

to people you

know the more we’ve talked about vision

and The more I’ve talked to other people

about it and the it’s become almost

topic of conversation everywhere we go

um some sometimes I hear from people

they’re afraid to write it down because

the what ifs right what if it doesn’t

happen what if I don’t get the finances

what would you say yeah well that’s the

first step to turning the invisible into

the visible is you have to write it down

yeah and that proves you’re

serious there’s a reason the devil

doesn’t want you to put it in writing

because then writing it down actually oh

it just dawned on me oh my goodness

that’s real I really just dawned on me

Yes actually it’s the writing it down

that he wants to keep you from yes so he

can keep you in the fear it keeps you

from writing it down and keeps it away

well and think about how Jesus

intimidated the devil he said it is

written written y good morning Super

Kids how are we doing

today your shoulders are not big enough

to carry all the Care and all the

anxiety but Jesus is and he says to cast

all that weight to cast it on him and he

is our Firm Foundation he is our

Fortress that the enemy can’t come into

when you hold on to Jesus Satan can’t

get in the middle of that well I’m

telling you there’s a lot of water an

endless supply that comes out of our

savior to satisfy the thirst of our

hearts and all we have to do to get

living water from him is talk to him I

learned that

Jesus Is My Rock and also Jesus is my

focus you can expect a lot of fun a lot

of yelling and just a great time

I was thinking

about Visionaries and when we think

about a Visionary people have a picture

of somebody who’s a lot older somebody

who um it may be maybe in business or

somebody that has a corporation and

they’re a Visionary and they have a

vision for for things in their company

or in their lives but I want you to know

today and maybe some of you realize this

and this is

great but I am I’m speaking to a room of

Visionaries say I am I am a Visionary a

Visionary what does that mean that means

that there is something on the inside of

you that God has given for you that you

see that you see that no one else

sees and it’s not impossible it’s very


doable but you need to know today and

this is the thing that I I want to drill

into you is that you you do have Vision

on the inside

you do have vision for your

future you do have vision for the things

that you need you do have vision for

whatever courses that you’re taking you

do have vision for whatever college or

university that you want to go to you do

have Vision there are things on the

inside of you and I want to tap into

that because some of us don’t realize

that we’re going about our days we’re

going about whatever we’re doing in

school or even whatever we’re doing in

life and sometimes we really don’t just

stop and say Lord what do you want to

say to me about what you want me to

create or what you want me to do where

you want me to go what you want me to

become and sometimes I have to do that

same thing because in the

responsibilities that that Pastor Terry

and I have the oversight of the ministry

we work directly under Kenneth and

Gloria Copeland but we’re over all of

the ministry all the responsibility of

the ministry and there are a lot of

details and there are a lot of things

daily things that come up that we deal

with and sometimes those daily things

tend to swallow up the big Vision so

sometimes you just have to take a time

out and go okay and I’ve been doing this

I do this a lot I just get quiet and I

put everything aside and I say Lord what

do you want to say to me what Vision do

you want me to see what is it give me an

assignment I love

assignments I love it every Sunday when

I get into the pulpit because I know

that I’ve spent time seeking the Lord

getting the assignment for that

particular time and for that particular

message I sense that today as I Was

preparing this th this is an assignment

from Heaven to bring to you because the

things that I’m about to say to you are

literally going to change your life

forever and the first thing I’m saying

to you is you are

Visionary there’s nothing for you to be

ashamed about in the gospel because it’s

this Gospel of my Lord and Savior Jesus

is the reason why I am that I am this

week is about Jesus Christ and when we

get together in the presence of God he

hears us and he answers us so if it’s

God’s faith in you then it’s God’s power

that causes you to overcome but there’s

a place that you have to go God I’m

going to give you you all of my energy

because when I start selling out to you

you begin to pour your life into me and

therein is The Great Exchange whatever

you do you do it for the glory of God

not for a claim but to do it in service

to the Lord in other words no longer

just a bunch of Bible stories but the

reality that Jesus is Alive he is Lord

that you are redeemed that you are saved

that you are forgiven that you are

righteous come on not a fantasy come on

but the reality of Jesus he is my

Lord I hope you enjoyed this episode of

highlights from the southwest Believers

convention start making your plans right

now to attend the convention in 2025 we

want to see you in the room again thank

you thank you for spending time with us

every week we consider it a great

blessing to inspire your vision and a

great way to start growing in your

vision is to become a KCM Vision Insider

head to insidethe vision.org and sign up

there you get a free Vision Journal

where you can write your vision and make

it plain and of course becoming a casm

Insider gives you access to all of our

bonus material these resources include

videos and PDFs that you can only find

in the vision Hub so before we go

remember this God loves you we love you

and Jesus is

Lord When you pray withdraw into your

inner being where you are alone with

God let your prayers happen there and

the life you live will clearly

demonstrate what happened in your

encounter with God what if your

relationship with God became so profound

that his voice became unmistakably clear

in this heartwarming book Terry Copeland

Pearson shares how she first encountered

Jesus as a little girl Terry in an

encounter with him she Blends practical

teaching with her personal journey of

encountering Jesus in prayer and as you

read you’ll be drawn into a deeper

fellowship with Jesus experiencing his

transformative presence an encounter

with him is available exclusively at

Casey M .org encounter

him 2024 will be a year of more and more

and more and more more finances more

healings more Miracles more outpourings

more people coming to

Jesus so rejoice and be glad for I have

things well under control
