Get Inspired by Vision [Inside the Vision S02E50]
We want you to know that we are your partner in life and ministry—and that includes the vision God has called you to carry out. Through INSIDE THE VISION, we’re here to help you WRITE DOWN your vision and RUN with it (Habakkuk 2:2). We’ve been doing this program more than a YEAR, and we’re just getting started. Tune in this week to… · Hear Jesse Duplantis’ advice that inspired what we’re doing on INSIDE THE VISION every week · Watch Pastor George Pearsons’ interview with FlashPoint’s Gene Bailey, and hear how that program has run with vision and made an impact across our nation · And…get ready to see a special guest and the surprise Pastor George shares with him…. Get your FREE vision journal and more at When you become a KCM Vision Insider, you will receive regular email updates directly from Pastor George concerning key vision projects at Kenneth Copeland Ministries, as well as encouraging tips and teaching to help you fulfill the vision God has for your life. Sign up today and get an exclusive Inside the Vision journal and a special minibook completely FREE. Visit Subscribe to this channel to be notified of new Inside the Vision episodes! Connect with Pastor George GET WEEKLY EMAILS & VISION TIPS! Become a KCM Vision Insider: FACEBOOK: / georgepearsons INSTAGRAM: / pastorgeorgepearsons GIVE TO KCM: PARTNER WITH KCM:
ladies and gentlemen partners and
victory viewers we are coming to you
live from Victory Studios it’s inside
the vision please welcome Pastor
George oh my
goodness welcome to inside the vision
live on the victory Channel we have a
live studio audience with us right now
go ahead clap let him hear you oh my
listen to this tonight we are
celebrating our first year on the air
praise God and listen to this we’ve had
35 guests and lots of amazing moments
and vision filled episodes and if you’ve
missed any of them you can go back and
watch them all now what exactly is
inside the vision all about well first
of all I have a passion for Kenneth Cula
Ministries and I’ve had one for almost
50 years and there’s so much that goes
on around here through Kenneth copen
Ministries Eagle Mountain International
Church Kenneth copen Bible College the
victory Channel and all of our Global
offices and a CEO senior pastor and a
covenant partner my heart’s desire is to
let people know what we’ve done what
we’re doing and what we’re going to do I
want people to know the vision of this
ministry and second we want to inspire
your vision listen to me you are a
Visionary and God has some amazing
things for you to accomplish last year
we presented the pilot program to
brother Copeland you can imagine me
sitting there in the screening room with
brother copelan with this pilot program
showing it to him to see if we can get
an approval of producing inside the
vision well he watched it he had us stop
it several times he preached a few
things talked about some things and then
when it was over he gave us the thumbs
up to proceed with production so Kenneth
and Gloria Copeland thank you thank you
for allowing us to be on the victory
Channel and thank you for over 57 years
of faithful Ministry in the word of
faith all of this was a vision that was
born in your hearts and for that we’re
grateful so listen if you’re not already
a KCM Vision Insider you can join one of
12,000 I said it 12,000 that have
already signed up and the information is
at the bottom of your screen all right
are you ready let’s get going I’ve got
some great guests wonderful guests and
some surprises for you tonight but
before we go any further let me take you
behind the scenes of a year in the life
of inside the vision
wow this is amazing one year one year
Vision this this really this this vision
of this program was born out of my heart
to see us communicate the vision to the
partners you know there’s so much that
goes on here and the fact that uh we
really have kept it a secret over the
years of what Kenneth kopa Ministries
does and we just we just needed to have
an outlet to where we could do this and
now we’re on weekly yes my goodness and
you know this this Vision didn’t come to
you we’ve been we’re celebrating tonight
one year of inside the vision on the
victory Channel but that didn’t mean
inside the vision started a year ago it
started years ago that the Lord had been
developing in you this passion for
Kenneth Copa Ministries everything that
this ministry does is a part of but your
heart was to communicate to the partners
communication is key in any relationship
oh Absolut absolutely so that’s we spent
even so many countless hours and weeks
and months developing this program right
as a team yeah we we came on this set we
did rehearsals together before we even
started it to make sure we were going to
present this correctly and you know over
the years watching Kenneth and Gloria
and all the amazing things that they
have done done it just kept rising in me
we’ve got to tell people about this we
have to tell our partners and then there
was Jesse duplis so Jesse duplis he
calls me all the time I mean at least
twice a week and we talk about all kinds
of things including vision and as you
know Jesse is a he is a Visionary
specialist he’s a Visionary specialist
I’m really glad I knew the answer to
that and we we’ve been talking about
this and he told me he said George
you’ve got to tell your partners what
you’ve done you’ve got to tell them what
you’re doing and we’ve got to tell them
what you’re going to do and you have to
keep that Vision out there because those
Covenant partners are supporting your
ministry sewing into the ministry and
they need to know what their finances
are going for well and you heard that
you heard that um that challenge yeah
and I think you took it and you U the
Annie and said I’m going to do that but
I also want to inspire their Vision I
don’t want to just tell them what we’re
doing but I want Inspire what they’re
doing what God is doing on the inside of
them and that’s what you did with this
team it started out just a few of us and
it has grown um but in those early days
we what we did as a team you know we
talked about the creative aspects we
talked about what it would look and you
know what the scripts would be like and
what the content would be like but
ultimately I think the reason why we
were able to do a a year of inside the
vision was because we sat and we
listened you pour into us the vision and
you remember there was somebody there
was somebody on our staff that wondered
uh if we were going to run out of
content yeah they asked question that
daring question are you aren’t you
aren’t you concerned you’re going to run
out of content we thought no we have 52
episodes to do and then we thought no we
have episodes until Jesus comes to do
there is so much going I’m telling you
there are so many things that are taking
place here so many things that are
happening and and I want to introduce
our first guest I’ve known him for a
long time he was with us in the late 80s
and then again about 10 years ago but
back in 2020 brother copen called him
and said that the victory Channel needed
to have a voice in regards to the
election so we needed to respond to
everything that was going on in our
nation and we needed to respond in the
spirit of faith and with the voice of
Victory and so that’s a very important
part of this ministry that was it’s one
of those every available voice every
available voice so I want to introduce
to you tonight somebody that you know
very well it’s the Revival man himself
the host of flasho would you welcome
welcome thank you Jean oh it’s good to
see you it’s good to see you wow you
asked for a meeting with pastor Terry
and myself one day you wanted to talk to
us about something and you came in and
what’s that oh nothing I was just adding
some voiceovers here oh thank you you’re
welcome and so we I thought I wonder
what he wants to talk about and you came
in and you said pastor I have an idea
for a program right tell us what your
idea was well anybody that knows Pastor
George knows the uh affinity for Walt
Disney early days early days and U
please please you know make sure you say
that if if you want to get Pastor George
off topic you show him an old book of
Disney or
and and we’ll be talking about that for
a while which was great but I’m like you
know that he was a Visionary yes
everybody would agree with that sure but
what he did is he was I remember as a
kid watching and for some reason it was
okay to watch him with the vertical map
of the property of of Disney World or
Disney and with a pointer with a pointer
and I was like that was so cool and I
thought oh wait a minute this is Pastor
George all over people need to know they
see you at church obviously and on the
believer’s voice of vict from time to
time but they don’t know you and they
need to know you have a relationship
with you but after that they need to
understand what’s so unusual about this
place not just the facilities but it’s
the people it’s the calling it’s even
the history of the property is highly
unusual it’s not something you’ve ever
been to before so I think with all of
that I wanted people to have a
relationship with you and let you share
through your lens yes the Revival
capital of the world we know what
brother Copeland says and we love that
but I wanted to hear what do you see why
do you think what is how’s this all
going to come together and that’s what
happened that’s what took place and we
were able to to sit down talk meet for
quite a while just fleshing through what
this thing was going to be and it’s
turned out to be this is the weekly
program Jean thank you for that idea
that was I think we should give Jean a
hand Le you did all the work we should
give him residuals as well from this
that’s right Jean let’s talk about
Chicago the the rescue America Tour that
you’ve done but you just came back from
Chicago recently you were there for the
Democrat uh convention National
Convention and just tell us a little bit
about that and what took place there and
then you went on uh right there in
Chicago to a meeting so just tell us a
little bit about that we got some b-roll
we want to yeah we started the week
there in downtown
Chicago uh the DNC was starting and you
know it’s a little we’re not exactly
highly embraced by the Democrat Party um
not because of what we say well it is
maybe some of what we say anyway uh so
we were there and I was very interesting
to see because I wanted to see of course
we have memories of
1968 right you you’ll have to Google it
um and uh of seeing what happened there
and all of that but I was curious to see
what really would Happ and so from where
we were at in the hotel where we were
broadcasting from we could look down on
the the first protest and I’m like oh oh
look it’s a protest get a camera out
let’s shoot it and yeah and it was about
100 people and about 200 police wow and
so that night we see it on the news and
I was like wait a minute this looks like
there’s thousands there most of these
people are pleas so yeah it was another
I it was another eye openening
experience of what we were seeing yeah
uh with they may you know you can talk
about Joy you can push Joy you can say
you have a lot of Joy but people know
when it’s a lie and people know when
it’s not effective yeah and what we’ve
heard from so many people man on the
street interviews were I don’t know this
is just some some things were’re just
not sure this is what needs to happen so
people are desperate for truth in
Chicago was like that so the end of the
week we went down to Tinley Park with uh
Pastor James and Sharon Ward for Flash
they had asked us to come uh hold a
flasho live at the church and so we did
that so it’s very interesting comparing
what we were feeling in Chicago with
what we were presenting W in tley park
so you’re feeling and you’re sensing
darkness and a lot of stuff and it’s a
beautiful city Chicago is a beautiful
city and it’s such a shame so anyway so
we’re down there in Tenley Park talking
about what God’s doing what does God say
about your life what does God say what
does his word say about who you are yeah
and uh and what do we stand for in this
nation uh so many people are misquoting
the Constitution they’re saying things
that are just aren’t true so it’s our
job to say no look this is in the
Constitution but this is in the Bible
too and this is why this is why your
faith really does matter this is why you
should be involved because it’s up to
all of us we all have a part to play do
and it’s a and it’s a big world no New
Orleans is coming up at Jesse dlan’s
church I’m looking forward to that
because I’ll be coming yes you’ll be
coming to that meeting excited about
being there and then Omaha talk about
Omaha for just a moment well om well
first off let’s talk about New Orleans
because you’re coming but that’s going
to be different than any flasho if you
had to pick one to come to I’m telling
you New Orleans is going to be different
because it’s New Orleans style oh yes so
we’re not doing anything it’s not your
normal your normal your normal even the
words aren’t normal see it’s not your
normal flasho we’re going to have the
music we’re going to have the parasols
we’re it’s all the New Orleans star
you’re gonna have Jesse dlis Jesse
deanis George Pearson’s Kenneth copelin
it’s GNA be crazy no we’re gonna have a
great time so that’s gonna be good but
back to Omaha September 12th that is we
kick off the first night of Hank and
Brenda coan’s conference they do every
year and so that’s it’s an interesting
part of the country as we’ve been
blessed to travel with the tour we get
to see different pockets of of of
America and what people are really
dealing with and when in doing that y
we’re we’re in a lot of the central part
of the United States we see we got the
Heartland you got corn you got Farmers
we got the the people that do the job
and that’s what’s awesome is that we’re
able to come alongside them and we’re
we’re there to encourage edify build up
and get people ready to go vote go vote
the right way and understand what God’s
called them to do so I I understand your
position I have somebody talking in my
ear right now and saying we need to go
to the next segment I do I do understand
that very well Jean Bailey thank you so
much than you for me for helping us
celebrate our oneyear anniversary happy
birthday give them a great hand Jean
thank you there’s a lot of corruption
that is taking place and it is the
responsibility of the ministers and the
pastors to deal with it from that pulpit
and that they be Integrity in this
election what is the gospel not not what
do I think the gospel is but what did
Jesus say the gospel is what’s the Great
Commission go therefore and Make
Disciples of all Nations teaching them
to obey all the things that I taught you
your job is to get behind unleashing the
church in Every Mountain I will build my
church not all the way over here waiting
for the Rapture but go ye into the
system Go Make Disciples of Nations our
world view will dictate our policies and
the politics that we become involved in
and it should be viewed as a mission
field in our actions today and in the
political Arena must be in pursuit of
that mission field it must be an
outpouring of the Gospel that we hold so
true sadly today in this Christian era
we lack the faith that is necessary to
make us the Overcomers that God has
declared us to be church we must get our
faith back we must believe as never
before and I truly believe that if we
move move towards action God will move
Deliverance okay I want to pose a
question or maybe we should pull this to
see who’s right and who’s wrong but just
listen when you’re merging in traffic do
you join the long line of cars early or
are you one of those that drive all the
way to the merge point before getting in
the lane well according to our director
the answer is the zipper merge so I
don’t know if it’s right or not but for
the moment let’s go with it so why is
the zipper merge the right choice
because no space is wasted we all get
where we’re going faster and more
efficiently now just because everyone
else is doing it doesn’t mean that we
should follow along and this is backed
by scripture Isaiah 811 says God spoke
strongly to me grabbed me with both
hands and warned me not to go along with
this or in this case drivers who don’t
merge properly so let’s not follow the
crowd and get in line with everyone else
especially when it comes to your vision
we have to listen to his Direction step
into the lane where no one else is and
start moving forward what if your
relationship with God became so profound
that his voice became unmistakably clear
in this heartwarming book Terry copelan
Pearson shares how she first encountered
Jesus as a little girl in an encounter
with him she Blends practical teaching
with her personal journey of
encountering Jesus in prayer you’ll be
drawn into a deeper fellowship with
Jesus an encounter with him is available
exclusively at encounter him the
people of faith in 2024 will be standing
on Victory Shore launch out into the
deep and reap Mercy’s
glor light
is a whole another ball game isn’t it
yeah it really is it really is you know
Aubrey one of the things that we like to
do on this program is to give updates to
our partners our friends of what’s going
on here and what’s taking place and and
so much is happening here and there’s
something that’s going on absolutely
right now that we we we were hit with
snowmageddon few years ago and or we
call it the Frieza athon all of the
State of Texas was frozen well it hit it
shut down our offices for about a week
but it hit our headquarters office and
it shut down I mean completely shut down
the building we had uh leaking pipes and
just destruction in that building that
building has been there for a long time
and so what we had to do is we had to
evacuate staff we have them we had to
put them on all different uh parts of
the the the uh ministry here different
buildings that were in and so we it’s
been this way we were able to move back
into half of it but then the other half
was sitting since that time yeah and I
would walk through some of the areas
that were destroyed and I’d think you
know we really need to we really need to
get going on this but there was so much
to do I mean so many getting the word of
God out was extremely important to us
and so we were focusing on that but one
day I had an encounter with the Lord and
the Lord said I was I was in one of the
areas that was just just torn apart and
the Lord said to me you need to take
back what the devil has stolen from you
right and you need to move forward and
so it’s not like we hadn’t been doing
anything because your mother Chief
Visionary officer Pastor Terry copelan
pearsons’s was working with the
Architects on different drawings of how
to redesign the building for the future
right and I think that was a great and
amazing thing that this this was a time
for us to look to the Future Absolut of
what the ministry is going to look like
so put all the plans together we’ve had
these plans but the Lord said to me it’s
time yeah it’s time to build so we broke
it down into phases and we begun we had
enough money to Begin work on this first
phase of the building and that’s
something that I wanted to encourage you
on what phase are you on yeah in the
vision that God has given to you what
phase are you working on right now and
so with that said that they’ve been
working on it and it’s looking like
we’ll be able to move into that part of
the building in Christmas time that’s
going to be amazing you know the reason
like we said at the beginning the one of
the biggest reasons that we have inside
the vision is to tell you about things
that K copen ministers is doing well are
we just telling that so we can just
update you well we want to update you
but really the heart behind our updates
is to inspire your B your vision what’s
what’s something that you’re having to
rebuild and renovate and it might not
just be a building it might be a
relationship or something of that M sort
but we want to inspire
what God is doing on the inside of you
to be able to continue getting the word
out on every available voice yeah we
need to do that it’s absolutely
necessary for that for us to do that
Aubrey to be able to get that word out
and you know what encourages us too is
when we hear from you we we love to hear
from you our team we always talk about
getting hearing testimonies and reading
what people are are experiencing in
their Vision in their walk and to be
able to hear from God we want to hear
from you what God is doing in your life
and maybe you’re wanting you’re needing
prayer right now well we have licensed
prayer ministers that are ready and
available you know a a licensed anything
it just kind of UPS the an a little bit
so if you’re needing prayer for anything
right now they’re actually sitting there
waiting for your call you can call 877
6297 so look I want to introduce our
next guest and this is really special
for me because I did not know this until
just a couple of days ago and and this
it it sort of boggled my mind to know
that you guys were able to locate him
Absolut I know it was just one of those
things that we thought oh we can ask you
know they’re so far away we can ask for
something like a video or something like
that and they came back and said well
we’re actually in your neck of the woods
and when they find out who we’re talking
about you’ll you’ll hear the miracle in
that that’s the Lord these people are
good friend of ours friends of ours we
fellowship with other their partners
with this ministry to have friends in
Ministry it is important to have friends
absolutely important to have that
connection with each other
and anytime we can get together we’re
getting together so we’re getting
together tonight and this is a very
special night because this gentleman was
on with me on the very first inside the
vision broadcast so I would like to
welcome my friend to this inside the
vision special Rick rener would you
please give him a great
hand thank you sir glad here so
glad good to see you good to be with you
oh my goodness hard to believe it’s been
a year it’s it’s been a year and I’m so
thankful Denise is here your family is
here with us and I am just so thrilled
that you are you were with us on the
first one and you you really do have a
special place for being the first in
several things it was in January of 1993
that Pastor Terry and I began we took
over Eagle Mountain International Church
and you were our first Wednesday night
guest speaker I will never forget it and
I have here my 1993 notes from from
Wednesday night and here is the message
that you preached true intercession
partnering with the Holy Ghost Romans
8:26 that’s it from January the 6th of
1993 I showed this to you before and on
February 2nd of 2013 you wrote love you
Pastor George Rick so I’m going to ask
you to sign your notes again I will do
it and I still love you Pastor George
and we love you too look at how nice
those not those notes are it’s your dad
your dad has perfect notes I’m not sure
I could go to 1993 anything
for Rick let me let me ask you first of
all thank you for being here with us
couple of questions I want to ask you
last time you were here you were talking
about your studio and the construction
of your studio and the fact that that we
were able to help you to complete the
studio tell us about the studio now well
as you were talking about the big storm
that came across KCM I was thinking
about how amazing it is that right in
the middle of your own need km swed a
massive gift to help us build our studio
God and I just want to say to all the
viewers uh this ministry really does
what they preach they so and so and so
and I’m so glad that you have this
program because people don’t know
everything you all do true and it is
massive yeah well we were right in the
middle of building our studio and Denise
and I were trying to make some decisions
about how to proceed next we just had
breakfast with you and Terry because
we’re friends MH and the next thing I
know we get a phone call from you and
Terry saying we need to talk to you and
I said to then he I wonder what they’re
wanting to talk to us about and you both
looked at us and said we have a lot of
needs so we need to sew a big seed prise
God and you sewed that seed for the
finishing of our studio and Pastor
George our studio is
magnificent when it is it’s beautiful
when I walk into that room the anointing
of God is in that room yes and who would
have ever thought third 4 years ago yeah
that from Moscow Russia we would be
sending the teaching of the Bible to the
ends of the Earth what a vision it’s a
vision tremendous Vision that you had to
be able to do that from there Rick now
you’ve been in that studio for a while
we’ve seen it we’ve seen the broadcast
that you’ve done tell us a little bit
about what’s been going on in turkey and
the the discoveries that you’ve made
where no as Arc is concerned well I
didn’t actually make the discovery but I
had documented it yeah so the ark was
found about maybe 25 years ago I’m
talking about Noah’s Arc it’s funny
because when I tell people I’ve been to
Noah’s Ark they usually say oh yeah we
we went to Kentucky too no I’m not
talking about Kentucky I’m talking about
the real Noah AR yeah yeah and it really
is laying in the lower mountains of arat
so I’ve been there with my whole team
and we did a 10-part documentary to walk
people to the side of Noah’s Arc it’s
really there Pastor GE wow it is there
it is there and then listen I’ve got
your new book tell me tell us about your
new book that’s my new book Fallen
Angels Giants
monsters and the World Before the Flood
how do you like a great title that is
amazing you know Jesus said in Matthew
24:37 as it was in the days of Noah it’s
going to happen again before the coming
of the son of man so if we want to know
what’s going to happen between now and
the end we have to turn around to see
what was happening before the blood and
that’s what this book is about it is so
uh I couldn’t hear you on here but I’m
going go ahead with this um there
there’s something very special about our
relationship that we’ve been able to be
with each other you know at at our home
at your home and I wanted to play a clip
from the last time you were here a year
ago concerning something that had to do
with wardrobe so let’s go ahead and run
this clip and then we’ve got something
here for
you and the thing that I like about that
is we talk about the word we talk about
vision and we’ve sat in our living room
room before together in our robes just
enjoying each other’s company and that
means so much to me and it means so much
to us that you would take that time to
be with us that’s the kind of
relationship we have well thank you it
means so much to me and Denise we
consider you and Terry to be among our
closest friends well it’s really
something when you have a relationship
with somebody and their robes are in
your house that’s right so we have Rick
and Denise’s robes in our house and you
have our robes in your house we do I
wear them that’s a covenant connection
sure okay Rick here we go all right what
are we going to do well if you’ll if
you’ll we would like to officially they
had these made officially robe you with
your own
inside it can go with my Kenneth
Copeland Ministries coffee cup you know
this this is very this is very George
it’s a very classic look very classic
look telling you you only do this with
close friends live television we look
like mad
scientists look at this this this is
friendship you know here at inside the
vision we love to have a lot of fun as
you can tell we our whole team we just
we enjoy this and we just enjoy having
our guests that like to have fun as well
like putting on a bathrobe on live
television I like it you’re such a good
great you know but the one of the main
reasons that we like to have fun it is
really is funny talking to you with your
bathroom on but we are having so much
fun we believe in the mission of Kenneth
Copa Ministries and if you have not yet
become a KCM Vision Insider all of oh we
have to close come on come on we’re so
glad that you with us remember that God
loves you we love you Jesus is Lord
happy one year inside the vision