Oral Roberts’ 3 Steps to SUCCESS [Inside the Vision S02E42]

On this episode of INSIDE THE VISION, Pastor George Pearsons shares the THREE STEPS TO SUCCESS that Oral Roberts shared with Kenneth Copeland on a private airplane ride in 1967. He said, “People will always tell you that you can’t do it, but if you do these three things, you’ll always be a success….” They will help you stand for your vision despite opposition, and keep your faith SECURE in what God has promised you. Watch now! Become a KCM Vision Insider and get access to ALL Inside the Vision episodes PLUS extended interviews, bonus downloads and more. Ignite the vision God has placed inside you today! Get your FREE vision journal and more at https://www.insidethevision.org When you become a KCM Vision Insider, you will receive regular email updates directly from Pastor George concerning key vision projects at Kenneth Copeland Ministries, as well as encouraging tips and teaching to help you fulfill the vision God has for your life. Sign up today and get an exclusive Inside the Vision journal and a special minibook completely FREE. Visit https://www.insidethevision.org. Subscribe to this channel to be notified of new Inside the Vision episodes! Connect with Pastor George GET WEEKLY EMAILS & VISION TIPS! Become a KCM Vision Insider: https://www.insidethevision.org FACEBOOK: / georgepearsons INSTAGRAM: / pastorgeorgepearsons GIVE TO KCM: https://www.insidethevision.org PARTNER WITH KCM: https://www.insidethevision.org


hi I’m Aubrey and welcome to Vision

school now inside the vision has always

had two purposes first we aim to keep

our partners and Friends informed about

everything that’s happening here at KCM

what we’ve done what we’re doing and

what we’re going to do and this year

we’re embarking on some exciting

projects so there will be plenty of

updates to share and if you haven’t

already always stay on the lookout for

when Dad and I go live on his Facebook

page and casym YouTube and ITV live is

where we can give the most current

updates on all these projects that we

have going on here at the ministry oh

okay moving on the second purpose I’m

sure you could guess it it’s really

simple it’s Vision but more specifically

it’s your vision we aspire to be a

source of inspiration for your personal

Vision by sharing the vision that we

hold here as a Ministry and this is why

Pastor George has recently started

taking us through the story of how

brother copelen received the vision for

this ministry and that’s what he does on

this week’s Vision


School welcome to Vision school I’m so

glad you’re here today I so enjoy doing

Vision school it’s so important for us

to be able to know that God has a vision

for each and every one of us and that he

wants to reveal that Vision to us so

that we can be able to walk it out and

see it come to pass you know in terms of

the vision that God has given to you the

God has given to us

we have that Vision on the inside it’s

working and there’s a scripture that I

want to read to you and it’s our

foundation scripture for this study of

vision School habc uh chapter 2 verse

one um I will stand upon my watch and

set me upon the tower and will watch to

see what he will say unto me and what I

shall answer and when I am approved

reproved and the Lord answered me and

said write the vision make it plain upon

tables that he may run that reads it for

the vision is yet for an appointed time

but at the end it shall speak and not

lie though it t wait for it because it

will surely come and it will not t

behold his soul which is lifted up is

not upright in him but the just the

righteous shall live by his faith though

these are the scriptures that we talk

about in terms of of vision and walking

out that vision and I want to talk to

you about something today uh we’ve

talked about this a little bit before

but my frame of reference for vision for

the last last well in my life almost 50

years 48 years has been Kenneth copen

Ministries and it’s been a real an

interesting Journey that I’ve been on it

started actually back when I was at or

Roberts University and and having the

privilege and the honor of being able to

study and watch Oral Roberts there when

I was attending school um being involved

and and also knowing Terry Copeland back

then uh she was connected with the T

television uh media and learning about

television and so with us dating I was

just following her everywhere she went

even to classes that I didn’t need to be

in but I just enjoyed seeing the vision

of Oral Roberts University and all that

was taking place there and the Lord was

beginning to build in me a frame of

reference for what my future was going

to be and it started way back then and

you know when Kenneth and Gloria

Copeland first moved to Tulsa Oklahoma

the Lord had ministered to them that

that’s where they were supposed to be he

was a 30-year-old student at the time

and he didn’t realize now he he like I

when I went to school there I thought I

was going to be there for for all three

or four years but I ended coming back to

work for him and stayed here in Fort

Worth well the same kind of thing

happened with him he went there and he

had planned to be there for 4

years but right at the end of that first

year the first semester that he was

there the Lord spoke to he and Gloria

and called them out into the the field

of ministry well in the time between

January 26th of

1967 and the time that he left in May

the Lord I mean he absolutely packed in

so much into a little bit of time I

remember brother copen talking about

this and this is a really good lesson

for all of us that he was he was saying

to himself one day Lord if I had just

obeyed you a long time ago where would I

be right now and the Lord said you would

be right where you are you see the Lord

has a way of accelerating things during

an act of obedience to get you caught up

to where you need to be and so listening

to brother Copeland talk about going to

U and it really began in 1966 when he

had that vision of those emaciated

Spirits they were there during a partner

seminar and Oral Roberts laid hands on

all the people and brother copen had an

open vision and in that open Vision he

saw the people and they were transparent

you could see right through them and

they were like stick figures with giant

head these big grotesque heads and

basically what the Lord told him was I’m

going to put something in you to help

them to teach them because they’ve

educated their heads at the expense of

of their spirits and their Spirits

needed to be developed so the Lord was

talking to him about the development of

their spirits and what that was going to

take and but his desire was to go to

school there so he applied was accepted

and on January 24th of

1967 he registered at Oral Roberts

University and that’s when he declares

that the Kenneth copelan Ministries

began which was actually back then

Kenneth copelan evangelist

Association but he was a student and

Look What the Lord was doing for him he

was working not only on his studies but

he also applied for the the position of

co-pilot for oral Robert’s airplane

traveling wherever he was going to

travel and so he began to do that and it

began a training for brother copelan

that he never knew that he would receive

being with Oral Roberts in those tent

meetings actually brother Copeland was

in the very last tent meeting that Oral

Roberts had but brother Roberts was

teaching him the working of Miracles and

the Deliverance of mankind and you see

that that Vision that brother Copeland

had in in 1966 there at U it continued

on over it put him on a track to be able

to see the vision that God had for him

and he was going to all of these

different meetings with Oral Roberts and

Oral Roberts he he not only flew him

there but he also drove him back and

forth to the meetings when they get into

the meetings brother copelan would take

notes of the sermon that Oral Roberts

preached and then back in the invalid

tent brother copelan’s job was to preach

that sermon to those people within just

a few minutes time and then Oral Roberts

would come in and lay hands on the

people and he would have brother

Copeland help him we’ve got the picture

to prove it it’s amazing it’s amazing

the acceleration that God put him on

once the vision was locked down and

there’s a scripture here I wanted to

read to you it’s Hebrews 13: 20 and 21

in the Amplified classic it says this

may the God of Peace strengthen you

complete you perfect you and make you

what you ought to be and equip you with

everything good so that you may carry

out his will or his vision while he

himself Works in you and accomplishes

that which is pleasing in his

sight so this is what was happening to

brother copelan he was being

trained when you get a vision from the

Lord sometimes we lose patience with the

vision and we want to be there right now

but you need to learn how to enjoy the

ride you need to learn how to be patient

and take this thing step by step step by

step when brother Copeland was at U in

1966 and the Lord showed him those stick

figures he wasn’t ready to set out in

Ministry quite yet he needed training he

needed development and there are so many

people that the Lord gives them a

vision but what happens is they get

impatient about it they want it now I

want the fullness of it now and one of

the things that I’ve learned over the

years is to be patient with the vision

we’ll get there it’ll happen but there’s

certain things that God wants to do and

as it says in the scripture that that he

he will strengthen you he will complete

you he will perfect you and make you

what you ought to be and equip you with

everything good so you can carry out his

vision there were some things that

brother copelan needed to know before he

stepped into the fullness of his own

Ministry now I told you that one of the

responsibilities that he had was to

drive or Roberts and what brother copen

did when he was driving or Roberts he

was very quiet they told him you need to

stay quiet don’t talk to him he’s

getting ready for his message and there

would be times when oral robbers would

put up his Bible just like this he would

be so immersed but there was one day one

day that he had his Bible up like this

and he put it down and he said

Kenneth and I’ll tell you what he said

when I come back have you ever gotten

direction from the Lord about your

vision and you think you know the first

step to take or better yet you think the

total fulfillment of the vision is just

going to happen overnight wouldn’t that

be great I I really wish that would

happen that way step out in obedience

and the next day we’re walking in our

vision just like my children do all the

time amen we’re all work in progress

well Pastor George talked about the two

things today the Lord has a way of

accelerating when you obey but sometimes

we need training sometimes we think

we’re ready to experience the victory

but we need a little time to develop it

so for our co-workers Chris and Sarah

what came out of her heart when the Lord

asked what they were believing for

surprised her and although they were

ready for their lives to change they had

to keep standing so see what took place

uh my name is Chris and this is my wife

Sarah and uh we’re currently living in

forward Texas and we’re both employees

of Kenneth gold Ministries we had been

married probably for about 16 or 17

years we got married pretty young we

were 20 when we got married and so we

just have been at KCM we’ve been busy

doing Ministry things and then um I was

working in events at the time and so we

had a Billy Burke meeting for miracles

on the mountain and there was a staff

Chapel this was in June of

20177 there was a staff Chapel on a

Thursday before the event kind of

started the next day we were in like the

third row and I just felt like he was

going to call on me and so I was nervous

cuz I yeah just talking in front of

everybody I was nervous about it and I

was thinking what am I going to say so

he called on me and um he asked me what

I did for a job and what came out of my

mouth was I want a baby so then after

that we’re like okay well we’re trying

for a baby um and then months passed um

six months and then like a year I mean

the Lord did give me a scripture Hebrews

1111 to stand on that Sarah herself

received strength to conce

um because she judged him faithful um

and so that was the thing that I started

to stand on and then in

2018 uh we were at the Southwest

Believers convention we were both

working the meeting but in event she

didn’t get to sit in the the sessions

but I did and uh in one of the sessions

I don’t remember if the um the speaker

told us to turn to this or not but I was

in Genesis and I saw the scripture that

said um about this time next year I’ll

return and Sarah your wife will have a

son and it was like that scripture just

jumped off the page into my spirit and I

was just like oh that’s it that’s that’s

done and it wasn’t just what’s going to

happen I was like it’s going to happen

before this time next year and I knew it

was going to be a son and then so that

was August and then like in November I

was working the DC

meeting um and so after the meeting I

was like super drained and tired from

work in the meeting and you’re always

tired after to work in a meeting right

um but I was really tired and so just on

a whim I took a test um when I came

home um like the next morning early in

the morning and it was positive and I

was I was really kind of surprised and

so her son was born in July and in the

next 2019 Southwest Sarah and my wife

had a son that I had the opportunity to

stand for that I think is just something

that I will ever forget you know that I

had that opportunity so we’ve been

faithful partners and and every time

we’ve had something we we were able to

say we’re partners with kopman and I

believe that it’s enriched Our Lives I

mean who knows if we would even have our

boys you know if we weren’t a part of

KCM so I truly believe that our life is

so much richer um being a part of

KCM their testimony perfectly supports

Pastor George’s message today and Sarah

and Chris both received a word from the

Lord and once they re received that word

they couldn’t be shaken from it and

that’s why we have to have that

Foundation the word we have to have the

vision that God’s given us to stand on

we have to have the solid foundation

because no matter what Storms Come in

life no matter what we’re facing when

you have that Foundation you know it’s

going to come to pass and we want to be

here for you like if you are believing

God for something and maybe you haven’t

found that word from the Lord yet give

us a call let our prayer ministers stand

in faith with you H have them help you

come up with the scripture that will

speak to your life and your situation

give us a call 8772 281 6297 and if

you’ve already experienced this Victory

this Victory story that we talk about

let us know just go to inside the



testimony welcome back to Vision school

you know I was talking to you about not

being impatient where your vision is

concerned don’t dispise Small Beginnings

you know I’ve gotten to a point in my

life where I’ve been around a while yes

yes I can say that that I have been

around a while and I’ve learned a lot I

can look back on my own life here at

Kenneth Copa Ministries and when I first

started working here in 1976 and the

things that I’ve learned over the years

and have developed in in patience and

not being impatient but patience to

where I’m not in a rush I’m not in a

hurry I’m willing to listen to the Lord

in the directives that he has for the

vision that I have and I really have

learned to to appreciate that the Small

Beginnings in the the places where we

start I look back on all that I learned

in those beginning years at Kenneth

copelen Ministries

7677 78 79 I mean there was that was

such a learning curve for me but the

vision the vision of this ministry was

being built on the inside of me so that

I could be able to go through all of

these years and now do what I’m doing

here well the same thing happened with

brother copen at Oral Roberts University

I shared with you that he and Gloria and

and brother copelan’s parents went there


1966 and that’s where he had that open

Vision they went to a partner seminar

and during that partner seminar oral

Robert’s late hands and all the people

and brother copen was sitting there

watching the people they were in line

and they became like stick figures and

they had giant grotesque heads and their

heads were educated beyond their spirits

and he saw he the Lord said to him my

people are weak and they’re getting

weaker and weaker and I’m going to put

something in you to fix this he said I’m

going to teach you the word of God and

you’re going to teach these people the

word of God so that they can mature and

grow in faith well brother copelen

didn’t just jump out into that no he

went to U in

1967 January 24th is the day that he

registered and it was miraculous it was

on that day that he was registering that

the Lord told him to go up to the sixth

floor you’ve heard him talk about this

before and he he he wouldn’t do it he

was arguing with the Lord and he went to

the fifth floor but at that time there

was nothing in there and the interesting

thing about it is this okay so I was a

student at Oral Roberts University in

1975 and now by the time the fifth floor

was the library I was in the library one

day and I would go to where the stairs

go up to the sixth floor and I can

remember looking up there up there was

oral Robert’s office up there was the

place that that the Lord was telling

brother Copeland to go go and I I I

didn’t go up to the sixth floor that

came later in my life that’s a long

story we’ll get into that later but I

did take like two or three steps up the

stairs and then back back down again but

brother Copeland the Lord said go up to

the sixth floor so he did this is by

direction of the Lord and he went to

oral Robert’s secretary he said I’m a

licensed pilot I know and I just want to

make myself available to you and well

long story short oral Robert came

walking right behind him and brother

Robert said we almost hired a pilot but

I said I had it in my spirit there

there’s a student coming and you’re the

one do you see what God was doing with

him he got him on a path put a vision on

the inside of him and then got him on

that path to where he needed to be and

then he started traveling with Oral

Roberts and and so I started to tell you

the first part of this Vision school

that he was oral Robert’s driver I mean

this is amazing cuz in some ways that

mirrors my own life I was I was Kenneth

cop’s driver for a while I would hold

his coat for a while while I was

traveling on the road with him well he

was driving Oral Roberts and they told

him they said you don’t do not talk to

the man of God don’t say anything to him

he’s totally immersed in the word and

focused on his message and like I

described to you before he would be in

the car and Oral Roberts would have his

Bible up like this reading preparing to


the word but one day just one day

brother copen was driving him and he had

his Bible up like this and he put his

Bible down and he said Kenneth he

shouted at him Kenneth he said and I

wrote it down here people will always

tell you that you can’t do it and then

he said this but if you will do these

three things you will always be a

success and brother copin was thinking

to himself I need paper I need a pencil

I got to write this down but he

remembered it he remembered it and it

all has to do with our vision with your

vision so he gave him this three-step

process that the Lord put down into

brother Copeland he’s been doing it ever

since and I need to tell you something

it was in

1976 Terry and I got engaged in 1975

December 31st

1975 I had she flew out to meet my


and I we got engaged before I thought we

were going to get engaged anyway long

story short we got engaged and then uh

we we flew from there to Texas so I

could meet her parents and then what

brother copen did when it came time to

go back to school he flew us back in his

aircraft and I’m up there in the front

with him and he turned to me and he said

George I mean he’s I’m telling you he

said the very same thing he said to orl

Roberts I didn’t realize it at the time

he said people will always tell you that

you can’t do it but he said if you do

these three things you’ll always be a

success so I got that in

1975 when brother Roberts he re I mean

brother copelan received it back in

1967 and here’s what he said step one

find out what the will of God

is it’s just like the Apostle Paul which

he was Saul at the time but when Jesus

met him on the road to Damascus he said

in Acts 9:6 what would you have me to do

find out the will of God how do you do

that how do you find out the will of God

well first of all this is the will of

God and as you read the word of God and

study the word of God you become

accustomed to knowing his will in his

word which makes you able then to be

able to see his will the the the the

Practical will of what you’re supposed

to do and how you’re supposed to be led

and and he said brother copen told this

to me some years ago he said you can con

you must confess Matthew 6:10 thy will

be done in my life the Lord will lead

you he’ll guide you when we’re talking

about find out what the will of God is

we’re talking about find out what God’s

heavenly vision is for your

life and you may not get the whole

picture at one time but I’m telling you

he will feed it to you as you need it as

you know it and being obedience step by

step but find out the will of God and

and commit yourself Lord I want your

will you know I do this every time every

time I preach every time I Minister I

tell the Lord I say Lord what do you

want me to say I only want to say what

you want to say I only want to do what

you want to do and the Lord will put the

desire on the inside of you to do his

will and we read the scripture in the

first session May the God of Peace

Hebrews 13:20 and 21 May the God of

Peace strengthen you complete you

perfect you and make you what you ought

to be and equip you with everything good

so that you may carry out his will while

he himself Works in you and accomplishes

that which is pleasing in his sight so

what brother Robert said to brother

copelan and then what brother copelan

said to me years later step one find out

what the will of God is you could really

say find out what God’s vision is for

you how do you do it Lord

what’s your vision what’s your vision

step two confir no longer with flesh and

blood now from a personal standpoint I I

I understand that because when I was

living in Massachusetts I had a decision

to make I was either going to stay home

and and work for the pastor that I was

going to church at or I was going to go

to Oru and I was talking to my friends

and I was asking this one do you think I

should go or I should stay and they say

you should stay I ask another one do you

think I should go or stay you should go

to or Oru and it just got confusing and

finally I took a day I took one day and

just drove and drove and and just spent

time in prayer before the Lord and I on

on that path that I was on one day I

mean I can I can show you a picture of

where I was when it happened the Lord

imparted to me I want you to go to Oru

and how he led me was I thought about

staying in Massachusetts and all I could

see was Darkness and greyness but when I

would think about going to Tulsa all I

could see was bright sunshine and blue

sky well I’m glad I went because when I

went to U it was sunshine and blue sky

and it launched me it launched me on the

path that I’m in so I got all all that

to say I got to a place where I knew I

was no longer conf conferring with flesh

and blood I knew that I knew that I knew

I’m going to O you and little did I know

at that time that I was going to meet

with my wife there at U and she was

going to bring me home here for a summer

job and that summer job was now running

48 years plus well the third

step get your job done at all cost this

is what Oral Roberts was imparting to


Copeland find out the will of God and

that’s how Oral Roberts University was

built he found out the will of God build

me a university

that’s what the Lord said to Oral

Roberts he got to a place he conferred

no longer with flesh and blood and what

did he do he got his job done and

there’s a university in Tulsa right now

called called oral Robert Roberts

University and it was built out of a

vision that God gave to him God has a

vision for you father in the name of

Jesus I thank you for revealing your

vision and Lord we are all about doing

your will and fulfilling in this earth

in Jesus name

amen what a powerful session of vision

school this was an opportunity for us to

dive deeper into the KCM vision and the

vision that brother Copeland originally

had for the Revival capital of the world

and as an ITV team we pray over everyone

watching that every episode could be a

Kickstarter for you to dream bigger and

elevate your vision I want to offer you

the chance to become a KCM Vision

Insider and signing up is so simple all

you have to do is visit insidethe

vision.org why should you join you’ll

receive your very own personal Vision

Journal along with a book by Kenneth

Copeland about the power of partnership

and as we’ve mentioned before connection

is partnership and there’s so much power

when we partner together and when you

sign up as an Insider you also have an

opportunity to partner with us if you

desire and partnering is about tapping

into the anointing of this ministry and

then seeing the same anointing working

in your very own life what God is doing

for us he wants to do for you so connect

with us by visiting insidethe vision.org

to sign up thank you so much for joining

us today on inside the vision and I dare

you to expand your vision remember God

loves you we love you and Jesus is

Lord hello I’m Terry copelan Pearson you

know everything I’ve ever taught or

written about prayer over the years

including what you will read in my new

book can be traced back to my

grandmother Vanetta copelan not because

she formally taught me about prayer but

because she lived it and I watched it

there isn’t anything Vanetta copelan had

with God that everyone else can’t have

there isn’t anything in God that’s

happened to her or to me that couldn’t

happen to you my prayer is that you will

launch in to new places in the spirit

and that prayer will become for you more

than ever before a living

lifechanging encounter with him to order

Pastor Terry’s new book an encounter

with him visit kcm.org encounter him to

get your copy today and grow your

connection with God