If you’d like to know more about our ministry please visit us at transformchurch.us. And if you have a testimony of the amazing things that God is doing in your life through our ministry, please email it to [email protected].

we’re gonna end this series I’ve stride

a little differently because I think

it’s my responsibility as the visionary

in the lead pastor of this church to let

you know where we’re going and this is

our vision series and for four weeks

I’ve talked to you personally about how

you’re supposed to strive how Jesus

walked in and then we talked about

running is overrated and why are we

running and then we talked about finding

the pace of grace and last week we

talked about less is more yeah and today

God practically wants me to not even

really preach but present to you what

this church is called to do because a

lot of you I have experienced

transformation church but you don’t know

why and and what we’re doing and I

believe that it’s very important that

you understand what we’re doing why

we’re doing it so there can be a deeper

level of commitment and involvement and

what God’s doing here cuz he wants to

use you to get his will done on the

earth and so today we’re gonna talk

about vision and it’s about you but it’s

about you second it’s about what God

wants to do first and how he wants to

use you to be a part of it and it’s kind

of that Matthew 6:33 life that if we

seek first the kingdom of God and right

standing righteousness he says if you do

my will first he’s like I know the

desires of your heart like I know the

things that you want he said but do what

I want first and I’ll add those things

to you that you desire and it won’t just

be what you think you desire it would be

what you really want see we only have a

part of what we think we want but God

knows what we really wanted what we

really need but he says I gotta come

first cuz he’s a God of priority and so

I want to talk about this church God’s

church and the vision of transformation

Church today because vision is a big

deal I want you to write that down right

now I want you to write that down

vision is a big deal and vision is a big

deal for your family for your business

vision is a big deal for for your

marriage it’s a big deal if you’re in

high school where are you going what are

you doing what are you trying to do well

what what has God placed on your heart

and many people go through life and they

have a vision they just see things and

they go after them and that’s the

difference between sight and vision

vision is what you see when your eyes

are closed

sight is what you see when your eyes are

open and many of us don’t have vision we

have sight oh that’s a good job I’ll do

that oh that’s a degree that seems

awesome I’ll do that oh that’s somebody

I could marry I mean I could work it out

I’ll do that and so we live our life the

scripture in our minds is like we walk

by sight and not by faith oh you know

that’s the wrong thing but that’s how

you live God I only can believe you for

what I see I only can believe you for

what’s here but God says we walk by day

and not by so the only way you can do

that is if you get a vision and so I’m

excited today because I get to talk

about the thing that I see where my eyes

are closed like I get to I get to stand

up here and I get to see because when

there was only this many people in the

church I stood here and I saw this many

people and I saw more than this many

people I saw an auditorium I saw us

being able to go across the entire word

preaching the message of God but I can’t

see it now that’s my sight I see it now

and God’s asking you today what do you

see when your eyes are closed what house

are you living in when your eyes are

closed what what who are you impacting

when your eyes are closed because that’s

what needs to be your motivation not

what you see yeah not what well god I’m

working this job but do you see your

business but do you see your fortune 500

company start working off of the vision

I’ve given you cuz vision is a big deal

some of you husbands and wives you look

like look at this god is this what I

found out for and he said stop looking

with sight look with vision oh God he

got a steward

hey y’all bow

but but what happens is you start

declaring and working on what you see

when your eyes are closed not what you

see when your eyes are open and so God

wants us to have everybody shot at me

vision he wants us to have vision

because vision is a big deal look at

proverbs 29:18 and i’ma read it in the

message version because it really

encapsulates what we are supposed to do

it says if people can’t see what God is

doing they stumble all over themselves

like I want you to see how powerful that

is if y’all can’t see what God is doing

we stumble into wrong relationships we

stumble into bad business deals we

stumble into these things and we act

like God left us he said you don’t see

what I’m doing but look what the rest of

this fence it says but when they attend

or they partner or they get in line or

the pace they get in pace with what I

reveal he said they are most blessed and

that’s my desire for every person that

you would be most blessed the only way

you can be most bless is if you find out

what God is doing and you see it clearly

that’s why he wants me to spend a whole

Sunday talking about the vision of this

church because I only have three

objectives today I want you to see what

God is doing at teasing I want everybody

to see what God is doing so imma tell

stories I’m gonna give I’m gonna give

numbers I’m gonna do all those things

because I think this will help you

clearly see what God is doing then I

want you to figure out that there

there’s opportunities for you to take

part in what God is doing at TCC this is

not a church for patrons this is a

church for participants the day to come

to church and to sit down and watch and

that was good I’ll tip them today go to

another church and most people wouldn’t

say that but we have a world to change

here we don’t have a religious club to

check off of our Sunday duties up went

to church selphie God is good that’s not

what we do here we came to establish the

kingdom of God on earth through a bunch

of people who are not perfect but who

are progressing and so this season many

of you are going to start participating

in what is

what God is doing and my my highest goal

as a pastor is to see you be most

blessed like like I want what the word

says for you to come to passed in your

life and that’s why I’m gonna share

vision today and I want to just tell you

for those of you that don’t know I want

to tell you t sees vision and it’s real

simple but if you’ve never seen it

before I want you to write it down some

of you you can tattoo it on your back I

don’t know but I want you to to remember

this our vision that transformation

church is representing God to the Lost

and Found for transformation in Christ

can we say that together our vision here

is representing God to the lost in found

for transformation in Christ and I want

to break that down just a little more

for you but that word representing when

God gave me this vision he impacted in

and kind of like unfolded it to me and

that word representing has a few

different meanings in it the first one

is that we’re gonna represent God or

show God differently and and this is

something that I love because this is

what we do in everything that we do how

we dress how we mark it

I speak the word we’re trying to show

God differently and I think of the

example of McDonald’s McDonald’s has

been a company that’s been around since

1940 okay and McDonald’s started off

with the cheeseburger the Big Mac and

french fries and over over years and

decades they have been able to last as

an organization and now they got bougie

and they got the mick cafe you

understand their ain’t no

McDonald’s no more stomach half bag

anyway but they’ve been able to last

because they decided to show their

product differently they they decided to

take the same core ingredients and the

same core beliefs but but continue to

update them as it goes on and and this

McDonald’s back here was one of the

originals in 1940 where they had 15 cent

hamburgers and we all can agree that

McDonald’s does not have the best

hamburger amen but they have the most

famous hamburger because they decided

that they were going to continue to

change an update and represent

themselves know

what came and so now I go up to

McDonald’s this week to give my son some

chicken nuggets and that woman said to

me I never met her before guess what she

said to me welcome back to McDonald’s

how do you know I’ve been here but they

are so confident that their their

products has penetrated the whole world

that they can say they know you’ve

experienced them before and what God

wants us to do is have a church that

pushes the product that never changes

that bet that people we would be so

confident that we will be able to say

welcome back to the experience of God

welcome back to the presence of God

welcome back to life change because we

kept updating with the time or we can be

a blockbuster Church see some of y’all

that are younger don’t even know what

blockbuster is like what his blog was

for everybody who’s about 25 or older

there was this building that you used to

go to and it was yellow and blue and you

used to have to rent movies and then

they upgrade it and you can rent DVDs

and if you didn’t bring them back over

time you paid $100

anybody remember blockbuster out there

okay but the thing that’s so sad about

blockbuster is they were the first

company who had an opportunity to go

into streaming videos and they decided

not to because they said it would never

catch on and because they didn’t

represent what they were doing they are

now extinct you cannot find a

blockbuster anywhere in America because

they didn’t represent themselves and it

kind of looks like the church right now

that the church is so dead so religious

so full of what has been and we won’t

start representing ourselves and so what

happens is we become extinct but not on

our watch oh come on not on our watch we

are going to represent we’re going to

show God differently and then that same

word we’re gonna re present like we’re

gonna give God differently I don’t know

about you but some of my best gifts

we’re gifts that were given to me

that somebody else once had and it

brought them joy and then they decided

to give it to me and it brought me joy

too that’s what God wants us to do with

salvation he doesn’t want us to receive

salvation and then hoard it he wants us

to be those that have gotten life change

and then we give it to other people it’s

kind of like this hoodie that I have I

have a hoodie um give it to me please

brother ad this is my favorite hoodie

right now this represent goodie we just

came out with these a little bit ago and

it has the vision on the side of it I

literally wear this hoodie six times a

week like not even playing going to the

grocery store this hoodie going on a

date this hoodie like I’m serious like I

wear all the time and it’s brought me

great joy what God wants us to do is

take things that have brought us great

joy and he wants to give it to somebody

else I saw your hand right there you

want the city baby girl come get it

real quick we all give it up for my

sister right now she knew what was


she was discerning in the spirit she

said I am the one what’s your name Haley

Katie we’re so glad that you’re here I

hope this brings you so much joy god

bless you we all give it up for Katie

matter of fact Katie you can put that on

right now I’m anyway happy just fun okay

look what I’m saying to you when she

walked away she had joy because

something that brought me life and joy I

gave it to somebody else and it brought

them life and joy that’s what God wants

you to do with the gospel no longer for

silent Christians well I don’t want to

offend anybody the Word of God offends

people but we’re not supposed to offend

people oh you missed it you missed it

the Word of God offends people you’re

not supposed to offend people see many

times we take a stance like we wrote the

Bible and we were set up we look we

learning it too there’s an area if we

put a microscope on our life there’s an

area that is not lining up with the Word

of God even the one speaking

so what we’re supposed to do is put out

the Word of God but wrap it in love and

say hey I know this is hard to hear but

I’m struggling with this too but maybe

we can walk together and we can we can

go the same way and so we got to be a

church that read presents God and gives

it differently

and then this is the last part of that

we got to be a church that represents

God same word we’re gonna represent him

we’re gonna repress in him and we’re

gonna represent him and that means we’re

gonna promote God differently now today

is the Super Bowl and I don’t know if

you go on for the Eagles or the Patriots

but let me hear you real quick who you

going for right now okay how many y’all

don’t care anybody we don’t care we

don’t care that’s hilarious

but no matter who you’re rooting for

because my team is not in it Dallas but

I just you know now if they was in it

it’d be on another I’d be up here today

preaching in a full football pads no but

but why why would I feel inclined to do

that is because I believe in something

that I’ve been able to attach to that

really doesn’t give me anything but joy

temporarily or so maybe we shouldn’t

call it Jovi should just call it

happiness because I know I’ve been sick

sometimes when the Dallas Cowboys just

lost just like oh my god my wife was

like do you want to eat no why did that

have why did that have an effect on my

emotions when these people don’t even

they don’t even know I’m alive and they

have no they have no care think I paid

millions whether i watch or not but

somehow I attach to something that was

greater than me and that’s what God

wants us to do but he wants it to do it

to the thing that won’t ever change and

I want to show you a picture because

today there are people painting their

faces that there are people right now

prepared to be in Minnesota with no

clothes on I want you to hear what I’m


this man right here has feathered

himself now he has a family probably

investments it probably drives a nice

car he did not care about how he looked

because he was promoting what he

believed in now why can we find people

in all races

ages and genres to do that for a gang

where people are running a pigskin

crossed some hashed lines and we come in

here and got it saved us sustained us

provide it for us and we want to but I

dare you to be a church that says I will

not be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus

because it is the power of God until I

dare you just for one second to forget

who’s around you and begin to praise God

and the waves make out you’re worthy

yeah what a mighty God we serve what I’m

telling you is if you get sick of

praising and shouting and clapping

you’re not gonna like this and I’m not

saying that everybody has the worship

and praise the same but there has to be

some expression for what God has done

because and everybody’s thing is not

football but yours may be fashion make

up some of the women’s sales you’ll do a

dance so for a target sale like you and

you’ll tell everybody about it did y’all

know y’all be God is good yeah that’s

what you wanna praise all I’m saying is

as a church we’re called to representing

represent him re present him give him

differently and they represent him we’re

supposed to promote him differently and

I believe when we do that we get to

understand and see what God is doing so

who who are we to do this for Pastor

Mike we’re to do this for the lost and

the family and I love this because the

lost is God’s passion I want you to

realize this every parent would

understand this if you lose your kid you

do not care what’s going on in life you

want to be back with your time my

parents lost me when I was about 10

years old and I was being disobedient

and we stopped at a gas station between

Texas and Louisiana Shreveport Louisiana

and uh and my dad told me stay in the

car Michael and I was like okay and I

saw some money in the ashtray that he

used for tow so I stole the money Jesus

all that’s crazy and I went inside and I

saw taken anybody remember the the the

tech in the fighting game yeah I was

killer at that game and I saw that and I

went in and played the game and I came

back outside and the van was gone now

this was in the middle of nowhere I

walked back in and I just started crying

and my parents had so many kids they

didn’t know that I was gone for 45

minutes just gone just praising the Lord

praying in tongues turn around and at

some moment they realized I was gone and

they had an appointment to be – I

remember it like it was just they were

supposed to be ministering that night

but they had an appointment but they

didn’t care because their son was gone

so they cancelled their plans they

turned around no matter what it cost and

they went back to where they thought I

was because they did not want to live

life without me

that’s the same thing God does for every

person who’s lost

you’re in an alternate lifestyle you’re

homosexual you’re still God’s passion I

know church people don’t like to hear

that stuff but I’m telling you God loves

you and he’s so sad that you’re not not

with him right now and he’s chasing

after you if you’re broken if you’re

hurting and that’s why this place is a

place it’s a meeting place for daddy and

his children so so so why do you invite

your friends here and cuz daddy’s gonna

be here and maybe they haven’t been able

to find a place where they knew that

that daddy was invited because a lot of

times we took him out of our schools

he’s not invited there anymore we took

him out of government we took him out of

and he said but I need a place where

people can know no matter what they’re

going through no matter how broken they

are no matter how jacked up then no

matter what they’re still addicted to

they can meet daddy here and that’s why

this church is focused on seeing people

that are lost far from God come to

Christ but then he gives us a double

assignment that we’re supposed to reach

out and represent to those who are found

that’s God’s people and this is the

thing it is so funny that the prodigal

son story many times we get as people

who are believers and we’ve been saved

and God’s done to work on us we get mad

because so much attention goes to those

who are wiling out like maybe I should

don’t have sex with everybody and maybe

I should stop giving then I can get some

attention and the father came like God

comes to us and says don’t you realize

that everything that I’ve had is yours

like like you don’t need to be like

we’re rejoicing and throwing a party

because the one who was lost has now

been found but you’ve been found this

whole time you have access to everything

that I have so the peace that they’ve

been searching for you you got access to

it the whole time and that’s why I want

you to understand as a church we are not

leave focused we are we focused we can

not be about us we have to be about

others and God honors us as we’re about

others and so one of the things we have

to realize is that this church is

supposed to help found people who’ve

been dead in their faith and just coming

out of religion we want you to be

revived when you come here why

administer with so much passion why I’m

sweating out of my clothes is because I

want something my same to go clear and

shoot life and shoot and soup hope back

into your life because we’re not

supposed to exist as believers we’re

supposed to thrive as believers and be

light and salt in the earth and so I

want dry them out round the mouth

Christians to come in here I want people

who haven’t worship in the wild coming

and staying here long enough did you go

and get around somebody and the Holy

peer is gonna say player homie

and you go you’re gonna start serving

and you’re gonna start moving things

because God’s plan for you is bigger

than what you’ve been living and so

we’re gonna represent two lost-and-found

and I think about it because over this

course of the the past three months

we’ve been able to clarify I’m something

I want to share with you for the first

time that transformation church is not

going to be a church who does everything

we’re not gonna be a church that tries

to do everything we’re gonna be a church

that does a few things really well

and I’ve struggled with this for the

past three years because I’ve always

wanted everybody to realize how we want

to do this for you and we want to have

men’s ministry and we want to have dog

ministry and then we want to have then

we want to have makeup ministry and we

want to have and God said you will be

you will be good at a lot of things and

never great at one thing he said I need

you to focus the same rememberwhat

striding means walking and long decisive

steps in a specific direction and so we

got with the team and a coach and we

were getting to go to do a process to

define who’s our target audience like

who are we trying to reach and I want to

introduce you to him today

his name is stormy everybody say hi

stormy and you’re saying who is stormy

let me tell you who’s stormy is he’s the

culturally consuming 28-year old dad who

is hurting and far from God let me give

you some actual images of some body I

would consider stormy these are people

who care about their fashion and they

they care about how it looks and they

care about about being seen but they’re

really searching for peace and they they

they may have had a child out of wedlock

or maybe got a couple baby mamas on the

side but but they’re really trying to

figure out what life is all about in

they’re worried about status and all of

that other stuff this is our target

audience and this young man right here

is my real little brother that this is

who I pray for when I come to this

church when I sit on this altar and I

and I and I cry out to God I said I

don’t want to lead a church that my

family can’t be reached

I don’t want to reach the world and the

people that I grew up in I don’t I don’t

want to live a life where the people

closest to me that can’t see the

authenticity of what God is doing in my


and this wasn’t just me that we started

the criteria and I was like that’s my

brother I said though that’s that’s him

and and I came in here because I already

hear somebody well what about me I’m not

culturally relevant I’m not I’m not

twenty-eight uh this is what I want you

to realize that that that if we don’t

target something we miss everything and

and we we learned that we got to have

aim in what God is doing and so let me

put it to you like this

how many people over the age of 20 have

an apple product iPhone iPad raise your

hand high Apple Computer all that other

stuff they’ve stopped

they’ve never marketed to you they’ve

been marketing to people from the age of

12 to 17 you’re not Apple’s target

market they’ve never done it for a very

long time because they know that if they

can hit that target market it’ll

splatter over to everybody else and what

God wants us to realize it’s that we’re

the splatter of this person let me put

it like if I had a a ball full of paint

and I don’t want you to put this target

up there and you imagine me throwing and

I hit the target and I hit stormie what

happens is that ball full of paint

splatters onto everybody else and so

when we get stormy and and and we do

things for him his family gonna come see

his mama gonna say who in the world

change this boy I’ve been praying for

him for 68 years and his friends his

baby mama his crew everybody be like you

don’t say it’s for me

you don’t even talking about God I mean

we was lit up last night but he just

really got a real spiritual on us and

invited us all to church and said we

could come to this place smelling like

weed like and we could do this and he

started leading I see y’all don’t see

the vision gap and and once we get his

friends did we get all his fans all his


all the girls that think he’s so cute

and so professional and so fine and all

this other stuff what happens is

everybody gets affected if we hit our

target as a church we’re gonna be the

chick-fil-a of churches y’all know what

I’m talking about

chick-fil-a does chicken they don’t do


they don’t do fish sticks do you

understand what I’m saying what is

chick-fil-a do chicken and because they

do chicken and they do chicken whale and

they have perfected their sauces my god

today I’m gonna give them a chick-fil-a

sauce phrase in the name because they

perfected what they do where all other

fast food chains are usually open 24

hours a day seven days a week

chick-fil-a is open from I believe 6

a.m. to 10 p.m. 6 days a week and the

average fast food restaurant does 1

million dollars a year in in gross

revenue chick-fil-a 5 million because

they decided that they’re not gonna do

everything but they’re gonna do some

things really well y’all why am I

telling you about stormy because I want

you to stop judging him and stormy can

be a man or a woman it can be yeah y’all

got what I’m saying it’s not a specific

important but it’s a type of person and

many times when we say I’ll look at them

I’m coming in here oh you need to change

her clothes or Alma no that’s what we’re

called to reach

that’s who you start supporting that’s

what that’s what you take out to lunch

why do I do that Pastor Mike because if

we get them we’re gonna get everybody

else and so some of you are sitting here

and you’re saying so why is TC doing

this why why do we feel like we’re doing

this it’s for one reason and one reason

only transformation in crisis I know for

me that there was nothing that was able

to change my heart from being

manipulative or it lustful or anything

except the power of Jesus that’s it

money just magnified who I really was

like it just it just took it to another


but Jesus can actually transform your

life and so what we want to do is we

want to see people transform why are we

doing this because I really believe the

old song that Andre crowd saying that

Jesus is the answer for the world today

above him there’s no other Jesus is the

way government’s not gonna do it the

entertainment industry is not gonna do

it’s going to be one word that at that

name every knee will bow and every

tongue confess can we say it together

what’s his name she if we don’t provide

a place where people can be transformed

in Christ everything goes wrong and some

of you still aren’t believing me y’all

sitting up here like okay pass a mic

that’s good where we presenting God’s

laws and found for transformation in

Christ but how Becca to to look what her

Becca to to says because I want you to

get a vision for your life for this

church for your business it says and

then God answered it says write this but

like write what you see everybody say

what I see not your sight your vision

write what you see when your eyes are

closed write what you see in that dorm

room but that you barely can pay for

write what you see and he says write it

out in big black letters so that it can

be read on the run or maybe I say read

while we’re walking the vision message

is a witness pointing to what’s coming I

stood here three years ago to this day

and I received the baton from Bishop

Gary and pastor Debbie and I stood up

and I said this church is gonna be

multi-ethnic and multiplying it

multi-generational and go to multiple

services and blah blah blah blah blah

and I just started I started saying what

I saw not not what I could see but what

I saw and and I started doing what

Romans tells us about about Abraham I

called those things that were not yeah

yeah and when’s the last time you called

something into existence that’s not here

right now

and I just want to show some people

because I know there’s some people that

are still skeptic I’m gonna show you a

video with the most horrible video

quality and even a more horrible sweater

that I was wearing okay but 2014 I stood

on this very stage and started declaring

what we are sitting in right now and I

want you to know that the vision of God

will come to pass this church is a

daughter to the grandeur to the great

great be able to sit on the same Road

and hear the word oh you’re gonna go

with us in the future you got to be

multi-generational there’ll be some

people on the stage we gray in their


there’ll be some people in the Usher’s

that we’re in tattoos and not a nose

ring no I’m trying to lay it out cuz

when it starts happening that’s when

people start inching everybody wants to

reach souls until they start reaching

souls so we will be multi generations

saying we will be we will be most

generation multi generations be excited

about multi ethnicities coming into this

house but I want you to look at this

picture because this is what our church

is gonna look like in the next 24 months

and see the type of conversations that

are struck up between a 18 year old

black girl and a a UH a 50 year old

white businessman at a bank and be

shocked like how do you know them oh we

serve the same God if we go to the same

this is not my church she just asked me

to steward over it I’m watching another

man’s property we have to be


there will be an explosion of clothing I

mean right now you see some seats right

here y’all might a biggie here at nine

o’clock to get a seat in this place

we’re gonna go to two services please

record this because I’m about to show


we’re going to two services and we will

be in both services and I hear some

people even right now that boy just up

there dreaming up there saying

studied have got in this room got on

this computer just some types and stuff

and then try to make it official but put

it on the screen I want you to mark my

word but we gonna play we gonna rehearse

this vision over oh oh oh we did right

now we’re averaging about 600 people

coming then we get to a thousand we’re

gonna rejoice and then we’re gonna

rehearse what we talked about winning

for 600 and we get to 2000 2500 we’re

gonna rejoice and then we’re gonna

rehearse what was talked about when we

were 500 when we get to 20,000 this will

be a work of the spirit not by might nor

by power but by my spirit says the Lord

and we all get a chance and we give God

oh come on can we give God some praise

right there hallelujah God you are safe

your word comes to pass we are sitting

in the vision today y’all I got

goosebumps watching that I’m ready to go

do something watching myself because

those weren’t my words that I had to

hold up that was the Word of God coming

forth and I just want to tell you this

is just the beginning like like like

what God is about to do not through me

through us it’s about to change the

fabric of Tulsa the fabric of Oklahoma

the fabric of the United States and the

fabric of the world Tulsa will again be

the gathering place but it won’t be for

our Park it’s going to be for the will

of God and revival that is going to

happen I’m telling you and you record


mark my words that there will be

thousands of people that will come from

all over the world to see what God is

doing at this place and will be ignited

on fire and will take oh y’all better

hear me and they’re gonna take what

God’s done and then go start fires on

the East Coast and on the west coast and

that go across the pond and started in

England and in Ghana and in China

y’all better agree with me here what I’m

sayin transformation will not be a

church it’ll be a movement but he has to

build it on the faith of people’s who

can see it before they see it

that’ll give before they see it that’ll

serve before they see it see see yours

you’re here today because somebody had

not sight their vision and today I just

want to encourage you I feel the

presence of God that everything that God

shows you when your eyes are closed if

you listen you obey you write it down

and you find the pace of grace you can

be sitting in it look down your Road

there’s not one row with one ethnicity

on it there’s multi ethnicities down

every row on the north side of Tulsa

what a big black pastor

do you hear what I’m saying they said it

couldn’t be done but God says if I be

for you

hope know that the vision of God is

coming to pass so let me just give you

some updates I’m gonna run through these

cuz I’m so high right now and it’s just

the beginning of what God is doing here

let me tell you what God’s done and what

he’s doing right now let me give you

just a few updates the first update I

want to give you is I want to talk about

heart for the kingdom our children’s

ministry God put it on my heart to two

and a half years ago that we need to

start right raising funds to make the

most effective children’s ministry that

we could a lot of churches especially

churches in need areas don’t put a lot

of emphasis on the young people they put

the emphasis on people who can give and

God said reverse that I want you to

start putting money effort energy into

your children’s ministry so we started a

campaign to raise $200,000 to begin to

renovate our whole back area and it’s

already started y’all we’ve ways 160

thousand dollars of the 200 of y’all can

do better than that let’s give God

praise if you go back there right now

this is what its gonna begin to look

like in the next few months we’ve

already started they’re priming and

painting and patching and we want to

present our children in our nursys

nursery with the safest most effective

technology-driven cuz we’re gonna

represent remember don’t just have them

kids up there doing what we used to do

we got to keep moving it forward and

we’re gonna be able to do that because

of your generosity your faithfulness and

the kids of this community and your

children are not just going to be

represented we’re gonna present God to

them in a fun and loving way so they can

be transformed can we give God praise

for what he’s doing and our kids

ministry and y’all we haven’t really

talked about it in the past six months

God is going to wipe out the whole the

rest of that $200,000 and we believe

that God’s gonna take it beyond if God

speaks to your heart to do it go ahead

and do it because I’m telling you there

is a blessing for being on the inside of

the vision of what God’s doing and so

we’re so excited about that let me give

you a second update

I want to talk to you about our TC

Riverside campus and many of you know by

now but we have had two Church mergers

in the past year and I mean we we were

able to merge with Liberty World

Outreach and we got amazing outreach

pastors in the Humphreys and uh and then

later on in the year we were able to

merge with Eden Tulsa and got the Med

cast to be a part of what God is doing

and I want to tell you about that cuz

cuz I stood up here and I said we’re

opening the Riverside campus February

2018 and it’s February 2018 and the

rivers the campus is not open and I will

always be a man of integrity to stand up

here and tell you what’s going on

because I want you to know that we want

God to do a miracle at that campus and

God sent a word for us to strive to not

strive for anything but to start

following the pace of grace and God

spoke to me and confirmed it in our time

of prayer he said Michael I’m planning

you in a need area of Tulsa this church

is gonna be at 61st in Peoria and and

and most most people don’t even plan a

church they’re like why would you know I

mean this week I was over there praying

okay and somebody with the BB gun shot

out the back winch windshield of my car

and and I just got my car fixed the day

before and me and my friend a pastor

friend of mine were in there praying and

somebody tried to break into the campus

while we were in there praying and most

people would say is that a sign that

you’re not supposed to be there I said

no no that’s a sign that’s exactly oh

y’all don’t hear me that’s a sign that

is exactly where we’re supposed to be


it’s not enough to throw money at an

area they need somebody to plant there

and walk with them so God’s called us to

do that but he put it on my heart he

said Michael cuz we took out a loan to

be able to get the property and do all

this other stuff and God just through a

conversation with one of my friends he

challenged me and God told me he said

Michael I want to do this campus

debt-free I don’t want you to take a

million in five a two million dollar

renovation and property budget into a

need area

he said because then you wouldn’t be

trying to meet their needs you just be

trying to fund the vision he said so if

you have the faith to believe me I’m

gonna work a miracle and he said I’m

gonna allow you to start that campus

without owing anybody any money oh I

need somebody to believe with me so that

we can go in the sixty-first in Peoria

area and tell them to come and not even

ask them for anything

no no you don’t have to oh I don’t have

no money maybe we are food for you we

have help for you we have Jesus for you

you can now come on y’all I’m talking

about transformation and so what does

that mean when are we opening the

Riverside campus when God says to like

I’m not gonna be pressured by anybody

well we got it in editor when God will

provide Rick that’s when we’re gonna

open it and I’m leader enough to come up

here and say I was I was I was striving

before I God gave me the campus and you

know I thought you get it now you do

something with it but he said what if I

trusted you to Stewart over it for a

year or two can you hold it in good

quality until until it’s time and then

I’m gonna bring somebody to write the

check for the whole thing yes Lord I

will wait so as a church I want us to be

able to pray and start pleading the

blood of Jesus over that area and we’re

gonna have some prayer walks over there

and we’re gonna walk that community and

we’re gonna begin to establish the

kingdom of God in that place and tear

down straw y’all don’t get me high we’re

gonna tear down strongholds of poverty

and lack and drug abuse it all of that

other stuff because God wants us to be

light in the

darkness so that’s what’s happening with

transformation Church Riverside let me

give you another update I want to tell

you about the finances here at

transformation Church and some of you

saying pastor Mike why are you talk

about the finances because we’re open

and humble and a transparent Church we

want you to know how much money’s coming

in we want you to know what’s happening

with it and all of those different


and so this is something that we started

to do because I want to tell you the

faithfulness of God every person that

that does Church analytics tells you

that a church when they go through a

transition like we went through expect

for the money to go down for at least

two to three years and if it’s a good

transition it will come back up God

sustained us for three years at 1.2

million dollars coming in and something

like 1.2 million dollars that is not a

lot of money for what we do but God was

faithful and he said i’ma hold it right


people left people came more people left

more people came and God just held it he

said I’m not gonna let you fall from

this place and then last year he told us

he would take us beyond and he did it

this year because of your generosity and

what you have done we were able to bring

in an extra four hundred thousand

dollars in giving so that we could see

the kingdom of God advance you can give

God praise like this and what that does

is when when the hurricane happened in

Houston we didn’t have to take up an

offering we sent fifteen thousand

dollars and then another church called

we sent them three thousand dollars and

when people have needs we didn’t have to

come here and say y’all there’s a crisis

because 10 percent of everything that

comes in we put aside for missions and

we’ve given away over 650 seven thousand

dollars so far and y’all I cannot wait

till March cuz March we’re going to give

away just as a church we’re gonna give

away the largest amount of money over

the month of March that we’ve ever have

because of your faithfulness we’ve

stored up a lot of the missions money

and we are going to begin to sew it into

people all in the same up listen to what

I’m saying we’re gonna give at least a

hundred thousand dollars away Oh y’all

didn’t hear what I said


see see what you what you what you don’t

realize is that first year we were a

pastor I stood up and said hey guys

we’re gonna take one offering and

everything we raised in this offering

we’re gonna give away and we had faith

and we get we raised eight thousand

dollars in that offering and we went to

churches and to organization does

anybody remember when we did that we

went to churches and organizations and

we pay people’s house notes and we did

all that other stuff eight thousand

dollars three years later were able to

give a hundred thousand job will have to

rejoice with me but God’s you’re awesome

now hear what I’m saying and that’s

because of your generosity let me give

you one more update cuz I’m a five let

me tell you what else God has done he’s

growing our church like I don’t know if

you can tell but y’all parking on grass

right now

like and God is God is helping us manage

this and we’re trying to get everything

into place but but we we’re growing

everywhere the first place we’re growing

as our influence on YouTube we post our

messages every week and you know a

hundred to four hundred to a thousand

people started watching and all that

other stuff and in December first this

year okay there were five thousand four

hundred and seventeen people subscribing

and for everybody who doesn’t know that

that means when we post something it

sends an email to them saying hey

transformation church put some up you

said watch it in less than 60 days when

we decided to start striding when we

realize that less is when we stopped

trying to make a name for ourselves as

of today at least first service because

it’s probably more right now eighty two

thousand four hundred and Ariana really

what that means is we’re representing

what God says going to all the world

gets where we’re going to people’s

offices to people’s cell phones when

we’re preaching we’re not just preaching

to who’s in here we’re preaching to the

world they’re texting us from Ghana and

and places you gotta stand and young

dangan don’t I don’t mean I’m literally

out the places I don’t even know how to

pronounce yet that people are being

affected by transformation church and

it’s your faithfulness and your giving

and your participation that is helping

that can I help you that literally when

we post a service online last week over

twenty thousand people watched it in six

days no no I need y’all to hear me so

that means that the Word of God went

past this stage into you then into those

cameras and and check this out guess how

many people were watching online last

week okay but she heard it four thousand

they were watching online

this one says 3156 that’s wrong it was

over four thousand they’re watching

online can we hide to our online CC

family right now

do y’all give it up for them we love you

we believe in you we support you we want

you to be a part of what God is doing

but God is growing us and he’s not just

going us out there he’s growing us in

here y’all look at this

our attendance January at the beginning

of January was 908 people 30 days later

fourteen hundred and forty nine people

in a weekend what I’m trying to tell you

is when we decided that less was more

and we were gonna follow the pace of

grace God breathed on everything we did

he said what I’m trying to tell you if

you get this concept in Revelation

because God never does anything for his

house that he doesn’t want to do for

your house use like I God I can’t give

up this job he said less is more

let me be Jehovah Jireh your provider

let me give up one of those jobs you

doing six things and don’t have no time

God says trust me believe me and keep

tithing and keep sowing and keeps up and

guess what I’ll do I’ll open up the

windows of heaven

and I’ll pour you out a blessing you

don’t even have room enough to receive

we are experiencing this and to put it

into context

they say that 7% church growth is

healthy and amazing we’ve grown over

seven-d percent in the past year 7% is

healthy but not by power not by might

not by marketing not by a plan it’s been

by the Spirit of God amen and let me

tell you this last thing I said it in

the video which I already know ain’t no

room for nobody else in this service

they asked you I need some of y’all I

need a hundred of y’all to really commit

to go into first service because there

are people that are gonna be at the club

or they’re gonna be working or they’re

gonna be whatever and they need to come

to the later service and there’s no room

for them to sit down and if the enemy

will use anything to detour them from

transformation I’ll know they know room

there I just don’t like to people I

don’t like Casa phobic let’s make some

room let’s commit to coming to our first

service and getting up a little earlier

you get to have brunch you won’t even

miss lunch you get to have brunch but

we’ve decided as a staff that a hundred

and fifty more people in our first

service and it looks like this we got to

go to a third service y’all and we put

out another container for God to feel

and so what I’m saying to you is God is

doing this this is my favorite number

right here that over the past year we

decided to start documenting salvations

and we do this to see transformation in

Christ and six hundred and sixty-eight

people gave their life that’s why we did

that’s why we pray that’s why we come we

saw six hundred and sixty eight people

come to Jesus guys that’s why we do what

we do but what I want you to realize is

it’s time for you to be a part of it

because some of us are saying that’s

great the transformation church did that

you’re a transformation Church this is

not about a building or an organization

it’s about an organism and God says what

can you do for some of you you need to

get activated you need to join this

church and say this year I’m gonna plant

I’m gonna put my roots down I’ve been

wandering I’ve been a gypsy I’ve been a

nomad I’ve been dating y’all but I’m

gonna make a decision to go through

activate right after service you can go

back there 30 minutes or where is it

it’s over here just it’s gonna be in the

VIP room today join the church take 30

minutes in god I’m gonna plant and I’m

gonna take a step towards being used by

you for others of you you need to get in

the community you need to belong next

week I start a new sermon series called

the inner circle y’all do not want to

miss this but it’s talking about

connection and right community and many

of you you can live in so isolated or

you’ve been living and trying to change

with all the same people around you and

you just keep falling in cycles but God

wants to help you join a B group and

somebody I want to take another step you

don’t just want to join a B group it’s

time for you to lead one you can say

gone what’s my next I am I am better

when I’m leading other people you don’t

have to be perfect you have to be

progressing and some of you want to open

your home and get with people it doesn’t

matter where you’re at God wants to use

you if that’s you I want you to go to

classroom one after service and say you

know what I’m gonna hear about becoming

a be group facilitator cuz we’re

starting those hearing just about a week

Caleb I’ll meet you back there but we

want you to get plugged into the vision

because God wants you not to just be a

participant or a patron he wants you to

be a participant

some of you need to start serving cuz

I’m like why are you telling us this

because the vision now requires you

the reason we can’t go to a third

service yet because we don’t have enough

volunteers it would be unhealthy for us

to ask all of our children’s workers to

be here from 8 o’clock to 3 o’clock

because that’s what’s gonna have to

happen if we have three services but if

we could adopt the concept that every

week we come to a service and we serve

at a service yeah nobody would be burnt

out everybody would be excited and we’d

be able to bring people into the kingdom

God in droves the season for you sitting

well I don’t know what I’m supposed to

do way that’s somebody and say hi hold

the sign clean the bathrooms straighten

the chairs work in the a/v you learn how

to do the camera if you do graphics or

if you can do marketing or if you can do

social media if where you can roll up a

cord if you can pray like join the print

like be a part start serving with what

God’s doing because the harvest is ripe

but the laborers are few

and everybody’s one of Tonk it’s harvest

time it’s harvest time if you talk to a

farmer harvest time is the hardest part

because you got to go pick what you

planted and what you don’t reap rots and

I will not stand here it allowed the

promises of God to come to pass and we

let it rock because there was not enough

of us who had sacrificed to get a part

of the game so I’m asking you to serve

and the last thing I’m asking everybody

do is give it takes a lot of money to do

what we’re trying to do and we’ve been

doing it on a shoestring budget for the

for the amount of people that we have

and what we need we need more staff

members we need more missions dollars we

need all of that stuff but God’s asking

us he said can I do it through you some

of you have been enjoying this thing but

you said I’m not gonna give yet like I

don’t know I don’t know if they listen

we’ve shown you everything here we are

we just want to see people transform but

we need your support if you’re watching

online right now 3,000 of y’all or how

many of a thousand of y’all if this

ministry is

changing your life give because if we

can get together we can have more to

expand the kingdom of God amen amen

so fast so might you just want more

people in this place yes I want more

people because people have stories and

if we have stories we see transformation

see ry is not numbers ry is people

people like Amber and AG I want you to

see on why they were standing here today

ministering on the platform together but

that’s not where they always were what

your giving and your participation and

an atmosphere of love creates as a place

for a couple like Amber and AG who five

years ago were on the brink of divorce

they sent right over here at one service

and I saw them like I remember one of

them got up and ran out the building

because the other was found out in a lie

they were in church and I found out

later I mean just all kinds of stuff

happening and the enemy tried to take

them out but they said I’m gonna come to

this church I’m gonna get playing it

here I’m gonna start I’m gonna start

getting around people who will help us

I’ll get in a community I’ll get an

accountability I’m gonna start giving

I’m gonna start believing my faith is

gonna be bolstered he started a business

of men’s grooming business out of that

one of the leading barbershops in our

city now they just celebrated for years

yesterday their marriage is healing and

a whole their family is beautiful and

this is what I’m telling you they’re

leading us in worship because we were

able to create a place for them to be

transformed this is our life our why are

people like Vicky and Bill this is Vicky

and Bill and they came here a few years

ago and their marriage was horrible and

they said you know what we’re gonna give

this one last shot at a church called

transformation and you know what world

standards say bill and Vicky don’t look

like they go to transformation shirts

come on

if if you saw them and said that’s my

pastor up there and ripped up jeans and

high-top tennis shoes but God doesn’t

care about the package if the content

works bill and Vicki got in counseling

and accountability with some of the

people here at transformation church and

their lives have been totally

transformed bill a few months ago

rededicated his life to God and last

week this is a picture of them getting

baptized together a new life in Christ

has come that is our why that’s why we

give that’s why we serve that’s what we

love that’s why we’re here and ry is

extending beyond the four corners of

this wall we get thousands of stories

now that we don’t even have time to sift

through but I want to read you one story

of a young lady that doesn’t even go to

this church and how your generosity and

your faith and the atmosphere of love

that we have created has transformed her

life listen to this and we’re going home

she said dear transformation Church this

is to us I wanted to send you this email

to tell you how much your church has

done for me as a member of City Church

which is another church in the city

earlier this year our past from accent

around the table with other Tulsa

pastors and shine the light on the

heartbreak our city is going through a

racial tension without that video I

would never even have known that your

church exists a girl from our small

group posted on Facebook week six of

your relationship goal series called sex

container that little title caught my

eye as I listened to the sermon driving

to work the truth radiating from the

word Pastor Mike was speaking shook me

to my core at age 19 I begin an affair

with a married man 15 years older than

me at that time I wanted so badly to be

loved and believed that that was the way

to do it I grew up in church so I knew

it was wrong yet the soult I begin to

form so tightly lit around my heart and


stronger than any pool I ever desire

I’ve ever known in my life the affair

tore my family completely apart for two

years I had no communication with my

family no communication with friends and

no communication with community that

helped raise me I believed I was happy

and I sacrificed so much to be with

someone I thought loved me fast forward

to when I was 21 while in the same

relationship excessive drinking and drug

use become became common I was going out

and partying was the lifestyle it became

a regular occurrence and the next thing

I know the relationship had become

physically and emotionally abusive I say

all that to fast forward to today

through city church God’s grace and my

relentless love for my family I’m in a

much better place no longer in that

relationship being so young and going

through that it shaped me it was so hard

to hear Pastor Mike mentioned that many

of you have these soul ties that you’re

trying so hard to go forward but you

feel like there’s a weight and there’s

strings that are keeping you back so

last Sunday night I decided to let those

soul ties go along with many other

things that have been holding me down I

was so scared and fearful to walk up to

that fire that’s her detox burning I had

his name written on a piece of paper and

I remember standing with tears streaming

down my face I was about to let go of

all I had ever known as an adult I knew

it wasn’t good I knew it wasn’t healthy

but it was where I found myself and if I

threw him into the fire I felt if if I

was going to lose myself I had a diamond

necklace he gave me when I was 20 years

old I wore it around my neck every day

for four years Sunday night I decided to

throw it into the fire I threw away my

past my hurt my shame and guilt along

with that necklace it was symbolic of a

chain around my throat

keeping me bound to the soul tie and I

choked it into the fire I want to say

I’m I won’t say I’m still not scared at

times that I won’t make mistakes but I

wanted your church and your community to

know that you are changing my life your

sermons have begun to repair the

foundations I built my life on that were

cracked and in shambles and I am

building my life on the foundation and

the freedom found only in Jesus Christ I

am no longer the woman who had an affair

I am no longer woman who has starred and

was left I am no longer the woman who

was bound by my past my past is behind

me and I am loved I am forgiven and I am

free Thank You transformation Church

from the bottom of my heart I’ll never

be the same

Hannah can we give God

no that’s what you are part of God we

give you glory God we thank you
