if you have a testimony of the amazing things that God is doing in your life through our ministry, please email it to mystory@transformchurch.us.

well I have a word today for you is

anybody excited about what God’s gonna

say today okay okay okay so if you’re

joining us for the first time welcome we

love you

let me give you some instructions real

quick I’m about to be really loud and

really wild okay because I get excited

about the word of god it’s the thing

that changed my life and took me from

being somebody who was really not that

good of a person to somebody who’s

really on fire from God and so like I’m

sweating because I was in praise and

worship and I do have four layers on

but-but-but-but I was in praise and

worship thanking God I was in the back

praising God because I know what this

word is about to do for you so I want

you to get ready to receive today and I

want everybody who’s watching do you all

know that this service happens five

times every day can we shout out our one

o’clock service our four o’clock sir I

need y’all to do better than that our

six o’clock service and transformation

nation we love you know there are

thousands of people right now watching

what God is doing and I believe it’s

because he’s told us that he wants to do

something amazing in this year 2019 is

the year of release

everybody shout at me release no no no

say it like you believe it’s a release

God told us that this is the year that

we were gonna walk in release and and

and when God gives us a word as a church

we don’t just play like okay God gives

words like we take that thing to heart

we speak it we believe it we write it on

stuff like hoodies we do all kinds of

stuff because we want to remind

ourselves of the Word of God and I’m

telling you when the enemy tried to come

in tempt Jesus do you know the only

defeat that he had to fight the enemy is

when he said I’ll make you this and do

this what did Jesus always say it is

written he reminded the enemy of the

word that was spoken and so I want you

to know that this year as God’s

releasing us we’re gonna remind God when

you feel bound you’re gonna say uh-uh

this is the year of release when you

fill in down

rotten and broken and depressed you

gonna say no no no this is the year of

y’all better help me this morning I’m

already hyper let me calm down okay so

this is what God told me as I went to

pray I want you to refer back to last

week’s message but I need to give you

the foundation of it God said 2019 would

be the release from everybody say the

release from he said this was gonna be

the release from the place of bondage

and I don’t know what your bondage is

and we may not have the same things but

there may be baby habits and hobbies and

generational things that have been

keeping us in bondage but this is the

year of release he said he’s gonna

release us from the place of bondage and

then he said he’s gonna release us of

everybody say of he’s gonna release us

of the perspective of bondage because so

many people God delivers us from the

place but we still carry the mindset

into a new place like he’ll release us

from perversion but we’ll still have the

thoughts that are perverted he’ll

release us from poverty but we’re over

here not poor no more but still thinking

in LAC and God said this is the year

that I need to transform your thoughts

because I’ve brought you out of Egypt

but Egypt has not come out of you yet

but this is the year of release I’m

telling somebody this is the hope that

you’ve been needing it’s been cycles of

depression cycles of low self-esteem

cycles of hopelessness but God is saying

that this is your year somebody say my

year you don’t even say it like you

believe it somebody say this is my year

of release okay and then he said the

last thing and this is one of my

favorite he said Michael I’m releasing

my people my children my babies into the

promise of the blessing so God wants to

release us from the place of bondage

releases of the perspective of bondage

but he wants to release us everybody say

into the place of blessing and this is

what God is going to do in this year if

you would have the faith to believe it

because I know something I’m like did

you just make that up handsome I did you

just come up with

because it was a good wire and you want

to say this check the record for the

past three years when God gave us a word

and we stood in faith in that word God

did everything he promised I’m talking

about he did more than we could imagine

and I’m telling you that the bondage the

the ties that you’ve been in the things

that have held you down God said that

I’m stepping in and this is going to be

the year shouted with me of relief so

now as we come into that God said that’s

my part I’m gonna release this year this

is the year of release so I started

studying releases and I started you know

I’m I’m kind of a Google nerd and I

started just typing in stuff of releases

and God showed me a picture and then he

told me what my job was today and so I

have one job today because there’s a lot

of stuff I want to talk about right now

but but I gotta obey God

we’re actually extending the series one

more week because he’s downloading so

much about what he wants to release in

our life and this week my main objective

is before we go further to let you know

the difference between a release date

and a reveal date but there’s a

difference between a release date and a

reveal day let me ask you this how many

people have an iPhone right now just

lift your hands right now you’re going

to heaven a man you’re going to have

people were Android is mad okay it’s

like all right let me ask this question

how many people had the first generation

iPhone like first generation okay y’all

are nerds like me god bless you okay I

remember I remember watching a keynote

presentation January 7th a January 9th

2007 and it was Steve Jobs and he stood

on this stage and he said that I’m going

to show you the future of phones because

up until then we had these um things

that they called smart phones but they

really wasn’t as smart does anybody

remember the Nokia phone you understand

playing snake how many people had the


ah everybody you thought she was doing

something with the razor flip phones and

all this all the Millennials are like

wow but but but when Steve Jobs came and

he he presented us with the iPhone

it was the reveal of something brand-new

but but it’s crazy that they revealed

this On January 9th 2007 and then about

a month later at the 79th Academy Awards

they they paid a lot of money to take

out one commercial because they wanted

to reveal it to the world they knew a

lot of people will be watching the

Academy Awards and so they revealed the

iPhone to the world about a month later

but it was not until June 29th 2007 that

the iPhone was released so there was a

reveal but it took time before there was

a release and I started to think about

this is that as you see on the screen

this is the release date of the iPhone

and people are camped out outside doing

one thing waiting there waiting because

they got a vision that was revealed but

it took time before it was release I’m a

priestess thing to them and the problem

with our generation and our prayers is

that the moment God reveals it we want

it to be release and so we get

frustrated and we’ll give God one week

to change my relationship problem fix my

family this month and and what we want

to do is we’ve had 20 years of

addictions and God says you’re gonna be

released from it and he reveals the

vision to you but if it doesn’t happen

in three months we feel like God’s never

gonna release us of it this is the year

of release not the day of release not

the week of release not the series of


that’s why I said God gave us this word

for the entire year he’s not trying to

tell us some of the things that we are

working on and he is working in us and

working out of us are going to take

longer than one prayer at the altar it’s

going to take a transformation of our

life us turning repenting and walking a

different way

getting into community like to belong

group and changing because God is going

to show us a vision of our marriage

whole of us walking out of insecurities

and being confident in who God’s created

us to be of us walking free of the

depression that is the reveal but you

have to patiently wait on the release

and I got to make a confession to you ah

your pastor has an issue and we are a

hot church humble open and transparent

so I’m gonna tell you my issue today and

if you judge me to pot only god can

judge me okay I have a shoe problem okay

my name is Michael I have a shoe problem

okay I like sneakers I like tennis shoes

I’m a sneaker head and so what that

means is that when new tennis shoes come

out I’m like oh some of y’all like cars

some of y’all like coffee I like tennis

shoes okay and I wanted to share with

you some of my favorite tennis shoes

right now

so I’m gonna show you some of these

these are some of my favorite tennis

shoes right now these were a gift to me

these are shoes that Kanye West apostle

Kanye I’m believing for his his salt

appalled conversion you better have

faith with me I’m believing but but he

made these and these are called the

Yeezy boost 700 wave runners I love

these shoes I can literally throw them

on with anything and I’m cool but but

but these shoes I want you to know that

they’re sitting here right now but they

were released August 12th 2017 okay

in these these are probably my favorite

my favorite Jordans ever are the Jordan


and these Jordans somebody’s clapping

cuz you’re in the spirit

these Jordans are called

the retro 11s and they are the cap and

gown edition and they release these this

past year on May 6 because you they’re

so cute you can wear them with a suit

look how beautiful those are and and

they’re there I call them my dark Vader

shoes like when I want to just kick the

enemy I put those on and but they were

released everybody say release May 26

2008 teen let me show you these one of

my other friends got me these I got some

really good friends

they got me these these are what you

call off-white and Nike collaboration um

Virgil ablow is a designer and Nike got

together and they made these and these

are some of my favorite Trail Blazers

and they were released everybody say

released they were released October 3rd

2018 and let me show you my favorite

ones right now don’t judge me

let me show you my favorite ones I wore

these last week and I almost didn’t know

what to do with myself these are made by

a guy named Jerry Lorenzo who has a

company called fear of God and him and

Nike got together and made the air fear

of God ones and these are my favorite by

the way Jerry if you’re watching I want

to be the first pastor sponsored by Nike

god bless you oh you don’t have faith I

had to release that into the air right

now Jerry hit me anyway watch what


uh-huh but but but these were everybody

say released these were released

December 15th 2018 now the crazy thing

about this is nobody can go to any store

in Tulsa right now and buy any of these

shoes like these shoes were released and

as soon as they were released they were

they were gone okay

um what I found out is that the release

of these shoes was not the first time I

saw them I saw the reveal of these shoes

months even years before they ever were

released and the reveal of the shoe was

to give me a vision of what I wanted and

see when I get a vision it should make

me start preparing but when I when I had

an inkling of how much were they was

gonna cost us put my coins away but when

it made me start value I gave away some

shoes in preparation for what I had seen

because I knew one day it would be

really and what’s happening is so many

believers get a vision from God

specially in a time like we’re in right

now of praying and fasting and we get

visions of God doing the things that

nobody could do in life but we will not

wait for the release and the thing about

it is I need you to know this at the

moment that all of these shoes showed up

on the internet the moment they were

revealed people started making

counterfeits and see for everybody who

couldn’t wait on the release they

started buying replicas and so they got

a vision of it and somebody presented a

counterfeit and it was cheaper and it

was available oh and it was it was ready

for consumption but it would not have

the quality and the longevity of what

would be release it would be a temporary

fix that we would hope people would see

wasn’t the real thing and God began to

speak to me said Michael so many people

I’ve revealed to them their future I’ve

revealed to them pieces of what I want

to do I revealed to them that their

family would be safe I revealed to them

that they wouldn’t always be in

depression I revealed to them that they


not broke but they are in preparation

for the thing that I’ve called them –

manners I revealed it to him but they

stopped and they don’t just not wait for

the release they settle for the replica

and many of us have gone into a

relationship with replicas God said you

would be married but you settled for

Bobo who came up right after God gave

you a word he gave you the vision but

you didn’t wait on him God told you you

would own the business so you went out

and took out the loan that you weren’t

supposed to take out and God was gonna

bring you a business partner to partner

with you but you settled for the replica

and God said I need you to tell my

people that this is the year of release

what I said I’m gonna do but do not get

impatient and settle for the replica and

I know it’s hard because the replica if

I step out and I’m the first one with

the replica nobody will even know if

it’s fake because the real thing hasn’t

come yet

so for a season of time I can act like

this is the relationship God has for me

for a season I can act like this God

wanted me to move to this city but when

the release day comes and the real thing

is presented to you you will be able to

see the difference very quickly but

between the real thing and the replica

and I know I know I know I know I know

everybody in there has has different

things that they’ve settled for but I

need us to know this one principle write

it down the requirement from reveal to

release is time everybody say time some

of y’all just cussed that was a

four-letter word for you it’s gonna take

time I count so more people who tried

God for three days like like you gave

the world 10 years to build up the

dysfunction you have in your life

and you give God 10 days to change the

whole trajectory and this is where I’m

asking you

my only assignment is to let you know

that there is never a reveal that

doesn’t have stamp to it I’ll release so

if God is showing it to you it’s gonna

happen somebody say it’s gonna happen no

no no say like you mean it it’s gonna

happen it’s going to happen but you

cannot stop in the middle of the plan

that God it’s what they see the thing

about this is I don’t know from the

reveal to the release what’s working in

the background I don’t know if they’re

still trying to figure out the exact

letter so that it looks like what it

looked like in the head they don’t know

I’m telling you that there is so much

that God is trying to do on the inside

of us when he reveals it to us in a

vision before he releases us and I just

don’t want anybody in this room to

settle for the replica so so pastor

might give me some word for that I’m

glad that you asked go to Genesis 12 and

we’re gonna look at Abraham cuz my

question is for everybody in this room

what will you wait on God will you see

because Abraham had a reveal everybody

say reveal his reveal when God gave him

a vision happened in Genesis 12 look at

it verse 1 it says the Lord had said to

Abraham who said it who said it that’s

why we have to get in his face be in his

presence make time for him because he

will speak if we will listen he said the

Lord said to Abraham leave your native

country leave all your relatives leave

your father’s house he was telling them

to leave your comfortability and he said

and go to the land that I will show you

there’s so much to preach there but I

can’t I will make you into a great

nation this is the reveal this is the

vision he’s given him he said I will

bless you and make you famous

and you will be a blessing to others I

will bless those who bless you and I’ll

curse those who treat you with contempt

all the families of the earth will be

blessed through

you everybody say reveal Abraham how how

was he gonna bless all of the nations

through him at this moment Abraham

didn’t have nothing Abraham wasn’t in a

place where what God was saying was

lining up what what he was experiencing

that’s what vision is for vision is to

counteract your current situation vision

will never line up with what you’re

saying it’s the thing that’s supposed to

pull your faith to where God is taking

you and so when you look around in a

desert and God says I see Springs coming

up I see something out of nothing that’s

the vision you have to hold on to but

what do most of us do we do Abraham

starts to do we start to tell God what’s

happening instead of reminding God of

what he’s saying and see this is why I

love God cuz he’s so he’s so gracious

and merciful like when we get dumb and

we have Christian amnesia he comes back

to us and gives us another piece of the

vision see in Genesis 12 he gave him the

reveal but he said he didn’t get it yet

so I’m gonna revisit him and give him

another reveal in Genesis 13 verse 15 he

says I am giving you this land boy as

far as you can see to you and your

descendants now let me stop right there

he had no kids at this moment see how

can I have a descendant and I’m barren

God said I’m not looking at your

Berenice I’m looking at my fruitfulness

and my faithfulness and God will speak

in the middle of situations that do not

look right and he will speak to what it

will be he said I’m giving this to you

and your descendants as a permanent

possession and I will he said let me go

let me just tell you cuz you not

believing me I will give you so many

descendants they don’t be like the dust

of the earth they can’t be counted go no

no this is what I want you because you

don’t believe me huh go and walk through

the land in every direction north south

east and west just take a lap for I am

giving it to you

what happens when God says just walk in

any direction it’s yours you want the

business walk in that direction it’s

yours I’m revealing to you you want your

family he’ll call it out every day it’s

yours you you want you he said I’m

giving this to you he’s revealing it to

him right now right this point down the

reveal is a vision from God and I know

that’s very simple but I want you to

know when God gives you a vision he

tells us what to do with it

he says write it down and make it plain

that’s when it actually becomes vision

and some of y’all are so concerned about

it being some essay or something full

playing God tells us he doesn’t ever

give us the full plan he gives us parts

of it he gives us pieces of it because

he wants us to walk by faith and not by

so if you got the plan you’d be like

cool you ain’t even talked to God no

more if you got the full plan you would

just run with what he said he said but I

don’t want you to do this without me so

I’m gonna give you a piece I’m gonna

give you turn by turn instructions I’m

gonna tell you to move here and you’re

gonna say well where’s my job and you

move there and then he’s gonna say

there’s your job and the English say but

what about my this and he’s gonna say

and what about that this here it is he

said cuz he wants us to walk by faith

and so I want you to realize God never

gives you a vision for it not to come to

pass the reveal is so that you know

there is a vision for God God has a

purpose for you there is more than what

you’ve seen you are not supposed to die

here you are not supposed to give up

right here you are not supposed to throw

in the towel and say well I guess this

is what God has for me this is the year

of release and this is why I love God

because even when we start complaining

he’s still faithful to show us his

vision look at it Genesis chapter 15

this is this is um after he’s already

revealed to him what he wants to do

twice he’s so good he said some time

later what’s the middle of that word

some time okay some time later the Lord

spoke to Abram in a vision it’s so plain

and he said to him do not be afraid


for I will protect you and your reward

will be great I came to tell you do not

be afraid your name God is going to

protect you

and he is going to reward you greatly I

want you to say your name right there do

not be afraid do not be afraid do not be

afraid some of y’all just sitting there

with your mouths closed I’m telling you

to say it do not be afraid because fear

of failure has been some of the bondage

that many of you have been tied to well

what if I lose this and what if I lose

that and what if God doesn’t come

through in him my God said he’s the

supplier of every one of our needs you

either believe the word are you told and

he’s telling you today do not be afraid

he said for I’ll protect you what

happened when God is your bodyguard like

what kind of swag do you walk with when

God goes before you you don’t say it’s

almost like if God before you all I’m

saying to you right here is he said I’ll

protect you and your reward will be

great but some of y’all got that Abraham

spirit look at it look what he did but

I’m sovereign Lord what good are all

your blessings when I don’t even have a

son should you’ve given me no children I

know what I’m gonna do I’m gonna make

Eliezer of Damascus a servant in my

household he will inherit my wealth you

have given me no descendants you didn’t

do what you said you didn’t heal my

sickness you didn’t fulfill the promise

you didn’t bring me out of poverty so

I’ll just make what I see work I’ll just

make what I see work look at verse 4

then the Lord said to him I love this no

no now you know when somebody answers

the question like no like this is what I

imagined he said no your servant will

not be the heir for you will everybody

say I will he said you will have a son

of your own and he will be your heir

then the Lord took Abram outside and

said to him he’s giving him the reveal

again look up into the sky

I’m gonna give you something he God’s

just clownin I want to give you

something to remember my word I look up

count the stars then he gets a little

ornery if you can look I got it

count the stars if you can he know it’s

impossible he said that’s how many

descendants you will have and this is

where everything switched up for Abram

because God had to reveal his vision to

him three times before he did this thing

look at verse six and Abram believed he

believed the Lord and the Lord counted

him righteous because of his faith what

I’m trying to tell you right now is a

lot of you think that I’m just up here

blowing smoke and all I’m trying to do

is encourage your faith so that you can

believe that

that if you do not believe you cancel

out you notify the promise of God if you

do not bring faith to the equation you

are sitting there like God do a magic

trick and he said I am NOT Houdini I am

the God on high and I never do anything

without your participation so I will

reveal the vision but you gotta supply

the faith and that’s why I need to write

this point I need you to write this

point down the reveal must be met with

faith the reason why God’s continued to

show something that hasn’t come to pass

it’s because most of us meet his vision

with our doubt we we meet what he wants

to do

with all the reasons why it can’t happen

we use our weapon to shoot holes in the

plan that God is telling you he gonna do

you ain’t even got to do it you just

gotta believe it you don’t have to have

a money qualification you do not have to

have an education qualification he said

I do not call people who are qualified I

qualify people who answer the call I’m

looking around the whole earth trying to

see if I can find one person that will

believe me and have faith to see it

happen somebody say I have the faith


Hebrews 11:6 and it is impossible to

please God without faith like like all

I’m telling you is that it’s really a

lot less complicated than we make it

like it really is all about if God said

it I can’t see it I don’t I don’t feel

it honestly this is uncomfortable this

out here believe in God just out here

trust in him just just out here and he

said all I need you that’s all that’s it

I just needed you to believe I needed

you to have the faith to believe me

because those who come to me anyone who

comes to me must believe is what the

word says put Hebrews 11:6 back up there

they got to see this it said it’s

impossible to please God without faith

any who anyone who wants to come to to

him must believe that God exists and

that he rewards those who sincerely

another translation says diligently seek

Him that’s why we’re on this fast that’s

not why we’re coming to God and saying

God fix everything and running to work

that’s why every day we’re pushing away

our plate pushing away social media

pushing away things because we’re

seeking God because I know you’re gonna

reward this seek I’m not praying just to

be praying I don’t want no religious


waste spit like I want you to move in my

life and I have to remind myself of the

word too sometimes it gets dark and

sometimes it gets oblique and sometimes

it doesn’t look like it and sometimes I

look at my son who’s 3 years old and has

not said a word yet and I look at him

and I say God have you forgotten me he

said no no no son you have to remember

that the reveal date that I showed you

that he would be talking that he would

be declaring the word of the Lord that

that is connected to a release date and

my mission is to stay in faith to

believe God to remind myself of the word

MJ you will live and not die you will

speak and declare the work of the Lord

this ain’t gotta hide you up but my

faith is fix my faith is fish that’s the

reveal the vision is connected to a

release date and I know that’s my family

acting crazy up here because we’re

standing in believing what God said

we’ll come to pan I know you don’t need

nothing there bear but some of us can’t

make it without God some of us know

that’s the only solution will be what

God can do and that’s why I just got a

supply faith to it when God shows you a

picture when he gives you the vision it

should motivate you it shouldn’t it

shouldn’t make you fearful he should

give you a picture like okay it’s gonna

happen I don’t know the time but I know


let me write this point down the release

will everybody make that big and capital

the release will follow the reveal God

did not give me and give you the vision

for it not to come to pass

see this is the beautiful thing it was

Genesis 12 where God started talking to

Abraham about the reveal

make you a man that has great

descendants look up into the sky I mean

he’s giving him the reveal

Abraham 75 when he reveals his vision to

him put a pin in that I don’t care how

old you are the promise of God has no

expiration date

some of y’all have been ready to retire

and God sent me to tell you that it’s

time to refire he is not done with you

yeah I don’t care how old you are God

used Abraham and start to reveal his

vision to him at 75 years old but it’s

not until Genesis 21 that he fulfills

the release date look at it Genesis 21

the birth of Isaac the Lord kept his

word the Lord kept his word the Lord

thank you he kept his word and he did

for Sarah exactly what he promised she

became pregnant and she gave birth to a

son for Abraham in his old age he was

dusty Abraham’s was dusty and Sarah’s

room was Similac it was just powdered do

you hear what I’m saying but God does

not care how barren the situation is he

is one that can bring up anything okay

this happened don’t miss this last word

this happened at just the time

every reveal has stamped on it a time

when it will be released every time they

revealed these shoes when Steve job

revealed the iPhone he knew when the

release date was I’m here to tell you

that every time God gives you a vision

it has a release date attached to it our

job is to bring faith to it and wait

patiently faithfully steadfast focused

not on our situation but of the God who

controls the situation and wait for the

release date see the problem is we talk

about Abraham being a mighty man of

faith the father of our faith father

Abraham okay coo coo coo and I am

honored then okay cool it’s over you all

right so let’s praise right now okay

some of y’all went to children’s church

like me okay all right but they talk

about him being the father of many

nations but they don’t talk about when

he didn’t wait on God he revealed it in

Genesis 12 he released it in Genesis 21

and something I like okay 12 to 21

that’s not that many chapters that’ll

take about 30 minutes to read it’s 25

years between the reveal and there

really he’s 75 when God shows in the

vision he’s a hundred when God releases

it to one so Abraham done what many of

us did we we saw the reveal of what God

was going to do but we couldn’t wait on

him so we settled for the replica oh

yeah I don’t believe me yeah Genesis 16

Abraham and his wife Sarah thought that

God forgot about them and so they said

let’s take matters into our own hand

let’s try to make God’s plan

happen with our ability so so yeah

Abraham my mom is dusty and ain’t

nothing growing up in there I have this

young maid servant named Hagar she’s an

Egyptian why don’t we try to make what

God why don’t we go outside of God and

try to make what he wants happen and and

and let you sleep with her and Abraham

like if you say so I just want to be a

faithful husband you know if this is

what you’re saying

can somebody record this this what she

said all right and he sleeps with Hagar

and they have a son let me prove it to

you okay um this is Genesis 16 verse 15

it says so Hagar gave Abraham a son and

Abram named him Ishmael Abraham was 86

years old when Ishmael was born he

created a replica 14 years before the

release all I’m saying to you is the

title of my message I didn’t give it to

you until right now this is the title

right now in my last point don’t settle

for the replica wait for the release

I know it’s hard I know it’s frustrating

because you don’t know what time it’s

coming but that’s where we don’t give up

what we trust had gone cuz if he

revealed it to it I promise he’s gonna

release it to us my Bible says in

Philippians 1:6 it says and I am certain

I am confident in this that God who

began the good work within you will

continue his work until it’s finally

finished or until it is released how I’m

telling you today is that the replica

will never be able to compare to what

God really wants to release you know the

funny thing is this whole service I told

you for everybody they could see my


that these are my favorite Jordans ever

made the cap and gowns but I had a moan

and I know some of you I saw some of you

sneaker heads like why does he have

those and because these are replicas

these shoes right here are the knockoff

versions of these shoes I was able to

get these 6 months before these came out

I was able to walk around with people

and they thought I had something before

it had even come out because I felt like

maybe I wouldn’t be able to get these so

I took matters into my own hand and I

settled for the counterfeit when God was

gonna put it on somebody’s heart I

didn’t pay for these somebody from

Atlanta sent them to my doorstep no no

no I can’t make this stuff up I said how

much do I owe you

he said God told me to bless you with

these that the two hundred and eighty

dollars that you would have to spin

retail and the five hundred dollars you

would have to spin aftermarket I wasn’t

even going to require you to pay for

them but you thought I forgot about you

and you spent so own money on something

that is poor equality you spent your own

resource on something that couldn’t even

pass inspection if the creator came to

look at him all I’m telling you today

sir too many of us that have not

patiently waited on God and we’re trying

to convince people that the replica is

the real thing that we really have joy

but we’re faking that we that were happy

smoking weed but we’re really looking

for the peace that comes from the Prince

of Peace that we’re really trying to be

everything that God has called us to be

but we won’t wait

today so many of you your faith looks

like this a counterfeit and you know the

crazy thing is most of you would have

never ever known that these were

counterfeit because it was surrounded by

the real thing and that’s why so many

people try to get around people who know

God but they’re somewhere in the Bible

that he said he said they they they

called on me like they knew me but they

denied the very power of who I was

many of us have not let God change us

from the counterfeit to the real thing

but what God’s saying today is I want

you to release the counterfeit and I

want you to pick up the real thing it

feels different it’s tailor-made for you

it will last and God will get the glory

because you’re revealed ain’t is

attached to a release date will somebody

with faith give God a shout of praise in

this building oh come on if you’re gonna

wait on the release if you’re not gonna

settle for the counterfeit let me help

you so how how that’s the mic house sit

down I got one more point I don’t really

got a point I just want to give you how

okay one scripture Romans 12:12 one

scripture okay it says rejoice in our

confident hope who is our confident hope

I said who is our confident hope who is

our confident hope so I’m going to

rejoice that means I have to be reminded

I’m going to get joy again it’s going to

be a real joy sing I know what it looks

like but I’m gonna rejoice in what God

has said I’m going to renew my faith and

what God has told me I’m going to

rejoice in the Lord and when I begin to

rejoice in my confident hope yeah I

don’t see it right now I know you

revealed it to me but you haven’t

released it to me I got to remind my

of the word of God and rejoice in that

and they look what it says because this

is the point where most of us get messed

up be patient in trouble so it’s when

when I don’t feel it when I’m

uncomfortable that’s when I start going

for the counterfeits I’m lonely so I’m

gonna take this relationship that I know

is only about sex instead of waiting on

the man or the woman of God that he

called me to be with because I’m lonely

so I’m in trouble so now I try to go to

the counterfeit come on what he’s

telling us to do you can apply that to

any area of life he’s saying be patient

I’m coming through I want you to be

patient in trouble say because I’m the

Prince of Peace I will help you walk

this thing out and then he gives you one

more instruction in this one scripture

and he says keep on praying like keep on

praying say that with me everybody Keith

Oh praying when life is crazy

key Oh tre had an unexpected a be key Oh

pray my wife is gone key Oh Fran my

hormones gold key Oh Fran I lost the

fight cheap

oh right I can’t sleep at night but you

say okay

but somebody’s gotta have to result that

I keep on playing everybody play would

it gets too hard

you time okay


all I’m telling you it’s gonna be a

cycle that in this I’m gonna rejoice in

Jesus I’m gonna be patient and wait in

trouble and I’m a key Oh Frank

even when I’m hurt oh I don’t wanna fly

but if you’re gonna keep on praying if

you’re gonna wait on the release and not

settle for the replica will you give God

some praise in this building



hands lift it all over this place

I’m praying that you will give us the

stamina you will give us the faith you

will give us the faithfulness to keep on

praying even as wearing this fat even as

we’re bringing things to you where it

looks dry and barren right now thank you

Father that you’re revealing to us the

vision you have for our life the vision

of us whole the vision of us happy the

vision of us walking in wealth and

blessing others the vision father of us

healed the vision of us not isolated and

lonely the vision of us going to the

destination you’ve called us to the

Father let us wait on the release this

is not the day of release or the month

of release this is the year of release

so whenever you want to do it we’re

ready come on somebody say I’m ready God

if it’s next week if it’s tomorrow if

it’s December 31st we will trust your

word believe in you and we are ready for

the release if you’re not gonna settle

for the replica and you’re gonna wait on

the release give God a shadow praise in

this building hey guys thanks so much

for watching today if transformation

Church has impacted your life in any way

we would love to hear about it send us

an email at my story at transform church

dot us also if you’d like to partner

with us financially to see more lives

transformed head to our website at

transform church dot us slash give

thanks again for watching go out and

live a transformed life
