If you’d like to know more about our ministry please visit us at transformchurch.us. And if you have a testimony of the amazing things that God is doing in your life through our ministry, please email it to [email protected].

and I’m excited to share it with you hey

listen if you’re watching online thank

you so much for watching we love you

you’re a part of this church I want you

to get your notes out and I want you to

get something to write with because I

think today is gonna be one of those

times where things change in your

Christian walk this this whole week the

Holy Spirit has been walking me through

a transition of my mind like I’ve

literally been transformed in my mind

this week preparing for this message

because we’re talking about being

fruitful and having the fruits of the

Spirit and I don’t know about you but I

I was raised in church and so when

anybody talked about the fruits of the

spirit I mean it was just kind of like a

cliche thing love joy peace like there’s

songs there’s dances we get to eat fruit

sometimes it was just kind of like a it

wasn’t something that had weight in my


this time when I’ve been we’ve been

going through these fruits of the spirit

there’s been just another level of

impact that the Lord has dropped and

revelation that he’s trying to share

that he doesn’t want the fruits of the

Spirit to be a nice song or a saying or

something that we act like we know he

wants them to be evident in our lives he

wants love like if they don’t know your

name they should be able to describe you

by love like like can people describe

the character of God do the fruits of

the spirit by the way you act even if

they don’t come in contact or ever hear

you speak with somebody look at your

accent and say man they’re patient there

they exhibit goodness and kindness wow

they have a lot of self-control does

anybody talk and I know for me there’s a

lot of those things that people would

not say about me there’s a lot of those

things can we be honest in this place

there’s a lot of those things they say

some other stuff about me but they

wouldn’t say those things in the Holy

Spirit said that’s why I need you to

allow me to work in your life and so I

want you to realize that this thing of

fruitful why it’s so important and you

may not realize this but it was the

first command of God ever not to pray

not to dance his first command to

humanity was be fruitful

over to you Genesis 1:28 it said then

God blessed them and said what does it

say be fruitful and multiply this has to

mean more because everybody use this

when you get married are you young and

they and they they want grandkids and so

they say stuff like baby now you’re

gonna be fruitful and you’re gonna

multiply this is way more than

population this is about purpose this

this is this scripture is not just

talking about being fertile it’s talking

about being fruitful and so I want you

to see that we have to take this as a

value in our lives to be fruitful and

God knew that we would need some more

explanation so in Galatians 5:22 it

tells us it says but this is what the

Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit

in our lives and I want you to say these

with me because we know them but I just

want to I want us all the same again

what kind of fruit does it produce love

joy peace patience kindness goodness

faithfulness gentleness and self there

is no law against these things today the

fruit that we’re gonna unpack is

probably one of the hardest ones to

understand but today we’re talking about

self-control you picked the wrong

service to come to if you want to live

your life the same because this one

thing has literally revolutionized my

thinking this week and I want to share

this with you you’re gonna have to stay

with me because we bout to go there

today okay and and I need you to really

say God open my heart because if we

could get this one thing together a lot

of stuff in our life that we deal with

would change somebody say self-control

and this for me I’m gonna just walk you

through my personal journey this took a

lot for me to understand because the

name really threw me off like

self-control and we’re talking about

this is supposed to be produced by the

Holy Spirit so who’s actually producing

it is it me my wheel-like me deciding to

be better or me deciding to do this is

it self control or is it like spirit


and and and I want to help everybody

who’s thinking that because when I say

self-control most of us are thinking I

just need to stop doing that or I need

to stop talking like that or when I have

the urge to do that I just need to not

but listen if you could have done it you

would have done it if you if you could

have still stuck to that workout plan

you got what I’m saying if you could

stop having sex outside of marriage if

you could control your tongue you would

have done it but that’s why I begin to

say god this has to mean more than

Michael controlling me because I don’t I

don’t got too much control okay can we

be honest how many people have at least

two areas in your life that you know you

need self-control like come on some of

y’all need to have 200 areas but we’ll

just we’ll just start we’ll just start

with two so everybody’s on the same page

so when we talk about self-control it’s

something that has to be produced by the

spirit and I wrestled with this how can

the spirit produce self-control and God

said first off you need to understand

cuz you haven’t even valued you haven’t

even valued self-control you you don’t

even like it you think that when

somebody says control the word control

it means it’s taking away your freedom

and you can’t do anything it

and-and-and-and you’re being constricted

and God said you need to change that and

I said okay how are we gonna change that

he said go to proverbs 25 28 and listen

to the wisest man who ever lived Solomon

and see what he said about self-control

he said a person without self-control

it’s like a city with broken down walls

god I messed me up because when in the

time that this was written the only way

that you were considered safe is if the

city that you had was surrounded by high

walls he said a person that does not

have self-control is like a city that is

vulnerable at every moment a city that

the treasures of that city can be stolen

and taken when you do not have

self-control you literally can be

plumaged and

wondered at any moment by people’s ideas

by people’s hurts by things that are

happening he said you got to get

self-control and then I went to proverbs


and it said this he made an analogy he

said it’s better to be patient than

powerful that’s a whole nother sermon by

itself and it’s better to have

self-control than conquer a city now

doesn’t that seem backwards from our

society today our society tells us

conquer everything beat up boss Diddy

run the city like it’s like like you’re

supposed to be in charge like the way

that you make it is by being over and

telling other people what to do and this

man is saying is better to have mastery

of yourself then be able to tell anybody

else what to do and I think in American

culture we live most of our life trying

to get to this boss status where nobody

tells me what to do but you have not

boss your self oh I’m coming to

somebody’s house today you haven’t

learned you can tell everybody else how

to talk to their spouse but you haven’t

bossed yourself you haven’t but mastered

that word in the Greek means mastery you

haven’t mastered yourself and he’s

saying it’s better for you to get this

under control

then to tell everybody else how to get

theirs under control and so when I begin

to look at this I said okay God you got

to work on my heart I need some more

self-control and he said and that’s

perfect that’s what I want for you

Michael but it’s not going to be

produced by you it’s gonna be produced

by my spirit I said okay you’re gonna

have to break that down a little more so

he said Michael look up control I’m just

walking you through my study today and I

think you’re gonna learn something today

look up control and this is what the

word control means to have power over

influence or to direct people’s behavior

or the course of events and this is the

question God asked me that I’m asking

you what’s controlling you

what is concern I know some of y’all

know I’m controlling me past like I’m a

grown man I’ll make my own decisions but

you’re 400 pounds so food

no no no food literally will have you

going to your house and turn around on

the highway with no gas and get

something to eat

what’s what’s controlling you is it sex

is it money come on let’s be honest is

it the opinions of others something

it’s what’s controlling you is it is it

the Word of God is it prayer is it the

spirit is it past relationships and

fears that are controlling you is it

popular culture that’s controlling you

what it’s tension and I’ll begin to ask

myself this question what’s controlling

you and it really made me think about my

childhood now this may date some people

in the building but I begin to think

about the evolution of video games and I

begin to think okay let me let me ask

this question how many of you actually

played Atari pong like the Atari pong

like you come on those are some seasoned

Saints in the room right now they got a

little lorries on them there they’re a

little older okay how many people played

Nintendo like the regular Nintendo okay

Sega Genesis anybody’s Sega Genesis okay

the PlayStation the original PlayStation

not this black thing I’m talking about

the gray one y’all know what I’m talking

about the original PlayStation Super

Nintendo did anybody have a Super

Nintendo Nintendo 64 did anybody now

that was my game system okay um and then

we go xbox and Weez and all these other

things somebody else in here look what

are they talking all wrong okay these

are video games now we can all agree

that from the Atari pong a very

pixelated analog visual very simple now

to the PlayStation 4 who has like

literally animated 3d worlds the

technology has upgraded and progressed

tremendously so we can all agree on that

but do you know the one thing that has

never changed about any of those game

system they always have a controller and

God began to tell me he said no matter

how much you upgrade in life

you’re gonna always have something

trying to control you and many of us

think that we lose that when we get

older like no I make my own Deneau

something’s controlling you and today I

want to tell you that there’s only two

things that control you in this life and

it’s my first point that I want

everybody to never forget and never ever

walk around thinking that you’re in

control of your own life there’s two

controls in your life and the fight of

your life is between sin control and

spirit control that’s it

person like that don’t even make sense

that seemed demonic I don’t even know

what you’re talking about no no no I

want to bring revelation to you today

there are two controllers that are

trying to fight for your life there’s

only two and it’s either being

controlled by sin and your sin nature

and what your flesh wants and it’s being

controlled by the spirit and what God

wants for your life I’ll prove it to you

I want you to go to Galatians 5:17 and

this begins to break it down it says the

sinful nature our sin control wants to

do evil which is just the opposite of

what the spirit wants do you see the two

opponents right there and the spirit

gives us desires that are the exact

opposite of what our sinful nature

desires these two forces are constantly

fighting each other so that you are not

free to carry out your good intentions

ding ding ding in this corner fighting

for your life your future your purpose

and your destiny is sin control he’s

undefeated with people in your family


he’s ravaged generations from being

everything that he called them to be and

made them be able to live in doubt and

in fear and in sexual perversion and an

incest and he is coming after your life

and in this corner is the Challenger

spirit control and he has purposes and

plans for you that are good that were

formed in you before you were even in

your mother’s

he wants to make your name great lift

you up and make you be an spectacle

spectacle for the glory of God and in

the middle is you and every day you wake

up there are two controls fighting for

your mouth for your eyes for your ears

for your body like as soon as you wake

up Bing Bing you can some of y’all need

to change your alarm to a no I’m serious

change your alarm to a boxing Bell ding

ding because at that moment you are

making a decision of who is going to

control your life that day this is good

teaching this sin control let me explain

this to you a little more because I want

to give you some definitions sin control

it’s making decisions based on what

feels natural to your flesh see we have

to stop listening to our feelings now I

need I need to help somebody today I

just don’t feel I get past them right I

just felt that it was the right thing to

do oh my god they had me feeling so low

any time you say the word feeling it’s

your flesh this sin infused body suit is

you is the thing that’s telling you what

you want but it’s going against your

purpose so so let me be practical every

time I Drive past Krispy Kreme Doughnuts

and the light is on I feel like it’s a

sign from heaven I don’t know about

y’all but I think he’s shined on me you

understand what I’m saying

and when Krispy Kremes first I don’t

know if y’all remember but Krispy Kings

wasn’t always in Oklahoma so when it

first came to Oklahoma I mean I would

drive down 71st and I ain’t lived

nowhere near it just to see if the Lord

was speaking and if that red light was

gonna be on can I get anybody who’s the

witness with me ok thank you

and what ended up happening is my

midsection begin to expand and and and I

begin to have to make a decision am I

going to be let every there’s not one

time I have not felt like getting a

doughnut not one time but if I only

listen to my feelings I will be led to a

path of destruction and many of you are

in this room being sin controlled

because you do what feels right you do

what feels natural you do what your

flesh is telling you and that

description in Galatians 5:17 it says

the sinful nature wants to do evil for

you it has a nature that gives you

desires and that that sinful nature is

fighting for control but then there’s

another nature that’s being spirit

controlled and being spirit controlled

right this definition down because it

literally changed my life it’s making

decisions against yourself let that sit

being spirit controlled in the most

practical term is making decisions

against my natural self my natural self

wants to be selfish so the opposite of

being selfish is being generous and so I

make decisions again what Caleb told his

story that was his sin nature and his

flesh nature he wanted to keep the shoes

because he wanted them that was about

him and God said I want you to do the

opposite because I want you to be led by

my spirit do you understand what I’m


so it’s making decisions against

yourself I heard this poem one time it

said to nature’s beat within my breasts

one is foul and one is blessed what I

love and one I hate that when our feed

will dominate

what are you feeding when you listen to

it when you’re looking when you’re

scrolling when you’re doing this thing

what are you feeding because you’re

giving priority to who’s gonna control

your life that day who are you around

all cuz this is dad Matt and I smashed

her and I did this and I’m blob blob and

I’m being this and I got that and I know

because when I’m sitting there and I’m

in that place I’m exposing myself to

proclivities that will feed either my

nature that is sinful or my spirit man

who wants to be everything God has

called me to be and so I don’t want you

to ever forget that these two beasts are

warring for your life every single day

every single hour every single moment

and who gets to decide who wins you or

can I say it a different way

self gets to decide who’s in control see

self control and I want you to

understand this concept self control is

not actually you being in control

point number two self control is the

opportunity for you to choose who you

will let control you I’m gonna say it

again slow cuz some of y’all just

blinking at me okay so self control is

not you being in control you how many of

us have tried to do something like tried

like it was our goal that we’re gonna do

this but somehow we were not able to

complete it you understand what I’m

saying whether that stop cussin stop

drawing can’t stop we I mean we were

done I’m done I think of that I’m sick

of this I’m done drinking the next day

I’m done drinking girl I can’t do that

no more I’m done the next weekend I

don’t drink no more the weekend after

that I don’t even like that I don’t even

like it your birthday weekend what show

me party over here

oh all i’m saying i’m using a wild

analogy but yours may be lying yours may

be being prideful and judgmental your

that’s all led by the sinful nature

trying to work within yourself some of

you are so judgmental you’re sitting

here judging me right now and that’s the

sin nature god’s trying to get out of


you’re being controlled you can’t even

walk into a church without saying what

is this and what is that and he said

would you sit and receive would you

would you be controlled by my spirit oh

I’m coming to somebody’s house this

morning because God does not want you to

be controlled by this nature who seems

to be winning in you so self-control is

the opportunity for you to choose who

you will let control you can I help you

when you are born nobody starts this is

where most people think if this is

self-control people think you start off

in the middle but the Bible tells us

this is where every body is born they’re

born into the flesh they’re born with

their sin nature controlling them that’s

why you don’t got to teach a baby to be

bad you don’t got to teach him to say no

in mine it’s our nature when Adam and

Eve sinned the Bible tells us that it

produced sin for all mankind so this is

where everybody starts off and the sad

thing about it is we don’t have a choice

see see when we’re and we’re led by this

before you know Jesus this is all that I

can do all I am trying to do is be

greedy and be prideful and look out for

myself and try to find satisfaction for

my flesh that’s why I can go through

three and four and five people that’s

why I can do bad business deals that’s

why I can manipulate that’s why I can

because I’m looking out for me it’s me

centered it’s based on the flesh and it

leads to death some of y’all don’t even

believe it’s time I give you scripture

for it just so that your heart will be

too content romans 6:23 it says for the

wages of the payments of sin is what

death but the free gift of God is

eternal life in Christ Jesus see this is

the power of the gospel unto salvation

right here look at this picture

when you accept Jesus Christ as your

personal Lord and Savior you get the

opportunity to now to choose because

another nature has been presented to you

for the first time so so all I could do

was choose the flesh before Jesus but

when he sent his son he said now I’m

gonna give them freedom you remember we

are piercing where the Spirit of the

Lord is there is freedom get real

context for this when you are lost and

in darkness and before you accept Jesus

you didn’t have a choice and freedom is

the ability to choose that’s the

definition of freedom and many believers

now every day when they wake up get to

choose will I be flesh controlled or

will I be spirit controlled and this is

the funny thing that most believers feel

like when you get saved you go from here

and you go to here and that never

happens have you ever been one of those

who receive Jesus but some of the

desires that you knew that were bad for

you they didn’t just go away now if it

was me you know sometimes I you know I’d

like to talk to God about his design

flaws and and some of the things that I

wish he could have done differently

because if it was me like once you

accept just let us live a spirit control

life and he said no no that’s why I

still put the tree of the knowledge of

good and evil in a garden because it’s

slavery if you don’t have a choice


and he said love is a choice so the only

reason that you can know that somebody

loves you are you’re loved if they have

the choice and an option that is not the

same present so this is the battle now

for your life every single day and some

of you are in here and your flesh

controlled and your controlled by your

desires and then you’re controlled by

exploring things and you’re controlled

and it becomes your habit and you just

stay on this fear of being flesh

controlled and every day I’m waking up

and I’m listening the things that are

feeding my desires lay your body down I

wanna touch your body if that’s on your

playlist going to work what do you think

I gotta get home I can’t go serve I

gotta watch scandal now I’m not coming

at any TV show or any what I am saying

is what you put in its what leads to the

life and remember what being led by your

flesh leads to dead death of your

purpose death of your plans death of the

call of God on your life and do you know

how many people are walking around on

Instagram showing all the vacations and

everything they’re doing but they’re

dead because their flesh control they

are led by their flesh whatever feels

good whatever I desire whatever I

explore whatever habits that I have and

it keeps me but that’s not the only way

that you have an opportunity to live

there is a better option for you and it

is being spirit control but you get to

choose everyday look what the Bible

tells us and Deuteronomy 30:19 see

because freedom is you having the

ability to choose and so that’s why God

says stuff like this today I’ve given

you the choice between life and between

blessings and between curses

and I call upon heaven and earth to

witness the choice that who makes you

make that self who you’re gonna let

control you and it says oh god please oh

please choose life oh god if you could

see what death has for you but if you

could see what like he’s literally

begging choose life not just for you not

just for y’all you’re right now so that

your descendants might have an

opportunity to see somebody who lived

the spirit empowered life and can have

the opportunity to live in this crazy

world I came to let everybody know and

I’m gonna keep saying it self control is

your opportunity to choose who’s gonna

control you and I know some of you are

still dealing with this self like but

it’s self control right the Holy Spirit

loves you cuz he gave me an analogy

that’s gonna help you so good this is

what self control looks like go ahead

and put that on the screen for me real

quick take the acronym self you have the

opportunity every day to be self

controlled to live a spirit empowered

life of freed of freedom and faith this

is what I want everybody to realize this

is what God offers you to be self

controlled spirit empowered life of

faith and that will produce the control

in your life but there’s another option

you can either live self controlled

which is sin empowered life of the flesh

so when you think about self control you

need to decide with this looking right

here every day what’s going to empower

me to live think think about it for just

a second because it begins to now play

in your head by the conversations you

have the text message you make the

emojis you use everything is floating

one of these ways because there’s only

two and there’s only two people fighting

for control of your life and self gets


gets to choose am I going to be

spirit-empowered living a life of faith

or am I going to be sin empowered living

a life of the flesh look what Galatians

5:19 21 says I can prove it to you

because when you follow the desires of

your sinful nature the results are very

clear and I’m gonna read this from the

message version because it just hit me

in a whole another way Galatians 5:19 21

it says it’s obvious what kind of life

develops out of trying to get your own

weight all the time

living a flesh filled living a life that

is empowered by your flesh your life is

repetitive loveless you settle for cheap

sex a stinking accumulation of mental

and emotional garbage frenzied and

joyless grabs for happiness you would

rather drink at God’s and magic show

religion paranoid loneliness cutthroat

competition all consuming yet never

satisfying once a brutal temper and

impotence to love or to be loved divided

homes and divided lives doesn’t that

seem like America small-minded and

lopsided pursuits the vicious habit of D

personalizing everyone into a rival

uncontrolled and uncontrollable

addictions ugly parodies of Communion

and I of community and I could go on

this isn’t the first time I’ve warned

you you know if you use your freedom

this way you will not inherit the

kingdom of God when you get saved you go

from living a life that is only led by

the flesh to having the choice of

freedom and it says if you use your

freedom to go back this way and be led

by your flesh you’ll never inherit the

kingdom of God or the abundant life that

God has created for you to live here on

earth so you gotta choose being self

controlled is not saying I’m gonna do

better and I’m just gonna be better in

saying you know what imma let the spirit

leave me today is imma do what’s not

natural imma make decisions against

myself I’m going to tail my natural

flesh that does not want to do anything

it is enmity against God I’m gonna tell

it no and I must say spirit control me

and when you start doing that it changes

the dynamic of your life you get to live

the life that God has called for you

that’s when there’s another option

Galatians 5:22 it says but the holy

spirit produces this kind of fruit in

our lives this comes right after that

horrible list that we just read this is

the other option

remember there’s only two options flesh

can’t code or spirit control now this is

what it says what is the spirit offer it

produces love joy peace patience

kindness goodness everything we want to

be in our facebook bio do you understand

what I’m saying it like faithfulness

gentleness and self-control there is no

law against these things this hit me a

whole different way you know why there’s

no law against these things because you

never need a law where the right thing

is already being done see so many

Christians flirt with where’s the line

what’s in and what’s in I want to be so

far away from my flesh that it does not

matter what see me is anymore it doesn’t

matter what the line it I don’t even

care I don’t need a law cuz I’m nowhere

near the line I don’t need the law

because I’m nowhere near the line what

does your Christianity look like is it

near the line Christianity or is it

being spirited or where I don’t I don’t

need you to tell me what I can and can’t

do cuz I’m so focused on the cross and

so focused on sharing God’s love and so

focus on helping people become who

they’re supposed to be and so focused on

being my best version and so focus on

making sure that when they put a dash on

my name when I died that it meant

something right there I’m so focused I

don’t need to know where this is but

that takes you either being flesh

control or being spirit control so

passing like you telling all us this

self live a spirit empower life of faith

so how do I do that

how how do I actually

take this from a ethereal sermon and

make it practical in my life well I’m

glad you came this morning because

that’s the only reason I’m here is to

help you make your life transform look

at this

Paul tells us in Galatians 5:16 he

basically tells us my third point to

flip the switch he says you’re gonna

wake up one day Wow

you’re gonna be here and you’re gonna be

controlled by your flesh he said but I’m

gonna send people into your life to

invite you to church to show you myself

I may even visit some of you guys in

dreams and I’m gonna put you in really

hard situations so that I can rescue out

of it and tell you that I’m the only one

and you’re gonna make a decision to flip

the switch and you’re gonna get saved

and now when you flip the switch one

time I’m not asking you just to be

satisfied with eternity I’m asking you

not to be satisfied with just a ticket

into heaven a coach seat for the rest of

your life into heaven he said I want you

to make a difference and so I want you

to flip the switch again I want you to

move the dial every day to living a

spirit-empowered life so you now have to

flip the switch and Paul gives us the

remedy in this scripture Galatians 5:16

he says so I say let everybody say let

that word means you have to allow so

this is the one thing that I found out

about God in the Holy Spirit that he’s a


and he won’t do what you won’t let him

do so that area your life you’d be

asking God changed me from the

surrounding and then when he says hey

defriend them or stop going there or

stop doing business with them and you

won’t let that go you’re telling God

that I’m not ready to let you lead come

on let’s be honest he gives instructions

or tell us to do something or tell us to

join that church or serve there or be

here and when we don’t do that and we’re

God I don’t want to deal with this

anymore he said I would have took it

five years ago if you’d let me but many

times we’re holding on to things that

God says let it go let this let that let

it go and so he says let the Holy Spirit

put that up there Galatians 5:16 so let

everybody say let

let the Holy Spirit guide your lives

then you won’t be doing what your sinful

nature craves he literally just gave us

the formula if you let him start pushing

you this way this can never happen again

if you let him start changing your

desires to get what the first thing is

accountability all about they help you

today because I want to give you

practical steps to how to let the spirit

lead you need accountability yeah look

at it right here if you’re gonna split

the spirit lead you have to do two

things you have to tell somebody where

you are and where you want to be that’s

all accountability is and so many people

are scared of it because over here

everything’s in the dark over here

nobody knows what’s really going on I

got secrets lots to cellphones secret

accounts I got all kinds of stuff over

here because what’s done in the dark is

where the enemy is able to rule because

it’s the flesh that’s reading it so you

don’t tell nobody when you’re doing

wrong they don’t tell nobody when you

flirting with somebody at your work and

you marry you don’t tell somebody when

you taking money from your employer you

don’t tell something you don’t tell

nobody that cuz it’s the opposite of

what the spirit wants you to do I hope

y’all get this the spirit wants you to

be accountable and it’s so simple tell

somebody where you are now and where you

want to be

we’re gonna play a countability game I

want you to be my accountability and I’m

gonna show you how simple this is you’re

gonna say to two phrases to me you’re

gonna say where are you and then you’re

gonna say where do you want to be and

I’m gonna answer you so let’s practice

you’re gonna say oh and then I’m gonna

say it and then you’re gonna say where

do you want to be I’m about to tell you

how accountability looks like okay you

ready I don’t value my wife with her

words with my words

I want to be the place of her greatest

encouragement that’s all accountability

is its telling someone not everyone not

a Facebook post telling someone where

you really are and where you want to be

let’s do it again everybody I’m angry

with my children so I punish them I want

to be a place that my children can get

patiently disciplined so they can reach

purpose see there’s no problem with

where you’re at right now if you have a

vision of where you want to be and the

only way that you can get there is if

you have accountability that somebody

knows that and they’re holding you

accountable how many of us have made a

decision to do something and went back

on the decision and nobody even knew

because we didn’t tell nobody come on

some of yall already know I’ll do that

every Thursday you understand what I’m

saying okay come on one more

everybody say I consume things in excess

and I’m out of priority like clothes

food and sex I want to be free to see

clothes that I like and not buy them I

want to be free to be emotional and not


I want to be free to have an attraction

to someone that catches my eye but it

doesn’t end up that night as my new soul

time that’s all accountability is and if

you want to live a life of the Spirit

you’ve got to get accountability that’s

why James 5:16 says confess your sins

one to another and pray for each other

so that you may be healed can I help you

you’re telling God your sins for healing

but you really need to tell your friend

your sins for healing this is the

prescription that he gave but pride fear

it keeps us on this side nobody needs to

know that and God’s saying all I need

you to do if you want to live a

spirit-empowered life as I need you to

get accountability I need you to find

someone this week and I need you to

write a list down where am i and where

do I want to be and I need you to go

down it and then I need you to take them

to coffee call them on FaceTime do

whatever you want to say hey listen I’m

trying to live a spirit empowered life


maybe the most prophetic thing you do

all year I’m trying to live a spirit

empower life so I need to tell you where

I am at right now I don’t need you to

judge me I don’t need you to try to fix

me the Holy Spirit is gonna do this work

it’s not by might it’s not my power but

it’s by the it’s by the Spirit of God

but I need accountability to help me get

to this so this is where I am and this

is where I wanna be and I need you to

help hold me accountable you want to

live a spirit and power life you want

practical steps get accountability but

let’s turn the dial let’s turn it just a

little more oh the d-word how do you let

the Holy Spirit control your life or

lead you down the right path you have to

commit to discipline you got to commit

to discipline think about the word

disciple that’s what this is all about

anyway this is about becoming

disciplined followers of Jesus Christ

that’s how the world will know that we

are here that we’re connected to the

true vine and that we produce much fruit

like this is all about discipline and so

we’re gonna have to commit to discipline

and many of us hate discipline okay

can we take a poll we are a hot church

humble open and transparent okay how

many people dislike discipline okay just

in areas of your life okay hear me but

it’s necessary for you to become

everything God’s called you to be I

don’t care who you are and what you do

and how many zeros you have in your

account God wants to help you by his

Spirit commit to discipline see it’s

being spirit controlled it’s making

decisions against yourself

that’s what discipline is nobody wants

to get up and read the Bible every day

nobody wants to do that but when you

become disciplined to do it the fruit of

that begins to producing your life and

you have peace and situations and joy

and situations and strengthened

situations that you didn’t even know was

there how in the world am I still sane

after he just left me and I just left my

job and I’m you committed to discipline

and something that’s developing the

fruit of the Spirit in you

I’m trying to tell you that

self-discipline is the key to all of

this and I know what some of you were

thinking right now what passing like you

can have self-discipline without being

sin controlled you can have

self-discipline without being all while

and then stuff and I’ll give it to you

you can have a version of

self-discipline or you can have a

version of self-control like everybody

with abs in this place I hate you first

off and and and and second off you do

have a version of self-control remember

you deny certain things to see the

results you want people with PhDs

doctorates you have a version of

self-control to you you you literally

chose to not have a life for eight years

and do school work and do other you you

denied yourself something to get

something else world-class athletes they

have a version of self control they’ve

denied themselves and become proficient

at skills and stuff like that but it

can’t be the self control that God’s

talking about because they have self

control in an area of their life that’s

why you can have a superstar athlete

that is self controlled on this front

but then goes home and and anger beats

his wife he doesn’t have self control in

his life he has self control in an area

and you cannot have self control in your

life unless it’s empowered by the holy

spirit that’s why you can have a doctor

who knows all the facts about eating

right and he can die of obesity can I

help you understand something that God

challenged me with he said Michael

information-only will not produce the

change you want to see in your life he

said it’s Holy Spirit inspiration that

will allow you to live a life that is

fruitful that’s why you have pastors

this morning standing up in front of

congregations who know the word but are

leaving a secret homosexual life behind

the scene it’s because information can’t

change you you know every scripture you

know what to do you’ve seen the

consequences it’s the Holy Spirit

inspiration that will make you committed

discipline that will change your life I

know this word is challenging for many

of us but until we commit to

self-control in our life living a spirit

empowered life of faith we will always

be controlled by this thing that always

leads us to stuff we can’t stand the

altars would be less full of people

talking about I messed up this weekend I

did if we got into a place where we

believe that you know what there’s a

better option than living like this God

wants me to live spirit and power this

is the beautiful thing about living this

type of life is that after you get

accountability and after you commit to

discipline something almost magical

happens discipline turns into desire

see most people want to desire at first

and then become discipline in it that’s

why you buy all the workout clothes you

get new Nikes you you you you get

headphones beats and everything you warm

enough and you doing all your stuff and

then you go run one time for the year

because you’re trying to get something

to give you a desire that only can be

formed by discipline see if you start

reading the word every day and you start

praying every day and you commit to

being planted in the house of God and

you join small groups that you start

serving and you give and you tithe and

what ends up happening is your

discipline will turn into a design and

see when it gets to a desire we on

autopilot now I wake up and there’s not

even a thought am I gonna be led by my

flesh but I desire a life that leads me

to life

oh that’s powerful I desire a life that

leads me to life and some of you are

living a life that leads you to

existence not a life that leads me to


and so what I’m challenging you is those

three practical steps

begin to change your life and so you

want to live a spirit-empowered life of


practically you need to tell somebody

where you are and where you want to be

you need to commit to discipline get a

devotional Regent word every day you

look us back up on YouTube sit go join a

small group start serving start giving

start doing it down care if you’re a

college student give what you got if

you’re tithe there’s $1 give it because

God’s not concerned about amounts he’s

never has been he’s concerned about

hearts stop making excuses God said I’m

trying to get you somewhere I’m trying

to live did I help you live this life

that’s more abundant than anything you

could ever imagine but you got to commit

to discipline if you commit to

discipline I’ll tell you what that

discipline is don’t turn into a desire

and you’re gonna want me in your life

you’re not gonna want to make a decision

without me you’re gonna know that my

setup me being in your life is better

than anything in the world and then we

can say stuff like David said in Psalms

42 as the deer panteth for as he panted

for the water oh my soul Long’s acting

that’s desire and I told God I didn’t

want to live a puny existence of this

Christianity life that is fueled by only

what I want I want the life you intended

for me like I’m sick of seeing my family

members and everybody lived these life’s

and at the end of it all we can say this

they were a good person like they were

good gonna miss them three weeks later

nobody remembers cuz they didn’t live a

spit we’re talking about people right

now Paul and David that live

spirit-empowered lies we talking about

them centuries later

not because they were special it’s cuz

they decided that when salvation came

with Jesus came into their life they

were going to flip the switch and I’m

challenging you today that you would

live a controlled life by self not sin

empowered life of faith and for the sin

empowered life of fear or the sin

empowered life of your flesh

but I want you to live a spirit

empowered life of faith that will

produce freedom and you can desire God

like that I don’t care yo some of y’all

are in this room right now and you’re so

far over here and you’re saying there’s

no way you don’t know what I did this

week you or know who I’m talking to

that was me to like like seven years ago

that was me too and I made a decision to

give Jesus a real try and then I got the

option everyday cuz it’s still fighting

like like don’t get it twisted every day

I come up here it’s like mmm am I going

to live a spirit empowered life or am I

gonna live a sin empowered life but I’ve

chosen nope I’m gonna get accountability

I got dudes in this room that I call a

bro my wife been pregnant long time bro

we got six weeks after the c-section

that I can’t have sex help me Oh y’all

want to be faith but see that’s when the

enemy comes remember people without

self-control is like a city with their

walls torn down and so if I don’t tell

somebody that

that’s why I’ll end up on the website

trying to preach to you about joy the

next week but I’m over here didn’t happy

on myself uh-oh and if if you find that

out that’s why you live to leave the

church because you don’t know that I’m

still up here struggling and fighting

every day with the two spirits that are

trying to control my life but I said no

no no I’m gonna get accountability and

matter of fact I’m gonna read this

devotional about staying safe why your

wife is pregnant and I thank you Lord

that you’re changing my desire and that

I can live a spirit and power life of


self-control is not you controlling

yourself because you can’t self-control

is you choosing who you allow to control

you either your sin nature or your

spirit nature Galatians 5:26 it says

since we are living by the spirit

there’s that word again let let us

follow let’s flip the switch let us

follow the spirits leading not in just

some parts of our life but in every part

of our life so guess what you get

tomorrow you get an opportunity to flip

the switch alarm goes off ding ding ding

Who am I going to let control myself

will it be a sin empowered life of the

flesh not for transformation Church

we’re gonna be a bunch of believers that

flip the switch and live a spirit and

powered life and I want to pray for you

everybody who wants to live that life I

know it’s hard right now but if you want

to live that life want you to lift your

hands I want you to I want to pray for

you you watching online father I thank

you for this church who is learning the

fruit that is produced by the spirit

father self-control a spirit empowered

life of faith God I’m thanking you that

you’re moving us further and further

away from our sin desires our sin

exploration our sin habits and you’re

moving us father God to a place that we

choose you every day father I know that

some of us are gonna mess up and we’re

gonna choose things father that maybe

are more familiar or we’ve had more time

with but God I thank you that you’re

building in us accountability through

small groups and this church for other

God and people that are around us and

you’re building in us father God the

ability to get committed to discipline

we will in 2017 strong father God

knowing that 2018 has promised for us as

we discipline father and I thank you

that our discipline turns into zyre and

our desire is to please you God and we

will live spirit in parallel

bless these people cuz they’re choosing

life today we trust you we believe you

and we thank you for it in Jesus name

come on if you’re gonna live a

spirit-empowered life can we give God a

shout of praise in this place
