Gratitude Is the Best Attitude / The D.I.G. / Bible Study
Join us for this Bible study, where Pastor Charles dives into the life-changing power of gratitude. Using Ephesians 5:20 as a foundation, this message reminds us that gratitude can transform how we see our families, treat our friends, and navigate life’s challenges. It’s easy to focus on what we’ve lost, but choosing gratitude shifts our perspective and fills our hearts with hope. Whether you’re facing frustrations or simply need a fresh outlook, this lesson will give you the tools you need to put forth your best attitude through gratitude. SCRIPTURE REFERENCE: Ephesians 5:20 (ESV) ABOUT US We Exist to REPRESENT God to the lost & found for Transformation in Christ. This is the vision of Transformation Church, led by Pastor Michael Todd and based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. NEXT STEPS Have you made the decision to follow Jesus? Let us know so we can help you on your journey toward Transformation in Christ: Here at TC, we have a culture code of Relationship, and we want YOU to find your people! You found your church. Have you found your tribe? Looking for a place to serve? Find an area that you would like to volunteer in & sign up below: GIVE To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world: STAY CONNECTED Email Newsletter: Website: Facebook: / wearetransformation Instagram:
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well hello I hope you are doing well I
want to take a moment and welcome you to
The Dig it’s a little bit different this
week normally we meet at the Tulsa
campus and stream all over the world uh
but it’s a little different because it
is Thanksgiving week as a matter of fact
when you’re watching this I believe
Thanksgiving will be tomorrow so
hopefully you got your sides prepped if
you haven’t started cooking yet that
means your food food won’t be good so
that’s uh an issue I’m joking but I’m
glad you’re here we’re actually here in
my living room and I thought we’d take
some time uh to be together to talk
about this season and um you know we are
in our house so I just want to welcome
you you can relax take a deep breath my
dog cappuccino is sitting right next to
me so it’s a very home welcoming
environment but if we haven’t got the
chance to meet my name is Charles I get
to serve as the Tulsa campus pastor and
every single week we do the dig it is
based off of three focuses that we have
as a church which is Faith friends and
formation those are the three things we
see in Acts 242 and so as a church we
wanted to take those things seriously so
Sunday is a space of faith and then we
have tribes which is where we grow in
our relationships and our friends and
then at the Dig is about spiritual
formation it’s about us becoming more
like Christ and so we’re glad that
you’ve taken time to be here with us
today and uh we’re just going to be here
for a few moments I’m going to read out
of this book and we’re going to talk
around an idea and then I’m going to
take a moment to pray for you and uh I
believe it’s going to be helpful
encouraging to you as you go into this
holiday season so I want to take a
moment and open us up in a word of
prayer and we will jump in would you
pray with me Lord God I thank you so
much for everyone listening I thank you
Lord that you know where they are and
what they’re going through I pray that
as we take the next few moments to
gather around your word that your spirit
would comfort your spirit would guide
that your spirit would speak to them
clearly it’s in the name of Jesus we
pray and everybody
said come on that was like door of the
Explorer right there I had to do the
like boots anyways we’re going to jump
in today I want you to write down I’m
going to talk to you just for a second
around this idea aidea it’s actually a a
pen my dad used to wear I grew up my dad
there was a season where he was a pastor
but early on growing up he worked at car
dealerships and he used to wear this
little pen that said attitude I don’t
know if you ever saw this if you saw in
the 90s you probably saw a businessman
that had a pen that said attitude but
here’s the title if you’re taking notes
I want you to write this down gratitude
is the best attitude I know it’s a
little cheesy I know it’s a little corny
but it is the truth and here’s what I
want you to write down this is my my
first uh this is my thesis all these
talks that I’m going to do I’m going to
operate from a thesis or from a core
idea here’s the thesis for this one
thank you cappuccino actually buddy I’m
going to release you to go somewhere
else here’s the concept gratitude can
change your life gratitude can change
your life it is my strong conviction my
strong belief and my experience that
gratitude has the opportunity to change
your life dramatically it can change how
you see your friends and family it can
change how you see a situation it can
change how you show up in the world it
can change who you do and don’t talk to
it can change how you vote it can change
how you cook your turkey tomorrow
gratitude is the best attitude you can
take and it can change your life I want
to read you a scripture out of the book
of Ephesians it is written by Paul he’s
writing to Church in Ephesus and it’s
chapter 5 verse 20 is what the Bible
says and give thanks for
everything to God the father in the name
of our Lord Jesus Christ give thanks for
everything to God the father in the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ there’s one
translation that says always give thanks
for everything
always give thanks for everything when I
read that scripture there were two words
that stuck out to me always and
everything how can we in the midst of
family pressure in the midst of being
gathered together or maybe you’re on the
opposite side of that coin this
Thanksgiving maybe you’re eating a meal
alone maybe there was someone who was at
the table last year that’s not there
this year maybe you have went through a
divorce maybe you lost someone you loved
maybe you moved your family across
country following what you felt like was
the voice of God and now you’re sitting
in a situation and the Bible’s telling
us hey you should always give thanks for
everything to God I don’t know about you
but in my life that’s a lot easier said
than done sometimes it’s easy to look
around everything that’s going wrong in
our life and that becomes the focal
point that becomes what’s most important
that becomes the center of our attention
what we don’t have who’s not there the
misses we had the NOS we got and we can
even as we come to the end of a year in
this holiday season we can get so
focused in an attitude of negativity
that’s the culture that we live in the
news is built off selling you bad news
nobody gets up on the news and it’s like
hey we want to give you 10 awesome
things going on in the world right now
they’re like no here’s a thing uh a
monkey was abandoned on the side of the
road and nobody cares about monkeys
anymore and there’s a war over it’s just
ridiculous stuff that is trying to get
us down but today I want to give you an
opportunity as you’re getting ready for
Thanksgiving as maybe you’ve got family
driving in or maybe as you’re
experiencing a lonely season that you
can make a decision that my attitude is
going to be draped soaked and coated
gratitude how do we live in an attitude
of gratitude you know I want to tell you
a story so we have four children our
oldest is five Arlo Phoenix then after
that is Luna Rose she’s four then Jade
October is three and blue Sunday is
about to turn two and um jade went
through a season recently where uh she
got potty trained she knew how to uh
potty trained he knew how to go to the
restroom by herself um but around two or
3 a.m. Jade would wake up sit up in her
bed and just scream d Dad Dad I gotta go
body Dad Dad she would not get up she
would not get out of her bed she would
not move she would sit there and yell
over and over and over dad I got to go
potty so I would slowly wake up in a
days come upstairs to her room and be
like Jade get up out of your bed and
then she would stand up out of her bed I
would say Jade go to the bathroom she
would walk into the bathroom I say Jay
go to the potty she would take off her
clothes and go to the potty Jay get back
in the bed and she she did all of it by
herself not needing my help and I
remember one night specifically it had
been happening multiple weeks at this
point and I was frustrated honestly I’m
losing sleep I’m getting mad I’m like
what in the world you can go potty by
yourself you don’t need me up here and
she screams 2: a.m. Dad I need to go
potty I come up there she’s in like a
drunken Slumber she stumbles out of her
bunk bed she like wanders to the
bathroom I’m like Jay get on the potty
she climbs up her little stool sits on
the potty and she’s sitting
there I walk up to her and I’m looking
at her and she lays her head on my
shoulder and falls asleep on the potty
and part of me there were two thoughts
that happened one was I’m so frustrated
that I am up at 2 in the morning taking
this girl to the bathroom that can go to
the bathroom by herself and the second
thought I had is one day I will miss a
little chubby cheek three-year-old
screaming for me to come take her to the
potty and I want to take a moment as
we’re going into Thanksgiving to make a
decision to be grateful for the things
that might be a source of frustration
right now I know you’ve got family that
there’s tension with but the truth is
the fact that you’re around some family
is a blessing I know you’ve moved and
you feel like maybe you’re not close to
family anymore but the truth is you’re
following God and he has comforted you
and he has provided and he’s made way I
know that loved one is not here anymore
but the truth is you have the beauty of
the great times you had together and
their memory and now this Thanksgiving
it’s an opportunity to honor their seat
at the table I know you may be in a hard
situation but there’s still something in
there that we can take as Ephesians 5
says and thank God the Lord Jesus Christ
as we close out I want to give you a
couple of thoughts on how do we give
thanks to God
no matter what how do we stay in a
posture of giving thanks the first thing
I want you to write this down is first
you got to pause you got to take a
second to stop I know it’s busy I know
you got to run to the store and get some
Hawaiian rolls because your husband
forgot to get them and I know there’s a
lot of stuff you got to do but amongst
all the busyness why don’t you take a
moment to pause maybe Mom you got to run
and say that you’re getting something
out of the bedroom and you shut the door
and you sit there and take a deep breath
Maybe friend you’re kind of overwhelmed
by that family member CU y’all haven’t
talked in a while and so you just take a
second before everybody arrives or
before you get out of your car to walk
into grandmother’s house you take a
second to pause take a moment to just
settle yourself the next thing is why
don’t you take a second to get some
perspective it’s exactly what happened
to me when I was sitting there with my
three-year-old little girl on the potty
at 2:30 in the morning the perspective
is yes I’m tired yes I’m losing sleep
yes she can go to the bathroom by
herself another perspective is one day
she’s going to be gone one day she’s
going to have her own life her own
family she won’t be calling for Dad she
won’t be needing my help for much things
so a perspective shift is even though
this is frustrating it’s still something
to be grateful for it’s still something
that I enjoy and as you’re cooking your
meals as you’re prepping for this
Thanksgiving why don’t you stop and get
some perspective even though things are
hard you’re still here even though that
family member is gone you still somehow
have peace even though there’s pressure
and tension and financial things and
you’re worried even about Christmas and
how you’re going to provide the truth is
you can look back over your life and get
some perspective that God has always
provided for you pause perspective and
the last one is profession I was writing
these sermons with my wife and we were
talking about it and I said the last
Point profession and she was like like
your job Charles that makes no sense I
said no swe that’s not what I’m talking
about I’m talking about what are you
professing what are you saying the Bible
is very clear about the power of what we
say the Bible says that life and death
resides in our tongue that what we do
and how we talk it matters the Bible
says that the greatest Miracle of
Salvation happens by you saying
something the Bible’s clear if you
believe in your heart and confess with
your mouth then you shall be saved what
you say matters and if you’re going into
this Thanksgiving and holiday season
season saying this is going to be tough
I just need to get through this nobody’s
going to show up to the dinner I don’t
know why I’m doing this or I’m hopeless
or I’m not going to make it or I’m not
good if you start to profess that the
truth is that is exactly how this
holiday season will go and inversely if
you say I’m going to decide to be
grateful this is going to be an
enjoyable meal we’re going to have a
good time as a family I’m going to
decide that I’m going to show kindness
even though it’s maybe not accepted I’m
deciding that this is going to go well
if you decide those things and you
profess those things I promise you it’ll
change your posture you’ll show up to
Thanksgiving dinner saying hey guys how
you do like you’ll show up in a
different way so as we close out our
time together again I want to say thank
you for joining us for the Dig and I
want you to decide today to have an
attitude of gratitude here’s what we’re
going to do U during the Dig we always
have Bible study and we always have a
time of prayer and you know uh a couple
years ago I took some time to start
studying prayer and I got this book um
and it’s a list of ancient prayers that
early church members prayed and I think
it’s beautiful sometimes you know uh to
see the power of prayer to see the power
of people who have been praying for
thousands of years and I want to read
you a Prayer by Augustine of Hippo and
some of you are like what in the world
is a hippo praying for just just go with
me I want to read you this prayer and
then I’m going to close out um our time
together here’s what it says the title
of this prayer is help me you who need
nothing come to my
Aid you who are the only Eternal and
true God Father and Son and Holy Spirit
without any variableness or turning
without any needs of lack of power and
without death you who always dwell in
the high EST in
brightness you are always totally
steadfast self-sufficient and one with
you there is no lack of good I want to
say that again I want you to receive
this prayer this blessing over your life
with God there is no lack of good you
are always full of every good and for
eternity you are father Father Son and
Holy Spirit would you close your eyes
and pray with me Lord God as we go into
this season of Thanksgiving I pray that
you would allow us to have an attitude
of gratitude that our Spirits would be
centered on you I pray for anyone right
now that is in a situation that feels
like they have nothing to be grateful
for would you turn on the lights in a
way would you show them that the family
the friends the home the job the peace
in their heart their mind the breath in
their lungs is a reason to be grateful
God I pray a blessing over everyone I
pray a blessing over the families that
are going to gather together and Lord we
pray a special blessing over all the
people who cannot cook help them in
Jesus name amen Hey listen we love you
so much thank you for joining us for
this dig I pray you have an amazing
Thanksgiving and we will see you next