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all right let’s do it get out your

smartphones get out your notepads get

out your Bibles cuz we are about to

start part 9 of a series we’re calling

help me MA

now I’m running out of fingers to be

able to say part T and that’s the last

one that’s the only one I can do because

that’s all the fingers I have we’ve been

in this series for a long time but I

think it’s intentional that we’ve been

talking to people who have been marked

by God but a lot of times our situation

in our circumstance does not line up

with what God has said about us and a

lot of times in our life our weeks do

not look like our days do not look like

the job we go to does not look like what

God has said about us Oh am I the only

one who does it

who doesn’t wake up every morning fill

in marked some mornings I wake up

feeling mad oh okay so some some

mornings there’s just things in life and

crap that just keeps happening and you

know God’s called you and he saved you

for a purpose and that didn’t take you

out for a reason but I don’t feel like

that every week and I came to encourage

somebody because this week I had a rough

week preparing for this message now I

know all y’all think that I wake up

every morning with the word that ain’t

true and you may think that every Sunday

I want to preach that ain’t you this is

something that I don’t always want to do

but I know I’m called to it I was worked

for it and so this week I had to press

cuz I’ve been having some dumb stuff

happened to me this week I don’t know

about you when them dumb weeks start

happening and then it makes you start

questioning like other stuff that really

doesn’t matter but but but it’s like a

little thing happens and then you leave

room for the enemy to start suggesting

things to you and I only know how to be

one way is real and so it was something

very small that happened to me I went to

Miami and right before I left to go to

Miami to preach I got a brand new cell

phone because of my

phone the Kettleman cracked on it and I

like taking pictures of everything and

so I have insurance so I called them

there’s like yes mr. Todd will send you

a new phone it’s gonna cost this much

but it’s way less than what the phone

I’m actually cost but this is your last

time I’m being able to use your

insurance because I’ve had some other

tribulations with my phone before judge

me if you want you ain’t dumb now it’s

like cool it comes in the day before I’m

about to get on the plane and I was like

bet I’m gonna take it with me so that I

can switch my stuff over while I’m on

the trip I never got around to it

but I had my phone the entire trip and

the day before we leave I can’t find my

phone now this usually wouldn’t be a

problem because you know on the iPhone

there’s the feature that says find my


the only problem is I hadn’t put a sim

card in the new phone yet because I was

still using my other phone so this phone

max X + + to infinity and beyond is

somewhere and I don’t know where it is

and we’re about to get on a plane to

come back to Tulsa and I tried to go to

bed that night with faith you know how

you like I ain’t even gonna worry about

it it’s gonna pop up tomorrow the angels

are gonna deliver it to me before before

imma go to sleep and I woke up that

morning no phone got on the plane no

phone and I don’t know what happens to

you when you lose money

but I get a pain like right in this area

of my stomach I don’t want to eat I’m

frustrated that stuff that shouldn’t be

frustrating and and this was a little

thing but when I let my emotions in that

little thing just be open just a little

bit the enemy started whisper said maybe

you weren’t supposed to be in Miami

maybe you weren’t supposed to minister

here maybe you’re not hearing from God

anymore maybe you’re not supposed to

lead that church maybe you’re not even

supposed to be a pastor

it went from I lost my cell phone no I’m

trying to tell you to maybe you don’t

need to preach ever again and the reason

I’m saying it like this because this is

what’s happening in your life every day

it’s like these little things keep

coming at you and you know you’re marked

by God but if we leave room for the

enemy you go from maybe I don’t ever

ever want to have kids no more because

they didn’t eat they macaroni and cheese

like like how do we get from I’m ready

to cut my hair off because like but it’s

the suggestion of the enemy that comes

in to tell you that you’re not marked if

you if you were really marked you

wouldn’t be going through those troubles

if you really had the hand of God on

your life and it really were anointing

your family wouldn’t be as jacked up but

I came to encourage somebody cuz I made

it to this service and that was the

enemy’s worst nightmare – let me get up

here and share from my authenticity and

so I had to spend a lot of time with God

this week like I had to go deep and I

ended up reading a lot of the Bible this

week because I know the Bible is the

place where it’s not a book that I just

read but it reads me and it was

something that started getting on the

inside of me and where I was feeling

discouraged and I didn’t want to do it

anymore and things started happening

God said I’ve given you the answers to

everything you fill in in my word he

said matter of fact the series you’re in

marked I’ve done the same thing I want

you to read all of David’s story so I’ll

read all the first same your seconds him

you I read all this stuff and

after God worked on me he gave me a word

for you so I want you to go with me the

First Samuel chapter 17 verse 40 cuz God

told me and said Michael I know you

don’t feel like it right now but I’ve

given you everything you need right when

you need it to do what I’ve called you

to do

say God this don’t feel like I have

everything I need I’m losing I’ve lost

my iphone I don’t have the leadership

that I need to be able to run this

organization I don’t have the education

to do this that in the third I don’t

know how and I’m running down the list

of all the things that I don’t have and

God said to me again like I say to you

I’ve given you everything you need to do

everything that you need to do at the

time you need to do it and I just came

to tell some March people in here this

is what God did for David I got stuck on

this passage of Scripture and we’re

gonna be stuck to you for the next 30

minutes okay I want you to see this

First Samuel chapter 17 verse 40 it said

he picked up five smooth stones this is

David about to go fight a giant he’s

marked the entire army don’t want

nothing to do with it he had to convince

the king hey let me go fight him he was

like go ahead do it but let me give you

my armor and he put on my armor took a

couple of steps and said I don’t fit

this and so he said I gotta be

authentically who God’s created me to be

because my anointing is in my

authenticity and he walks up and goes to

a stream bends down picks up five smooth

stones from the stream and puts them

into his shoulder bag

then armed only with his shepherd’s

staff and swing he started across the

valley to fight the Philistine now

mostly I’ll be like okay where’s the

revelation in that Pastor Mike I’m bout

to show you I’ve been in many areas in

my life where I felt underprepared for

what was in front of me kind of how I

felt this week but what ended up

happening is David is about to go face

this giant but he’s going to face them

without the proper

Bin’s that need to be with him to be

able to take out a giant and as I begin

to look at David’s entire life God gave

him tools throughout his whole life that

would give him influence and the ability

to win battles see at the beginning of

David’s story his father gave him a

staff and this staff was the first tools

he had of leadership that he would stand

out in a field with a bunch of sheep

when parties were even going on and he

was safe ‘el to be who where he was

supposed to be with what he was supposed

to do with the tool God placed in his

hand and then in a different season in

his life he picked up a guitar or a harp

or stringed instrument and it was crazy

that right when he needed to be in that

place to write songs and develop his

craft then we read songs of Psalms like

um as the deer panteth for the water oh

my soul longeth after the David wrote

that stuff while he was in a different

season when nobody was looking and he

was using the tool that God placed in

his hand and then he comes up to Goliath

and he picks up another tool a slingshot

and now this looks like something that

would just be a hobby for him like why

in the world are you facing a giant with

the slingshot but obviously he knows

something that we don’t know he learned

some Steel’s when nobody was looking

that he knew that God could use in front

of everybody and because he used the

slingshot properly he didn’t became a

man of war and he got a new tool his

slingshot turned into a sword and the

Bible tells us that David led men’s

thousands of men into battle and they

won tons of victory for the nation and

this sword would ultimately turn into

this crown and he would be in his

purpose spot but most of us want this

crown without touching any of these

other tools

oh come on let’s be honest today if we

can just skip the process and put on the

crown but what I found out is that David

was told by God in the season he was in

for what he was about to face when he

comes up and he’s about to fight Goliath

he didn’t need the crown at that moment

the Bible says it says been armed now I

looked at the word armed and the armed

word means to be equipped with ready to

defend let me use a more urban term he

said he was strapped y’all know if

somebody comes in like bro what you want

to do I’m strapped bro what you like now

I was good with it until he told me what

David was armed with he said he was

armed with his shepherd’s staff and his

slingshot um quick quick sidebar god I’m

about to go against Goliath don’t you

feel like I need some other weapons to

be able to face this giant in front of

me no cuz I’ve armed you with where and

what I’ve been preparing you for this

entire time see what happened is when

you were a shepherd the reason it’s

built like this is because you’d be in

the pasture for a long time and what you

would do is you’d be standing a lot and

so they built this so you could be able

to lean your weight on this piece of

wood and as I begin to study this and I

begin to look at how David Wood would

have this shepherd’s staff and he was

standing on it obviously everybody that

was looking at him about to go against

Goliath thought he was crazy just think

about it what I bro I’m ready to take

you out yes you

what you own and the whole children of

art the Israel army it’s like what is

this dude he is on that good stuff

because he has lost his mic he doesn’t

even have what’s necessary to fight the

battle but the Bible says he was armed

what happens when what’s in your hand

may be the very thing that God’s going

to use to bring down the Giant let me

help you write this point down when

you’re marked what you have now is your

weapon yeah what you have now is your

weapon that’s not like I don’t got

nothing yeah you do there is something

that God has placed on the inside of

every person in this room but the

problem is you know you don’t have the

right perspective on it you think it’s

nothing you think it’s the thing I’ve

been doing since I was young and that

one thing I picked up a long time ago

and God say no no no no no you need to

look at it right that is your weapon

I armed you with that personality I


armed you with that ability to organize

all your friends are saying oh she just

OCD no baby that’s my lightning you

better hear what I’m saying in this

place that there are many of you that

have been looking at what God has placed

in your hands and you’re discounting it

because everybody else is not

celebrating what is in your hand but God

is calling what is in your hand right

now he said that is your weapon and you

are armed write down the title of my

message I forgot to give it to you I’m

armed and dangerous somebody needs to

say I’m armed and dangerous


see a lot of y’all y’all came in here is

like no that’s just uh you know I just I

just I just have the natural ability to

to write words on paper

I just journal and God said what why are

you acting like that ain’t none that’s

your weapon there there are things that

imma give you that you’re gonna be able

to articulate situations and stories and

things for the world to be able to read

and you’re looking past what I placed in

your hand right now and wishing you had

what they had and wishing you were where

they were and God says I need you to

step towards that giant knowing that you

are armed do you know how foolish David

look to everybody else but his

confidence was not in what he had in his

hands it’s it was his confidence in who

he was walking with and until you start

looking at what’s in your hands as worth

it you always be looking for the next

season so that you can get something

else – maybe I can do this maybe I’ll be

but that’s our perspective especially in

Western culture anyway because right now

how many people like shopping in their

room how many people come on just lift

your hands you like clothes and all that

other stuff all right Amy we’re a hot

church some of y’all was lying right

there it’s like you don’t even know I

got stuff in the trunk like okay the

crazy thing about it is every day you go

to your closet and you pass by things

that are amazing and the problem is you

stopped looking at it in the same way

you once with that it when you bought it

so I could go to your closet right now

take good stuff out of your closet take

it to the store and you would rebuy it

because when it’s been so close you lost

the value of it you stopped looking at

this is a gift this is something that’s

innate this is something that’s natural

in me and if it’s under shiny lights and

they charge me and tell me it’s on sale

I already offered it but I’ll pay again

for something that’s already in my hands

and David walked into confidence to know

that you know what what I have in my

head is able to take out any giant God

let’s come in front of me so today I I

want you to write your own um

scripture according to Samuel First

Samuel chapter 17 and and 40 because it

said then David armed with only blank

and blank started everybody say started

so many of marked people are frozen at

the starting line because they don’t

feel like they have what they need in

their hands to complete what God’s

placed in their heart and this I want

you to do this this is very practical

today but I need you to feel these

blanks in on the count of three I want

you to say your name cuz I need you to

know this is for you okay then one two

three say your name like you mean it

then whatever your name is I’m gonna put

my name in there Michael armed only with

a good personality in a big mouth oh

you’re laughing because you thought it

was worthless and in elementary school

yeah I got sent to the principal’s

office every day and my butt has it

marked but armed only with I don’t have

a Doctorate degree I don’t have nobody

cosign and everything I do

but Michael armed with only his

personality and a big mouth started a

movement of people that would follow God

and represent all y’all better hear me

in here you don’t have to have what you

think you need to do what God has placed

in front of you

David step towards Goliath armed with a

staff and a slingshot and my question to

you is what do you need to reevaluate in

your life that you’ve been saying that’s

not enough and God said that’s your


look look some of y’all need to write it

I was talking to my barber who’s in this


his name is AG and and I was like AG

this applies to you too because AG his

family came from a different country and

they struggled when he was younger and I

and but AG is marked by God and he cuts

my hair every Sunday and we have all

these type of conversations about how

good god is and where he came from and

how far I’ve come and I put his name in

here I said then AG armed only with the

work ethic and some clippers started a

small business that’s touching the

entire city of Tulsa right now no no now

the crazy thing about it is he might not

know this but every where I go people

ask me two questions

where’s pastor Natalie it’s the first

question asked me and the second

question they asked me is who cuts your

hair see what he started with what was

in his hands has now become something

that people are searching him out for

and some of us are waiting for somebody

to search us out and God saying no no no

no no you got a step towards it with

what is in your hand right now a girl

named Sarah armed only with the story in

a living room started a small group

that’s changing people’s lives a man

named Tyler armed only with a

minimum-wage job and a good personality

started inviting people to church and

people are getting saved there was a

woman in 1980 named candy Lightner armed

only with the grief from losing her

daughter when she got hit by a drunk

driver and the kitchen table she started

an organization called mad mother

against drunk driving and it has now

saved thousands of young people’s life

because she did not look at what was in

her hand as a disadvantage but she was

armed and there was a man named Gary

Macintosh who armed only with the vision

and a converted grocery store that you

sit in today started transformation like

like I want you to see that until you

can step towards giants with what God’s

already placed in your hands you will

always be living below what God has

called you to and this is why I’m trying

to let everybody know as we stand here

today that you don’t need a lot see the

problem is a lot of y’all don’t like

small things you want big things you

already see who you are and how God is

blowing you up but what you gotta know

is that God is attracted to small things

like like do y’all know what the Bible

says in Zechariah 4 and 10 he says do

not despise these small beginnings don’t

despise you sitting with your sketch pad

and having time right now don’t despise

you doing your friends hair and and and

and putting it on Instagram don’t

despise small beginning for the Lord

Himself rejoices to see the work what

begin like many of you are waiting on

God and God saying I just want you to

take what’s in your hands and start cuz

as soon as you pull up yo pull out your

laptop and write book with no title on


he starts me yes right but I do

they don’t even know who I have up the

street that’s gonna connect him with

everything that they need but I do and

he rejoices over the start that’s why

John the Baptist armed with only passion

and water started a movement that would

prepare the way for our Lord and Savior

all I need you to seriously do this week

is evaluate what’s in your hand right

now you don’t need a crown a guitar you

don’t need a sword to fight the Giants

that’s in front of you you have

everything that you need right now well

pass the mic if I had more money it

would be easier but then God wouldn’t

get the glory what he’s trying to do

right now is he’s trying to use the

insufficiencies of what’s in your hand

to show that he is sufficient so if you

will step in faith towards what God has

called you to everything you don’t have

he comes in and brings and feels in all

the gaps and you still win the victory

do y’all know how don’t be must the bid

for David to be standing there with his

staff like what you own Goliath like

what and then he picks up a smooth stone

in a slingshot knocks him straight in

the head and he falls but see David’s

confidence was not in what was in his

hand it was in the God that called them

to that spot in the first place let me

prove it to you let me prove it to you

because some of y’all still looking at

me okay first same in chapter 17 verse

46 because some of y’all are gonna get

faith today – well I’m not even out of

high school I don’t matter well I don’t

I didn’t even get accepted to the

college they don’t matter either what’s

in your hand right now

David started talking trash took a life

with not the right weapons and God is

saying when you start talking trash to

the mountains in front of you in faith

with not all the resources some of y’all

are in a marriage right now that looks

like it’s headed to divorce and you

gonna have to start speaking in faith

the thing that you do not see you’re

gonna have to speak it out of your mouth

see because when when you’re looking at

it this don’t look like I’m out to win

but what you know is that God’s called

you here and you gotta say things the

only way you really know it’s faith is

if you can say it out loud and truly

believe in so some of y’all need to go

back to your marriage and say this

marriage will live and not die and

we are going to be a testimony of God’s

goodness some of y’all need to walk into

your children’s bedroom who are living

any kind of way right now and you need

to say ask for me in my house we will

serve the Lord and my son or my daughter

are gonna know their Worth and walked in

purity and be an example of the glory of

God you gotta speak it before you see it

and that’s what David’s gonna do with

insufficient weapons his confidence was

in God and look what he said in verse 46

a Goliath yeah you fool you think I’ll

play with you you think I’ll play let me

tell you if you’re ever in a fight just

talk to yourself a little bit they’ll

think you’re a little crazier and I’ll

give you an Avenger he think I’ll play

with him the guy yelled

he said you today the Lord will conquer

you and I’m gonna kill you and I’m gonna

cut off your head now that seems very

foolish because he’s speaking this

before he make one move towards him and

he’s speaking what’s gonna happen

without the proper weapons that

everybody would have to defeat a giant

but I need you to understand this when

you speak in faith over your situation

you do not have to have everything that

you think you need to see the victory

pesum like you keep saying the same

thing because some people are paralyzed

right here and they’ve been waiting for

God to do something and he said I’m

giving you everything you need I’ve

given you and you’re saying well it’s

not special it don’t gotta be its

authentically what’s naturally you there

are things that you are gifted in there

are things that you notice before

anybody else there are things that you

walk into a room and you bring into that

room God says that’s all you need to

fight what’s in front of you right now

this is

the beautiful thing because I’m looking

at this picture you know I look at

everything in a movie

David’s talking trash and he tells him

I’m a Jew and he doesn’t have anything

to cut his head off with now what

happens when God tells you to speak

stuff out where you don’t even have like

he could have said I’m a hoot kill hated

or you know what I’m saying or I’m like

I’m gonna bop you on the head but like

he literally says uppercut yo and I know

his friends like bro

like take the last thing out bro you

don’t even have a right but look what

happens in verse 50 David kills him he

kills him with the slingshot and the

schmuck five smooth stones it says so

David triumphs over the Philistine with

only uh he was try only a triumphant

with only uh go back to our verse real

quick cuz it says then you armed with

only on see it’s the very thing that

you’re counting out that God’s counting

on it’s the it’s the very thing that you

like to say nothing I’ve been doing this

since I was young and now I’m always

doing that nobody’s ever paid me to do

that it’s that thing that God saying if

you would just look at that how I’ve

given it to you yeah that’s the thing

I’m counting on and look what he says in

verse 50 he said with only a sleighing

in a stone and it reiterates for he had

no sword he didn’t have what he needed

even at the moment that Goliath is dead

the Giants fallen the marriage looks

like it’s gonna succeed but God tells

you something else he still didn’t have

in his hands what he needed it said then

David ran over to his opposition Goliath


and he pulled Goliath sword from his

sheath and David used what he won in the

battle he was in he used his own enemy’s

weapon to cut off his head I’m trying to

tell you that there are things that are

gonna happen

only when you stay faithful to fight the

battle that’s in front of you now and

you will speak life and you’ll say this

is gonna happen and at the moment you

that giant falls out of that battle

you’re gonna win something and it’ll be

the very weapon that you will need to

cut off your enemy’s head what are you

saying to me Pastor Mike when you are

marked right this point down

today’s warfare will produce tomorrow’s

weapons like if you would just fight

what’s in front of you stop worrying

about where the next weapon is coming

from when you beat this giant he’s gonna

drop his sword and then you gonna be

able to walk over and pick it up

victoriously and have the next thing you

need do y’all understand from this point

on David no longer uses a slingshot to

defeat enemies the Bible said at this

moment he becomes a man of war and salt

puts him as captain over thousands and

now he will carry the sword that he did

not make for himself

that was the trophy from the last battle

he fought God is saying to so many of

you you’re so worried where the next

things gonna come from and where the

next connections gonna come from and if

somebody’s gonna notice you’re gifting

your talent and if somebody and God said

if you would just do what I asked you to

do with what you got right where you are

when that giant falls I’m gonna present

you with a trophy it may be a connection

it may be a new house it may be more

money it may be a prophetic word it may

be a new gift and a talent but then that

will be the thing that you need to

defeat the next enemy you’ll come up


and there are too many people trying to

planning how they’re trying to plan how

they’re gonna get to their next weapon

instead of fighting what God has placed

in front of you today has some like why

are you so passionate about this because

without this he never gets to this but

without this he never gets to this and

without this he never gets to this and

without this he never gets to any of it

so maybe the season that you’re in right

now is more important maybe how you

treat what’s in your hand right now I’m

just watching kids they bad – I don’t

even but you don’t you don’t see what

God has for you down the road he may be

calling you to birth a world changer

that when you’re dead and gone will have

the cure for something that will change

our world but right now you don’t like

watching these bad kids but you know God

called you to be there and maybe if you

would look at what God’s placed in front

of you a little more serious and see

that if I handle this right it’ll

qualify me for the next things that God

has for me and I will eventually get to

the palace or the promise or my purpose

that God has called me to but too many

of us aren’t looking at what God’s

placed in our head and saying like David

I’m harmed somebody got about going to

work on Monday with a different sweater

got it pay me no more money but I’m are

some of y’all are gonna walk into your

next family reunion because you know

what lives on the inside of you and

instead of dreading it you’re gonna say

God’s gonna bring the right people in my

family to talk to

and I’ma share authentically from the

transformation that God’s doing in my


i’ma use this smile even though I got a

crooked tooth and I’m a unit oh come on

y’all and I’m gonna use what God’s done

I’m armed

until you think like that you’ll be

standing around comparing your situation

to other people talking about why

wouldn’t you do this for me God and he

said I’ve given you everything you need

but we got to look at it differently so

practically fast I’m like what does that

mean okay today’s I’m gonna get what I

need tomorrow if I just stay focus but

what does that look like well David

David’s fighting a practical real-life

ten-foot giant okay tomorrow when you

wake up you not gonna have Shaq at your

door trying to kill you okay nobody in

here but there are other types of Giants

that you will face like depression

comparison anxiety okay and so the Bible

tells us about this in Ephesians chapter

6 in a different translation it says we

wrestle not against flesh and blood

they’re nutrients and they don’t look

like Goliath but but they’re fighting

you and beating you up like him and I’m

gonna read it out of the message

versions because I want you to just see

what we’re supposed to do spiritually to

prepare ourselves to be able to take out

the Giants that are coming tomorrow

they’re coming but let me tell you you

have everything on the inside of you and

you have the greater one with you that

will allow you to defeat every giant and

every enemy that you’re facing right now

it says and this about wraps it up wraps

it up God is strong and he wants you to

be strong so take everything the master

has set out for you he’s made some well

made weapons remember we’re talking

about weapons right here they’re made of

the best materials and put them to use

so you will be able to stand up against

everything the devil throws your way

this is no afternoon athletic contest

that will walk away from and forget

about in a couple of hours this is for

keeps it’s a life-or-death fight to the

finish against the devil and all his

angels you thought you just work a job

you thought it was just you’re trying to

be a better person this is life and


and God wants you to win this war so it

says be prepared you you’re up again far

more than you can handle on your own so

take all the help you can get every


everybody say every weapon take every

weapon God has issued to you so that

when it’s all over

all of it but the shouting you’ll still

be on your feet standing ok that’s Mike

I wanna I wanna be on my feet standing I

wanna be able to fight these these these

things that are coming at me where my

weapons where the well made weapons well

when I was reading this it took me back

to a video game and I don’t know how

many people play video game and

something I’ll to religious to play

video games but I don’t play him that

much anymore but back in the day I used

to play this game called double-oh-seven

goldeneye on the Nintendo 64 and I know

some of y’all yeah thank you bro I felt

that I felt you’re a man right here bro

and some of y’all don’t know nothing

about this game but but but double

double-oh-seven would give you this

option to pick new weapons and like like

when you went into certain levels you

needed certain weapons because when you

had certain weapons you were able to

defend and and and be able to be

offensive against your enemy and so when

I read this it says these weapons it

says the first weapon you should put on

when you wake up every morning it’s true

I’m strapped with truth this morning and

the truth is that I was made by God and

no matter what anybody says outside of

my circle I am God’s masterpiece see

some of y’all you walk out in here not

armed with the truth so when people

speak things over you you have to debate

is it real or not but the truth is

you’re God’s workmanship you’re his

masterpiece created in Christ Jesus that

he has a plan for you before you were

formed in your mother’s womb he knew you

that’s why you got to remind yourself of

the truth he said take that weapon

everyday and then after you get that I

need you to pull this next weapon out I

need you to get righteousness and right

this is not something you can provide

for yourself right standing with God has

been provided through what Jesus Christ

did on the cross and what he’s saying is

if you don’t take this weapon every day

number one you’re gonna be judgmental

because you’re gonna think you got

yourself where you’re at today and you

won’t see other people who are

struggling in things the way that God

sees you so you need to know that the

grace you’ve received is the grace you

have to extend and you gotta know that

you were only made right with God there

should be more amens than that you were

only made right with God but through

what Jesus did he said every morning you

need to take that weapon coz your boss

is gonna make you mad this week oh she

said yes he will but when he makes you

mad are you got Christ’s representative

on the earth or did you forget to put on

the weapon of righteousness today that

reminds you of where you used to be and

he said but okay after you get truth and

righteousness I need you to be strapped

up with peace and it’s the peace that

passes all si si this ain’t the peace

that everything has to make sense it’s

the peace that I know that if a storm is

coming I have a God that sleeps through

storms walking with me like why am I

freaking out right now like every week

on drowned in Jesus like this should be

an eternal picture that when you walk

with Jesus and you put on the peace of

God it literally one of the translations

of his name he is the Prince of Peace

and this is why why are you saying this

PES might cuz I want you to know

practically your daily devotion life is

more important to your life than

anything you can do more than the money

you make more than the cars you drive

more than the education you’re getting

all of that stuff means nothing if you

are not connecting to God and getting

the whale made weapons

he’s already provided for you and after

you put on that piece it says you need

to you need to be strapped with faith

see see when you when you’re strapped

with faith you’re armed and dangerous

see because when you got faith to look

at stuff the

Bible says in a different translation

the enemy tries to throw fiery darts at

you and the only thing that protects you

is having the shield of faith and that’s

why people like I’m just telling you

like don’t go into your everyday fight

without your weapons how dumb do you

look running out to face all the crap

that’s waiting for you outside of your

bedroom sitting there with no armor on

no weapons and then you get mad and

blame God when you come back home god

why you let this happen to me you left

all your armor sitting right here you

left all your weapons right here today

well I’m a grown man I should be able to

handle this and now you’re missing a

limb emotionally because you will not

put on the full armor of God after you

get that faith he said I need you to

make sure you remember your salvation

and I know people all those time I’m

just trying to stay safe Pastor Mike I’m

just trying to stay safe like no that’s

not what we talking about cuz once you

put your faith in Jesus Christ you’re

your future is secure the problem is

most of us forget we forget what we were

saved from like you start living a

better life for a while and then you

forget what you used to do and who you

used to be and what you used to smell

like and who used to be in your DMS and

the emails you used to seeing and how

you used to judge people and how you and

so what happens is if you don’t remember

your salvation it allows you not to see

the people God’s placed around you to

reach they said I didn’t send you to

this war so that it can be a selfish war

sent you to this war of life so that you

could win people to the kingdom of God

and so I want you to come armed with

salvation and then he says my favorite

he’s but throughout this whole thing if

you want to take it to a whole nother

level one of the translations in this

thing says it’s an indispensible weapon

it’s called the Word of God now this

shocks me even to

I don’t know why so many Christians

people who called himself Christians do

not read their Bible like like it’s the

only book that you can read that will

read you and and I’m telling you just

opening your Facebook and reading your

one friend Jack’s scripture that you

know you know the scripture guy who

posts the scripture every day y’all know

if you don’t know what miss you but you

it’s the scripture God who posts the

spiritual there’s some butterflies in

the background or like a meadow

that’s not reading your word scripture

guy like that what that’s supposed to do

is remind you to make time and make room

because it says whatever you need this

is an indispensable power source the

another translation calls it the sword

of the Spirit like you can literally

read the word and it will charge you up

to be able one against enemies that

never you’ve never seen before and then

it gives you one more secret weapon

because cuz I’m trying to make you armed

and dangerous

it says prayer like the enemy loves for

you to be so mad that you won’t say

nothing he wants you to be so frustrated

flustered and stressed that you won’t

open his own weapon but the Bible says

when you start praying it says pray hard

and long pray past yourself pray for

your brothers and your sisters keep your

eyes open keep each other spirits up so

that you won’t fall behind and no one

will drop out it’s saying yo if you want

to be everything I’ve called you to be

and you use your practical tools what’s

in your hand and you use your spiritual

tools that God has already made for you

of truth and righteousness and peace and

faith and salvation and God’s Word and


you’ll be able to walk up to any giant

and talk to oh depressing what uh oh you

oh you thought you was gonna come back

here and you thought you was gone

this may be the lots of fun this may be

the love I’m armed and today I’m

encouraging some people don’t get stuck

at start cuz of what’s in your hand

right now and then I can encourage this

other group of people I know I should be

done right here but see the crazy thing

about it there are people in this room

who have reached this type of place in

your life it feels like you’ve gotten

some crowns it’s it feels like you’ve

reached purpose it feels like man I’m

successful in this area I’ve lived

enough life for my family is good and

what happens is when you get to this

place the temptation is to never put

this down to pick up another weapon when

God asks you to see the problem is that

a lot of people get here and they stop

listening in to God because they reached

whatever they prayed for I made it I got

money in the bank people know my name my

kids is out of the house good

and God said would you be faithful

enough if I called you back to use a

weapon that you haven’t used in a while

would you go back to it see david has an

impeccable track record until one moment

where he had made it he had used all of

these weapons and it got him to the

palace to his purpose and then look what

the Bible says in 2nd Samuel chapter 11

it said in the spring at the time where

people who are Kings should go off to

war so it was a season where David was

supposed to take off his crown and he

was supposed to pick up his sword he

decided to let somebody else go and

fight the battles for him that he was

supposed to be leading past him like why

are you saying this because out of

everything that David did this would be

the thing that left the blemish on his

purpose not because he wasn’t gifted not

because he wasn’t talented not because

of any other reason except when God was

telling him it’s time to pick up a new

weapon go back to the thing you used to

do go serve that youth group will only

speak on main stages go back and help

that that family member go back he

wouldn’t do it so right this point down

when you’re marked don’t let the weapon

you like keep you from the weapon you

need I’m telling you the crown is a lot

sexier no but uh you can say do that and

people do it and this is where a lot of

Christians hope that they get to a place

where they can just call shots but never

be in the action

and God said when you walk with me he

said let you get to the crown place but

you always got to be ready to pick up

the sword see because David didn’t do

this he was chilling and he looked out

his window and he saw a naked woman

named Bathsheba and he was like who is


she’s beautifully and wonderfully me and

he became entangled with something he

was never supposed to even see some of

y’all are in relationships right now you

were never supposed to meet the person

but when God told you to go do something

you decided to keep with what was easy

and what was sexy and God said now I’m

going to have to take you through a

process to restore you and rejuvenate

you and heal you and you wouldn’t even

supposed to be around this I mean your

business at the time you were supposed

to be saving you wanted to buy a house

and God said there’s a time and a season

Ecclesiastes 3 there’s a time and a

season for everything under the Sun I’m

gonna let you do what I’ve placed in

your heart to do but you can’t do it on

your own time in season you gotta wait

on me if I’m asking you to pick up a

different weapon know that I know what’s

up ahead house like that sounds good but

ok no no I lived most of you don’t know

this but before I was a pastor all I did

was music and I didn’t have a wooden

staff in a shepherd field but I had two

wooden sticks called drum sticks and

from my whole life since I was 2 years

old I played the drums and it took me to

a place where I thought I was gonna be

successful in that I’ve been on world

tours I’ve made a lot of money I

produced music for people and all this

other stuff and then God came to me and

he said Michael I wanna give you another

weapon no that’ll make sense I’ve spent

my whole life perfecting this

25 is too late to switch weapons and I

know God was like but I didn’t see the

future all I saw is what I’d worked for

and God said it

I’m allow you to build the studio and

then you can’t do anything in it for

seven years now

that’s just torture and that’s what he

did he said put the drumsticks down put

them to me piano down put the studio

down and I want to give you a new weapon

I’m gonna teach you how to teach my word

that sucks cuz I’m not good at it

already it looks small right now

nobody’s listening I got this group of

young people I don’t even know if they

saved they’re not and you want me to

spend my life working on this thing that

I don’t even see a future in when I

started speaking I was still waiting for

God to give me okay you obey me for

three months go back to what’s

comfortable but he said no no you gotta

know that sometimes I’m gonna ask you to

leave what’s comfortable to come to

what’s not so I can give you a weapon

that changes everything in your life for

the past seven years I’ve been studying

the Bible ripping out sermons from

everybody reading book oh can I be

honest cuz it’s ugly when you’re out

here trying to do what God’s told you to

do I’m reading books where I can’t even

pronounce half the words I’m going to

sitting down on what people see God’s

not saying it’s gonna be easy he said

but if you would trust me God why are

you telling me to do that I can’t even

say these names in the Bible

my feathers Mephibosheth

but this but this last week I spoke on

probably the biggest platform in the

Christian Church right now and I stood

up there with only my personality and a

big mouth filled with the Word of God

trying to help somebody right now I used

what was in my hands I feel the presence

of God in this place if you would just

look at what God has placed in your

hands with your ability to cook and a

family that will support you to step out

in your dreams with your ability to

organize in a devoted spirit to do

whatever God says with your ability to

write and a group of friends that will

get around you and help you like don’t

despise the small beginnings cuz no

matter if you’re walking with the staff

that looks useless for the battle or a

sword David didn’t care which one he had

cuz no matter if it was this or this he

would look at his giant and say you

forgot who I was I’m armed and dangerous

well somebody he’s armed and dangerous

and has faith to believe God give God a

shout of praise in this building oh come

on let’s give God a shadow pray because

we will do everything God’s called us to

do because we are marked by him stand it

all over this building

some of y’all are going this week I need

you to take that that little fill in the

blank and I need you to make room for

God and I need you to pray start some

worship music and ask God show me my

gifts again the thing that I’ve been

counting out

show me what you’re counting on and I

want you to feel that thing and you need

to remind yourself that you’re armed and

dangerous you don’t need nothing else in

a different season it’ll come when you

need it but everything you need is

everything you have you just need to see

it differently I’m armed and father I

thank you come on lifted hands all over

this place I thank you that I I’ve

delivered this world in the best way I

knew how and I hope to inspire for other

God your people to move from the

starting line and take what you’ve given

them and they know it is enough got our

insufficiencies are just room for your

sufficiency so I thank you God that you

are moving people into a place of faith

that we will speak things that are not

that we will stand and declare with what

we have what you’ve said in our hearts

and I thank you that everybody that’s in

this woman listening that you are marked

by God and you will not be lied to

another day let us put on every

well-made weapon that God has provided

for us let us walk in truth and

righteousness and remember our salvation

and have peace father God and open the

word of tide and walk in prayer father

God let us do it every day so that we

can take out every giant that’s in front

of us we trust you we believe you and we

have a new confession of our lives we

are armed and dangerous if you believe

it give God a shout afraid Oh