Kill’em With Kindness // Receipts: The Proof Is In The Fruit ( Part 8) // Michael Todd
Many of us profess to be Christians, but truly walking in the fruit of the Spirit means reflecting Christ-like behavior in our actions. Pastor Mike explained the critical difference between being nice and being kind. Kindness, as a fruit of the Spirit, goes beyond surface-level niceness; it stems from a compassionate and selfless heart posture. We pray this message renews your understanding of kindness and inspires you to live out this new revelation in your daily life. Scripture References: Galatians 5:22-23 NLT Romans 12:17-20 NKJV 2 Timothy 3:1-5 NKJV Genesis 1:27 NIV Luke 10:30-32 NLT Luke 10:33-37 NLT Titus 3:3-5 NLT Join Transformation Church for our Sunday experience. Plug into community, engage in live worship with Transformation Worship, & hear a powerful word from God. ABOUT US We Exist to REPRESENT God to the lost & found for Transformation in Christ. This is the vision of Transformation Church, led by Pastor Michael Todd & based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. GIVE To support this ministry & help us continue to reach people all around the world: STAY CONNECTED
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hi my name is Charles and I serve here
at Transformation Church as one of the
executive pastors and I want to take a
moment before we jump into the message
just to say thank you first of all for
watching it means the world to us that
you would be a part no matter where
you’re watching from no matter who you
are I’m believing that this message is
going to encourage your faith and
hopefully transform your life if you
haven’t yet make sure you take a moment
subscribe to the YouTube channel not for
us but really for you we want to be a
resource to encourage your faith and be
with you on this journey of following
Jesus again thank you so much for
joining us enjoy the message today I
hope it blesses
you all
well um I’m going to tell you something
that has um in my many years of Walking
with God has um been an agitant of
change for me this is not at all how I
planned to come into this but the holy
spirit is doing his thing
today um one of the things that starts
working out of me what’s in me is when
God challenges me to
give and it has nothing to do with what
I get get out of
it and it’s going to get quiet in the
church and it’s
okay but many of us have had greed and
selfishness worked into our hearts at
such a
level that when God ask us for something
we act like it’s our untrusted unworthy
cousin y’all know them people like you
ain’t never driving my car like those
people many times that’s the attitude
and the Heart posture when God ask us
something like his grace and mercy
hasn’t been new every morning like he
hasn’t put us in positions and places we
know we didn’t qualify for but somehow
got and um I was thinking about like you
know as a church we step in every year
to this season of crazy faith and this
year we’re calling it crazy fruit and I
just wanted to take five minutes at the
top and tell you why this is
important I don’t want to convince
anybody of anything some people have
already decided in their heart that they
are giving or they’re not giving I I
believe it’s my duty as a pastor of this
church that God has been so good to to
allow you to at least get in on this
level of blessing and not gatekeep for
you there were too many people
gatekeeping the blessing of God off of
my life cuz they wouldn’t give me the
information and the real raw facts about
what God’s word said and how it worked
in their life all we saw a lot of time
was everybody in the church give and
then the pastor rolling around in a big
Cadillac and you never knew what
happened I want to tell you how God
changed my
life in the area of Finance Trust
generosity and
surrender I read scriptures for years of
people telling me that everything
belongs to God and then I started
working and I realized that it feel like
it belonged to me oh y’all going to be
faking here with me it feel like I
worked really hard for this and that’s
my name on that W2 line feels like this
is mine and God said as long as you feel
that way that’s what you’ll
have keep doing
it and I realized I loved god listen to
what I’m about to say but I did not
him I loved God I did not trust him with
future I I did not trust him with my
finances and I want you to ask
yourself do you love God
and do you trust
him or do you love him excluding trust
and that sounds crazy right now but if I
got up here and said man I love my wife
now I mean she’s so beautiful and
gracious and kind I love her with all my
heart but I don’t trust her everybody be
like red
flag why that man just get up here and
tell us that he love his wife but don’t
trust her and in church we think it’s
synonymous we think loving God and
trusting him is the same thing and it’s
not so for decades of my life I this is
for all the people who be like give us
the real tell us the truth I’m telling
you right now for years of my life I
loved God did not trust him and I didn’t
even have no
money it be the wildest thing making
$22,000 a year that ain’t no money if
you making that we are praying for you
cuz I was there
making $22,000 that’s no money and I
still loved them but didn’t trust
them and what I learned is it wasn’t
because I didn’t want to trust them I
just didn’t have enough
understanding and I felt like anytime
anybody talked about money they was
trying to manipulate or con me into
something so I’m going give it to you
the the coldest most simplest way in 3
minutes and I’m going to use these
when we come into a relationship with
God everybody starts at this
place they start at the floor with their
ability to trust God in the area of
finance and then God says all right I
want to take you up levels somebody say
there’s levels to this to this and what
I found is there’s a trick to
trust and I want you to hear me say this
God says in this word I want everybody
no matter who you are I want you to
designate 10% of your increase to come
back to the house of God now there are
people who feel all type of different
ways in this all I want to say is in
March I’mma teach about finances I’m
going to give you the whole thing but
what I want to let you know is tithing
is Old Testament before the Covenant in
it and after it argue with your mama I
got scripture for all of it
but the truth of the matter is us
fighting about is it scriptural actually
comes down to a deeper heart
issue when people 10 why not 20% why not
30% you don’t give
that people that convince me and go back
and forth with me about like I give more
than 10 you’re a
liar because if you won’t give the bare
minimum it’s the floor not the
ceiling so what God has everybody to do
is watch this tithe what is tithe it’s
obedience I need to make this clear
distinction tithing giving 10% of your
resources back to God’s house is not
listen to me it’s not
generosity I’ve been generous no you
haven’t it’s
returning so if I give you my keys or my
credit card yeah and you give it back to
me you weren’t generous to
me you just return to me what I already
gave you yes sir yes sir and so this is
what I this is the cool thing about
tithing it’s the only place in the Bible
where God says try
it try it sir sir test me see if you
don’t trust me in this area consistently
see what I won’t do
and so many people make it like this
thing where God’s religiously he’s
trying to bless
you but this takes you being obedient
and so the first level is stepping from
here and saying I’m going to
tithe I want everybody to hear me say
this in this crazy fruit offering I
don’t want you to think about giving
some big
amount if you have never been consistent
tithing I would rather a long-term
transformation for your
life then then then some oh yeah I gave
God 500 I gave him five he said that’s
not that’s like going to the gym one
time a
sir and some of us go one it don’t
matter if you stay in there 24
hours and you lift all the weights
tomorrow you will
say tomorrow your body fat will be the
same and I just want to be real with the
I don’t want to gatekeep this that’s
good one of the greatest things you
could do for your life your family your
mind and your future is to make a
decision is did from from this point
on I am going to be
consistent in trusting God with the
tithe I’m going to everybody say this
try but there’s another level this is
where generosity is unlocked when you
give an offering now hear what I’m
saying cuz nobody in church ever told me
this tithing is required to God’s
house offering happens wherever God
says Hear Me pastors and churches have
made it to where like if you if you tied
here when God tells you to give
something else you give an offering here
that’s a lot
stop that may be
manipulation I’m supposed to once I’ve
settled what God has told me to settle
in the tithe then he knows that he has
trust that I can be a conduit wherever
at so I can be on the street I can be at
the basketball ball game I can be at
somebody’s Mastermind I can be at a
school and God says give them
$50 give them $100 yes sir hey go up to
that Lemonade Stand where those girls
are are selling lemonade to go to the
thing and ask them how much they need
for their whole
team to go on the trip they’re trying to
raise 200 but they need 2,000 go find
out what the need and those are
considered offerings
the reason we don’t get to this place is
because this place takes
trust see this down here to go from here
to here is just a
try but when you go from here to here
you got to try cuz sometimes it don’t
make sense that’s right hold on that
2000 was for my
kids to go on family
vacation and you just told me to give it
to them
kids who don’t look like they love you
Lord and then we start trying to qualify
where our offerings
go well they look like they got money
come on have you ever felt compelled to
do something and then you trying to add
and subtract on people like well that
hair is 300 and then my eyelash is 150
and y’all
know easy and God said I I want you to
be a river not a
reservoir because offering is about
watch this down here was
obedience it’s trying but right here
watch this it’s about future
abundance cuz offerings are called a
seed all I’m trying to do at this level
is plant for the future amen and there
are too many people that get to their
future and be
disappointed not because they’re not
good people it’s cuz when it was time to
plant they never put any seed in the
ground what I’m trying to encourage
every person in here the Bible tells it
I’m not going through a bunch of
scriptures today because this is
supposed to be my opener and I’m going
to have 22 minutes left to teach y’all
the message I got to teach you but I got
to keep going because somebody needs I
wish somebody would have told me at 19
when I was spending money on fake
Jordans I’m pulling up at the gas
station dude’s popping his trunk taking
$80 for the Jordan and the Jordan ain’t
even all the way
like he’s not even flying all the way
he’s y’all know what don’t look down
don’t look down don’t look
down I had no no
clue that I was giving away my
seed I didn’t know that that mattered to
my kids
future nobody was telling me plant plant
plant plant one day you’re going to live
in the
forest of the seed you PL your kids will
shade in the seeds your kids will eat
from the seeds you planted but everybody
was making it like I was losing when I
God I’m just trying not to gatekeep
right now we stand in lines for Black
Friday sales that a are really gray yeah
they’re not even black no more 20 20% is
not a good
sale next year it’s gonna be called
Grace great Friday cuz I got to do
something but literally we feel like
we’re getting a
bargain to get something that was
overpriced at a moment it’s cut down and
we go out of there feeling like we won
and we ain’t swn no
seed for future
abundance I would have rather you go out
there and look for who you was going to
some of y’all should have took that $500
and broke it into 20s and walked through
them stores Holy Spirit lead me show me
who’s out here that’s about to go into
debt and you giv me resources to give an
offering and just to say God loves you
and he told me to come I’m just
saying cuz you never know if one of
those people turn into your
child or
you y’all hear what I’m saying so down
right he says just obey me try it tith
you step up to a new
level but then he says go another level
give every time I tell you to
give be ready at any
occasion to get see even just that small
thing do you prepare to give I used to
be lazy and I would not have any cash on
me so that wouldn’t have any cash on
me I don’t I don’t oh man I don’t even
man giving yourself a full body
massage but you didn’t
plan to be
generous the people who roll with me
know mo I’ll tell them hey bro go get
this out of the account put in my bag
you need it for something I just got to
be ready
and sometimes sit there for
months and sometimes
minutes no no no no I want you to hear
what I’m saying sometimes it’s there for
months and sometimes it’s there for
minutes cuz God said I got need of
it you said it was mine right here we go
so to he but
then there’s one more level yes sir and
I only found out about this level about
seven years ago go I thought it was
tithe offering and then you good then I
started reading in the Bible the Bible
is kind of one of them things that’s
crazy cuz the more you start reading it
and the more time you spend in it you
start seeing stuff that you done read
before but it didn’t talk to you like
that before and I was
reading how Solomon when they went to
build the
temple that the the customary
requirement was one bull
sacrifice one
bull do you know what this man pulled up
on the scene
1,000 when the requirement
was now I just want you to come with me
on the journey to Wrangle up a thousand
Bulls this is what we call a sacrificial
offering this one is going to take
something from you that you may never
see back in the same
way we have no record of Solomon getting
a th1 bulls
back we have no record of 100f on
bulls cuz a lot of times when we give
sacrificially we’re like all right we
gave God a thousand
100,000 would be
nice but the sacrificial offering goes
denominators and
monetary it gets into the
supernatural it gets into the stuff
money can’t
buy it gets into the level and the lane
that allows things that even if you had
all the money in the
world that that could solve
and I stepped off into this about seven
ago in a way where I knew that this is
where God was calling me and this church
to live I don’t know if you know it but
the way that we give as a church is not
normal three weeks ago we gave $600,000
away to other
now now
it’s so funny we live in such an alien
planet as Transformation Church we don’t
even know that that’s
crazy which is
also May desensitize
us to the level of house you’ve been
to I believe that the majority of this
church is supposed to live at the level
of sacrificial giving now now before cuz
some of y’all was like oh may need to go
to the church I I felt it but let me
tell you two things God never asked for
what he hasn’t already given
you there has not been one
time that God has asked me for something
that I didn’t have
it the question was was I going to give
so no matter how much the amount was no
matter what the number was he had
blessed me to the point where I could
it cuz he’s not unjust or now sometimes
did it take me selling some stuff or
parting with some stuff or not yeah but
it was a
sacrifice and this is what I’m going to
say to
everybody when you get to this place
remember at the bottom it was trying at
at offering is trusting God at this
place this is God trusting
you you missed
it let me go
back at this I don’t even really know if
God going to do it so I’mma everybody
say try I’mma try to
tithe all right Lord you have been
faithful there’s always you’ve always
met my need like dang
where I was three years ago and how I’m
still here and what you did golly no it
ain’t as much as I really want but
wow so then he says trust me get what I
tell you
offering oh man I felt really good to
actually believe you see you do it and
then see the fruit of that in another
season this last one sacrificial
snap this is not me trusting
you this is you in trusting
me remember the story of the
talents it says the Kingdom of Heaven is
like a man that goes away and
usts his wealth to three different
servants what would it look like like
for everybody in this
church to not just trust God but to be
trusted by
God here what I’m saying to you it’s
wrapped up in how we view what God’s
already given us the ability to have so
what I’m asking everybody to do as a
church I want you to
pray and whatever level you’re
whatever I want you to take a step to
the next
level so this your first time coming to
church you 20s something or you 60
something and you ain’t never tithed
before you ain’t never heard of it you
look like you got enough money Pastor
Mike it look like the church is doing
fine look at that big old screen look it
look like this ain’t got nothing to do
with the
screen absolutely no I really want you
to hear me say this this has everything
to do with your heart
this ain’t about the church the church
going to be all right this is God’s
church but it’s your house not under the
blessing it needs to
be cuz you won’t take this step and
everybody say
try if you’re here all I’m asking you to
do and it’s one penny on every dime if
you made
$4 your tithe 40 cents
and God looks at that the same way he
looks at somebody giving
40,000 they don’t even get it how can I
prove it to you at the time when
everybody in the town was giv big bucks
Jesus calls attention to one woman to
all his disciples he says everybody look
at her I said what she giving two mites
that ain’t nothing
Jesus she gave
out of
her the reason this connects with me is
because there’s been many times where uh
I told Charles this story earlier when
Bishop was um about to pay off the
um we came to a space where people were
giv sacrificially and I remember I just
bought a
home and we were taking advantage of in
the home and it was our first winter we
just brought home
Bella and uh we went to turn on the heat
and the heat didn’t
work coldest winter um that Tulsa had
seen up until that point we are
literally in the house with 10 space
heaters which everybody knows that is a
hazard and a half but we were
cold and our newborn was in there and
God told us for the first time to move
into sacrificial
giving and me and
Natalie we’ve been doing this been doing
this he said step into
this and I said Lord it’s
cold and why does the exact
amount that it costs to put the heat in
is the exact amount
you asking me
for this is the
devil can I be honest with
you he said the devil never asked you to
give devil never ask you to do
that me and Natalie looked at each other
and we gave for the first time in our
life as young newly married never was
about to take over the church didn’t
know it like we’re out here trusting you
none of this was in a forecast we didn’t
have no crystal ball no prophetic y’all
be thinking like oh you knew we didn’t
nothing relationship goes wasn’t a thing
we didn’t have I didn’t have a car at
the time I’m now I’m I’m having a
flashback hold
up I didn’t have a car at the time Bri
was letting me use her
Sonata that’s a real
thing like
and God said Mike when you give this
it’s going to break something over your
life and I can tell you from that moment
to this
moment God has done something
supernaturally in my
life that proves that he trust
me and so whenever it comes time to give
him I can’t I mean what I’m about to say
today I’m challenging every person under
the sound of my voice this is going to
be prophetic for your future to whatever
step if you need to tithe tithe try God
if you need to step into give offerings
trust God and if God’s requiring you and
your husband or your wife or your
children or y’all coming together or you
bu yourself to step into sacrificial
giving listen to me one is not better
than the other so good
there is not a level that God then says
yay he says obedience to what I told you
do cuz I don’t know if I told y’all one
time I did too much and God was
unpleased y’all ain’t never heard no
preacher tell this story but God told me
to pay off half of somebody’s car and I
paid the whole thing cuz I had it and he
said you’re
disobedient and you stop the blessing I
said Lord I thought more was always
better he says
obedience is always better than your
sacrifice he said I meant for you to do
half and I had three other people that
were going to do you took away their
opportunity at the level that they were
at to walk in a
blessing you did it out of Pride and ego
cuz you had it and you disobeyed me
y’all this is not about anything except
obedience amen amen so um as we come
together next week families are going to
come together people are going to uh fly
in um there are going to be people that
give online um I believe this is going
to be a holy
thing some of us know ourselves we need
to go ahead and do it this week cuz you
know if it’s sitting in there it’s going
to burn a hole y’all already know it’s
it’s already that Amazon car is full of
Disobedience did y’all hear I mean come
on let’s be
honest all right this is what I’m G to
do today I I had an assignment and I
believe I just uh finished
it but I have to give you one piece of
the message that I was going to speak
and I believe God wants me to speak I’ve
tried to speak this three time twice
this this is the
yeah um I love God because when he when
he allows you to prepare then he can
just do what he wants to do I’m just I’m
I’m in his hands so let me say this um
everybody just listen to me I got 13
minutes this going to be the shortest
message I ever
um I wanted to preach a message today
I’m going to preach a message today
called kill him with
kindness write it down
kill them with
kindness and we’re going to leave all of
this everything I just did is the sermon
so just keep it
all kill them with kindness
um the subtitle of this message is
behave like
Christians say it with me behave
like look at your neighbor and say it
like you a
mama look at them and say
behave like a
Christian okay pick your other neighbor
who I don’t know why you didn’t pick
them the first time but now you got to
pick on and tell them
behave like a
Christian now I didn’t pick this
subtitle this subtitle picked
me because it was the title in the Bible
when I looked at the scripture
in Romans 12:1
17 it literally the title said behave
like a
Christian in verse 17 it said repay no
one evil for
evil have a regard for good things in
the sight of all men if it is
possible as much as it depends on you
peaceably with all men beloved
not avenge my God
yourselves that’s a hard one to get
out do
avenge your but God they do
not avenge but don’t nobody talk about
my do
not avenge yourself but they got one
more time oh y’all
know do
not avenge yourselves
rather give place to
wrath now hold on wait
whoa don’t avenge
yourself but give place to wrath which
means wrath is not a human human
response wrath is something that we have
to leave space for so something Divine
can do
it the thing that needs to happen to the
people who are coming after your sanity
your peace your your your you in the
way do not avenge it yourself but
rather give room give
place for God to do whatever he wants to
do for it is written vengeance is
mine I will repay says the Lord
therefore this is your job and this my
job this is what God saying my job is
wrath get out the way
job if your enemy’s hungry feed
them if your enemy’s thirsty looking a
parched give them something to
drink for in doing
so you will Heap hot coals of fire on
his head do not be overcome by evil but
overcome evil
good Christians aren’t leaving
space for God to be God and for you to
kind come after
me I’mma back up and ask you are you
thirsty you talk about my
family I’mma back up cuz I got to leave
space cuz what I want to
do is get real close to you and let you
know I ain’t no punk you
understand okay oh can we be honest with
real feelings I’m I’mma let you
know but I can’t even do that
V you need to back that
thing some of y’all knew where I was
going just in just
in y’all knew what I’m telling you right
now when evil starts to rise in your
heart you better back that
thing now I have a whole song in my head
head all I’m trying to say is too many
Believers now are going towards
it which is
Disobedience to what he said to do he
said don’t repay that evil with evil
don’t get on your don’t get your Twitter
finger don’t start making rebuttal
videos don’t start getting a new podcast
don’t do that you better back that thing
up he
said he he said if you don’t make space
both of y’all get the
Wrath if you don’t if you don’t make
space when I decide to
judge you’re in the
line and too many Believers God’s
holding his hand get out of
there get out them
comments get out that
email get out that rabbit hole get out
stop cuz what you’re doing is you’re in
the line of
fire I’m just protecting my family name
you can’t do that
anyway there’s nothing you’ve ever said
that has made your family name go to the
top of the
list like just think about it
space and this is where I just need to
tell everybody kindness isn’t
conditional it’s a
command when we talk about receipts and
fruits of the spirit and some of us
think that it’s a personality trait oh
there just a kind person
no this is something that is produced by
the Holy Spirit and and and I just need
to say that as a point kind isn’t a
personality type it’s a principle of the
so if you profess to love God and you
are not kind you are a
fraud I’m going say it real well I just
want to be direct with people if God was
as direct with
you as you are with
people would he be considered a kind and
merciful god well they just need to know
hold on wait a
minute but there’s everything can be
done wrapped well they need to feel the
sting of this did you feel the sting of
sin I’m just trying to I’m just trying
to figure out are we playing with
different metrics
here what what I’m saying is if you’re a
Christian you are supposed to be
kind everybody say I’m kind even if
you’re not by
faith no no no no no no no I I I’m see
some of y’all ain’t even watch this some
of us haven’t even thought this was a
trait to be
admirable cuz all the kind people you
know get
played and so you don’t even think it’s
something to be admired to be kind yet
out of everything the Bible says that we
should possess as fruits of our
relationship with the Holy Spirit he
said you should be with me and when you
get with them they should consider you
kind oh my
God and the reason I had to bring this
out is because I think kind is kind of
confused it’s kind of confused cuz
people mistake nice and
kind and I’m about to teach you in the
four minutes I got left the difference
between nice and kind will you put it on
the screen remember kindness is a fruit
of the you can’t can’t be kind without
him I need you to keep this in the
Forefront of your mind you cannot be
kind without the Holy Spirit you can be
nice without the Holy Spirit you cannot
be kind without the Holy Spirit people
have jacked up definitions but God tells
us a fruit of the
spirit is
kindness so when somebody is nice put it
up there they can actually be polite
but to be kind is a heart
posture my heart posture has to be like
no matter what I’m about to walk into
and no matter how they about to treat me
and no matter what’s about to happen
thank you Holy Spirit for transforming
my life so much that I used to be like
them I used to look at people like that
God I thank you that you’re expanding my
heart for grace for people who don’t
even understand what I’m going through
and that I’m this close to the edge and
they don’t know me I used to be an MMA
boxer and I’d break their neck and
another season but God I thank you that
you have brought me a my God I thank you
that you brought me a mighty long way I
thank you that I don’t fight with my
fist no more I thank you that I
fight and what ends up happening is my
posture so we meet a lot of nice
people but when you’re kind that’s
empowered by the spirit go to the second
one when you’re nice cuz I want to
unconfuse this for us nice people keep
surface how you doing oh look at that
yeah oh where’d you get that that’s nice
a you met people that you think are are
nice but you don’t know them enough to
give them an any different
definition so nice yeah my Barista
they’re so
nice yet to their
spouse they’re abusive yeah
it’s because you only know them on the
surface so nice is
surface but kind is a
sacrifice to be kind to some people some
to be kind to my wife to be kind to my
kids this my kids they look like
me you just you just you
you just spilled the last of the
juice it don’t be it don’t be hard
stuff it don’t I don’t know if there’s
any parents that’ll back me up in here
I’ve been waiting to eat for two
hours and I saved everything
specifically for this
moment and that’s my juice
I’m so sorry Daddy I didn’t mean to I
know you didn’t mean
to I know you didn’t mean
to I’m
talking but what does it look like to be
kind watch this when you’re in
Conflict that’s empowered by the
holy let me keep going some people are
nice and when you’re nice keep going put
it up there it’s an
acknowledgment like ah you did good oh
that was so nice for them to notice
me it’s oh man nobody nobody ever does
that like that you’re powerful that’s a
nice thing but when you get to kind it’s
active so so kind requires something of
Me Okay nobody’s ever done it like like
that so I’m going to call the three
people that I know that can take that to
the next level for you and I’m going to
set up a meeting for you and I know this
has nothing to do with me but I know the
people that can take what you just did
to the next level so I’m about to get
active I’m about to do something that is
a sacrifice that actually is not just
polite it’s my heart posture I’m walking
into the room looking how I can help how
I can give and I’m about to get active
and they didn’t answer my first phone
call let me text you back I did call
them but I know they’re out right now so
let me get back to you I’m about to
get and there are too many Believers
that are
nice but not
kind you have a couch that could furnish
apartment and you’re sick of the couch
and you’re going to throw it away
because you don’t want to take the time
to have to put it on a truck to get it
to somebody
I didn’t say it you said it she said
that’s lazy I didn’t say
it one thing it is not is not
kind okay let’s keep going we’re almost
there do y’all get y’all hear what I’m
saying nice is being
considerate no you can have the parking
face no no no no you no no no you know
what I’m saying you doing a little inch
forward and like no no no you no no no
no you no no no no no no like and then
finally y’all about to get in a car
accident cuz nobody goes like okay it’s
consider it kind is
compassionate it’s it’s it’s being in
the parking space wi in the parking
space and then
seeing uhuh uh uh uh uh
and you didn’t even notice that they had
a special needs sticker on the back of
car the reason they needed that parking
spot cuz if you would have saw the
special needs sticker you would have
nice but that conviction of the Holy
Spirit made you compassionate and you
didn’t even know why but it was
something that came on the inside of you
and and you saw that she oh than
cuz you don’t know what it is to lift up
that 80 lb boy into the wheelchair and
then have
to the church can’t just be
nice we have to be
kind and kindness is only empowered by
the Holy
Spirit and many of us let our
preferences and our opinions and our
beliefs and our Poli IAL parties and our
the color of people’s skin make us nice
to people and not
kind there are a lot of white people
that are nice to black
people I’ll even let you talk to me I’ll
come to your
church but I never been to your
house y’all saw her quiet it just
got because we can live in a world where
we’re nice to each
other but you could give me a
job and you could promote me too cuz you
see how I
work but you’ve been nice to me but the
Holy Spirit hasn’t allowed you to
be oh and black
people do not think for a second you
like the man no no no come
here you can be nice to to your
boss but make jokes about them behind
their back all the
time you can talk about uh oh my my
analogies just went very they went too
real so I’m going to I’m going to come
up what I’m saying is
spiritually maybe we don’t just need to
be nice to each
other maybe we need to be
there’s no better story of this than the
Samaritan where where this man gets beat
up and and and literally gets mugged
everything stolen from him and the
pastor walks by and prays for him on the
Move hope I hope God does something for
him then the worship leader walks by and
says late in the Midnight Hour
God’s going to turn it
around and then somebody that was a
ethnicity didn’t even
know what was happening the Bible
says they felt
compassion and their compassion made
them go to this person ah y’all just got
to see it this my last scripture okay I
want to go to Luke uh 10 1030 then the
despised Samaritan came along and when
he saw the man he felt compassion for
him going over to him the Samaritan
watch this soothed his wounds with olive
oil and wine and B bandaged him he had
to take something he already had and
give it to somebody he didn’t
know ol of that would have been his
resources he gave to somebody with no
guarantee of giving back to them then he
put the man on his donkey and took him
to an end where he took care of him the
next day he handed the inkeeper two
silver coins telling him take care of
this man if his bill runs higher than
this I’ll pay you the next time I’m here
think about this think about going to
the most expensive hotel in this city
putting somebody in the hotail knowing
they’re broke down and then saying they
don’t have a time limit
let them stay here as long as they need
to and if they run it up I’ll take care
of it when I come
back most of us would have been like hey
give them two
nights no come
on give them two nights and then give
them a Contin little breakfast on the
way out on the third what time y’all
start Charing to make sure they’re gone
at 1:30
but this man was
kind he said I don’t know how this is
going to impact me but I’m moved with
compassion look what it says this is
Jesus talking now which one of these
three people the pastor who prayed for
him on the move the worship leader who
sang to him but didn’t stop for him
which one of these would you say was a
neighbor to the man who was attacked by
aband Jesus asked the man replied the
one who showed him Mercy then Jesus said
yes now go and do the
same see being nice put that thing back
on here we’re about to close being
nice nice is
selective you can be nice to people in
group nice to people who believe like
you nice to people who go to your church
nice to people who your kids play soccer
with nice to the come on nice is
selective kind
selfless this is the fruit of the spirit
and many of us watch this to be kind
we’re going to have to face the culture
that has raised us
your the complex of how you view the
culture of your life is going to come in
conflict with being kind to
people cuz if somebody has on a make
America great hat there are people in
this room and listening to me that would
not help
them oh no
Christians oh I’m
please know I’m not talking to anybody
other than
Believers and please don’t act
shocked be because there are certain
people if they wore an Obama shirt or a
cam camela Harris
shirt you would
not even think
twice about inviting them to your church
and it’s so crazy that a
person can be dehumanized to the point
yes that what they wear or what they
currently makes them no longer your
brother and sister in
Christ the the claps are weak and
weary and it’s not me this the
Bible and the truth is most Christians
aren’t acting like Christians
I had a stat in my message that said in
the 50 78% of America went to some type
of religious experience yearly it’s less
than 30%
now do you know why the number one
reason of all the people pulled is
because they say Christians are
judgmental and
unkind how in the
world is the thing Jesus know for we
don’t look anything
like no I’m I’m for real y’all you’ve
been mean to people for years and won’t
apologize if they’re on the worship team
you’ll make it right so you can use
gift but the
person who has been has no consequence
on what happened on the platform but as
a child of
God where’s the
comp it’s time for us to not be
selective for us to be empowered by the
Holy Spirit to be selfless two more
being nice is being passively
agreeable yeah yeah yeah yeah I kind of
believe that yeah yeah come on yeah
that’s okay that that doesn’t offend me
so okay cool
kind means that you can completely
disagree with
me and I’m powerfully
anchored I do not have to agree with
you to actually be kind with
you there are people that think things
about me in this
church that have nothing
but fabricated
ideas I’m being very kind with my
words straight up
yet God tells me to give to some of
them now you want to do
lunch and I don’t want to
go okay
I I don’t want to go because the Lord’s
working but I’m going start by sending
you a
video I’m I’m okay I’m being too real
now I’m who to give to somebody put them
on the list ooh not them God said
exactly them
oh but Lord I have screens
shaved what they said about
me so somebody sent it to
me I didn’t even ask for
it but they told their whole
congregation in the same
city give to them Lord be kind Holy
activate come on
y’all this will not be me
and God says this is you backing
up and making
space hey Doc just want to thank you
brother you don’t know what this means
to what God is doing
yeah hey bro just want to let you know
God’s thinking of
you and uh I was going to lie and say
I’m praying for you and so watch what
I’m telling y’all a real story and so I
feel naked up here
okay and in my mind I was like tell them
you praying for him and the Holy Spirit
said pray for him
now I get so weak in the knes I can
hardly I y’all it almost took me
out cuz I’m about to lie I was about to
do Christian lying hey I’ll be praying
for you do no I haven’t have not been
praying for
you can I be honest
y’all hey bro you’re on God’s mind
that’s right cuz you wasn’t on
mine and bro I just let me pray for you
father thank you for blessing this man
of God thank you for blessing their
Ministry thank you that their their
marriage would be strong father and just
thank you thank you Lord that and
somewhere in the the
middle of me
making that video a damn broken my
heart and it was almost like it BEC it
became I saw
myself and I saw my friends and I saw I
don’t know what made him say that but
Lord and I just thank you that anything
that’s been a pressure on
him any lie that’s ever been spoken God
would you and I mean it just started
gushing out that wasn’t
me that wasn’t my
flesh that was me being
impowered by the Holy Spirit to be kind
standing all over this
building last one
nice nice is something that you make an
idea is good and it becomes
Improvement I’m going to be
nicer I’m going to be nicer to
people but being
nice is self-improvement being kind
listen is Spirit
empowered don’t just make a decision to
nice every person in this room if you
are a believer in
Jesus you should
be kind I’m going to pray for every
person that you would allow the Holy
Spirit watch this everybody listen I
know you’re excited to leave but hear
what I’m
saying cuz this would be all for nothing
if you go out of here and act the same
way I want you to ask the Holy
Spirit what ideas you have to let go of
to actually be
kind one of the ideas let me give you an
example I am time to go all into it but
an example was I was weak
if I was
kind in the face of
adversity bring the thing real fast in
my closing can you bring that real quick
just get just bring it real fast you
don’t even got to bring it on the table
just bring yeah just bring it because
this is what tries to
happen is when people get in a hot
situation a pressure situation a tension
situation what ends up happening is it’s
trying to change your
character hear what I’m saying to you
you and what ends up happening is we are
not supposed to allow the situation to
turn us into something we’re not
supposed to be so this is burning hot
water and burning hot water when I put
an egg in it it becomes hard on the
inside and there are too many people
that when God puts you in a tension
situation or a boiling situation or a
pressure situation you do not look like
God you become hard yeah and there are
people under the sound of my
voice your
heart something that’s supposed to
flow is now very
stationary and today I Believe by the
power of the Holy Spirit there’s
something that’s going to change in your
heart and then there’s another group of
people that when they’re put under
pressure you just become soft and
mushy nothing in you will stand for
when you’re put in pressure you lose
your convictions cuz you can be kind and
still have a
conviction and most people think that
letting anything happen is kind no no no
no no no you can’t talk to my kids any
type of way I’m telling you no no no no
no you can cuss to your kids but I’m
kindly letting you know that language is
not okay around
them and so so many people think that we
have to let anything that anybody does
go or we’re not being
kind the goal is not to get hard or to
get mushy the goal is that when there is
something that is hot and pressure is
put on us we would release an
aroma see if you were close to this
right now you would smell the raspberry
and the Jasmine and you would smell the
things because when I get put into hot
situations what comes up off of me it
smells like him y’all don’t hear what
I’m saying it’s in his kindness and his
mercy so you got all you want to say
about me all you about to smell is
this is what the believer should
be not hard not soft
but let it be a
smell let it be a
sweet smell at your
job with your
family let it be
as with your
wife with your
husband it’s time for the church
Christians to
kind everybody that is under the sound
of my voice I’m charging
you that this next season is not just
about how much power you can produce in
life it’s actually getting a new
definition from people around
you let it be one of your goals that
people would say about you when you’re
not in the room that’s one of the
kindest people I
know now listen you may never hear
it you may never hear these words but on
your vision board this year don’t put a
car put
kind I mean you can put the car too uh
but I’m just saying like what if what if
the fruits of the spirit was the vision
board what what if what if this
kind just want to be more like
him because Titus 3:3 says once we to
were foolish and disobedient we were
misled and became slave to many lust and
Pleasures that’s me our eyes were full
of evil and envy that’s me and we hated
but when God our
kindness the reason we’re saved is
because God was
kind when he rece revealed his kindness
and love he saved us not because of the
right things that we had done but
because of his Mercy he washed away our
sins giving us a new birth and new life
through I love how the Bible brings
everything together the only way he did
it was through the Holy Spirit would you
lift your hands all
over father I thank
you that today we are all making a
decision to be more like you and allow
the Holy Spirit to develop
kindness not just in our
thoughts but in our
actions God will you help me be
kind come on I need you to just ask the
Holy Spirit right there help me to be
kind help me to be kind not just to
those who are far from me and don’t have
a close view of me help me be kind to my
wife and to my children and to my
roommate help me be kind to my boss and
my co-workers help me be kind to people
father that have told me they’ll
stay cuz many times we take advantage of
those who are committed to
us father would you allow us to be kind
to those who don’t believe like
us those who don’t just don’t believe
with it who actually hate what we
love father this is hard
Bible but I’m asking you Holy Spirit to
give me empowerment that is not
generating by me wanting to be
better Holy Spirit I need your
help Holy Spirit for every person making
comments and videos would you allow me
to be kind give me the opportunity to be
kind to
them Father I make space for you to be
God and for me to give them
drink for me to feed
them Father God will you help me
remember this
message oh y’all I’m praying real
prayers right now father I need you
whether it’s the lavender whether it’s
the flower father whether it’s the egg
or the carrot help
me remember this is your will this is
this what you want from me you want me
to be kind I’m not your soldier in a way
to make you look big and bad I’m your
soldier when I’m kind to
people that proves I’m in the army of
Lord help me be gentle and kind
and and still be in
Joy thank you Father for doing a work on
the inside that shows up on the
outside we’ll give you all the glory
honor and praise for
it even in this moment I was thinking
like I was about when I said enjoy I was
about to like I was about to do my
jacket enjoy and I was like dang I
didn’t put it there today CU we decided
to live in joy uhoh it’s still on
me now it may take different
positions it may not be some of y’all
like what is he talking about we decided
we’re going to live
in I usually have it right
here but as long as it’s on
me don’t lose your
joy today
today I want to give people an
opportunity to receive Christ because it
it was his
kindness and I know there’s been people
that are here and you’ve heard like big
topics today like you heard us talk
about finances you heard me talk about
the church not being like and you like
dang I kind of like he going off on them
but what I’m saying is join us and
represent like like what I’m saying is
the reason we’re talking about it is cuz
we not going to live that way
way we’re trying to do something
different this week as you go I want you
to be kind to people but some people you
don’t have the power to be kind cuz you
have not accepted Jesus and you not
received the Holy Spirit so today if
you’re in this room on the count of
three I’m going to give you the
opportunity to give your life to Christ
or rededicate your life to Christ and
this is the thing that took me from
being a liar a manipulator addicted to
pornography somebody had very dark stuff
in their heart and it didn’t make me a
perfect man but it made me a progressing
man that transformed everything about me
today even as we’re here there are
people around you there are people that
are you that need to give Jesus your
life and I need the church to begin to
pray there are people that are watching
right now online you’ve been feeling
this tug it’s the Holy Spirit drawing
you with his kindness right now and on
account of three I just want you to lift
your hands if you want to accept Jesus
as your personal Lord and Savior one
you’re making the greatest decision of
your life two the holy spirit is about
to enter your life and transform you for
the better and it’s about to change
everything three shoot your hand up in
the air if you want to give your life to
Jesus I saw you right there I see you
right there I see you oh Transformation
Church I see you more than that God sees
you I see you my brother hey TC I see
you glory to God y’all don’t y’all y’all
don’t know what this is heaven is
turning up right
now Hey listen TC we’re family nobody
prays alone I want everybody to say this
prayer together say God thank you for in
your kindness you sent
today I give you my life I give you my
life change me renew me transform me I’m
I Repent of my old
ways and I turn to you I’m all
yours make me more like
you in Jesus name amen can we turn up
with everybody oh y’all can do better
than that can we thank God
Hallelujah Hallelujah listen if you just
made that decision there I I I I want
you to text save to 8282 82 you are a
part of this family we want to walk with
you there’s exciting things that are
coming on your horizon come back for
Wednesday night bible study make it here
with us let’s learn how to pray together
come next week and I’m telling you as we
go and I want y’all to pray about giving
next week do not be
condemned hear what I’m saying to you I
know everybody got to leave but listen
do not be condemned on what you want to
do and what you have the ability to
do obey
God and walk away knowing you did ex
everything God told you to do amen until
next week I want you to go out and live
a transformed life hug on somebody we
love you so much God bless
you hey I want to take a moment again
before we jump off and say thank you our
church is not built on one individual
but on the sacrifice of so many and you
being a part it means the world so
thanks for watching the message I also
want to say thank you to the thousands
of people around the world who are
generous it means the world and we are
able to represent we’re able to be
generous to meet the needs of people
because of your giving if you haven’t
taken the step to give trust me there is
no pressure at all but if you feel led
you can text the word give to 82 8282 or
you can go online when we partner
together God uses our generosity to make
a difference again if you haven’t take a
moment to subscribe to the YouTube
channel and more than watching on
YouTube join us on Sundays every single
Sunday we’re here 10:45 CST a.m. we
would love to see you and like we always
say go out and live a transformed life