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so y’all ready for part 7 of crazy faith

all right get out your notepads cuz we

bout to go in today we are starting part

7 of a series we call it help me you

gotta say it one more time because we in

an arena right now this series is tall

we’ve been talking about the irrational

things that God calls people to do when

they start actually living for him this

definition of crazy faith it means

thoughts and actions that lack reason

but we are trusting fully and what you

cannot explicitly prove and we’ve gone

through all these different types of

faith we started with crazy faith then

we went to baby faith and then we talked

about maybe faith and then and then we

we talked about wavy faith and then

pastor Jeremy last week

hazy faiths the week before that Bree

taught us about daily faith and I got

one for you today but let’s go to the

scripture furnace Matthew chapter 26

verse 40 and I’m gonna read this from

the message version cuz it captured me

it says when when he came back this is

Jesus when he was in the Garden of

Gethsemane and good cemani and II was

trying to pray before he went to the

cross and he asked his three closest

disciples Peter James and John to just

wait with him and pray for a little bit

he caught them napping and they said

when he came back to the disciples he

found them sound asleep snoring drooling

he said to Peter Peter can’t you stick

it out with me for a single hour and I

bet Peter was like Jesus are winning

Miss Lee I wouldn’t even sleep her for

real dog I was resting my eyes

that was my line as a kid I would tell

my parents obviously all the rest of my

eyes are knocked out it said stay alert

be in prayer so you don’t wander into

temptation without even knowing

that ain’t what I’m preaching today but

isn’t it crazy like when you sleep when

your eyes are closed to things that are

right in front of you you find yourself

tempted when you keep scrolling and

watching things that you’re not supposed

to but you’re dead to it and and

temptation just shows up at your front

door yeah that’s not the message but it

says you’re in danger when that happens

this is the part I want you to focus in

and says this is Jesus talking he said

you know what y’all there’s a part of

you that is eager and ready for anything

in God like there’s a part of you that

has crazy faith like God whatever you

say let’s do it let’s go let’s move

let’s let’s conquer but then look what

he says but that’s another part in you

too that’s as lazy as an old dog

sleeping by the fire today I don’t want

to talk to you about the part of you

that’s ready to go and the crazy faith

today I want to talk about the other

side of you that’s in the same body the

part of you that on Sunday will be

jumping and hyping and then on Monday

won’t do what it takes to see the

breakthrough you believed for today I

want to talk to the part of you that

that is not gonna get instagrammed and

nobody’s going to praise you for the

title of today’s message is some of

y’all guessed it lazy fat yeah yeah I’m

gonna help you because this is the part

that will keep us from the promise if we

do not submit the lazy parts of us to

the all-powerful creator and some of

y’all are sitting here like I’m passing

my daughter and me I’ll work hard I’ll

do everything though I’m the one and

yeah in some areas that you let us see

but if we’re honest we all have areas in

our life where we do not have the strong

eager faith to do it and we have lazy

faith can you think right now so you

don’t point to your neighbor do you know

an area in your life that your faith is

lazy come on lift your hands if you got

one and if somebody lift your hand back

there surely I’ll see you and you don’t

have to admit it to me today but what

you do have to is come face to face with

that so that God can correct that and

what I’m finding out so many times is

that people are eager for the promise

but they’re too lazy to pick up their

pen uh-huh

they’re eager for the healthy marriage

but they’re too lazy to go to marriage

counseling some people in this room are

eager for the relationship but they’re

too lazy to work on their reality I

wanted to be six six and fine and have a

degree you don’t even brush your teeth

in the morning you know either like you

don’t do your hair no more you wear the

same outfit every week like you won’t

even work on your reality but you want

something and so many people in this

room will come in here and get inspired

and get crazy faith but never deal with

the lazy faith the thing that’s on the

inside of you that knows God can but you

won’t do the work to make sure it does

happen and I know this won’t be popular

so I a man myself before I came out here

today but some of y’all are eager for a

successful business but you’re too lazy

to budget



at the end of every month you vote but

you make sure you take your pictures

with your coffee from Starbucks that you

don’t even finish and you really can’t

afford but you want God to bless the

promise but you’re too lazy to Stuart

over what he’s giving you already

somebody shot at me lazy faith I’m in

somebody’s business right now cuz that

outfit you’re wearing is delaying your

promise the car that you’re driving is

delaying what God has for you

that Remy those extensions

your nails are making your promise no

you are in a place where if you don’t

come into the place where you can

evaluate where you really are God has an

amazing promise for you but if you don’t

confront your lazy faith you will stand

outside of the promise that God has for

you see this is something I want you to

write down people are willing to get a

prophetic word but they won’t do the

prophetic work everybody wants a

prophetic word but they do not want to

do the prophetic everybody say work do

you know your work is prophetic see when

you work right now on whatever God’s

placed in front of you like it’s

something already it’s speaking to your

future it’s calling your future into

alignment when I was speaking to a youth

group with no microphone and I was

sweating and sweating out of suits and

doing examples and doing all of that

stuff and 135 people in the room I spoke

this into existence with my work God

already spoke it over my life but if I

never cracked the Bible if I never took

the challenge to speak in front of

people if I never tried I would be

sitting here with a prophetic word but

no prophetic work to match it and I dare

say to you in this place today there are

too many people in the body of Christ

waiting on God and he’s waiting on you

well I just wish to hell remove me out

of this house you haven’t even raped the

leaves in 17 years

nobody nobody would even want this

because you haven’t put your hands to it

and taking care of it and God is saying

I’m a God of stewardship I watch what

you do with what I’ve already given you

and I’m gonna speak the word over you

I’m gonna tell you what I want to happen

here I’m gonna give you an impression

but you have to start doing everybody

say the work now I’m not talking about

striving cuz some of y’all just heard

that’s what I knew I was just supposed

to go out and just take over no no

you get instructions in the presence of

God not not striving but striding and

when God puts something in front of you

you kill it when God tells you to go you

go full force and what I’m seeing in

this is that the prophetic work looks

different for everybody else

for some people it’s physically doing

something forever

other people the work is not doing

something see some of y’all the work you

need to do is stay home you want to be

everywhere doing everything but God says

I need you to stay in a place where I

can speak to you and develop you into

who I want you to be but some of you the

work is going out well I’m just a

natural introvert but God’s called you

to touch the world so are you going to

allow your your preference or your

personality to rule your life are you

gonna tell your purpose that no no God

has something greater for me than what

my personality says and now my

personality has to submit to my purpose

but that’s gonna take everybody say work

uh-huh and some of us are just too lazy

for that how many people in your mind

like you see people going all out and

just be honest you say it don’t take all

that come on some of y’all think that

about me every Sunday let’s have some

eyes like sit on the stool like it don’t

take all like it don’t take all that and

for somebody else they could sit on a

stool up here and do it because

everybody’s not gifted and called to do

the same exact thing but when I get up

here I know what God’s put in me and if

I sit up here and give you 30% of what

I’m doing I did not put my prophetic

work with his prophetic word and some of

you you say well I don’t have all of

this you got a pen in a paper you

haven’t even write written the vision

down and make it plain and I’m trying to

move you from getting hype in a series

to seeing it in your house

I do not want you to thank God for what

he did for our church

the real testimony is when I come to

your address the real testimony is when

we look at your family life y’all better

hear me the real testimony is when your

marriage has been changed by not faith

that we just talked about but faith that

people can see do you know that you’re

the only Bible some people will read

they’re waiting for it to come alive in

the book of Turkey so I know we read

John and Luke and but they want the they

want to see it in the book of Travis in

the book of Larnell and the book of Bob

that’s where they’re gonna find out that

Jesus is real so we have to do the work

everybody said work that God has called

us to do and that’s why I’m coming to

you today and I’m gonna confront your

lazy faith forgive me right now for

coming at you this hard on this first

service that I’m preaching but somebody

needs to be shaken out of complacency

and somebody else do you be shaken out

of the lethargic way that they’ve been

living look at what look look what this

quote says it said hard work pays off in

the future but laziness pays off now

some of us are living in the fruit of

our laziness and so and so we have to

confront this notion that we want the

promise without the process but God says

it’s time for you to embrace the process

and that means you’re gonna have to let

go of lazy just say that let go of lazy

yeah I’m gonna be real practical today

let go of lazy some of us will die

because of the way we eat can I be

honest with you doing funerals for

people who are obese is is one of the

quickest ways to snuff out the purpose

and praying over people’s lives because

so many people die with purpose y’all

know the richest place is the graveyard

all the ideas all of the things that

we’ve never heard of before it’s in the

grave right now

because people were too lazy in their

everyday life to become who God called

them he called you to be it he called

you to do it he called you for more

you’re too lazy to go to a counselor you

have issues in trauma from your

childhood you don’t know how to

communicate and you 58 years old and you

had kids but you still when you get

angry you go into rage but you’re too

lazy to confront the issue that happened

to you or wouldn’t end when you were 10

remember we say stuff like this I don’t

take all that and y’all know some people

that shutting me off right now cuz I’m

tap dancing on your business

I’m in your house right now but we can

never get the prophetic promise and the

prophetic word if we don’t do the

prophetic work okay okay okay I think

y’all got this now so today I’m gonna

show you a group of people who didn’t

have lazy faith and they didn’t let

nothing stop them from believing that

God could do a miracle and I hope that

you’re gonna see the type of lives that

God’s called transformation Church and

transformation nation to live right now

I want you to go to Luke chapter 5 verse

17 because the opposite of lazy faith is

active faith everybody say active faith

it’s faith that’ll move when God says

move it’s faith that will figure it out

it’s faith that we’ll go and do what

God’s called him to do and we run into

these guys and the title of it is jesus

healed a paralyzed man it says one day

while Jesus was teaching some Pharisees

and teachers of the religious law were

sitting nearby and the Lord’s healing

power was strongly with Jesus so Jesus

was killing all types of people verse 18

some men carrying a paralyzed man on a

sleeping man they came and they tried to

take him inside to Jesus now I want you

to put this picture in your head right

now is that Jesus is healing everybody

you got a call boom oh is that a hand

wizard it’s your sinuses clogged up like

he just healing everybody so words start

spreading and these guys we don’t know

exactly who they are at this moment but

they think about their friend and they

say yo Jesus is healing people

why don’t we go get your own and the

other friend was like I want to go get

your own right now but this may be

drones only opportunity to come out of

this paralyzed position that he’s in and

this is what lazy faith would have done

lazy faith won’t carry what seems

insignificant to Christ see when you’re

lazy you’re in a situation where Christ

is doing something

and you’d be like yeah that don’t matter

my broken situation doesn’t matter to

God my my family issue doesn’t matter to

God what’s happening at my job doesn’t

matter to God but these dudes had active

faith they had crazy faith lazy faith

would say it doesn’t matter

but these dudes said we don’t carry our

friend to go see Jesus now I want you to

get the picture of this they went to

where he was what a blow me wrong


we heard Jesus is healing people don’t

move he was paralyzed don’t move we bout

to take you to Jesus and they had to use

their own strength their own faith this

is what crazy face is to actually pick

up and carry you to a place where we

believe you don’t even believe it yet he

didn’t ask to be taken there

it was the faith of these guys who said

we know God’s in the healing business so

we have the faith some of y’all are

gonna have the faith to speak life over

family members safe to speak allall

y’all don’t hear me over businesses they

not even asking for it but lazy faith

would have left them there but what

crazy faith does is it says hold on

we’re gonna carry you and these dudes

carry him to Jesus why would you carry

something insignificant to Jesus it’s

because he cares and I don’t know who

this is for but I need to minister to

somebody right now some of you have been

in this room and you have not been

taking the things you really need to

take to Jesus to him because you don’t

think he cares you think that it’s

that’s not enough to bother God with

that but look what the Bible says in

first Peter 5:7 it says cast all your

cares upon him why because he cares for

you and today I don’t know what you’ve

been carrying in faith but some of you

have been carrying it to friends some of

you have been carrying it to a bottle

some of you have been carrying it to an

addiction and Jesus is sitting in the

house and he’s saying hey I actually

care about the thing that’s paralyzed in

your life actually that thing that’s

deformed in your life I care about it

could you bring it to me so the faith of

these friends they realize that lazy

faith won’t carry what seems

insignificant to Christ but crazy faith

casts all cares and today somebody needs

to cast your cares before you leave this

place today you’re gonna throw something

on this altar or throw something out to

God that you’re gonna say no longer will

I carry this weight alone I’m casting

this to Jesus now look at verse 19

because something strange happens they

carried this pair of my bloods man to

Jesus but they tried to take him inside

to Jesus because in my mind that’s what

happens like oh they was probably

gassing him up bro this is your last day

crippled bro bro you about to be able to

who are you going to the league look how

long you are they was probably gassing

him up on the way to Jesus because of

the miracles they heard and they said

bro we gonna take you right in we’re

gonna lay you at his feet

he’s gonna be the Lord

I’m telling you bro just hold on it’s

coming but look what happened in verse

19 but they couldn’t reach him because

of the crowd what happens when you have

faith enough to get to a place and then

the plans don’t work out like you think

it was supposed to what happens when God

told you to move to Tulsa but then the

job didn’t come through what happens

when when you knew you were supposed to

marry the person and they all started

arguing on the honeymoon is like I made

the wrong decision like see let me tell

you what lazy faith will do lazy faith

thinks in a tilt is adequate like most

of us we would have carried that man all

the way there seen the crowd in me like

well we tried

right the business well they deny me for

the loan try to have a baby and they

told me I’d be infertile well I tried

and what happens is we think that an

attempt is adequate and we allow the

crowd that surrounds our promise to

deter us from what God has called us to

I’m preaching in this place most turn

around at the sign of turmoil you think

that’s a sign from God but turmoil

honestly is one of those things that God

uses to transform you turmoil the crowd

the obstacle to get to what God has

called you too many times it’s a test of

your faith

maybe the crowd was curated maybe God

designed that struggle for you maybe the

setback has significance maybe the

obstacle is an opportunity I don’t know

who I’m talking to in this building

today and you sitting here looking at me

like I’m a concert performer but

somebody needs to realize in this room

that me of the obstacles that you are

going through right now are proof that

you’re supposed to be there you thought

them giving you a demotion was proof

that you were supposed to leave but this

is just proof that God’s Word is gonna

come to pass in my life if you believe

it give God a shout of praise in this


see we’re in a season of crazy faith as

a church and if the crowd or the

obstacle would have been my sign to give

up on this place we wouldn’t be sitting

here today when they told us we’re not

accepting any offers on the spirit bank

event center what did we tell them we’ll

check back every week some of y’all have

stopped because you tried once I tried

to do the business I tried to forgive

them I tried to mend that relationship

I tried church and God sings one attempt

is not enough when you know the promises

on the other side like if you knew

everything you needed was on the other

side of a locked door what would you do

I mean if your whole year’s salary was

on the other side of a door and if you

just got in it was yours

some of y’all wouldn’t y’all put your

head through the door you you’d be

throwing kids through windows if she

said yeah who are her kids but that’s

why we need to refer back to James

chapter one verse three says dear

brothers and sisters when troubles of

any kind come your way consider it an

opportunity for great joy like when

these dudes walked up and the crowd was

there I know there was a couple people

with lazy faith because there was like

well but there was at least one person

that was like ah soon iiiiii and they

did not see the crowd as the detour they

just saw it as a platform for God’s

power to be seen they saw it that God’s

gonna have to do something real crazy

now – cause y’all better hear me he

gonna have to go over and beyond but

y’all know we serve the God that does

exceedingly abundantly y’all better help

me above all we can ask

think or even a match so so so lazy

faith thinks an attempt is adequate but

let me tell you what crazy faith thing’s

crazy face says I won’t quit

some of y’all need to get that attitude

in your heart right now you tried the

business before but I’m not gonna quit I

tried to get into that school once

before but I’m not gonna quit somebody

say I won’t quit some of y’all right now

have divorce papers ready for your

marriage I feel this so strongly right

now but the reason y’all are getting a

divorce is because neither of you

actually tried it’s been lazy faith

you’ve been praying prayers I hear this

by the spirit you’ve been praying

prayers God fixed them but today in this

message I believe that somebody’s

hearing this message and they’re going

to realize that it’s not in God fixing

them it’s in you doing the work for God

to fix you and there’s gonna be

something I need somebody to just

believe with me right now because God

wants marriages to work I believe that

relationships are being restored in this

mob feel the presence of God in this

lake I believe that people are gonna go

back and say we gotta give this a real

effort now we’re not gonna walk in lazy

faith one attempt is not okay we won’t

quit somebody say I won’t quit I feel

the presence of God in this place crazy

faith won’t quit

and so these dudes get here there’s a

crowd and the crowds telling them to

quit but look what happens in verse 19

so they went up to the roof and took off

some tiles hold up

I got tons of questions they walk up to

the scene y’all fool we can’t get in you

sure that’s my cousin Reggie right there

right guy y’all know how y’all do if

y’all see a family member or a friend

anywhere we can’t get in cuckoo cuckoo

cuckoo Romi so we bout to do some a

little different

are you afraid of heights cuz we bout to

go on the roof and take some tiles off

for somebody else’s house

lazy faith write this down won’t rip off

the roof

lazy faith says the doctors gave me a

report and I guess you know it gave me

three years to live for if I do these

things and that’s the only way it can

happen she ripped the roof off faith

knows that what everybody else think is

the only way it can happen that there’s

always another way somebody say another

way I feel this thing

these dudes who looked at the door in

the windows and said ain’t no way we can

get in there but they said I have to rip

the roof off anointing right now we go

figure out a way to get on top of this

roof where nobody else is see there

enough see there comes a faith that you

might be the first one to step out and

do something there maybe out safe that

they tell you you should stay in a

converted grocery store but God called

you to be the first to go into an arena

you need to know that there was nobody

else on the roof but they had the faith

to everybody say rip the roof off in

your life what have you considered there

is no way and God’s saying there’s still

the roof I mean no way me and my dad’s

relationship will be healed

there’s still the roof that means I

would have to apologize

that means that means I would have to

drive there because I know he ain’t

coming here and he said you said there

was no way but there’s still the C lazy

faith some of y’all know right there in

it right now like you’re you’re lazy

faith is being exposed right now cuz

you’re thinking in your situation you

say it shouldn’t take all that but there

is no way that this man is going to be

healed unless they have the faith to do

something that has not been done and

this is why I’m asking everybody to

reevaluate your why cuz your why has to

be worth it when they were about to give

up they kept looking at their paralyzed

friends and say this may be his own

opportunity so i’ma rip the roof off for

him and some of you you’ve had the wrong

why you work for money that’s the wrong

why and that’s why when God asks you to

step out in faith you can’t do it

because you’re wise not strong enough to

believe so every time you look at it you

just go for the better promotion and all

this and God said I wanted you to be a

business owner but you want to work for

people all your life because you don’t

have the faith to trust me and so we’ll

keep it right here and you say well God

why am I so broke all the time cuz you

still have not gone to the roof and

today I want you to know as we sit in

this arena we didn’t we didn’t want this

arena so that we could just have a big

church because we knew transformation

church was a route rip rip the roof type

of church that we needed a place big

enough for people to come and families

to come to be able to be transformed in

Christ that’s why today I take time to

thank and honor every person who gives a

transformation Church because when you

give here you’re helping lift the roof

off for somebody else you don’t hear me

every volunteer out in the parking lot

and out in the children’s ministry and

out in there they’re ripping the roof

off for generations to be changed

everybody who comes to prayer on Monday

night and you pray over all these seats

you are making a way forego rude roof to

be ripped off of people’s lives

and this is where God wants all of us to

be see see let me help you

lazy faith won’t rip the roof off but

crazy face says hand me the hammer like

that’s that’s that’s the season I’m in

right now they told me there’s no way we

can do it hand me to him God’s gonna

give me some type of crazy instruction

that nobody else will do but I will do I

got anybody in here who’s tired of being

on the ground when your miracles so

close to you now I need you to hear me

right now and Andy and something’s

rising up on the inside of you the faith

that’ll rip the roof off somebody say

rip the roof I don’t know I feel the

Spirit of Thor coming over me in the

name of somebody about to hand me a

hammer put that picture on the screen

this is what I feel like in my spirit

right now I need everybody to see the

Avatar of what I feel like that’s what I

feel like right now hand me the hammer

but is there about 500 people that have

crazy faith to believe that there’s

another way that God can do this he’s

gonna rip the roof off for your

situation with the roof off of every

limitation he’s gonna rip the roof oh I

don’t know but that’s how I feel right

now y’all feel me

I feel that so so look what happens so

they they start taking tiles off and

ripping the roof off now I need you to

realize this wasn’t their house

so they didn’t get permission to rip the

roof off so they knew it was going to

cost them at the moment they started

believing in that type of faith they

were willing to pay the price of what it

took to rip the roof off and build their

friend down they did not have lazy faith

they were willing to work and this is

the thing I want you to see cuz there’s

a lot of the Bible don’t say so what I’m

asking everybody to do is read your

Bible all the time cuz your faith grows

by hearing the Word of God but but what

ends up having is I want you to also

read what the Bible don’t say I’m gonna

teach you how to do this right now

it said then they lowered the sick man

next verse then they lowered the sick

man on his mat down into the crowd right

in front of Jesus there is so much stuff

there that we did not talk about right

how did they get through the crowd where

did they find the ladder put the house

home that Jesus was in cuz they need to

see this they don’t they don’t

understand this right now to me in my

Holy imagination this is what it looked

or y’all mad cuz it’s a trap house but

in my mind this is where Jesus would

hang out in places where nobody else

wanted him to be I thought he came for

those who were sick and hurt y’all some

fake religious Christian but if Jesus

was here he would be holding revivals in

the trap house somebody’s like Sally the

trap house was like a mousetrap

but I imagine this is the scene and they

bring they paralyze friend up to him and

they like hey bro we gonna go on the


okay now that’s not gonna work so we got

to find a way to get up there

we gotta climb the ladder with a

paralyzed man on a map

some of y’all can’t climb stairs which

old newborn baby this a full-grown man

on a mat and I just want you to see all

the things we didn’t talk about Dennis

said they lowered him they lowered him

in front of chief they didn’t come there

with a rope they didn’t come prepared to

create a pulley system to lower their

friend they might have took off their

robes and tied them together and made

some Boy Scout like we don’t know what

they did to be able to do it but they

lowered him I’m glad I wasn’t in the

group because if I was in the goober

like just drop him he already paralyzed

and what’s the worst that can happen we

believe him for his healing Jesus that

food would have just he would have fell

out in front of Jesus with like my bad


you know he was heavy getting up that

ladder up and like beautiful like it so

healing thank God I wasn’t in this story


Lord forgive me but I want you to I want

you to see I want you to see how much

stuff we didn’t talk about it said they

lowered him and so that means they had

to work together and communicate and

then look at the last detail it says

they lured him right in front of Jesus

that means they didn’t just start

hammering anywhere in the room

they didn’t just start making decisions

I’m about to do it they investigated

where’s Jesus it’s Jesus in this


it’s Jesus in this child there ah they

investigate it do I sense Jesus do I

feel Jesus do I see Jesus and they said

this is the spot where Jesus is so we’re

gonna rip the roof off right here hand

me the hammer and they lowered him right

in front of Jesus this is what I want to

help somebody know who has lazy faith

lazy faith won’t figure it out we don’t

talk about the mystery of God enough in

church we want the certainty of God we

want God to give us after the steps of a

righteous man on order give me the

orders Lord and I will not move until I

get an order aye aye sir but these dudes

had faith enough to be able to work and

figure out the in-between and some of

you are sitting in this room so lazy

because you’re saying well God hasn’t

told me anything well God and this is

the moment where you have to figure it

out they don’t mention what they did to

get up there it could have been ugly it

could have been nem one dude holding on

top of each other and somebody on his


them creating a pulley system to get

everybody up and so it could have took

it could have took them hours we read it

like it just happened in a moment we

read it like it was like and then they

just hopped up on the roof but the fact

is they got to the place that they

needed to be to rip off the roof and

figured out how to get their friend

right in front of Jesus

lazy faith won’t figure it out but crazy

faith can’t settle some of you there’s a

righteous like frustration that God is

bringing in you for situations and

things that are going in your life like

this ain’t it

this can’t be it and what that is is

your crazy face starting to rise up and

say I can’t settle somebody say I can’t

settle and some of you have been so lazy

that said hey this is I guess this is

what God has for me and there’s

something in you that’s starting to get

a fire as we go through the series and

say I can’t settle somebody one more

person say I can’t settle these men had

crazy faith but they had the same

opportunity to have lazy faith obstacle

after obstacle trial after trial not

having all the directions and all the

instructions but they had to figure it

out and then one last thing happened

that mess me up

because because you need to know that

God wants to work in you and give you

the power to do what he’s called you to

do look at Philippians chapter 2 verse

13 probably my favorite scripture and

all the Bible says for God is working in

you giving you both the desire another

translation says the wheel and the power

to do what pleases him

I believe those guys had inspiration

from God to figure out how to get on the

roof and nobody else around all the

crowds they didn’t have the wisdom but

these dudes said God you see our broken

paralyzed distraught situation our why

is bigger than what we feel right now so

we’re gonna have crazy faith to believe

that you can do something and they

moving in it and then verse 20 the

craziest thing happens look at it says

Jesus he probably got some like dust

particles like falling on his head and

he was trying to like play it off like

oh my god but God me I say like what are

y’all look what he says singing there

what does that word whose faith who are

they verse 18 gives us the slightest

clue to who they are some men they have

no names they have no titles they aren’t

the pastor of the church they aren’t the

CEO of the company Jesus seeing their

faith it made him active see active

faith makes Jesus he said now hold up

not knowing the ladder out there y’all

just lowered this man right here in

front of me like that y’all go up give

him on this is a good talk but y’all

y’all faith interrupted me what happens

when you have a faith that interrupts

what God was already doing and makes him

say like I could go past this but I

gotta pay attention to this type of

faith and they had no names and it said

some men ah

he said because of your faith their

faith turned Jesus attention to the

young man hey nice a young man hey all

your sins they’re forgiven he say no

sinner’s prayer he didn’t make him

confess what he did he said in the

atmosphere of faith I can take stuff

that looks completely paralysed and

bring it into a brand new place of

transformation now

get it I want you to hear me I want you

to say this and please we’re only gonna

be in here just a few more minutes

please don’t distract people by leaving

in this moment okay lazy faith wants

credit for the effort they put out the

way you know somebody’s lazy and their

efforts is they want to make sure they

get credit for it like if it was some of

us we’d be like hey y’all putting a

story in the Bible right like I put my

name in there my name is gyrus Jerome

Jenkins I need to be right there next to

Paul Samuel even barn if it’s like

getting me in the book the Bible says

some men because lazy faith gets once

credit for their effort but let me tell

you about crazy faith crazy faith gets

credit in eternity like the things God’s

gonna call you to do won’t be seen on

this side of heaven and that’s why

Colossians 3:23 says whatever you do

work everybody say work work at it with

your whole heart as working for the Lord

not for human masters since you know

that you will receive an inheritance

from the Lord as a reward it is the Lord

Christ you are serving so many people in

this room right now like those men who

have an opportunity today tomorrow to

either lean into crazy faith or lazy

thing and today those are the two

nature’s that are fighting you every day

I remember this poem that really

impacted me and says two nature’s beat

within my chest one is foul and one is

blessed when I love and when I hate the

one I feed will dominate

and I’m asking you the Bible clearly

tells us we all have a side of us that’s

eager to do what God’s called us to do

and then we had that other side of us

that’s lazy as an old dog sitting by

fire and my question is what are you

gonna feed this week how are you gonna

feed your faith are you gonna give

yourself an excuse not to read your word

or put your marriage first or spend time

with your kids or finish the assignment

keep to the word that you told people

you were going to do are you gonna say

you know what I got I got to step over

into this crazy I gotta have that rip

the roof off if I gotta have that faith

that looks at crowds and obstacles and

say God’s still calling me past this

point right here well pastor how do we

do that

we know faith comes by hearing and

hearing what the Word of God this whole

series is taking you back to the thing

that will build your faith and that’s

the Word of God next week I’m gonna

finish this story it’s gonna be lazy

faith part 2 and you do not want to miss

this cuz the next part of this is about

to take a good wig off of you but today

I want to pause right here and I want us

to close our eyes right in this place

right now come on close your eyes take a

moment for yourself and I want you to

figure out I want you to choose right

now how you gonna feed your faith I know

the doctor was report was bad I know

this was a bad week for your marriage I

know this was a frustrating time with

your children I I know the report came

back and it didn’t seem good but in this

place I want to pray for you I want to

pray that God would activate you to have

the faith to not be detoured by the

crowd to pick up the broken things and

bring them to him to find a way to

figure out what’s not working and get to

the roof so you can whip it on I’m I’m

praying that you’d have the humility

to not want credit for everything that

God’s gonna do right now but know that

some things he’s gonna ask you to do and

you’re not gonna see it until you get in

his presence face-to-face father I thank

you for this church if you know that you

need to switch over from lazy faith to

crazy faith in an area of your life

would you please just lift your hands

all over this room online right now I

want you to lift your hands I’m not to

pray for you Father you see your

children and I thank you that right now

in this place in your presence father

that you are moving us from a place that

has been unwilling to use our energy and

effort and you’re moving us into a place

that will work faith without works is

dead is what James tells us father and

today we’re asking you to move us and

give us the grace to do the work the

prophetic work that will bring forth the

prophetic word thank you that every

marriage and every family and every

business and every heart and every mind

would not be stuck in lazy for me but

today I command under the power of God

that we would move into crazy faith we

break every chain of generational habits

that have made us be the way that we are

and we step into the new creation that

you called us to be in Christ Jesus this

week we will hear the word and it will

transform us from the inside out we

praise you we thank you in Jesus name we

agree hey listen right there stay in

that same posture there’s people in here

who have never accepted Jesus Christ as

their personal Lord and Savior and I

need everybody to just stay still for

one second because this is why our

church exists if you’re in this room and

you’ve never accepted Jesus Christ as

your personal Lord and Savior today I’m

gonna give you that opportunity it’s the

thing that took me from a liar a cheater

somebody who was addicted to pornography

and it did not make me a perfect man but

it made me a progressing man today I

want to give you the chance to walk in

crazy faith well I’ve never seen God I

don’t know if he’s real you haven’t seen

wind or Wi-Fi either but you know it’s

real and today in this place the

presence of God is here to heal you if

you’re in this room we’re about to pray

and you’re saying custom Ike

I want to make Jesus Christ my personal

Lord and Savior don’t worry about your

friend your neighbor your girlfriend

anybody who came with today tomorrow is

not promised today is the day of

salvation if you’re in this room or

watching online and you’re saying this

this is for me I want to step into crazy

faith this is gonna be my rift the roof

off faith my friend invited me and

invited me and invited me and now I’m in

the presence of God and God saying

here’s your moment to get healed here’s

your moment to be transformed if that’s

you on the count of three I just want

you to lift your hands and you’re saying

yeah I wanna I want to do that Pastor

Mike I’m gonna give my life to Christ

I’m gonna rededicate my life to Christ

there’s hands going up already one two

three come on there’s hands all over

this building come on I see you I see

you I see I see okay you can put your

hands down with everybody just bow your

head and close your eyes right now

because we’re family and transformation

church we’re a big family a

transformation church but nobody prays

alone and just repeat this prayer after

me together say father thank you for

sending Jesus to rip the roof off for me

today I give you my life

change me transform me I’m yours I

believe you lived and you died just for

me and today I give you my life in Jesus

name Amen