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who’s ready for part five of planted not

berry we are we are so excited about

this get out your notes get out your

smartphones we’re about to go to a whole

nother level today this series is really

exciting for me because so many people

are getting the understanding that under

does not mean over that if you are a

seed and you are planted that it’s the

place where God does some of his best

work when nobody can see it when

nobody’s around when nobody’s applauding

you sometimes it feels isolated

sometimes it feels like the very

environment that you’re buried in but I

have found that a burial and a planting

looks similar and if you don’t have

perspective somebody say perspective if

you don’t have perspective you will call

the same environment that God’s making

you in the environment that God tried to

take you out in and so today I want you

to realize that you are planted and not

buried and we’ve been talking about

different things what to do when you’re

under and today we’re gonna take it a

neck next um the next step we talked

about what to do when you’re under fire

we talked about last week what to do

when you’re underfunded and this week

the title of today’s message is planted

and undervalued because there are a lot

of people that that have stopped moving

towards the thing that God has called

you to do because you don’t feel like

the people around you value who you

really are

there are people in here that have been

serving who have been faithful who’ve

been trying but you feel like you have

not been valued that people don’t see

what God is placed on the inside of you

there are people in this room that feel

underrated they feel underestimated they

feel underappreciated they feel played

down and understated and this could be

as a parent as a friend as an employee a

son or a daughter you feel like a

underemphasized volunteer you feel like

a diminished leader you feel like a

minimized spouse you feel downgraded

reduce a glossed over pastor or you even

feel under priced you feel undervalued

and I’m coming to speak faith to you if

in any area of your life you feel

less than you’re feeling lower then

you’re believing the lies of the enemy

that maybe you should quit right now I

don’t know why I’m preaching so hard in

the first four minutes of this message

but somebody needs to understand that if

God has you in a place that you are

feeling undervalued I believe that that

is the same place that God can work a

miracle and show you who you really are

to show you that you are more than a

conqueror to give you the ability to

understand that what you are feeling

right right now does not sum up what God

is going to do with your life and there

are people in here that have stopped and

become paralyzed because you have been

underappreciated that you’re waiting for

somebody to validate you before you give

your all come on summer of us work jobs

right now where they know they know that

you know you’re not giving you all cuz

you don’t appreciate me you don’t value

me there’s some parents in here that

have been trying to do their best and

their children never say thank you and

there’s an emptiness that the enemy has

been trying to convince you that that is

the place where you should just give up

but not today I believe that there are

some marriages that have been on the

brink because your husband or your wife

has not valued what you’ve brought to

the table and you said well God maybe I

just need to get a divorce no no no no

baby I believe that God wants to inspire

you to stay everybody shout at me

planted yeah

because when we feel undervalued we

think maybe if I come out of this and

plant somewhere else they’ll value me

maybe if I leave this school maybe if I

leave this job maybe if maybe if I leave

this thing they’ll value me more over

there but what I want to tell you is

that nobody will value you if you don’t

value you if you don’t understand what

you’re worth and what God is placed on

the inside of you and what you carry

people will always label you and tell

you what you’re worth but you need to

know that your value comes from God and

so today I want to talk to you about

what to do when you’re planted and your

under values and I need you to

understand this because we have to get

perspective you got to get perspective

and I want to take you to a story in

Genesis go to Genesis chapter 29 I must

warn you today’s message is textbook

Jerry Springer episodes season 7 now I

know this side is saved and they’ve

never watched Jerry Springer but for the

rest of us this message today the text

is God kissing cousins lies pimp daddy’s

literally sisters fighting baby mama

drama everything is in this I’m telling

you Genesis 29 you can read it and I

don’t know if you’ve ever watched our

episode of Jerry Springer or some but

there’s always a dude in the middle of

the drama be like Jerry I don’t even

know I don’t even know why they doing

all this you don’t say hello both of

them okay like like that person in this

story his name is Jacob okay and Jacob

is in the center of all this drama

that’s happening and and Jacob falls in

love with his cousin named Rachel and I

want you to see because we’re gonna find

a character and here who’s been

undervalued and we’re gonna see what she

does in this situation and maybe if

you’re in a undervalue situation or you

maybe find yourself in an undervalue

situation later on in your life you will

know what to do when you’re planted when

you’re close to God but you’re feeling

undervalued look at Genesis 29 verse 16

it says now Laban had two daughters

okay so Laban is Jacob’s funcle’ the

older daughter was named Leah

everybody say Leah okay I want you to

remember these characters and the

younger one was Rachel everybody say

Rachel okay these are two sisters Leah

and Rachel

there was no sparkle in Leah’s eye that

means she had a great personality

aka she was ugly I just want you to

interpret this scripture properly when

somebody is like yes he had no sparkle

in her life that means you’re ugly and

put Rachel Rachel had a beautiful pig

figure and a lovely face since Jacob was

in love with Rachel look who Jacob was

in love with Rachel he told

father I’ll work for you for seven years

if you give me that fine piece of tender

Romney over there named Rachel your

younger daughter asked my wife

agreed Laban replied I’d rather give her

to you than to anyone else stay and work

with me

so Jacob worked for seven years to pay

for Rachel that’s how much he valued her

I don’t know what she had going on but

he worked for seven years for this woman

okay but check this out he said his love

for her was so strong that it seemed to

him but be but a few days what did she

do to him finally the time came for him

to marry her

Laban haha I fulfilled my agreement now

give me my wife so I can sleep with her

so Laban invited everyone in the

neighborhood and prepared a wedding

feast watch this but that night

everybody say that night in the dark

watch this when it was dark

Laban took Lea the one that that didn’t

have a sparkle the older sister he took

her to Jacob and he slept with her Laban

had given Leah a servant named Zilpha

Zilpah to be her maid but when Jacob

woke up in the morning yeah you like

that okay it was Leah what have you done

to me

Jacob raged at Laban I worked seven

years for Rachel

why did you trick me baby Jake this is

pimp daddy it’s not our custom here to

marry off the younger daughter ahead of

the firstborn but wait until the bridal

week is over and then we will give you

Rachel to two for the price of one if

you promise to work another Seth

in years so Jacob agreed to seven more


a week after Jacob had married Leah

Raven gave him Rachel – and she and she

also got a servant so Jacob slept with

Rachel to watch this and he loved her

much more than Leah or it could be say

he valued Rachel more than Leah or it

could be said that leah was under valued

can want everybody to get this picture

he then stayed and worked for Laban the

additional seven years today is a

message for people who may have an area

in their life that looks like leah that

you’re in an unfair situation that

you’ve been put at a disadvantage you’re

mixed up in stuff you didn’t even ask to

be in and you’re feeling undervalued at

your job you’re feeling insignificant at

the things that God has called you the

people around you don’t value who you

are and this is so crazy because a lot

of times something you value is

determined by how much it’s worth or let

me say it a different way

how much you’re willing to pay for it

and Jacob was willing to pay 14 years of

his life to be with Rachel she must have

been the most amazing woman in the world

because he was willing to get tricked

and work another seven years just to be

with her but imagine how leah must have

felt to be sitting here married to a man

that wouldn’t give anything for her

while she’s watching him give up his

everyday life for somebody else it’s so

crazy that many times when we find

ourselves in life situations the

situations that make us feel undervalued

somehow we seem tied to them we seem

like we can never get away from this job

like like we can never get away from

this feeling or we can never get away

from our family’s perception of us when

we were younger and yeah i wild out but

that’s not who I am anymore but now they

undervalue you because you made a


can immaturity there’s so many of us

that find ourselves in under valued

positions and what ends up happening is

we convince ourselves and allow the

enemy to convince us that maybe we can’t

move forward in those areas because

nobody sees what God place on the inside

of you let me help you nobody has to see

see when you are planted there is so

much going on under ground that nobody’s

supposed to see that God is working

character in you and fruit into your

life and he’s healing you so many times

under the surface but we have to realize

that if nobody co-signs us God still

called us we have to realize that it may

not be that everybody will be able to

praise you or pay you or see who you

really are before you become it but will

that stop you because for Leah it

stopped her she did she didn’t know what

to do because she felt undervalue

imagine waking up every morning and the

husband say honey good morning and you

knew they weren’t talking to you imagine

going to a job that you know they don’t

want you at imagine going to a school

where you know you’re not supposed to be

there and they remind you you’re not

supposed to be there oh I just want

everybody to see leah was under valued

and some of us may say that’s not fair

can I help you understand something life

it’s not fair we live in a fallen world

and if everybody everybody got what they

deserved all of us would deserve hail

but thank God for His grace but what

ends up happening is how what do we do

when we feel undervalued in a marriage a

career a relationship you can’t quit I

came to help somebody understand today

because I’ve been filling the burden all

week that people were about to give up

in a space because others did not value

what God made in you that’s valuable you

don’t need

any body else to validate what God has

placed inside of you as long as he said

it he will be faithful to perform it in

your life and I want you to see what

happens in Leah’s life look at verse 31

I love this it said when Leah’s when the

Lord saw that leah was unloved or let me

say it a different way when the Lord saw

that leah was in an undervalued

situation the man she was married to

didn’t even want her her sister was

probably in competition with her from a

very young age she was in an undervalued

situation he enabled everybody say

enable God enabled her to have children

and Rachel could not conceive let me

give you my first point when you’re

planted and undervalued don’t allow the

pain to prevent you from producing see

well they don’t want me here

I’m not supposed to be here I’ve been


I don’t have what it takes and God says

I see you that’s what he told Leah I saw

that she was unloved I saw that she was

in a situation where she was undervalued

and I sent my grace not to take her out

of the situation to enable her in the

situation he enabled her to reduce even

though she was in a situation that

brought her pain and so many times us as

believers we equate pain with stop

struggle stop pain stop but we get we

get denied stop but as I find and read

the Word of God

obstacles are setups all the time for

God to come through and when we’re in a

situation where there is pain discomfort

when we feel under that may be the exact

sign that you need to keep moving

forward in your faith

and this young lady in an on unfavorable

situation in a situation where she knew

that she was not even wanted to be there

God said I will give you grace or the

divine enablement to be able to produce

even when there’s pain I came to tell

somebody today

that God is going to give you the

ability to grow even though you’re gonna

be able to grow even though they don’t

want you there you’re gonna be able to

grow yo hold on I hear the presence of

God speaking to somebody you’re gonna be

able to grow even though you’re under

estimating you’re gonna be able to grow

even though you’re under-qualified well

God I don’t even know how I got this job

and they know I don’t have the

credentials but you there and either

you’re going to make yourself die in a

position that God has automatically

called you to be fruitful in or you’re

gonna say if God’s called me to this

he’s gonna be faithful to empower me to

do more than what I could do on my own

and I know I know I know I know I know I

know you’ve been trying to do it on your

own and you want everybody to clap for

you every step of the way but I’m here

to let you know right now

external voices will never tell me my

value cuz until I go back to the Creator

a creator can only place value on what

it made and so many of us because we

don’t have value we have stopped because

we let what somebody else told us wasn’t

good what somebody else said we needed

to do with somebody else what we

believed when we saw and compared

ourselves to somebody else well if I’m

gonna be successful I got to do this

this do this and God said I use the

foolish things to make people who smart

be like how did that happen

but the thing I have to make you realize

is do not negate the season that you’re

in because it’s painful and stop

producing I want you to go to the job

where don’t nobody expect you to do

nothing and be the best salesperson

God will give you ideas and witty

inventions and and and and you pray in

that place and you say father God I’m


you can use me how else you want he

wants his glory to be seen everybody say

through me not at church in the world

like and so what I need you to

understand is that many times as

believers we rather go sit in the corner

and make God deliver us Lea doesn’t get

delivered out of this situation she

produces in it you and this is i

prophesy to somebody that you in this

season will have the ability and the

grace to grow even though somebody said

i’m gonna grow even though yeah you

don’t even believe it yet look what

happens in Leah’s life Genesis 29 verse

31 so Leah became pregnant and gave

birth to a son can I tell you how

powerful this is because the one who had

value couldn’t produce Rachel was the

one that Jacob loved but Leah was the

one who was actually bringing value to

the situation like she was this guarded

leah was discarded by the person she had

attached her her affections to but she

was the only one that could actually

produce in this season and she was

discounting what God had placed in her

because she was comparing herself to

somebody else that was not her and she

was able to negate a season that God was

producing in her to be something that

she was never committed and supposed to

be can I help you understand back in

this time to have a son was the most

important thing you could ever do

because the family was carried on

through the legacy of sons and so she

comes into the situation where she is

undervalued but she produces and watch

what happens

she said she became pregnant with the

son she named him Reuben oh my god you

having a boy his name Reuben okay this

is her friend Laquisha and she said and

she said what there Reuben mean what is

his name mean the Lord has noticed my


and now my husband will love me I want

you to see what she did she took a

season where God was trying to make her

fruitful and she reminded herself of how

unworthy she was she named her child the

pain that she was in and she hoped that

by producing this child it would somehow

make somebody who didn’t see her value

in the first place

love her she said hopefully my husband

will love me now that I’ve produced for

him and so many of us go to jobs and are

in families and do different things and

we’re producing hoping that we’ll get

the affection of a person we’re trying

to be the best son and the best daughter

and the best way and the best husband

and we’re trying to attach our identity

to somebody who wouldn’t even pay for us

in the first place she had started to

find her identity in the man who didn’t

even warn her and how many of us go to

jobs and die if we lose that job and

they will move on if you die like

literally you die if you physically die

the job ain’t gonna stop and we go home

stress and mad at our husband and wife

and frustrated with life over cuz we

hooked our identity to something who

doesn’t even care about us it doesn’t

matter how many sales you make and how

many zeros you have your identity and

your value cannot be found in what you

do it has to be found in who you are and

many of us have no concept like Leah

didn’t have a concept so what she

started doing is what all default humans

do is we attach what we do to who we are

and maybe if I do better I am better and

maybe if I make more I am more and maybe

if I have more people will value me for

what I feel like I truly am and this

woman she has one child and she didn’t

learn her lesson she said she said I’m

gonna maybe my husband the one who

didn’t value me in the first place

because he didn’t see that I was worth


the beginning maybe he’ll love me and

then look what it says in verse 33 soon

she became pregnant again oh that wasn’t

enough I didn’t do enough for you

let me produce some more for you and she

gave birth to another son oh my god girl

you just having babies everywhere look

at you what you gonna name this phone

with you gonna name this one his name is

Simeon okay Sammy and Simeon I thought

Sammy was better but Simeon okay girl

what is Simeon mean the lord has noticed

and heard I was unloved and has given me

another son she again for the second

time takes her blessing remember her

sister can’t get pregnant she takes her

blessing and names it out of her pain

and many times that would be the trick

of the enemy is for God to be blessing

us but us to say that it’s not enough

because it’s not something that that

that we wanted or or God maybe this will

make somebody else love me or like me or

all this other stuff and this woman

didn’t learn her lesson not just a

second time but third time look what it

says in verse 34 then she became

pregnant a third time oh my god girl you

are a boy factory you just be having

these babies Papa Papa if you haven’t

another son oh my god lay hands on me

and see what’s you gonna name this one

oh I I probably already know God has

seen me kill me now like because but

think about it she’s only been

connecting her pain to her value and

look what she names it she was right

surely this time my husband will feel

affection for me since I have given him

three sons what happens when enough

never is enough

what happens when you can do everything

you can to try to prove yourself to

people and tell let them know you

changed and try to prove it but it’s

never enough

point number two I want you to see it so

clearly when you are planted and

undervalued produce on purpose but not

for approval stop producing for approval

from people because so many of us are

connected just like alia was listen


she was getting her value from Jacobs

validation she thought if she produced

more she would be approved but I need

you to understand that nobody nobody

will be able to value you the way that

God has valued you this is a classic

case of not knowing who you are that’s

why you have to realize what you are

worth because if you don’t know what

you’re worth somebody else will put

their price tag on you and so many of us

are on sale and on clearance and we all

come on somebody we are settling for so

much less than who we are and what God’s

placed us to be and we’ll take anything

and we’ll accept anything but you are

worth more you are worth more than

working at that job for the rest of your

life answering to somebody else you are

worth more than that to am booty call

I’m coming to your house you are worth

more the problem is you don’t believe it

and you can never convince somebody on

sale that they are worth more if they’ve

never seen anybody hold the standard can

I help you there’s some name-brand

clothing that don’t go under a certain

price even if it don’t sell because we

need you to know that we’re worth more

than what you would normally pay for I’m

here to tell you as sure as I’m standing

here today that there are some people

who have been settling for less because

you didn’t know that you were brand-name

that that the same material that that

makes tennis shoes for pay less is the

same material that makes tennis shoes

for Nike but the problem is is the

branding pay let’s put a value of $14.99

on their shoes Nike not because it’s a

different material it’s because of who

the Creator is and what check it has on

it has now taking a value of a hundred

and seventy nine dollars and if you see

some Nikes for $14.99 you think it’s the

counterfeit because you know that that

product is worth more somebody say worth

more I need you to hear me preach this

to you that you are worth more than what

somebody has labeled G you are worth

more than the mistake you made you may

be undervalued by everybody else but

they can’t set your value cuz they

didn’t create you I’m trying to tell you

that God has made you everybody say

worth it find three people and say

you’re worth it you’re worth it

encourage somebody prophesy to them

you’re worth it see see the problem is

oh I feel the presence of God because

somebody’s about to understand

somebody’s getting out of relationship

today where you’ve been settling for

less some of y’all are gonna start your

business playing today

you ain’t just gonna leave your job but

you gonna start this business player

because you say I’m worth more than that

y’all not gonna play me for seven years

so oh something y’all are gonna make a

decision that you’re worth it you’ve

been undervalued and let me tell you a

secret you’ll keep being undervalue

until you believe you’re worth more who

cares what your parents thought you were


who cares what your friends told you

were worth who cares

what what lie you believed because

honestly there’s some of us that

believed a lie at one point and now the

lie has become our identity

like people say stuff like I’m shy no

you were hurt at one point in your life

it affected you and now you actually

have in you the ability to get up here

and do what I’m doing or go to the

nation’s but you believed a lie and now

it has created your identity and now

when somebody asks you who are you it’s

like I’m just a reserved quiet what no

you’re not you’re loud and obnoxious and

God and God put that in you and he

wanted to refine it and define it so you

could be but you believed and I’m coming

here to spark somebody’s faith to

reclaim your worth I’m telling you there

are marriages in this place that are

supposed to help other marriages out of

your pain you’re supposed to produce out

of your pain but you believe the lie

that nobody’s going through this and you

believed a lot that if they really know

what’s going on then nobody else do you

know that people relate to your

authenticity do you know that God’s

strength is made perfect in your

weakness I’m telling you that you’re

worth it and Lia’s still didn’t get it

cuz she hadn’t read Colossians 3:23

Colossians 3:23 you need to remember

this it says work willingly so for

everybody that thought there was gonna

be lazing be like I’m just gonna sit in

my room and seek the Lord until he may

be found no work see the first word of

that work and we got an attitude

adjustment we’re not gonna be mad we’re

not gonna be frustrated we’re not gonna

be walking around you don’t see my value

you don’t see my value you don’t see if

you’re not gonna do that you’re gonna

work willingly at whatever you do so if

you’re the cafeteria lady or or you are

the CEO of a fortune 500 company

whatever you do you are gonna do it as

though you were working for though why

it doesn’t matter what you value me at

is cuz you really not in charge of who I

am like like like like you can you can

pay me what you think I’m valued at but

you’ll never be able to pay me what I’m


I need somebody to understand that right

now because I’m not doing this job for

you and I’m not serving my family to get

a well done from you and I’m not giving

so the pastor can say you’re a good guy

I’m doing everything I do as on – that’s

why integrity is such a big deal you

don’t do a good thing on the platform

where everybody can see God sees when

you cut the corner and you cut the

person off and flip him off he see

somebody said oh my god

everything you do do it as unto the Lord

and look he put this part in here for

the remedial people like me cuz I was

like okay everything I was unto the Lord

okay yeah and he said remember no no he

said do everything as you’re working for

the Lord rather than for people so

either here’s your here’s your dynamic

either I’m doing this for God or I’m

doing it for people these are your only

two options either I’ma be a good

husband so my wife can think I’m a good

person I’m gonna be a good husband

because I’m doing this as unto the Lord

so that means when she gets on my nerves

I will still take out the trash cuz baby

this ain’t even for you

I’m telling you somebody’s gonna get it

Judah made me frustrated and I want to

rip this presentation up but I’m about

to present it with joy cuz I am NOT

doing this for you I’m doing it for all

y’all better hear me




you’re gonna start walking away saying

this ain’t for you like I need you to


look what verse 24 said everybody say

remember this is the Battle of your life

to remember that the Lord not your job

not people not relationship the Lord

will give you an inheritance as a reward

your reward comes from God

and that the master you are serving is

Christ that is there’s some I could

preach that for an hour all I need you

to know is that if you’re getting your

value from anybody else other than God

you will always feel undervalued cuz

nobody has put the price tag on you to

be able to even come close to what God’s

placed inside of you so you can’t even

work as on two people everything I do

why I prepared messages why I love my

family why it’s not because of the check

I get and it’s not cuz y’all come y’all

can leave tomorrow and I would be good

cuz my value is not in what I do my

value is in who I am and many of us

cannot separate what you do and who you

are that’s why when you meet somebody

the first thing you ask them is what do

you do what you do and and some of us be

fabricating the most amazing names like

y’all know those people

I am a sanitary collection agent you

mean little trash like because somehow

if I don’t do something well enough I

don’t do something that has a status I’m

not but I can pick up trash but baby I’m

treasure do you understand what I’m

saying I like like what I do and who I

am are disconnected the only problem is

many believers people who have said the

prayer who come to church do not know

their identity in Christ and so where

the purpose of the thing is

not known abuse is inevitable and so

many people are letting the enemy tell

you and suggest to you what you are

you’re greedy

no no I’m not maybe I know you’re scared

of the future I’m not scared I’m just a

planner but but maybe I’m scared of the

future because you don’t know who you

are but somebody say I am that song they

sang today I am who you say I am I don’t

know I was in worship but I started I

start getting gangster I was like I am

Charles II I am like I was like because

how many times do we forget who we are

there are certain things that you need

to know and I’m gonna help somebody let

me give you some scriptures right now to

let you know I am I need you to say what

you’re says chest somebody say I am

somebody say I am accepted what you need

to know according to John 1:12 is I am a

child of God according to Ephesians 1 3

and 8 I am chosen by God according to

Colossians 2 and 9 I am complete in


somebody shout at me I am I am secure I

am free from condemnation according to

Romans 8 1 and 2 I am established and

planted according to second Corinthians

1 and 21 I am confident that things are

working for my good somebody shot at me

I am well I feel the presence of God in

this place you got to know that no

matter what anybody external says who

you somebody again shot at me I am yeah

yeah yeah yeah somebody is starting to

break through somebody’s fear right now

it’s starting to break through

somebody’s doubt right now some of you

need to know I am significant I know

your family didn’t value you you were

the black sheep of the family you were

the one they didn’t pay for the college

you’re the one that had the setback but

I am significant and you need to believe

that right now according to first

Corinthians 3:16 I am God’s temple he

could have chosen any other vessel to

live into but he thought enough of me to

take his rest

in me I am God’s house you need to know

that I am God’s workmanship every curve

every let me stop every wrinkle and

dimple I am God’s workmanship I don’t

have to be what you say I am I am God’s

workmanship I am equipped to do this

according to Philippians 4:13 somebody

shot at me I am valued say it again I am

valued it’s probably the first time many

of you have ever said it you’ve accepted

whatever the people in authority over

you have told you you were so if you’re

a parent and you told your kids you just

nosey and remember God doesn’t plant

trees he plants so it’s a parent’s job

to help cultivate the seeds that you so


what was was was cold with sin nature

for somebody who was trying to actually

be investigative and help people don’t

you just want to know the business no I

want to get to truth and we shut things

down in people at a young age we shut

things down in people because we don’t

want to cultivate but what you can’t

realize is God’s reclaiming some of your

value today and you’re gonna say no no

every part of me everything God made

submitted back to him is something he

wanted to be there it’s something that

he desired to be there and I am valued

and Leah still didn’t know it she had no

clue that she was accepted by God and I

remember this story that that happened

with my mom some of you guys know that I

was a music producer and that was that

was the world that I was in before I did

pastoring and so I was at the beginning

of really starting to get into my craft

and I didn’t really value myself like I

I knew I was good but I didn’t think

that you should really pay me yet cuz I

improved myself to a lot of people and

so I committed to do this entire project

I think it was 12 or 13 songs and I

committed to do this whole project seven

months worth for work for 500

y’all was making like 2 cents an hour

like like and I came downstairs one day

to the kitchen kitchen I’ll never forget

it I was so frustrated I’m about to give

up like oh this is crap my computer was

messing up and all this other stuff and

my mom looked at me she says what are

you making and if you know Brenda Todd

she’s intense about everything she said

what are you making for this project I

said $500 she said oh my god

she said you’re only making 500 I said

yes ma’am and I’m sick of it I’m about

to give up and I will never forget this

she said son you can never let somebody

set a value on you when they don’t know

what you have inside of you if you don’t

tell them what you’re worth they’ll pay

you whatever you believe you’re worth

and all I thought I was worth was $500

and something in me Rosa I said you know

what we seven songs and we got some more

songs to go I went because I started to

recognize my worth and I RINO

renegotiated the last part of the record

I said I know I told y’all that this is

how much I was worth but I had a wake-up


and for the rest of these songs I need

$500 a song do you know the funniest

thing happened they paid it because it

wasn’t until I believed I was worth more

and I just believed that this is the

season where some of you’re gonna say

what I’ve done in the past you can have

that but I’m telling you from here on

out my price just went up


I’m worth more than you think I am I’m

worth more than just talking to me any

kind of way I’m worth more than not

claiming me in front of people

I’m worth the somebody shot I’m worth it

but if you believe it they’ll never

believe it

but think about it think about it it was

a cycle of being undervalued cuz leah

wasn’t valued by her father

remember he tricked her and Jacob and

took her at night

he wasn’t even proud enough to present

her to Jacob in the daylight so she was

undervalued by her own family then she

was undervalued by her husband said I’ll

pay 14 years for her you can come along

if you want think about it but the

saddest truth of this whole story is she

undervalued herself to where she named

every one of her children based on her

pain but something happened there was a

shift in Leah’s life between child 3 and

child 4 now I don’t know if somebody

sent her a link to planted not Berry and

she realized that under doesn’t mean

over I don’t know but something happened

cuz remember remember this is Genesis 29

verse 35 remember she named her son


the Lord has noticed my misery and now

my husband will love me Simeon Lord has

heard I was unloved and has given me

another son Levi surely this time my

husband will fell affection for me and

since I have given him three sons she

attached her identity not to who she was

in God but into what she could produce

for somebody who didn’t love her but

watch what she named her fourth son it

says once again leah became pregnant

Laquisha oh my god you pregnant again

let me guess you’re gonna name this one

spawn of Satan cuz God hates me let’s

this thing cuz she’s been morbid this

whole time something happened

she says she became pregnant and gave

birth to another son and she named him


and if you know anything about names

Judah means praise and she said now I

remember she said all these negative

things last time look what she says this

time she said now somebody say now and

don’t matter what happened before at

this moment right now somebody shot at

me now

look what she says I will praise the

Lord I need you to get this in your mind

it does not matter who has not value you

up in to this point I am unhooking my

value my self-worth and everything about

me that’s been trying to get lights and

favors from you you have now been

dismissed I have made a decision now

that everybody shot at me I will do you

realize that her situation didn’t change

but her decision did God will not always

change your situation but he will give

you an opportunity to change your

position she said I am NOT gonna stay in

misery and frustration now I will praise

this means she still was undervalued but

decided everybody said decided she

decided to praise God no matter what so

I’m not going to praise him I’m not

gonna praise them I’m not gonna praise

my sons no matter what comes every time

God allows me to be fruitful every time

I produce I am NOT going to praise

anybody else except God and I came to

encourage somebody that is in this place

who has been undervalued if you have

been undervalued my last point is turn

your pain into praise I dare you to get

in the middle of the situation where

they don’t want you to feel the presence

of God and they don’t want to value you

and you are underdeveloped and I want

you to say like David said in Psalms 34

he said I will somebody shout at me I


bless the Lord at all times his praise

shall continually be in my mouth the

humble will hear it and think of its


it says o magnify the Lord yes me I dare

you if you are in this place and you’ve

been undervalued in any way I dare you

at this moment to turn this place into a

praise party and forget about what has

happened and turn your pain into praise

shouting a god oh you patty taking God

you want to stay here but my value is

connected to my father


cut the music cuz you’re not gonna have

a band appraised when you get in your

car come on forget about your neighbor

turn your pain into prank gotta magnify

you I’ll bless you I’ll lift you up your

good father

yeah yeah I know it’s different I know

cuz they may not like your on Instagram

but you’re approved by God they may not

call you but God’s already called you


what are you saying pastor might I’m in

an undervalue situation like Leah but

the crazy thing about her situation

is that when she decided to praise the

Bible says she stopped having children

she said Oh what I do and who I am are


oh I don’t have to have kids to throw

this into a braise party like oh I don’t

have to keep producing and giving my

life away for a job that won’t even

propre shape I don’t have and and this

is funny if you keep reading on she’ll

have more kids eventually but all the

names of her two other sons and her

daughter changed to things that bring on


cuz she because she was no longer

producing for approval and I know you’d

be trying to be cute and doing stuff but

you’re trying to get somebody to clap

and God said he made you beautiful I’ve

already called you even though it’s not

your time to get on a platform yet your

steel in surpassing Mike what I do if

I’m planted and I’m undervalued just

turn your pain it’s a praise just just

just at all times when you’re driving up

to that job tomorrow that you know

they’re gonna act a fool with you you

just say God I give you glory god I

praise you right now get about to go in

here with these demons lord I thank you

that oh you better hear me

god I thank you that you allow me to be

light in the midst of darkness that your

kingdom would be established yeah yeah

you’re you’re undervalued but maybe

that’s the exact place God wants you so

that you can learn and get back your


some of us have lost our praise cuz we

were in a situation that was dark and we

felt undervalued

maybe that’s the plea no you’re not

playing on the team no more yeah you

hurt yourself yeah they gave away your

scholarship yeah they gave somebody else

too promotion but why don’t you get back

you’re praised in the meantime and allow

God to turn your situation around let me

pray for your father come on hands

lifted all over this too fine I thank

you that you see us you see it’s we’re

out here saying father

some of us feel undervalued in our

marriages and homes on our jobs and our

careers but today father we are

divorcing and unhooking our identity

from what we do and we know that we are

children of God I thank you today that

somebody’s getting their faith back that

somebody’s getting their understanding

back then somebody’s gonna know that

they are not what they do but they are

called by you Holy Spirit I tickets now

all fear and I thank you that we will be

living for the approval of what we want

your well done and we will give you all

the glory and all the honor and all the

praise father right now we turn our pain

in the praise and we’ll give you a shout

in the name of Jesus come on give God

some praise

