The Blessing of Desperation // Friends (Part 4) // Lyle Phillips
WEEK 4: FRIENDS – PASTOR LYLE PHILLIPS Pastor Lyle Phillips delivered a powerful message from 1 Samuel 1:1-20, using Hannah’s story to illustrate the theme of desperation. Despite being loved, Hannah felt barren and prayed desperately for a child, especially in comparison to her fruitful counterpart, Peninnah. Pastor Lyle emphasized that in times of desperation, we may face distractions such as competition, comparison, well-meaning people, and even a double portion, but true desperation leads to breakthroughs when we keep pursuing God. This desperation can drive us closer to God, resulting in blessings that should enhance our fellowship with Him, not diminish it. We pray this message reminds us to maintain our fervor and recognize the blessings that come from desperately pursuing God. Scripture References 1 Samuel 1:1-20 ESV ABOUT US We Exist to REPRESENT God to the lost & found for Transformation in Christ. This is the vision of Transformation Church, led by Pastor Michael Todd & based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. GIVE To support this ministry & help us continue to reach people all around the world: STAY CONNECTED
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I am so grateful that you clicked on
this video because I believe it is going
to transform your life my name is
Michael I am the lead servant here at
Transformation Church and I got a couple
things I need you to know really the
main one is that God loves you and
there’s nothing you can do to get away
from his love the fact that you click
this video means that he is specifically
directly trying to get a message to you
and I’m so grateful that you are here to
get it and today you’re in for a special
treat if you did not know transformation
worship just released the album of the
year I’m just letting you know I’m
wearing it on my t-shirt dumb idiot if
you have not listened to Dominion the
album you are missing out it is been
said by meting to be the anthem of their
entire summer some the anthem of the
Year some the soundtrack to their life
and we believe it’s a prophetic sound
that is going to help you take Dominion
in every area of your life so I want you
to go stream it listen to it share it
and transformation Nation you’ve been
doing it so beautifully a birdie told me
we might have some more music coming out
soon and so I am grateful and how you’re
supporting and today you are in for a
word from God let me tell you there’s
sometimes when people come into your
life and you just know that that person
is your brother like and just upgraded
from a free and T brother automatically
and this past year um I was in Miami and
I met this gentleman who is going to be
speaking to you today and there was an
instant connection I was like where have
you been on my life like your wife you
have a haircut like a mullet but you’re
fresh and you’re Fly and we see God in a
way that represents him and I was like I
got to have him come speak to our people
he is a man of integrity he is a man of
value he is a man of crazy Faith him
with his Beau wife Alliston they lead
Legacy Nashville and today you’re just
going to be blessed I want to introduce
to many of you one of North fls a man of
God I want you to lean in and get ready
from the word from Lio Phillips
Church good morning good
morning come on can we put our hands
together for King Jesus this
morning I think you can do a little bit
better than that come on go crazy for
your king one time Jesus you are good
Jesus you are
worthy Jesus You Are Holy and we are
grateful that you are in the room today
we say thank you
Jesus that each and every time we call
upon your name you join us in Fellowship
I don’t know about you church but I am
so grateful that even when I am
undeserving of the presence of Jesus
when I call upon his name name he is so
faithful to show up so much quicker than
any other friend I have the Bible says
he is the friend that sticks closer than
a brother so I don’t know about you this
morning but I am grateful that our God
is in the room we’re not just singing
about him singing songs about him as
though he is some distant deity no Our
God our living God who is alive
resurrected on the third day is right
here right now in this room with us and
you have his full attention does he have
yours I’m I’m going to ask this side
over here cuz I y’all didn’t really seem
so sure I’m just wondering does God have
your full attention today Transformation
Church come on I came here for a reason
and that is not just to give a good word
I hope it is but I came here today to
give God a Crazy Praise because God has
been good to me has he been good to you
come on now this side it’s your turn to
catch up a little bit they outdid you a
moment ago come on let me see you give
God a Crazy Praise come on just a little
bit longer just 10 seconds give him what
he’s worthy of Jesus you are deserving
of it
all all praise all glory all that I’ve
got God I came to this place today to
give it to you and we say thank you now
for your presence in this room we are so
humbled by your power by Your Presence
by your grace we are thankful for the
cross of Calvary we are grateful for the
blood that you spilled and poured out
that covers a multitude of sins we are
grateful for your body that was broken
open for the healing of our bodies we
are thankful for the free gift of
Salvation that we didn’t have to do
anything to earn or deserve but because
of what you did you purchased us you
ransomed us and we are grateful that
you’ve brought us to your house today in
our right mind standing on our own two
feet to give you the praise that you so
deserve we bless you in jesus’ name we
pray and the church said come on put
your hands together for King Jesus one
time you can be seated give somebody a
high five on your way to your seat tell
them you smell good
today tell the person on the other side
say I’m glad I’m sitting next to you
you are you
happy are you happy Church you might
need to notify your
face all right smile a little bit we’re
in the house of the Lord no reason to be
sad in this place we got a good God in
the house today I am so grateful to be
here Transformation Church what a
blessing what a privilege what an honor
to be in this house I don’t know if you
are aware of it or not but you are a
part of something really
special do you know that you are a part
of something special God is doing some
amazing things in Transformation Church
I know I’m not giving you guys any new
news because you see it every single
week but I want you to know all over the
world every single place I go I always
hear testimonies of how your church
somebody say my church my church of how
your church is blessing and watering and
refreshing and pouring out not only to
different cities in this nation but
Nations all over the world are being
refreshed because of your surrender and
your sacrifice so I want to say thank
you and bless you and remind you that
you are a part of a special house that
God is using for such a time as this do
you believe
that one of the reasons why you are a
part of such a special house is of
course the mercy and grace of God but
also sometimes the mercy and the grace
of God is made manifest through our
friends and through our leaders and
through our pastors and I know I speak
for everybody in this room and everybody
watching online today we are grateful
for the gift of Pastor Bishop Reverend
Mike to
now honestly if I was Pastor Mike and I
was watching online and y’all gave that
clap I would be tempted to be
disappointed he has not been here in how
long six weeks four weeks I haven’t been
at my church for six weeks okay so I’m
coming off sabatical today I know he’s
finishing sabatical I’m coming off
sabatical today preaching for the first
time on a Sunday morning today so listen
I’m just wondering could y’all get up on
y’all’s feet and honor Pastor Mike and
Pastor Natalie Todd for the gift that
they are to the body of Christ come on
you can do a little bit better than that
we thank you Jesus for our pastor we
thank you God for this renowned leader
in your hand that has been anointed by
the oil of god wow a leader to this
generation truly
truly and and and and I don’t know how
he does
it I honestly don’t know how he does
that I came here for a faith tour he
gave me a little faith tour and uh I
thought I knew how people like to
criticize him but man after we posted
some pictures together online people
came from me and you see I got an I
tolda so anointing so I don’t really
care what people have to say about me
what I’m preoccupied with is what heaven
has to say about
me but man after that I realized I said
this man of God is really anointed if
he’s got to put up with all this and he
has kept his surrender switch on this
entire time let me tell you what I’m
going to do I’m going to jump in this
man’s prayer Corner his Amen Corner I’m
going to jump in his fan club and I’m
going to intercede for him like a
Praying Church
Mama yeah y’all don’t know what I’m
talking about see if you really want to
be on somebody’s prayer list you go to a
Praying Church mama and that’s how I’m
praying for your pastor you don’t really
want to go ask no man to pray for you I
mean I’m sorry to say it but if you talk
to a brother and you say hey will you
pray for me bro they’ll be like yeah
I’ll pray for you bro and then on your
way out of the church in the parking lot
they’ be like man I’m praying for you
and you know deep down you’re
not like you might be when you remember
but not
really but if you ever get on a Praying
Church Mama’s prayer
list let me tell you right now you ain’t
never going to get
off you will get a voicemail at 3:00
a.m. in the
morning you’ll listen to it it’s just
tongues for the first 90 seconds they’re
just praying in the spirit they’re like
boy I know where you’re at right now
you’re somewhere you’re not supposed to
be yeah how many of you guys grew up
with praying Church mamas oh I grew up
with some praying Church mamas you see
I’m from the same neck of the woods as
Pastor Charles who I also want to honor
this morning as a wonderful man of God
can we give it up for Pastor Charles and
Pastor Abby and everything that they do
for the kingdom of God here here in
transformation this is my Kentucky
brother y’all so when he said Scottdale
Road I said oh I know where that’s at
you see my testimony is in the neck of
the woods that Pastor Charles grew up in
you see I was not always Walking With
Jesus I didn’t always have it together I
couldn’t always wear my clean Adidas to
come up and preach in the house of God
you see whenever Jesus found me he found
me in this rugged city called Bowling
Green Kentucky and I know y’all don’t
know where that’s at
but believe it or not it’s the third
largest city in Kentucky it’s actually
you know a pretty big city for Kentucky
but whenever Jesus found me in Bowling
Green Kentucky he found me in a drug
infested apartment where I had cocaine
in the cabinet I was growing weed in the
closet I was a coke dealer I was a
heroin addict I was shooting up heroin
in this arm and methamphetamines in the
other I overdosed over three times
almost died got put into rehab got
checked into a state mental institution
with a straight jacket I’ve been
arrested more times than I can count
I’ve been shot at more times than I can
count I shot at people more times than I
can count and I give God praise this
morning because I’m still believing I’m
still in my right mind I’m cleaned up my
soul’s been purified Christ has redeemed
me he’s Set Me Free he’s delivered me
I’ve been washed in the blood of Jesus
Jesus he’s filled me with the Holy Ghost
he set me on fire for his name and now I
have the privilege of preaching this
glorious gospel all over the world
because of the
Cross yeah see I don’t know if I’m
talking to anybody else in here that you
don’t quite feel like you fit into
church all the time because you got a
story behind you listen if you knew my
story you would be bewildered how in the
world did somebody like you get a
microphone how in the world do you have
the opportunity to preach the Gospel of
Jesus don’t you know how dirty you were
don’t you know how filthy your soul
was oh I see the scars on your arms I’ve
seen the pictures from your history I
know about you a little bit I remember
whenever you got arrested for the 10th
time if y’all saw my rap sheet you would
not believe it that thing is a book it’s
not a sheet it’s a book I’m telling you
the truth it’s about as thick as this
five Bible right here I I did a video
not too long ago and I was just I was
scrolling here’s all the time I’m
telling you I buried my best friend shot
dead in the street during a drug
altercation ran with a street gang I’ve
been in so many fights and scuffles and
battles on the edge of death so many
times and I want you to know if God
could do it for me I don’t know who I’m
talking to I don’t I I really don’t know
who’s listening today I don’t know who’s
tuned into this broadcast but I came to
tell you that he is not a respector of
persons what he has done for one he’ll
do for another and if he did it for me
he can do it for you I don’t know your
situation I don’t know where you’re at
today and you may have a needle hanging
out of your arms I was in the same
condition I didn’t get saved because I
had access to a Bible I wasn’t watching
TBN there was no preacher to witness to
me but Jesus
himself walked into that room at 300
a.m. in the morning can I tell you I
thought it was the police the SWAT team
had just kicked down my friend’s door
down the street Street I saw somebody
walk past my window about 3:00 a.m. in
the morning and I thought for sure I was
going to get
arrested I was rolling up some weed for
the morning I’m going to tell you right
now what I was doing and I saw somebody
walk past the window I got up I looked
out the window I said the police are
here I’m about to get arrested I know
I’m in trouble my time has come I’m
about to go to prison I’ve already been
threatened with 15 to 20 years see I
ain’t supposed to be here I’m still
supposed to be locked up still to this
day I’ve been preaching the gospel for
20 years I should just now be getting
out of
prison just now walked past the window I
got up looked out the window I said uh
oh I got to prepare myself I’m about to
get arrested and nobody was there I
didn’t see anybody and then I went to
the door and I looked through the
peepole cuz I thought for sure the
police were there and nobody was there I
didn’t see anybody but you see I told
you I had a pray in church Mama see I
grew up in this hole in this Pentecostal
church it was very small like the one
Charles dad pastored and I used to take
naps under the pew whenever the pastors
would run the pews see y’all don’t know
nothing about
that go to brush Harbor meetings y’all
really don’t know nothing about that
that’s like a Tent Revival outside
103 and I remembered as a kid I used to
pretend like I wasn’t listening when my
dad would preach the gospel but there
was something about the atmosphere when
you’d get them Glory goosebumps you
didn’t know exactly what was happening
but you understood something bigger than
myself is in this room right now I don’t
know what it is but I think it might be
Jesus I stepped away from that door
where I thought the police were about to
come through and I realized it wasn’t
the cops coming to arrest
me but I was about to get arrested and
it was Jesus
himself now I didn’t see him like I’m
seeing you but he stepped into that drug
infested apartment and he spoke to me
directly he said in 6 months you’ll be
dead or in prison unless you come home
to me right now I didn’t know what to do
but I hit my knees I lifted my hands
tears began to stream down my cheeks and
I said Jesus I don’t know how to walk
with you but I do know that I’ve been
walking for hell for quite some time and
I’m gonna walk for you faster and harder
and with everything I
got and that was 20 years ago and I
don’t know anything else other than what
I get to do today here at transformation
which is to preach the Glorious Gospel
of Jesus I went and told my dad I said
Dad I’m called to preach he said man you
got to be saved for like at least 90
days before you start
preaching I said I ain’t waiting no 90
days Pops I got a fire shut up in my
bones I need to
preach he said well wait at least
another three months I’ll give you a
bible study on Wednesday night I said I
can’t wait another three months I
started preaching at
McDonald’s I started preaching at
Walmart past
midnight let me tell you right now if
you want to begin a Deliverance
Ministry you just go to Walmart after
midnight there’s all kinds of people
there that need the Holy Spirit I read
in the gospels where healings and
miracles would take place in people’s
bodies so I would go stand by the blood
machine I’d wait for somebody to put
their arm in the blood pressure
machine and then they were stuck you see
they couldn’t tell me I couldn’t pray I
said blood pressure a little high
yeah it is what don’t go nowhere we’re
going to lay hands on you right now in
the name of Jesus blood pressure we
speak to high blood pressure and I’m I’m
speak to high blood pressure right now
in the name of Jesus somebody’s going to
be healed we speak to high blood
pressure right now in the name of Jesus
you be healed in the name of the Lord
Jesus here go 50 Cent check it
again we going to get a testimony right
now an instant stantaneous testimony and
I can’t tell you how many times people
like well baby something happened I said
I know something happened that’s the
glory of God I said dad can I preach he
said not yet so I went I started going
to rest stops y’all have rest stops in
Oklahoma you know you pull over the side
of the road I thought man people need
Jesus At rest stops so I would stand by
the water
fountain I would wait for people to come
get a sip and I would say if you drink
of that water you’re going to thirst
again I just gave Mark chapter 4 I said
you drink of that water you going to
thirst again and right before they took
a sip they were like I don’t know if I I
don’t know if I want the water I say
don’t run from the Lord
he’s I said oh you need the refreshing
water of Jesus Christ and I got it and I
want to share it with
you and this this is this is how I
started preaching and believe it or not
the same people that were around me when
I was a drug dealer in West Kentucky
running with the street gang they heard
of my testimony and they heard I got
saved and they heard I started preaching
the gospel and so this is how I got into
preaching Ministry the same
blocks where I used to sell
crap they called me and they said listen
we know that if God could save
you yes see they knew me when I was
living out of my car when I was living
in that 87 baby blue BL box Chevy Pastor
Charles when I had one of them when I
was living in my car and when when I
lived in the crack house where there was
no heat no hot water see they knew me in
that time and so they said if God could
save you why don’t you come talk to our
young people this is how I started
preaching Ministry so I was going back
to the places and this is one of the
reasons why Jesus said go back to
Jerusalem because the first place that
he sent them was to the place of their
mistake if you really want to testify it
ain’t always about the sermon it’s about
presenting your life because somebody
with a test testimony is an eyewitness
it is somebody who has seen something
and the last I checked my Bible Jesus
said he would send us out as Witnesses
and Witnesses are people who have seen
something not somebody with secondhand
information simply parting a message
they stole from somebody else they show
up and they say I’ve seen something so I
showed up in the hood you know all my
friends you know as gang bangers they
show up with the flipflop paint in the
24s and everything and they come in and
they say we’re going to listen to lot
preach the gospel what and Charles they
were like this right here like you know
that youth group you were preaching to
and they were listening to me okay let’s
see what kind of transformation that
this man has actually experienced and
then I got up and began to testify and I
would tell about people getting saved
and healed and the Miracles that I saw
and I was able to share with them
everything that I was witnessing and let
me tell you one by
one same gangsters same crack dealers
started coming up putting drugs on the
hey I I I man I I got a gun in my car
can can you take it I can’t I can’t take
it bro you got to take that to the
courthous that ain’t that
ain’t I can’t take it bro we we’ll flush
the drugs
but and so this is how I started
ministry that was 20 years ago God you
know I know a lot of Christians in
America a lot of Christians in Tulsa a
lot of Christians where I grew up so I
said Lord instead of preaching it to
people who have heard it twice let me go
preach it to people who never heard it
yeah so I moved to
Africa so so the I mean y’all probably
have never heard of me in your life and
there’s good reason for that that’s
because most of my Ministry has been in
Africa and in India and so I spent time
in Africa preaching the gospel in Africa
helping plant churches over there taking
care of little babies over there and
then I moved to India because I heard
that there were 1.2 million child
prostitutes in the nation of India now
let me tell you God didn’t give me a
specific word a spoken word but I do
have a written
word I know a lot of times we sit around
like Lord if you’d give me a word well
he has Matthew 28:
16-20 that’s called the Great Commission
not the great
suggestion uh-oh I’m going to get into
trouble this is just my introduction if
God’s not saying no he’s probably saying
yes listen the way I read it 2third of
God’s name is go
I said there are 1.2 million child
prostitutes in the nation of India well
a lightning boat didn’t fall out of the
sky and hit me in the forehead and say
go to India thus sayith the Lord but I
said that ain’t going to happen on my
watch see I believe that we need to have
a spirit a different Spirit like Joshua
and Caleb I think we should have a
spirit like David that said I’m not
comfortable I think we should have a
spirit like Jonathan whenever he said
I’m not going to sit by satisfied in a
stalemate while I got the enemies of God
in my land there’s some Philistines in
Tulsa you think I’m going to set by and
just be an anointed benchwarmer like I’m
just going to come to church pay my
tithe serving kids ministry and go to
heaven when I die no I’m going to bring
Heaven right here right now where I live
where I’m from let’s go so I moved to
India and I work with churches over
there too and I’m just testifying this
just my story it’s a long introduction
but since I never been here I figured
I’d say hi
um y’all had uh Dr Anita Phillips here
last last week well I’m her nephew you
see the
resemblance Pastor ly Phillips we’re
related look a lot alike I can I can
tell you right now I I took my braids
out so
y’all family so so I I spent I spent my
time over there rescuing kids from Human
Trafficking and that’s what I did did
and and during the time that that I was
there I want to testify Jesus because of
the grace the mercy and the power of
Jesus we were able to take care of over
2800 orphan children every single day
educate them feed them house them clothe
them and We rescued over 400 kids from
Human Trafficking child slavery and
prostitution so I’m just wondering
transformation could y’all remind me
again what is it that God cannot not
do with one life that’s completely laid
down to him see this was the prayer that
I prayed in that drug infested apartment
when I got saved I said God I intend to
find out what you might do with one life
that’s completely laid down to
you I intend to find out what could life
look like if I keep the surrender switch
on see I don’t know where you were when
you got saved but I know the state that
you were saved in you were saved in a
state of surrender none of us got saved
because we figured God out all of us got
saved because one day the intimacy of
the Lord got so strong that we waved a
white flag and we said Jesus I give up
trying to figure out how to do life on
my own without your help I need you I
depend upon you and today I yield and I
Surrender that’s how you got saved you
know the same state in which you are
saved is the same state in which you are
called to
live you’re never supposed to turn the
surrender switch off when you turn the
surrender switch off you go from being a
world changer to an anointed benchwarmer
and then your Christianity gets
boring listen I’m a pastor I’m over
caffeinated I I’ll be honest with you
you know that’s what we do we get with
people and we have coffee you know how
many people tell me say hey Pastor I’m
bored I said you’re bored what you bored
with well I’m bored with church I’m
bored with faith I’m bored with prayer
I’m bored with witnessing I’m bored with
serving I’m just bored you know what I
say I say you ain’t bored you just
disobedient can I tell you this morning
church your adventure is found on the
other side of your
surrender so if you’re not having fun
walking with
Jesus maybe that surrender switches
off now I’m doing too much let me get to
the text all right we I’m I’m doing too
I y’all
okay I I know I know we’re just getting
to know each other y’all okay okay so
here’s what I want to do I want to give
you a message that the Lord has given to
me um from the book of 1st Samuel so if
you have your Bible open it up 1st
Samuel chapter 1 1st Samuel chapter 1
now here’s something I learned from
Pastor Mike Todd he said that whenever
God gives you something you ring it out
for everything that it’s worth you don’t
give up on it too fast often times
whenever God will give us Revelation
we’ll abandon it for the next thing
because we love the new and
shiny but who am I to require a new word
from God when I have not done the last
thing he told me to do
yet some of us are like speak to me Lord
he’s like I
did you didn’t do that thing who am I to
abort the promises of God over my life
and so God began to speak to me about
this subject that I’m going to share
with you today because I do think it’s a
gift to the body and it’s on the topic
of desperation will you say that with me
desperation desperation and so for the
last I don’t know a year and some change
maybe I’ve been speaking about
desperation and sharing messages about
desperation and that’s what I want to do
today TC is that okay are you in 1st
Samuel chapter 1 we’re going to read
verse 1 through
20 look at your neighbor say you ain’t
got time for that yeah he he he don’t he
don’t have he don’t have time for for
all we’re going to try okay so um here’s
the thing at my church we stand for the
reading of the word and is that okay
would y’all be willing to uh just just
bear with me and stand for the reading
of the word amazing so 1st Samuel
chapter 1 the Bible says there was a
certain man of rathame zopim of the Hill
Country of Ephraim whose name was Elena
everybody say Elena that’s the first
character in the story you got to
remember him he’s the son of Jero the
son of elu the son of toou the son of Ze
and epit sometimes you read things in
the Bible and you’re like Lord what did
you put that there for but I want to
remind you you don’t just read the Bible
the Bible reads
you the Bible prophesies to you about
the prophetic potential of your
lifestyle because we’re called to be
living Epistles not just to believe a
word but to live a word woo that’s good
La that was a good word I know you’re
reading the Bible right now that was a
good word
y’all going to have a new country nephew
after after today I can tell you right
now and so verse two it says that Elena
everybody say Ela he had two wives
everybody say uhoh you see that’s his
first mistake right there I got one wife
and she’s here with me today and her
name is Allison and I don’t know if you
guys can see her maybe the camera can
can you can pan to her she’s right here
come on just come up a little bit just a
little bit she doesn’t like this but I I
know you hate it but just can you wave
and say hi this is my wife
Allison oh yeah yeah y’all get it now
yall like okay yeah okay yeah I got it
okay yeah Pastor Mike say you got a
little soul I say you’re married to a
black woman okay okay yeah yeah yeah
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
yeah see I I I should have used that up
front you know as a little
favor but see my wife is the walking
talking manifestation of God’s goodness
in my life see when we got married you
know she was as pure as the driven snow
and you know before I got saved I was a
and so when
I when when I when I look at my wife I’m
like this is the walking talking
manifestation of the goodness and grace
of God in my life and I love you and I
honor you and you’re the best part of me
I love you so much we got three kids
we’ve been married for 11 years
can y’all believe that do we look like
how old y’all think I
am you think I’m
46 my God I mean 36 you how how old you
think I am 32 32 that’s good listen um
The Glory there’s no time or space in
the glory so it’s better than Botox the
more time you spend in the presence the
younger you look I actually turn 40 next
y’all I I said 20 years so you know it
makes sense so Ela everybody say Elena
El he had two wives everybody say uhoh
and the name of one was Hannah everybody
say Hannah Hanah and we like her so
let’s clap for
Hannah man Hannah wo she’s amazing at
Hannah man she’s incredible but the name
of the other was pen and and and she’s
not cool so let’s boo her boo yeah you
you you yeah yeah we don’t like you pen
you you’re ugly I guess I don’t know I
mean I I I you know like in the in her
heart I don’t mean in the natural I
don’t know what she look like um and
Pena had children that’s what’s crazy is
that sometimes the people who are really
bugging produce so much
fruit and then here you are over here
you’re a Hannah who we clap for you’re
Barren and then you got to deal with the
experience of watching somebody who’s
nice get blessed all right we going to
get into that in a second and so now
this man he used to go up yearby year to
his City to worship and to sacrifice to
the Lord of hosts at Shiloh where the
two sons of Eli half n Phineas were
Priests of the Lord and on the day when
Elena everybody say Elena we just want
to remember sacrificed he would give
portions to Pena his wife and to her
sons and daughters but to Hannah he gave
a what’s that say now if you grew up in
church you shouting right now
double pored me
Lord right you know what I mean we love
a double portion he give a double
portion because he loved her though the
Lord had closed her womb how’s she going
to be blessed but
Barren I don’t know who’s in the room
today or watching online today that you
know you’re blessed you’ve received
prophetic words you remember promises
that you’ve heard from God In Prayer but
you look at the fruit of your life and
you say am I barren
so you see here in verse six it says and
her rival everybody say her rival rival
as pen
boo used to provoke her grievously to
irritate her because the Lord had closed
womb how many of you have been made fun
of because of something that God has
done in your
life or not done so it went on year by
year as often as she went up to the
house of the Lord she used to provoke
her therefore Hannah wept and she would
not eat and Elena her husband said to
her Hannah why do You Weep and why do
you not eat and why is your heart sad am
I not more to you than 10 Sons see it’s
a rhetorical question he might as well
have been saying a h 100 kids and after
they had eaten and drunk and Shiloh
Hannah Rose now Eli the priest was
sitting on the seat beside the doorpost
of the Temple of the Lord and she was
deeply distressed everybody say she was
desperate des and prayed to the Lord and
wept bitterly everybody say she was
desperate and then she vowed a vow and
said oh lord of hosts if you will indeed
look upon the Affliction of your servant
and will remember me and not forget your
servant but will give to your servant a
son then I will give to him to the I
will give him to the Lord all the days
of his life and no razor shall touch his
head you’ve probably been in that place
before vowing things to God and as she
continued praying before the Lord Eli
observed her mouth and Hannah was
speaking in her heart only only her lips
moved and her voice was not heard
therefore Eli took her to be a drunken
woman everybody say she was desperate
she and Eli said to her how long will
you go on being drunk put your wine away
from you but Hannah answered no my Lord
I am a woman troubled in spirit I’m
desperate I’ve neither drunk neither
wine nor strong drink I’m desperate but
I have been pouring out my soul before
the Lord I’m desperate so do not regard
your servant as a worthless woman for
all along I have been speaking out of my
great anxiety I’m desperate and vexation
I’m desperate and then Eli answered well
go in peace woman of God and the god of
Israel Grant your petition that you have
made to him you see there’s something
about your heavenly father that he
cannot quite resist a spirit that is
filled with
desperation the Psalms would tell us
that the Lord is near to those who are
brokenhearted that he can’t help himself
but he l to associate with those who are
contrite spirit see it’s amazing to me
that we all want to carry a spirit of
breakthrough but so few of us are
willing to be
broken but to the extent that you are
willing to be broken by the hand of God
is to the extent that you will carry the
spirit of breakthrough that the Lord
wants to put upon your life somebody say
she was desperate and she said let your
servant find favor in your eyes then the
woman went her way and she ate eight now
listen when y’all do that 7-Day fast and
you and you go your way and you eat for
the first time like when you pull up to
the Chick-fil-A out
there you going to pull up different see
nobody rejoices when you read this verse
like and she went her way and she ate
you’re like oh yeah whatever it’s no big
deal but let me tell you that Monday
when you finish that s day fast and you
like look at my look at my
fruit yeah I’m telling you it’s going to
hit different
look at my look at my
fruit see people don’t they don’t know
but when you break fast man that’s
that’s a reason to Rejoice right there
verse 19 says they Rose early in the
morning went and worshiped the Lord and
then they went back to their house at
Rama and then Elona knew Hannah his wife
and the Lord remembered her and in due
time Hannah conceived and bore a son and
she called his name Samuel and for she
said I have asked for him from the Lord
what I want to do with the remaining
time that I have today is speak to you
from the subject of the blessing of
desperation the blessing of desperation
Lord we thank you for your word we know
it’s Everlasting flower May fade and
wither away but the word of the Lord
last forever endureth forever so God we
say thank you today for the opportunity
to come before your holy word we ask
that it would transform us that you
would SE a seed into our spirit today
that would bear forth 100 fold fruit
y’all like how I threw that in there at
the end of the prayer listen he don’t
mind God likes having fun you know that
the devil don’t want you to have fun in
church because the devil knows the word
too and the word says that the joy of
the Lord is
your so if he can steal your joy he can
your see so on your way to your seat
give somebody a high five say do you got
joy yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
so see this word desperation this came
to me actually um Pastor Mike mentioned
Pastor Brian Nero who’s from Tulsa by
the way who is our executive pastor at
Nashville all right no no no love for
your city okay
I wow okay well listen when y’all it if
that’s okay if y’all got plenty just go
ahead and send us whoever else I mean
I’ll take Roosevelt next I’ll take Osby
next I mean whoever y’all want to send
over to Nashville listen
I’m if you don’t want your blessings let
me tell you I’m going go
I cuz here’s what I know the hungry
always get
fed here’s what I also know a hungry man
has no
manners people come in the church
like can you pass the Great
Pon a hungry man has no manners I don’t
care what it looks like to
you you can be uncomfortable with my
blessings don’t take it up with me take
it up with God when I come into the
house of God I want to come in like
Hannah I want people to look at me
worshiping and say is he drunk well this
is not this is not the wine that you
suppose this is no no no you remember
Acts chapter 2 no I’m filled see I still
drink I just switch Brands I’m I’m
filled with a different spirit so Excuse
me while I give my God a High
Praise like Hannah because I’m desperate
and you see uh one day Pastor Brian Nera
which by the way Pastor Brian’s also one
of our worship leaders and we also have
an album coming up uh let that’s right I
I want to tell you about it I want to
tell you about it because listen I also
got crazy faith and I’ll do a vision
board and I’m already praying into a
transformation Legacy collab
I’m telling you right now I’m already
praying into it so hey don’t get mad at
me Roosevelt we going to get you I know
your manager she goes to my church I’m
pastor yeah okay so see we already got
some favor we already see God’s already
made a way where there is no way my
so yeah yeah
yeah so Pastor Brian so he he’s he’s
also a worship leader so he was singing
one day and just like you Obby as you
were singing man he broke down he
couldn’t continue he pushed the
microphone out of the away and God spoke
to me and he said go tell Pastor Brian
that I am giving him a gift of
desperation and that’s what’s happening
for you as well this morning Osby is
that God is giving you a gift of
desperation and here’s what the Lord
told me to tell Brian and here’s what
the spirit is telling me to tell you you
will always be anointed as you are
willing to be
desperate and and so I told Pastor Brian
as I’m telling you today Osby that you
will always be as anointed as you are
willing to be desperate and he began to
you know he was just crying out to God
he was pursuing Jesus and I knew right
then and there that God was giving me a
word to share with the church that we
need a fresh impartation of
desperation we have forgotten what it’s
like to be desperate we become so
comfortable in the midst of all of the
things that we are offered through the
local church in the West
that it cost us almost nothing to be
Christians here when it cost Christ
everything on the cross to save us so
that we could become Christians today I
want to talk to a group of people who
are willing to get a little
uncomfortable because they want to be
involved in whatever it is that Jesus is
doing on the
earth so I was telling Pastor Brian this
and and you know I was like okay lord
well I want to research desperation if
you’re giving me a word on desperation
then I want to research it and here’s
what I did I went uh like any good
preacher I went to
Google right because what I like to do
I’m a Bible nerd so what I like to do is
I like to go to Google and I like to get
the world’s definition of a word and
then I go to the word of God and then I
go to you know the Bible dictionary and
I use all kinds of apps and I look at
God’s definition of a word because I
want to choose God’s definition of a
word over the world’s definition of a
word right and that’s what I did here in
the scripture because whenever I looked
up the names Pena and Hannah what they
mean in the Hebrew I learned that Pena
actually means corner you know that
thing you run your your shoulder into
when you try to go too fast around a
corner come on don’t nudge a pen if
they’re sitting next to you but you know
who I’m talking about you run into a
penina out at the supermarket you’re
yikes man she a
corner that’s a penina
you know but Hannah Hannah means blessed
favored God’s been gracious to me how
many Hannah I got in the room
today so I’m like okay Hannah who’s
blessed favored by God she’s desperate
right now God what do you mean by
desperation I looked through the whole
Bible for a good definition of
desperation and when I went to Google
here’s what the Miriam Webster’s
definition of desperation was it says
having lost hope moved by despair
extreme suffering and intense
anxiety I said okay Lord I’m thankful
for the impartation of desperation but I
want to say I don’t want the world’s
definition of desperation I want God’s
definition of desperation and so I went
to the scriptures and I looked up every
single scripture that I could find with
the word desperation used in the Greek
and the Hebrew and here’s what the
definition of desperation is according
to your Bible it is having lost hope
moved by despair extreme suffering and
intense anxiety and you know what I’m
talking about you know what I’m talking
about because I was like Lord you
telling me you want me to go preach a
message the impartation of desperation
you’re telling me you want me to go tell
people that to be desperate is blessed
and this is what the definition of
desperation is I don’t think I want that
but how many you guys know God is really
into not just giving you what you want
but giving you what you
need he’ll give you what you need I mean
it’s like underwear in your stocking on
Christmas it ain’t always what you want
but about a year later you’re grateful
granny gave you the
mundies that’s what the gift of
desperation is it’s like underwear
because you know when you’re desperate
and you go through valleys with the Lord
you become anointed so that you can stay
sustained on the Mountaintop whenever
attention comes your way and visibility
shines in your direction you see fruit
doesn’t grow on mountain tops fruit only
grows in the
valley some of us get angry at God when
we go through valleys of desperation but
what we didn’t realize is that the
traversing through the valley is
actually God’s answer to our prayer when
we cried out to him in the sanctuary and
ask him for the gift of desperation that
he wants to pour out over my life God
make me desperate yeah it might look
like extreme suffering but I know in
that moment I’m buying oil
I’m as anointed as I need to be for the
battle that God has called me to fight
and I don’t I don’t know about you but I
want to
fight I didn’t get saved to sit on the
sideline I’m trying to take out some
goliaths with a slingshot you know what
I mean I’m trying to like stand there in
a lion’s den and not be eating I’m I’m
I’m trying to walk on water I’m trying
to see the dead raised and the lepers
cleansed I’m trying to see babies fed
and prisoners get set free and saved I’m
trying to see Revival take place in my
generation listen I didn’t get saved
just to sit around and play patty cake
with the devil every now and then I got
saved and I show up to church to preach
the gospel to give the devil a migraine
I don’t know about you yeah yeah yeah
but that’s why I showed up today yes sir
yes sir and I’m desperate and I want you
to know I’m still desperate so when I
read through this um this thing of
Hannah here I’m like okay God wants us
to be desperate because he rewards
desperation now there’s all kinds of
blessings that come as a result of
desperation if you look at verse 17
Again you’ll see her pastor blesses her
to receive peace verse 17 verse 17 Again
to get answers to her prayer Verse 18
she receives favor Verse 18 she no
longer has to fast Verse 18 she no
longer feels sad verse 19 she freely
worships verse 19 the Lord remembers her
verse 20 she conceives and gives birth
and verse 20 her prayers are answered
these are all of the blessings that come
as a result of our willingness to get
desperate for what God wants to do in
life but let me tell you if you’re going
to stay desperate for God and some of us
have already decided by default we’re no
longer desperate cuz you know you come
into church people like how you doing
sister and you put on your church
clothes I’m
blessed how you feeling I’m highly
favored and you know you just got in a
fight with your husband on the way to
the house of
God oh I’m good praise God you know
you’re yelling at each other in the car
you rot down the window we blessed
Hallelujah but there are blessings
that come with being desperate but let
me tell you the enemy does not want you
desperate because he realizes what God
will do through a desperate people what
he wants us to do is mail it in turn the
surrender switch off become an anointed
benchwarmer never contribute anything
but simply remain consumers for the rest
of our lives and go to heaven when we
die not take anybody else to heaven with
us that’s what the enemy once and so I
realize In this passage of scripture
that there are various distractions to
desperation that I want to share with
you because I think they’re important
for you to be aware of I’m going to
share them with you in five minutes the
first one is competition and comparison
the enemy wants to provoke you to a
place of competition and comparison
because competition and comparison will
kill your
desperation you remember it said her
rival wow did yall see that her rival
you know I looked that up in the Hebrew
as well rivalry in the Hebrew means a
tight space it means a narrow space It
Means A constrained space and that’s
what your life looks like whenever you
take the bait of competition and
comparison from the enemy your life gets
real tight it gets real narrow it gets
real constrained and no longer are you
concerned with being obedient to the
will of God in your life you’re just
trying to beat somebody else at what you
believe they’re doing better than you
when did we buy into the lie that
defeating our spiritual
siblings is what communicated to God
that we were prepared to receive our
blessing I got three kids you know I’m
not going to bless any of my children
when they come to me and tell me hey Dad
I just stomped out my sister does that
mean I’m going to get a blessing now cuz
I just beat her
up I’m going to say boy instead of
blessing you I’m going to whoop
you you going to get whooped and somehow
we have bought into this idea that if I
compete with my brother if I compete
with my sister and that I defeat them
and I prove to everybody that I am more
deserving of attention and affection and
affirmation than they are somehow my
heavenly father is going to be impressed
by my
works and then reward me out of the open
for my competition here in my heart no
competition and comparison will kill
your de desperation look at your
neighbor say don’t
compete don’t compare comp now the next
thing that’ll kill your desperation is
people yeah yeah well-meaning people
well-meaning people did you hear Elena
he said hey why do You Weep why are you
fasting why are you not eating why you
worshiping like that why you always
coming to church why you going the
Wednesday night bible study why you
doing the Daniel Fast why you up all
hours of the night praying I can hear
you in the other room crying don’t you
know it don’t take all that no you see
well-meaning people will kill your
flame God wants to give you an
impartation of desperation but elenas in
your life will talk you out of it
because they are discomforted by your
passion oh yeah yeah yeah see the
passionate always offend the
apathetic those who are moving are
always going to burn the biscuits of
those who are stationary
so why would you consult with people who
are not on fire for God for how on fire
you should
be no no I’m I’m I’m trying to be the
most surrendered person in every room I
step into not because I’m trying to
compete but because I’m not checking the
atmosphere how surrender to Jesus should
I be in
here just wondering how on fire people
are in here no no I’m not looking to
anybody else to set the temperature of
my faith I’m looking to Christ Jesus who
went to the cross on my behalf to set
the temperature of my faith and I’m not
stepping into atmospheres like oh I
wonder how things are going here it’s
very dark I don’t know if anything can
happen no you are not a
thermometer you’re a thermostat you set
the atmosphere you set the temperature
you say no no I came in here with Jesus
I don’t care about the well-meaning
people that used to be on fire for God
20 years
ago listen your anointing is not their
anointing their anointing is not your
anointing you’ve got to get your
anointing with Jesus yourself it don’t
go on discount I’m sorry to tell you
baby but the anointing that you need to
live out God’s purposes in your life
there ain’t no Black Friday
sales it costs what it
cost and here’s the last thing here’s
the thing that will talk you out of your
desperation with a quickness are you
ready for it a double
portion yeah yeah so this this is this
is the closing I realize I realize that
a double portion is is popular Church
language that whenever somebody preaches
about it we shout about it because we
all want a double portion I want a
double portion how about you come on I
want a double portion how about you but
you know what a double portion is plenty
for most people you give them double of
what they need and they’ll
hush yeah yeah how many people you know
got a little money in their pocket stop
got a promotion on the job stop coming
church man I’m good now bro you know I
got a double portion I don’t think I got
to be desperate anymore I think I’m cool
now I think I’m comfortable now I don’t
think I’m gonna be at church I don’t
think I’m gonna be at prayer meeting I
don’t think I’m going to get involved
with the fast because I am so
blessed listen if the only time you’ll
pray is when you want something God will
bless you by not giving it to you so
you’ll keep on praying
like I I I if if my wife said I want a
purse I want a real nice purse and I
knew that when I went and bought it for
her she’d stop talking to me when I gave
it to her I’d never give it to her you
know why because I care more about our
covenantal intimacy then I do her
blessing come on that’s a word for
somebody I know I got to close I know I
got a close but that’s a word for
somebody in here if the only time that
we’ll pray is to get something God will
bless us by not giving it to us so we’ll
continue to pray and stay desperate I
believe a key of getting more of what
you ask for in prayer is continuing to
pray after you get it if we’re not
mature enough to pray after we get
blessed then we’re not mature enough to
be blessed at least not to the extent
that God wants to bless you if you give
some people a double portion of what
they need you will render them
completely ineffective for the kingdom
of God I think the devil will pay you to
be quiet
yeah he don’t mind a little money in
your pocket so long as you calm
down how many people you know they
they’re so blessed that they’re not
around anymore like they’re not really
even Walking with God and they’re like
man I I am so blessed listen the
blessing of God will always lead to you
lead you to increased intimacy with
God the favor of God will always lead
you into more fellowship with God if
what you call favor leads you to a
spiritual neuropathy it’s not a blessing
it’s a distraction to your desperation
we got people out here today talking
about distractions as though they’re
promotions and calling footholds favor
we’ve got to remember God wants to give
you a double portion he’s a good
bridegroom King but you must remember
the purpose of the double portion the
purpose of the double portion is not so
that you can consume it so that you can
worship with it
yeah thank y’all for coming come on up
come on up so listen here’s the thing
Elena said here here’s a double portion
what was the purpose of the double
portion it wasn’t so that she could
Flex God will give you a double portion
he wants to reward your desperation and
your faith but when you get the double
portion what will you do with it will
you consume it or will you worship with
it because the reason that we get
blessed is so that we have more to
worship with
because I’m not going to allow anything
that this world has to offer me to
satisfy my pallet to the extent that I
am rendered in effective for the kingdom
God Hannah would not be distracted by a
double portion she got up and she got
desperate this is the word that I felt
like the Lord sent me here all the way
from Nashville Tennessee at the end of
my sabatical to tell you is that God is
about to pour out over you an impart
of desperation unlike anything that you
have ever experienced before Oh you
think you’ve been on fire for God before
but the latter shall be greater than the
former says the Lord your high water
mark in God is not supposed to be the
first six months of your salvation oh
that was when I was really on fire no no
no my Bible says that I go from Glory GL
to glory to glory to glory whatever
awesome thing God has done in your past
he has plans to outdo
himself you got to let your future be
informed by your past your
testimony if God brought me up from
there surely he going to bring me up
from here I want to be desperate if you
are in the business of blessing broken
things God then I want to be desperate
we got to remember what happened
whenever that little boy came to Jesus
and said I ain’t got much just got along
Long John Silver’s kids
meal listen I don’t know who I’m talking
to but maybe in here today you feel like
you don’t have much all I got this
little lunch would god really accept the
gift of my desperation you see the
impartation of desperation is
cyclical God will give you a gift of
desperation so that you can give him the
gift of your
desperation it’s a cycle of lovesickness
it’s one of the ways that we love him
with what he’s given us we say God I’m
desperate for you
again I’m desperate for you again and
and Jesus he took that little boy’s
lunch it was just a few fish just a few
loaves you may have come into church
today thinking I don’t have
much I ain’t got much all I got is this
little kid’s meal I ain’t got a whole
lot of faith and God said that’ll do I
only need Faith the size of a mustard
seed in order to move a mountain it
ain’t got to be big and the kingdom to
be used if if that’s all you got I’ll
use what you got
left I ain’t got got a whole lot of
hunger God I just got this little
Mustard Seed of desperation I ain’t got
a whole lot I’ve been blessed I’ve been
enriched I’ve not confessed my need or
dependency in a while but God said I’ll
use it we can never forget what Jesus
did with that bread before he could
multiply it he had to break
it and when he broke it he blessed it
your God is in the business of blessing
broken things God may have brought you
here not just to bless you but to break
you what I’m I’m asking you
Transformation Church are you willing
for God to break you so that he can
bring you into the next place of his
Blessing because we’ll have breakthrough
to the extent we’re willing to be
broken if you don’t mind to stand to
your feet I want to pray for
you you are in the
business of blessing
broken things the first group of people
I want to pray for
today are those that have been without
desperation for a long time perhaps you
have lived for Jesus walked with the
Lord for a number of years and you no
longer sense the need to be as hungry
for him as you once were can I pray for
you today that you would not retire but
that you would
refire some of us have allowed the flame
of first love love to go
out we’re not praying like we used to
we’re not fasting like we used to we’re
not going after God like we used to
we’re just going through the motions we
got the religious calisthenics we look
the part we do all the right stuff we
say all the right stuff we post all the
right pictures on social media but we
know on the inside the flame and the
fire of First Love Has Gone out and we
are no longer doing the things that we
did at first I want to pray for you if
you feel apathetic in your faith today
if you feel lethargic if you feel like
you’re going through the motions can I
tell you right now in the name of Jesus
that the Lord himself is in this house
and you don’t have to wait for a man to
lay hands on you but Jesus himself lays
hands on you right now and if you know
you need that and you know God’s doing
something in this room I just want to
invite you if I’m praying for you just
lift your hand and don’t just lift your
hands lift your head toward Heaven close
your eyes and look at him don’t look at
me in the name of Jesus I pray right now
holy spirit that you would begin to Fan
the Flames of f love and that you would
ignite them again and that that passion
a Revival a personal Revival would take
place now as you consume them God I pray
over every single square inch of their
person I pray that they would be ignited
with the fire of God Jesus we know that
you came to baptize us not only with the
holy spirit with but also with fire and
so we ask today in the name of Jesus
that a baptism of fire would come upon
your church and that we would be
completely consumed by your passion God
and that our passion for you would
completely consume us father I pray that
you would give us a gift of tears I pray
that you would break us I pray that you
would remake us I pray that you would
split Us in half wherever we need to be
broken for you so that our life this
little alabaster jar that we call Our
Lives could be a sweet smelling incense
unto you that all of our lives would be
worship and if that’s you and I’m
praying for you right now I just sense
an impartation of desperation that is
coming into your womb the spiritual womb
of your
life and I just want you to say I
receive it I I accept
it and if if you’re in here today
and you don’t know
Jesus you’ve not walked with Jesus
before maybe you’re listening to me and
you say I’ve never heard anything like
this in my life and even though it
doesn’t make sense to my natural mind
there’s something happening on the
inside of me right now that I sense that
I know that Jesus is calling me me if
you have never given your life to him or
you are so far from him that you’ve
forgotten the last time that you were
connected or at church or a part of
anything that resembled Walking With
Jesus I want to pray for you as well if
you don’t mind just take a moment close
your eyes bow your
heads Lord we say thank you for allowing
us to be in this holy place if you’re in
this place today and you want to receive
Jesus as your lord as as your savior
would you just put your hand up in the
air if if if I see you if you’re on uh
watching us right now by streaming and
it doesn’t matter where you are in the
world Jesus knows exactly where you are
if you are not walking with him I just
want to ask you put it in the chat put a
little Emoji I’m lifting my hands that’s
me pray for me church pray for me we’ll
have somebody from our team that will
connect with you no doubt I think y’all
do that and so we want you to know that
Jesus he gave his life on on the cross
for your life I I see several hands even
still keep them hold them high hold them
high if that’s you just lift your hand
again in the name of Jesus I see you up
here father I thank you now I see you up
there is there anybody
else I see you now I would imagine
there’s a few people online and if
that’s you and you’ve got your hand
raised I just want you I want to invite
you to pray this prayer say
Jesus come on church pray it with them
Jesus Jesus I thank you for the cross
thank you for the cross I thank you for
giving your life for mine
I accept you today I accept you today I
Repent of my sins I rep of my and I turn
from my ways I turn from my way and I
accept your grace I accept your and I
belong to you I belong to you all the
days of my
life I am yours I am in Jesus nameus
amen if you prayed that prayer the Bible
says that if you believe in your heart
and you confess with your
lips that Christ was raised from the
dead then you are saved so we want to
say to you welcome to the kingdom
Welcome To The Kingdom Come On Church
could we bless those that have prayed
that prayer and could we continue
blessing the Lord Jesus in Jesus name
come on we can do a little bit better
than that thank you Jesus thank you
Jesus thank you so much for watching
this message we pray that it encouraged
you we also want to say thank you to our
faithful partners and here at
Transformation Church it’s because of
your generosity that this Vision has
been made possible if you like to
partner with us in giving you can text
give to 82
8282 or you can visit our website also
be sure to like subscribe and check out
our other sermons as well as our live
Sunday experience that begins at 10:45
a.m. Central Standard Time now go out
and live a transformed life