so I’m ready to preach this morning

because I believe God has given me a

word get out your phones get out your

Bibles and we’re gonna go right into

God’s Word um we are in week 3 of an

eight-week series that we are calling

relationship goals and um this series is

really starting to uncover and help a

lot of people a lot of us need help in

our relationships and it’s one of those

things that we don’t really talk about

in church because it’s one of those

things that we feel should automatically

be impacted by the relationship we have

with Jesus and so we don’t talk about

specifics like if I just get better all

my relationships will get better and

that is true

but sometimes you need some specificity

with what we’re talking about

like sometimes I need to know what does

God’s Word say about certain things and

certain issues and certain people in

certain problems and we’ve just decided

to tackle something that everybody deals

with but there’s not a lot of clarity on

and today I want to go down this journey

um but before I do that I want to see

who’s in the room okay so I need

everybody to help me right now even

those who are watching online I need you

to help me with this okay so if I say

something that agrees with your

demographic currently in life I want you

to make some noise okay so I need all

the people in the room to make some

noise if you are single and available in

the room

you better clap girl you better clap now

I need everybody to open your eyes over

your eyes look down the road okay okay

so so we got our single and available

people in the room okay how many people

are dating or engaged right now dating

or engaged they still making decisions

today okay how many people in the room

are married yeah some of the single

people look is so mad right now that

we’re excited um so now that I know

who’s in the room um I was thinking

about the subject I was gonna talk about

today and I went back to my childhood

and I want to see if we may have had

similar childhoods okay so there was

this song that used to be sung like on

playgrounds and with other children and

it went something like this it was like

Michael and Natalie sitting in a tree ki

SS in there hey yeah yeah yeah yeah okay

so so um so we had similar childhoods

okay so this is what I was thinking and

this may be an overstatement this might

be an overstatement but I was thinking

about our relational journeys and that

might be that that that phrase that that

saying might have been the first time

there was an explanation of relational

progression in any of our lives think

about it people say psychologists say

that from the age of birth to five you

learn the most that you will ever learn

cognitively about how you’re gonna live

your life and most parents aren’t

sitting down with three and

four-year-olds saying this is how

relationships should go this is these

are the progressions so our first real

explanation is first comes love then

comes marriage then comes maybe in the

baby carriage and when I look at that if

that’s what’s programmed deep down in

our minds in our hearts about

relationship progression it’s a very

vague and incomplete statement love

marriage baby I don’t know how that

works in your life but I haven’t walked

up to many people and just loved them

enough to say can we get married and

then enough to have a baby with you and

because we live in a fallen world in our

society is backwards and perverse that

sure is not the progression in

everybody’s life sometimes it’s baby

first then because we had a baby

might as well marry you and since we

marry the Lord could you please help me

to love her or sometimes it’s love and

then there’s a baby and we not really

too sure about how we can trust each

other so maybe we’ll get married and

just think about all the different

scenarios and so I said God why is that

so incomplete he said Michael I want you

to help define a progression of

relationship so that people can

understand and know and reprogram be

transformed by the renewing of their

mind that there is a God way of

progressing in relationship that has

more parts than just love marriage baby

and I want to give that to you today so

this is what I think the relationship

progression should look like okay the

first one should be singleness and I

know that’s not a popular one but if

you’ve never heard a message taught

about singleness you need to go back and

listen to last week’s message okay

singleness is probably the most

important time of your life because it’s

the time where God gets to reveal to you

who you are you become self-aware you

find purpose you get identity and

Matthew tells us that we’re supposed to

love God

our selves and then out of that love

relationship we can accurately love

others but most of us are trying to

figure out how to love others before we

learn how to love ourselves so we’re

always looking to them to incomplete to

make complete our deficiencies because

we never learn to be ok with us and so

I’m encouraging you to go back if you

have not and listen to last week’s

message me and my wife we’re listening

to it again yesterday because I listen

back like game film how can I get better

how can I keep going and I was listening

about 25 minutes again I said that is

good and not because I was preaching it

we were literally getting ministered to

because God speaks through me I’m just a

vessel up here on Sunday mornings half

of the stuff I don’t know what I’m

saying I just go back to my notes and I

look back and I’m like God you said that

through me thank you and so this is a

relationship of trying to get something

to you but as I was watching back I said

man if people would know what God wanted

to do in their lives without a person

and just with them and to be contingent

okay in that season they would be ready

for marriage the statistics say that 50%

of all marriages end in divorce the

staggering thing about that is the the

figure for Christian marriages are

almost the same so why if we got God in

the Holy Spirit and songs and worship

and accountability why is it ending up

the same I’m suggest to you it may not

be a relationship problem it may be a

singleness problem and God wants to deal

with our singleness so go back and watch

that so first it should be singleness

then it should be what I’m going to talk

about today intentional dating everybody

say intentional now this is something

that is not really talked about but I

believe this is the next progression and

I’ll talk about in a minute intentional

dating and then there should be an

engagement the pair the period of time

where we are committed and planning

towards our wedding or the time that

we’re going to make this thing

consummated before God in unholy

matrimony and then after engagement

there should be marriage okay and

after marriage there should be love now

faster Michael why would you say love

after marriage I need to know that I

love them before marriage have you read

first Corinthians 13 because the type of

stuff you have to do to really love

somebody I don’t know if you can truly

do that in a full manner without

sacrificing and giving up a lot for that

person I truly believe that you can like

somebody a hohohohoho Bunch

but until you have to give to that

person like Christ gave for the church

laid down his life and sacrifice it

until she eat off your plate and ain’t

nothing else open for you to get to eat

that night until the you’re in a

position where they’re sick and you got

to take care of them but still do your

job and be like there’s certain things

you don’t learn until you get in the

Covenant let me prove it to you how much

did you love God before you accepted him

as Christ most of us didn’t learn to

love God until after we got in covenant

with him and once we got in covenant

with him then we started to progress on

our relationship of walking in love with

him so I just suggest to you that the

love really gets solidified identified

and really becomes real after you get


some y’all like dang it

I told my wife I said after studying the

Word of God you know how people be

talking about their and puppy love and

all that other stuff we wouldn’t in

puppy love we was just in he I see what

happens is this generation we confuse

passion with love you just think because

you’re passionate about something it’s

love no no baby that’s another l word of

four letters but it’s called lusts we’re

engaged in what we see and what we feel

and what we hear in the moment but God

wants to reveal to us love for him first

and then love for another person so

that’s the next progression and then out

of our love

we should reproduce we we should

reproduce hear me again out of our love

not out of our dysfunction I counsel a

lot of people who have babies because

the person they’re in relationship with

won’t pay attention to them so they have

a baby with that person so that they can

give their full attention to somebody

who needs them I want you to see how

sick and twisted that is in its seed

form not that you’re a bad person but

that child can never fulfill the void

that you have placed in that person and

so what happens is many times people

stay together because it’s a business

arrangement they stay together because

we got kids we got to be together but

let me help you your kids only can drink

from the whale that is in that house and

you think because you’re not arguing in

front of them that they feel it they see

it they hear it it’s the atmosphere that

is in their house and then you’re mad

when they reproduce after their own kind

somebody in your family has to stand up

and break the generational curses I

think there’s some people in this room

this morning that are saying when it

comes to relationship it’s not going to

end the same way because I’m going to

invite God into my relationships and

then I put this last point repeat

because I really feel like some people

think that if they just get through this

process that it’s good I worked on my

singleness now I’m intentionally dating

I got engaged we got married


love each other we got children and

that’s it that’s why the divorce rate

for people over 45 has increased in the

past 25 years because their project is

gone the thing we had in common to work

on our children are gone so now when I

come home I’m not asking for homework

I’m not asking I’m not getting them new

J’s I’m not asking where it’s

cheerleading practice you we got at all

we can go to the movies all day every

day but I don’t want to cuz I don’t know

you because I haven’t I haven’t kept

perfecting myself and so the greatest

thing that you can do in relationship

progression is repeat this cycle again

put it back up there after you get

through this whole thing you never need

to stop being single in your

relationship what do you mean Pastor

Mike I’m talking about what’s the last

thing you did to perfect yourself what

what what’s the last thing you did to

add to the marriage did you go back and

take a finance course so y’all money can

be like black black black did you did

you figure out another language so when

you go to France you can be able to see

if they serving you good food or not did

you add anything to the relationship

many people stopped perfecting who God’s

created them to be because they joined

with somebody else and I’m all I’m

saying to you is once we move this God

says I want to keep I had a plan for you

before you were formed in your mother’s

womb surprise for you not to harm you to

give you hope and give you a few I want

you to keep working on your singleness

and then if your marriage is gonna last

and be vibrant and have passion I want

you to keep intentionally dating when’s

the last time you took your wife your

husband out on a date me and my wife

have to plan that stuff yesterday I told

her I said baby I don’t want to go out

with you next Friday and I want you to

get sexy

you know how you just she said babe I’m

eight months pregnant I said you better

drape to something over that stomach

girl to better drape something over that

and she know what that means to me and I

know what that means to her why because

we’re gonna intentionally date we’re

gonna make time and what that does is

that keeps it fresh

don’t just be with your mate chilling in

the bed watching movies what happened to

the pursuit what happened to the thing

that you win when you couldn’t have her

you was chasing her but now you hear

like hey hey

and that’s what we have to do so keep

going through the process and I just

want you to keep going on you should be

having engagements married people hear

me what I’m saying you should have

engagements engagements there more saved

people who have horrible relational

lives and sexual relationships and

that’s not God’s intention the only

reason he said that you’re supposed to

abstain from that stuff in a marriage

relationship is when y’all fasting and

praying and both of y’all agree y’all

not ready so if one party’s like I

didn’t steal God’s say that I did y’all

better hear the word and and and in a

couple weeks from now I’m gonna do a

whole message on the power of sex and I

don’t want parents to get scared I

shouldn’t bring my children on they

already know baby if they are in the

third grade

they already know what’s going on but

wouldn’t it be better if they got a

biblical standpoint instead of a

worldview from social media and eat news

and okay so I’m encouraging every parent

get your kids here okay because you need

to I didn’t learn the stuff I learned

about sex from my parents or a spiritual

being I learned it in sixth grade in the

locker room and it distorted my

worldview for almost 15 years and my

parents who loved God and our pastors

and at worship had no idea what was

being infiltrated into my life hear me

when I say that it’s time for the church

to stand up and help people get the

tools that they need to live not just

exist or y’all can clap better than that

cuz some of the brokenness that you’ve

been dealing with is cuz nobody told you

the right way to do it and so we got to

keep doing these things and so today I’m

gonna take the time to talk about dating

and I know something like dating man I’m

past that stage I’ve I’m married I’m I’m

in this but but this is what I want to

help you understand that because this is

not talked about many people don’t know

how to talk about it and so when your

children your grandchildren you or

anybody gets into this realm we just

kind of leave it alone and and we’re one

of those things that we say stuff like I

wouldn’t have picked them you didn’t

teach them how to pick like like you

know how people I don’t know who the pit

the fruit picker in your house is but

you know there’s somebody in your house

that knows how to go to the produce

section and they knocking on stuff and

shake and stuff and they can tell if I’m

not the fruit picker in my house but

I’ve learned if you get around the

person who can pick fruit well they will

teach you how to pick fruit most people

when it comes to relationships were not

taught how to pick fruit and so we get

into things and we’re frustrating like I

just can’t really I raised they just

bring him in here

yeah like in there

but no no matter how educated they are

no matter how much you taught them about

God you didn’t teach them how to pick

food and so today I want to help us

learn how to pick fruit okay so um this

is what we’re gonna do Hosea chapter 4

verse 6 the children of Israel were in a

place where they were just disobeying

God God had literally parted the Red Sea

for them he had done so many amazing

things for them providing manna for them

and they just kept making up they own

idols and going their own way and doing

their own thing and then this is what

the Word of God comes in Hosea 4:6 it

says my people are destroyed for the

lack of what knowledge they don’t know

and I’m just trying to help us know some

things so that we can be able to see

clearly what the message version says I

love it it says my people are ruined

because they don’t know what’s right and

they don’t know what’s true so the title

of today’s message is the myth of dating

the myth of dating and I’m gonna try to

dispel a few myths that we may have

about dating and see what God says about

these things the first myth I want you

to write down is that dating is biblical

that’s a myth dating is not biblical

something okay pastor then why are we

talking about it because it’s a real

issue in our society in our culture the

Bible is very selective and specific on

what it talks about in relationship and

it’s pretty silent when it comes to this

thing called dating or courtship and so

this furthers our problem of not knowing

how to get into relationship because

we’re supposed to consult the Word of

God on certain things but what spiritual

do I go to to see what I’m supposed to

do and so then we just try to get to

marriage and then I know what it says

about marriage because there’s a lot of

stuff about marriage but dang I picked

the wrong so I’m trying to make this

thing work with the wrong ingredients

and this cake is nasty

even though it’s not very specific on

the topic of dating the Bible is very

clear on what type of company we should

keep on the boundaries we should set in

relationship and the character of the

people that would be life partners with

us and so we’re going to pull some

different things together and draw some

context clues and see what type of

person we should be dating but the

reason I want to say this is because I

really feel like I could have left this

point out and just gone on but I’m tired

of the church not knowing what it’s

talking about like people the Bible says

in 1st Thessalonians 6 at 18 about no it

doesn’t say that about dating and we

need to be able to know that as we

communicate with people what the Word of

God says let me just give you a little

bit of history dating and courtship

those are ideas that were man-made that

were made about 200 years ago okay and

it was a way to get people in

relationship a single man and a single

woman trying to find out if they were

compatible so they could get in go

further in their relationship in


courtship because some people like not

dating is bad courtship is what it

they’re both man-made I want everybody

to hear me say this and so whatever you

decide to do okay that’s good with you

but you got to put God in the middle of

it see because courtship was usually

done with the parents being right there

at every moment so literally you

wouldn’t kiss you wouldn’t touch you

wouldn’t hold hands you wouldn’t hug and

every time you meet both sets of parents

would be there right with you just


how much intimacy do you think that you

can develop with mommy and daddy sitting

there all the time so a lot of those

marriages didn’t work there was a whole

bunch of these things that happen but I

do believe that if we put God in the

middle of this situation we can find out

what the Word of God says so the first

myth is that dating is biblical it’s not

biblical but we can draw context clues

from what God is trying to say the

second myth dating is wrong

datings not wrong if God is in the

middle and I want everybody to hear me

that is a huge caveat dating is not

wrong if God is in the middle

and many of us try to do things without

God and we asked for his blessing and

his results god blessed this

relationship that is horrible from the

beginning and is totally jacking up my

purpose just bless it God okay let’s be

honest how many people have prayed a

backwards prayer before like you knew

you was doing wrong but you is just

asking God to just come on in and and

just soup that all I’m saying to you is

when you put God in the middle of

something everything changes because

everything surrounds God we’re not

asking God to come and surround it get

the picture

when God is in the middle everything

surrounds God not us doing something and

asking God to surround it so whatever

you do you need to put God in the middle

there’s a scripture in 1st Corinthians

chapter 10 31 that talks about this and

and and I honestly had this thought

dating is like the second job interview

you know like for a real good job like a

good high paying job you don’t get one

interview you may have one two three

even four interview like if it’s a

really good job high responsibility on

it you might have a listen dating is a

second interview there’s some things I

should know about you in our first

interview can I stand you’ll smell like

we let people get into this next level

of us being exclusive to try to get to

know each other and they didn’t even

pass the first level of the protest do


do we even believe the same things see

we let people into this space where then

it becomes serious and we’re Facebook

official and everybody knows and they

weren’t even supposed to make it past

the first interview that they weren’t

even supposed to get to meet the other

people in my life see and I want you to

know the difference because some church

people are really bound and locked up

it’s okay to go on a date cuz a date is

an event a date it’s not a commitment

and some of y’all need to stop acting

like dates or commit my god I’ve just

put on a date with Bobby and Bobby yeah

just me and him and we’re taking

pictures and it was a it was an event it

happened it was over you should assess

it you should see if there’s any

qualifications that were on the list of

my priorities and visions that will

allow this person to see me again or

even get a second interview see the

thing about good jobs is they know what

they’re looking for and if you come to

the first interview sagging your pants

your hair not good you can’t talk all

this other stuff they’re not gonna call

you back

but because we’re lonely we give people

who are under qualified second

interviews oh okay okay

because there’s a shortage in our

company we let unqualified people fill

positions that they don’t have the

ability to feel and what do they end up

doing damaging the company they cost us

more than they’re worth so so dating is

not wrong if God is in the middle

first Corinthians 10:31 says so whatever

you do whether you eat you drink

whatever you do do it all for the glory

of God so when you date your dating

relationship should be done for the

glory of God how you date should bring

glory to God let me help you ask some

questions to yourself

Caesar these are some good question is

who I’m dating bringing glory to God how

they live how they talk what they listen

to is it bringing glory to God

well they smart and they got a good job

in and they find and they got the issues

but I’m a bypass that because God has

shown me to be a cultivator and to be

the one that helps people become and not

the man that’s supposed to lead you he’s

posed to cultivate you

if she had Ho tendencies that attracted

you to her do you think that turned off

without a life transformation when she

got with you you like that she wears the

leggings she liked that she wears the

leggings and they like Betsy where the

language I’m just trying to come to your

house to let you know that that until

you get to the place where you

understand that who I’m talking to

should be living their life to glorify

God you’re starting off with some wrong

ingredients another question you can ask

yourself is how we are dating bringing

God glory am I in the back of a car in a

parking lot somewhere

come on y’all already know

I’ve been outside of somebody’s window

at 2:30 a.m. in the morning got class at

6:00 a.m. out there trying as you are

you up I’m in the wrong and if somebody

saw me or caught me with my witness be

destroyed would I be able to say

anything about my relationship with

Jesus if they saw my text messages I’m

just trying to give you a formula to be

able to see if this relationship is good

for you or not myth 3 dating is a

destination it surprises me how many

people date for long periods of time

like this is where we add how long y’all

been dating 15 years

what did you just say to me there is a

kid in puberty as long as you’ve been

dating what are you talking about and so

the thing you have to start asking

yourself is why well why haven’t we

taken that step into covenant why

haven’t we moved past where we’ve been

into commitment

what is though things that is it because

we’re not living our life godly is there

because we have reserves is it because I

really know who you are and I love you

and we’ve had kids together we’ve built

relationship but I trust you enough to

be with you I don’t trust you enough to

trust you I mean this is real light like

as long as we right here we can do this

but I’ll never let you get close enough

because I know who you really are that

means you’re not supposed to be with

them it doesn’t matter how long y’all

been together you are delaying what God

would have for you I was in the airport

the other day with my friend Charles and

and we we got off of a plane and we had

to catch a connecting plane and and this

is what we had to do we had come from a

place landed and we were trying to get

to another place that would take us to

the level we wanted to go but because we

were in one spot we had to take

transportation to the other spot now now

let me give you a definition the Holy

Spirit gave me about dating he said

dating is transportation to a relational

target it’s the it’s supposed to be the

vehicle this dating thing is not

supposed to be the place where we stay

is supposed to be the place that takes

us to marriage it’s the thing that’s

supposed to take us to covenant okay so

we were on the plane we got off one

plane and we wanted to get up to another

level but what we had to do was ride

what they call a tram and we rode the

tram from terminal aid to terminal C and

once we got on the tram it was our

transportation to where we really wanted

to be the intended target and it’s

beautiful thing to understand because

they don’t want you to stay on the trim

how do you know pass the mic they don’t

put a lot of seats there

they put enough there for you to hang on

so you can get to the destination and

when you date too long

you are now putting yourself in a

position to sit down in a place that was

supposed to just be transportation and I

want you to see this so clearly that

when you do that it will be

uncomfortable because you were never

meant to stay there God wants you to get

to the intent or get off see was that

terminal a but between Terminal A and

terminal C was terminal what get off if

you realize that writing this dating

train I’m going the wrong way I actually

need to be at this terminal and I’m at

this terminal and I need you know what

this is not for me

I’ll walk I don’t need to be surrounded

in this company I’ll get off and I’ll

walk why because taking the long route

sometimes builds stamina in you that

will produce what you really need you

may not find who you’re supposed to be

with writing this dating train it’s when

you get off the thing and start walking

and you say hey all I’m trying to say to

you is dating is not supposed to be a

destination it’s supposed to be

transportation to where you really want

to go and some of you need to hear me

say this recreation on dating is

dangerous like I just date him and I

just date him and then you know I’m

saying oh yeah when somebody introduced

somebody to you and you be like oh yeah

we used to date Oh y’all don’t okay they

don’t say that

we hooked up we were just friends

somebody just said that just devastated

friends I don’t say that so many

but just think about all these cold

words that were you free friends with


and what ends up happening in this

situation is we get damaged because we

were not supposed to be in this place

sitting we were supposed to be

transporting but you know if he or she

doesn’t want to get with you and there’s

no plans if you have to keep asking well

what do you see in our future and there

is a vague blurry image of like yeah one

day we might you know what that day has

come cuz I have too much purpose in me

to sit here and be in a relationship

that has no aim ain’t the series called

relationship you can’t have a goal if

you don’t have an aim and some of us

just over you’re shooting at everything

and God said no no no no no pull it back

wait wait I’m ready to shoot wait turn

to the left down just a little bit there

it is

and God will allow you to get in right

relationship with right people so what

do you want us to do Pastor Mike you

don’t told us everything day 2 name I

want you to do this I want you to be

focused on intentional dating I want

everybody to write that down even if

you’re married even I want you to write

that down

intentional dating what does that mean

I’m dating with purpose I’m dating with

the end in mind peso might what are you

saying if you can’t remotely see

yourself after going on a couple of

events with your dates with this person

you cannot see yourself being led or you

cannot see yourself being connected with

this person and you can’t see yourself

marrying them you do not need to be in

relationship with them to figure out and

see if it can work and the problem is

it’s how God made us women naturally you

are created to nurture if you give a

woman a seed she’s gonna give you a baby

but their incubator they will take

something in a state that it is not and

they will grow it to what it’s supposed

to be you give a woman a bag of

groceries guess what she gives you

dinner you give her a house she gives

you a home that’s what a woman but the

problem is you were created out of man

and God created him first

so you can never be the person to

cultivate him God asked land to

cultivate the woman and what’s happening

in society is we have a bunch of passive

men who wants somebody to take care of

them that wants somebody to cook and

clean and do all these other things but

you have not done your priority by

leading the household and the only way

you can leave the household is be in

communion with God daily and if you’re

not walk adam walked and talked in the

cool of the day every him and God had a

connected relationship and without that

you don’t know how to lead the woman of

God that he’s created you Lily and so

what I’m saying to you is everything

that I’m talking about and this whole

thing has to be intentional just

everybody saying intentional okay

last-minute dating is harmless that is a

horrible myth dating can be devastating

if it’s done in the wrong timing and

without God I just think about it how

many relationships that people have got

in where they have literally invested in

sown so much time energy and effort into

something that would only take from them

many of us are products of that sitting

in this room but look what proverbs

14:12 says says there’s a path before

each person that seems right like that

relationship seemed right when I got in

it that person seemed right but he said

it ends in death another translation

says destruction what are you trying to

say Pastor Mike there can be a death to


because you got in relationship with the

wrong person open up your heart to the

wrong person and let them discourage

your dream you used to be passionate

about something and you got with the

wrong person and it started to crush

what God placed on the inside of you you

have to be careful of who you align your

heart your soul and your mind with

because it can damage your purpose some

of you are supposed to be doing things

that you were created to do but you got

in relationship in a season you were

supposed to be focusing in your

singleness with the person you would not

end up marrying and they crushed

something in you and talked about your

self-esteem and got you in a place where

you could not believe in your own self

and now you’re sitting here with a death

of time you’ve lost time and you’ve lost

vision and you lost hope because you

were in a wrong aligned relationship

that’s Mike why are you going so

passionate about this because I want you

to see and I want you to hear that who

you aligned yourself with is more

important than anything that you can do

in your life because who you align

yourself with and let into your heart

will begin to guide what you do in your

life will 1st Corinthians 15 says verse

33 it says don’t be fooled don’t do it

bad company corrupts good character

that’s why you see these good girls get

with bad dudes and bad girls get with

good dudes and they turn like they

didn’t used to do that why are they

doing that the word is telling you

clearly what happens right here look at

verse 34 it says think carefully about

what is right when you’re dating

somebody you need to stop and think is

this what I’m supposed to be doing is

this what’s right does this like do I

line up right but what God is saying in

my life it says and then it just says

stop sinning just stop think carefully

about what is right and stop sinning why

because if you’re making decisions in a

sin state your flesh will always lie to

you your flesh will always take nah nah

bro that’s good for you bro

that is really a blessing look what God

made beautifully and wonderfully made in

His image all of his

all of it and we’re doing all of this

other stuff and gods saying you can’t

make a right decision right now because

your flesh is ruling stop sinning and

think about what is right I just

encourage many people in this room even

if isn’t this this whole dating thing

doesn’t apply with you stop sinning and

then pray about it stop sinning stop

keeping let that door closed repent turn

and then let God speak to you about it I

want to give you this this this thing

that touched me this week my wife thinks

that Chris Brown was supposed to take

Michael Jackson’s place as the greatest

Entertainer of all time and then he had

a fall and and it’s one of those funny

things that he had a moment in his life

we were watching a documentary this week

and um he basically talked about being

in a toxic dating relationship change he

said this out of his own mouth he said

it changed the course of my entire life

he said one night that was bad for me in

a dating relationship changed my career

change how people viewed me changed how

I view myself

he said I’m dealing with these monsters

on the inside one it’s not even his wife

and because he was careless with who he

got in relationship because God wasn’t

the middle because it wasn’t it changed

the course of his life my question is

who are you in relationship that’s

changing the course of your life and if

it’s not somebody who’s pushing you

towards purpose it’s time to get out of

that thing

look at this anchor scripture and I want

everybody to remember this this

Philippians chapter 2 and this blessed

me so much it says for God is working in

you giving you the desires and the power

to do what pleases him look how awesome

this is at Salvation God no matter how

messed up jacked up how many times

you’ve fallen he said at Salvation

inside of you you get the Holy Spirit

the Paraclete the one who has sitting

alongside of you to help and once you

get him

he is giving you the desire first and

then I love that God does not just give

us a desire and not give us power he

gives us the power to do what he calls

us to do he gives us the desire and the

power to do what what pleases him when

it comes to your dating relationships or

any relationship so I want you to know

when you invite God into this situation

he’ll give you the desire to do it right

and then he’ll fund it he’ll give you

the power to do it right and what is he

trying to do he’s giving you the desire

and the power to please him that’s how

good our God is

that’s how awesome that he is to all of

us verse 14 says do everything without

complaining and arguing so that no one

can criticize you look what you should

do in dating we live clean innocent

lives as children of God shining like

bright lights in a world full of crooked

and perverse people your dating

relationship should be able to shine and

I want to talk to some of my people who

are divorced and older and you got your

own stuff and you got your own house or

you may be widowed or your husband left

or if something happened and we get in

this space where we groan I’ve been

doing this my own way for a long time

and so now you start talking to somebody

and dating them and they have their own

house and they have their own house and

so y’all just spend the night at each

other’s house I don’t care how old are

you something will rise up you did not

become impenetrable because you were 55

and it goes against God’s Word because

you can’t shine that light would you

tell your son and your daughter to do

the same thing that be in that place and

put yourself in the way of temptation no

you want your relationship to be

something that shines

everybody say signs you want your

relationship to shine and that’s what

God wants for every person in this


cut some light why are you telling us

all of this why are you saying all these

things about dating and myth because if

you get the right perspective you’ll be

able to set proper boundaries and

boundaries are biblical the reason why

people get messed up in relationship is

they can

have proper boundaries I’m gonna end you

with this scripture right here proverbs

4:23 and I want you to understand that

boundaries are one of the things that

God uses to help us reach purpose guard

your heart above all do you see how

important it is to put up the fence get

the guard dogs out there get the Bob

wire fence and the gun around your heart

because if you don’t you will allow

wrong things to influence your heart and

if things influence your heart what does

it do

your it determines the course of your

life so let me help you if the will of

God is that you should just please him

what ends up happening is when we allow

people into our heart very easily we

begin to go against the will of God we

begin to go away from what God has said

for us and we have to be ones that say

no no I’m gonna set my eyes and my heart

on the things that please God I got

gates or you can’t get in this that easy

and when you recreationally date and you

do all this stuff

you set a permission for anybody to walk

in and walk out and then what you end up

doing is putting yourself in a position

to take your eyes off of pleasing God

and I’ve done it before but I put myself

in a position that I’ll do what he or

she wants me to do instead of please God

dating is so serious for all of you and

I begin to think God how can i really

help these people understand what

practical steps how how can we move past

what we’ve done in dating and just make

it so haphazardly I talked to him I talk

to them like God said I want you to

focus on guarding this if you would get

with me and I could get with you then

I’ll teach you and show you how to love

somebody else I mean there’s so much

that I have to say on this that I told

them in the first service that what

we’re gonna do is next week we’re going

to create a forum where I’m gonna do

something called relationshipgoals uncut

because there’s some stuff that I want

to say that I can’t say on camera

because there’s a real Avenue that we

need to talk let me just give you one of

those things see cuz some of y’all like

well okay Pastor Mike I know the miss I

see what’s happening but how do I pick

this person how do I see characteristics

that I’m supposed to find let me give

you one I’m excited about this so let’s

go to the first relationship in the

garden the first relationship was

between Adam and Eve okay now watch

before Eve ever came into the picture

Adam was found in the presence of God

God placed him in the presence this word

is a funny Hebrew word it means a lot of


it means spot it means the place where

there’s an open door it also means the

place where God is so let me help you

Eden is the spot for the moment where

the presence of God is an open door to

heaven that’s why Adam did not have to

worship to get in the presence of God he

was already in the presence of God he

didn’t have to praise and sing and all

that ups up we have to do that because

we were put out of the presence of God

now watch this the first man was found

he found him in the presence of God

practical don’t ever date a man who

hates the presence of God because if he

does not like the presence of God he

will not be able to get proper

instructions to be able to lead you and

what some of you interesting females do

is try to go to the club and find a man

outside of Eden outside of the presence

of God and then you marry him and then

you try to drag them into the presence

of God you go worship it’ll never happen

see I want to help you be able to live

knowing that God has a way that we’re

supposed to do this thing and he wants

us to do it his way I’m hoping that you

hear the heart of this the myths of

dating there’s so many of them out there

but the thing that you want to remember

is that God’s working in you to give you

the desire and the power to do in dating

what pleases

and if you just please your heart I’ve

messed up so many times in relationship

but my heart really was to please God

man I messed up get back to pleasing God

that’s what repenting is see I mess up

every sermon I play drums I mess up

every time I play drums but you would

never know it because my comeback time

is very quick you’ll never know and

that’s what God wants for all of our

relationship I messed up come back to

pleasing God I failed again

come back to pleasing God you know I’ve

just got to reset real quick I made a

wrong decision but I reset don’t fall

and stay there don’t have a bad moment

and just stay there

go and come right back because my heart

is too please