Going Beyond Ministries with Priscilla Shirer – Adequacy in Christ

Priscilla Shirer (born December 31, 1974) is an American author, motivational speaker, actress, and Christian evangelist. Her father is Dallas mega-church pastor Tony Evans and her brother is Christian entertainer Anthony Evans.
The daughter of Tony Evans, senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church in Dallas, Texas,[1] Priscilla grew up well acquainted with the Bible. As a freshman at the University of Houston, she interned with a Christian radio station. Soon listeners were calling the station, inviting Priscilla to speak at their Bible study groups and other events. Soon she was invited to lead a weekly Bible study at the Zig Ziglar Corporation and then to join its speaker team. Priscilla has worked as an independent contractor for CBS and hosted a local television show, but recently she has focused solely on Christian ministry opportunities. She calls Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of evangelist Rev. Billy Graham, her mentor in ministry.

Together the Shirers established Going Beyond Ministries, a speaking bureau featuring Priscilla. The parents of three young boys, the Shirers share ministry and family responsibilities. While Priscilla continues to minister full-time, Jerry manages his schedule and other business aspects of Going Beyond Ministries.

Priscilla speaks around the world at churches and other events, including the LifeWay Christian Resources-sponsored Going Beyond conference and Deeper Still: The Event, where she shares the stage with Beth Moore and Kay Arthur. She has also authored several books.

Shirer graduated from Duncanville High School and Dallas Theological Seminary, earning a master’s degree from the latter in Biblical Studies.

In 1993, Shirer was a freshman at the University of Houston. Shirer was married in 1999 to Jerry Shirer, former Hilton Hotels executive. The couple has three sons.

In 2013, Shirer was a speaker at the 2013 Women of Faith conference. In 2015, Shirer made her film debut in the Kendrick Brothers film War Room. In October 2016, Shirer was recognized as one of four prominent women of faith during the 10th anniversary of God’s Leading Ladies Life Enrichment Program at The Potter’s House.[1] Shirer also featured at the 47th GMA Dove Awards.

second Corinthians chapter 3 says not

that we are adequate in ourselves as to

consider anything is coming from

ourselves but our adequacy our

competence comes from God do you know

this is what made Paul boast he said I

boast in my weakness I mean he said

listen I get so excited when I know I’m

not enough I get so thrilled when I know

that I’m getting ready to have to do

something I do not have enough skill to

handle he said I love that because when

I present my weakness to God it becomes

the platform on which his strength can

stand up and demonstrate itself through

my life no this is what will draw people

to Jesus this will draw you see when

they know that you couldn’t have done it

when they know you didn’t have enough

money for that enough time for that

enough patience for that enough skill

for that when they know you’re not

connected enough for that it when they

realize that you’ve filled a hole that

honestly your own skill and talent could

never have filled on its own but they

watch God come through for you when they

see God’s power demonstrated in our

lives like that it draws people to see

who is this God that can give you that

kind of ability to operate with that

much confidence in that kind of a

scenario Jesus shows us that

supernaturally ability is what will draw

people to him but not only did Jesus

have supernatural ability because look

at verse 22 as he is teaching look at

the people’s response they were amazed

at his teaching for he was teaching them

as one having Authority and not as the

scribes Jesus not only had supernatural

ability yo he had supernatural Authority

you see the people that were gathered

there that day they had heard good

teaching before do you remember the

scribes the Pharisees the Sadducees

these were people that were astute in

religious law they knew they knew the

Torah backwards and forwards they knew

all 600 plus laws that were included in

what needed to be followed in order to

be a good Jewish subject they had been

skilled in this since they were little

boys and these people had taught the

people day in

day-out and so the folks that were

gathered there that day they had heard

good teaching before but then this

newcomer showed up and it says that when

he opened his mouth it wasn’t

necessarily that the teaching was

absolutely completely different it was

that the words that he spoke were

dripping with an authority that they had

never heard before an authority that

made the hair on the back of their neck

stand up on Authority it made their skin

prickle with chill bumps because they

heard teaching before but they had never

heard that anointing before come from

the teaching that was spilling out of

somebody’s mouth do you know what will

make you the kind of school teacher that

will draw all people to Jesus it’s not

because you’re a good teacher there’s a

good teacher down the hallway it’s

because when you interact with young

people the words that you say and the

little unspoken prayers that you pray

because you can’t pray out loud in the

school district whatever it is that you

do it is carrying the anointing of God

to pierce past the ears of the student

and into their heart

this would make this is what makes you

and I different from every other person

that is working on our jobs or shopping

in our supermarket or participating in

our activities or running the businesses

that we run is that we don’t just act as

business women we’re not just women in

ministry we don’t just teach the class

we don’t just as the lawyer try the case

we don’t just as a doctor soothe the

hurting body what we do is make sure

that we are carrying the anointing and

the favor and the presence of God with

us everywhere we go and in everything we
