The media is full of controversy over the actions of Planned Parenthood. Christians around the world are taking a stand on abortion – but we aren’t all taking the same stand, are we? What does scripture say about abortion, and how should we as believers, respond as the government makes decisions about its morality? In Part 2, Tracy Johnson will join us to share from the other side of abortion – someone who has made the decision to abort children in the past. Hear about the effects these decisions had on Tracy’s life, how God has redeemed those choices and how she is helping others who have also made the choice to abort a child.

well hello there and welcome my name is

Priscilla and I just want to invite you

to pull up a chair get relaxed and

comfortable grab a cup of your favorite

you know whatever you like to have latte

coffee and just kind of snuggle up with

us for a conversation now this is gonna

be an important one today you know we

try to bring you interviews with people

who have interesting stories to tell

things that will educate you inspire you

inform you I think this one will be very

challenging to you and informative as

well about a topic that really is at the

top of everybody’s minds is at the

forefront of our minds culturally and

for many of us personally as well in our

families certainly politically it is the

issue of abortion we’re gonna tackle it

from a different perspective though here

for part one of the program we’re gonna

be talking to a woman who really should

not be sitting on the couch with me

today in this interview because she was

a baby whose mother tried to abort her

but didn’t quite turn out the way mom

planned and so she’s here to talk with

us today you’re gonna want to stay tuned

because you’re not gonna want to miss


hey there welcome to the chat with

Priscilla I’m Priscilla and I’m so glad

that you’re here and that you’re joining

me this is part 2 okay of a conversation

we’ve already been having you have got

to see part 1 because we’ve been talking

with a young woman who has a very unique

story actually she survived an abortion

and so she’s told us all about her story

and how the Lord has woven a tapestry of

events that have just been nothing short

of miraculous we’re gonna talk more to

her but we’re also gonna talk to a woman

today who’s gonna just kind of invite us

into her experience which is the flip

side of the coin she is a woman who has

seen the grace and forgiveness and mercy

of God as she’s traveled to the

experience of having abortions and I’m

just going to talk to us a little bit of

what that is like for a woman like her

and and how there’s even redemption in

those stories we’re going to talk to her

about her life as well so I’m so glad

that you’re here would you please help

me to welcome Tracy Johnson to her show


hi Gracie come on in I’m so glad that

you’re here glad that you’re here have a

seat relax we are so glad that you’re

joining us and glad that you’re adding

to the story because melissa has already

been telling us from her vantage point

and now we’ve got you here to sort of

fill us in on your story and tell us the

events that took place and what brought

you here well I can go way back it’s

still way back we got time it started as

a 18 year old just out of high school

and met a guy fell in love that’s the

way it always starts I know I met a guy

unhealthy relationship yeah the

relationship became sexual from there

you know I did have a daughter I had a

daughter at 19 okay from there there

were multiple abortions it I’ve just

felt myself just just doing in a way

this I felt like I didn’t have meaning

guy I didn’t understand why I didn’t

understand just that you were between 19

and what age when you were having the

abortions and how many abortions did you


it was for four boy abortions and it was

and these are things that I I don’t even

I’m gonna be honest with you I haven’t

even thought about like trying to

calculate but I can say it hurts that

part hurts I can save from probably 20

to 22 mm-hmm so it was in a short period

it was a short period of time so it

almost sounds like because here’s my

question and these are kind of tough

questions I hope you don’t mind I’m kind

of nosy Tracey I’m so no that’s okay so

here’s the thing

I’m wondering why would your choice be

abortion which ISM is costly it is

costly not only financially but

emotionally it’s hard on your body why

that and of course it’s the loss of life

more than all but why would that be your

choice as opposed to if you’re going to

you being a sexual relationship just

choosing birth control mm-hmm so so why

not decide okay I’m just gonna try to

keep this from ever happening so that I

don’t have to walk down this road was it

thinking about that and just nothing

logical about yeah and to sum it up

selfish I didn’t think of what I was

doing you know you hear people telling

you it’s a blob of tissue I want it to

believe that but there was something

inside of me saying no was there any

family around you that knew any of this

was happening during this season in her

life no no family actually knew about it

I suspect it my mom after maybe the

third she saw some pills cos after

you’ve had a little portion they give

you a certain pill to take and it’s by

antibiotic and she saw that she saw the

pill case and she’s a nurse so I think

she figured it out and she said to me

you know you need to rest

but we never talked about it so you

think she has to that she had an inkling

back then yes did you ever talk about it

with your mom later later what maybe

about I am 47 years old and maybe about

four years ago I actually told her that

I did have multiple abortions and and we

just sat and we cried you know I’m

interested to know when you hear

Melissa’s story you hear about this life

that was saved back then you say that

deep down you knew that it was life and

yet for some reason you still made that

decision why do you think that young

women women in general in our day and

age are making that or feeling like it’s

their choice even though deep down I

believe a lot of people know this life

they know it and still they’re making

that choice what’s the dichotomy there

what why do you think that is is

just a hardness of heart you think it’s

selfishness is that the end result why

do you think for me personally I can

just just say that I know it was

selfishness I only thought of myself I I

didn’t even think about okay the the

part about okay this is my baby I’m its

mother that never even came and into my

mind you just wanted to be free to live

your life right I had I had a daughter I

already had a daughter and it was you

know what just thinking it was I didn’t

want people to see me as that person

that stereotype of having so many babies

and I had the pressure of that and the

pressure of you know what people might

think of me and that led me to just feel

as okay this is the best thing for me

but not thinking the best thing for my

baby was there ever one of those four

times you know I kinda wanna ask you

this because this is it’s taking you far

far back in your memory but a lot of

women they have no frame of reference of

what the procedure would be like what

does it feel like to sit there waiting

for your turn to go back and then just

what that scenario feels like to you in

your heart and physically as well but

what is that whole experience do to you

as a woman I can remember my last

abortion I remember I drove by myself

the my other abortions I actually had

local anesthesia where I went to sleep

and so when I woke up I didn’t remember

anything this particular time since I

went by myself

they had to do I could not be put to

sleep when I got to the clinic I

remember this lady did you realize that

before you went by yourself that yes

it’s going to be different this time I I

realized it but I said

maybe that 1% chance that they’ll let me

do it go under local anesthesia okay I

went there was a lady who met me at the

car they were picketers out and she

jumped in a car and I’m thinking oh this

is a nice lady you know and she started

screaming at the picketers she said

who’s gonna help her witness baby are

you gonna raise it really yes and I can

remember feeling okay all right I can

just calm down now so it’s a random okay

this is a stranger a woman jumps in your

car that’s basically angry that the

picketers are there and she’s saying

this is her choice yes y’all leave her

alone and let her go inside and do and

you felt what by this by the stranger in

your car

somebody’s on myself somebody’s on your

side do you think that if it had been

the opposite someone else on the other

side of the issue hopping in and looking

at you and your face and saying you

don’t have to do this

there is another alternative let’s go

talk about those would you have been as

receptive to that I’ve had it where I

went to counseling before and they said

set me in front of a television to look

at videos mm-hmm not talking to a person

so I didn’t take it seriously so the

video of the abortion I know what you’re

talking about where they they have to

show you what’s gonna happen to you

before that video was not as effective

no as a human being looking you in the

eyes and saying I needed somebody to

talk to me I need to I needed someone to

explain to me what I was doing to get

into my whatever it is you know I was

thinking at the time I get it connected

to you so you think if he would have had

somebody in your life that would have

done that a college counselor a friend a

mom and aunt a cousin somebody to say

you don’t have to do this there are

other alternatives yes I will help point

the way do you think he would have been

receptive to that I would have been

receptive to it

because I was at that time I was young I

was like I keep saying you know just

just selfish in my behavior I needed

someone to stick it to me good what it

is that I was doing and that would would

have been the only way yeah the only way

I have a friend who in college she had a

similar experience and she describes it

as very much like you’re saying where

you’re just sort of selfish you know how

all of us probably were at some season

or another in your life where you’re

really just thinking about yourself and

you want to do whatever you can to just

clear the path for yourself and she’s

describing very much like what what you

said where she just was doing it because

it just kept her from being you know

invaded with this interruption of a baby

but she said she ran across a nurse

actually was a school nurse she went

into and I think she was taking a

pregnancy test and I think her attitude

I guess was so nonchalant about the fact

that she was just going to go have an

abortion that the nurse lit into her and

the nurse just went off on her basically

like you said you needed somebody to

stick it to you

she said this nurse was she didn’t even

know stuck it to her and said do you

realize what you’re doing do you realize

that that not only is this you’re

tampering with the life of a baby but

you’re tampering with your own life it’s

your own future at stake it’s your own

existence your own health not only

physically but emotionally and otherwise

and she said it was like a wake-up call

just having someone yes

wave a flag in front of her face not sit

her down in front of a video mm-hmm yeah

that’s what that’s the wake-up call I

needed that’s you know I look at I

actually talk with a lot of young girls

about abortion and and you know their

choices because life is about choices it

is I made a choice I made a choice that

was the wrong or wrong decision you know

but I talked to them about choices and

to the choice that you know about

choosing life well I’m gonna talk about

with you when we come back from this

break just the effects that that had on

you going forward

why it stopped – I want to know why the

fourth one was the last one what

happened to kind of change that course

and that pattern in your life and then

how you found grace and mercy through

that how you’ve been able to pass it on

we’re going to talk about that when we

come back

hi I’m Priscilla and I wanted to take an

opportunity to invite you personally to

join me for a seventh session Bible

study on the armor of God will dive

deeply into what it means to be equipped

to stand firm against the schemes of the

enemy he is very real and he has been so

strategic and targeted his attacks

against us why shouldn’t we be equally

strategic and targeted in standing firm

against him and you and I have an

opportunity to suit up to put on some

armor that works and to go to battle and

to see victory declared in our lives and

the lives of those people that we this

Bible study will be one that would

change our lives forever and will help

us to walk in victory so plan to join me

won’t you the armor of God

welcome back glad you’re still joining

us we’ve been having an interesting

conversation with miss Tracy who’s been

helping us to understand the reasons why

you had an abortion we heard from

Melissa about what it’s like to be a

survivor of abortion and now from your

vantage point the reasons why a woman

would do it but also what it’s like to

have an abortion so we we kind of met

you right at the entrance someone jumped

in your car made you feel powerful and

strong about the choice that you were

making going forward and had that been a

person from another angle with a

different viewpoint credible to listen

to them – so here you go you drive a

shaken use and wake up girl you walk

into the abortion clinic to walk us

through what what it’s like to have an

abortion you just like you’re in the

doctor’s office you sign in you know you

wait your turn you might have women that

are there that have on wigs that are in

disguise or you know just didn’t you

know want to be recognized when it was

my turn you do go into counseling the

counseling is do you want to have an

abortion are you sure and that was I’m

gonna be honest that’s pretty much the

extent of what I received during that

time when I went in this was the fourth

this was the last and final abortion

that I can remember when I was put on

the table I can remember the ultrasound

machine and I didn’t recognize until

later that they were looking at my baby

and then there was the sounds there was

the sounds of like a lawn mower that

that they turned on like a generator

almost like it turned on and that’s when

the procedure started you know they did

have something to call me but nothing

could have calm was it painful

you feel your baby being ripped out of

me that’s what I felt

a piece of me

what’s being taken up

of my bucketing and something and I

chose to do do you think if you had been

asleep during that one like you were for

the other three that you would feel this

sense of sadness and loss or do you

think that it was because you were awake

that you got the fullness of what this

was what was really happening here I

think that was my turning point that was

my turning point to to know that Tracy

look what you’re doing you know they’re

looking at your baby and there’s someone

looking at it being ripped out of you

kind of sucked out yes

there’s someone counting the parts to

make sure that each piece is being taken

out I had to digest all of that before I

couldn’t see that I couldn’t feel that

right I didn’t know that you know it’s

it’s funny even say I to even hear

myself say I didn’t know that but in

reality I didn’t wake up until they made

me stay awake yeah and sometimes you

just need somebody to wake you up so

that you get the fullness of what what

is really happening and it what it means

to you and what did the next years and

months and years look like in your life

emotionally and otherwise how are you

able to sort of move forward and keep it

together and receive God’s grace and

forgiveness about all this well it was a

it was a hard road I didn’t understand

why I felt the way I did there was a

feeling of missing I missed something I

and I didn’t understand what that

something was but it was my motherly

instinct kicking in or what

what I was missing I didn’t there was a

time when all I wanted to do was other

things I wanted to just stay busy I just

need it to stay busy cuz you’re 20 to 23

now yes yes yes and the relationship in

the relationship I that I was in we had

we had broken up and I can remember

praying to God you know lord please

please just help me please just help me

and I didn’t believe that I was worthy

in any sense of his help at all of the

help of the Lord

mm-hmm and you’re like I didn’t think I

didn’t I didn’t feel it and so what did

it look like for you to get back to a

place of healthy relationship between

you got so you’re saying you felt guilt

about what you had done

yes so there was distance in your I

think that’s that that’s true for so

many women right for any number of

different things you know women and men

where we where we choose sin or

rebellion or something that we know is

not right we choose it and then it

creates this distance between us and God

how do you get over that hump mm-hmm it

was only through the grace of God that

that got me through because it was just

too much but did you have an older woman

maybe that came into your life that you

were able to or friend that you were

able to tell this to to help you to sort

of get out of the rut one of the things

that happened to me when I just felt

this longing to to help I felt this

longing to go into a ministry that

wanted to help posterboard of women or

and women who are thinking of a

contemplating abortion so I went to to

my pastor and I asked him I said do you

know any places that I can go or just a

counsel and he said yeah he said that

Layton is a as a member of our church

and I was like oh I just wanted to kick

him you know like oh you have an answer

for me yeah so I went there

and they said to me one of the questions

that was on the application is the

volunteer application is have you had an

abortion they looked at it I was like

okay they don’t want me to volunteer

I checked the yes button and they told

me that I had to go through counseling

in order to volunteer I contemplated not

volunteering but I did it I went through

counseling and there’s there’s actually

a class called surrendering a secret

yeah that is that takes you through the

grief you know post abortive women don’t

get an opportunity to grieve this is a

conversation that you just can’t walk up

to your two one a person that you don’t

know even a friend even a family member

and say you know what I’ve had an

abortion or it’s not an easy topic right

that’s the name surrendering the

different because it is a choice to have

to surrender that part of your life open

it up but healing starts there don’t you

think yes yeah so this class

surrendering the Sikh secret it’s

something that we need to put a link to

so that you can have access to that

because it is something that brought

healing to you yes and that I think has

brought healing to thousands and

thousands of women yes who are in this

position right now and just need to walk

through that so now you’re married yes

how long have been married we’ve been

married for about 23 years 23 years and

your children we have three children you

know we have a daughter

yes and then we have two boys mm-hmm and

what do you tell your daughter you know

what I did was how old now she is 27

okay she’s 27 years old kay and I’ve

actually all my kids I told them I told

them about the abortion the abortions

and they still love me yeah when it was

hard telling them it was hard especially

for my daughter

because she’s always she said to me I’ve

always wanted to have a sister and to

look back

that’s that was something that I took

away from her what about your husband

did you tell him about that early on or

is that something he didn’t know until

later he didn’t know that until later I

actually told him one night while we

were in the bed I put the pillow over my

over my head and he listened to the

muffled sounds of me telling him about

my abortion but he under abortion what

he understood and his reaction his

reaction was I love you don’t ever think

that my love goes away yeah I think

there is if there’s one main message to

come out of this conversation I really

think that it is there is more Grace and

love and forgiveness yes then I think

any of us think there is when we have

walked any path that is wrong in this

case abortion I think that when we open

ourselves up there’s love there waiting

to be given to us waiting to be given to

us and so if there is a woman I want to

hear from both of you if there is a

woman that’s I mean she’s on the cusp

right now of making this choice and

honestly she is leaning toward abortion

because it’s to her seems easier simpler

cleaner get out of it you know quickly

but you said that if someone had just

said to you what you needed to hear in

that moment to help you to not make that

choice it could have really made a

difference and I just wonder if both of

you would speak to just speak to that

woman what would you say to her I would

say to her that God loves you

you know one of the things that I had a

problem with was my identity my

self-identity is knowing who I was in

Christ Who I am in Christ I found that

one of the hardest things about abortion

is forgiving yourself you know we know

deep down that God he forgives us

forgiving ourselves is one of the

hardest things and for you you know go

to a class go to so you know just like


Priscilla said go to the link you know

go to I’m surrendering the secret and

you know fine healing it’s a healing

journey you know go back you’re gonna

have to go back in order to be healed in

order to just learn how to just just

love again in order and in order to just

look at life differently you just choose

life for yourself also

Emel so what would you say to someone

who’s considering that option for

somebody who’s considering abortion

right now I would say no matter what

you’re going through abortion is not the

solution to what you’re facing you know

an abortion is going to end a life and

it’s going to change your life forever

if you feel alone if you feel

unsupported if you feel like you don’t

have the resources to support yourself

and a child there are so many pregnancy

centers waiting to assist you there are

churches so many different ministries

that exists to support someone so I just

want people to know that it is not the

solution and there is always support

waiting for them mmm thank you both so

much there is a picture of life of grace

of forgiveness of God’s miracles poured

out over us in both scenarios and you’ve

both given us insight and face and voice

to that and we’re very very grateful

will you guys please help me to thank

Jim for being our program