Christine and her husband Nick are the founders of The A21 Campaign, an anti-human trafficking organization with the ambition of abolishing slavery in the 21st century. She is the author of “UNDAUNTED,” “A Life Unleashed,” “The Core Issue,” “Run To Win,” and “Can I Have (and do) It All, Please?” but her proudest accomplishment is being Nick’s wife and Catherine and Sophia’s mum.


hey there I am so glad you’re back

welcome to the chat with Priscilla it’s

a great day for us to talk about things

that matter to you or maybe thinks it

should matter to you that happened

before that’s the whole point of us

getting together like this is to just

talk about interesting things with very

very interesting people and this is part

2 of a conversation we’ve already been

having so if you missed part one you

gonna need to go back and see part one

you are not going to want to miss

everything that we already talked about

but we’re gonna take it a step further

in this conversation and here to have

this conversation with me again is

Christine Cain will you please welcome

her you know what I should just say

today’s her birthday today

birthday 47 years young yeah 47 can you

even believe it and she is a woman that

would rather on her birthday rather than

shopping or just going to Starbucks with

friends or going to movie she loves all

those things too but what she would

rather be doing is talking about this

cause that has been him on her heart

that the Lord has kind of placed on her

mind in her heart for a long time so

just recap again for us what it is that

you do and why it’s so important for us

about it

you never said oh we talked in the hope

everyone goes back and watches it

because it’s and you get to see my cute

husband as well but in a way I’m you

know Nick and I and our organization the

air21 campaign are involved in helping

to rescue the victims of human


we’re in ten countries around the world

right now because this is an issue that

is happening everywhere right here in

America and all over the world and young

women children men are taken against

their will and they’re sold for either

sex services or for forced labor

trafficking and you know it we’ve just

got to stop this and so basically we’re

involved in helping to stop it and I

thought we needed to have a conversation

that takes it another step for

individuals this whole issue of slavery

and what you know there are spiritual

implications because all of us are

enslaved to something to us toward that

end well I mean spiritually all of us

you know are born into sin which is

slavery and you know and thank God for

Jesus because he sets us free from that

so that we can live free and I mean the

essence of the gospel is all about

freedom I think you know you mentioned

today is my birthday and I’m I love

birthday present so if anyone’s watching

this I’ll take them

post-date as well yeah I’ve got a free

plug love shoes anyway so with all of

that you know it’s a very significant

day for me today because you know

Priscilla well really 13 years ago just

a couple of weeks before today my

birthday I got a phone call from my

brother who’s two years older than me to

tell me he just randomly goes Christine

he was crying he said I’ve got a letter

from the government and it says I’ve

been adopted and I initially laughed

Priscilla because you know when your

siblings when you’re young you always

tell your siblings you’re not really my

you’re your mother’s from Mars you’re

adopted and then but when it actually

tell you you go no you’re not yeah I’m

like letting you not tell them they just

made a mistake anyway he calls me back

ten minutes later

sobbing he said Christine it’s true they

tell me the name of my biological mother

where I was born when I was immunized he

goes I’m going to confront mum and John

he jumps in the car goes to my mother’s

house I get into my car thinking this is

all a joke there’s no way that he was

that I walked into the lounge room the

minute my mum was giving my brother was

giving my mum this piece of paper from

the government my mother took it

I saw her look at it and just start

crying I thought you gotta be kidding

and my mum was bawling and she said

George all of the adoptions in Australia

35 years ago they were closed adoptions

and we never thought you would find out

that you’re adopted your father died my

father had died 20 years before I had

promised him I wouldn’t ever tell you

and when before your father died I

ripped up all of the paperwork we never

thought you would find out so we’re

having this moment my brother’s crying

my mum’s crying oh yeah the dogs crying

I mean it’s a moment and then my mother

I went into the kitchen my mother

followed me in and then she said to me

Christina since we’re telling the truth

do you want to know the whole truth and

I turned around I saw I was two weeks

out from this day myself my 33rd

birthday and I don’t even know why I

said it initially when I’ve been adopted

– and then just with tears streaming

down her face she said yes so right

there two weeks before my 33rd birthday

I found out having no idea that I was

adopted and you know Here I am now on my

47th birthday we’re taping this show and

it was like a shocking thing to me

because I got all of my dog as it would

be when you think you are someone for 33

years and

find out your parents aren’t your

parents where you’re born isn’t where

you’re born what your name is wasn’t

your name I mean it is a whirlwind

shocking everything the foundation of

who you are now the difference between

me as a Christ follower and my brother

in that news was shocking so I have

another younger brother than three of us

found out we were from three different

sets of parents the only biological

child was my younger brother which is a

great testimony to my parents anyway but

none of us knew that’s how they loved us

all equally

but in all of that my brother was just

so rocked but very as you would be when

the core of your identity is shaken he

was so rocked but when your identity is

found in Christ there is a different

response there is it and so I remember

saying to my mom you know well before I

was formed in my mother’s womb who’s

ever one that was you knew he knew me he

and he knitted together my innermost

parts now why did I respond like that my

brother did well you know because when I

was 22 I surrendered my life to Christ

so I found my identity in him and I

found forgiveness my past I had a brand

new start and I hope for the future now

that was tested in that moment so if you

go that right at that time here I was

this kid that got all of my


I found out then that not only was I

adopted but I was left in a hospital in

Australia I was left unnamed I was left

unwanted my birth certificate has no

name on it it says child’s name unnamed

number two 508 of 1966 so all of a

sudden all of those documents that I

look at of those traffic victims that

are just numbers they are numbers in a

computer this is the next case on the

list they’re never a number to me

because if I look at my birth

certificate it’s got a number on it it’s

number two 508 so no one is ever a

number and then when you add that to the

fact that I’m I was adopted into a great

family but by people in an extended

world of of adults that should have

being good stewards over my life should

have been looking after me should have

been loving me not my immediate family

but but extended people you know pretty

much from the time Priscilla I was about

three years old through to my mid-teens

I was sexually abused by several men

several times a week like not just once

a week and so I never knew nothing but

guilt shame condemnation

a lot of bitterness a lot of anger a lot

of unforgiveness I was never in slavery

like these skills I was never taken and

forced against my will in that way and

sold for sex but there were definitely

many things done to me that were against

my will in the safety of the four walls

of my own how many women have how one

story so it’s like so there is that form

of slavery so yes I was abused in that

way but also even when that stopped and

so I was no longer being abused I was

still a slave in my own heart to the

unforgiveness to the bitterness to the

shame to the guilt and you know

Priscilla what I discovered because

really I became a Christ follower in my

early 20s but for all of those years

even from when the physical abuse

stopped and the sexual abuse stopped I

was still in prison

to all of those things and so I was

still a slave and that’s what sin does

it keeps you a slave and so I am worse

than me being abused was me carrying

those abusers into my future every day

through bitterness and unforgiveness I

was still bound to them so then when I

surrender my life to Christ and

discovered you know the the freedom that

comes in Jesus forgiving me well that

was one part I was able to receive that

but the kick became when then I would

read the scripture and it said that in

the same way that Christ has forgiven me

so also must I Colossians said not not

maybe but last I’ve forgive those and so

to go through the journey of forgiving

the perpetrators and I’m sure people

watching this so many would be

resonating in some way shape or form

verbally emotionally sexually physically

all of us that are bound in sin and

sometimes we don’t realize that we think

I don’t want to surrender my life to

Jesus because you know I’m having too

much fun not realizing that we’re

trapped in a cycle that isn’t taking us

and down and that Jesus sets us free and

once I receive that forgiveness then I

had the power to forgive but I still had

a process to get through that and I

think a lot of us think and this is what

was really hard for me Priscilla for

years for years literally I would go to

Bible study but I would think deep in my

heart if I forgave those abusers I’m

saying what they did to me was okay

I couldn’t reconcile the fact that I’m

what they did wasn’t okay and what I

didn’t actually connect the dots for a


time was that I needed to forgive for me

because I was bound and it was like you

know by Miriam nice Oh forgiveness

that’s you’ve 6 meter and it sounds you

know because I’ve been on the receiving

end and because I’ve had to do it

sometimes you know both of us teach it’s

easy to come out of our mouth it is not

easy to do I mean I remember it was

years which even from the point where I

decided I was going to to actually I

remember the night I was in a small

group in a small Bible study group and I

was with my leaders and we actually got

on our knees and for me to even

articulate the words that I’m going to

forgive the perpetrators of the abuse

even that took several hours in that

thing went to say yeah come out of my

mouth to where I really meant to you

know there’s one way to say it in one

thing and but the weight that lifted

from me and I think many of us that’s

what we don’t understand about the

issues of our heart that a toxic that

bind us in the same it’s not the

physical slavery but see a lot of those

schools after they come to us and

they’ve been set free oh we’ve got a

whole other freedom process to unravel

in the schools that are important in

their mind the trauma the the heart that

unforgiveness the bitterness the anger

the shame the guilt I mean that often is

even I know it sounds hard I mean you

want to get people rescued because I

mean the beatings and I mean you and

anyone listening to this abuse is never

okay you’ve got to get people out of

that physical bondage immediately I mean

even the Lord said the children of

Israel free from Egypt because they were

being beaten and yes Oh God then he took

them through the wilderness if he could

get Egypt out of them that’s what’s got

to happen because you bring that out

with you yeah and that doesn’t mean I

think we have to be so careful sometimes

those of us that are believers you know

we sort of want people to get it all

cleaned up before they come out and you

go hang on a minute we gotta get them

out we’ve got a rescue I have been

rescued and so now I have a

responsibility to turn around and rescue

others and I think when I look at I

always look at my life and it would be

just such a trophy of the grace of God

not easy not none of it is easy but all

those things of my past the abuse the

adoption the pain the hurt you know

Romans 8:28 says that God will work

together all things for our good now

doesn’t mean all things that happened to

us are good at all none of that was good

and I know but

by surrendering by going through a

process and I think a lot of us don’t

want to go through the process you know

when I snapped my a CL it happened in an

instant on the ski field so the injury

happened in a second but the

rehabilitation unless that therapy you

know we don’t want to go through the

pain of restoration because it is very

painful and so we want to avoid that and

we think if God doesn’t do a quick fix

then God doesn’t work and I’m like no no

no no he does but there is always a

wilderness there is always a process

he’s with you in the wilderness you

through the process but you have to be

willing but it’s your choice whether you

make it eleven days or forty years

yeah so people look to me and you know

junior army says it was an eleven-day

journey and it’s now it came to pass in

the fortieth year so people look at me

and think well Chris how did you get

through well it’s like I went through

the 11 days it was painful but it only

needs to take eleven days if you

appropriate the scripture and do what

happens but I think a lot of us we

prefer to do laps around Mount Sinai for

40 years the same unforgiveness the same

bitterness the same hurt the same

rejection and you know there are some

mountains and I truly believe that we

won’t get over there are things happen

to me I want it’s not necessarily that

I’ll get over them but I can get it can

move beyond them and I can get through

them and yeah Jesus moves mountains so

there are some things I couldn’t get

over and I didn’t pray and you know when

you pray to God and when God’s moved God

moves mountains and I’m like he’s moved

a lot of mountains that I could never

get over and he’s made a way through for

me so you can get past what you can’t

get over and I think a lot of us we

think we are you know we say just get

over just get over you pass well a lot

of us can’t get over stuff but we can’t

get past it so you can’t get past your

past by really appropriating the

scripture and I think that’s where

freedom truly comes and a lot of us we

switch off will watch a program like

this and go well I’m not in slavery I

need to protect my kids from slavery but

we are slaves to so much yeah you know

and we need to anything that controls

you anything that keeps you from being

able to say no you can’t say no to that

thing whether I mean this is kind of

these are trite examples but if you

cannot not drive-through Starbucks yeah

I mean you just can’t not do it you have

there’s one there’s a Starbucks you have

to drive through Starbucks or you can’t


by that thing but you know your credit

card can’t take one more thing on it but

you just have to buy it anyway because

that’s such a great pair of shoes

totally you know it’s like there’s so

many things that we are enslaved to we

don’t even recognize it as such we just

see it as oh I just love buying this

thing or I just love participating in

this activity but if you can’t say no

that means you’re enslaved and only the

freedom that Christ gives can really

give you the freedom that you were and

then I will create it look that you’re

exactly right and it all stems from the

heart you know the Bible says guard your

heart with all diligence for out of it

flow all of the issues of life yeah and

I think we don’t tend to our hearts

enough and so either even when there’s

schism with one another there’s anger

there’s offenses there’s bitterness

there’s there’s a reason why we are to

confess our sins for daily and to bring

things to the foot of the cross every

day to allow the word to read us because

what it does is it stops our hearts from

getting toxic and then it stops us from

being bound and a lot of times we do not

even realize how much sin and iniquity

we allow to just faster faster because

we think it’s not the big one yep I’m

not sleeping with someone I’m not

committing adultery I’m not stealing I’m

not a well not really even if it’s

someone else’s reputation I’m not lying

but it’s amazing that we nursed I know

yet totally and it keeps us bound

because it stops our effectiveness and

our fruitfulness and don’t you think the

enemy knows that the enemy knows you

know I might not be able to get her

wrapped up in drug addiction or alcohol

addiction or the the big the big ones

quote unquote so the enemy says you know

what though if I can just keep her

nursing this little habit or this little

lifestyle choice or this little

enjoyment that is not even a bad thing

it’s not that it’s a bad thing it’s just

that this good thing now is in control

of her if I can keep her there then I

still have accomplished my goal she’s

not living abundant and she’s not living

free and you’re such a good example of

this free people free people hello you

can’t be bound and free other folks no

way so you had to deal with the stuff

that was binding you yeah and then on

the heels of that look what the Lord has

done with your life he has now sent you

to go free other people physically

spiritually emotionally mentally to free

them and now other people hundreds and

hundreds and thousands of people are

going to be able to live abundantly

because one woman chose to break free

from what was binding her and to live

free that’s right and one woman that

fits every government funding category

in my nation and is

I’m all of them you know and I think

most people like me remain a victim and

sometimes you wear that cloak of

victimhood and you comfortable in it and

your friends accommodate it and even

like you know your sisters are like

don’t press that button don’t it well

you know she was abused so she can’t

really submit to Authority or she can’t

really be that that kind of wife you

know or yeah or no wonder she’s that

kind of mother and she reacts that we

give you an out of the gate and it’s not

the scripture doesn’t not out of

meanness but because God says no no

there’s a highway there’s an abundant

way and the enemy always wants to attack

our fruitfulness because if he can stop

max because it’s to her father’s glory

that we bear much fruit so if he can

stop that then he’s won so with most of

us that that live you know that a Christ

followers or live even those engaged in

Bible study those of us that are in

church we have these untended two areas

in our life and or what we don’t realize

it’s not God saying I just need you to

be better I’m just trying to put a guilt

trip on you to make you behave more he’s

saying I want to maximize your

fruitfulness there’s something you don’t

eat and if you don’t deal with this then

you’re not going to be fruitful and in

the same way as free people free people

hurt people hurt people yeah and so

wherever I had hurting areas in my life

I would have brought all that into my

marriage I would have brought all that

into my parenting and you reproduce

yourself not what you say you reproduce

who you are not what you say so my

daughters could you imagine what

bondages I could have put and chains I

would have put around my girls if I was

still living in insecurity in fear in

shame in guilt now maybe they would

never by God’s grace have experienced

sexual abuse or that kind of thing but

how do I not dealt with those other

bondages in my life yeah easily my girls

would have had all of that all over them

three people three people there you can

hurt people hurt people

those are tweetable phrases right there

they really are it’s true they’re not

just little comments it’s it’s it’s as

simple as all of that and I think you

know freely you’ve received Christine

freely give and whatever you’ve received

you to give you give so if you receive

and take on the offense

you’ll give offense you give bitterness

you give shame you’ll give Deal or

you’ll give love joy peace kindness you

have to choose make a choice choose you

this day that’s life or death and go

this way it’s like

you go this way it’s death and the enemy

is after our fruitfulness I love that so

much he knows even if you and I aren’t

clear on the fact that God has called us

to do something he knows that God has

got a destiny for you that he’s got

abundant life waiting for you and that

there’s fruit that God wants you to

reproduce for his glory and so he’s

gonna try to keep you from that do you

think that one of the reasons why people

tend to be a little distance from this

issue of human slavery do you think it

is because we are not free in areas that

because of the the areas of bondage in

our life that we have not dealt with

that that keeps us detached from this

issue either where there’s no issue

because number one if you’re limping and

hurting you can’t extend a hand to live

someone else up so number one keep

yourself up all right and your pain

screams loudest this is the greatest


I’ll tell Priscilla the the greatest

freedom for me dealing with my stuff as

painful as it was to deal with it is

finally I got me off my mind because the

thing is I was so self-absorbed with my

my abuse my pain my injustice I had me

on my mind all day and my victimhood and

then all of a sudden that’s the biggest

thing as you go I haven’t thought about

me all day yeah I’ve actually thought

about it yeah honestly it’s like and the

enemy loves that because you are just so

self-absorbed with how I was wronged and

what you owe me now if we truly believe

that in the redemptive work of Jesus

Christ on the cross if we true I see I

this is why I still shout and scream

that the most potent force on the planet

it’s not a Christmas song or a nuclear

bomb or sending someone to the moon the

most potent force on the planet always

was and always will be the blood of

Jesus because it sets us free it can do

what no snow therapist can do what no

you know what no nothing can do I don’t

want to drunk and do what no

relationship can do the blood of Jesus I

am that’s why I want to tell the whole

world and I mean you’ve just got a

little passion you are much more

effective yeah but you know if you’ve

lived where I’ve lived and then you come

out of that that’s the whole deal is you

come out and I think of the lepers that

jesus healed yeah and ten and only one

came back to say I feel like that one

all the time I mean I could cry because

um it’s been 25 years it’s my birthday

today but I I live 22 years bound I I

remember what I want to take my own life

I remember when I couldn’t think to

straight thoughts I remember and I

wasn’t being abused anymore but I was

tormented in my mind yeah still gifted

and talented the things everyone sees

today but if they only knew what was and

I have not forgotten that and I feel

like when jesus healed them all and only

one came back and he said I’ve got the

other night I think there are so many of

us alike that but you know this is the

power of that text I think a Priscilla

he said your faith has made you whole

many Christians live healed but not

whole because they’ve lost their

gratitude and don’t understand the power

of when Jesus sets you free and when

your whole whole people can set other

people free yeah heal people you know

what you’re still consumed with yourself

you might not have a crutch anymore but

you’re still sort of limping and I think

many of us are limping through our

Christian lives and we’re limping our

way to glory and we list that

fruitfulness and we miss that

effectiveness and we miss the abundant

life because the abundant life for me it

isn’t how much of what I can acquire

that’s not abundant life it’s not

accumulating or amassing or acquiring

more stuff it’s the fact that I can help

set other people free who would have

thought the girl that couldn’t get me

off my mind the girl that couldn’t think

too straight thoughts the girl that was

living it had so many patterns of

destructive behavior I would call you’re

already cooler here if I told you some

of the forget what was done to me I made

enough of my own bad choices to add to

that yeah hello we are oh my gosh oh my

gosh yeah and so I think Jesus set me

free that’s why I feel like yelling that

to a generation and you know I get the

opportunity to talk to governments and

universities and school and not just

people in the church and I find the

issues are the same everywhere

yeah hurting people hurt people free

people free people and most people have

lost hope and they’re not physical

slaves you know there’s 27 million

people in slavery 7 billion people on

the earth but the other six billion nine

hundred million and whatever do the math

can I never was good at math I’ve got an

English degree and so in all of that

most of those people have no hope you

have very little purpose look at the the

state of our world economically

politically morally socially

environmentally and they have lost all

hope and I find why most people drink

themselves into oblivion take substances

go from relationship to relationship

it’s because they’re bad people they

look and

something we’re bound and they’re

looking for freedom and they think

either this relationship will do it this

feeling will do it this stimulant will

do it this career will do it this money

will do it they get to it all and it’s

still empty and that’s why I think we

that’s why Jesus says no no stop blaming

the government stop blaming the

Education Department stop blaming the

media the Spirit of the Lord God is upon

you because I’ve anointed you to set

people free yes so that’s why I think I

get passionate about this mess well you

do get past and you know what you we

we’re glad that you do because we get an

opportunity than to participate with you

in the fruitfulness that God has kind of

loosed you and your husband to

participate in and it also is such a

great testimony to us because it means

it’s such a great she’s not an exception

to the rule she’s an illustration right

as to what happens when a regular person

says okay Lord I’m gonna let you help me

get me off of my own mind hello I can

have the energy the reserves that are

necessary necessary to be fruitful and

do what you called me to do so

the bottom line of this all is Galatians

5:1 it is for freedom because you have

been set free therefore stand firm and

don’t be ever subject again to a yoke of

slavery you ain’t got time for that

right we have things that we need to do

and we want to invite you to do them and

of course one of the ways that you can

get involved and begin to be fruitful is

by partnering with this incredible

organization I want you to know that

that Jerry and I my husband and I we

personally have done that and even

through our events we had a group of

women a year and a half ago or so raise

some funds to help to build a house in

Bulgaria so I’m trying to tell you that

even if you’ve got ten dollars to center

you’ve got twenty five dollars and that

is not like too small to send your five

dollars they can use everything to help

to get a woman not just healing but

wholeness in her life bring her out and

then take her into a relationship with

Jesus Christ you can be a part of that

more than anything though I want you on

your knees would you help me to pray for

Christine Caine to pray for Nick Caine

and to pray for the safety of their

family and their girls as they are

traveling all literally y’all this this

wild woman is in about three or four

five countries like in a month I’ll call

her and she’ll be like yeah well I’m

just in India for a minute I’m sorry


just in India and her girls and Nick

they all travel together as a family

most of the time we need to pray for

their safety that God’s hand would

protect them and we want to invite you

to experience the freedom that Jesus

Christ gives you have an opportunity to

be unbound from whatever thing it is

that is keeping you from being fruitful

Jesus Christ can offer you that that

salvation that that opportunity there is

a link for a21 it is right there on your

screen you can just click that and be

taken right to their site so that you

can learn more about Nick and Chris and

all that their family’s doing through

the a21 campaign and then I want to

invite you of course this is a part two

of a part one so you need to see part

two and part one all month long that’s

going to be airing right here on the

chat with Priscilla but next month we’re

gonna have a great conversation it’s

kind of fitting it’s about adoption and

the adoption process and the the

hardships of it but the benefits of it

we’re gonna be talking to some folks

from show Hope which is a great

organization as well as some others that

are going to help us to learn a little

bit more about the topic and I think

it’s fitting coming from this topic

because we talked about kids that are

unloved and unwanted and aren’t treated

the way they should be and we’re gonna

talk about the flip side of that for

those of you that have adoption in your

heart or maybe you just kind of been

tinkering with the idea or maybe not at

all this is gonna be an interesting way

for us to get some perspective on all

that we’ve already talked about it’s

gonna be a fun conversation so I hope

you’ll join me next time on the chat

with Priscilla thanks for being here


