Men are just misunderstood. Or is it that women are just not clear on what men wished they knew about them? In this episode, Priscilla Shirer will discuss just what it is that men wished women knew about them and how this plays into the interactions with each other.

hey there my name is Priscilla I’m so

glad that you were here and that you

were joining me for the chat this is a

great opportunity for you and I as

always to talk about things that matter

to you or that should matter to you and

listen you have tuned in at the right

time the right show because we are

talking to a panel of articulate

handsome well-spoken men who are going

to be telling us the things we want to

know about them the things they think we

need to know about them and so we’ve

solicited these guys to answer your

question stay tuned you are not gonna

want to miss this



I am so glad that you are here I have

been looking forward to this particular

show for a very very long time because

I’ve not had the opportunity before to

have a whole panel of men right here on

the sofa to have a conversation with us

and so this is unique for me but this is

gonna be good because listen girlfriend

you and I get to have the tough

questions answered you know have you

ever just wanted to grab your man and

say look what in the world are you

thinking why do you do this or save this

you just want to know some things and

you haven’t had an opportunity to ask

well I’m going to ask for you and we’re

gonna give you all the answers so that

you can understand your man just a

little bit better to help us do that is

an incredible group of men would you

please welcome first of all gospel

recording artist Anthony Evans jr.

Michael Boggs then I gotta have my own

husband Gary Cyrus coming out and then

writer blogger speaker slinger Carlos

Whitaker and incredible comedian Michael

well y’all thank you for being here I

feel little bit outnumbered but I’m very

very excited yeah that’s why you got

your husband that’s why I got my husband

yes I did invite my husband and I want

to tell you it makes me a little nervous

Jerry that you’re part of this show cuz

I don’t know what you’re gonna say you

nervous be nervous I should also mention

that Anthony Evans is my brother so I

drug him onto this program well he isn’t

my brother and there’s gonna be a lot of

fun okay we need to know your marital

status and if you are married how long

you been married how in love are you

with your wife I adore my wife okay okay

how long you been married bait gone 15

years so when I’m 15 years how about you

13 years 13 years yeah nine years nine

years nine in a row

eight years eight years okay and our

sweetie you are the thing got a very

handsome singer not my tan so you’re

gonna give us a lot of perspective

because there are single women who do

want to know some things about the

single guys around them so we’re gonna

ask you lots of questions as well okay

the first thing I want to ask you guys I

want to get your perspective on what you

think some of the assumptions are that

women make about men that you think are

completely inaccurate and they just need

to get over it and move on what are some

of the assumptions you hear from women

or that you suspect that women make or

maybe your wife made about you before

you got married and you you just you

proved the world I think right away one

of the first things at least I fall out

of the the stereotypical what women

think male there was a book called men

are like waffles women are like

spaghetti but I am the most spaghetti

male on the planet and so but what I

mean by that is that I think men get put

into this category where we are just

boxes we can only think about one thing

sports sex whatever that might be but I

can think about I can think about sports

and sex at the same time you say yeah

it’s amazing so it’s spaghetti you know

so so so we get so I think that you know

but we’re not so one dimension you know

we can think about more things than one

all right okay like for instance sports

yeah sex yeah so you think women make

about you that’s just not it’s not

accurate they think we don’t talk well

you kind of don’t talk listen this is a

great place for us to start off with a

conversation Axwell usually give us a

chance to talk I was I’m a really don’t

love to we don’t love expressing our

side and I think one of the reasons I

don’t gonna get deep I’m just gonna keep

with the funny but as a child we’re

always told not to cry you know not you

know your dad’s don’t be crying don’t do

this don’t do that I don’t have like a

little girl and then we’ll become men

and we’re gonna marry didn’t wiser like

why don’t you talk to me because I’ve

been quiet all this time no you wanna


so I think told you that blast part 1

will be funny it was a little deep maybe

it was just me no I think that’s an

important question because honestly

communication is one of the main

questions that I got from women who out

you know it’s just on Twitter and

Facebook and everywhere I said what do

you want to ask about and most what

mostly what they want to know is how do

they get you to feel comfortable opening

up because you know for us intimacy

involves conversation it involves you

listening to us but all us also knowing

what’s going on in your heart and in

your life what can your significant

other whether it’s your girlfriend or

whether it is your wife what can she do

to cause you to desire to to talk to her

I think sometimes having a conversation

while you’re actually doing something

and the pressure is not just like let’s

sit down and talk


I think guys it’s hard harder for us to

like sit down and do one-on-one

conversations but if you’re out playing

golf or playing basketball or something

it’s easier to have a conversation so

sometimes I think even with my wife and

I it’s it’s easy for us to to go do

something and the conversations a little

bit easier cuz it’s not quite as much

pressure do you think maybe she needs to

do something that you enjoy doing not

she’s not taking you out shopping if

that’s not your thing you know something

that she wants to do but she’s due

coming into your world and participating

in your world with you absolutely what

she can’t do is she can’t use the phrase

can we talk just start talking casually

or something don’t just say hey we need

to talk oh babe you have anything to add

to that I think that’s great yeah

because you know that statement to a man

I think is just I think shut down like

okay alright let me prepare myself what

is it now yeah so yeah I agree with it

get involved in you get involved in your

world and just kind of naturally have

the conversation alright I want to talk

to single women first we’re going to

start out with single women and there

are some things that they want to know

about you but for

I want to ask you particularly you

Anthony but all of you because you’re

gonna have a response to this I want to

know what is most distasteful to you

about a single woman what might she be

doing thinking she’s attracting you or

bringing good attention to herself that

to you is just not I mean there’s

nothing attractive about it actually

causes you to run in the opposite

direction no goodness really just an

example well because well what I do on

the road and worship leading and stuff

like that there’s a dynamic where after

you get off of a stage there’s people

there people people females who are very

overtly foreign and it’s not a it’s not

endearing at all and then in real life

and just in just in regular life it kind

of switches the role to me like as we

were built for that like to pursue and

if it’s if it flips I’m just like no I’m

good always happens singers comedians

they’re like there’s the line though

because women are told to not put

yourself out there too far but that you

have to that a guy has to know you’re

available how does a woman single women

really struggling with this how does the

guy know she’s available without being

distasteful and too pushy and too over I

think it just takes a look right let you

if you cast that one look okay from

somebody you know they’re interested you

know and and and I think that that even

goes for married people and single

people so you know as a as a married man

when I’m on the road you know I even

sometimes have to look for that look if

I see that look it’s like dented um you

know stay way away from this is for

married yeah yeah yeah absolutely and so

you know it doesn’t have to be overtly

you know the this really loud thing it

can really be subtle I think I don’t

I think it’s really unattractive when a

woman is doing too much to be a track

it’s almost like like if she’s doing too

much or she’s showing too much first of

all I’m a very creative person I like to

imagine some stuff and you showing me

everything yeah so that is so ridiculous

it’s almost like a lion men are like

lions and then if you if there’s

goat tied up the line is like is there a

goat running around somewhere I was

built to chase I was built to pursue

that’s what that’s what is that like I

think people I’ll say women are starting

to feel like you guys say that you

you’re built to pursue but they’re

questioning whether or not you actually

are interested in pursuing I think a lot

of women think that guys aren’t

interested in pursuing anymore that they

want someone to come knock on their door

because all the women are like okay the

Bible says he who finds a good wife but

it doesn’t seem like anybody’s

interested or looking where are all the

men listen I think this is actually an

epidemic that’s going on in evangelical

America I think that I think you’re

right and I think the women are right

there’s a bunch of lazy thirty-year-old

childish men out there that need to step

up and need to pursue as opposed to

think that everything is going to come

to them there’s a generation I think

that’s grown up that is expecting to

receive entitled is completely entitled

to everything and I think you’re

starting to see relationships begin to

fail because both men and women that

grew up in this entitled generation are

just kind of expected it to happen

you know because everything else was

given to them and so they don’t realize

they got actually put some work into it

is it like a circle oh because if a man

doesn’t have to hunt if it’s already

there then he becomes lazy and then

women say yo they’re not doing they’re

not pursuing me something to do more and

now here I got to do more because

they’re pursuing them I’m just saying it

could be a little circle cracking right


on the other side of that coin too like

when I hang out with college students

and young adults are single single guys

they tell me the exact same thing

they’re like where are all the good

girls I’m looking for them yeah and it’s

you know some of the things are some of

the things they might say or well

they’re trying too hard

or you know maybe you know they don’t

they they just aren’t catching their eye

for some reason I got the key I think a

huge key is this

I think a huge kids this when a woman

knows who she is in God it’s almost like

we kind of know that it’s almost like yo

that’s almost meaning um I’m really

getting it done if she can recognize me

and she has a strong relationship with

God there’s something extra like when I

found my wife she was not looking I was

like yo like really and she was

confident in who she is and I was so

ridiculously attracted to that like like

amazingly so like I’ve never been

attracted to another woman it was

because she knew who she was in her own

shoes well garlis stiff I was around so

I had to pursue her and then you know it

worked out she’s beautiful

what will happen when we have churches

that really let the word of Christ dwell

in them richly what will happen when we

have teenagers and children who really

let the word of Christ dwell in them

richly we think marriages are gonna be

healthy we think churches are gonna be

transformed that communities are gonna

be impacted as Christians start to obey

the text in their context in their

setting you think about the Bible the

Bible is the revelation of God in fact

John says that it is the revelation of

Jesus Christ if we are to know God then

we must know him through the button it’s

more the Bible will help us to do that

so the heart behind explore the Bible

really is Colossians 3:15 and 16 let the

Peace of Christ control your hearts

verse 16 has let the word of Christ

dwell among you richly so we want to say

hey churches church leaders pastors do

you want a congregation you want a small

group you want a sunday-school class

filled with people that speak to one

another in wisdom that encourage each

other that admonish one another that are

filled with gratitude and their hearts

together that they sing and they

celebrate the salvation that God’s given

them you want a group of people like

that then you have to let the word of

Christ dwell among them richly the

exploration of the Bible book by book

for groups of all ages from senior

adults to adults to young adults to

students to kids of all ages if everyone

is studying the same book imagine the

possibility of revival based upon the

study together in community as a group

studying the text in its context imagine

the possibility

of letting the word of Christ dwell in

you richly whenever we’re squeezed

whenever people in our groups or in our

churches are squeezed whatever is in

them is gonna come out if the word of

Christ is deeply in them then that’s

what’s going to come they’re gonna speak

to one another with wisdom they’re gonna

sing songs to God they’re gonna be

filled with gratitude what’s in you is

going to come out of you and so we want

to do everything we can to help churches

and help small groups as high school

classes get the word of Christ deeply

richly in the people there are busy

women like you and I’ve who normally

have our schedules so packed and

fulfilled every moment of the day that

we’re running on fumes completely

exhausted because everybody is just too

flat out busy


we forget that every single day

you need to come

come with your eyes and ears open

now whatever you are here



single guy what would be the top three

things that would cause you to want to

be in a committed married relationship

with a woman what would a woman have to

embody for you to be like I am ready to

put a ring on it

she’s asking this thirty something

non-committal guy first thing there’s a

reason there’s a reason you have a

commitment I’m wondering what would it

have to be that a woman would have to

bring to the table for you to be like

mm-hmm I love a confidence in who she is

and not necessarily it being a I need

him to complete this thing you know to

me I love I love the whole dynamic of

wanting and not needing that that that

vibe takes the pressure off of me to

come in and complete somebody’s well you

know that that’s just a weird thing in

the top three things okay know her her

knowing who she is in Christ I need I

need that because there are more I’m an

emotional dude like I’m an artist and

I’ve been almost just okay with the fact

now that I just I’m just emotional just

weird yeah but I need a consistent like

this is Who I am in the Lord and I want

to be I want to lead in that area you

know but I need you to be able to stand

on your own two feet spiritual even if

I’m having an off day be like yo this is

not doing me that’s that’s huge to me

and then this is the old fashion side of

me I love for me a woman who can have a

career and do that thing but her

heartbeat is home that’s for me you can

yeah I mean I’ve hung out with a girl in

in Los Angeles who is the casting

director for NBC for the voice and all

these shows and she loves that she’s a

boss but her heartbeat is to be at home

and I love that dichotomy of I can go

run an office full of people and then I

can come home and I’ll drop that if it

means my family that’s that’s perfect

the way I’ve watched you do with your

career in the boys it’s like oh this is

all fun and everything but okay you know

I mean yeah

to choose I’m obviously gonna be at the

house single women need to hear that


several of you say things related to the

spiritual grounding of a woman that

that’s important okay

let’s cut to the chase come on I need to

know does it matter more to you that a

woman is physically attractive or that

she just loves the Lord with all her

heart and all her come on somebody what

are you gonna see first you’re gonna see

her physically right that’s right so

would you say that is the most important

thing that no the most important that’s

the initial thing okay I see but then

when I like my step in water is it

shallow is it deep mm-hmm you know so it

is but that’s that’s gonna attract me to

you first that’s what’s gonna make me

approach you so taking care of yourself

physically is important that’s here

absolutely you spiritual I’m gonna know

it not looking good Michael what first

attracted you to your wife um you know

this is a true story I was actually

leading worship in a church and she

walked in Wow I was while I was leading

and I thought man I would like to meet




cops arrived she did she really caught

my eye and it wasn’t until you know a

few hours later her aunt actually

introduced her to me and I got to talk

with her a little bit here a little bit

about who she was that I was kind of

like you’re interesting to me you know

and then she wouldn’t give me your phone

number which made me even more that

whole chase thing that that not it’s

almost like playing games a little bit

can you tell me when playing games is

too much and how much of a game is okay

so that you can feel a little bit of

that tension of her not being super

eager to give you the number and to go

out on the first date and did you what’s

that tension there that’s important cuz

money in that I think what it is if

she’s really listening to God God’s not

going God is gonna clearly instruct her

so that she can be as elusive as she

needs to be to continue to attract us

like like for real I really believe it

when it flips from listening to God in

my mind – I’m gonna manipulate the

scenario and get him chasing me I can

feel that change I can feel that whole

like I’m gonna wait you know I’m just

gonna I can feel that too whole like

watch I’m not gonna I’m gonna play with

it that would that mean that play things

tiresome but fun you know I mean let’s

just be honest like as human beings you

know as you’re you’re dating and then

and then you’re married you know as well

and so you know you want to be able to

chase a little bit there you know and

you know one of the one of the tricks

that this is quite embarrassing but

listen listen I was 16 years old and my

dad is a Southern Baptist preacher and

my why my mom is the preacher’s wife and

I just kind of saw them as this and I

remember going downstairs once and I

came home from school early I was sick

and I picked up the remote and on the

backside of the remote there was a note

from my mom to my dad that says why

don’t you come please turn me on instead

that’s what it said



married for 30 years

thirty years thanks to myself they’re

still playing games you know they’re

still playing games can you imagine

because you talked about how a single

woman needs to keep that mystery their

mystery there but I’m married well my

mother used to always say that there’s

an importance about keeping that little

intriguing mystery there even when

you’re married and I could never get

still to this day I’m not sure exactly

what that means because when you’re

married you’re so fully open and

vulnerable with each other so how does a

wife keep that mystery and intrigue and

cause you to continue to desire to be in

passionate relationship with her how

does a wife do that what did she do that

makes you just kind of go oh that’s my

girl yeah I don’t know what it is but

it’s happening I can’t even put my

finger on it but it happens all the time

I’d be like oh snap

yeah that’s my good stuff okay and then

Michael I think when when my wife is

doing what the Lord has created her to

do okay no listen it’s so true like when

I see my wife my wife is a phenomenal

cook and an event planner and chef she

does when she gets in that zone and I

watch her do her thing and she she gets

right there it is the most attractive

thing I’ve ever I’m just like hurry up

and get out the kitchen you know because

I want you you know and so yeah right

you know and so I just love it when

she’s in them in the middle of of what

she’s been created to do there’s

something beautiful about that I met my

wife on a on the seat in a ski resort

she’s a snowboard instructor and before

I saw her she had her big goggles on

right she had her big hat on and I just

saw her snowboarding down the mountain

and I remember no one this was a girl

and thinking this is a very attractive

female but I hadn’t even seen what she

looked like yet but that’s because she

was doing what she was created to you

and I feel like in those moments when as

females with your man whether you’re


whether you’re not married when you’re

doing what you’re created to do what the

Lord has created you there’s there’s

nothing more attractive that’s good

Michael wasn’t gonna say anything as

spiritual as that but I think sometimes

when you get married you stop dating and

and I think that’s one of the things

that you know for Kili and I that’s been

good for us is to continue doing things

that we did when we were dating you know

like hanging out and hurt just

conversation with her just being

interesting and her asking me questions

and me asking her questions I think

that’s part of the whole dating thing

that sometimes when you get married

those sort of things stop happening

because you get busy or you have kids

and life just takes over

okay well think about the woman that’s

sitting on the other side of the screen

and she’s thinking yeah I would love to

go out on a date with my husband I’d

love to be in conversation with him but

my husband’s not responding to that he’s

kind of just we’re just going through

the business of life and we’re not you

know how does she get her husband to

want to be with her because sometimes we

can desire that and actually the saying

it is not the best way to get him to

respond to it and want to go out on a

date so what can a woman do to gently

prod her husband into wanting to be with

her she should get to remote control


anybody his help for hands for something

as far as America I would think you know

let’s say for example if I’m sitting on

the sofa watching football yeah not that

you had to watch the whole game you just

sit down with them you know you spend a

little time with them you know just get

involved in what he’s doing and not just

saying take up the whole time but he

just sees that you’re there and he’s

gonna just start to you know eventually

they’ll be like okay let me go check on

her just little things like that I think

yeah anything else that’s actually

something that just with with Keeley now

that just happened as we were sitting

down watching football and my wife

doesn’t like football doesn’t know

anything about it

doesn’t care to watch it we sat down on

the couch and somebody made a first down

and the announcer hadn’t said that yet

she goes they just they just make a

first down it’s like man they’re on the

36 yard line and I was like who are you

how did you know yes

and little did I know that she had been

paying attention and wanted to create

that conversation and so she did and

literally it she’s like stealth mode I

didn’t know it but two hours later I’m

shopping with her in downtown Frank but

it did it created a moment all because

she said did they create they just make

a first down yeah okay someone once told

me this and missus reminding me of it

Michael but someone once said to me that

your husband your man boyfriend whatever

you should be taking a course on him

figure out what intrigues him figure out

how you like this coffee just try to

figure out what’s important to him and

then get in kind of kind of lured him

into a friendship with you that’s not a

good word but you know hi Mina lure him

into relationship with you in the sense

that you know something that’s important

to him and you connect on that level

would you agree yes yes right we

certainly want a friend for sure

somebody we can laugh with and talk

about regular stuff with not just I mean

sports and sex is awesome but we also

just want to be able to talk about foot

I mean just talk about the stuff we talk

about like just I like I love fishing

like I lose both go fishing to here and

go fishing so anyway um I love to fish

and into fact my wife will go fishing

with me and she can’t stand it’ll be

there all day and won’t catch nothing

cuz the lakes in California are wacked

the fish come in at 4 o’clock they take

him off a truck and dumped in the water

he won’t talk about that so my wife

she’ll do that with me she’ll sit back

and we’ll go fishing and that stuff is

just awesome and I know she’s not loving

it but she’s doing the sacrifices yeah

okay well yeah how I study you yes you

do yeah but I’m just saying it’s just

it’s the same thing it’s like I know

what you like I know what you don’t like

it just certain things like that so that

is I think it goes both ways

and I think one of the things is is is

in a relationship or in a marriage is is

is always my entire goal every day is to

out serve you so I think if that’s both

of the of the of the the male and the

female that’s what they’re trying to do

I think that continues to keep that

relationship you know yeah so kind of

what I hear you saying

what I hear you because this is a great

principle for women what they need to

know about their men is not only that

their men want to serve and what to do

well for their family but also there’s a

tender spot in your man that wants to

know he’s got someone that’s paying

attention to what concerns here and that

is interested in serving him as well

okay yeah this has been the quicken

quickest half-hour of this program I

have ever had this has gone so so so

quick listen this is just the first half

we’ve got a second half that we’re going

to bring to you as well and we still

have to talk about these fragile Eagles

egos and what we do to deflate them what

we do to hurt them how we can encourage

them how we can get around them we’ve

got to talk to them about nagging they

think we nag about everything we’re just

trying to ask them a question and we

also have to talk about you know the S

word sex because it’s just obviously at

the top of their priority list and so I

want you to thank me for having them on

northing them rather I’m sorry


