Men are just misunderstood. Or is it that women are just not clear on what men wished they knew about them? In this episode, Priscilla Shirer will discuss just what it is that men wished women knew about them and how this plays into the interactions with each other.

hey there my name is Priscilla I’m so

glad that you were here and that you

were joining me for the chat this is a

great opportunity for you and I as

always to talk about things that matter

to you or that should matter to you and

listen you have tuned in at the right

time the right show because we are

talking to a panel of articulate

handsome well-spoken men who are going

to be telling us the things we want to

know about them the things they think we

need to know about them and so we’ve

solicited these guys to answer your


stay tuned you are not going to want to

miss this

hey there my name is Priscilla and you

are joining me for the chat this is our

virtual living room we have an

opportunity to sit down and talk about

some stuff that hopefully will impact

your life in some way so I hope you’ve

got a warm drink and your shoes are

kicked off and you’re either tucked in

your bed or on your own sofa so that you

can relax and enjoy a conversation

that’s already been going on so listen

this is part two of our conversation you

need to make sure you go back and see

part one because this has been so good I

have a panel full of incredible guys

right here who are helping to answer

important questions that women are

trying to figure out will you please

help me welcome Gerry Shire and Carlos

Whitaker and Michael jr. and Anthony

Evans jr. and Michael Boggs just because

I have to ask how was your experience on

LA Ink we all remember you from LA angle

was that like you know it was it was a

reality show which means it’s an

unreality show yeah so you know people

think they just walk in off the street

and get a tattoo but no there’s a

casting call the whole thing it took it

took 13 hours to do but what I loved

about about the show was that my tattoo

would she gets the whole thing but it

solves conversion on the road to

Damascus and so they let me tell the

story of Saul being converted into Paul

and how he used to kill Christians and

they let me share the gospel on The

Learning Channel which was really

amazing and so that episode it keeps

rearing for the last couple years and I

can tell whenever a tree airs people

start firing me on Twitter or whatever

but um it was amazing it was great and I

became really good friends with Hannah

Aitchison the lady that did my tattoo

well that’s cool okay I’m going to ask

all of you a question but based on this

tattoo that’s on your arm

because there are a whole lot of women

that kind of like this whole bad-boy

image thing I mean they want a guy who

you know has solid morals and all that

stuff but they like this little edge on

a guy this kind of this bad-boy thing

and it gets a lot of women in trouble

because they they like the bad boy to

the extent that they’re actually making

bad choices in rating he’s really bad

it’s not of me

eggless okay so what do women need to

look for if they want a good guy who

maybe has a little bit of a bad boy edge

on him but he’s not across the line I

think they’re looking for I think they

need to create like a Yelp for men they

should probably talk to the ex and be

like how’d that work out

like for real why not ladies you guys I

mean if you’re gonna buy a car you want

to know how many miles on talk to the I

would at least go to Facebook is wide


yeah what is she saying and you know you

got to be some of the stuff gonna be way

just bitter but you can feel through

that if there’s some pictures up there

she got this little line under eye right

there maybe you could get just this

that’s just that’s too bad that’s just

too bad okay I want to ask you about ego

this is an important issue for men and

we cannot quite oh no no ego I’m just

saying I don’t got no I don’t believe I

don’t know what any of them say that you

don’t have a fairly strong you know that

needs to be coddled and protected and

cared for and when it maybe you say you

don’t help like oh I got one you got one

okay we can’t figure this ego thing out

could y’all please help us to understand

how critical the care of your ego is how

we step around it what we can do to

encourage it

we just are confused which its objective

its objective and yeah I think it’s

objective it’s been who you’re dealing

with but for me I don’t have to be

coddled I just can never be purposefully

emasculated if you do that we were gonna

have a problem a problem like I don’t

mean like that sounds threatening I just

mean our relationship is gonna have

major issues if you emasculate and I

have to work on the whole dynamic of

being told the truth you know what I

mean and that’s that’s the truth but it

can be done in a way sometimes in

relationships I was in a relationship

for a while and actually engaged in that

that got got got fishy because the

delivery was very like I’m gonna little

man talks away a woman talks to you can

damage your ego your that accurate okay

absolutely is base to me I think and the

bottom line is this that the Bible is

very clear

women honor your husband’s husband’s

love your wives the reason he says honor

because of our ego yeah I mean he

created it he you know so it is there

so respect respect is what helps to keep

your loo yep

yeah I think my my ego it all goes back

to the question we talked about in part

one we’re talking about being known I

really want to be known and I think my

ego is more about Carlos wanting to be

known as who I think I am who’s Christ

has created me to be or what I’m great

at when my wife I walk in the door and

I’m like very first thing I do Sunday I

get done leaving worse if I walk

offstage I go straight to her and I’m

like you know so how was that I don’t

say it but I’m waiting right I’m waiting

for her to tell me that was the night

you led me to Jesus and back right and

like it’s my ego which is just wanting

really just my wife that’s who I’m

wanting to hear from and so I’m so I

believe something is in that I think

that’s okay I think as a human being

that’s okay we just want to be known and

you want to be do you want to be our

hero can I say that does it do something

for you when you know you are her hero

yeah who else is the hero okay well ooh

I’m line between um letting your man

know you need him and not being needy

what’s the fine line between making that

man no man I need you you’re my hero

rescue me kind of that feeling but also

being assertive and independent and

being able to be what Anthony described

earlier what attracts and he says as a

woman who’s just doing her thing and

she’s got it together it’s how we do

momen though in my mind in the

relationship it’s the need not not

necessarily being need it’s a once it’s

the needy thing comes from I need you I

need you I need you as opposed to I’ve

got my stuff together but I want you

that creates like that what Carlos was

talking about earlier of seeing you do

you and it but but you want me and

that’s a that’s a ego that that’s an ego

thing of I want you you know joining me

that to me as opposed to need a need

even if she can get it done I think that

the key is even if she can get the thing

done but she still comes to you and says

how do you think I should do this that

is phenomenal so yeah you can get it

done and if you just go get it done on

your own

then good you got it

but if you come to me first and we agree

on it

and you and you check off we would

including having something in me killed

and if I say yo we’re not gonna do that

just we’re not gonna do it and they’re

just kind of respect that because I’m

leading the house in my case yeah not

he’s King so much mores not not so much

my king but I can speak I can tell some

of y’all’s business is that okay that’s

it okay yeah that’s a little family show

go ahead yeah to the way that these two

operate I’m trying to I didn’t explain

this to y’all Priscilla is just raising

this family my family the girls are very

assertive and just that they’re they

watched my dad they watched my mom is

that way they’ve watched that when she

got married to Jerry

he is this I mean like he’s running

stuff so that so at first

I can say that I was around for them

figuring out that dynamic yeah Priscilla

turned out she I watched her turn that

part of her down to honor him and his

ego whatever you want to call it but it

works there are moments where she’s like

I’ll let Jerry decide and I know my

sister I know that it would be her

natural inclination to spit out the

answer and she’ll just stop and be like

and that is that’s the dynamic I’ve

watched I understand why you are but

that’s I mean that’s that’s the way

y’all operate so I mean y’all should

talk about me on reason yeah I’m like I

say that tell tell the people that’s

interesting how do you feel about they

um you know it is funny yes

yes but you know my wife does honor me

in right yes you do what you do and but

she’s very she’s very smart too

I was very smart because um she knows

she knows I thought not let me just back

up I think it’s my this is what I saw

with my grandparents it’s like everybody

knew my grandfather thought he ran the


but everybody knew my grandmother ran it

you know but she made him feel like he

went he ran it and then and that’s the

that’s not me so you ain’t running


but she’s making money right there I

look but but but really she sh-she I

have seen her you know and I know this

is a taboo word for women whatever bath

I’ve seen her submit but in her

submitting makes me want to give her

more Wow and we have to talk about that

submission to the whole idea of

submission the whole idea of leadership

in the home women are asking that

question about leadership because there

are a whole lot of women that are having

to take the reins in their own home to

to do devotions as the fan with the

family or to take care of the finances

because their husband is just not not

even living recklessly he’s just not

managing it or leading the home in terms

of direction and vision for the family

what does a woman need to know about

what she could be doing to contribute to

her husband not taking the reins in the

family what makes it difficult for a guy

to lead its home let me tell you this it

is it is it if you look at the story of

Genesis okay and if you look at where it

talks about how you know after the fall

and you see you know the curse that

falls upon the man and the woman and of

course the man is going to be labor in

all those days but one of the things

that says for the woman is that she’s

going to she’s going to want to control

him basically yes she well the thing is

she that what just happened just not

what I said I was initiated you know she

could have been like I got it she helped

lay off my family all right you

no she said sorry sir desire she said

she’s going to desire her husband okay

but desire you know it’s meant we think

yes she’s gonna want to desire me she’s

going to want me but that word desire

isn’t that it is I want to control you I

want to I want to be able to control you

the same thing that it said that same

word desire is used what can enable and

it is that control thing and so what I

think the thing that we have to were I

know for a woman what she has to do is

is submit to that and I think that’s

what’s so hard a lot of times but what

did you submit to if her husband if

there’s one watching her husband is not

leading like he’s not doing it how she

met well I was I think one of the things

is is in that thing which is heart but

allowing his allowing him to fail there

are some times you have to allow him to

let him take the rail right answer

available yeah you have to love it if

the failure is gonna affect her what if

there’s going to be a financial failure

in effect I guess the thing is this is

it is it is it a see once a day if it’s

a failure out of if he’s trying to to to

lead and live and he makes the bad

decision that’s one thing rather than

ahem-hem reckless living a certainly sin

and all that that that’s totally totally

different think or what I think the men

are all Cuyo submit to me like that’s a

great thing but when you submit to me

that means I need to be right yeah and

that’s a lot of pressure so ideally I’d

like you not to submit all the time

let’s talk about this and we’re getting

out and then when you do submit and I

just I got to be right so it’s more

pressure for a woman to submit because

now I got to be on point with this if it

does not work out it was still my choice

you need to still have my back okay can

you do mine no let me just say okay

he says also starts making it also

starts it also starts at this stage

right here if the single stage but when

I’m saying because when you choose a man

that you want to marry it is what you’re

saying is I trust him to lead my life so

you need to already be thinking about

that when you’re dating absolutely see

they’re leaving now

submission is not

automatically click on what you say I do

yeah and leading doesn’t mean I don’t

think leading means the man is in charge

of the finances okay you know I don’t

think that’s what it means because I

know in my home I can’t add my wife is

really good at it right she remembers to

pay bills yeah I don’t and there’s a

gift set that she’s got that I don’t

have and so like I could be all strong

and manly trying to be like oh my other

man friends that are paying the bills

but she’s better at it than me

I think the mainly thing for me to do is

say you’re better at this than me I’m

gonna allow you to do this and I’m gonna

do what I’m good at

you know and so submission doesn’t mean

control no right that is a wonderful

submission what does that mean to you

describe it what submission looks like

to you to me submission looks like you

evaluate your relationship you know and

it’s almost like like for you know I

tell people you can’t have two heads of

anything two heads as a monster so what

you have to do is when you guys sit down

you look at the gifts that you have in

your relationship in your marriage you

know as a leader and and as that later I

have to say okay yeah you’re great at

this you know I’m gonna I’m going to

give you this control over this area

right here you know I’m going to take

this in you work together but even

though you’re you know there are times

where I think the submission role

changes because if you’re good at

something if the finances well then I’m

submitting to you as you leave this

aspect of our family you know even

though I am still you know ahead but

that’s it I’m willing to submit for that

you know in this particular area okay

well that’s a woman’s her language when

thinking about doing something instead

of being I’m going to do this you should

probably be I want to do this until she

brings it to him and then he said and

then he can submit to her and say that’s

a great I love that and then she says

I’m going to do this now okay because

she has his now let me ask you this

because it would seem like in the midst

of all this as you mentioned there’s a

lot of pressure that is on a male when

she he knows that he’s leading a family

he’s got to do this right he’s going to

want to do it well if you all don’t have

accountability personally for yourself I

can see how it would be very easy for a

lot of men who to just kind of run take

this leadership thing out of control and

not to leave their families in a way

that’s wise so it

if a woman is married to a man that does

not have any accountability he just is

not open enough with any other guy that

can speak wisdom into his life

how does she gently encourage him in the

direction of having some relationship in

his life to which he can be remain

accountable she wants that for him

telling him he needs to be accountable

ain’t gonna do it so how does she

encourage would you tell a woman who’s

watching they were try to figure out how

do I encourage my hand my man to get

some accountability hmm I think this

sounds like the sunday-school answer but

I don’t think you could ever

underestimate the power of prayer and

the reason I say that is because I had a

friend one of my best friends actually

his family growing up the dad was would

be considered completely unaccountable I

had no one in his life to tell him this

is the wrong road you shouldn’t go this

way and she told me that every morning

she placed her hand on his back before

he woke up and prayed for him every

morning and things didn’t change for a

couple of years in fact I think most of

my childhood nothing changed until one

day he heard a message at church and He

gave His life to Jesus and I’m to the

guy he is a changed man and I can’t I

can’t attribute I think a lot of that

change to those quiet morning’s where

she placed her hand on his back and

prayed for him yeah and so I don’t think

we could ever underestimate the power of

God changing us yeah son I suppose yeah

not going to cost me trying to change

somebody okay yeah go ahead okay yeah I

think I’ll just talk about me myself I

went through a long season in my life

where I was not leading my family and my

wife was leading my family we had a lot

of gentle conversations a lot of gentle

conversations those gentle conversations

didn’t do a thing and so what ended up

she could have blown up and gotten mad

but you know what worked for us is you

know our therapist told us this you know

there is this Garden Inn in your life

that the man is supposed to 10:00 to and

what my wife was doing was tending to

the garden because I wasn’t tending so

submission for her look like taking that

rake taking that shovel and stepping

back out of the garden and just leaning

those tools up against me just leaning

them up against me I know this is super

metaphorically speaking

but for me without what I realize is all

of a sudden when my wife stopped tending

to that I kind of looked her I was like

man things are getting real messy around


what’s because she stopped and when she

stopped I realized well maybe I got to

roll my sleeves up maybe I’ve got to

grab the shovel maybe I got to go start

clean do you think that the reason why a

lot of men aren’t leading is because

women aren’t making room for them to

leave absolutely they’re doing it all

they’re doing it all and so you know the

man is playing xbox till 2 o’clock in

the morning you know we’re talking to

little third graders on there on the low

you know but this is gonna be hard for

us women in it to just step back and

lean the tools up against the hope that

they go get the tools I know that it’s

not hoping it’s conversations it took a

lot of work you know yeah um but but

once yeah I think for me once I started

working in the garden I was like I’m

actually pretty good at this yeah you

know and then and then that submission

started to happen for us and it’s it’s

taken years but you know a lot of people

don’t want to hear that it takes years

but it’s it’s amazing what I’ve seen

happen just in my own life yeah of

slowly watching my wife give me some of

those tools and allow me to certainly in

the family okay so that was good thank

you very much what will happen when we

have churches that really let the word

of Christ dwell in them richly what will

happen when we have teenagers and

children who really let the word of

Christ dwell in them richly we think

marriages are going to be healthy we

think churches are going to be

transformed that communities are going

to be impacted as Christians start to

obey the text in their context and their

setting you think about the Bible the

Bible is the revelation of God in fact

John says that it is the revelation of

Jesus Christ if we are to know God then

we must know him through the button

explore the Bible will help us to do

that so the heart behind explore the

Bible really is Colossians 3:15 and 16

let the Peace of Christ control your

hearts verse 16 is let the word of

Christ dwell among you richly so we want

to say hey churches church leaders

pastors do you want a congregation you

want a small group do you want a

sunday-school class filled with people

that speak to one another and wisdom

that encourage each other that admonish

one another that are filled with

gratitude in their hearts together that

they sing and they celebrate the

salvation that God’s given them do you

want a group of people like that then

you have to let the word of Christ dwell

among them richly the exploration of the

Bible book by book for groups of all

ages from senior adults to adults to

young adults to students to kids of all


if everyone is studying the same book

imagine the possibility of revival based

upon the study together in community as

a group studying the text in its context

imagine the possibility of letting the

word of Christ dwell in you richly

whenever we’re squeezed whenever people

in our groups or in our churches are

squeezed whatever is in them is going to

come out if the word of Christ is deeply

in them then that’s what’s going to come

they’re going to speak to one another

with wisdom they’re going to sing songs

to God they’re going to be filled with

gratitude what’s in you is going to come

out of you and so we want to do

everything we can to help churches and

help small groups and sizable classes

get the word of Christ deeply richly in

the people

when you are so outnumbered it’s so

unable to complete that impossible task

so in over your head that you couldn’t

see the light of day even if you try you

are exactly where God wants you this is

a God who loves weakness he loves

weakness because his strength is

perfected in weakness

are you choosing to stand firmly on the

promises of God’s words or on the faulty

shaky philosophies of our culture

because the way we stand now has every

bearing on the way this thing is going

to end up

I want to spend a little time talking

about the S word sex okay so that word

came up in the first part of the very

first part of our conversation I mean I

even have to ask a question about that

one of y’all just mentioned I talked

about it already

we were talking about already talking

about it we were totally could you

please tell women women remember this

this whole show is about what women need

to know about you okay so I’m going to

ask a huge general statement and you

just take it wherever you’d like to take

it all right what do women need to need

need to know about the importance of sex

in your life because we don’t get it

so we need to know why it’s so important

to you and what we need to do about it

go ahead go ahead

well ready race is fun feels great you

know what yeah um and that’s fun come on

there has to be more of that though

there are a lot of wives I don’t think

who really get what it does for the man

it’s more than just fun I know but there

is a boost to your ego there is

emotional emotional satisfaction there

are other things that it does for your

life and I don’t think women are aware

of we just regular all about the

physical here’s wondering I think it’s

more than that one of the things is

women are pretty complex they could be

pretty calm you got to navigate what

wait at the wrong tone what happened I

don’t know like it’s all of these things

we got a network so at the end of the

day if we actually had sex we did

something right throughout that day

that’s what it means to you like

something happened like it’s it’s a

small little victories I go look what

happened I did it I did it so it’s like

the chase was on all day and now you the

victory deep do y’all really feel like

that do you feel that is kind of on

earth day as you want that’s one of them

there’s probably 75 answers but that’s

one of them so you’ve got that much

closer but do you feel that way do you

really feel like kind of are you

thinking about that kind of all day like

the chase is on all day and the goal is

to get to this encounter

today we do it in the morning so like

it’s okay I’m saying I’m saying it

whatever point it’s going to happen is

it a goal for you yeah yo cuz if you’re

do it in the morning why don’t you all

about you just set the tools back up of

it come on I’m going we’re going to sit

here until y’all give us a good answer

for that because because women are

wondering why there is such a disconnect

between their our our innate initial

interest and desire or for structure

sexuality by and large is not the same

as yours because it’s because it means

something more to you it does something

more for you that it does for females in

general we’re trying to figure out this

is one of the main questions I got

trying to figure out what is the deal

with why sex is so critical like it’s at

the top of your list I’m gonna make a

compress I bet some of it and that’s a

grill fellas some of it remember in the

locker room as boy you’d be in a locker

with your fellas you just play a

football whatever sport and you would

talk about or brag about like it was a

conquering thing kind of like that I

haven’t had a lot of women but all the

dudes would always talk about yo she was

fine you know she although me she loved

me and it was and we built up a mindset

of it’s a like it’s a little victory

yeah it’s a victory and now you have

your your wife you know unless you don’t

um and now you get to get little bitty

you get to get victories once so it’s

like I feel like it’s like a little so

is it a bit of a challenge thing and you

you feel the sense of accomplish these a

big challenge that’s not me okay i think

i think there’s accomplishment but I

also think we live in a such a

sexualized society right that it’s

become uh it’s so touchy I mean it is it

is so touchy you can’t drive down

highway 65 without seeing billboards you

know up looking this way in that way you

can’t get on facebook without saying

things and so you know I know that that

women feel like wow like I can’t live up

to that and so what I am feeling the

pressure to do is to make my wife feel

more beautiful

then the images she’s seen me see and so

suddenly it starts getting real

complicated really fast you know and so

you know for me and my wife tells me

this all the time you know sex for us

starts way before sex you know and so

when we can start enter for women it’s I

think for me too

you know I think for me too I text my

wife this morning I love you exclamation

point exclamation point exclamation

point now sorry honey but that the

purpose oh I’m kind of a little bit

horny today okay listen listen

so I’m gonna say this right so I’m

thinking I want I want to get to Heather

today hold on oh I know I want to get

together I’m gonna tell her it was I

just got done working out with 6:00 a.m.

I just got to lift weights I’m feeling

you know

manzo right I text her I love you

exclamation I said it’s going to be a

wonderful day and she she texted me 30

minutes later I love you too period

without an exclamation point oh no you

wouldn’t think that made a big deal but

I remember feeling completely devastated

like well I’m not having sex today she I

did something wrong she didn’t give me

three exclamation points

now does this not sound like a female

thing he’s in the way

but I want to let you guys know that

that a lot of women put men in this

generalized category did you just have

sex that morning not this morning sir a

lot of women putting in I see and here’s

a date and a degree they just happy you

say I’m hearing you saying it are you

asking this question about men you want

to have sex you want to conquer that’s

not the case for all men okay no III and

I think there’s going to be a lot of

women that are married to men like me

that are emotional that need three

exclamation points after a text and not

a period in order for me to feel like

I’m on my way yeah yeah yeah you know

Wow there we go

you don’t know this guy he’s good no

exclamation points needed no

I think there is an excellent I think

there’s an obvious explanation point

that happens I mean we’re all when it’s

all said and done there’s actually a

point there I think what I think what’s

really important is that for me and I’ll

say this and me life talk about this is

it’s not so much it’s not always the act

of sex it’s really the availability as

well you know I mean so and if you

didn’t you would have been cool had you

not had sex but if you would have got

the explanation point absolutely that’s

what I’m saying I think women are sooner

sounds crazy that intimacy that

connection is not critical to you that

you are able to in fact when we did the

women’s panel where we kind of did this

vice versa

one of the women said you know it’s

possible for us to have an argument and

an hour later he’s okay having sex and

I’m 20 minutes sure we don’t we don’t

get that we feel like there has to be an

emotional connection in order for you or

we feel like you you guys don’t need

that emotional connection is that not a

canker is an emotion – subjective it

just depends on the Entertainer we’ll

Timmy I don’t I mean Michael Boggs you

are so quiet back there I’m dying to


hey what is what I told him hi no I I

think it’s you know for me I’m probably

similar to Carlos in the sense of leader

that is running a song about it you know

right now I think I think for me it’s

it’s there’s a little bit of that chase

you know throughout the day and intimacy

is expressed different ways and and sex

is one of those but it’s not necessarily

always for me that it takes that

expression to to communicate intimacy

you know yeah sex does that and it’s

enjoyable and it’s great she’s not the

only way single dudes thing yes I would

also ready to go which you do that first

and then I’ll ask a question go ahead

that’s what I think this is this is the

importance of sex to a single Christian

male okay that kind of sounds fishy

really right back

I know this is that as a Christian male

that she wants out know that but you

have is that I consider with the way we

were way we were raised I consider it to

be something sacred and something that I

want to experience with my way and if I

am with a girl who does not consider it

to be that that it’s a it’s a it’s a

deal-breaker to me if she pushes that

envelope if she knows how sacred it is

to me knows how guys are wired and tries

the trick the thought tries to like

spark the wire mm-hmm thinking that I

mean and that’s just how it goes

sometimes with Christian girls they’re

like I can get him if I can get that I

can get him and that’s that’s where it

gets messed up so if I I’m a Christian

male trying to keep that part of my life

sacred and set apart and that’s the that

is very important to me and if I’m with

a girl who doesn’t consider to be that

important then okay yeah yeah what does

it do thank you for that answer what

does it do to a man’s psyche is it kind

of ability to be faithful in his

marriage what does it do to him when the

sexual relationship between he and his

wife is you know is just waning it’s

just non-existent or there’s no passion

there it doesn’t happen regularly what

kind of position does that put you in

I’m asking this question because my

husband has said to me before that’s a

dangerous spot for him to be absolutely

it caused him to be extremely creative

so now his mind is like yo what to do

when I get home and I’m cracking I gotta

work so I just finished singing ladies

Rock Show I mean for real so then he

starts doing the math on it’s not going

down at the crib okay Lord by mistake

strong um wait what’s your name it’s a

lot it’s a struct so the creativity

starts to jump up and the devil starts

to talk and it gets easier to hear what

he’s talking about

so they got a yeah absolutely absolutely

I know I know for us you know we I

travel for a living I speak and I leave

worship and most of my trips are 2 or 3

days and we and this is where whether or

not we’re fighting or not we make sure

we have

X before I go on that trip because

honestly your eyes are just open to a

lot more things when when you have it

and so it’s just true a regular sex life

I think is important you know I can be

emotional and I can be you know I want

exclamation points computer years all

that stuff at the same time I know if I

don’t get it

before I go on a trip then then you know

there’s probably going to be a lot more

that I see that don’t need to see right

even on the way even our way back

here’s the money ladies if you if your

if your man travels and on the way back

you’re absolutely gonna take care of him

that stuff helps out so much because now

you like I about to be home and one day

I interpret or whatever the K it’s just

so much easier to you know and Cramer’s

episode you tell us the 72-hour rule

toward that I don’t you know it under

the wondering I mean totally coming into

our world

you remember a great Bible teacher Miss

Annie Wilson okay Arthur K Arthur said

this what is absolutely refresh my


it wasn’t you to hear it want you to say

it okay so go ahead I’ll get so record

it was so I don’t remember all the

details but it was something like every

72 hours do like pretty much it

shouldn’t go longer than 72 hours and

there was a psychological biological

reasoning in a male’s body why it’s very

hard to go beyond 72 hours well I kind

of got it oh you got it you got it okay

is there anything else that you guys

think would be important for a woman to

know about satisfying pleasing

fulfilling a man how can a woman who’s

watching make sure her man is fulfilled

each one of you should have an answer

for that what makes you feel most

fulfilled emotionally physically

otherwise whatever what makes you feel

most fulfilled Michael we just have to

start with you you know I I think it for

Keeley and I when she believes in me

more than I believe in myself I think

for me that is fulfillment that is like

nothing else okay Anthony what can a

woman do to make you make you feel


thats the artists answer that that

really is the I mean it that’s a great

answer but that’s how

that’s that’s it okay Mike I think for

my wife my wife always does this thing

where I’ll take some risk I mean I’ll

just it’ll be some bigger than doesn’t

make any sense but I clearly know I

clearly feel like God is saying this and

he hasn’t necessarily spoken to her

about it but I know like I mean she says

and the math doesn’t make sense at all

there’s no way to make sense on paper

and my wife says okay if this is what

you want to do I’m completely behind you

when she does that and anything works

out oh snap or even before it works out

I’m like that’s no I mean my goodness

she is awesome yeah yeah that’s great I

think for me is knowing that that I’m

trusted and and knowing that I’m known

there there’s just that innate desire

for my ethos everything that is me to be

known and so when I know my wife knows

me and she and she’s desiring to know me

and she is asking questions about my day

and about my trip and about my you know

hey honey I just wrote this song you may

not even have to like it don’t even tell

me like I just listened to him you know

those small things for me all right are

I think what really connects me it’s

good babe what can I do to make you


what you know you do make me happy I

feel glad but it is it is one of the

things one of the things is in I think

if anybody heard you speak before they

know that you know you always tell

people how your personality is you know

you see something I like Marc gené yo

hey let’s go do it

spontaneous spontaneous I’m one I think

about it I need to process it which is

not your personality so for you to wait

on me to make this decision

even those driving you crazy and I know

it’s driving you crazy but still for you

to be quiet and allowed me to process it

I mean you know require it is you know

that give you time and space yes that is

you know that is that is big for me

because I know that you are now you know

outside of you know your normal

character yeah and you’re like okay I’m

trusting him to make the right decision

this and go through even though I’m

ready to move now yeah you guys have

given us great advice great advice where

you guys please help me thank them and

listen I want you to know that every

single one of these guys have incredible

books CDs ministries businesses they

these are incredibly articulate

accomplished guys and each and every one

of them has some way that you need to

connect with them get to know more about

them and they have offerings for you

that can be a blessing into your life

and so right below this web show you’re

going to see links to all of their their

websites so you can connect with them

follow them on Twitter get involved in

what they’re doing it’s some good stuff

and so we are so grateful for all that

you pour it into these two shows this

has been really good thanks for helping

us to get in on the minds of men