What is prayer? Does it work? Is it scientific? In this episode Priscilla Shirer and I discuss prayer from a spiritual and scientific angle.



hi I’m dr. Caroline leaf and welcome to

the dr. leaf Oh today I have a very

special guest in the studio with me

priscilla shirer

and we’re going to be talking about

prayer faith and the mind and we’re also

going to be diving into the science of

pray joining welcome to the dr. leaf

show if you haven’t yet subscribed go to

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updated with all things related to mind

and mental health well with me in the

studio today

I have one of my dearest friends one of

the most amazing people on the planet

someone that I have so much respect for

and someone who so CENTAC and so genuine

and so amazing priscilla shirer thank

you so much my dear friend the studio so

excited that you I’m so excited that

you’re here and you’re so busy and I

appreciate so much that you’ve taken the

time to come and share but I know that

everything you say are pearls of wisdom

we all feel about you

mutually love each others are so great

with my family voted that you the best

Bible teacher that we you know we could

listen to you for hours

hilarious you’re brilliant you just make

complex things so simple and you just

have such a an incredible attitude to

life and you’re so real you know with

your kids and your boys and your husband

oh my gosh laundry laundry yes I have

heard you teacher tell on that so many

times I lose the laundry experience – oh

my gosh there’s so much laundry was

children for kids you actually right


it’s fishy when I do all the sports yeah

constantly washing and folding clothes

oh it’s never ending story but for sorry

you know and one of the things that I

really wanted to dive into today is the

concept of prayer because it’s something

that we all know it’s a vitally

important as you know this connection to

God and I’ve been doing a lot of

research on how we are designed

physically at connect with a spirit of

God in 15 seconds so it’s literally you

know when we talk about renewing the

mind and bringing thoughts into

captivity that is pray it’s a constant

communication with God it is and it

reminds me of the scripture verse that

says pray without ceasing

you sort of wonder how is that possible

so when you teach on connecting with the

Spirit of God every 10 seconds it is

that concept it’s that scripture verse

it is this constant moment by moment

daily as you would say sort of getting

into superposition and looking at

yourself in relationship to how you’re

honoring God with this moment with this

conversation how my body language how my

the words that I’m saying are honoring

to the Lord in this moment those

constant check-ins yeah that’s a prayer

that’s prayer it’s it’s so powerful

because it’s so much more than just as

going a prayer closet in the morning

like we’ve been kind of the most trained

to do growing up in a very years and

years of you know in within a religious

environment right it’s it’s a constant

lifestyle I think what’s really and I

don’t have you found this because since

the war room I know you get so much the

film war and Priscilla did an incredible

for me they haven’t really seen that you

need to see it warum you did that they

came out two years ago he’s been for

years now oh yeah and you believe that

maybe three gosh time just goes so

quickly and their whole thing was really

about pray wrs pray yes and pray is the

last time pray as a solution and we get

so many emails and I know you probably

get the same thing of people saying your

pray for me work with this problem or I

need pray and most begin God and then I

go to these churches and I’m teaching

and people are like begging God for now

I’m thinking doesn’t the Bible already

teach us that you know Jesus rose from

the cross said it is already done yeah

you know and this is God beyond space

and time and and isn’t the other Hebrews

11:1 that says faith is the substance of

things hoped for the evidence of things

not yet soon so praise really is pretty

not accessing substance and evidence I

think that’s the key word is accents

accent that is the word so Ephesians

chapter one says that every spiritual

blessing has already we already have

every spiritual blessing yeah so what

prayer does is it allows us to access

the spiritual blessings that have

already been allotted to us so you’re

right begging is not necessarily a

posture for a child of God because the

inheritance is already rightfully yours

as a result of the price he’s already

paid so what prayer does really prayer

is a god-given key

that allows us to unlock the resources

of heaven and have them unleashed on the

landscape of Earth in our lives and our

daily lives and so what war room did I

think is kind of remind people about the

intentionality of Prayer that it’s not

some afterthought or some theoretical

thing that you should do on occasion or

that other people do that or ocularly

spiritual spiritual or that it’s not

supposed to be locked away into just the

morning quiet time or the evening

devotional very much it should be those

times of concentrated prayer as well but

like you said it’s a lifestyle of

intentionally thinking about how can I

communicate with God intentionally

deliberately and strategically to make

sure that I’m applying what has been

allotted to me does the promises of

Scripture that I’m applying those to the

the points of my life right actually I’m

seeing that those promises need to be

fleshed out and need to come to bear in

regards to stuff I’m facing in this

relationship or on my job or in my

finances are in my health how can I

intentionally make sure to grab hold of

the promises of God and apply them and

live in light of those promises in

regards to what I’m facing in my life so

prayer is not just a bunch of random

words it is what has God already given

to me and how can I say Lord I am ready

now to receive this and have this apply

to what I am facing in my life right now

that is brilliant

it’s excellent explanation because what

you’re saying essentially is that people

need to recognize that the solution

exists but it’s not either I always say

it’s all in a baked cake for God doesn’t

give us through ok leave actually yeah

we actually have to get in that zone and

really access and decide you know on the

find it use our intellect work with God

you know vessels good luck Jake build

and really find those inheritances which

is exist and I think one of the biggest

miracles of Prayer is not necessarily

that prayer you know that God through

prayer can change our circumstances of

course he can he’s a miracle working God

but one of the biggest miracles of

prayer is that in prayer he changes us

that our perspective and our vantage

point the

promises we grab hold up the choices

that we make we see ourselves clearly in

prayer because we get a clearer view of

God in prayer so then we face the

circumstance that may not change our

spouse may not change our marital

difficulty may not change the financial

struggle may not change our health may

take a little time yeah it’s right that

those things may or may not change but

we change our heart becomes different

our mind is molded into the image of

Christ Jesus we change in prayer so then

our lives become you know a different

sort of experience not because everybody

else changed in everything else change

but because we did that’s what prayer

does I love this I absolutely love this

and that is so completely accurate

because when you get into that love zone

that always talked about the you having

the fear zone you are gonna love it it’s

cool I love that we need lots of those

in our heads when you get into that so

we are getting a new perspective we are

conceptualizing and looking at it in

terms of love and you know what you’re

saying and I’m just in so deep it owes

to the spiritual explanation that you’re

giving and and in my head as a scientist

all the science is popping up and you

know it’s so it was very fascinating

facilitate that I think you’ve heard me

teachers before that this the Oxford

mathematician Sir Roger Penrose he talks

about the fact that we are embedded in

love it’s such a what does that mean you

know you just said all the inheritance

you’ve given all the Scriptures talking

you not all of them you’ve mentioned

certain scriptures about how the

inheritance is the available for us and

that we need to get in and get God’s

perspective so that we can access you

know you said a key word access the

problem is we got to realize that we

have to do the work of accessing and

then accessing and Sir Roger Penrose

shows mathematically and with quantum

physics that as humans we are embedded

in ethical values of love and the

solutions for in space time and beyond

because there’s multiple universes and

there’s this mathematical equate these

these complex mathematical equations

showing the beauty and the logic and the

intelligence of what we actually are

immersed in so God’s showing us through


that we love in our solutions and that

with prey we are learning to access our

solutions and that is a working boat and

I think that’s another problem that I

see in people really praying like they

should in that they don’t realize that

you have to access with work there’s

work involved is you getting your mind

it’s not just going to put you know

close your eyes on God’s gonna give you

the baked cake but someone lays on hands

and now you know this is automatic

transference osmosis versus happening

these are working both yeah well that’s

you know the scripture says work out

your salvation in fear and trembling and

so your salvation in terms of eternity

the price for that was paid you and I no

longer owe the debt for our own sin once

we accept Christ as our Savior we are

receiving his gift

so salvation in that sense is done it is

finished but we’re still on earth that’s

the water on earth if we want to

experience life with God that’s the part

that requires work intentionality

deliberate focus on the promises of God

on living in a way that honors God on

using the keys that he’s given us the

love letter of his word the key of

prayer on humility garners you know in

choosing a lifestyle of humility instead

of pride humility so that we garner the

the attention the support of God the

favor of God in our life those are

choices that we have to make so in the

scriptures there are probably more than

or up to 8,000 different promises that

are given to sons and daughters but most

of them he did not place in our hand

most of them he placed in our reach

meaning things we don’t reach if we

don’t grab hold if we don’t actually

like he said to Joshua listen the

promised land is already yours but every

place you you put your foot down yes

that you will have access to it’s yours

but you got to go put your feet down

Exodus yeah you got to do it so lazy

Christianity is not going to benefit us

we’ll get to heaven but we won’t

experience the heaven on earth that we

were intended to experience unless we do

the hard work of putting our feet down

on the promises oh you said some

incredible constant

and one of the things you said that’s

very powerful see if we don’t do the

hard work if we don’t choose to actually

step into the promised land so using the

Christianese stepping into the promised


in life we’re going to have to choose to

realize that we have ability to we have

the ability to access the power of God

step into that that loves oh and step

into that that the promises that God has

placed within the within within the

atmosphere that we live in we immersed

in God but we have to do the work and I

think that’s one of the biggest problems

is there’s such a mindset in the church

of people wanting you to pray for them

or someone else to pray for them and

then I was talking about I was telling

you this earlier on about pass the buck

pray yeah and I’ve been teaching a lot

on that Lake you were someone’s I’ll

pray for you and there’s kind of like a

half-hearted little prayer he’ll make me

a genuine prayer maybe really heartfelt

and in a sec I kept on my work but have

you really because Vedas don’t do that

oh yeah we only have really when someone

is saying will you pray for me aren’t

they saying something deeper aren’t they

saying can you connect with me can you

somehow listen to me I need some kind of

support in some way should we not be

saying what’s your story can I can I

just listen do you need some time can

join adjust talk you know and is and

that’s much more effortful you know as a

you know it takes time it takes the

effort it takes maybe some takes some

phone calls some emails some time that

you’ve got to give up of your own yeah

but research shows that your own healing

when you do that and all of us need

healing constantly in every different

level increases by a factor of 68% when

we give to it quickly give to others so

be me praying for others it’s not just

for the benefit of mankind it’s for the

benefit of well it’s been for everything

you benefit the other person benefits

you start putting this whole laws of

love into it even some I could be wrong

on this reference but I think it’s Luke

6 or Luke 8 somewhere in there that says

give and it will be given back to you

whatever it is that you need we’ll give

it and it will be given back to you okay

so if it’s time or if it’s attention or

if it’s caring or whatever it is that

you need give it and that’s what comes

back to you which is what you’re saying

that it increases your healing by a

certain percentage because you

offering it to somebody else and it’s

just one of the laws of our God return

that to you

you know you’re feeding in that greedy

bad place and you feel like you want

someone to pray for you but you asked

and if someone says please would you

practically all please and you think I

don’t have the energy or that I know how

that’s the time when you really should

say yes absolutely what can I do and you

don’t have to do much you just have to

certain listen very often the orphans

may be just five minutes of it of

listening but that’s that’s part of

print as you listening you can be

talking to the Spirit of God saying lord

help me here what do I want yes and just

think about that person was I think so

often when we listening to other people

or even when you’re talking to God we’re

so busy thinking about what we want to

say and what we need that we or what we

want to say about our experience about

mother’s person that person is telling

us about the experience that we’re not

tuning into they need so it’s a matter

of get rid of your own need for a moment

tune in to that other person 100 percent

lift the Spirit of God moved through you

so that you can speak that word in

season and as you give it 100 percent

watch the what’s the change inside of

you because research shows that your

brain chemistry actually changes when

you do that so you and when you pray

your brain chemistry changes your brain

goes into the highest states of

intellectual function when you get into

that state of pray and worship which is

in love going into the rate of love but

you know what I find I’ve found recently

that I have been asking God what to even

pray well that’s good what what what do

you want me to pray because see we

always feel like I always feel like I’ve

got the solution for that person I know

what to pray you know to me are they

they think they know I want this job or

this promotion what we’re asking God for

that house or so they tell you basically

what they want you to pray for them and

obviously his ways are not our ways his

thoughts are not our thoughts and most

of us have our prayer requests are so

small we don’t we don’t realize it at

the time because in our category of

solutions that’s the top of the line but

he’s got categories we don’t even know

exists thank you so if and if just one

simply expand that’s right so we just

pray in our category we’re actually

limiting what could be a breathtaking

experience because we want this and

God’s got stuff we don’t even know how

to pray for

so I’ve been thinking even in regards to

my sons you know Lord I I’ve got this

picture in my head of what I’d love for

my boys but instead of just praying that

you would do that yes I just want to

pray a little bit that you would tell me

what you would like for me to pray for

my kid I’m thinking about when Jesus was

with Simon Peter and you know he knew

that there was gonna be a little tug of

war going on

yes spiritually with Peter and he did

not pray that he would not have the

struggle Jesus didn’t pray that Simon

would not have the struggle yes he

prayed that his faith would be

strengthened he said I’m gonna pray that

your faith is strengthened not that you

won’t go through what you’re about to go

through right so you had that you had

the resilience you know that’s right to

get through it he preferred to pray that

his resilience and faith would be

strengthened more than he wouldn’t have

the trouble and what we pray is Lord

take it away just no struggle just make

sure my kid doesn’t go through struggle

I don’t want to go through one big happy

story but that’s not life but if we pray

and say Lord actually what are you

trying to get out of this situation for

this person or for me then it probably

will change all of change our requests

so that we’re just praying the mind of

Christ for a particular person or for I

know I love that so actually asking God

what is it that you know it but you

actually want here now they they they

one is more involved it’s definitely

wouldn’t be a pastor by pre you actually

tuning into that person you you’re not

thinking about yourself we’re just you

know like working off a prayer you’re

actually tuning into the need of that

person via that that connection with the

Spirit of God right and getting that

that infant then that’s that’s

critically brilliant as well I think we

will always pray for what is easy and

convenient and makes us comfortable cuz

we’re humans were flesh we want life to

be especially in the western part of the

world where our conveniences are just so

you know accessible yeah and so we we

pray anemic prayers feeble weak prayers

because we really just want a happy life

that’s what we want so it will bring

unnecessary to do anything for a depth

of character and personality

makes this quite selfish yeah and you

realize it when really when you travel

to other parts of the world do you meet

people that come from other parts of the

world and you see a depth of character

you see a strength of faith through

horrible tragic circumstances you see

them still standing firm and having a

peace that passes all understanding

there’s a smile still on their face they

can still sleep at night despite the

fact that they’re going through things

most of us will never even yes and

you’re trying to forget how did that

happen it’s because convenience was not

their top priority they would like

convenience they would like comfort it

doesn’t water down those things it’s

just their top priority is how do I

honor God and what does God want in this

situation for me and for my family and

so it kind of conforms their perspective

on life’s difficulties totally different

angle totally different perspective as

opposed to so I agree with you Pacific

was what I see so much when I go around

doing what I do is people really I

mentioned in the beginning begging God

for you know change my husband change my

charge is this meanwhile this that’s not

even prayer that’s just you trying to

put your impose your will

meanwhile we need to be looking at that

China looking at it from totally

different perspectives I’m seeing that

there is that solution available that’s

already tuned in and we’ve got to see

the reality of reality of not just

trying to be happy and peaceful but she

makes you realize what what is it that

they’re going through yeah and get a

different perspective and you so write

about the whole concept of people that

you are coming from Africa and seeing

and working for 25 years in the most

poverty stricken traumatic environments

that you can imagine you know you just

see the champagne lifestyles and the

champagne praise is all from Corbin as

well just which is what you describe

there’s you know it’s it’s you need some

perspective it’s like we need to go

through certain things to be able to

realize that life’s not just about our

comfort laughs is about being human but

bringing heaven to earth with our minds

or being yelled to us with our minds we

literally by tuning into others of our

community focused on your hearing for

others that whole so the perspective of

pre is really shifting away some from

yourself to the needs of others right

and in that way your own needs somehow

if you don’t there’s a kind of shift of

the space

it’s a completely different as a mom

that’s very easy to you often talk about

your boys and your when you teach and

use them as examples and it’s so great

because people can relate to that and

you know what would you give us a

practical tip in a moment praying for

you in your boys and I would say you

know there’s a lot of guilt that we have

about this quiet time about devotions

and they are so important to carve out

some time where you have a place of

solitude of silence even if it’s your

bathroom so in place of silence you can

get for a few minutes that you lock the

door and you sit down and you spend 30

minutes with the Lord or 15 min to the

Lord but I think sometimes when we’re in

seasons of life where our kids are very

small or maybe we’re taking care of

elderly parents maybe the other side of

the spectrum or we’re just in a very

busy season if we don’t have an hour to

spend with God we are so laden with

guilt that we haven’t done it the way

we’ve been told it’s supposed to be done

that we do nothing so it’s the enemy

that makes us think if we can’t do it

this way then it’s not worth trying it

anyway and I think that that women who

are and men who are right in the throes

of raising a bunch of little kids and

everybody’s all over the place and most

of the time you know when your feet hit

the floor the possibility in the morning

that’s right and so you know there was

an a wiser older woman in my life

when my kids were much smaller who

really helped me to see that this would

be the time when the time of life when

practicing the presence of God is so

important that’s a phrase that brother

Lawrence gave years ago and it’s

basically what you’ve described in

connecting with the Spirit of God all

day long you’re just mindful and

thoughtful and you have to be

intentional about that so what that

means writing down scripture verses on

three by five cards and posting them

where you’re gonna wash dishes and where

you fold clothes and at the sandbox

where you’re gonna be watching your kid

playing on your dashboard taping one

there cuz you’re gonna be running

errands all day it’s this intentional

thought of how can i connect with God

throughout the day instead of feeling

guilty that I didn’t have an hour carved

out this morning and I just think people

need to be freed up to know that a

relationship with God is not just the


or evening it just be with them all day

long that’s really really was good to

emphasize that in this in the show and

you view verbalize that so magnificently

how we need to have a constant ongoing

discussion we said become you made from

lovely immersed in love love yeah and we

need to have this constant discussion to

activate that so yes it’s not that the

religious laws of really blog people are

believing they’re praying because

there’s nothing wrong with things have

devotions that don’t even we’re good for

you but if you can’t do the new last

time don’t let that you lifestyle you

from no connect and it’s not the only

way so you can do that it doesn’t mean

that you then turn into a horrible

person the rest of the day and you only

nice and in free time but effective you

maintain it through the day and it’s

really no I love using my reminders on

my phone if I’m working on something you

know there just pops up and it’s you

know you can set them to pop up as often

as you want and it just keeps you

focused well whenever I’m on whenever I

get to take a little vacation maybe once

a year I’m on vacation or I happen to be

in some couple days where I you know

maybe the kids went to Granny’s house

and I’m I’m at home and I get to wake up

leisurely and have a cup of coffee

whenever those moments happen I’m always

thinking Lord can this right here last

like how do I get how do I get this to

go into regular life when when life is

busy and we’re running errands we got

games and all that and that’s what what

you’re describing about connecting with

God that’s the bridge of how to bring

that feeling of I’m on vacation into the

regular rhythms of life it can’t just be

we’re waiting for that week in Mexico or

that week all not cruise it has to be

where I find out how to have a rhythm of

grace and peace by God’s Spirit that’s

why we have God’s Spirit that’s the

that’s the whole point of God being in

us and with me is to have that rhythm

and enjoy the abundant life he’s given

us access to throughout the whole year

not just once a week when we get to go

on vacation

this is profound what Priscilla has just

said is so incredibly profound that this

is not just a now and then thing this is

not just but that peace that you get

when you have those moments of

exceptional joy when you watching your

kids are you with your husband and

you on that holiday cruise that should

be in our everyday moments we need to

learn how to tap into that we need to be

able to rest in our busyness and that’s

kind of what your syllabus and some

pretty helps us doesn’t it Priscilla to

rest in that busyness yeah today we’re

not gonna be fun busy listen you won’t

it’s 1:00 now because it’s a great but

not we always am you can do busy well

you know the sign shows that we designed

to do busy well but we can do that by

keeping our souls focused and our brain

is just going to respond to our mind

yeah our bodies is going to respond to

our mind it’s the mind brain connection

so when we talk about the mind brain

connection we really are talking about

pre we’re talking about self-regulation

we’re talking about you know you think

just the the the the renewing of the

mind the bringing thoughts into

captivity this is and the implication is

what you were saying it’s a

self-regulation yeah and it’s a

self-regulation that keeps us in a state

of peace way I often explain what you

just explained now is freaking out in

the love zone so that the peace that you

feel you can bring into that crazy

moment of that crazy challenge that’s

crazy situation that crazy challenge

whatever’s going on it you can keep

maintaining it it’s been a constant goal

of mine to try to you know minimize and

downsize and you know not be busy busy

busy on all the margins so I think there

is you know we have to control our

business we have to align it we have to

think about priorities and but the

reality is even when we get our

priorities in order

even when we put first things first and

we’re still going to be busy even if

things are ordered you’re still gonna be

busy you know my boys are going to have

games they’re in three different sports

we’re gonna have games that we have

exactly this one has this test coming up

tomorrow that one has that test coming

up tomorrow there is still dinner to be


laundry still has to be done yes so

there’s going to be busyness you’ve got

a child so there’s gonna be busyness so

instead of being us instead of being you

know upset that our life is busy the

reality is like you’re saying we having

to find rest in the busyness

and I had a handle and I capture

ourselves when you feel ourselves as is

too much bringing ourselves back if you

make the mistake and get frustrated or

get irritated by self-regulating by

living a lifestyle of prayer by

connecting to the Spirit of God every 10

seconds which is what we designed to do

we didn’t catch ourselves instead of

falling apart from freaking out in those

moments we actually can figure out in

the love zone because they rule back on

that I go to do this and you might be

but you can still have that there’s

something in you that’s just flowing and

s that love that connection with the

Spirit of God that there’s connection

with love and it’s expressing I think

that’s what you what you saying and that

we can all do you think we can strive

with a P we designed for that now that’s

what I love about science prasada

because everything you saying everyone

who’s watching knows that this is

reality we know what Bristol is saying

is what we all meet we know it

instinctively you know what Priscilla

has been saying what we’ve been

discussing is something that you aspire

to that you instinctively feel that’s

something that you can you believe in of

how to bring it into your life how to

bridge it into your life how to make it

part of your life this is something you

can do you you can do this but you have

to choose to do it personally you had to

give a closing statement it’s something

that would be how would you represent

what would you do something practical

that what would you do like a a way of

its choice its accessing could you give

us a wise statement a closing statement

to Madison yeah just really say to make

a decision like she said choice is the

very beginning to make a decision that

tomorrow or today I am going to start to

self-regulate which means as she’s

described standing outside of yourself

and monitoring in those moments when

you’re starting to feel frustrated and

I’m starting to feel the stress

overwhelm you and begin to dictate your

actions in your words to take that

moment to self-regulate but not only

that to take out a pen and a piece of

paper and write down literally write

down what you’re going to be mindful of

throughout the day the moments that you

already know that are coming

conversations you already know you’re

going to be having to have with a boss

or a co-worker or a spouse things that

normally arouse something in you that

you don’t like the look of go ahead and

write those things down

and then praise specific to those things

and ask the Lord in advance to prepare

you for those moments and then ask him

to already give you the piece already

give you the tools that you can access

in the moment that those things arise

that will enable you to honor him and to

honor those around you when those

moments come thank you for joining us

today and I look forward to seeing you

next time this is the doxa leaf show

thank you for joining me I hope you

enjoyed that discussion and learned lots

of information about pre faith and

science and if you want to keep up to

date with all things related to the mind

and mental health don’t forget to

subscribe the little button at the

bottom of your screen just press that

and you’ll be kept up to date thank you

for joining me I’m dr. Caroline Lee are

you tired of failing tired of not

getting those good grades even though

you studied for hours tired of having

all these goals and dreams but not able

to make them happen maybe you’re just

tired of failed relationships but the

real key to success lies deep inside of

all of us and that is in our mind if we

don’t get our mind right nothing else in

our life will go right

dr. Leif’s latest book think learn

succeed includes her gift profile and

scientifically proven five-step learning

process to help you understand and use

your unique mind to find meaningful

success in school work and life order

your copy today


thanks for joining us today doctor Leafs

best-selling book will help you find the

switch that will turn on your brain and

enable you to be happier and healthier

in your mind and body more prosperous

and more intelligent no diet will work

unless you have the right mindset in the

book think and eat yourself smart doctor

leaf will show you how to eat real food

mindfully and develop a healthier body

brain and spirit do you struggle to find

your identity and purpose the perfect

you will help solve life’s questions by

providing you with the blueprint for

your unique mind detox your brain in 21

days with doctor Leafs best-selling

online program the 21 day detox

accessible from your phone tablet or

computer this program will show you how

your thoughts impact your spirit soul

and body to stay up to date on all

things related to the mind and mental

health follow us on Facebook Twitter and


thanks for watching today and be sure to

tune in next week for another great
