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Jenny Weaver practiced witchcraft before surrendering her life to Jesus. Find out what she has to say about Christians celebrating Halloween.

so how does a nice believer that loves

God with 100% of of of her her

life become a witch why would you even

want to yeah well that’s a great

question and I’m so excited to tell this

part of my story so yeah like you said

you know I love the Lord U there was a

time before I was radically transformed

that I was living in darkness so for

about nine years of my life I did so

many drugs and was out on the streets

but around the age of 13 Even though I

was in a Christian home I BEC became

extremely depressed I was bullied at

school I didn’t have any selfworth there

was a lot of abuse happening in the home

and so I remember going to a friend’s

house because my mother didn’t allow us

to watch anything she would say I don’t

want anything demonic on my TV that

meant Smurfs that meant The Simpsons I’m

dating myself right now that meant

anything that had Rebellion or sorcery

she would not allow us to watch but I

knew if I went to a friend’s house I

could watch whatever I wanted to and so

I went to this friend’s house and the

movie came out in 1996 it was called The

Craft and this movie was about four

witches in high school and I watched the

movie and I was completely overtaken by

the movie meaning I wanted to become

like these

witches what were you looking for with

this power did you ever know power


control in a in a situation in a life

that I felt like I had no

control and so it looked like to me

these four witches they were going to

their high school and they were making

these bullies pay for picking on them

they were getting you know people to

like them and getting all the things

that they wanted and so I looked at that

like I want that too uh by the way I

hear the term a lot wicker what is

wiah w yes wickah Wiccan um pagan

um beliefs these are people that

practice Witchcraft and they believe in

there is not one God there is many gods

goddesses um that Earthly things can

have Spirits like a tree can have a

spirit an animals can have a spirit and

so all of these things have power and

they were all kind of connected as one

and so that’s in a nutshell and there’s

many different C categories of that but

in a nutshell that’s what it is they

don’t believe in in some may believe in

God like we believe in God but they

believe he’s not the only one that there

are all sorts of other gods and in fact

that we are also Gods

um well how did

you leave Wier or or or witchcraft how

did you uh get

dissatisfied uh and uh I would have to

believe that you open yourself up to

powerful familiar spirits through

witchcraft absolutely well I’ll tell you

it started real innocent like I see

today people getting into having healing

crystals and burning sage and uh looking

for an energy or a power that was going

to help me to just uh be happier in life

and so something that started very

innocent I would get dispelled books and

you know just do these little little

things I didn’t think were a big deal

became deeper and darker and the point

where like on Halloween we’d be sitting

around in a circle summoning up these

deities God’s goddesses to come which we

know they’re demons the Christian world

to come into the the place where we were

and to enter into our bodies and give us

power and so the way that I got out of

it most people probably think I’m going

to say that God just came down and just

like wrecked my life and just power came

on me I actually got so deep into it

that the things that started happening

around the house it was like the only

way I can describe it was like a living

in a haunted house I was so terrified of

how deep I had gotten into it and what

began to happen that I actually got out

of it um without even yet encountering

God which happened a little bit later I

got out of it because I remember my mom

saying you don’t need to be involved in

that stuff and it’ll take you out and I

remember going I can’t do this anymore I

don’t want to have I don’t want to

practice spells anymore and and it took

a while for the Lord to really grip my

heart but I got out of it because I felt

like I was living in a haunted house and

if I didn’t get out of it that these

Spirits would kill me in my

sleep well well

um you in addition to drugs you became a

cutter yeah uh what what causes uh a

young person to become a cutter and how

bad was it for me it was very bad uh it

started off in in high school uh I came

home one day I was bullied I was just

having a terrible day you know being

bullied and picked on at school and then

coming home to a a place that’s supposed

to be safe and then being bullied abused

and picked on by your parents and your

family it’s just like a one two punch

and the enemy he he knew he was doing by

setting me up that way and so I saw it

as a a way to escape there was so much

pain inside I thought I have to let the

pain out and if I cut maybe a little bit

of that pain can escape and really uh

many times Sid you know what I would

hear I would hear a whisper like this go

cut yourself cut yourself cut yourself

it was those there was those demons yes

that were they were inside outside and

and they only have one person purpose

use you and destroy you right that’s it

exactly and at one point I remember

looking at my arm and Counting the cuts

I had 56 Cuts all up and down my arm my

arm looked like it went through a

shredder it was something I did almost

every single

day so you left that but God’s hand was

on your life and you how how did you

make the full I mean you’re such a

radical believer in the Messiah today

that when I hear your background I say

tilt it doesn’t compute right what was

what did you what was the process after

about nine years of Witchcraft which led

of course to drug addiction I was

addicted to meth and heroin in and out

of jails I mean the whole thing at one

point I was living in people’s sheds in

their backyards like an animal hiding

using meth just it was insane and I got

pregnant with my daughter who is 12

today and I got to the lowest point in

my life and I remember just screaming

out to God God help me with the most

gut-wrenching scream and I was just done

I I I had not eaten in days not showered

in days I had no home no life no job

nothing and I was a drug addict and I

was pregnant and I cried out to God and

I’m I’m I’m telling you at that moment I

knew God hears me he’s going to come and

rescue me and sure enough I remember

hearing just a big old knock on the door

a few days later a big ginormous knock

which you know is the police when you

hear that kind of knock and they came in

to this hotel that I was in using drugs

and uh they arrested me and I I took

that long drive to jail and the lady

ministered to me in the car the police

officer she literally ministered to me I

don’t even know who this lady is she

just said you have a purpose you know

God’s got a good plan for your life you

don’t need the and I remember her I

don’t remember her name or anything and

I’m telling you God used her to really

minister to me and I never went back

from that point on um well I’m I’m you

you know what the most amazing phenomena

I observe you know I’m I observe things

I feel things the minute you open opened

your mouth about God revealing himself

to you the presence of God was on those

words the same presence of God that came

on you is coming on the people that are

listening um but uh I have to go back to

the Witchcraft just for a moment and I

have to ask you what do

witchcraft have to do with

Halloween Halloween is just trick or

treat children having fun costume

parties uh Christians and non-christians

Alik celebrating the Christians can say

we don’t think anything about uh uh the

the the bad things from Halloween but

let’s start out for Basics what is

Halloween well Halloween is a

celebration of the dead and it started

out with Celtic Druids years and years

and years and years ago this whole

entire holiday or day was created to

summons up the God of of the dead and

they would they would basically call on

this the people who had passed on who

were in the graves for their spirits to

come and roam through the Earth on this

day that they believ that there was a

veil that was thin crossing over from

Summer into the next month they believe

that that veil was thin going into the

next season season and so because the

veil was thin between the spirit world

and the Earth world that the two could

Collide and so that’s what they wanted

it was all steeped in witchcraft it was

all steeped in communicating with the

dead that’s the original root and origin

of this holiday so much so that they

believe that this happened and they felt

this happening that they would disguise

themselves in costumes so that these

spirits that were roaming around the

earth on this day that they wouldn’t try

to take Vengeance out on them as a human

that they would the spirits would see

them dressed up as a a ghost and they

would pass the Human by and go to the

next one and so that’s where we

incorporate costumes and dressing up

that’s why a lot of times when you see

costumes although you see nice angels

and these things but most of them are

scary they are horrific they’re ghouls

and goblins and all the things that

bring fear

and and by the way if there’s one spirit

that we’ve seen rear its ugly head

because of Co it’s the spirit of fear we

don’t need anything in addition on to to

bring fear on people uh but uh do you

think or no I’m just curious to W to

witches use Halloween as a point of

contact to um either recruit people or


people yes absolutely now I will I will

tell you this for me in my life when I

was practicing

witchcraft I wasn’t around witches and

warlocks who were doing what I would

call like evil things at least in my

view it

wasn’t too bad like sacrifices killing

animals even kidnapping children all of

these things I wasn’t around that group

but I did know which most people know

that that thing does happen this is the

day that witches and satanists look

forward to like Christians look forward

to Resurrection Sunday or Christmas or

celebrating Jesus this is a holiday that

people are witches satanists people that

are doing sorcery and Magic they are on

high alert they will rest all that whole

week so that that night they can be up

throughout the night practicing spells

the cow even roaming around you notice

that if you look at statistics that

night there’s more kidnapp be there’s

more um people going missing there’s

more crime there’s more murders that

happen that night is like the devil’s

play play night and and even the person

that uh started the satanic Church he’s

passed on now but he said he loves that

Christians allow their children to

participate and worship the devil at

least one night of the year

uh now that you are a Believer and you

Minister all over the world

um you told me you had a meeting where


warlocks did the opposite of what their

boss wanted them to do Satan yeah tell

me about that meeting yes so uh it was a

church service I go to church in Orlando

under the leadership of Daniel Kenda and

at the end of service people are always

flooding the altars they want prayer and

so any other Sunday it’s nothing out of

the normal I see these four people and

they waited the whole time they kind of

were standing over off to the side and

they waited for us to be done and they

came up and they said we are wishes and

there was one guy then he said and I was

trained since I was a little boy to be a

warlock and they came and said we are

here for deliverance they said somebody

makes me so emotional just even talking

about it they said somebody shared your

video on Facebook about the dangers of

Witchcraft we saw your testimony and we

just feel like we don’t want to do this

we want to give our lives to Jesus I was

like so shocked just hearing it I

gathered my husband uh our prayer

director and another lady and the four

of us were praying with them and um they

were Ed and we saw we saw the Manifest

and demons leave them and we saw Jesus

come in and literally rescue them the

same way that he rescued me and they

were crying and and just totally

surrendered to Christ in a moment I’m

going to have you pray but you’re going

to uh break curses of

ancestry that are on generationally on

people and uh

and and break the spirit of Witchcraft

and the demon and deliverance the

Demonic stronghold on people uh I call

it a freedom prayer but just before you

share that freedom prayer I would like

you to talk eyeball to eyeball to the

people watching us right now the way

that police woman spoke to you in in the

police car and lead them in a prayer of

knowing the Messiah not just I believe

because I’ve been taught since I was

this little but really knowing god yeah

absolutely well if you’re watching this

I will just say that you didn’t click on

it because you were that smart to just

jump on here you are watching this

because Jesus Christ himself loves you

so much so that he would have you on

this particular broadcast at this

particular moment to get your attention

to say and the loudest voice possible my

child I love you I am with you I have a

plan for your life my plan is not to

harm you but to give you and your family

a hope and a future and so I don’t know

what you’re walking through at this

moment but I do know of someone who is

the mighty deliverer I don’t know how

feel at this moment but I do know

someone that is the comforter of all

uncomfortable things we’ve ever walked

through and his name is Jesus and I it

doesn’t matter even if I feel like

there’s you’re on here and you’re even

in the church you you feel like I’m

already saved but there’s something

missing there’s something lacking and I

just want to bring you back to this

place of knowing god and recommitting

your life or committing your heart to

him maybe for the very first time all

you have to do is call on the name of

Jesus confess with your mouth and he is

Lord and and the Bible says you’re saved

whosoever calls on the name of the Lord

shall be saved and so right now right

where you are I want you to call on the

name of Jesus and I want you to ask him

to come and be Lord of your life that

from this day forward you are going to

follow him every day listen you don’t

have to get it all figured out I was a

drug addict I lived in the streets I

know that life but I’m telling you even

when I didn’t understand how I was going

to do tomorrow or the next day or the

day after I just said at this moment I

give you my all at this moment I give it

all to you and if you do that right now

Jesus will come in and he will be the

way the truth and the life for you right

now so even let us know in the comments

say I’m recommitting my life I’m I’m

asking God to come into my life right

now and so I just pray father I just

pray right now as they’re recommitting

they’re having that conversation with

you father even as tears are flowing

that you are just moving mightily by

your spirit I thank you Jesus that you

will forgive sins father that you would

wash and clean your blood because of the

finished work of the cross in Jesus

mighty name I thank you Father I thank

you and did you want me to pray for

deliverance too uh yes but I want to

just add one thing to what Jenny just

said yeah as a traditional Jewish man

not knowing

it it as it says in the Bible my left

hand from my right hand so to speak when

it comes to the right prayer of knowing

the Messiah I prayed a shorter prayer

than Jenny I prayed Jesus help and it

revolutionized my life for the last 50

years on that little prayer so it’s not

a formula it’s a heart desire to know

God not know about him but to know him

and Jenny there are people watching us

right now that have uh curses that were

spoken to ancestors that they don’t even

know these ancestors names there are

people that are suffering under

Witchcraft and spells right now and I

know you know The Man From Galilee that

can set them free and you have been

granted Authority from Heaven to pray

for them right now yeah father in the

name of Jesus I thank you God that you

gone before us and you have broken Every

curse by your blood I decree and declare

that every generational curse is broken

now by the authority of Jesus Christ I

thank you Father God that you are going

before us and you’re burning up every

enemy witchcraft we break and bind your

power right now in the name of Jesus we

say get out get out of the homes get out

of their hearts get out of their

bloodline in the name of Jesus I thank

you Father God that your blood has

already broken Every curse every spell

every hex every Vex every bit of voodoo

sorcery magic incantations it is

completely destroyed by the power in the

name of Jesus and right now I thank you

God that you are delivering your people

with a mighty hand because you love them

Father I thank you that eyes are opening

right now that ears are opening right

now that hearts are realigning with the

word of Truth and in the name of Jesus

Christ I just decree that for you and

your whole bloodline that it is saved

Sanctified and filled with the Holy

Ghost father I thank you that you have

wiped away our past we are not marked by

our past by what people in our lives

have done by what our father has done by

what our mother has done but God we are

marked by your Holy Spirit spirit this

day forward I thank you that they are

walking in truth in Freedom and in

Liberty in the name of Jesus and I just

want to pray this as well if you already

know that you have dabbled in witchcraft

or New Age practices maybe you didn’t

realize that healing crystals that you

don’t go to healing crystals for healing

but you’re supposed to go to Jesus only

maybe you didn’t realize things that you

were partaking in were uh their Origins

were in the Demonic realm maybe you

didn’t understand understand but now you

know and I just want you to be able to

renounce those things you know you

confess them before the Lord you

renounce them and then you just pray and

ask God to change you and so you can say

I renounced all new age practices I

renounced all witchcraft I renounce any

participation in the occult world right

now in Jesus mighty name and I ask you

God to forgive me to wash me I Repent of

that and now I look forward to you Jesus

I keep my eyes only on you God teach me

Lead Me Guide Me every day of my life in

Jesus mighty name and holy spirit I ask

you to seal these prayers and let your

Shalom your super natural completeness

your peace just descend on everyone that

is watching us right now and father God

I pray that you would put in of everyone

watching a Hunger for More of you and

that we would be praying this prayer of

Moses God show me your


amen amen