This week on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, Shane Warren got caught up into heaven and eavesdropped on conversations between Jesus and Father God. Then Shane began to act out what he heard them say. The results? Supernatural!

Is there a supernatural

A world beyond the one we know?

Is there life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain messages
from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient secrets
of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years
researching the strange world of

the supernatural.

Join Sid for this edition of
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: Hello.


Welcome to my world where it’s
naturally supernatural.

Wait until you hear this.

My guest gets caught up into the
heavenly and eavesdrops on

conversations between Jesus and
Father God, and then he, it’s

like an actor on the stage, he
just acts out what they’ve

been saying.

Isn’t that what the Messiah

I only do what I see my Heavenly
Father doing.

My guest comes from a
non-religious home, good

parents, but a non-religious
home, and at age 12, he had a

defining moment.

What happened?

Shane: Well at age 12, I went to
visit my grandfather and again,

didn’t know anything about
Jesus, didn’t know who he was,

and had a visitation from the
Lord where He appeared to me.

And I sought for years to
describe that experience.

The only thing I could find in
Isaiah 6, where it says, “I was

undone,” I literally felt

I had not committed any great
sin, but I just knew that I had

need of Him, and the feeling was

He walked up to me, put his hand
on my head, it literally burned

like fire, and he said, “I’ve
called you to the nations.”

And I just began to weep

Sid: When he put his hand on
your head, people use


Flippantly, you said it felt
like a fire.

Did it really?

Shane: It literally felt like
fire, like my head was on fire.

In fact, I closed my eyes and
started weeping, and when I

looked back up, he was gone, but
I could still feel his hand on

my head.

Sid: Now you said to me that
many times since that time when

you’re, you feel the fire on
your head, as a matter of fact,

you know what it sounds like?

Shavuot, Pentecost, when flames
of fire came on the heads of the

people that were praying.

Do you think that might have
been the same fire?

Shane: I think it exactly was
the same fire, and here’s the

reason why.

A week later, I invited my
parents, my grandparents,

everybody to church, and went to
the altar to receive something,

I didn’t know what I was going

And the preacher said, “What are
you here for?”

And I said, “I don’t know.”

He said, “Have you received the
Holy Spirit?”

I said, no.

He came down, put his hand on my
head, exact same place, same

fire hit me.

I fell out.

I never even heard of anything
called the Holy Spirit.

I began to speak in a heavenly

And when I came to, I heard the
loudest screaming you could ever

hear, and my mother and daddy
were in the altar.

They were being delivered and
set free.

And God healed our family,
touched my dad’s life, changed

our whole world, turned it
upside down, took us out of

poverty and took us into wealth.

I mean, God literally turned it,
and it was the same fire.

It’s the same fire that I feel
right now setting here talking

with you.

Sid: Do you feel that fire in
your head now, out of curiosity?

Shane: I feel it right now.

I felt it all day.

I felt it for the last three
days since I’ve known that I was

coming to film this program.

Sid: Well here’s what I believe.

I believe that fire of God is on
your head right now and I

believe that if you will pray
miracles will break

out right now.

Shane: You’re closer to a
miracle than you think you are.

And in the name of Jesus, I
release the power of God into

your situation.

All you need is one touch from
him and he’s closer to you than

your own breath.

And right now in the name of
Jesus Christ I take authority

over every illness, over every
disease, over every bondage, no

matter what’s going on in your
life, I release the power of God

into your life, into your

Rise up and be set free in the
name of Jesus Christ.

Sid: You’re a young man.

Your father died.

Your mother is terminal.

You’re at the end of your rope
and the only thing you know to

do, even though things look bad
in the natural, is worship God.

You go into your music room, you
take your guitar, you’re

worshiping God.

What happened?

Shane: The only way I know how
to describe this moment is I was

caught up into the realms.

People ask me, was it Heaven,
and I can’t say.

All I can say is I was caught up
into the heavenlies and God

began to show me things in the
scripture that I had studied for

years as a pastor, as a leader
of a church.

Built great churches, but didn’t
have a revelation of the

supernatural realm.

And God began to release that
revelation to me.

This lasted for over seven

Seven hours later when I came
back to myself, I was still

sitting in that same chair with
the guitar.

And I had just determined in
that moment, Sid, that my mother

was dying.

We had just had a man who was
blind that had been healed.

We had a man with a short limb
that had grown out.

Over 20-something people had
been healed in our cancer in our

service, in one service.

A little girl with eyes that
were crossed, we literally

watched them, and this so hard
not to weep, but we literally

watched them uncross before our

She took her thick coke
bottle-like glasses off.

She could still see to this day.

She’s a teenager now in our

Could see.

And I prayed and prayed, and
asked God to heal my mother, who

was dying, and I couldn’t seem
to get a miracle.

And so I just made a statement:
God, no matter what happens, I’m

going to worship you because
you’re God no matter what.

But Satan, I want you to know

That no matter what happens
tonight, you will never

take my song.

You can’t take my praise and you
can’t take my worship.

And I just went crazy and
started praising God.

Sid: You didn’t go crazy.

You became normal as defined by
the Bible.

And I believe there are people
watching us right now and you’re

going through situations like
this, and you’re saying,

God where are you?

And I tell you the same thing
that Shane told you.

You are God and my peanut brain
doesn’t have all the facts.

But if I had all the facts, I
would get down on my face, I

would repent for doubting God
and I would worship Him the way

Shane did, and I would be

Normal as defined by the Bible.

We’re going to come right back
and find out some of these

mysteries that God revealed
during this seven-hour


Don’t go away.

We’ll be right back to
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: My passion is for you to
walk in Divine health 24/7.

That’s why I handpicked my
favorite healing scriptures from

many translations of the Bible,
personalized them for you and

made them available in this free

I want you to meditate or pray
out loud these scriptures over

your life daily and witness the
supernatural healing power of

God’s Kingdom come upon you.

Download your free healing
scriptures e-book now.

We now return to
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: So Shane Warren is caught
up into the heavenlies seven

hours and he’s taught how to
change the atmosphere through


He’s taught why we should

He’s taught what happens when we

He’s implemented what he’s
taught in his own congregation.

That’s why he sees so many

As a matter of fact, you’ve got
to tell us

about that blind person.

You had all the students.

You told the students, “Come up.

I want you to watch this
person’s blind eye.”

Tell me that story.

Shane: We have a school of
ministry and I feel like God has

called me to help make the next
generation aware of the


And we were in a church in the
southern part of the state, in

Mississippi, preaching there.

And this lady come up needing

I felt like God told me,
interrupted me and said, “I want

you to pray for the sick.”

She came up.

She had a milky eye.

Her eye was almost looked like
it didn’t have a pupil at all.

It was very milky.

She could not see out of that

And for the first time in my
life, you know I’ve prayed for

the sick and ministered to the
sick ever since I’ve been a

Christian, especially a

But the first time, Sid, I knew
that I knew, that I knew, that

this woman was getting ready to
get her sight in that eye, that

God was going to heal her.

So I called all of my students,
we had numerous students, and

said, “Come right now.”

I said, “I want to show you the
power of God.

We’re not just preaching the
Gospel, we’re demonstrating the


Sid: Now wait a second.

You are sticking your neck out.

I mean, can you picture this.

He has all these students, come
close, I want you to watch, not

after the fact, before the fact.

That is chutzpah.

That’s a Hebrew word for nerve.

Shane: Well I just knew I had
this confidence, this confident

knowing in God that came behind

And the Lord just whispered
these words in my ear, He said,

“Just say, ‘let the eye look
straight on.'” And so I just

spoke to the eye and I said,
“Eyes, look straight on.”

And as soon as I said it, all of
a sudden, this milky substance

began to dissolve and you could
see a pupil forming quickly and

clearly in that eye.

Several of the students started
running backwards.

The lady began to scream and
yell, “I can see!

I can see!

I can see!”

You know, you believe, you say
you believe in the supernatural,

but then when it happens it
catches you off guard.

It’s so wonderful isn’t it?

Christianity is so exciting.

So they run backwards and
someone said, “Oh my!

Oh my!”

Everybody in the place starts
rejoicing and people get saved,

come to the altar as a result of
this woman getting her miracle.

It was glorious.

Sid: Those student will never,
ever be the same Shane: Normal

church and normal Christianity,
normal living is not an option

for them because now they know
the supernatural is real.

Sid: Okay.

Tell me some of the secrets you
learned during that seven-hour

visitation about worship.

Shane: One of the things the
Lord showed me is that so many

people are unaware of the spirit

In fact, I feel like it’s my
life call to make people aware

of the spirit realm.

In First Corinthians, Chapter
11, Paul makes a statement that

we need to be careful how we
conduct ourself in church

because of the angels.

There’s angels that come

And so when I was caught up in
this place, I started seeing the

working of angels as people were
worshiping him.

And I was praising God, God was
showing me the release of these

angels toward my situation, as
well as I was standing in other


I had been praying for people in
my church as a pastor bearing

burden for them and I was
literally seeing angels running

toward with the miracles that
they were believing God for

while they were in times of
private worship.

That was just one incident of
one example of what I was seeing

in the spirit realm.

It started opening my mind up to
the supernatural.

And then God began to show me

He showed me what Jesus does
while we’re worshiping.

He showed me what Jesus does in
a worship service while we’re


He showed me that the atmosphere
of Heaven, what happens when we

start worshiping, the response
the angels have, the response

God the Father has, the response
Jesus the Son has.

And as I was seeing this unfold,
it dawned on me that we come to

church and we do all of these
religious calisthenics I call

them, but we’re not really aware
of what’s going on in the spirit


And if we really knew the power
of praise and worship that it

has so much supernatural ability
and releases the supernatural.

And people are ignorant.

The Bible says, “My people are
destroyed because of a lack of


There is not a lack of

There is only an abundance of

There is more than enough of God
to go around.

He’s El Shaddai.

He’s the God of too much.

Sid: Now can I, you have this
atmosphere in your


The leaders of Louisiana said
it’s the place to be because of

the atmosphere of God you have
in your congregation on Sunday


Can we have that same atmosphere
in our homes?

Shane: Every single person right
now in this studio audience,

every single person watching
right now by television can have

this atmosphere everyday of
their life, 24 hours a day,

seven days a week.

They can walk in it.

They can live in it.

This is what the Apostle Paul
talked about when he said, “We

were positioned in heavenly
places in Christ Jesus.”

The problem is we don’t know who
we are in Christ.

And Galatians, Chapter 4 says,
“You can be an heir of

everything, but if you have a
mindset of a child, the Satan

will treat you like a slave.”

And so many of the children of
God are living like slaves

because they’re ignorant of
basic biblical principles that

tell us who we are in Jesus
Christ and how to access the


Sid: I’m going to tell you

Shane accessed the heavenlies.

He hears conversations between
Jesus and God the Father.

In fact, he was telling me about
a conversation he

heard recently.

He then just was an actor on a
stage, released it at a meeting

of pastors.

He knew the pastor’s name.

He knew the pastor’s city.

He knew the pastor’s address.

He knew what was going on in the
pastor’s life.

It wasn’t he was so smart.

He eavesdropped on that

I want to find out about this
when we come back.

We’ll be right back to
It’s Supernatural!

We now return to
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: Shane Warren had a defining
moment when he was just 12 years

of age.

He learned how to access the
presence of God.

But he couldn’t really teach it
to others.

He really didn’t have a handle
on it.

No one else was talking about

You told me during the break,
what is your greatest joy.

Shane: Well it’s really what the
scripture says what my greatest

joy should be, is to hear the
voice of the Father.

That was Jesus’ greatest joy was
to hear the voice of the Father,

and to respond to that voice.

And that should be our greatest
joy as well.

The Bible says, “The voice of
the Lord is upon the trees, it’s

upon the rivers, it’s upon the
rocks, it’s upon the mountains.”

The voice of the Lord is
speaking clearly.

The Bible says there 10,000
voices in the world and none of

them are without significance.

But there’s only one voice that
will really change your life.

And so every believer needs to
practice hearing the voice of

God and learn how to hear the
voice of God.

Sid: One of the things that you
told me is when you’re by

yourself and you want to hear
the voice of God, you want to be

caught up to the Throne of God.

There are certain things you do.

Would you teach us some.

Shane: Absolutely.

In fact, I had been practicing
this for years.

And then a teacher came to our
church, dear friend, Bob Sorti,

great preacher, came to the
church and began to teach on

worship, and he started giving
me keys of things that God had

been showing me.

I just didn’t know how to put it
in words.

But it’s really simple.

In Hebrews, Chapter 4, Hebrews,
Chapter 10, the Bible says, “We

have access into the presence of
God by the blood of Jesus.”

Every believer because of the
blood and the sacrificial work

of Christ has access into the
Throne Room.

Hebrews, Chapter 10 says, “That
by the sprinkling of blood that

we can come into the holiest
place in the universe.”

The holiest place in the
universe is not just the Throne


Angels are in the Throne Room.

But those of us who have been
redeemed get to go deeper.

There’s a whole other
relationship with the redeemer.

So we get to go not to the
Throne Room, but we’re invited

to come be seated in Christ in
heavenly places to the

throne itself.

So I simply, in my private time,
I say, “Lord,” I quote Hebrews,

Chapter 10, “Lord, sprinkle my
conscious with your blood.”

The number one thing that keeps
people out of the presence of

God is they fail on a daily
basis and their evil conscience

tells them they’re not worthy to
come into God’s presence.

But the blood of Jesus is what
makes us worthy to come into the

presence of God.

So I say, “Lord, sprinkle me
with that blood, fresh new, and

wash my conscious.”

And then I just ascend and make
my way.

And I say, “Daddy, here I am.

I’m back.

I’m back to be in your

And then…Sid: Wait a second.

You do this by faith or do you
do this, it happens so often you

know that’s what going to

I mean, what is going on?

I’m logical.

Shane: Sure.

Everything spiritual is accessed
by faith.

It doesn’t have to be understood
to be partaken of.

Why do we have to always explain
the mysterious.

Sometimes God just wants us to
step out in faith and enter into

those places that some men just
fear to try.

And so what I’ve done is I’ve
just said, I’m normal enough to

believe that God said I can have

I’m going to have it.

So I say, “Lord, by the blood,
you said to come boldly to the

throne of grace.

I don’t have to back in.

I don’t have to be scared of

Jesus died on the cross to give
me access to the very Throne of

God, to obtain mercy and health
in a time of trouble.

So just by the blood, I just
barge in.

You know, when my son at 22
years old comes to my house, he

doesn’t knock on my door.

He doesn’t ask me if he can get
anything out of the


He just barges in and gets it.

Do you know why?

Because he understands the power
of sonship.

And when you understand the
power of being a son and what

the blood has bought for you,
you can make your way into his

presence at any time.

You can do it at the factory
while you’re working

on the line.

You can do it in the car driving
down the road.

You can do it in church or you
can do it in your house in the

kitchen while you’re washing

I do it all the time.

And every believer has that

This is the right of every

Sid: You know what it reminds me

There was a book I read many
years ago called, “Practicing

the Presence of God”.

Was it Brother Lawrence?

Shane: Brother Lawrence, yes.

Sid: Is that what you’re talking

Shane: Honestly, I’ve never read
that book.

All I did was read the Bible and
the Bible.

Sid: Sounds good to me.

Shane: And the Bible tells me
what the holiest place of the

universe is.

In John, Chapter 1, the Bible
says, “Jesus dwelt in the bosom,

the lap of the Father.”

And I said, you mean I’ve been
given an invitation by the blood

of Jesus to the holiest place in
the universe, and the holiest

place in the universe is the lap
of daddy?

Well when I used to be a kid and
I would get off the bus, I would

run to my grandfather who sat on
the front porch, just to jump

into his lap.

It was my greatest joy.

And God the Father said to me,
“Well you’re a son.

Then why can’t you just run by
the blood to the throne and jump

in my lap like you did your
grandfather, because I’m better

than your grandfather.

I’m a better father than your
grandfather or your dad, and

I’ve given you this invitation.

We have an invitation by the
blood of Jesus into the holiest

place of the universe.

And when you get there, God is
talking to the son and the son

is talking to the Father, and
then you can do what Jesus did.

Jesus said, “I don’t do anything
lest I hear the Father say it.

Or I don’t do anything that I
don’t see him do.”

That’s how Jesus lived and
that’s how every believer

needs to live.

Sid: I want you right now to be
like the child.

In order to have this access,
there’s only one requirement.

You have to tell God you’re
sorry for the mistakes you’ve

made in your life and you have
to bleed the blood of the Lamb

of God that takes away the sins
of the whole world has

washed you clean.

And you have to make with your
mouth a profession, Jesus, you

are my Lord.

Say that out loud right now.

You say that out loud.

Sid and Shane: Jesus, you are my

Sid: Believe in your heart.

You’ve already spoken with your

And you shall be a child of the
Living God with access to God.

Go jump in his lap right now
like a child.

Right now.

Sid: Next week on
It’s Supernatural!

My guest had a download from
Heaven for this generation and

he’s going to share the words
from Heaven that will you to be

a world changer.
