This week on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, as a director of Rhema Healing School, Jim Hockaday saw few miracles until he received a divine revelation. He has taught thousands the keys on how to walk in the supernatural everyday!

as a new jewish believer i met katherine


she had more miracles than anyone i’d

ever seen but she had a secret

it was her relationship with the holy


my next guest has this same intimacy

he moves in major miracles continuously

and wants to teach you

next on this edition of it’s


can ancient secrets of the supernatural


rediscovered do angels exist

is there life after death

are healing miracles real

can you get supernatural help from

another dimension has the future been

written in advance sid roth has spent 30

years researching the strange world of

the supernatural join sid on this

edition of it’s supernatural

hello sid roth welcome to my world where

it’s naturally supernatural

well my guest jim hockaday i’ve been

waiting for him and i’m going to tell

you why because when i say i’ve been

waiting for him i’m reminded of someone

i met by the name of katherine coleman

catherine coleman had the most

outrageous the most number the most

wonderful miracles of just about anyone

i’d ever seen and her key if you will

was she

was in love with god

she had such intimacy with the holy

spirit i remember she used to say


don’t grieve the holy spirit he’s all

that i have and then after the catherine

coleman era we moved into what’s known

as the word

period where people overdosed on the

word first they overdosed on intimacy

with god then they overdosed on the word

and god

demonstrated himself strong by standing

on the word god demonstrated himself

strong by

having an emphasis of intimacy with god

but what would happen jim hockaday if we

could put both of those together it’s

got to be an end time dynamite of the

holy spirit that’s exactly where we’re

walking into that day

where they balance out each other and

the holy spirit gives such revelation to

the word

but the word is just as much fellowship

with god

and it confirms what the holy spirit is

doing in your life so there is a balance

and that’s exactly

how i’ve endeavored to pattern my life


jim had quite a training i believe

uh you didn’t have much to do with it i

believe that god directed you

he directed him to be a singer for the

rhema singers

and in order to be a singer there was a

requirement you had to go to school


but you got to know kenneth hagin uh

very well yes sir and i believe that his

greatest desire is for someone like you

and many of the others that he trained

to stand on his shoulders and take what

he the revelation he had and take it

even further but if i was to force you

to tell me one thing you learned from

kenneth hagin who’s in heaven right now

what would that be

well let me let me back up to say that

that so many would say kenneth hagin had

an amazing love walk and he did

he had an amazing faith walk and he did

but the one thing that stands out to me

is he knew god

there was such a deep intimacy with the

holy spirit and it wasn’t something that

was in the platform alone this is how he

walked with god on a regular basis and

that doesn’t mean that he didn’t have

fun because he was quite an individual

and we certainly had many opportunities

to have a lot of fun being in the group

and and times after the services and he

might be the first one to throw a spit

wad at you or uh or a rubber band you

know but now that wasn’t your legacy

though your legacy was

modeling yourself after a man that that

was a love walk absolutely and and this

is this is why it’s interesting to see

his natural side but to see that he

incorporated his knowledge of god

through all of it now now when you

started in the healing school yes i

understand jim

didn’t see many people healed that’s

going to be very frustrating people come

from all over the world to sit in this

healing school and they’ve heard about

kenneth hagin and

you must have felt awful for the first

three months it was a terrible feeling

because i knew that it was right for me

to be there and god directed me as you


uh we saw a lot of people die and of

course you can’t you can’t advertise

that no

and uh so um you know it was a a

deciding moment for myself lord

something has to change and

and uh just to say typically you know

we’d always say well you know god wasn’t

moving or the people weren’t in faith

but i went to the lord and said i’m the


the people normally aren’t that honest

are they

i think so but that’s where that’s where

you begin with god to have a revelation

for yourself

and when i became honest like that i

said lord this is what i’m supposed to

do but i know i’m the problem so teach


and when he began to teach me and took

me right to covenant

to do so and to begin with the blood

covenant immediately the miraculous

began to happen something about the

blood that releases the miraculousness

of god and it was the blood that gave me

the boldness to know that god would back

me up and that’s when things began to

happen right in the services sometimes

without even a laying on of hands you

know when i started

getting your teaching

something amazing happened to me

and the thing that was so amazing is i

believe that there is an impartation of

supernatural boldness in the way that

you pray for people yes


i was at my home congregation i had a

word of knowledge i i said someone’s

neck is

healed and i had just heard your

teaching which we’ll get into in the

next segment

uh i said to this woman the minute my

hand touches your forehead the pain will

be gone and so i said that to her and

i’m thinking

what happens if she’s not here but

before i could even get that thought out

i put my hand on her head and praise god

she was healed i couldn’t believe i said

that but because of what you teach

i jumped into that arena does that make

sense oh it was a process

through so many experiences just exactly

as you mentioned uh hold that thought i

want you to tell me about the woman you

sent to the run water and the tumor

don’t go away you’ll be shocked by this

we’ll be right back to it’s supernatural

call now and receive jim hockaday’s

anointed six-part audio cd teaching

series how to develop intimacy with the

holy spirit yours for a donation of 35

shipping and handling is included ask

for offer number one three five one

through this easy to understand powerful

six cd audio teaching series jim

hockaday will teach you how to enter

into supernatural rest and refreshing

empower you to release the supernatural

gifts that god has already given you

train you how to pray in the spirit more

effectively than ever before impart the

keys to help you overcome your physical

emotional and financial problems and

jump into supernatural blessings help

you enter into a powerful ongoing

intimacy with the lord and so much more

and i just want to share with you that

as you speak

in the spirit

that you’re connecting with god in a

very supernatural way

and that intimacy is what draws you


intimacy with the spirit of god

is something that you can have all day

long included is a special prayer to

release the supernatural in your life

don’t miss out on getting jim hockaday’s

anointed six-part audio cd teaching

series how to develop intimacy with the

holy spirit yours for a donation of 35

shipping and handling is included ask

for offer number 1351 call or you can

write to sid roth it’s supernatural post

office box 1918 brunswick georgia 31521

please specify offer number 1351 or log

on to call or write today

we now return to

it’s supernatural

hello sid roth here with jim hockaday

and we are just inhaling the rarefied

air of heaven but i learned something

from studying what jim taught on and i

just explained it it’s sort of a an



boldness uh but

you had to share some of these stories

tell me about the woman with the tumor

it was it was an interesting story it

was in a classroom where kenneth hagin

would speak

and he asked me to do his class and on

purpose just to kind of stir some things


i called this woman forward and she had

i didn’t know it but she had a tumor in

her chest the size of a grapefruit

so without laying hands on her at all i

just said go right now to the restroom

take another woman with you i said put

some water on it and watch it disappear


i have to ask a question sure for myself

and for you too

when you said that to her

did you hear her in your spirit you were

supposed to say that to her what was

going on inside of you you know there

have been times when i have a direct

word from the lord say this but in this

case no not at all that’s what i thought

when i heard that story i don’t know i

just i just challenged to go beyond


put myself out there on god

okay what did you say to her i told her

to go to the restroom take someone with

her and just sprinkle some water on that

area and watch it disappear

so she did that well we didn’t even have

to ask her the question she came running

through the doors

shouting and screaming and running all

the way up to the front the whole way up

you didn’t have to ask her what happened

but we did of course and it disappeared

right there in front of him

okay i have to ask the question you do

this i assume often

have you done it where someone’s come

back and they said nothing happened we

had one we had one lady that was very

very interesting one lady that i sent

out and i told her i said now go out to

the restroom and come back she came back

she said it’s half the size i said all

right i said you won’t go out two more

times without it being gone

and this particular lady came back now

each time she came back and i told her

when to go it had become very hot the

second time and the third time she came

back but instead of coming up to the

front to be excited about telling me she

stood in the back and i knew that she

was going to tell me it hadn’t

disappeared so i made a big to-do i said

oh there’s our miracle lady right in the

back come on up and give us our


and she said well it’s still hot but

it’s still there

and i was teaching on the boldness of

faith so i walked right off the platform

walked right up to her nose and said i’m

sorry but i don’t believe you i said it

would leave she said well what am i

going to say it’s still there i said but

i said

it would leave she said it’s still there

and i got real loud i said but i said it

would leave

and she looked at me kind of frustrated

and she said well then okay it left

it left

so check it now

and it disappeared

come on now between you and me yes do

you ever think to yourself well what if

i said i said

it doesn’t disappear don’t you ever

think about that well again absolutely

you do and and and your statement about

the mind and just it’s just my battle

that you go through

but but again um i’m talking about

letting the lord begin to teach me and

train me the first time it was the

spirit of god that just so loudly in my

heart said say this and i did so i’m

letting him teach me to the point where

now i’m starting to think like him

you’re even hearing things in in dreams

about your family

give me one example well uh one example

was uh about my my girls and uh had two

days in a row had a dream about my

oldest girl she’s a great girl wonderful

and when the lord gives me a dream about

my family so far what it’s been is

something out in the future in other

words let’s stop this now or make some

corrections so this doesn’t happen

and so the lord just shared with me that

just just begin to study her and watch

her and i began to see certain patterns

and i thought you know i want to begin

to teach her how can we do it and out of

that time

we now have about 15 to 20 youth that

come to our house and we teach them in a

bible study and my girls are just doing

great it’s wonderful so dreams are

starting to become a regularity

well you know what’s so wonderful it’s

not just for healing it’s for all life

god’s concerned about every aspect

of your life now when you were a young

man and you didn’t understand what you

understand today uh you developed a


that you should have died from yes sir

tell me about that well the disease is

called crohn’s disease which

which 30 years ago wasn’t as prominent

as people have accepted it today and um

you know it’s it’s in the intestine

there’s quite a battle with your body

fighting against itself autoimmune

disease and at any rate yeah i i had

some serious problems a big abscess in

my my belly and uh it was even during

those days not understanding healing the

lord caused that tumor supernaturally to

be begin to come out of my body so i had

some surgery um and was doing really

well but uh

six years ago i had a major attack on my

on my life and uh now how

what effect does it have someone that is

not just teaching healing but bold

i mean you are in the category of bold

for healing and you have this comes back

you have to have the memories of what

happened when you were younger sure

you’re now in ministry

what do you do do you keep quiet about

it do you not let anyone know this is

going on do you uh drop out of ministry

do you

what do you do well first of all first

of all it’s pretty obvious what was

going on because as as my weight is

about consistent as it was then 170

pounds i went down to close to 125

pounds so i so did you drop out of

ministry oh well i cancelled a few

meetings initially but then no i i fact

one of the greatest

experiences i had in healing came with a

six day meeting two a days

where i actually went at 125 pounds

showed up and the pastor just kind of

looked at me as though what happened

and i told him i’m here to preach he

said i’ll take the services for you i

said not unless you want to send me home

in a six foot pine box i said you let me


in the word of god

he will heal you i simply said to him go

home eat whatever you want go to sleep

and i did and as i did

uh stronger and stronger i became and my

body became completely normal

come to our service they go home i

gained over 38 pounds in that one week

they wake up they’re straight as an air

when you come back

i’m gonna have a man that is as bold as

anyone i’ve ever met

in believing god’s word

out of intimacy with god

and revelation of god’s word from this

intimacy pray for you don’t go away

we’ll be right back

we’ll be right back to it’s supernatural

it was god’s purpose from the beginning

for all nations to become one in yeshua

messiah jesus

to break down the middle wall of

separation between jew and gentile

when jewish spiritual dna merges with

the new covenant christian dna

there will be what paul called life from

the dead that’s why sid roth’s website

is loaded with cutting-edge articles and

teaching about the one new man

log on to today

we now return to

it’s supernatural

hello sid roth here with jim hockaday


jim when people sit under your teacher

yes they get healed but

better than that

they have the faith level to then pray

for other people tell me about that

medical doctor well uh he’s a wonderful

man and and and back in what we might

call the charismatic renewal time where

the spirit of god was really ministering

in a lot of denominational churches uh

he has a had a practice

a really successful practice in tulsa

and he’d pray for people left and right

and he had all kinds of healings take

place in his office

and then through a period of getting


word conscious and leaving out the holy

ghost that’s happening to a lot of

people well it does it does and that’s

where we want to bring the balance it’s

kind of easy to get into formula rather

than relationship

so he he fell into that trap he did it

and the healings diminished it did it

actually did completely completely yes

and he didn’t see anyone healed as he

would pray for them instantly because he

was in a sense kind of talking himself

out of it

and uh and when he got came to the

healing school and he began to get in

into some of our teaching which we


really empower the people to believe in

the anointing that abides in you not

just me the minister but what abides in


um it wasn’t long before it just began

to happen supernaturally again how the

miracles began to take place people he

prayed for were then instantly healed as

well and of course recovered as he

prayed for them as well

but that that to me stands out as a

story and if that was the only isolated

case i probably wouldn’t mention it but

i can tell you story after story after

story of the same situation but what i

want you to

tell the people i want you to mentor

them in having

intimacy with god would you do that yeah

absolutely it’s just so awesome to know

that god has come to live in this flesh

of ours now he’s there not for the

purpose of just walking around as you

walk he’s there for the purpose of being

revealed that’s the one amazing thing

about human beings that we have the

capacity to receive god into our life

but also to reveal him jesus showed us

that in the amount of transfiguration

which is what was in him supernaturally

became evident to those around now when

you begin to pray in the spirit and

develop a prayer life and begin to put

your emphasis on his presence being with

you and around you at all times

the greater you recognize him in your

life the easier it will be to see the

supernatural take place and that comes

through spending time praying in the

holy ghost and then letting the word of


become your foundation

for the miracles you will see and this

is exactly what we do it begin to get

people excited about the spirit of god

so even right now i know and i want to

just speak to someone

that god’s speaking to you right now

that there’s someone with uh

some type of heidi anal hernia and

that’s being healed and i also want to

say there’s someone that didn’t develop

in your diaphragm but the lord jesus is

healing you right now and i know the

spirit of god is moving through the

airwaves to touch your life and bring

deliverance and in a few moments we’re

going to pray for many things in general

and you watch god will touch you and

heal you through the same presence tell

me because i think it’s a fascinating

story i believe it might have been in

brazil someone had polio a little boy

had polio and he was sitting in the very

front seat right next to the pastor’s

wife and as i prayed for him and i

didn’t pray for him by touching him

there were too many people uh the the

main platform where we would have prayed

for the folks was covered with

individuals there were 9 000 people in

the room and i just looked at him and

prayed for that little boy and that leg

that was all twisted up it shot straight


now after the service even though you’ve

seen a lot of miracles that has to do

something to you uh well especially a

young boy yes you know and there was

another young boy that came up that was

deaf and mute and we prayed for him and

instantly he began to speak and hear


he was deaf and now he came here was

awesome well the pastor’s wife came up

to us afterwards and said

when you commanded that boy to be healed

my eyes were opened and i saw a large

angel walk up to that boy grab his leg

and jerk it straight out

look at that you see that

you see that god works god works i’m

telling you

now i can walk

i wonder if a healing angel does not

accompany you when you pray well just

within the last week a man came up to me

and said while you were praying for the

people i saw an amazingly large angel

that stood right behind you and that uh

i guess happens almost every everywhere

we go would you pray for people right

now absolutely and they’ll be healed too

all right oh they are getting bold again

good for you amen

well just put your hand where your

difficulty is and i know for sure right

here we’ll heal testimonies about cancer

that dies so put your hand right where

the problem has been in the wonderful

precious name of jesus because of the

goodness of god and the finished work of

christ i command disease to begin to

dissolve right now we demand that it die

and be and dissolve disappear and leave

your life

i just speak to the heart and command it

to begin to beat like it shouldn’t to

the blood to begin to flow as it should

to bones and to muscle and to tissue for

pain to leave all of those areas for

internal diseases we command to depart

in the name of jesus and especially

cancer i demand that you die and leave

those people even gross will disappear i

know that god’s healing you right now

and all you’ve got to do is just lift up

your hands and rejoice because he’s

given you something right now

supernatural you’ll see it evident in

your life in jesus name amen

as you were praying

i could feel it was almost like a river

was going out

and the thing that i love about you is

your greatest desire is not to be known

as the person that prays for miracles

but the person that equips other people

to pray for miracles give me one

nugget that you’ve learned over the

years that will help us

in praying for the sick

if you needed a coffee and i had five

dollars on my in my wallet i could buy

you a coffee of course if you needed a

coffee and i only had a dollar

nowadays there are a lot more than they

used to be then i’d have to say well i

can help you but i can’t give you the

if you don’t know what you have you

can’t give it away if you don’t believe

it’s enough you’ll never be bold enough

to say i have the answer for you peter

and john went to the temple of the hour

of prayer and they said such as i have i

give you they were conscious that they

had what was necessary to get the job

done that’s what jesus left upon their

soul is an understanding that freely

you’ve received what i have and what

i’ve worked

now freely give it away yeah but that

was peter and john that doesn’t make any

difference now it’s even greater now

when you understand you have something

to give that’s where the boldness comes

and that’s where the anointing is

released people lay hands on folks all

the time and you’ll just wear the hair

off of people’s head if you don’t

release the anointing

that’s what we’re teaching people to

turn the anointing loose and you know

releasing the anointing

turning that anointing loose as jim

explained it’s for his family it’s for

your finances it’s for your health it’s

for your peace it’s for supernatural


it’s for anything that can happen to you

in this life but you can’t turn that

anointing loose unless you know the

person that’s anointed you

and his name in hebrew yeshua in english


and he gave us such a marvelous gift

it’s not based on any of our works

there’s nothing we can do for it we just

receive his mercy


paid the penalty for us

his blood washes away our sins if we

repent of our sins and believe that his

blood washed it away and makes us clean

he goes a step further he says he even

makes us righteous we have the

righteousness of god and messiah jesus

then you ask him to live inside of you

and what jim was saying is happening in

his life and what jim was saying is

happening in that doctor’s life and what

jim is saying is happening in

anyone’s life is all based on having

jesus live inside of you and realize

the great awesome power of god the

creator of the universe is living in you

i mean come to your senses

call now and receive jim hockaday’s

anointed six-part audio cd teaching

series how to develop intimacy with the

holy spirit yours for a donation of 35

shipping and handling is included ask

for offer number 1351 through this easy

to understand powerful 6 cd audio

teaching series jim hockaday will teach

you how to enter into supernatural rest

and refreshing empower you to release

the supernatural gifts that god has

already given you train you how to pray

in the spirit more effectively than ever

before impart the keys to help you

overcome your physical emotional and

financial problems and jump into

supernatural blessings help you enter

into a powerful ongoing intimacy with

the lord and so much more and i just

want to share with you that as you speak

in the spirit

that you’re connecting with god in a

very supernatural way

and that intimacy is what draws you


intimacy with the spirit of god

is something that you can have all day

long included is a special prayer to

release the supernatural in your life

don’t miss out on getting jem hockaday’s

anointed six-part audio cd teaching

series how to develop intimacy with the

holy spirit yours for a donation of 35

shipping and handling is included ask

for offer number 1351 call or you can

write to sid roth it’s supernatural post

office box 1918 brunswick georgia 31521

please specify offer number 1351 or log

on to call or write today

next week on it’s supernatural

my guest saw healings but after god made

a course adjustment in his life

he now sees major miracles i mean over

80 percent are getting healed

and he wants to help you make that same

course adjustment

isn’t it time


on this edition of it’s

