Kynan Bridges shares his SHOCKING dream about President Trump! You don’t want to miss this!

hello sid roth here with keenan bridges

and uh

keenan and i have known each other a

long time in fact he’s on my board of


but keenan just told me about

a dream and it hasn’t been the right

time to release it

but he says now is the time

and you’ll understand why he said

this dream about president trump

was shocking keenan

tell me about uh the dream and uh more


the interpretation hey well thanks sid

uh the lord gave me this prophetic dream

some time ago about president donald


when i first attempted to release the

dream it it came

against major backlash major

uh hindrance even through social media

it was not able to actually

uh be posted and and and gain the

traction that it was supposed to

it was it was censored heavily and so

but you know keenan even beyond the


as an african-american pastor

you have a multicultural church but you

have a large

african-american contingent

when they find out about this stream i

don’t know how you had i’m going to use

a hebrew word

i don’t know how you had the hood spot

to do it

well you know i tell you sid i believe

that we’re in very desperate times to be

honest with you

this is one of the most critical times

that the church

has ever been in and whatever

happens over the next

three to six months will determine the


decade of the church and the future of


i i believe that with all of my heart

yeah so anyway when when the lord gave

me this dream

it was very detailed and

i’ll talk about the the last

two parts of the dream so the last two

parts i was in a cafeteria

and the cafeteria everyone was wearing

all white and

uh people were going through this

cafeteria line

and as they were going through the line

the servants who were very tall they

were wearing all white they

would know what you wanted before you

ordered it

and that’s in a dream i knew by


by really revelation knowledge that they

were angelic beings

and when i got toward the end of the


i realized that i wanted to order

something else and and the

angel knew exactly what i wanted and my

wife was in the dream with me and she

turned to me and said

the the bible from donald trump you have

to get the bible

and as soon as my wife said that in the

dream i was transported

to the white house and when i was

transported to the white house

there was a large security desk and

there were two

very large secret service agents

but they were like i mean eight feet

tall they were very tall

and so what ended up happening was i go

to the security desk

i sign into the security desk sign my


and then i look toward the door there’s

a huge door it’s a very tall door

unusual door very narrow and it was

guarded by another huge

secret service agent which i knew was an

angelic being

and so i looked into the camera above

the door and i said mr president i can’t

wait to meet you and to see this bible

so when i go through the door there’s

another security desk

and the man at the desk was someone that

i knew growing up a man named victor he

was the

the security uh agent guarding that desk

and i tried to make small talk with him

but he was not having it he said the

president will see you know very severe

and so i went to the to the down this uh


and it was in the oval office it was

another office

it looked like a private office for the

president there were large bookshelves

there were there was a fireplace there

and as i

go around he stands when president trump

stands up

he’s at least eight to ten feet tall

extremely tall

and very severe it was very severe and

he says

out let me show it to you and he takes

me to this round desk

very beautiful round desk with a huge

ancient book on it

gold gilded pages leather bound looked

like it was hundreds

maybe even thousands of years old this


and he turns the pages

and he signs his a huge signature in big


big letters and he hands me this book

and immediately

well two things happened i sort of came

out of the dream

but even while i was coming out of the

dream the lord began to download things

when i touched the book and god said to

me he said i’ve made him to be a

protector of ancient foundations

and literally when i came out of the


i had a total change of heart a total

change of

i never necessarily um

hated the president or anything like

that but there were certain things that

would be said that would just make me

cringe sometimes

and something happened after i had this

dream i just had this burden to pray

like never before i began to pray for

him intercede for him

and the more i began to intercede for

him the more i began to give the

understanding of the dream

uh which i’ll go right right into that

because this is so important

so uh the angels right these are

these are heavenly messengers and

ministers that their servants

right they’re they’re sent to minister

there is

a host of angels on the earth right now

who have been charged with the next

several years of america and to protect

those god has put in leadership who are

going to be the stewards

of this next season and when i go to the

white house

which is very profound there are

different layers

of security which would which also


divine protection angelic protection

because security

is always in proportion to the level of


right the higher the threat the

the the stronger the security and so i

i knew that we are in a very serious

time right now there is a huge

threat um not only a

threat against the future of america but

i also believe

in the natural a threat against the life

of the president and i believe that

god has released angelic host for


following the church to intercede like

never before because those servants are

also intercessors

they’re they’re those who have been sent

to intercede

for him so and god spoke to me sid and

he told me he said

i’ve made him to be a protector of

ancient foundations

and then he said this which i’ve i’ve

never mentioned anywhere else but on

this interview

he said honor him and i will honor you

and he took me to isaiah 45 excuse me do

you think that was just for you

or for every believer i believe every


all right every single believer i think

is really really important

so sid these ancient foundations

the bible talks about not to remove the

ancient landmark

right and the consequences of removing

the ancient landmark

was the ancient landmark is for

spiritual protection

it’s our covenant with god and god

showed me that the ancient foundations


prayer of intercession the bible

christianity and covenant because in


when the united states of america became

a nation

before they were 13 colonies that were

independent they became a nation

and they adopted the declaration of

independence and

and eventually the constitution this

was based upon a divine

inspiration it was something that of

course we don’t put it equal to the


but it was it was definitely divinely


and it was this same document

that became the basis during the civil

rights movement for the liberation of

black people in america

martha the king didn’t use something

other than the

the constitution he invoked the


in order to liberate the black community

and so i think people need to understand

that so god told me he says that

the ancient foundations are coming under

attack and i knew at that time

sid that there was a cabal there was


a very diabolical sort of consortium

who had conspired against the president

and against our nation and god set him


as a sentinel to stop it but wait a


if i did not know the facts which i do

and i just judged the president by what

i saw

on the news which i don’t

i would uh i would be persona nom

wanted in the african-american community

how did you do that keenan how did you


that’s look if god told anyone watching

us right now that’s a true believer

uh that that our judgment is determined

by now

we treat donald trump uh as

president uh they do what you did

but still every human has a choice why

did you choose that

i fear god i have the fear of the lord


sid where god speaks i’m silent

and i think what we have to get to

particularly as an african-american


who for many years were the

stewards of spirituality in america

i mean if you want to learn how to pray

go to a black church

you know i am i just have to interject


i believe there is a uh

an assault against african americans

yes god knows something that the devil

has a clue

about and the devil is trying to destroy

as many

african-american babies as possible you

know as well as i do with abortion

it’s so high in the african-american


these are some of the greatest leaders

of the church

are being snuffed out and then the

murder rate

among blacks on blacks yeah i mean

uh there is i wish we could look beyond

the news

and see the spiritual implication of

what is going on

and then the news is attack i believe

the news is attacking the

african-american community

by taking things out of context and

making them

think that that they have a president

that is against the black community

from your look i’m a jew and i think

it’s the greatest thing that ever

happened to the jewish community what do

you feel

not based on that dream what do you feel

based on what he has done is it good

neutral or bad for the african-american


well it’s definitely good it’s

definitely good sid

but you have to understand we have a

mainstream media that is extremely


we have the exploitation of pain and


that causes people to not consider facts

you know when we look at mass


which has devastated the black community

34 percent of the prison population is

black males

and that’s all quite that’s all part of

trying to

stop the voice yes but the voice of god

coming from the african african-american

community not the voice itself

exactly and this was done under some of

our favorite

most beloved leaders in the black

community i mean

uh bill clinton was the one of the

pioneers of mass incarceration

uh joe biden actually came up with a

prison crime bill

that’s currently devastating the black


but people don’t see this and one of the

reasons why what i what i began to


when the lord gave me this dream is

there’s a spirit of blindness

there’s a spirit of delusion that has

been released

it’s extremely demonic excuse me that’s

on all

people right now everybody everybody uh

and it is it is also affecting

the african-american community and you

got to understand when you look at

since 1975 it’s estimated that 44

million black babies have been aborted

in this country alone and you have to


that is that that accounts for the total

pop the

total current population of every black

person in america

i mean that this is these numbers are

absolutely staggering

they’re they’re off the charts when you

when you begin to look at

um the fact that black women who

represent 14

of the birthing population make up over

43 percent of every abortion in america

these are staggering numbers and i

believe it’s it’s

it’s because the devil knows

the destiny that god has given the black


in being instrumental in the awakening

of america

and and i believe that even when we go

back to the days the 1900s with william


seymour and the azusa street revival

the one-eyed black preacher

a one-eyed black preacher who wasn’t

that literate

but was full of the power of god well

they say do you you know the story

he would put a bag a paper bag over his


and he wouldn’t take it off till god

showed up that’s right

this is our heritage this is our


crying out to god calling on god and i

believe that this is under

a severe amount of attack right now

i’ve gotten death threats sid i’ve

gotten i’ve gotten

letters from from black leaders accusing

me of

of being a sellout but all i’ve spoken

is the truth

and i believe that we really need to


i believe that we need to pray that the

scales will be removed from people’s


that people will be able to see clearly


recognize what god is saying in this


there’s two more things the spiritual

scales being removed

but people have to uh have to pray

and people have to based on that prayer

vote that’s right those two things

will make the difference in our society

uh you said it at the front of the

story uh at the front of this interview

uh you you said how critical the times


i believe it’s the difference between

fulfilling our destiny

or either missing it or going on a delay

for uh

the next eight years that’s right and i

want to reiterate something that i said


that’s so important understand the

ancient foundations

of america are under attack

in ways that we can’t even fathom right


let me give you an example of what i’m

talking about every believer

and every conscience inches person

would agree that black lives matter

if i said to you right now black lives

matter you would agree with me i would

agree with that statement we would all


any true christian has to they otherwise

they should examine themselves and see

if they’re christian exactly

you know you would have to examine your

heart but there’s a there’s a distinct

difference between

the moniker or the statement that black

lives are valued just like all lives are


and the movement and the agenda


with black lives matter or blm british

brief real brief help me out tell me

what the real agenda is not real

what they say their agenda is and why

that might be not good for america

okay so i’ll give people a little

homework assignment just go to their


oh come on give us a clue

you know if you if you if you go and you

do the research you will see that

uh there is a marxist agent agenda

and so and so marxism is basically

um it’s a social ideology

that is anti-christian anti-religion

uh anti-family right it’s it’s their

agenda is to remove the nuclear family

from the scene they don’t want a male

being the head of the home they don’t

want a woman being submitted to a male

in a godly relationship they don’t want

traditional roles of

gender male and female they are against

all of those things

and these are the things that are

devastating the black community

it is fatherlessness in every community

for that matter

it is it is the removal of men from

their rightful roles in the home

all the way back from the time of of lbj

and that’s part of the foundations that

god is concerned about

this is the foundation that is under


and god you see when people talk about


right isaiah 45 there’s a number of


in there that we need to look at but one

of the roles of

any cyrus figure politically

is to give respite to the church

so that the church can build the house

of god

they are to protect the church while

they rebuild

and here’s the thing that people

misunderstand and i got to say this

people conflate the protector

with the builder this is important to


the builder is not the protector the

church is the one

tasked with building but this current

administration president trump

is the one who’s given who’s been given

the assignment by god to protect

the church and i think you know because

people will say well but he’s not this

he’s not that

and and he’s not a pastor he’s not

supposed to be

he’s supposed to be a protector and i

think if people understand that they can

pray more accurately

yeah yeah they have to make that

distinction but you said something to me

just before we started the broadcast i

need you to repeat it

uh you said what’s going to happen over

the next few months and what’s going to

happen to the church

so the next three months three to six


well let me get into the the extension

of the vision

so people based off of what’s about to


in the next three to six months are

going to be so

affected it’s going to cause such a


that i see people literally i saw in the

spirit people flooding

churches with desperation i’m talking

about these people are desperate sid

they don’t

they don’t have a dog in the fight so to


and it’s the church is going to become a

lighthouse in the darkness a beacon

the president said god became so strong

when you said

lighthouse the word lighthouse it’s just

the lights

yeah and so this is isaiah 60. you see

you see this is isaiah 60 coming into

fruition it says that

the nations will come to the brightness

of your rising and it says the gentiles

will come the unbelievers will come

to the brightness of the rising of the

church so i believe

that the next several months

will determine the next decade of


and the next decade or more of the

church and this is why we’re in a

crucible right now that’s why i think

this message is so urgent

sid we are in a crucible for the future

of america

and for the relevance of the church and

if we don’t

pray and intercede that the spirit of


be lifted from america from the church

from the black community from the white

community from the

latino community every community then

what we’re going to do

is we’re going to stand the risk of

missing out

on our destiny for the next several


and so this is very critical this is a

critical time

uh you know keenan uh this morning when

i was praying

i read a scripture that sounds like the

same person that gave you the dream

wrote it his name is god

and this is it it’s psalm 11

verse 3 to 7 in the new living


the foundations of law and order

have collapsed what can the righteous do

then there’s the wonderful word but

yeah but the lord is in his holy temple

the lord still rules from heaven

he watches everyone closely

examining every person on earth

the lord examines both the righteous

and the wicked the lord hates

those who love violence

he will rain down blazing coals

and burning sulfur on the wicked

punishing them with scorching winds

for the righteous lord loves justice

the virtuous will see his

face and keenan you know i’ve been

talking about this for

i don’t know how many years we are

coming we were talking about a few

negatives here

but the the positives

so trump the negatives this there is


what is called the glory of god it’s

going to be

a global glory it’s going to be over the


earth and there will be see there’ll be

there’s not a great

clear distinction between someone that

has made jesus

lord and someone that’s just a

churchgoer on the outside

but when this glory comes canaan it will


visible the thing about it’s my jewish


used to be in the temple you read it in

the old testament

and the glory was so strong

that you couldn’t walk you could you had

to be flat on your face the priest

moses had this glory he had to put a

veil over his face

but we’re going to walk with unveiled


and people will see the mark of a


will be the visible tangible glory of


and there’s one other thing i want to

say and uh

two as a jew that believes in jesus

that didn’t know anything beyond his

name as a curse word

my first 30 years of life that

came to god because the manifest

presence of god

came on me i found out that that is

normal and what we call religion today

is not biblically normal

and the way you get normal it’s so

simple you need help to get confused

is you become like a little child and

this is what you do

you pray for experiential knowledge of

god not the king and bridges has

experiential knowledge not that sid roth

we do but that you and the truth is god

isn’t a respecter of persons

what he has done for keenan what he has

done for me

he wants to do more for you than you

even wanted

if you’ll say this prayer with me out


thank you i’ll tell you what if you’ll

say it out loud god is going to hear you

and he is going to move from heaven in

your life and you need

something and i’ll tell you what if you

don’t need something today within the

next three months you’re gonna need it

trust me

say out loud dear god

i’m a sinner i’m so

sorry i believe the blood of jesus

washed away my sins and i am clean

and now that i am clean

i ask you jesus to live inside of me

be my savior be my lord

i want to know you

i don’t want to know just about you i

want to know you i want to know you

love me i want to know you want to

you want to be my friend i want to know

that you have totally accepted me

amen but i will tell you this i have

some inside information

if you said the prayer and meant it you

are totally loved by god

and he is living inside of you and you

know what happened to those sins and

those mistakes you and i

and everyone has made i can tell you

about me

and i can tell you what the word says

about you

though your sins be as scarlet

they will be as white as snow

your you they will be it’s like a giant

eraser it sounds too good to be true

it’s the only thing i know

on the planet that sounds too good to be


and is true there is

no sin in your life now will you sin in

the future

absolutely and i live i’ve been a

believer now in september it’ll be 50


a believer in the messiah and i can tell

you i have a secret

i live in instant repentance

i don’t want to be stuck on pornography

and i never will because the minute

something flashes on the computer that i

don’t like

i’d look at i i turn it off immediately

i don’t give it a second to get a


minute i get a thought yes i do get bad


that’s like birds in the atmosphere it’s

not my problem the birds in the


it’s demons but the minute i get that


i said no in jesus name

and you know what i do i tell you i have

another secret keenan i plead the blood

well keenan i am so excited that you

shared this revelation

i’m excited for those that are watching

because your life

if you said that prayer your life will

never be the same

bless us as we go father i just want to

thank you

for your presence in this place lord as


proclaimed over us we are entering into

the days of global glory

beginning now and the miracle signs and

wonders that hit the earth are going to

be like

what we’ve never seen before since the

book of acts

that i thank you for activating every

person i thank you for opening the eyes

of every person

and i thank you for revealing yourself


father to every person watching we

commit this time to you we release the


that the lord has blessed you he’s kept

you the lord calls his face to shine

upon you

the lord has lifted up his countenance

upon you and he has been gracious unto


he’s blessed you with his peace his

shalom in the name of yeshua we pray

amen well shalom later out

goodbye and we’ll see you again