On this episode of Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural 2016, Joan Hunter, Clarice Fluitt and Joan Gieson each walk in the anointing of Kathryn Kuhlman — any one by themselves would be enough. So watch what happens when all three of these women who operate in miracles come together to stir up your faith in the miraculous.

Is there a supernatural

a world beyond the one we know?

Is there
life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain messages
from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient secrets
of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years
researching the strange world of

the supernatural.

Join Sid for this edition of
It’s Supernatural.


Sid: Hello. Sid Roth here.

Welcome to my world where it’s
naturally supernatural.

Welcome to miracle explosion.

Why do I say miracle explosion?

Because I have three people that
operate in the gift of miracles

and anyone by themselves would
have been enough.

But when you put these three
together one could put a

thousand to flee, but two can
put 10,000 to flee.

What can three people that
operate in miracles?

Here’s what I know.

We’re going to have more
miracles than we’ve ever had in

the history of our ministry.


You know, I’ll tell you, this is
one of the best audiences we

have ever had.

Are you ready for a miracle

I can’t think of a better guest
to have for miracle explosion

than Joan Hunter.

And but my staff, they’re smart,
they looked up the word

“explosion”, Joan, in the

Listen to this definition.

Remember, it’s a miracle

The dictionary defines
“explosion” as the sudden, boy

do I like that word, the sudden
loud or violent release of

energy or power that happens
when something breaks loose.

I tell you something is gonna
break loose here.

Joan, are you as
convinced as me?

Joan H.: Yes.

Sid: Now some people don’t know
you that well.

I know you well.

We’ve interviewed you a number
of times and I’ve interviewed

your parents.

And I don’t know anyone else
that has had so many miracles

worldwide as the Happy Hunters.

But you are building on their

But you told me that things are
even getting stronger in the

miraculous for you.

For instance, tell me a few
things that have happened


Joan H.: Well I love praying for
people with fibromyalgia.

I love praying for people.

Sid: There’s no cure for that.

What do you mean fibromyalgia?

Joan H.: In the natural there’s
no cure, but with God there is.

And there’s no cure for people
that have gone through hell,

people that have been diagnosed
with PTSD.

There is no cure for bipolar

Sid: Do many people with
fibromyalgia get healed through

the power of God that you’ve
witnessed with your very eyes?

Joan H.: I don’t deal with the
fibromyalgia first.

I deal with open the door to

Sid: But God showed you a key
that I don’t think too many

people understand the healing
that I believe is what

has stopped you from
being healing already.

And Joan is going to release it

Joan H.: And this is an
incredible revelation that God

has given me years ago, because
when I went through the hell, my

own personal hell in my life and
I had to deal with divorce,

breast cancer, financial ruins
and the whole bit, really all

the same week, that and then I
go and I get diagnosed with

breast cancer, and I’m like
dying on the inside.

You care less about the breast
cancer and but I was dying on

the inside, and I had to go for
after God’s heart.

Counselors said you’ll
never get well.

Everybody I went to,
nobody said, nobody gave me any

hope but the Word of God.

And so I went in there and I
said, “God, what is it in

here that has triggered
the breast cancer?”

And so when I got my heart
healed of the trauma that I had

gone through, betrayal,
abandonment, worry with a

capital “W”, okay, and all that,
when I got my heart healed the

breast cancer went away.

And so when I, and I teach
people how to starve their

sicknesses to death because this
is so important.

Jesus has come to heal.

He’s come to heal not just your
heart, not just your body,

but your body, mind, soul,
spirit and finances.

God wants you healed.

We’ve all been traumatized in
some form or fashion through

life, through birth, through
just different situations and

that stronghold can hold onto
the sickness.

So I’m going to pray for you to
get free of any kind of trauma.

And you think, it
can’t be that easy.

It’s 35 years ago.

It can’t be that easy.

Well first of all, close your
mouth and say, yes it can be

that easy.

Sid: How can I do that with my
mouth closed?

Joan H.: Yes.

And so Father, right now in the
name of Jesus, I send the word

of healing as there are so many
people watching right this

moment who have been
traumatized, who have had their

heart hurt, who have had their
bodies hurt,

and they get better.

They get better.

They get better but not whole.

Father, in the name of Jesus,
remove all the trauma in their

heart, all the trauma.

I’m sensing even trauma to the
lungs like being pushed like

that, all the trauma in the
chest area.

And Father, right now in the
name of Jesus, all the trauma in

the necks, down the spine,
command all of that to go, all

the pain to go, all the cellular
memory of it to go.

And Father, I speak complete
supernatural freedom.

Any damage that stress has
caused in their life, throughout

their body, digestive system, I
speak complete health and

wholeness, resurrection to some
of your body parts

that have quit, in particular
the kidneys.

They’re just kind of shutting

I speak resurrection life into
those kidneys, into those

hearts, the physical hearts, to
rise and be brand new

in Jesus’ name.


Glory to God.


Sid: Real quick, you have a
favorite scripture in

teaching called Hidden
Treasures of Healing.

Joan H.: I believe God for some
hidden treasures, any lost

whatevers: lost finances, lost
ideas, lost family members,

whatever, and Father
bring it to me.

So I get a letter in the
mail and it says you don’t owe

any money on your building in
downtown Houston.

No joke.

I mean, hello, I don’t own a
building in downtown Houston.

So I thought, well they didn’t
ask me for any money.

So I sent a certified letter to
find out what was going on.

Come to find out my dad left me
two percent in a building in

downtown Houston.

So when that sells I’m going to
be a millionaire.

Glory to God and yes It’s
Supernatural is going to get a

blessing, too.

Sid: Oh good.

Let me tell you about this woman
that’s coming up next.

Clarice was healed in a Kathryn
Kuhlman meeting.

A few days later, not realizing
it, she goes into an elevator

and everyone in the elevator
falls out under

the power of God.

We’re going to be right back.


Sid: Okay. At the set
now is Dr. Clarice Fluitt.

She would have died without God
touching your life.

What was wrong with you?

Clarice: Had tuberculosis and I
had asthma, and just about every

kind of allergic condition that
you could have.

And I read about this woman
Kathryn Kuhlman.

She was going to the full Gospel
meeting in Dallas.

This is 1971, September.

And I said to my husband, I
said, “Honey, there is this

woman that prays for the sick,”
and I said, “it’s just amazing

what happens.”

He says, “Sweetheart, I don’t
want to disappointment,

but God doesn’t use women.”

That which he feared has come
upon him.

But he said, “Because I love you
I’ll take you.”

But he says, “This is all, you
know, psychological and


And he was very doubting, very
dubious. But we went there.

And so there’s this woman named
Maggie and she passes by, and

she looks at me, and she said,
“The Spirit of God is on you and

you’re being healed.”

Well she scared me so bad.

The only person that I knew that
was scarier than her was

Kathryn Kuhlman.

She comes out and she’s got this
little red fuzzy hair,

and she goes, “Have you
been waiting long?”

I lost George wherever he was.

And so she’s just doing what
she’s doing.

Holy Spirit!

And my husband told me, he says,

“I don’t want anybody
that’s dramatic.”

Look what he got.

I mean, so when Maggie came and
said, “You’re being healed,”

I said, “No, there’s nothing

Not only was I sick, I was lying
on top of it.

I went because I was not, I was
so desirous to be healed.

By this time Kathryn
Kuhlman said,

“Oh,” she said,
“there’s a woman.”

And her finger looked like it
went out 5000 feet long.

And she says, “And she’s so

It will take a sign.”

And it was like somebody zipped
off my head and poured

hot oil in it.

And then I started doing the St.
Vitus dance over here.

Sid: Was that a norm for you?

Clarice: Not for me.

I was very dignified.

But I lost my dignity and got my

But she calls and so Maggie
comes back, and I’m sitting here

doing this, and she said, “Are
you going to go up and claim

your healing?”

And I thought well the next
thing isn’t going to kill me.

I’m going up.

Somebody has a buzzer.

I went up and Kathryn Kuhlman
turned around and

she looked at me, and she
said, “O dear Jesus.”

And she put both hands on me.

She says, “O dear Jesus,
everything I have

I give it to her.”

Well I had no idea what she was
saying, but I did know this that

some force picked me up and
threw me 15 feet across the room

and I landed under Dino’s piano.

Sid: On the piano?

Clarice; Under it. Under it.

Sweetest place in the world.

While I was under there, well at
the end of it my husband comes

up and he says, “What happened
to you?”

And I said, “I don’t know.”

And so it was right after that,
we’re walking through the melee

of people, thousands of people
getting in and out,

and we got on the elevator
immediately after.

Sid: But were you healed at that

Clarice: Instantly. Instantly.

That was 1971 and I’ve never had

I’ve never had, all the
allergies left.

Everything left.

No TB, not even TB scars.

They were gone.

Yea God! Yea God!

Sid: I agree.

It wasn’t Kathryn Kuhlman, it
was the Messiah of Israel

operating through her.

Clarice: I mean, we got on the
elevator and there were about

maybe 12 people on the elevator,
and when I walked in everybody

passed out.

And my husband said, “What did
you do?”

And I said, “I don’t know.”

So he says, “Well you have to
take the stairs.”

So we’re walking down the stairs
and people are plop, plop,

plop, plop, plop.

And for six months everywhere I
went, the grocery store, the

drug store, any time you’d get
within three feet of people

they’d be slaying in the Spirit.

Now I didn’t know.

Sid: Did your husband just keep
you in a closet locked up?

Clarice: He said I’ve got to
hide you away.

Something has
happened. See, we did not know.

When she said everything I’m
carrying has been imparted to

you, Paul says, “I long to be
with you that I can impart you

in spiritual blessing that will
equip you to the end.”

Sid: You’re telling me last time
you were on our television show

something so supernatural,
someone called you, but they

couldn’t have your number.

They couldn’t have your
husband’s cell number.

It’s not listed.

How did they get to you?

Clarice: All right, this is what

After being with you I had to
hire somebody to

answer my phone.

I mean, people, they were
calling from Mars.

Sid: There’s an unemployment
problem in America.

Clarice: I’m telling you.

Sid: Every little bit helps.

Clarice: All over the world, I
had this lady call and she was

telling me that her son was
dying and had a heart disease,

and we would just sent out
cloths and do things like that.

They’d call right back within a
week and said the child was

completely healed.

The doctor has given a complete
report, very serious death

sentence, and that child, but
this is the humor of God.

God has an incredible sense of
humor and this is what happened.

This woman called and she said
to my secretary that was

answering the phone and said, “I
want to talk to that woman.”

And she said, “I saw her on Sid
Roth and she does miracles and

I want to talk to her.”

And my associate said, “She’s
not available.

She’s in a meeting right now.”

And you talk about importunity.

About 15 minutes went by and she
called again.

She said, “Is she out of that
meeting yet?”

And she said, “No, she’s not out
of the meeting.”

And she says, “Well you need to
go get her out.”

She said, “This is serious.

I need her now.”

So they came and they said,
“There’s this woman that’s

really persistent.”

I said, well, I mean, we had
calls everywhere, Sid, and I’m

trying my best to say which ones
you’re supposed to go to.

So I have my office in my home
and I went into a den, and I sat

down, and my husband’s cell
phone was sitting here next to

me, and it rang, and I saw this
is one of the kids.

We have five children.

And I picked the phone up and
this woman said, “Is that you?”

I said, “Yes.”

I said, “How did you get this

And she said, “I prayed and God
said call this number.”

So I said, what are
you going to do?

I’m going to take the call.

I’m going to take the call.

Sid: My next guest, Joan Gieson,
Joan is affectionately called

the Miracle Lady because she
pulls people out of wheelchairs.

That’s a passion.

Anyone hurting.

Talk about an anointing.

And you know what
we’re going to have?

A miracle explosion.



Sid: I have Joan Gieson here and
many of you might recognize her.

If you’ve ever seen Benny Hinn
on television and you’ve seen a

woman with a microphone and she
says, “Pastor Benny, this person

has just been healed of this!”

That’s Joan Gieson.

But there’s something
you don’t know.

She is affectionately
called the Miracle Woman.

She walks around and sees the
presence of God on someone

and knows a miracle is
ready to take place.

Joan, it’s hard to believe, but
there was a point, you have two

small children, you’re married
and all of a sudden you’re blind

and all of a sudden the doctors
say you’re not going to live,

you’re going to die.

Tell me about that time.

Joan G.: That makes me cry when
you even say that,

and it’s been so long ago.

We got married, an Italian with
a big wedding.

It was a perfect wedding and it
was a little bit later that I

conceived of our first child,
and he was born

and he was beautiful.

We named him Michael and he was
the apple of our eye, and he was

good, and he grew
up a little bit.

He was about two years old
and one day I stooped over

to pick up
something he had dropped and

when I straightened back
up I couldn’t see.

I had gone blind.

Well literally it scared the
bajiggers out of me.

Sid: I’m sure.

Joan G.: Within the next two
weeks I saw probably 15 doctors

and they found hemorrhages
behind both eyes and

the optic nerve was
swollen into the brain.

And they didn’t know what the
cause was, what would happen,

how it would work, but the rest
of my body is deteriorating

while all that is happening.

One day I am a productive wife
and a mother and the next day I

can’t see and can’t do the

Four years it went like that.

Four years and now it was time
for Michael to go to school.

First day in school he helped me
on the bus and I sat outside the

room of the school, the room
that he went in, in the hall.

The teacher came out in the room
that Michael was in and said,

“Joan, Michael is sick.

You’re going to have to
take him home.”

I said, “Judy, I don’t see.
I don’t drive. I can’t do that.”

And with that the lady that I
had seen in my spirit was at my

side and said, “I
heard what you said.

I’ll be glad
to take you home.”

On the way home that lady led me
to Jesus and it was

the first time.

Sid: You get born again and you
only know the term because

she uses it.

Joan G.: That’s exactly right.

Sid: And you tell your husband.

He thinks you’re a little, I’ll
use a Hebrew word even though

you’re Italian, he thinks you’re
a bisha meshuga, a little crazy.

Joan G.: In Italian it’s basa.

Sid: Same thing. Okay.

And you heard a voice. What did
that voice say on the radio?

Joan G.: Well that was a few
days later.

I’m sitting at the table and I’m
waiting for my Michael to come

home on the bus.

And all of a sudden I hear this
voice say, “Hello there.

Have you been waiting for me?”

Well that wasn’t a
Lutheran voice.

It scared the
bajiggers out of me.

I quickly turned the radio off.

Second day I heard the same
voice: “Hello there.”

Boy, I turned that thing off.

And the third day I
didn’t hear that.

I heard a woman say, “I was
so ill the doctors said

I was going to die
and all I did was lift my hands

and God healed me
in that service.”

Well I listened until the

It said, “This is coming to you
from the Kathryn Kuhlman

Foundation in Pittsburgh,

I called Frank and I said,
“Frank, get home.

Jesus right now is in Pittsburgh
healing people!”

Sid: Don’t say that
when I’m drinking.

Joan G.:
Well I did. I did.

Well the courtyard of that First
Presbyterian Church in

Pennsylvania was full.

When the doors opened
everyone just pushed us.

We weren’t accustomed to
anything like that.

Nobody ever sat on the front
seat of our Lutheran church.

Nobody sat on the middle seat.

Sid: No one wanted to.

Joan G.: No.

And now they’re pushing us in.

And we get in and we sit there,
and I’m seeing Frank.

“Frank, there’s a
light on my head.

Tell them turn
off the light.”

Oh my gosh.

Sid: You’re blind.

Joan G.: I’m blind.

Sid: You see light on your head.

Joan G.: I am lit up like a
Christmas tree.

I can feel that.

“Frank, there’s a
light on my head.”

“No honey,
open your eyes.

There’s no light on your head.”

“Frank, tell them to turn the
light off.”

“Please Joan, you’re scaring me.

There is no light on your head.”

And when I opened my eyes, sir,
I could see all the way

to the altar.

I could see the stained glass

I could see the multitude of
people and I was in the 53rd

row and I could see everything.

I said, “Frank, I can see!”

He said, “No you can’t.”

I said, “What?”

I mean, we’re totally displaced.

We knew nothing of this

“Frank, I can.

I can see!”

“No you can’t.

Stop it, Joan.”

And I said, “Frank, I can see
that you’ve got a blue shirt on.

You’ve got a grey.”

“You can see.”


This is what we’ve come for.”

And on the way home in the car I
said, “Frank, I am going

to go home and get every
sick person I know.

We’re going to charter a bus or
a truck, or a car, or how many

ever come with us and we’re
going to take them to another

miracle service.”

Sid: How many years did you
assist Miss Kuhlman?

Joan G.: Nine and half years
until the day she went home to

be with Jesus.

And Gene Martin, which was her
manager, called us and said,

from the hospital, he said, “I
am in the hospital with Miss

Kuhlman and she said, Joan, get
prepared because yours is the

next service that she’s going to
have in St. Louis.”

What a thrill.

Sid: I tell you this. Your
miracle is in the bank!


Sid: Next week on It’s

Hello. Sid Roth here
speaking to you

from the most supernatural
land in the world,

Jerusalem, Israel.

My guest is supernaturally
equipped by God to help you not

just have experiential knowledge
with God,

but she operates in what is
known as creative miracles.

Your gifts to this ministry will
help Sid air It’s Supernatural

in Israel 28 times a week and
distribute his evangelistic book

to the Jewish people worldwide.