PROPHETIC WARNING! Beware the Dragon Babies…

The Fight for Female Book (Digital Download) – You’re in This Fight! In The Fight for Female, Lisa Bevere exposes the cultural and spiritual assault on womanhood, where both men and women have been stripped of their true strength and identity. She explains that what began as a powerful union between male and female has devolved into a power struggle, with women believing they must act like men to be powerful and men increasingly adopting feminine roles. Lisa argues that this attack is more than societal—it’s a spiritual battle depicted in Revelation 12:17, where the enemy seeks to distort women’s divine image and destroy future generations. She calls women to reclaim their God-given identity and rise with courage, uniting in purpose to confront the darkness with love and light. The future of marriages, children, churches, and communities depends on this fight for female. The Fight for Female Book (Digital Download) –

I found myself in a dream where I saw

women of all Races all ages all of the

women were kind of holding something

close to their chest they were all

holding different rainbow colored baby

dragons dressed in children’s clothing

now this was 2016 but in 1984 Lester

sumerall took us out this is one of the

most improv messages that I have sent to

my friends in the United States of

America he said I see a day coming where

a spirit of homosexual is going to

attack the males Rebellion coming into

the household and breaking apart

families then he said something that was

totally confused ONN KN he said I see a

day coming where people’s lives will be

controlled by a box they hold in their

hands I thought a box like what’s he

talking about you’re describing this

dark season of humanity it really

started with a dream the dragon dream

we’ll be talking about in just a moment

I’ve got to ask you this question Lisa

do spells still exist so many people are

in agreement with spells without even

knowing that they are and I typed into

my laptop in Google what is the origin

of the quote the future is female and

this Washington Post article comes up

and it said that the future is female

was originated by a lesbian separatist

group called labras I thought what is

labras well labras is the two-headed ax

carried by Roman and Greek goddesses and

the Amazon and these lesbian separatists

believed that they should live separate

from heterosexuals and from males at

least for a time period and it was part

of a presentation called what A

well-dressed Dyke would wear and they

said the quote the future’s female was a

call to war an invocation and a spell to

cast and Hillary Clinton

brought into her campaign and what is so

crazy is 25% of the proceeds not profits

proceeds go to plan Parenthood I had a

t-shirt on I went to a coffee shop here

locally and the T-shirt said the future

is male and female I had so many guys

like thank you thank you for including

us in the future I had women coming up

to me saying I I need I need that

t-shirt and I said okay everybody’s

happy I’m going to take a photo of this

so I take a selfie and I have the

t-shirt on and it said the future is

male and female and then underneath it I

wrote the future is male and female

because without male and female there is

no future

922 comments later my my Instagram

explodes people are yelling at me you

are co-signing with patriarchy how dare

you do that Jesus is not okay with the

oppression of women you’re a transphobe

you’re a homophobe you’re a demon of

hate you’re a bigot all of this

different thing then people arguing with

each other and I have learned when

something is this charged there is

something way more spiritual behind it

right after I found this out my grandson

shows up and I said Asher what are your

thoughts about the idea of the future as

female and he said that I’m

unnecessary and I thought wow because

right now Sid young men 24 to 35 5 years

of age have a much higher suicide rate

than they’ve ever had in history they

feel purposeless they feel useless they

feel unnecessary well God created woman

so that the man would multiply woman

wasn’t an afterthought she was a

necessity but we’re supposed to do male

and female together but when we say

things like the future is female we are

leaving out the power Union that God

created male and female to be so it is

demonic Division and everywhere we’re

looking right now you have division you

have you have black against white you

have Asian as Hispanic you have Democrat

Republican you have all of these Jews

and non-js I mean we have all of this

world of division and yet we know the

enemy is not stupid he knows divided

houses fall so he is dividing marriages

and he’s even dividing a generation from

their own body where they think their

identity their gender identity is one

thing and their physical body is another

he’s dividing and divisive and so we as

Christians we need to speak restoration

we need to speak back a uniting but we

need to realize in all of the anger and

all of the I mean like you I see things

I’m like how is this happening let’s

take you back to the beginning young

child you experienced some very demonic

things my family was definitely not

Christian I got a Ouija board for

Christmas one year we had astrology we

we really thought about astrology talked

about astrology there was no problems

with having any kind of seance in the

house that would be that’ be kind of the

normal for a slumber party palm reading

tarot cards all those kind of things my

mother was obsessed with horror movies

there would be so many times said when I

was in bed as a child or my mom would

get me and have me watch a horror movie

with her it was kind of funny I slept on

an astrology pillow but I had Holy Water

by the door and a crucifix over my bed

in case the vampire showed up my family

was so well acquainted with the Ault

that my grandfather was a 32nd degree

Mason and he was on the Manhattan

Project so we have we had some Darkness

a 32nd degree Mason is called an

architect of time again I will say this

as a 14-year-old girl 13 14y old girl I

remember seeing demonic things manifest

in my grandparents house and I I mean I

just thought the Demonic was normal but

I had no idea that they make all of

these alignments and vows and one of the

vows for the 32nd degree Mason if you

break any of a vow of silence or

whatever that your desend it will lose

an eye and I lost an eye to cancer when

I was five so these kind of things are


right before I married John um I had

gone back to West Lafia Indiana which is

where Purdue is my my grandfather’s the

dean of chemistry there I felt such an

oppression in the house I would be

laying in bed at night and I would feel

like something laid on top of me and was

choking me pushed me down into the bed

and I was a Christian now I thought I

need to yell for Jesus and I would hear

the demon say you can’t say that which

would I knew he was a liar so I would

just yell Jesus and immediately it would

live the whole household fell this

oppressive constant sense of Eating

Disorders sleeping disorders anger

misunderstanding confusion Pride chaos

and so I called a spiritual father and I

said I don’t I don’t know what to do I

don’t know what’s going on and he said I

want you to go through the house he said

now your parents have allowed some stuff

in he said but I want you to go through

the house and be sensitive to the Holy

Spirit I want you to call things out so

I remember starting in my parents’

bedroom in their bathroom working my way

through all of up upstairs going

downstairs going to the dining room

going through the living room going

through the TV room going into the

kitchen and thinking okay I’m done and

the door upstairs started opening and

slamming shut opening and slamming shut

and I went ran out the front door and as

I ran out the front door the Holy Spirit

showed me it was a very small demon

making a very big noise and I went

running back into the house and I

remember the door was in motion and I I

called my spiritual father back and he

said you’re going to need to have a

bloodline for your room he said I don’t

know what has been allowed in all the

other rooms he said but you need to draw

a bloodline and he said but pray if

there’s a reason why these demonic

things are accessing your room and I

remembered that I had hit a bunch of pot

up in my attic space in my closet and it

was crazy I went up I I climbed up there

I dumped it all out and the truth is

there are very real demonic forces that

is why God says that we speak his word

they do spells we speak the word of God

well this is so out of character for you

or your husband to be talking about this

realm it really started with a Dream

It’s called The Dragon dream and why are

so many people talking about dragons now

we are in the year of the dragon I had

no idea that we were in the year of the

dragon when I realized my book was

coming out when you’re talking about I

didn’t think about about you and John in

spiritual warfare I would say that John

and I everything we’ve ever birthed in

the ministry we’ve birthed in the spirit

first and I had a dream in

2016 and I was in a hotel room by myself

speaking at a Women’s Conference you

know everything was great there was no

stress there was no pressure and I found

myself in a dream where I was hesitating

at a threshold of a a group of women it

was a green room Dynamic I saw women of

all Races all ages all educational

background women of influence when I

hesitated I realized that all of the

women were kind of holding something

said close to their chest and when I

looked closer they were all holding

different rainbow colored or Jewel toned

baby dragons dressed in children’s

clothing now this was 2016 and I I was

you know in a dream where you’re frantic

I went from woman to woman and I said do

you understand you’re holding a dragon

and they would kind of look Beyond me to

one another like she just does not get

it and they say these are different

dragons these are the wise kind dragons

I said there is no agreement between

daughters and Dragons I remember one

woman said hey don’t be afraid here just

pet it right here where his neck is so

smooth Don’t Be Afraid Sid I knew that

if I petted the dragon I would be

agreeing with a lie that I would be

saying that this was something safe when

it was something incredibly dangerous

and in my my dream I turned away from

her and a woman thrust a dragon my way

and she said here hold it and in my

dream I reached out grabbed the dragon

by the neck and broke its neck and I

woke up and I’m like a sid sleeper I was

on my back my hands had gone through the

motion my arms were flying I thought

what just happened this dream was so

intense that it entered my Physical

Realm and I’ll be honest I was so

riveted and alarmed I felt such an

urgency and I remember I went and I

preached somewhere and I preached very

strong message I I said there is a big

difference between being in bed with the

world and bedside to the world and there

that particular church I said you guys

are in bed with the world and so I

thought okay I’ve I’ve snapped the

dragon’s neck I dealt with that when we

make oursel a friend with the world not

to we’re called to be a friend too but

not not with we make s an enemy of God

and I kind of just thought okay it’s

done then I see 2020 happen and I see

2021 and I go to a church and at the end

of the service the pastor’s wife comes

up to me and she’s a matriarch she’s no

longer like the senior pastor’s wife but

she is the matriarch of the church and

she she comes to me and she said did you

ever meet Derek Prince I said I I didn’t

I’m familiar with his ministry but no I

never met him she said we hosted him and

she said we took him back to the Hotel

he’ done a women’s meeting signed books

and when we turned around to say good

night he was weeping and we said brother

Prince why are you crying and he said I

see an attack coming against the women

and if the enemy can get the women he

will get the children and and Sid this

is what is going on right now Lisa the

Demonic is very real you are living what

you’re writing about your book which

we’re making available is a digital

download is called the fight for female

reclaiming our divine identity and it is


amazing that as I observe what’s going

on in current events and in the world

there is a mirror opposite of what you

are talking about and it’s taking away

the identity of a woman that’s what you

mean by reclaiming our divine identity

why would someone

benefit from reading this book well you

know what I started with a dream but I

ended up with a do and this is what I’ve

heard from a lot of women they say I

don’t know what to do I don’t know how

to have these conversations with my

children with my grandkids with my

friends I don’t know what to do in my

culture I don’t know what to do at the

dinner table I don’t know what to do in

prayer I don’t know what to do when I’m

talking about social media you and I

both know that there wasn’t just one

pandemic in 2020 there were multiples

but the second one that I’ve noticed the

most damaged from is a spirit of

cowardice people became afraid of

speaking truth and so when people who

are the people of God are so afraid that

if they say something people are going

to get mad they’ve all cancelled

themselves and so people are thinking

it’s hateful to speak truth well it’s

hateful to agree with lies it’s hateful

to allow language language because you

and I both know how important language

is when language is weaponized people

cannot communicate when people cannot

communicate they cannot understand one

another and this is the enemies PLO

since the beginning did God really say

oh wait a minute did did he say you

can’t touch oh no okay all right he he

constantly undermines he constantly

sends inuendos for me spiritual warfare

has always been a part of our Lives you

know it’s interesting that that you said

that I had another interviewer say I

never thought of you as a spiritual

warfare person and I do think that John

and I believe that the highest form of

spiritual warfare is obedience but there

comes a place where when you take on a

principality and a power you need to

actually have the awareness of what

you’re wrestling with and so if you can

see them they’re not your problem it’s

demonic forces that are puppeteers right

now and their shadows in of great

darkness that we are seeing and people

are deceived people are allowing demonic

forces into their home into their

reasoning people are pretending like

lies are truth I mean for for a woman to

actually believe that it’s okay for a

man to be in the bathroom with her

daughters is demonic you’re describing a

very small symptom of of how horrific

this has become you know I was listening

on the radio this morning coming into

work on a news show and these illegals

that want to become men that want to

become women they their government is

talking about providing that surgery

free to illegals I mean that is the

height of stupid but you have to say why

we have to say why they’re doing it for

prisoners they’re doing it for illegals

now I have a Australian daughter-in-law

I can’t even tell you how much I wish we

would just dropped her off off the coast

of San Diego and let her swim in because

it has cost a fortune and she still

doesn’t have her citizenship she has

done everything right she has no

insurance benefits she has I mean and

she’s a contributing citizen she is not

a citizen that is going to be a drain

other the system I I don’t know if you

know this I have dual citizenship with

Italy my grandparents came over my

grandfather died a he never ever had

citizenship but they never ever talked

bad about America they said this is a

land of opportunity when they when my

grandmother learned the language got her

citizenship she was so proud of herself

and you know right now there is

something going on where where the enemy

is saying I’m going to unmake I’m going

to sterilize I’m going to distort God

you said these people are made in your

image now again everybody is an image

Bearer but not everybody is a child of

God and that’s where we get a little

confused in the church only those that

are born again have their father’s

nature so right now we’re having people

that look like the image of God

living in and let’s just be honest with

according to their their father the

devil and so right now he’s like I’m

going to distort I’m going to pervert

and we read in Romans chapter 1 that the

first tier of the Judgment of God is

when we start to call evil good and good

evil and it says and I I love the

message translation in Romans 1 it says

refusing to worship God they soon didn’t

know how to be human either women didn’t

know how to be women and men didn’t know

how to be men that sure spells it out it

does it does you mentioned a couple

couple of things I I need you to zero in

on uh you mentioned cleansing your house

drawing a bloodline how do you cleanse

your house what do you do how do you uh

have a bloodline in your house so that

the Demonic cannot even come and hit you

in your dream life yes well first and

foremost thank you for thank you for

pointing that out we have the Holy

Spirit which is the counselor and I feel

like right now people have been so

inundated with Unholy spirits that

they’ve lost some of their sensitivity

so I think the first thing I would tell

someone to do is to pause put the phone

down turn off turn off the television

put on some worship music maybe have

communion and pause and say holy spirit

I need you give me eyes to see in the

spirit what I can’t see in the natural

give me a sensitivity you know forgive

me for being careless with the sacred

things forgive me for that and and I

think right now people are careless with

sacred they are careless with the power

of God they they are familiar more

familiar with power of darkness and so

setting ourselves back into a place of

submission to God that is the first and

foremost posture of any spiritual

warfare submission to God you know deal

with anything that is is displeasing in

our own life any agreement because like

we sometimes we we are in agreement with

the things of the enemy I’ve said this

to so many young girls I said you will

never have authority over the things

you’re entertained by you watch

pornography and then you don’t know why

you can’t get free you will never have

authority over the things you’re

entertained by you will never have

authority over the things that you are

in agreement with you have to repent of

those things and then you can get back

that position of authority so we humble

ourselves and then I literally and again

I was a brand new baby Christian I’ve

been safe for about a year paused and

said holy spirit show me show me what I

need to address in this room in this

house I’ll give you an example another

example when John would travel and our

boys were little he would pull out of

the driveway the air condition would

blow up a child would you know bust open

their chin and I would tell my husband

why are you not praying harder for us

you’re going out there and you’re

preaching and we’re under attack and

John said you’re not staying in your

Spiritual Authority Lisa he said if I’m

in obedience then obedience gives

provision you are not staying in your

place of Spiritual Authority and so I

realized that I I was not taking my

authority and if we don’t take our

Authority in the spirit the eny will

take it from us and use it against us

because he was stripped so I went

through the whole house and I anointed

every door I said the anointing is a

representation of the spirit of God and

the spirit of God breaks every yoke of

bondage and so this is a house of prayer

this is a house of worship this is a

house that honors the presence of God

and therefore and even thinking about

the the children of Israel when they

went out when they came in they

acknowledged God’s provision God’s

presence in their household and so you

know going through their praying over

their rooms commanding everything

unclean every oppressive Spirit every

depressive Spirit even like we had such

a mindset of poverty like what anytime

uh anybody else uh would do get

something I felt like it was deducted

from our account or something where we

had one car we had lack we had and and I

was so busy said looking at what I

didn’t have until I prayed and then I

saw what God had given me he’d given me

gifts he’d given me talents we had no

insurance do you know that I actually

God boys like you are you need to read

proverbs 31 you were trained in the

stock market you need to pay for your

babies by doing what you’re already good

for and I bought a call at 1:16 sold it

at 516 and paid cash for our our our

third son and our fourth son so dealing

with um anything that we sense like I

you know anything like maybe someone’s

let something in through pornography or

through something they entertained with

and and just saying or music music is a

big entry and just say we’re going to

have worship and then when talking about

the bloodline because maybe we’re

talking to somebody that this is a child

and their house is like my household

with my parents not serving God and all

of a sudden the blood of Jesus is a

barrier to the enemy and so we would I

would just say this is the bloodline I

am the beginning of a thousand

Generations who love God and keep their

Commandments I am not the daughter of a

grandson who made vows With the Enemy I

am a daughter of the most high God you

you have to make those exchanges because

the enemy is not going to give up ground

without you knowing who you are and

what’s available in the spirit so like I

just prayed and I was like this I’m now

a daughter of God I honor my parents but

I have a higher authority and in the

spirit realm I thank you Father for your

angels every time I travel said I’m sure

you do the same thing I pray over my

hotel room I think that every unclean

thing leaves the room that there’s

Angels protecting that the blood of

Jesus covers any action that’s ever

happened in that room that would war

against what God wants to accomplish

Ministry wise that weekend and then I I

rarely if ever turn on the TV all I’m

going to have in my hotel room is

worship music because I am going to

Steward an entrustment of God’s spirit

on my life and so I want to guard that

when I’m in a different atmosphere

that’s not my home well I actually I’m

in a lot of hotels like you and like

John and I the first thing I do when I

walk into the room I physically do this

I sprinkle the blood of Jesus all over I

I walk into the bathroom I walk in to

where the TV is I walk into the bed I

walk everywhere I sprinkle the blood of

Jesus and it’s not a superstitious thing

I am scaring the living day lights out

of the devil and as a matter of fact

there are viewers watching us right now

I recommend that you go throughout your

whole house and say the blood of Jesus

the blood the blood the blood and you

know what’s going on in the visible

world every demon in that room is taking

a step back every time you say the blood

of Jesus because you are scaring The

Living Daylights out of the Demonic

realm Lisa you know of an Endtime Vision

that came through Lester Summerall tell

us about it when John and I were 24 and

25 Lester sumerall took us out to

breakfast and he said I see the hand of

God on the two of you so I want to tell

you what I’ve seen in the future he said

I see a day coming where a spirit of

homosexuality is going to attack the

males of America this was back in 198

for and he said men are actually going

to begin to marry one another he said I

see Rebellion coming into the household

and breaking apart families and then he

said a couple other things he said I see

a spirit of idolatry coming in and then

he said something that was totally

confused ONN n he said I see a day

coming where people’s lives will be

controlled by a box they hold in their

hands and John and I thought a box like

what’s he talking about like a box boxes

were containers in 1984 phones were on

the wall and he said yes they’re going

to be like I I have to do this my box is

telling me to do this and we were so

confused by this but in 2020 when we

watched a generation begin to bow to a

world they could hold in their hands

rather than step outside and lift out

gaze to the one who holds the world in

his hands we remembered Lester’s words

he said a couple other things but what I

loved the most was I mean when he was

put Painting all this Darkness I was

like Jesus come back but then he said

after all of this God’s going to pour

out his spirit and there will be one

more great Revival in the United States

of America and I will tell you said

every single thing he told us has

happened the last one he told us and

this is you guys might want to edit this

out he said I actually see that people

will start to have sex with animals and

when I was writing my book I learned

that they have changed the word

beastiality to zilia meaning the Love of

Animals so basically we have we have

reached the level of debauchery where

the cup is full where God pours out his

spirit and says I I’m going to call on

my people I’m going to have my sons and

daughters prophesy and whoever this what

I love Acts 2 says whosoever calls upon

the name of the Lord shall shall be

saved so this is this is we’re right for

this revival season I see these young

kids on college campuses uh protesting

against Israel have you ever read what

God says and thinks about Israel do they

realize they’re poking uh they’re

literally Zechariah and the living Bible

it says he he that touches Israel pokes

their finger against God’s into God’s

eye I mean it’s a serious thing and

those same young kids I was thinking

about that because you talked about

division I mean of all the things to be

divided on that’s is it’s the height of

ridiculousness poking your finger in

God’s God’s eye but those same young

kids don’t know their left hand from

their right hand that’s why A Book Like

Yours arms men and women to have answers

to this generation that is struggling

with truth I mean the most ridiculous

truth I never thought they’d struggle am

my a boy or a girl I mean it’s crazy

what they’re struggling with it is and

and it seems to be um they think they’re

deep thinkers on this I had I had a

beautiful uh new believer asked me a

question she said what would Jesus say

to my friend who believes she is born in

the wrong body you know I said well

first of all he would tell her I love

you next he would say you’re not a

mistake and then I said but third he

would say I understand and she kind of

was like what I said well first of all

Jesus was never transgender and you and

I know this we’re seeds we’re seeds Paul

makes it so clear we’re seeds of what we

one day will be I’m Italian I have way

too many tomatoes planted in my backyard

but if you isolate a tomato seed and you

look at it there is nothing

about that colorless shapeless seed that

says what a tomato or a tomato plant is

you’re like that could be a grand bell

pepper I don’t know what that is you and

I are seeds and soil stage right now we

know we were made for more there is a

pull of Eternity on all of us we are

Made for More this life is a vapor and

yet what the enemy is saying take it all

now no no God made a mistake when he

formed you you were not intentionally

woven in your mother’s wom you are a

mistake and if a generation cannot trust

God with their formation then it becomes

very difficult to trust him with their

transformation and that is what the

enemy is after he wants them to have no

seed no reproduction to disconnect from

God to say that God made a mistake and

they’re going to have to fix it they’re

going to grasp INE equality with God

remake themselves in their own image CU

he knows that gets us in trouble yet I

believe said I believe with all of my

heart that the greatest Revival that

we’ve ever seen is going to happen among

people we would never imagine what

happened so we have to understand that

the wrestling with principalities and

Powers is the release of those in

captivity that are Flesh and Blood we

have to speak to those things we have to

not be in agreement with it we cannot

water down the truth we cannot act like

we’re being nice when we’re agreeing

with lies we have to be aware that there

is stuff going on that is far darker

than we could ever imagine but you know

what in the greatest Darkness you have

the greatest platform for the greatest

presence of God called the greater glory

and that’s what you’re describing right

now in this dark season of humanity

that’s getting darker than you’d ever

imagined as a young person some of the

things that the teens are talking about

today I I it would be beyond my

comprehension uh that people would be

with same people would be talking about

these things in this great Darkness

there’s going to be a release of the

greater glory and it’s I’m I’m looking

it’s here now it’s always been here but

it’s little splashes in our lives we are

going to have a

gigantic Avalanche of the presence of

God and as you said the most

unlikely are going to be in the

Forefront promoting God the you you mark

Lisa in my words you have someone in

your family that’s the most

unlikely you don’t even know if you

really when you die you’re going to go

to heaven you don’t really know if you

know God or not I want to lead you in a

quick prayer preat it mean it it’s not

the length of it it’s the

heart if you will repeat this out loud


me you will be translated from the

kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of

the son of his beloved the son Messiah

you’re going to transfer kingdoms right

now repeat this prayer out loud with me

mean it to the best of your ability dear

God I’ve made so many mistakes in my

life for which I’m so

sorry I believe the blood of

Jesus is greater than any mistake I’ve


made and I cover all these mistakes with

the blood of

Jesus and now that I am clean as clean

as Jesus as clean as a newborn child I

ask you Jesus to come and live inside of

me thank you for saving me from my sins

I now make you my

Lord amen Lisa I want a short prayer and

remember there is probably the this is

the most now book now book that you can

get a hold of I want you get the

download the fight for female reclaiming

our divine identity for a gift of $15 or

more would you break a lot of the

strongholds in a short prayer with power

over everyone viewing right now

especially those that said that prayer

yes Father I just thank you I thank you

that there is light amidst Darkness I

thank you for a restor ation of

discernment I thank you for a prophetic

anointing I thank you for eyes to see

ears to hear a voice to speak I break

off the spirit of the fear of man and I

thank you Father for an empowerment of

the fear of the Lord I thank you Father

that they shake off any shackle of Shame

any hold back from the enemy they

recover their voice they pick back up

their sword in the spirit and they find

their voice with the word of God in

their mouth father I thank you that they

are the beginning they are Gatekeepers

they are the beginning of a thousand

Generations who love God and keep their

Commandments and father I thank you that

these are warriors I thank you that they

were not made for a time of ease but

they were made for a time of perilous

and a Time father where heroes are made

in Jesus name amen and I thank all the

men and all the women that have been

watching this because you women are

going to become Wonder Women and you men

are going to become Wonder men and I

love the word Lisa said you will become

spokes people spokesmen spokes women for

the Living God you may be the least

likely in your mind but God and you are

the majority be blessed in filled with

God’s glory amen