The Oracle is a mystery that foretold Trump and End Times prophetic events long ago. Join Jonathan Cahn and Sid Roth as they explore these amazing ancient prophecies!

Since the time of Jesus, the Jewish people have publicly read through the Torah every year, a portion at a time. It’s called the Parsha. It is read in every synagogue, on the same day, throughout the world. And it is beyond imagination that as Scripture is being publicly read so many prophecies are fulfilled!

Some of the most famous people of modern history and unfolding events, past, present and future, are prophesied—and the event takes place on the exact day the portion of Scripture is read!

Jonathan Cahn shows how it foretells the rise of America, details of two world wars, past elections, including President Trump—and even the master secret of the end times and the Second Coming!

The Oracle will give you a totally new perspective on how God operates right before your eyes! Get the whole story now, including our exclusive 6-CD set, while supplies last!

Jonathan’s CDs give insight into the Tomb of the Patriarchs, the Mystery of Edom and much more. The unique Parsha guide gives you the exact portions read weekly, in synagogues worldwide!

the most amazing thing is Israel is a

microcosm of the world most people have

never even thought about that

so if Israel’s destiny is determined by

the jubilee and mysteries so too is the

destiny of the world it begs the

question what are the Jubilee and

mysteries it’s a game-changer it’s

impossible that ancient mystery lies

behind the events of our world the

leaders of our times and the course of

our lives the Oracle the Jubilee and

mysteries unveiled and the oracle khan

opens a mystery so big it has determined

everything from the rise and fall of

world empires two world wars current

events endtime prophecy and so much more

good an ancient prophecy and a

mysterious ordinance given in a Middle

Eastern desert over 3,000 years ago be

determining the events of our day could

some of the most famous people of modern

history and current events be secretly

linked to this mystery even a modern

President of the United States could

this ancient revelation pinpoint the

events of our times down to the year or

even the day is there a master plan

affecting the entire world and altering

the course of history

the Oracle one will take you on an epic

journey through seven doors of

Revelation and visions to open up the

mysteries of the stranger the lost city

the man with a measuring line the day of

the Lions and more the mysteries of the

Oracle are absolutely real stunning and

life-changing see the world as you’ve

never seen it before and discover what

the future holds prepare to be blown


hello I’m Sid Roth and I’m here with

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn best-selling author

with the New York Times I’ll tell you

what Jonathan this new book of yours

the Oracle as far as I’m concerned I

read your be this new book and it has

absolute proof that there is a God I

mean the worst skeptic would have their

head shake when they get this


absolutely proof that the Bible came

from God

absolutely proof that the predictions in

the Bible are a hundred percent accurate

which by the way most people don’t know

this but the Bible has a requirement set

by God if the proof in Deuteronomy in

the Torah it says if a prophet comes and

they’re not a hundred percent accurate

they’re not from God

well that makes sense God knows

everything past present and future how

could God make a mistake but you told me

something on the telephone before this

interview you said that when you do your

books you get a download now some people

may not understand that what do you mean

I download from God yeah well the Lord

is alive and well and you know I could

never write any of these books it

without without the Lord without without

that happening and with each one and

this one even more so basically things

start coming into my mind because you

know things look I have studied your

field for close to 40 years and I can

tell you you know things I’ve never seen

anywhere else and that’s why I asked her

that question and it comes if I had to

recreate how this comes I couldn’t do it

it comes there’s something will be put

on my mind my heart someone will say the

word grad hell there in the Tanakh the

prophets operated they heard from God

and they were just good Jewish prophet

is nothing more than a good Jewish


well the best thing we can do is just

receive from him and and give it out and

that’s exactly it each one happened like

this I had about 3,000 pages of notes

from this that’s why I didn’t know how

how do I get this into a book because so

much came and he kept coming even when I

gave the manuscript in that day I hadn’t

put in another thing because it kept

coming but that’s all the Lord and I

could not reproduce it okay set the

stage for us what is the the

circumstances of the Oracle and by the

way I was thinking either this man hears

from God or he’s got the wildest

imagination I have ever seen anywhere

I’ll go with the first well first of all

listen the Bible says that that God is

real he’s the god of history he’s the

God of the world he’s the God who moves

in the world he he makes nations rise

and fall he is in everything now when I

was growing up in the synagogue that’s

what I didn’t see in the synagogue I saw

that God the God of the Bible was moving

in everything but I didn’t see him

moving there so the thing what the

Oracle is revealing is that the same God

of the Bible the same God of Israel is

very much alive and well and he is

moving behind everything world events

nations rise it not just in ancient

times but right now I mean determining

who the president is the United States

determining the days I mean the exact

things I mean when things have to happen

down to their exact times so the Oracle

is is really a mystery it’s very high

Ganic because it’s behind everything you

know I have talked to leaders in

understanding and teaching the Bible and

they have never heard the revelations

that you’re bringing forth right now

well I don’t understand why they haven’t

been around for a thousand years I mean

we Jews know about the parsha but we

don’t know the parsha

contains the exact dates of world events

and the thing that got me so excited I

have to tell you I’m excited is first he

sets the stage by showing the events

that have happened in the past and then

he shows what the Torah says for the

future and if it’s working that precise

on the past you don’t have to be a

mental giant to say I want to know

what’s going to happen in the future

yeah this is this is this is behind yeah

past present future current events

really the whole Bible is in this

Jubilee and mystery now for those who

don’t know what the Jubilee is I think

it’s to set the stage Jubilee is God

sets a year that in this year whatever

you lost you get back you lost your home

you lost your ancestral possession you

come home and it’s always the fiftieth

year this the trumpet sounds you are

released you are free so now the thing

is that is the nation of Israel is the

nation that has lost it had lost its

ancestral possession more than any other

it matters to the world no home no land

nothing so but God said in the end times

I’m gonna bring you back and time a key

event key time clock I’m gonna bring the

Jewish people back to the land that is

absolute there in scripture from the

time of Moses so when that happens it’s

a Jubilee it’s gonna be linked to the

Jubilee because they’re coming back home

they’re coming back God is restoring

that so the amazing thing that I saw is

that that all these these endtime events

happen according to this Jubilee and

calendar every the fiftieth year again

and again on that fiftieth year

something major something prophetic

takes place linked to the restoration of

Israel which is linked to the coming of

the Messiah that would over here you

know as we say it Passover that would

have been enough by then you did into

the parsha mystery yes that yeah well

the posture is this every Sabbath in the

synagogue’s the Jewish people are told

to read from the scroll so they open the

scrolls there’s a set appointed word for

every Sabbath so there’s a word from the

Torah the book of Moses and from the

scroll of the prophets so there’s all

right now now that’s done that’s been

done from Ages that’s on the time of

Messiah from from the first century that

was being done but at the same time the

amazing thing said that I saw and I know

I said could this really be and it’s

is that these words that are appointed

are actually prophetic that that they

actually time and again the word that

they’re reading is being fulfilled at

that time around the world all right

give me an example you talked about and

I have to tell you this isn’t just a

little example that everything he has

this magnitude tell me about the partial

reading that talks about a strain the

stranger okay well this sets also the

jubilee mysteries this is the first

Jubilee in year this is really setting

the end times in motion and most people

have no idea but it happened what

happens Moses says before the Jewish

people come back to the land he says a

stranger or a foreigner is gonna come

from a faraway land he’s gonna come to

the land that the Bible says now it’ll

be desolate it’ll be a desolation

nothing can grow there it’s curse to

someone well that’s what happened to the

Land of Israel when the Jewish people

were scattered that’s what happened it

was a desolation so now it’s at the very

end of that desolation and so it says

someone will come and then Moses says ah

right after that after the stranger

comes he’ll bear witness and say this is

a wasteland it can never be no life here

then Moses says after that then God says

then I will gather you back to the land

when it looks hopeless that’s God when

it’s oh I will gather you back so did it

happen the amazing thing as it did it in

1867 a man makes a journey from America

no I read what you’re about what you’re

about ready to hear I have read that but

I never connected it with the Torah yes

and I never connected it with the exact

parsha the exact day say a lot of people

don’t know but this parsha

this portion of this of the Torah that

is read in a particular week it’s the

same portion read in every synagogue in

the world but go ahead yeah and which is

amazing because think about this I mean

you know God does things that are secret

to the world yet they’re all over all

over the world with every one of them

the whole world it’s being chanted and

it’s being fulfilled and it’s all over

the world and we don’t even see it know

that’s God you know so the man who’s the

stranger is Mark Twain which we all grew

up with Holcomb every Mark Twain is part

of Biblical prophecy and Deuteronomy and

so what he’s gonna fulfill Moses his

words he comes across he makes a journey

comes to the land

it’s a desolation notebook land of he’s

got a notebook there and he’s saying

what he’s saying he’s recording it and

the words he’s using are the words of

Moses he doesn’t realize Moses says

he’ll say there’s nothing plantings

there’s nothing planted Moses says the

stranger will say there’s no grass he

writes out no blade of grass is growing

every it’s like he’s mouthing Moses he

has no idea because Mark Twain is a

skeptic so God uses even that not only

that’s it but as he goes in his journey

the ancient prophetic appointed word is

gonna match what he’s doing and the

final one is his final day in Jerusalem

his final that the peak of his journey

final day night there’s a scripture if

that’s being read around the world and

in Jerusalem chanted what is the

appointed scripture the appointed

scripture as the stranger is in the land

is the stranger will come to the land

and there he is he’s there they’re

chanting it all over the world he’s

there they’re chanting it in Jerusalem

he’s walking the streets of Jerusalem on

the Sabbath and they’re chanting it and

he doesn’t know they’re speaking about

him and and he’s and he’s no idea and so

all these things and nobody could put

that together nobody and this is the

beginning that the act that’s gonna set

the end times in motion cuz right after

the prophecy says then I’m gonna bring

them back right after he comes to the

land when it’s hopeless that’s when

everything these mystical things are

gonna start happening in the Land of

Israel that are gonna ultimately shake

the world in the 20th century and and to

this day but it all begins in that year

1867 the visit of the stranger who just

happens was I I didn’t know this part he

was he an atheist or he was he was a

close he was a skeptic but that all the

more I mean that’s more powerful course

and here let me tell you this so that

means he wasn’t is oh I see this what’s

being read what he wasn’t even Jewish he

wouldn’t even know what the parsha is no

no he comes back and he writes this in a

book that becomes the best-selling book

of his lifetime it actually is what made

him it was a fulfilling do

romi Biblical prophecy and Sid here’s

another thing I talked about how he

couldn’t controlled it

he’s saying we know him as Mark Twain

his real name was Sam five maps now sung

it now now here’s the thing yeah you

know this but a lot of people don’t for

2,000 years the Jewish people are been

praying every day Lord restore us to

Jerusalem restores to is rebuild and

they say Lord hear our prayer

and be merciful hear our prayer be

merciful every day

his name is real name is Samuel Clemens

it’s a Hebrew name Samuel means the Lord

has heard and Clemens means and has been

merciful who could have put that

together how can things be so precise

but hey we’re just starting with this do

you know there’s such a mystery in the

Jubilee itself there is a Jubilee in

code that has the exact year that the

Jewish people would return to the Land

of Israel be right back


tell me about the you call it the

Jubilee encode okay all right this is

also mind boggling here it is

you got Moses this is three and a half

three over three thousand years ago he

gives that Jubilee in ordinance which we

talked about that starts the Jubilee but

in the Jubilee an ordinance passed 50

years yes the yeah every 50 years every

50 years now it says you shall return to

your ancestral land now it’s all about

everybody in is by the way I like that

deal you get everything back your

relatives had not such a bad deal even

if someone else owns I like it and it

has to do with all of us to that’s the

cool thing yeah and so so he says you

shall return to your ancestral land now

that’s so all Israel Jubilee but the

amazing thing said is and this Moses

couldn’t have even thought of it in the

word where it says you shall return

that’s Hebrew now a of course it’s one

word it’s it’s teshuva teshuva time that

means you shall return okay now it said

what a lot of people don’t know or some

have an idea is that Hebrew in Hebrew

there is there there’s a different

calendar it’s not nineteen it’s not 2019

or whatever it is it’s gonna be it’s

gonna be the year okay that’s someone

number two how do you write a Hebrew

year you always write it by using Hebrew

letters Hebrew letters that’s not it’s

not so missus that’s exactly how they do

it okay here’s the amazing thing said

it’s God says the first time to Israel

you shall return to your ancestral land

if you look at the word you shall return

embedded in the word is it comes out to

1948 the year that Israel returns to its

the a letter bed our numbers unlike say

English we have 1 2 3 and we have ABC

but Hebrew it’s the same letter for a

number or a letter yeah exact 1948 is

the year they returned it was all there

from the beginning it was all there from

Moses it’s all how are you you you found

so many it’s amazing only God could have

shown you although

is amazing amazing I’ll throw you

another one with this okay Israel comes

out the year that so that’s been

pointing the year and now what what day

do does Israel come back it was May 14th

when ben-gurion the Prime Minister

announced to the world and then May 15th

is when the first day was at midnight

you know it comes at all right but

here’s what a lot of people don’t know I

when I looked at I didn’t realize it it

came back Israel came back on the

Sabbath now it was Friday when he gave

that it even says it’s the Sabbath Eve

and then then Saturday is the first day

of Israel okay so you got that two

Sabbath what does that mean it means

there has to be an appointed word

there’s got to be an ancient parsha for

that was on a Saturday of course and

they’re opening the scrolls and all over

the world so what is could there be

significant could there be something to

this word what was the word that God

appointed from ages past for the May

14th 1948 the birth of Israel and now

I’ll read it from this is the Tanakh

this is the this is the Jewish

publication here and here’s what it says

this it’s the word was from Amos Amos 9

they’re reading all over the world in

that day I will raise up the tabernacle

of David that is fallen now Israel’s a

tabernacle of David on that very day he

rose up and all over the world they’re

chanting it from New York City to to

Jerusalem to Russia they’re chanting

down that day God will raise up he’s

raising it up on that day they says I

will I will raise up it’s rules I will

build it up as in ancient times Israel

comes back as in ancient times they will

possess the remnant of Edom and old and

it says that the days are coming they’re

gonna plant the land it’s gonna blossom

this desolate land that Mark Twain said

is hopeless it says I will end the

captivity the exile of my people they

will build up the waste cities they will

the whole thing it’s all there and on

that day said I mean I was walking here

this is a side note but I’m seeing

things of David ben-gurion

David ben-gurion is he’s proclaiming it

to the world on that day and he’s and

it’s matching what’s in the prophecy of

that day so all over now this is

appointed ages past for May 14th 1948

who could do that Jonathan

is there any other explanation but only

it came from a supernatural being that

knew everything the only way to think

about the only way you could do this is

you have to every single event in the

world has to be coordinated because if

you take one event out it doesn’t happen

I mean all these quirks only God could

put that together and it’s not just once

said it’s again and again what I what I

was amazed at in the Oracle is that it

happens each time it’s continuous and

continuous it continues on the exact day

the exact day the exact word the exact

date and many of the mysteries in the

Oracle are gonna go to the exact day

that is the god only the god of the

universe who also the God of Israel he’s

the only one who could do that I mean in

all of our lives our part of it our

grandparents were part of this I mean if

they change one thing everything changes

like dominoes so even our whole lives

are part of this up to this day up to

today this goes to this this goes deep

the Six Day War would you believe in the

mystery of the Jubilee in man exploding


okay well let’s okay let me let me give

a thing so people could see that Jubilee

at work and that is this I said it’s

every fiftieth year so we talked about

that that the first one when there’s

there’s all these mystical things we

just talked about one which is the

stranger 1867 and all Viet what happens

if you count the 50th year it comes to

1917 is that is that significant 1917

World War one and that is the that is

the the very year that Israel gains back

the land after after 2,000 years of

hostile occupation the Ottoman Empire

that had it Falls the British Empire has

it and issues the Balfour Declaration

which is restoring Israel to their land

jubilee so right on time now what

happens if you go on nut counter another

50 years where does it take you

1967 Wow anything significant I mean

like clockwork

anything said well amazing thing 1967

this is gonna show how awesome God is

because you know how it started people

don’t know the the secret story it was

the Soviet Union the anti God atheistic

I hate God

a Soviet Union that actually started the

six-day war they

and to see a mess a secret message to

Egypt saying Israel was going to attack

them it was false and so they they lie

Egypt and we’re gonna wipe him out

start the six-day war but it was the

Soviet Union so it shows you how how on

top is the god of the bottle so it

happens now what is what is what does

that have to do with all this well

amazing first of all there is there is a

the Jubilee in man what happens during

this war and Israel didn’t try to do it

during this war Israel is is brought

back to its ancient city of Jerusalem

they enter through the gates for the

first time in 2000 years Israeli

soldiers what does the Jubilee say

everyone shall return to their own

possession so what is it saying

Jerusalem is the possession of Israel

it’s right about yet as you explained

your book that wasn’t the objective of

Israel they are just trying to survive

they were trying to survive they told

Jordan don’t come into this don’t come

into it and they did so so if George had

listened to them that’s it come into it

yes we have had Jerusalem we would not

have it would not have Jerusalem and but

think about it Syd it’s a 1967 it’s the

year of Jubilee Jordan had to come into

it because because this is when

Jerusalem had to come back have you ever

heard of such a thing a nation had to

come into war they were advised not to

by Israel and because they did Israel

gets back Jerusalem in the year of

Jubilee when land is restored to its

original owner oh my god it’s so

brilliant and amazing and this is a key

piece of the puzzle for the coming of

Messiah because Messiah said I’m not

coming again until my ancient people in

Jerusalem say baruch haba blessed is he

so it had to have messiah could not even

come no unless syria yes if not listened

to israel went into the war israel that

did not want to take Jerusalem yes taste

Jerusalem’s and and if the Soviet Union

did to do what it did it would not be it

was all leading to the coming of Messiah

that’s the whole thing it’s and what

happened I said to see this supernatural

part of this also is before it even


God give us a prophetic song to Israel

and it is that he uses that in the Bible

and on this day of when Israel

celebrating its anniversary a song is

introduced all over Israel and it goes

spreads all over the nation its

Jerusalem Jerusalem its Israel longing

for Jerusalem Jerusalem I longed for you

for 2,000 it comes and then within 30

days it’s gonna be fulfilled after 2,000

years and not only that said when you

said that Israel didn’t want to didn’t

want the war that’s true when they when

they finally said okay that was on a

Sabbath Eve they said we’re gonna they

said okay we have to go to war because

we’re gonna be we’re gonna be wiped out

the you know what the parsha was you

know what the appointed where was it was

the word that said go to war was God

saying you have to go to war and it even

said you have to have a mobilize all the

men and later on it says up to 50 years

old that’s exactly what they did

I mean God is amazing now the Jubilee in

man what happens during what happens at

the time of Jubilee I think most people

know the trumpet sounds the shofar

sounds you know so could it it couldn’t

actually have happened well on the exact

moment that Israel comes into its

possession Temple Mount Jerusalem

western wall the trumpet sounds why it

was a man it’s a rabbi and he wasn’t

doing it because he knew he was reading

about this do you believe he was doing

it for a whole other reason at the same

moment it sounds the guys it was rabbi

who does it and the amazing thing is on

the the time of Jubilee what happens the

land returns to its original owner and

it goes to its original state well what

was the original who’s the original

owner and what was the original state of

the Temple Mount Jerusalem which they

got it was David he bought it and it was

a threshing floor the Temple Mount was a

threshing floor the guy who sounds the

shofar of Jubilee his name is rabbi

Goren the word for threshing floor in

Hebrew is Goran his name was rabbi

threshing floor you’re going so I hope

you got that what you look in the camera

and tell them that again explain Daisy

thing on the Jubilee you’re the land

returns to its original state the land

of Jerusalem Temple Mount was originally

a threshing floor you read in the Bible

I just said threshing the threshing

floors me a Thresh wheat you know and

that that’s a temple now David Boies

and when the and the the word in Hebrew

in the Bible is göran göran the rabbi

who sounded the shofar on the Temple

Mount on the threshing has made his name

is Goren which means threshing floor and

he was this is from birth you know who

puts that together said not only that

add to the mystery he was born was this

guy born he was born in 1917 the other

Judt year of jubilee it’s his jubilee

he’s 50 years old as he sounds the

shofar of jubilee his the on the

threshing floor

his name is threshing floor who could do

that not only that said let me throw in

one last thing about this guy it’s – it

– amazing and nobody planned it the

thing is that not only that but but I

found out there’s another meaning for

his name and you know what it is I just

its horn

rabbi horn horn sounds the horn on the

year jubilee I know what it reminds me

of the the Prophet Jeremiah God says

before you were conceived and your

mother’s yes I knew you yeah and I

called you yes before rabbi Goren was

conceived in his mother’s womb yes God

gave him his name yes look Mark Twain

his parents gave him the name as well I

mean and all that I was gonna say it’s

but just a note that there’s an amazing

thing that with these mysteries there’s

always a child born in a Jubilee year

and he plays the central part in the

next Jubilee onward each one each one

from from the 19th century one is born

and when he’s 50 years old he plays the

part it happens again and again only if

in their mother’s womb God had planned

it all out and that’s not just for them

it’s for everybody watching because that

that means God put us in our mother’s

womb for such a time as this you know I

have noticed in the Tanakh in the Jewish

Scriptures every name has a meaning and

that’s what they do in their life yes

it’s like there’s a destiny embedded

even in the names people in the Torah

it’s gonna said this mystery is

throughout this because it’s the same

same God but it’s gonna go up to today

when we get to even this is he going to


president the United States it’s going

to go to that too but it’s the exact

same principle the exact same god

amazing one of the most historic places

in Israel is Masada where the Jewish

people chose to kill themselves rather

than intermingle with the pagans there

was uncovered the greatest mystery it’s

called the mystery of Masada that will

blow your mind

when we return call now ticket Jonathan

Cahn’s brand new prophetic book the

Oracle the Jubilee and mysteries

unveiled and his exclusive six-part

audio CD series the Oracle uncensored

plus the supernatural Bible reading card

this is an exclusive offer for our rich

Supernatural audience yours for a

donation of $49 shipping and handling is

included ask for offer number nine six

three three in this book conn unveils a

mystery so big that it has determined

everything from the fall of world

empires to world wars

current events endtime prophecy find out

the answers to these questions could an

ancient prophecy and a mysterious

ordinance given in a Middle Eastern

desert over 3,000 years ago be

determining the events of our day could

some of the most famous people of modern

day history and current events be

secretly linked to this mystery even the

President of the United States could

this ancient revelation pinpoint the

events of our times down to the year or

even the day is there a divine plan

affecting and altering the course of

world history the Oracle will take you

on an epic journey through seven doors

of Revelation and visions as with Kahn’s

other works the mysteries of the Oracle

are absolutely real stunning and

life-changing also included is Jonathan

Cahn’s exclusive six-part audio CD

series the Oracle uncensored

you will discover what could never be

revealed before the

uncensored revelation revelation that

could not appear in the book also

included in this exclusive offer is the

supernatural Bible reading card which

contains the ancient weekly scriptures

that were being read in the days of

Jesus and are still being read in every

synagogue all over the world today God’s

hidden prophecies his Oracle’s are

contained within you can tap into the

future by reading these scriptures

weekly don’t miss out on getting

Jonathan Cahn’s brand-new prophetic book

the Oracle the Jubilee and mysteries

unveiled and his exclusive six-part

audio CD series the Oracle uncensored

plus the supernatural bible reading card

this is an exclusive offer for our rich

supernatural audience yours for a

donation of $49 shipping and handling is

included s for offer number nine 633

call or you can send your check to sid

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charlotte north carolina 28278 please

specify offer number nine six three

three or log on to call or

write today


I’ve been to Masada and and that’s in

Israel and every time I go there I

realize the courage that these Jewish

people had that they would rather die

then serve a false god tell me about the

story of mr. there’s there’s a mystery

of this it’s gigantic okay

Masada for those who don’t know is a

desert mountain and on that mountain it

was Israel’s last stand against Rome

it’s the end it was the it’s became the

grave of ancient Israel and the soldiers

as they they killed themselves rather

than being taken that’s the grave of

ancient Israel now what people don’t

realize is there was a mystery hidden on

that mountain hidden in that grave for

2,000 years that was gonna that while

the Jewish people are wandering the

earth this thing God embedded a mystery

in the grave of Israel and what was it

it was a parchment now was only

discovered when Israel comes back to the

land they come back to their ancient

grave so it’s like they’re they’re

opening their entry grave and the one

who’s leaving this you can call it an

ancient grave because they killed

themselves so they were buried yeah it

was the end the – yes isn’t that the

place that Israel used to bring all of

the military for the the initiation into

the military much of the military yes

they would go up there and they would

swear an oath with a Bible and a and a

gun saying Masada shall not fall again

you know I mean you know what nation

does this imply God and think about it

it said because the Jew believes

everyone shall return to their ancestral

possession so now you have the Israeli

soldier returning to Masada which that

you know the perfect thing so yeah and

now that when Israel as a nation came

back to Masada in the early 60s and they

said we’re gonna uncover this the one

who led the expedition was a soul was a

command was a general so it’s like God

is resurrecting what what ended there

this is also about resurrection you know

it’s restoration Jubilee so what

happened they they start uncovering it

and they uncover and there’s a mystery

there there’s a parchment and on the

parchment is a is a prophecy is a

scripture a point waiting for 2000 years

what is it

it’s the prophecy of the prophet Ezekiel

where he says I was taken into the

valley of dry bones and I sits on a man

prophesy and the bones came alive and

started coming back together and God

said this is the nation of Israel I will

bring you back to the land and it says

and you will know that I’m God when I

open your graves so now they’re

literally they come back they’re

resurrected their doing what is you’re

doing it said they’re opening their own

grave and they’re uncovering the

scripture that says I will open your

grave so now that now that is enough I

mean Diana for that but there’s even

more that I had no idea of and that is

this there is a mystery the mystery of

Masada I won’t go and all the DW mystery


it actually tells you when Israel is

going to regain Jerusalem and it’s it’s

such an amazing thing because it’s a

counter not only when not only it says

1967 by this mystery but also if you

count the days it leads you to an exact

date June 7th 1967 the very day that

Israel regains you have to explain that

miss all-boy okay all right I’ll tell

you that okay here you go okay here here

it is okay when in in ancient times you

had Jerusalem fell and then Masada fell

and the soldiers literally fled

Jerusalem and went to Masada last night

but then Masada fell so you got to

mountains you got the fall of Jerusalem

fall of Masada so the thing is now now

in the God is a God of restoration and

he reverses the fall he reverses

destruction makes it resurrection so if

you reverse it what do you got well that

means that Israel shall return to Masada

and then return to jerusalem if they

went from Jerusalem before to Masada and

the fall there in the restoration you

know from Masada

to Jerusalem so Israel returns to Masada

in the early 1960s now be now how long

was it between those two Falls in

ancient times it was it was around it

was three and a half years around four


they returned in 1963 counts the same

period it takes you to 1967 they went to

Masada they’re gonna go to Jerusalem in

fact in fact the soldier the general

who’s in charge of Masada uncovering is

is the general who was part of the

decision for the Six Day War okay but

now but now if you can I said let me go

deeper let me see if I can find out the


days between the fall of Jerusalem in

the fall of Masada I found it I think my

name is 1330 three days now can we find

the date that they came back to Masada

we got the exact date so we take the

date I think was October 13 something

like you add the days of between

Jerusalem Masada and by the way Jesus

predicted it about the Folger ISM it

will take you to exactly the day that

the soldiers enter the gates of

Jerusalem exact dead hey June 797 oh my


it’s all I’ve been blown away this is

where I was Oh Lord you know I I read

your Revelations wish your layout so

clearly in the book I said to myself

I’ve said this to you before there is

Jonathan Cahn rabbi cons a bright man

but he’s not that bright you had to have

help from the one that embedded these

codes oh I am no doubt I could sit I

could never and and some of these things

would come to me I’m at night it would

come to me in my mind and I said I don’t

know if this is true or not and I’d go

down now to the computer and there there

it is

so no no no way no no credit for this

this is this is what God does this is

the awesome God the amazing God I’ll

throw in another one I know will and

we’re gonna get to really what’s

happening right now but I’ll throw one

thing it’s just really cool saying I

think though the probably gives a

prophecy about about God fighting for

Jerusalem and he said it says the Lord

will fight for Jerusalem in Isaiah as a

lion and a young lion is what he says

now sit on the hill I’ve got now amazing

Israel comes to Jerusalem didn’t plan it

as you said but God was planning it so

could God have fought as a lion in that

war how well amazing here the the guy

the the man who because Jordan was

shelling Jerusalem around there they

sent a Colonel to secure the mountains

around Jerusalem his name was Colonel

Ben re

and and he’s the head of the the Horrell

brigade well the thing that his name in

Hebrew means Colonel lion the lion so

the lion secures it and by the way the

property says the lion will fight

for the hill and and the brigade is

called the hill of God mountain of God

so then then the guy who’s in charge of

the of the coming back of Jerusalem is a

guy named gun named Erica reg F he gave

us the command you got to take Jerusalem

now his name means the lion

he’s another lion he sends the word to a

guy named Eric

Ockman the intelligence officer who

plans the the the taking of Jerusalem

his name means the lion and then he

gives word to the hero of Jerusalem in

the six-day war a guy named Mata gore

he’s got the he’s got a power troopers

on the Mount of Olives and they say take

it he says go guys they go into the

gates he Matagorda doesn’t sound like

the other ones gore mains the young lion

so now the two by the two who first went

back got ahold show the two the two who

first went into the gate and then went

onto the mount two people are Colonel

Gore and Colonel Othman are so here’s

the thing the Bible says that God will

fight for that mountain as a lion and a

young line their name means the lion and

the young lion on the mountain of God

they are the ones of the Mount of God

and you know what gate they all went

through the Lions Gate Israel came back

to Jerusalem through the Lions Gate why

because it wasn’t them it’s God and

because Messiah is coming again not as a

lamb but as the lion the line of Judah

Lion of the tribe of Judah this mystery

goes into today and the future for

instance did you know this mystery talks

specifically about two United States

presidents you should hear what it says

about the trumpet man the President



the trumpet man thatis talented okay

here we he right now if you take you

take the Jubilee in mister the last one

is 1967 so do the math it’s gonna take

you to what year 2017 anything

significant having to do with Israel

Jerusalem gigantic in fact in fact

Netanyahu the Prime Minister would say

this is one of the four greatest events

of Israel’s history what happened for

the first time first time a major power

recognized Jerusalem as the as as not

only belonging to Israel but as the cat

eternal capital of Israel in the Jubilee

you have to get the right to the land

not you no no no nation would ever get

the right to Jew never recognized

Jerusalem but it happened with President

Donald Trump where he issued the

Jerusalem declaration after amazing

that’s why you call him the trumpet man

well let me tell you here’s that think

about the guys think about this how

amazing God is you talk about names and

Tova think about this and what happens

to the Year Jubilee well who’s the last

central figure it was that rabbi who

blew that shofar his name was rabbi horn

well what does Horan resident trumpets

the central one what does his name mean

it means the trumpet the trumpet blower

and the trumpet so here get this on the

year of jubilee 2017

it’s the jubilee focuses on the trumpet

who is in charge the man called the

trumpet and Trump anyway look read it

read the Bible it calls the word for it

says the Trump shall sound well lit

listen God is amazing even in that when

did Trump condemn our in the year of

Jubilee he was in fact he had to be

elected just when he was elected so he

could predominate and he could sound in

the year of Jubilee because the Trump

has to sound in the year Julie and and

so through it must sound through the

Trump must sound throughout the land

that’s exactly what it did how could

this happen if the election was in 2016

at the end you know you say Jubilee is

the time of restoration or land

restoration and under President Trump

he’s restored our military he’s restored

our economy he’s restored our jobs he’s

done so much restoration I’ve never seen

so much well and look and look what

happened goodbye what you just said the


according to Jubilee the Trump has to

sound then you have restoration the

Trump sound

okay and as it sounds he sounded he gave

that declaration in the year of Jubilee

just before it ended December he sounds

the – the Trump sounds and what happens

in the Jubilee the original owner has to

be restored to the right to their

ancestral possession it’s exactly what

happened Jerusalem to the original owner

I mean who could do that now listen

Trump is not reading Leviticus and he’s

not he’s not studying all these things

he’s just doing it just like God is in

charge of all these of all leaders and

all the let me let me say let me give

you something even I don’t know more

mind-blowing or extra my blog everything

you say is mine well Sid we talked about

we’re now we’re gonna we’re gonna bring

that together with the names and the

there’s an appoint to where I looked at

Trump was born on a Friday he’s born on

the Sabbath that Eve there was a

scripture proclaimed filled every

synagogue in the world was that same

scripture scroll of the parsh appointed

from ages past so what was the scripture

the scripture is the only scripture in

the entire Bible that speaks of the

producing of the Trump the you shall

make the Trump on the day that the Trump

was produced to the world bringing forth

God says you shall bring forth the Trump

the trumpet and it shall sound and it’s

gonna sound at the appointed time the

holy days which is it’s like he was

waiting until the year of Jubilee to

sound I mean God I mean all our history

is part of this and and and and not only

that said I found that the other guy

rabbi I want to see ya other the other

Jubilee he got rabbi horn now yet

president truck say about horn trumpet

and the thing is the other rabbi the

reason why he had that trumpet yeah that

horn is cuz he read that scripture that

was appointed at Trump’s birth he read

that scripture that says sounded in war

this was linked all together and I’m

gonna throw in one one other thing that

when whenever God does things like like

the restoration of Israel he raises up

world powers and world leaders to bless

it or to sanction it or to give the

authority well it’s always a world

leader Cyrus world leader he sanctions

that first return Balfour Lord Balfour

and and the British Empire they they

sanctioned the other return true ma’am

which I we can get a Truman is the other


whose sanctions Israel’s rebirth and

then trumped world rule so twirl ruler

always world ruler Trump is the trumpet

but his name and first name is Donald

what does it mean it means the world

ruler you know you are you talking your

book about three Cyrus’s who was the

original Cyrus the original Cyrus is the

world ruler who was appointed at the

time when Israel is in exile comes to

power and in and when he comes to power

that first year he issues a decree that

the Jewish people shall return to Israel

to Jerusalem Iris’s and Jewish why would

he do that

well because it’s same way all these

people because they’re part of the

mystery they it says in Isaiah says you

don’t know me Lord says you don’t know

me but I’m using you Cyrus I’m using you

God you they said Cyrus by name says it

by name and and the this amazing thing

we’re watching it again and again it

doesn’t matter what you think about

these people God is using which when

that written before Cyrus was even sworn

written by Isaiah Isaiah is Isaiah is

more than a century before Cyrus is born

and he named Cyrus names it names it

just like just like the names of all

these things are appointed yes the

sovereignty of God God says I will raise

you up Cyrus and I’m raising you up for

this moment so you will be my vessel so

when I so when I have my people in exile

I’m gonna cause you the Bible says the

Spirit of the Lord move now we don’t

know where he was at but the Spirit of

the Lord is sovereign moved upon him

that in his first year he issued the

decree and causes God’s purposes to be


God is the God of everything and he

causes people he calls his people who

know him who don’t know him even those

who are against him he will cause them

to do his will and so cyrus is the first

one he grants it he recognizes Jerusalem

so that all happens now now what about

the second return you know that’s the

first return the second return was from

all the nations of the world right after

world war two the return of the Jews

station to the Jewish yeah to the Land

of Israel

that was the second exile and it was

gigantic you know well who was in power

at that time Harry Truman President

Truman was in power an amazing thing is

he was just lifted up three months

before he was lifted up

if Roosevelt had stayed in power

probably Israel would not have come into

existence but Roosevelt chooses Truman

he becomes vice president three months

later knows about one even let that Jews

get off the ships that were headed

towards definite death and God takes an

unlikely man you know a man who’s not

unlike the man it will raise them up out

of nowhere so Roosevelt dies in an

unknown vice president at the exact

common person at the exact moment that

it’s needed sin and it was only a small

window so he’s there now now he is the

next Cyrus he’s the American Cyrus

because God has a Cyrus so what did

Truman do Truman did two things major

things one is he recognized Israel at

the moment of its birth just like Cyrus

is sanctioning it so some that’s major

but what people don’t know is Truman is

also the one who he caused the gates to

open he said to Europe he’s just like

Cyrus did let the Exile go home even

before this he said let him go home and

Truman was instrumental Truman even

caused the UN to vote for Israel to be

come back into a world so this was a

Cyrus yes you know I read a lot about

Truman and this all happened because

Truman had a mother that loved Israel

Truman wasn’t Jewish but he had a mother

that loved Israel

she loved Israel because she loved the

Tanaka’s Jewish Scriptures and she read

she saw that that God is very interested

in the nation Israel he always has been

and he always will Truman actually read

the Bible several times over so he had

this you know what his favorite part of

the Bible was know Psalm 137 by the

waters of Babylon we wept the Jewish

exile is learning longing to go home who

would think that God would put him there

in power at that moment and here’s

something else did I only found out

afterwards and that is that you know

Cyrus was in power for a peer a span of

30 years Truman was in power for exactly

30 years as Mattie’s Pat timing

government and Cyrus came to power to

world power when he was 60 Truman turned

60 he comes to world power same thing as

that but not only that

after this happen a rabbi just like just

like Cyrus there was a ax saying hey you

didn’t know it but you’re used to God

after a year after this a rabbi comes

from Israel and comes to the White House

he sees Truman and he says God puts you

in your mother’s womb that you could do

what you did and Truman says askings and

he’s asking about the guy starts read he

opens up the rabbi opens up Cyrus starts

reading to Truman about Cyrus after the

fact about that he did this this is

Truman breaks down and weeps in the

White House not only that none of that

but years later you know in the

descriptions of Cyrus he keeps saying I

am Cyrus I am Cyrus well near the end of

his life or the after spread you’re

saying Truman’s I know Cyrus would put

in his inscription he would say I’m

Cyrus but well here’s the thing

prophetic because after he left the

presidency Truman is in New York and he

says the words I am Cyrus that’s the

second Cyrus there’s three Cyrus’s they

all do the same thing tell me the third

the third one is Donald Trump now listen

they’ll let me let me share something

that’s amazing because we you know we

knew Trump beforehand but who knew you

know but here’s the thing when Truman

wasn’t the president when he was the

president the next Cyrus is born Trump

was born under Truman the other Cyrus

and so he is born to be a no sir who

doesn’t realize it and what is it say

about Cyrus one of the things that Cyrus

is connected to this seventy year period

the the we can get it there’s an amazing

mystery here but the thing is the

Prophet said that after seventy years

that’s when the Lord stirred up Cyrus

which prophet Jeremiah says after

seventy years in Babylon the Lord

stirred up the Cyrus in his first year

of world power to issue this decree okay

notice something said you know he’s

always associated with seventy years

well Trump becomes president how old is

he he’s seventy years he is the

embodiment of it do you know Sid that

Trump and this is before he did that

that Cyrus act the the Jerusalem

declaration people are already saying

there’s something about him he’s like

Cyrus but on the Persian New Year of

that that year before he did that he

actually he speaks about Trump speaks

about Cyrus and he actually quotes Cyrus

he speaks

Syrus that year he speaks as Syrus and

then he issues that declaration now you

know that declaration with Syrus issued

his declaration explaining the

declaration is some maintenance yeah the

deck will Syrus or Trump I’ll do it yeah

Trump Trump well Trump issues in the in

the year of Jubilee issues the Cyrus the

the declaration of recognizing Jerusalem

and and and that Jerusalem belongs to

the Jewish people sanctioning their

return well the only really one of the

person in all of human history who did

that that was King Cyrus even Truman

didn’t do that Truman’s spoke about the

rebirth but but but Cyrus all spoke

about Jerusalem being returned rebuilt

only trumped it and when you look at it

when I looked at his declaration it a

paralyzed Jerusalem would be the capital

of this room yeah yes Cyrus says

Jerusalem which is in Judah so so

Cyrus says so Trump says Jerusalem is to

the Jewish people it’s the capital not

only that but Cyrus actually talks about

he talks about building a house in

Jerusalem now of course it’s ultimately

it’s the temple but amazing amazing

thing because even trumpet his

declaration he talks about building a

house in Jerusalem and and it’s the

embassy and the thing is he but he

actually says it’s paralleling Cyrus he

speaks about the builders all that and

you know what said when that house came

into existence it was exactly 70 years

from the birth of Israel you know 70

years the period of Cyrus I mean and now

that the the prophet said that he that

Cyrus was stirred up to in his first

year of will power and it was after 70

years well Trump Trump when did he issue

this in his first year of power had to

be his first year and 70 years after

something happened in Israel 70 years to

Israel I mean it’s amazing and there’s

something even deeper amazing 70 year

mr. year what I’m telling you what I

read your book but even hearing you say

it again it it’s like mind-blowing no

way this could happen unless there was a

supernatural and by a supernatural being

that we call

his name forever is the god of Avraham

Yitzhak and Yakov Abraham Isaac and

Jacob and who was moving in our world

today at a and and on in charge of every

single nation and current events right

now here’s here’s the seventeenth in a

nutshell but you you go step further I

don’t want takes too far but he’s in

he’s in charge of your life yes he’s in

charge of your destinies but go ahead

okay so here’s what happens so this and

this and it’s that nobody’s trying to

put it together but here’s the thing the

Prophet says this will the declaration

will come seventy in a seventy year at

the end of seventy years yes okay

crucial to Israel so it’s not just

Donald Trump a seventy at the time Bauer

or that first year but also if you what

happens when did he make this 2017 okay

what happens if we go back 70 years will

we find anything takes you to 1947 the

very year that Israel is voted into


now it’s also the year but see with

Cyrus it’s it’s a double-edged sword

when the UN voted is real into existence

they cut off Jerusalem from Israel they

said it doesn’t belong to Israel belongs

to the UN okay so you got a double-edged


you got the birth of Israel but you also

have the moment that Jerusalem was cut

off from the new nation okay so that’s

what happened now here’s the amazing

thing said the only this was only

changed I mean you know you had the

six-day war they got it but the only

time this legal world rejection of

Israel was broken was when President

Trump issued that declaration first time

since ancient times okay but so

seventy years but here’s the amazing

thing I looked at it Sid and I looked at

the date that the that this vote this

resolution came into existence now on

the Hebrew calendar it was at night time

it was the 17th of Kislev

okay you don’t know much but it

seventeen of Kislev now now the Prophet

said after seventy years it will happen

so what’s the next day after it’s the

eighteen that gives love is the first

new day after the 70 years so what month

is this love is around is is around

winter time okay now here’s the thing

sin what happens if we go to we go into

the future seventy years to that to that

after Sunday that that day when it’s

finished it’s crystal of eighteen in

2017 it comes up to 2017 also year

Jubilee it

out to December 6th Trump made the

declaration on December 6 the 18th of

Kislev exact date of after 70 years and

he tin planet exact when I read in

Jonathan’s book about the ultimate piece

of the puzzle that if it isn’t in place

you can’t understand the whole puzzle

the kavod the glory of God literally

descended on me and I’m gonna believe

that when Rabbi Jonathan Cahn reveals

that missing piece of the puzzle the

kavod of God will descend upon you


there’s a whole puzzle that God’s

putting together but there’s one missing

piece that if that doesn’t go in you

can’t put the whole together

what is that missing piece it’s all in

the Oracle they’re all leading up these

seven doors are leading up to this thing

well here’s the thing said it jubilee is

linked to you lost your land and now you

get it back

I mean you lost your possession when did

when did that loss begin you see it in

the Bible it says if the Jewish people

are losing their land or turning or

leaving their land that means they men

means they left something else because

they only can go – that only happens if

in some way they turn they made a

mistake they turn from so it’s a

spiritual thing begins the physical

thing so so was there a spiritual

departure – you know well when did they

leave the left there was a physical

departure i guess what titus and his

roman legions yes same it 2,000 years

ago so it’s the first century so

something happens something has to

happen in the beginning so was there any

departure – was there any any choice any

turn that we made by then yes there was

and it’s all centered on this one man

Yeshua who comes as the Messiah 2,000

years ago there’s a turn many Jewish

people accepted but the nation did not

and then and he prophesied everything

we’re talking about he said you’re gonna

be captive into the nation’s Jerusalem

he said that so it all begins with that

he he’s the Messiah Yeshua is fulfilling

all the prophecies Isaiah 53 all that

dies for our sins Rises he is on the

Mount of Olives he is leaving he’s the

first one to leave Jerusalem he leaves

jerusalem descends 2,000 years ago and

then everything leaves jerusalem

everything follows him so everything we

watched it follows every the Jewish

people leaving the church leaves its

roots leaves and goes on everything

leaves Jerusalem but the mystery the

Jubilee the or the Oracle is that now

God is bringing everything to return so

what happens if he’s bringing Israel

back to return Israel back as it was to

Jerusalem and there’s there’s a mystery

to the church as well and the whole age

and all the world and all that that

means there has to be a final return

what’s the return it means everything we

talked about is leading up to one return

one Jubilee return that

is the return of mushiya the return of

Messiah to his lost possession to his

ancestral possession who owns Israel

Messiah does who owns the Jewish people

Messiah does who owns the world Messiah

does so the ultimate Jubilee is the

separation between the king and the

kingdom but the prophecy is that the

king and the kingdom are coming back

that is the ultimate Jubilee his feet

shall stand on the Mount of Olives

that’s in the Hebrew Scriptures Messiah

will stand who left the manna the only

one person who left it there’s only one

who can return there and that is him and

there’s only one person that the Jewish

people can return to because the

prophecy says that the Jewish people

will will dwell for many days without a

king or Prince but but in the end they

shall return to God and to David their

King who is the way of saying Messiah

who you can only return to somebody left

the ultimate return is when the Jewish

people return to the land that’s the

sign that you at the the the the return

to jerusalem sign and they return to

Messiah until Messiah himself shall

return then there will be jubilee for

this world then the lion will lay down

with a calf and then there shall be

peace that is the ultimate Jubilee you

know Jonathan being raised in a Orthodox

Jewish home I always felt they

Christianity was the mirror opposite of

Judaism if the Jews said don’t eat pork

the Christians said eat pork if the Jews

said worship on Saturday the Christians

said worship on Sunday if the Jews

celebrated Passover the Christians

celebrated Easter and never the tool

comes together yeah I listen I was

raised the same way and and that’s what

I thought but it turns out this is the

mystery listen it has to be you know

that that whoever the Messiah is he has

to be one that was separate we were

separated from and the thing is the word

Christianity it’s that’s that’s just

came later Christianity means literally

followers or the belief in the Messiah

all the first believers in Jesus or

Yeshua his real name is Yeshua were

Jewish you know it’s a faith about a

Jewish child born in a Jewish city

fulfilling Jew

prophecies riding in to Jerusalem and

ultimately doing everything the Jewish

prophet said there’s only one and the

great mystery listen God is ironic and

the great mystery is that this

Christianity is actually Jewish it was

all started by Jewish believers Jewish

rabbis you know Messianic Jewish

believers there is nothing more Jewish

than as a Jewish person coming to follow

and know the Messiah and there is no

number two no runner-up that is only one

so listen it is for everybody everybody

how did something so Jewish get to be

the opposite because Rudy doesn’t make

yeah well it’s actually the actual

fulfillment of Judaism but what happened

is culture what happened is it became

successful meeting so many non-jewish

people came in and then well then you

know a lot of Jewish people came in but

most of them did not so what happened is

they lost their roots that the church

lost its Jewish roots in so many ways

but that but the faith remains Jewish

it’s all about Yeshua which means

salvation in Hebrew I mean God couldn’t

make it clearer you want salvation

Yeshua the name Christ it’s simply a

translation of the word Messiah so there

is nothing more Jewish than this and

listen this is what we’re talking about

you said how could it go that way it’s

the Jubilee in mystery everything

departs but in the end everything’s

coming back together so now we’re coming

back – here we are – Jewish believers

we’re talking to the world more Jewish

people are coming to Messiah now than

any other time since the beginning that

is our ultimate return it’s not just to

the lamb it’s not just to the city it is

to him who is our Messiah what’s your

background I’m Jewish I’m Jewish and I

was raised in the synagogue raised in

the Hebrew school in Hebrew school all

right now when I hear the name Cohn I

think a Cohen

yes are you descended from the high

priests of Israel I’m from the priestly

line yes yes yes so how does a

descendant and a high priest believe in

Yeshua as the masti like that I think

that what we’ve had we’ve had the priest

for 2,000 years by the way the priests

are in the mystery – with the priest for

2,000 we haven’t had a sacrifice how can

you be have a priest without a sacrifice

for atonement we haven’t had any no no

but the rabbi say as long as you dove

and you say your prayers you

if it’s a date cards yeah you give

charity you know you go to the synagogue

you’re a man Cheryl you can say that but

where’s that in the Bible the Bible says

you without the shedding of others know

there’s no sacrifice and then it says

all of a sudden that the Messiah’s gonna

come and he’s gonna be the ultimate

sacrament Passover lamb the ultimate

atonement and that’s why everything

changes 2,000 years ago for 2,000 years

we haven’t had a temple where there’s no

sacrifice but we’ve had Messiah in the

world that’s the great mystery said that

the first shall be last we were the

first you know Jewish people were the

first to spread the word to change the

world but we’re also gonna be the final


we’re also gonna be the last we’re the

ones we’re coming back for that reason

we have an appointment with the Messiah

and there’s only one listen the Hebrew

Scripture said that he will be a light

to the Gentiles the now that’s

exactly there’s only one that we we

don’t even have a runner-up

there’s no candidate there’s no second

second person for 2,000 years

you know the rabbi’s thought well this

is the Messiah this is the Messiah none

of them were anything only one fulfilled

at all that’s this is our this is our

Messiah only one that’s the great

mystery this is our return talk about

Jubilee this is our return you know like

Jonathan Cahn I am Jewish also and like

Jonathan Cahn I believe in the Messiah

Yeshua and I have to tell you this my

father was born in Poland if it wasn’t

an act of God to get him out just before

Hitler came in power I would not be here

today but you talk about God being so

precise but my father was raised very

Orthodox and he could not comprehend how

his son his only son could be a believer

in Yeshua and I remember going to my

father one day and I said dad I want to

show you in the Tanakh why you schewe

is Messiah and for some reason he said

okay and so I grabbed a ton off you

Everton asked there would you hand that

to me and I opened up to a prophet by

the name of Isaiah

yes Yahoo and I started reading the 53rd

chapter I picked up started in the 52nd

chapter behold my servant shall prosper

he shall be exalted and lifted up and

shall be very high according as many

were appalled at thee so marred was his

visages face unlike that of a man and

his form unlike that of the sons of men

so he shall startle many nations the

Gentiles he will startle Kings shall

shut their mouths because of him for

that which had not been told them shall

they see and that which they had not

heard shall they perceive and then when

I started reading Isaiah 53 you won’t

believe what my father said let me read

a little of it to you who would have

believed our report this is the prophet

Isaiah speaking he’s saying the report

of the prophets who’s going to believe

the prophetic report and to whom has the

arm of the Lord been revealed and of

course in Isaiah 59 says that his own

arm will reveal whom has the arm of the

Lord been revealed for he shot up right

forth as a sapling as a root out of dry

ground in other words he’s going to have

a miraculous birth you can’t have a root

in noble ground with no water a

miraculous birth he’s going to have no

form or comeliness that we Jewish people

should even look at

him no beauty that we should delight in

him he was despised and forsaken of men

a man of pain and acquainted with

disease and do you know what a hundred

and third Psalm says bless the Lord O my

soul and forget not all his benefits

he’s forgiven all of my sins and he’s

healed all of my diseases and I just

read a little bit more he was despised

and forsaken of men as one from whom men

actually hid their face they didn’t even

want to look at him he’ll be despised

and we Jewish people esteemed him not

but surely are the diseases he did bear

our pains he carried we’re as we did

esteem him stricken we thought God was

punishing him but he was wounded because

of our transgressions our sins he was

crushed because of our iniquities and

the chastisement or the punishment of

our welfare it was on him and with His

stripes we were healed

all we like sheep went astray everyone

to his own way my father said stop

you’re reading about Jesus you’re

reading from a guy a Christian Bible I

said no dad this is the Tanakh that our

rabbi gave me at my bar mitzvah I tell

you before God he said you’re reading

about Jesus but I see ah who Isaiah

wrote that eight hundred years before

Jesus had that miraculous birth and so I

said dad you have to understand there is

a prophet by the name of Jeremiah and in

the 31st chapter

says I will make a new Brit hadashah a

new covenant with the house of Israel

and the house of Judah not according to

the covenant that i made with moses but

this will be the covenant i will make

with them number one I will put my word

in number do you know another name for

the word the Word was with God the Word

was God and the word became flesh and

dwelt among us I will put this word

within them number two I God will not

just cover their sins as I did on Yom

Kippur I God will remember their sins no

more our white I’ll give them a fresh

new start in life

and number three I’ll tell you what it

would have been enough with 1 and 2 but

the third thing Jeremiah says under this

new covenant you will know me just as a

man Adam knew Eve had intimacy with Eve

you will know God it’s one thing to know

about him but to know him have an

experience with him is the difference

and I can tell you just before my father

died he said with his mouth I want to

know the Messiah of Israel and I can

tell you this religion without an

experience is dead but knowing God is

everything and everything without

knowing God is nothing what what does it

benefit a man if he gain the whole world

and doesn’t know God I can tell you what

I did I can tell you what Jonathan did I

can tell you what my father did

I can tell you what my mother did I can

tell you what my wife did I can tell you

what my Jewish sister did what my Jewish

brother-in-law did they said this prayer

and they opened themselves up to have an

experience with the Living God you will

know me under this new covenant written

by the Jewish prophet Jeremiah repeat

this prayer after me and believe it to

the best of your ability out loud say

dear God I’m a sinner and I’m so sorry

I believe Yeshua died for my sins and I

am clean God says he remembers my sins

no more and now that I am clean I asked

the Word of God Yeshua to come inside of

me take over my life I make you Lord of

my life oh man Jonathan would you pray

is related to the Cohen the the high

priests the ironic benediction or sure

this is the prayer that God himself

wrote for your blessing yo Ricardo name

vanish maraca yo era una una bella

Harvey who Nessa

Lisa Adonai Parmalee ha we assume the ha

Shalom the Lord bless you and keep you

the Lord calls his face to shine upon

you the Lord pour out his grace upon you

the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

lift up the glory of his countenance

upon you his child and the Lord give you


life fullness peace all the blessings of

his love Buscemi’s schewe HaMashiach in

the name of Messiah Jesus or howl on the

light of the world will who vote Israel

and the glory of Israel o me you will be

ingenuine aw when you hear what God

showed Rabbi Jonathan Cahn about

President Trump in the Bible

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