Mark Taylor is a retired fireman whose adrenal burnout became his personal school for hearing God. His search for medical help led him to Don Colbert, and his wife Mary, who also were New York Times bestselling authors. Their combined stories are now known as The Trump Prophecies.

Is there a
supernatural dimension?

A world beyond the one we know?

Is there life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain
messages from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient
secrets of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years
researching the strange world of

the supernatural.

Join Sid for this
edition of It’s Supernatural!


Sid Roth: Hello.

Sid Roth here.

Welcome to my world where
it’s naturally supernatural.

Can two ordinary
people, a fireman,

a doctor’s wife, hear from God
and change the destiny of the

United States of
America, and even the world?

My guest heard from God
and before Donald Trump even

announced he was going to run
for President he heard God say

he will be President
of the United States.

Now he’s heard
things, and by the way,

that was documented, now he has
heard things that are so amazing

they fly in the face of
the doom and gloomers.

This is what he has heard:
There will be five Supreme Court

justices replaced.

This is what he
has heard:

Roe vs. Wade is coming down.


This is what he has heard:
Several major news media sources

are also sinking.


I understand, Mark Taylor, why
the devil tried to take you out

even before you were born.

I mean, you’re going
through the birth process,

you’re in the canal
for, what, three days.

Then you have crib
death and you die,

and then as a fireman, etc., you
had so many times you could have

been taken out.

But God spared you.

Then you deal with sickness.

You had a disease that no one
seemed to know what it was.

You’re getting
sicker and sicker.

It is 2006.

What happened?

Mark Taylor: I retired in 2006.

About a month after I retired I
had a visitation from the Lord.

And I went to bed
one night about 1:00,

it was about 1:00
in the morning,

my wife came to bed.

All of a sudden I was caught up
in my bedroom and I saw myself

on the bedroom on my
knees speaking in tongues,

and I was writing with my right
index and my right hand

on the carpet.

And as I was writing in the
carpet in cursive light started

coming out of this right
finger and my right hand.

Then all of a sudden I became
myself and

the same thing was going on.

I was on my knees
speaking in tongues,

writing in the carpet, the light
coming out of this finger and

out of this hand.

Well I looked in front of me and
I saw a cloud and

I knew it was God.

And I looked to my left
through the bedroom door,

another cloud came and
stood behind me to my right.

And as I was in this, Sid, it
was like this immense

amount of fear.

The amount of fear that I felt
in this vision was incredible.

So I finally woke up, and after
I was awake I was in the fetal

position when I woke, and this
is probably going on maybe 15

minutes I guess the vision was.

So I woke up and for 15 minutes
I could not even open my eyes.

The fear was still on me because
I was afraid of what

I was going to see.

And I rolled over
and I told my wife,

I said, “I think I
just had a vision.”

And she said even my
voice was different.

Sid: Okay.

So I’m going to move you up.

2011, you’re watching the news
and something happens to you.

What happens?

Mark Taylor: I was
sitting in my bed.

I had been sick for
four or five years.

I had really bad
anxiety and depression,

and stuff like that, and I was
bedridden for four or five days

at a time.

I couldn’t eat for four
or five days at a time.

I lost all kinds of weight.

So I was watching the news one
night and I saw Donald Trump on

an interview.

Well I didn’t know a lot
about Donald Trump at the time.

I just knew he was a very
powerful businessman who built

this empire.

So all of a sudden as I’m
watching the interview,

because I was sick still, I
heard the voice of the Lord say,

“You’re hearing the
voice of a president.”

So I got up and I went into
one of my spare bedrooms I had

converted into an
office and I put,

just like the Apostle Paul, I
put pen to paper and I started

listening to what the
Holy Spirit was telling me.

Sid: He hadn’t announced
he was running or anything.

Mark Taylor: No.

He was toying with
the idea of running,

but he had never
announced he was running.

So I just put pen to paper and
listened to what the Holy Spirit

was saying, and
that was

April 28, 2011.

Sid: You know, this is so
important that I would like you

to, you have your book of
prophesies that God

has given you.

I would like you to read that
Commander in Chief prophecy.

That’s what you called it.

Mark Taylor: Absolutely.

It was April 28,
2011, and it says,

“The Spirit of God says I’ve
chosen this man Donald Trump for

such a time as this.

For as Benjamin
Netanyahu is to Israel,

so shall this man be to the
United States of America,

for I will use this
man to bring honor,

respect and
restoration to America.

America will be respected
once again as the most powerful,

prosperous nation on
Earth other than Israel.

The dollar will be the strongest
it has ever been in the history

of the United States and will
once again be the currency by

which all others are judged.

The Spirit of God says the
enemy will quake and shake,

and fear this man
I have anointed.

They will even quake and shake
when he announces he is running

for President.

It will be like the shot
heard across the world.

Then you will say
what shall we do now.

This man knows all
our tricks and schemes.

We’ve been robbing
America for decades.

What should we do to stop this?

The Spirit says, ha, no one
shall stop this that I have

started, for the enemy has
stolen from America for decades

and it stops now.

For I will use this man to
reap the harvest that the United

States has sown for and
plundered from the enemy what he

has stolen, and return it back
sevenfold to the United States.

The enemy will
say, ‘Israel, Israel,

what about Israel?’ Israel will
be protected by

America once again.

The Spirit says yes, America
will once again stand hand in

hand with Israel and
the two shall be as one,

for the ties between Israel and
America will be stronger than

ever and Israel will
flourish like never before.

The Spirit of God says I will
protect America and Israel,

for this next President
will be a man of his word.

When he speaks the world will
listen and know that there is

something greater in him
than all the others before him.

This man’s word is his bond and
the world and America will know

this, and the
enemy will fear this,

for this man will be fearless.

The Spirit says when the
financial harvest begins so

shall the parallel in
the spiritual for America.

The Spirit of God says in this
next election they will spend

billions to keep
this president out.

It will be like flushing their
money down the toilet.

Let them waste their money,
for where it comes from is being

used by evil forces at work,
but they will not succeed.

This next election will be a
clean sweep for the man that I

have chosen.

They will say
things about this man,

the enemy, but it will not
affect him and they will say it

rolls off of him like a duck.

For even as the
feathers of a duck protect it,

so shall my feathers
protect this next president.

Even mainstream news media will
be captivated by this man and

the abilities that I gift to him
with and they will even begin to

agree with him, says
the Spirit of God.”


Sid: Now the
million-dollar question is,

and I know you’re
asking it right now at home,

we saw all the videos.

How can someone that names
the name of Jesus before this

president, and I’ve
got an answer for you.

I have a woman that’s on his
spiritual advisory committee

that can tell me
some firsthand things,

Mary Colbert, and I’m
going to have here,

and I want to ask her these
questions because I know that

you’re asking this.

But here’s the
most important thing,

the most important
thing, not what we know,

but what God wants.

That’s the bottom line.

We’ll be right back.


We’ll be right back
to It’s Supernatural!

We now return to
It’s Supernatural!


Sid: So Mark, you’re struggling.

You have a doctor that’s helping
you with this physical condition

of yours, and he I guess retired
and you needed another doctor,

and you were
referred to Dr. Colbert,

Mary’s husband.

And this is kind of amazing.

You walk in, you hand him
a bunch of papers like the

notebook you have there.

Mark Taylor: Correct.

Sid: He assumes it’s
just your medical records.

And then what’s a medical doctor
doing prophesying over you?

What did he say?

Mark Taylor: I walked in and I
handed him the envelope and it

was just one of the yearly
physicals I was having with him.

And as he was doing his thing,
and all of a sudden he starts

prophesying over
me, saying, “Mark,

I just feel like the Spirit of
God is saying one of these days

you’re going to start waking up
and hearing the voice of God,

and writing
prophetic words for him.”

I said, “Well Doc,
it’s already started.”

I said, “They’re
in the envelope.”

And he says, “What do you mean?”

I said, “It’s right there in
the envelope I handed to you.”

He said, “I thought that was
signs and symptoms you were

handing me.”

Sid: Okay.

So he takes this and
hands it to his wife Mary.

When you read it,
Mary, what did you feel?

What did think?

Mary Colbert: Well we get a lot
of prophesies and we get a lot

of things said to our office
because Don is so well known in

the evangelical community.

So people often times
send us a lot of things.

For me, this was
just like another word,

but it really had
Don’s attention.

So I took it and as
I began to read it,

I immediately
recognized the rhythm of God,

and I recognized that this
was not just a man’s prophesy,

this was a Word from
God to the church.

Sid: You’re on the spiritual
advisory committee

of President Donald Trump.

What can you tell me I want
to know that I might not know?

Mary Colbert: Well Donald Trump
has expressed to the committee,

the faith based committee that
he has expanded on that when by

the time he leaves office he
wants to be remembered as the

most praying
president in history.


Sid: What a legacy.

Well so what would you
say to someone that’s,

oh that’s stuff from his
previous years on TV that looked

very bad, really bad.

What would you say?

Mary Colbert: You know, I agree.

I know that during the election
toward the end when things were

beginning to heat up and videos
and audios came out about him,

even I as a female, I remember
feeling like somebody kicked me

in the chest hearing that.

But I also had heard what
God had to say about it.

I hadn’t
personally encountered yet,

I hadn’t been around
him yet personally yet,

so I was trusting on the Word
that I believed was the Word of

God, and that God knew
something about him,

especially in the
prophecy where it says,

“There will be something in
him greater than you

even can imagine.”

So I’m trusting in that word
that there’s something about

Donald, God sees
it, we don’t know.

He looks upon the heart.

And so for me, I can tell you
Donald Trump is not the same man

that you are hearing
about from his past.

He has had a radical
change in his heart.

He has had a heart change toward
the things of God and the people

of God, and he is surrounding
himself with prayer warriors,

and he is expanding
that advisory board.

Sid: There is something called
house religion where people do

something because it’s
politically expedient,

get out of jail or etc. Do
you see this as sincere,

his faith is sincere, really?

Mary Colbert: You know, there
is no doubt in my mind

he is sincere.

I can tell you his desire for
the even the National Day of

Prayer, where our previous
president didn’t even go to it.

He has requested that the
National Day of Prayer be

brought not into a hotel, he
wants to bring it into

the White House.


Sid: I can tell you this.

Before he won the presidency I
had the privilege of meeting him

in person and I saw someone that
I did not see on television,

although I watched
him on television.

I saw a warmth in his
heart that didn’t come across.

I saw something, and
this may surprise you,

I saw a father’s heart.

Now we know what he
did in the natural.

I mean, the fact that his
children have such honor and

respect to him.

But you know what?

Our nation needs a president
that we honor and respect.

And I know many of
you haven’t seen that,

but I saw that in him and I
have to report what I saw.

So you got the prophecy.

Everyone thinks it’s a joke.

He cannot win, but
you had the Word.

Mary Colbert: Right.

Sid: And you started
a prayer movement.

Tell me about that.

Mary Colbert: Well because
of my husband is a physician,

he is really known as
the general

of the faith’s physician.

They all come to him.

So I am privy to
their phone numbers,

their emails, and so I
immediately made copies of the

prophecy and started sending it
out to everybody I can imagine.

So God instructed me
to start a prayer.

He said, “Mary, I’m going
to do what I said I’d do,

but it’s going to require the
unity and the collection of the

Body of Christ to
come together on this.

So I want you to
begin to unify them,

empower them with my words.”

So we did a prayer
call 15 minutes a day.

By the time we got to the
end of the Election Day,

on the last day of the
election, I people blow shofars.

On that morning God instructed
me to blow shofars across this

nation declaring
the will of God.

So that night as I was watching
on TV and I heard the news

commentators say he
just referred to a wall,

well I shouted, because I
knew had spiritually already

conquered in the spirit
in the spiritual world,

and all we did was
watch it manifest.

See, God is into partnership and
he has given unto us the power,

the creative power that he has.

So with our mouth and our tongue
we can change atmospheres,

we can change the world,
we can change the nation,

but it is going to require
the Body of Christ to unify.

We’ve got to quit
fighting among each other.

We have to abandon, we really,
we have to lay down our titles,

our denomination
titles and even our titles,

political titles,
whether you’re a Democrat,

Republican or Independent, you’d
better abandon those ideologies.

Sid: Are you a Republican?

Mary Colbert: I’m a nothing.

I’m a child of God.

[Laughing, Applause]

Sid: Okay.

I’ll tell you what, I am
convinced that this retired

fireman, for God’s purpose,
he chose to use him and I’m

convinced that Mark Taylor knows
the next few things that are

about ready to
happen in America,

and you will be shocked.

Be right back.


We’ll be right back
to It’s Supernatural!

We now return to
It’s Supernatural!


Sid Roth: Now you know, I
asked Mary a little earlier,

do you have any knowledge to
what President Trump watches

on television.

And you’ll be shocked.

What does he watch on TV?

Mary Colbert: The news
and Christian stations.

That’s it.

Sid: He didn’t say he
watches It’s Supernatural?

Mary Colbert: I’m sure because
we’re on here he’ll watch it.

Sid: Good.


Now I don’t know where to begin.

I never heard anyone in
their wildest imagination,

Mark, say there will be five
Supreme Court justices appointed

by President Trump.

Mark Taylor: Correct.

Sid: Tell me about that.

Mark Taylor: I originally
prophesied there was going to be

three, and the Lord
started dealing with me.

He said, “No Mark,
there’s going to be five.”

He said one is going to die and
it’s not going to be who they

think it’s going to be.

Sid: That just happened.

Mark Taylor: Which is about a
month and a half after I went to

Mary told her that
happened, Justice Scalia died.

I said one is going to retire
and the other three are going to

be caught up in a scandal, and
they’re going to be removed.

And the Lord said, “I’m
going to reform the court.”

And he said, “When I reform the
court with those five judges,

I the Lord God will take
on that case called

Roe vs. Wade and I will
overturn it.”


Sid: What in the world is
going on with our news media?

I mean, I’m seeing things that
are blatantly edited to make him

look bad.

I mean, I hate to say this,
but he does enough things that

appear to be bad.

You don’t have to edit stuff.


I’m going to get in
trouble if he’s watching this.

But you don’t have to do this.

I mean, but it’s so blatant.

Have you noticed these things?

Why are they doing this, Mark?

Any idea?

Mark Taylor: Well
the Lord told me,

he said, “Mark,” he said,
“the enemy’s timeline has

been denied.”

He said, “The enemy has his
timeline and God has his.”

And the news media is attached
to the enemy’s timeline and

they’re liking it right now.

So the enemy is
kicking and screaming.

We cut the head off
that snake November 8th,

but it’s kicking and
screaming right now.

So this is not a time
to lay down our arms.

This is a time to
get back in the fight.

But what God has shown me with
the news media is that the news

media has become a
stench under his nostrils,

basically, and that he is, you
will literally see a couple of

news media outlets go
down because of that.

God is going to clean house in
the news media because he owns

the news media.

It’s his.

Sid: You know, some of the
things that you had prophesied,

like for instance, what did
God tell you about Israel?

Mark Taylor: Israel and America
will be energy-independent,


And what you’re going see happen

Sid: That’s going
to be a problem.

I mean, look at all the
wealth that’s going

to the Arab nations.

Mark Taylor: Correct.

And what God has shown me is
that basically is that all these

OPEC nations who have had
the monopoly on the oil money,

it’s going to be coming
to America and Israel.

Sid: What’s God
showing you about Russia?

Mark Taylor: Russia, I wrote a
prophecy called “Full Circle”,

and that Russia, we’re
going back to the World War II

component on all these things.

There’s not enough time
to go into it right now.

But the Lord said that they
would take on that forthright

called ISIS and they would join
with the United States and that

we, just like in World War II,
Russia would come in from the

east, America would come in from
the west with our allies and

they would destroy ISIS,
that forthright called ISIS.

And you’re seeing
that taking place.

Because when he met with Putin,
when President Trump met with

him there were
tensions that were amended.

And that’s also what
the prophecy talks about,

the relationships
would start to mend.

Sid: I have never, I’m going
to tell the two of you this,

I have never, ever been so
optimistic of what is about

ready to happen in the future.

Now to be candid with you,
I was born

in Washington, D.C.

I couldn’t even
vote most of my life.

I’m really an apolitical person.

I’m like Mary.

It’s not politics with me.

If you know me, my life has
nothing to do with politics.

But we need America to fulfill
her destiny and her destiny is

to take the Gospel to the
four corners of the earth,

and the wealth of the sinners
is coming back to America.

Sid: Next week on
It’s Supernatural!

Dawna De Silva: Hello.

I’m Dawna De Silva.

Did you know that the
atmospheres around you is alive

with unseen spiritual activity?

Did you know that it
can affect your health,

your thoughts and
your relationships?

Well join me right here on the
next It’s Supernatural! with Sid

Roth and learn how to shift
every negative atmosphere and

bring peace into your home, your
workplace and your religion.