Dr. Francis J. Sizer is a former Catholic priest who led the largest Catholic Charismatic healing services in the United States during the 1970s. Since then he ministers to all denominations as a healing evangelist. He is a licensed clinical psychologist and ministers in healing — physical, emotional, and spiritual.

Audience: [applause and cheers]
SR: Hello, Sid Roth here.

Welcome to my world, where it’s naturally

My guest, a Catholic priest, led on a regular
basis, the largest Catholic Charismatic healing

meetings in the United States.

He knew what was wrong with people, and then
he had major miracles. I mean major!

Such as incurable cancers, tumors literally
falling off, blind eyes from birth recreated,

and many other creative miracles.

Then, suddenly, he left the Catholic Church.

Next, on “It’s Supernatural!”

Audience: [applause and cheers]

Announcer: Is there a supernatural dimension?

A world beyond the one we know?

Can we tap into ancient secrets of the supernatural?

Can our dreams contain messages from Heaven?

Is God ready to bring a tsunami wave of healing
onto planet Earth today?

Sid Roth has spent over 40 years researching
the strange world of the supernatural.

Join Sid for this edition of “It’s Supernatural!”

Audience: [applause and cheers]
SR: Well, Dr. Sizer, you were a Catholic priest

for about a year, and all of a sudden, you
got desperate for something more!

FS: That night, when I was in desperation,
and hungry for more, He came into my room,

and the presence of God entered into my body,
into my spirit, and flooded my soul.

And I wept, and I wept, and I wept, and I
cried out loud that He has come, “You’ve been

here all this time, and I never knew it”.

I never really knew it, like I know it now,
and I was saved.

SR: And then a few weeks later, he is a little
nervous about something going on in the basement

of his church.

FS: [chuckles]
SR: A little group of Catholic Charismatics

were meeting!

So he decided he would “investigate”.

Audience: [chuckles]
SR: A few weeks later, they’re all praying

for him, for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit!
[chuckling] What happened?

FS: Well I did go to that meeting that night,
and they had asked me to give a little teaching,

and they said, “Let the Spirit lead you, father.”

I didn’t understand what they meant by, “Let
the Spirit lead you”, but anyway I did my


And I recall saying, “Well, I’ll talk on creation”,
because that sounds like a good topic.

SR: [chuckles]
FS: And they had me sit down.

They didn’t know what I was going to talk
about, but they had me sit down in a circle,

and put all my books, my concordance, all
the notes put aside, and they said, “Let’s


And the leader said, “I feel good tonight.

Let’s sing about ‘the birds of the sky’ and
‘the fishes of the sea’.

Let’s sing about creation.”

Man: Let’s sing about creation.

Congregation: Amen.

Man: [Singing] Thank you, Lord for Your

Thank you, Father for Your Heaven.

FS: Somebody read from the book of Genesis on
creation, I said, “That’s interesting”.

Woman: And the earth was without form and void…

Then somebody read Psalm 104, the creation
psalm, and I really said, “This is very interesting.

Woman: He established the earth upon its foundation.

FS: Somebody must be here!”

Finally, a man opened up his Bible, and he
read from the passage from Colossians 1:15,

which was my text for the night.

I jumped up out of my seat, I said, “He is

He is here!

God is real!”

SR: So, they laid hands on you, to be immersed
in the Holy Spirit.

Tell me what happened.

FS: The greatest night of my life, Sid, the
greatest night of my life, three

people said a very short prayer, began to
pray in tongues, and with that, I began to


My body shook, and shook, and shook, and shook
with power, and volts of electricity coursed

through my body, more and more and more, and
I couldn’t stop it.

I got so scared, I yelled out, “Stop it!

Stop it!”, but it wouldn’t stop. It went on for
a whole hour.

SR: Hmh!

FS: They got scared, they left me.

Audience: [laughs]
FS: They left me.

SR: [laughs]
FS: And there I was.

I bounced onto the floor, and I went into
convulsions, up and down, up and down, shaking

with power.

With that power came this liquid love of fire!

Audience: Wow!

FS: Went through my body, and through my body,
volts of love, volts of power, and God had

baptized me with the fire!

Audience: [applause and cheers]
FS: The real baptism of fire!

That night, the Lord took me up to Heaven.

And when I went up to Heaven, I was out of
my body into another realm, into another place,

and I heard, for the first time, all my senses
were amplified, and made greater and greater!

And the music I heard, with the choirs of
Angels, was something I wanted to stay with.

I wanted to stay there, but I heard the voice,
“There is work to be done”, [claps] and I

was back in my body, back in that church that

When I laid in the bed, the fire of God was
on my hands, and I couldn’t wait to wake up

the next day and try it out on somebody.

Audience: [laughs, applause and cheers]
SR: [laughs]

FS: [laughs]
SR: But, now this is so amazing to me.

You know in the Catholic Church, they confess
to priests their sins.

So, the children, when they would go, he
was the most popular priest.

Do you know why?

They wanted to go to the priest that knew
their sins before he told them.

Audience: [laughs] Wow!

FS: [chuckles]
SR: But the children would

FS: And we took
SR: actually fall over in the Spirit!

Is that true?

FS: The children, Mother Superior brought
them brought the classroom over, and so I

was I was praying with the first one.

And in those days they, instead of going behind
a screen, they would sit in a chair.

I reached out my hand for the first one, and

Down she goes!

I said, “What was that?”

I picked her up, I put her over in the corner.

Audience: [laughs]
SR: [chuckles]

FS: I opened the door, I said, “Sister, send
the next one in!”

Audience: [laughs]
FS: This went on for 6 times boom!

And, you have to understand, I didn’t know
what slaying in the Spirit was!

Audience: [laughs]
SR: [laughs]

FS: But I knew my hands were lethal!

Audience: [laughs]
SR: [laughs] would you know, I want to know

the first miracle that occurred with those
“lethal” hands. [chuckles]

Audience: [chuckles]
FS: Yeah.

I used to go to the hospital.

I went into . . . a woman who was left for dead.

She was 85 pounds, her name was Annie, and
she had 4th-degree cancer, or 4th level stage


She was on morphine, and you I walked into
that room, Sid, and it reeked of cancer.

The spirit of cancer, I don’t know if the
audience has ever smelled what it what it

smells like, it was terrible.

And she was dying, the spirit of death was

So I cursed the spirit of death, in the name
of Jesus.

Audience: [applause and cheers]
FS: I cast out the spirit of death, in the

name of Jesus.

I took Anne by the hand, and the power of
God went out of my right hand into her body.

Her eyes popped open like with life again,
and I said, “Get up in the name of Jesus,

take a walk with the man of God.”

Audience: [applause and cheers]
SR: And that’s how that’s how it started!

Now, you think it’s something when children
fall over from the power of God

FS: [chuckling]
SR: coming on them.

Guess what happens when there is a Seeing
Eye dog?

Same thing with the dog!

Audience: [laughs]
FS: [laughs]

SR: We’ll be right back! [chuckles]
Audience: [applause and cheers]

[music] ANNOUNCER: We will be right back to
“It’s Supernatural!”

Hello YouTube mishpochah!

Mishpochah is a Hebrew word; it means family.

This is Sid Roth.

Welcome to my world where it’s naturally

If you’ve been blessed by this show, please

Then click the bell so you won’t miss a
single episode of It’s Supernatural!

[music] ANNOUNCER: We now return to “It’s

Audience: [applause and cheers]
SR: So, a woman comes to you, she’s born blind,

she has a Seeing Eye dog.

What happened?

FS: Well as she made her way up, nobody called
her up, and I was still in the middle of preaching

at the time but she came up with this German
Shepherd seeing eye dog, and the dog had a

harness on, and she was kind of holding onto
the harness.

And I got a little bit frightened when I saw
the size of that dog.

Audience: [laughs]
FS: And so, as she got about 15 or 20 feet

away from me, the dog fell out under the power
of God.

Audience: [laughs and applause]
SR: Hm.

FS: And God showed me something interesting
theologically: That this lady this lady used

the dog as her eyesight, for her eyesight, that
she had to let go of the dog, before she could

come to Him empty-handed.

Audience: [applause and cheers]
FS: We must come to the Lord empty-handed,

without any crutches, without any kind of

SR: Now you can understand why his meetings
were really big!

FS: [chuckling] Yeah!

SR: These meetings, these healings meetings
you had, how many people would come to them?

FS: We had during the 9 years that I was doing
them, 2,500 people, each meeting.

And buses would come in, people would wait
2 hours ahead of time just to get seats, because

they wanted to see what God was about to do.

SR: And then, minding his own business, he’s
at a meeting, and someone a walks up to him

that he is convinced is an Angel, and says
a very strange thing to him!


FS: I was having lunch with the head of the
Full Gospel Business Men International in

Washington, D.C., and the men were trying
to ask me, “Why are you a priest?”, or “What

is a priest?”

They were all Protestant backgrounds,
SR: Um-hm.

FS: and it was unusual to have a saved Catholic
priest, with the gift of healing and the power

of God in them!

So I was doing a bad job explaining myself
about priesthood.

A lady came along and tapped me on the shoulder,
and whispered in my ear, “The answer is in

the curtain.”

Well, with that she was gone.

Never saw her again, couldn’t find her, looked
for her everywhere, she disappeared.

It was an Angel.

Demos Shakarian, who was sitting beside me
said, “Oh, you need to go read about ‘the

curtain’, Hebrews 10:19.”

And it says there, “Therefore, brothers and
sisters, since you now have confidence to

enter the Holy of Holies through the veil,
which is His body and through the blood, come

forth into my chamber”, it says, “with confidence
because I am your God.”

Now I knew, when I read that, that my priesthood
days were over, because Jesus, once for all,

offered Himself for us.

There was no need for me to say mass anymore.

There was there was no reason for me to be
an intermediary in a sacramental system, because

people now, as they receive Christ, all become
a priesthood of Believers,

Audience: Amen.

FS: and they all have access to God.

Audience: [applause and cheers]
FS: We’re all priests!

SR: Now, the criticism from religious people
got more than he could tolerate, and he saw

this, he did, people didn’t have to go to
him, to get to God.

We already have a High Priest, His name is

Audience: Amen!
FS: Amen.

SR: Much better [chuckling] than any human!

And he saw these differences, and he left
the church.

And he really stopped going even to church.

He was burned out.

Audience: Yes.

SR: And so, he went back to college, he got
his doctorate in Psychology, and he opened

up his own little shop.

He got married to a woman, there’s a story
in itself! She was a marvelous ballet dancer,

and she went to Turkey with her with her troupe,
and she was captured and put into what’s known

as, I guess white slavery.

FS: White slavery.

SR: She had how many tumors in her?

FS: She came back from Turkey, and her stomach
was just ripped apart from dysentery and starvation.

And she doctored with the American doctors
for about 8 months, 9 months.

Then she heard about a priest who had the
gift of healing, and that was me.

And so [chuckles]
Audience: [laughs]

SR: [chuckles]
FS: And that’s how we met. She had 11 bleeding


Audience: Ooooh!

FS: The doctors were ready to take 75 percent
of her stomach out, and cut it out, because

of all these ulcers.

But we know a better way through Jesus.

Audience: That’s right.

FS: And I prayed with her, and she was pretty
much on her death bed and the power of God

went into her stomach, and both of us knew
she was healed.

She made the doctor sign an agreement that
he would not go ahead with the operation,

until he did another endoscopic exam, and
look down her stomach, and he did.

And he saw her stomach looked like a newborn
baby’s pink

Audience: [applause and cheers]
FS: pink stomach.

He came he came out of the operating room,
and he shook my hand, and he said, “Father,

what is your technique?”

Audience: [laughs]
FS: “What is your technique?”

SR: [laughs]
FS: “Congratulations!”

SR: Oh I’ll tell you what.

I’m going to have him pray for the fire to
come on you when we come back!

Audience: Amen!
SR: Interested?

Audience: Yes!
[applause and cheers]

[music] ANNOUNCER: We will be right back to

“It’s Supernatural!”

[music] ANNOUNCER: We now return to “It’s

Audience: [applause and cheers]
SR: Okay.

So Dr. Francis is burned out, has a little
shingle out as a counselor, doing just fine,

and somehow, I don’t know how! You end up in
Toronto, at the Toronto Airport Church,

Audience: Wow.
SR: and you get hit again!

FS: [chuckles]
SR: By the fire of God!

What happened?

FS: Well I walked into that huge room, and
I there were like 5,500 people, in 1994.

And I saw people shaking, and I said, “You’re

You’re back, Lord.”

SR: [chuckles]

FS: And so I was prayed for there, and the
healing gift and fire returned to my hands,

in a powerful way once more.

And I was just so happy to be back in ministry
where I belonged.

SR: You talk about power encounters, you talk
about the fire of God.

What do you mean by power encounters?

FS: It’s living what you’ve been preaching
your whole life!

The supernatural life it’s above the natural

It’s unlike the natural life!

You the expectations of what we want in life
is far higher, far greater.

Audience: Amen.

FS: The fire is what brings the energy, and
the power, and the Glory.

It is the fire of God, through your body.

It’s not you, it’s the Holy Spirit.
Audience: Amen.

FS: We need to get back to the Baptism of
the Holy Spirit,

Audience: [applause and cheers]
FS: and receive the fire!

SR: I want Jesus to be inside of you, the Messiah
of Israel, the one Messiah for the whole world,

just as he’s inside of Dr. Sizer.

And, repeat this prayer, mean it to the best
of your ability.

Dear God,
Audience: Dear God,

SR: I’m a sinner.
Audience: I’m a sinner.

SR: I’m so sorry.
Audience: I’m so sorry.

SR: I believe the blood of Jesus
Audience: I believe the blood of Jesus

SR: washes away my sins,
Audience: washes away my sins,

SR: and I’m clean.
Audience: and I’m clean.

SR: Jesus, come inside of me.
Audience: Jesus, come inside of me.

SR: Take over my life.
Audience: Take over my life.

SR: I make You Lord of my life.
Audience: I make You Lord of my life.

SR: Amen.

Audience: Amen.

SR: I want you to pray for 2 things: I want
you to pray for those that are dry, and hungry,

and thirsty for the fire.

And then I want you to pray for healing, as
God directs you.

FS: I pray for all those who desire the Baptism
of the Holy Spirit, and the fire of God.

That it would fall upon you, and ignite you
in a way in which you know that it’s a supernatural

presence, and power within you, that “out
of your belly will flow rivers of living water”,

right now.

That the Holy Spirit would captivate you,
and cause you to be on fire with your hands,

to heal the sick, and even to raise the dead,
in Jesus’ name we pray, in Yeshua’s name,

amen, and amen.
Audience: Amen.

[applause and cheers]
SR: You prayed once for 33 for people, and

33 cataracts disappeared.

Pray for cataracts and anything else
that God directs, right now.

FS: Father, I pray that people have new eyesight,
Audience: Yes.

FS: that they would come to know the revelation
of Jesus.

That they would be able to see their in their
eyes, a peeling back of old things, that they

might see things in a new way.

And with that, I pray for physical eyesight.

Audience: Yes.

FS: I pray for cataracts, in the name of Jesus
[loudly], loose them, by the power of God.

I pray that those blind devils never return,
in Jesus’ name!

I pray that eyes be opened from glaucoma,
from blurry vision, from floaters that are

in the eye, and yes, blindness.

I pray also, I see deformities being healed,
deformities, twisted bodies, twisted spines,

in the name of Jesus, all around the world,
being healed in the name of Jesus, that you

might go “leaping and laughing” for the Lord
Jesus Christ, in Jesus’ name.

I see the power in the anointing causing little
babies with who are who are on in incubators

in hospitals, being released from congestion
and respiratory problems.

I see it right now, a little baby, that the
Lord is going to release right now, in the

name of Jesus.

Audience: [cheers]
FS: “For nothing is impossible with God”!

Audience: Yes!

FS: We thank You, God, for new mothers, for
those with families, for those that are [music]

that are struggling.

That they are not alone, that they are with
Jesus Christ.

That He, will provide their needs, that “He
will provide all their needs according to

His riches in Glory”.

We thank You, Lord, for every good gift comes
from You.

And the people said amen, and amen.
Audience: [applause and cheers]