Kynan Bridges walked through a Heavenly door. What he saw will amaze you! Kynan says breakthrough is when God’s power, purpose and Presence meet discouragement and delay. Angels of breakthrough are waiting to make it happen!

sit right there

welcome to my world where it’s naturally


my guest says expect unusual miracles

beginning this year like a raven with

money and it smells dropping this money

into your hands this actually happened

to a woman and she was continually

struggling with finances and the

supernatural Raven money gift which was

verified by her friends that were

present from that moment on she has

never struggled financially are you

ready for your unusual miracles next on

it’s supernatural

and it’s almost you know it kind of

bounces off of you but it’s an important

word it’s called

breakthrough tell me what breakthrough

means based on the Bible based on what

God has shown you you know breakthrough

is a very powerful concept in the Bible

I believe that a breakthrough is when

the power purpose and presence of God

burst forth in someone’s life and

transform their lives forever well you

not only teach from the Word of God but

from hands-on experience yes you

desperately needed a breakthrough when

you were starting in ministry how bad

were things very bad I mean I even

questioned whether or not I was supposed

to pastor because you know see bites

sometimes and I had a lot of she bites

and I was wounded and hurt and a lot of

times ministers don’t they’re not honest

with themselves when they’re burnt down

but I was burnt out and I said god I

don’t even know what I’m supposed to be

doing anymore and I can remember coming

home after a very tough time

evangelizing and my wife and I were in

the living room and she looks at me and

I didn’t realize that she was she was as

prophetic as she is but she said what do

you see I said I see you what do I see

and she said no Kenan what do you see I

said I don’t know what you’re talking

about I was discouraged I was frustrated

she said what do you see and I said I

don’t know and then finally the light

bulb came on and I began to prophesy I

said I see women and children getting

saved I see young people coming to the


I see nations being disciple I see crack

addicts coming off the street and

was happening in that moment is that

God’s purpose was breaking through in my

life I was getting a revelation of what

heaven intended for my life which looked

different from my situation and as I

began to prophesy the atmosphere

beginning to shift and all of a sudden I

tapped into that breaker anointing which

I’ll talk about in a moment and that

next Sunday we had the largest service

we had ever had in the history of our

church because things shifted and a lot

of people are waiting for a shift to

happen in in heaven but heavens already


the earth needs to shift because when

you when your mind shifts and you tap

into what God has already promised you

then you enter into the place I call

manifestation talking about breakthrough

yeah tell me about a healing

breakthrough with the person with

cerebral palsy yeah this is a very

powerful testimony I was in California

doing a revival meeting and it was a lot

of warfare leading up to that meeting

and we were in the night meeting and a

woman comes in with cerebral palsy of

course from birth and she’s had her

whole life has has not been able to

function normally your whole life and

they bring her into the sanctuary you

know one of the things I think is

important is that if we’re gonna see the

miraculous we have to have an attitude

of expectation because the attitude of

expectancy is the atmosphere for

miracles and so what happens is that

this woman comes in and she comes to the

altar her son brings her and and I said

what do you want God to do for you she’s

like I want God to heal me I want him to

touch me and I could feel her faith I

know what Jesus meant when he said he

saw their faith and I mean you can see

people’s faith and and as I was praying

for the woman all I did was this I said

you know what you can do all things

through Christ who strengthens you you

can do altering things through Christ

who strengthens you and I didn’t realize

it then but I was activating the

anointing that was already on the inside

of her see we see Christ lives on the

inside of a

see when when when we want to break

through when God can break through in

you he can break through for you and

this is so important and as I’m

whispering this in our ear I said you

can do all things through Christ who

strengthens you you can do all things

through Christ who strengthens you every

time I said that she took a step and

when I was said again she would take

another step and then another step and

eventually she started running

throughout the sanctuary and the faith

of the people just exploded and fit the

glory came into that building and that

was the beginning of many miracles that

night you also talked about putting a

demand on heaven yes explain what that

means to you you know just like in in

economics there’s supply and demand you

know God has an economy heaven is a

system not just the place and when we

look at the kingdom of God that’s why

the Bible says ask and you shall receive

in other words when I ask I’m placing a

demand on heaven supply I was praying

one day and as I was praying I saw a

vision and when I in this vision there

were two golden double doors and in the

vision I pressed through the double

doors and as I press through the double

doors there was an endless storehouse I

mean there was gold there were rubies

there were all kinds of precious metals

and there were four angels guarding this

this this storehouse and as I came out

of the vision the Lord spoke to me he

said you just stepped into the treasury

of heaven where there is unlimited

supply heaven has no restrictions heaven

has no limitations but there’s such a

presence of God understatement you just

yes heaven has no limitations the only

thing that limits us is the demand that

we place I just feel this so strongly I

feel like there’s somebody watching

right now you need to place a demand on

heaven God is not listening you’re not

waiting on God he’s waiting on you he

has already made it available

to you that’s transformation that

miracle that salvation that healing it’s

yours you need to go where the table is

spread the Bible says the same and so on

Keenan says I’m expecting I’m waiting on

you God I’m waiting I’m waiting there’s

a more aggressive stance than that

passive stance of waiting on God yes go

ahead okay Matthew 11:12 says that the

kingdom of God suffers violence and the

violent take it by force Christianity is

not a spectator sport you can’t you

can’t see the kingdom manifested from

the bleachers you have to engage heaven

you have to engage the realm of the

Spirit I mean let me give you an example

imagine if you found out that there was

five billion dollars behind the door in

your back room that you never go into

would you stand in the door and say Lord

open this door if you’d be your holy

we’ll know I’d knock it over because why

what’s behind the door is more valuable

than the door itself what God has on the

other side of your hindrance on the

other side of your wall is greater than

the limitation and it’s time for the

church to burst through and see the

manifestation of God’s plan

a long time and and what you’re saying

with the presence of God on it I’m ready

to knock that door down now we read

about unusual miracles in the Bible like

God sending a fish with money and it

smelt but these unusual miracles are

once again erupting I want to learn

about the Raven giving money to a woman

and supernaturally she never struggled

with finances again we’ll be right back



hello YouTube miss Bob mr. Bokka is a

Hebrew word it means family this is Sid

Roth welcome to my world where it’s

naturally supernatural

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but my expectancy is up I’m expecting

unusual miracles but this takes the cake

tell me about the supernatural Raven you

know this is you can’t make this stuff


one of the precious sisters in our

ministry she was going through kind of a

challenge at the time and she went to

the store and a supermarket and spent

you know pretty most of what she had

buying some things but there was a few

things she needed to get at another

store so she left that store went to

another one as she’s pulling up in the

parking space

a raven comes down in the parking space

when the Raven comes down in the parking

space they noticed that he has something

in his mouth as they get out of the car

they go toward the Raven he doesn’t fly


this is a bold Raven see this is and he

starts walking toward them as they get

closer he gets closer they get closer he

gets closer and they recent and they

realized that he has money in his mouth

and he just stands there and when they

get closer he drops the money and he

flies away it was fifty dollars the

exact amount she had just spent at the

store before now here’s the part that’s

so interesting

these were fresh crisp banknotes like

they just come from the bank brand-new

printer Randall’s brand new crisp bills

in the Ravens mouth and this miracle

changed her life you see only it only

takes a moment to change your world it

only takes a moment to manifest a

miracle but we have to learn how to

maximize our moments tell me about the

breaker anointing and Micah – it talks

about the breaker anointing and that

word breaker actually comes from the

Hebrew word peratt’s and it means to

break through it’s the same Genesis 38

when the baby broke out is the same word

so that breaker anointing is being

released in the earth to break off

limitations of all kinds to break off

financial limitations to break off


imitations to break to break the brick

walls that people have the people that

are saying you know what why haven’t I

gotten my miracle because there’s a

spirit of prevention arresting the

manifestation of what they’ve asked for

but the good news is that this anointing

that has been released not only in the

believer before the believer is stronger

than the limitation on the believer and

I believe that this is a season where

we’re going to see mass breakthroughs in

the body of Christ

give me a hands-on example in your own

life yeah with the breaker anointing

I’ve seen it so many times you know I

went through some of the most difficult

seasons I’ve ever been in in ministry

and I remember being in this play place

where I was this darkness was in my life

and and I just wasn’t really feeling God

here in God I just wanted to just stay

inside all day and one day the Lord came

into my room and he said this to me he

said how long are you gonna tolerate

this I said what do you mean he said

I’ve given you the authority I’ve given

you the authority and I said Lord you

know what I want to change I want

something to happen in my life and all

of a sudden said I experienced a

supernatural birth to something lifted

off of my life something was released

off of my life and I’ve never been the

same since that day I’ve seen it so many




dr. keen to explain how to reverse the

spirit of delay in your prayers dreams

and destiny and break this spirit once

and for all of delay off of your life



be right back to it’s supernatural

call now and get Keenan bridges anointed

book invading the heavens and his

powerful three-part audio CD series

breaking the power of delay this is an

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donation of $35 shipping and handling is

included ask for offer number nine six

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Keenan’s brand new book invading the

heavens is a fully reliable how-to

handbook for releasing your supernatural

breakthrough no matter what you are

going through spiritually emotionally or

financially you will understand what

true breakthrough is discover how to

access the breaker anointing and walk in

the supernatural power to tear down the

prison walls of opposition unbelief and

discouragement find out the keys to

position yourself to receive your

breakthrough your healing your miracle

as you live from God’s presence 24/7 at

the end of every chapter is a

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Keenan’s anointed three-part audio CD

teaching series breaking the power of

delay you will understand how to

activate God’s promises for your life

now learn how to position yourself under

an open heaven be empowered to overcome

the Spirit of prevention and the spirit

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moment of the day tap into breakthrough

angels sent by God to usher you into

unusual favor and supernatural solutions

many report that by just listening to

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supernatural there is a delay there’s a

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missing their lives chains don’t miss

out on getting Keenan bridges anointed

book invading the heavens and his

powerful three-part audio CD series

breaking the power of delay this is an


for our it’s supernatural audience yours

for a donation of $35 shipping and

handling is included ask for offer

number nine six zero seven call or you

can send your check to sid roth it’s

supernatural p o– box 39222 charlotte

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offer number nine six zero seven or log

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you say angels a breakthrough are here


yes example there are angels in the

earth right now in fact i go preach all

the time and one of the angels that

accompanies me is called breakthrough

and his assignment this the assignment

of this angel is to arrest the spirit of

delay in a believers life I’ll give an

example I was preaching in England and

we had this activation where I said you

know what it’s time to receive receive

right so I had everybody reached up

prophetically and receive what the

father had already supplies what we did

that the atmosphere shifted people start

getting healed but that wasn’t a kicker

the kicker was the person hosting

co-hosting the event with me their

daughter called them and around the same

time this person lost had lost a pair of

earrings about a year earlier couldn’t

find them for a year or whatever it was

and all of a sudden during the same time

they’re walking up the steps and the

earrings are perfectly set on each step

one two perfectly aligned with each

other and I said to the host and she

said the makinen I believe that an angel

delivered those earrings how could that

be though people have walked there for a

year because it’s angelic it’s

supernatural it’s naturally supernatural

you know one of the things is that this

is what the Lord told me he said we have

to partner with the angelic realm how do

we do that Psalm 103 says that the

Angels hearken to the voice of God’s

Word which means they cannot they cannot

operate in their assignment until the

Word of God is spoken and so one of the

ways we we partners that we have to

align our earthly conversation with the

heavenly conversation concerning our

lives and we have to speak I’ve seen

this so many times it I’ve seen people

be healed I’ve seen people be delivered

as they begin to engage the atmospheres

that they were in were the words that

they were speaking we have to give a

voice to God’s Word God’s Word is

written it’s settled in the heavens but

when we speak it that’s what heaven

begins to invade the earth can you pray

for those viewing right now yes and

break the spirit of delay yeah you know

you’re watching right now you may be

going through discouragement delay in

fact delay has a couple of cousins that

he always operates with one is called


the other one is distress and the other

one is discouragement and right now by

the power of the blood of Yeshua we take

authority over the spirit of prevention

operating in your life just like it was

with me when when my wife and I prayed

and we saw a net a spider’s web with all

of our blessings caught in it we spoke

to that web and we said be broken in

Yeshua’s name

I declare over your life right now by

the power of the Holy Spirit that

everything that’s held up hindered

everything that is stagnant everything

that has been arrested by the enemy then

right now from this day forward it must

come back to you in Jesus name that you

must receive the restoration of

everything that the locusts have stolen

that the canker worms have eaten this is

your season of restoration and

reconciliation may the power of the

blood of Jesus accelerate every

in your life that isaiah 43:19 will be

your portion that behold he does a new

thing and it shall spring forth he’ll

make a way in the wilderness and rivers

shall spring up in your desert right now

in Jesus name you have seen things that

are gonna begin this year that are so

wonderful tell me one or two one of the

things is gonna happen in the beginning

this year is the increase of angelic


another thing that’s gonna happen this

year is the increase of the prophetic

anointing because it is prophetic

declarations that release breakthrough

if you don’t believe me ask Daniel who

in Daniel 10 and 9 and 10 when he

proclaimed over Israel angels were

dispatched we’re also going to see Sid

the manifestation of unusual miracles

and guess what it’s not going to be from

pastors it’s not gonna be from clergy

it’s gonna be from ordinary people who

have the audacious faith to believe that

what God said it’s gonna be a reality in

their lives and they’re gonna walk in

miracles signs and wonders like we’ve

never seen before the glory the latter

rain glory is hitting the earth so that

the glory of the latter house will be

greater than the former our churches are

about to explode you’re not gonna have

to beg folks to come to church you’re

gonna have to push people away because

the capacity is not big enough to

contain them I see churches leaving

sanctuaries and going into soccer fields

to stadiums to all kinds of open fields

we’re going to see creative miracles

instant miracles and ultimately mass

salvations that will shift the culture

around us that’s why I was good my next

question was how is this going to change

society because you see the Bible says

this the Bible says the the children of

the Lord has given me off for signs and

wonders as we begin to walk in the power

of the kingdom mark chapter 16 will

become our reality the Bible says they

went up

proclaiming the kingdom the Lord working

with them confirming his word with signs

and wonders and I believe would happen

in the book of Acts is gonna happen in

this generation we’re gonna see millions

of people come to the Lord we’re gonna

see people come out of addictions and

bondages and immorality and come into

the kingdom of God and know that you


is a name above all names you shared

another word that God gave you now


next week on it’s supernatural hello I’m


eva’s join me on it’s supernatural with

Sid Roth as I share how God wants to

awaken your heart to experience his

glory in every area of your life

