Steven Brooks is a dynamic minister of the gospel who operates in a remarkable prophetic gift and a healing anointing. His teaching and ministry have taken him throughout America and around the world. Steven and his wife, Kelly, live in North Carolina.

Is there a
supernatural dimension,

a world beyond the one we know?

Is there life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain
messages from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient
secrets of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years
researching the strange world of

the supernatural.

Join Sid for this
edition of It’s Supernatural!


Sid: Hello.

Sid Roth here.

Welcome to my world where
it’s naturally supernatural.

Most Bible believers know
that the Bible is filled with

promises from God and they
know that it’s for them.

But there is a disconnect
between knowing that and the

manifestation of your healing,
the manifestation of your loved

one coming to know the Messiah,
the manifestation of that job

you’ve been believing God
for, that career you’ve been.

There seems to be
year after year,

after year, I’m a believer,
but it’s not manifesting.

My guest went to Heaven and
received supernatural wisdom,

a gift, and he wants to teach
you how the promises of God are

so pregnant and ready
to be manifested now.


Well my guest is Steven Brooks
and I had him as my special

teacher on one of
my trips to Israel,

and for the first
time in my life,

I smelled supernatural aromas.

It was beautiful in
Israel, but it’s different now.

I don’t know about any of you at
home or in the studio audience,

but the minute you sat down, I
began to smell frankincense,

I believe.

Steven Brooks: Yes.

It is the presence of the Lord.

Now whenever you’re
smelling frankincense, Sid.

Sid: I do.

Steven Brooks: It means
that the blessings of God,

God’s very best blessings
will manifest in your life.

Sid: I take it!

How about you?

You take it, too.


Now you’re one of these guys
that provoke me to jealousy.

You said this year you were
caught up into Heaven and

someone I had never heard
of, but then I studied,

greeted you when you got Heaven.

Who was that?

Steven Brooks: Well I was
praying in my bedroom on my

knees, Sid, and I
went into a vision,

and the next thing I
knew I was going up,

up, up and I was in Heaven,
and I was greeted by a person,

I would describe him as a tour
guide who was going to show me

around the heavenly realm,
it was Joseph of Cupertino.

This man had a tremendous walk
with the Lord and he was known

in church history as a man who
would be lifted up by the spirit

and would fly.

And this man took
me all over Heaven, flying.

We went around
mountains, over mountains,

across beautiful rivers and
we arrived in the City of God.

Our feet came down and he
introduced me to somebody I have

never met before.

I have read about the 24 elders
in the Book in Revelation and he

introduced me to
one of the 24 elder.

And he had a golden scepter in
his hand that was about six feet

long, and at the top of the
scepter there was a red ruby

that was cut and
faceted, and polished.

And he took that scepter and he
leaned it forward towards me,

and the tip with the ruby
went right into my chest.

He put it right into
my chest, and he said,

“You haven’t been
sleeping good.”

And I said, “That’s right.”

And he put that
scepter into my chest,

and I felt the love of
God, the warmth of God.

God’s healing power
went into my chest.

And I know there’s no
timeframe in Heaven,

but it seemed like he held it
there for about two minutes.

And he seemed like he was up to
something than just more than me

receiving a healing from God.

Sid: Let me just take
him a step further.

The ruby, he found
out, signifies wisdom,

and when he we got back to Earth
he started operating in wisdom

that he never had before.

Tell me about, say a business
decision since

you got this wisdom.

What happened?

Steven Brooks: Well
it was interesting,

Sid, because there was an
adventure I wanted

to be involved in.

And I talked to the Lord about
it and gave the Lord many good

reasons why he thought he should
give me a thumbs up to move

forward on this.

And I said, “Lord, this is good.

There’s nothing wrong with it.”

And getting list after list
about why I thought these are

justifiable reasons.

And so I just presented it
to the Lord and waited

for a response.

In the meantime, I had
done some prayer and fasting,

and when I came off that fast
the Holy Spirit just reminded me

to ask again to get
the final answer.

I said, “Oh Lord, by the way,
what about that question I had

asked you about that venture
I wanted to get involved in?”

And Sid, the presence of the
Lord came with that wisdom.

Wherever there’s the
presence, there’s the person.

So the Lord came with
his wonderful presence.

I immediately grabbed the Bible
and the Bible randomly opened,

and it fell to a page where the
Holy Spirit seemed to lift up in

3D the verse off the page.

I couldn’t see any other verses.

I just saw that verse.

And to paraphrase it loosely,
the verse basically said,

“Do not do this.

It will be a distraction from
you and draw your

attention away from me.”

Sid: I want you to start
pressing into that wisdom right

now and you say we all
need a revelation of faith.

What do you mean by that, for
the manifestations to occur?

Steven Brooks: Yes, because
a revelation really

is an unveiling.

It’s something where you pull
the curtain back and you see it

for the first time.

It’s been there the whole time,
but for the first time we’re

actually seeing the importance,
the value of something that God

puts tremendous emphasis on.

So faith comes by a revelation
of its tremendous ability to

change your life.

So whether it’s a healing,
whether it’s God touching your

finances, all of the blessings
of God are

accessed through faith.

And so when you release your
faith and know the potential

that Jesus said, “All things are
possible to him who believes,

you think, wow, I want to do
some specific believing and

produce some
specific manifestations.

Sid: The Bible talks about
different levels of faith and

they talk about
people with little faith.

Steven Brooks: Yes.

Sid: And many
people, if they’re honest,

they’d say I have little faith.

Is there hope?

Steven Brooks: Yes and I
think we have to be honest.

We have to appropriately
measure our current faith level.

It’s like an athlete going into
the gym and the person’s lifting

200 pounds over their head.

And so somebody might
say, I can’t do that.

That’s okay.

The thing is if you want
to, we can take you there.

There are training principles,
there are nutritional

guidelines, there are things
that we can do to increase your

strength, and there people
lifting over 500 pounds over

their head.

So it works the
same way with faith.

You can develop your faith.

You may not be able to lift
it in your current place,

but you say, I
can’t lift that now,

but I believe that my faith
level is going to grow to the

point where I can lift this
and take hold of that promise of

God, and as you get
stronger you will,

and you’ll be able to see that
all things are possible to him

who believes.


Sid: You know, when we come back
I’m going to have Steven share

some supernatural wisdom on
manifesting God’s blessings.

Some will surprise you.


We’ll be right back
to It’s Supernatural!

We now return to
It’s Supernatural!


Sid: I hope you’re having as
much fun as we’re having here.

Steven, at this moment in
history I notice people that are

really hungry for God.

Steven Brooks: Yes.

Sid: Really hungry
for the things of God.

They’re really zooming
in the supernatural.

How important is it for
us to be hungry for God?

Steven Brooks: It’s
essential, critical.

You have to have that hunger
to go after the things of God.

So if you’ll initiate the move
God will come right alongside

and you’ll begin to go into
areas of the Glory that you only

thought could happen
in your wildest dreams.

Sid: It’s available to everyone?

Steven Brooks: Yes, but
you have to press in.

You have to pursue
the Lord in this area.

Sid: All right.

What if the flesh is causing
you to spend more time with your

hobby, more time
with television,

more time, lots of these
things and you want to press in,

but the flesh is
just pulling,

pulling, pulling.

What advice do you give us?

Steven Brooks: Just give
God your initial best.

If you will take that step the
grace of God will come and the

next thing, you’re
going two steps,

three steps and now you
begin to get momentum.

Once you get that
momentum stay in it.

It will only begin to increase.

You’ll go higher in the Spirit.

Sid: Steven, God
revealed a concept,

a supernatural concept
about the nighthawk.


Steven Brooks: Yes.

I found it in the Bible.

It’s mentioned in
Deuteronomy, Chapter 14,

where it talks about this
amazing bird called the

nighthawk and he’s nocturnal.

He flies at night.

And then I began to realize that
much of the praying that the

Lord Jesus did was in the very
early hours of the morning when

it was still dark outside.

And so the Holy Spirit began to
show me that he wants the people

of God to fly, to soar like a
nighthawk because it’s cloaked

in Divine secrecy.

You actually fly beneath
the radar of the enemy.

He doesn’t have any clue in the
world what you’re doing because

it’s just you and the Lord
alone in your quiet place,

in prayer, receiving revelation
from God and walking in very

close fellowship with the Lord.

Sid: Now I happen to be,
because everyone is different,

what’s known as an early person.

Steven Brook: Yes.

Sid: I’m at my best early.

Steven Brooks: Yes.

Sid: I’d rather do it early in
the morning than the middle of

the night.

Will that work for me?

Steven Brooks: Yes.

Vestal biblical because it says
in Mark 1:35 that the Lord Jesus

arose early in the
morning to go out and pray,

and he went out to a
solitary place and prayed.

He did that a long while
before the sun ever came up.

Sid: How do you pray?

Steven Brooks: I just wake up
and I begin to spend time with

the Lord, sitting there in
darkness waiting on the Lord,

saying, “Lord, what would
you like to talk about today?”

And he will come.

He’s the master teacher.

Sid: What if he doesn’t
come, what would you do?

Steven Brooks:
Then you pursue him.

You pursue until the Glory comes
and he’ll lead you into it.

He’ll lead you into it.

He’ll give you little samplings
and he’ll pull you deeper.

Sid: You do something
else that I haven’t,

I really haven’t heard
before, and that is,

this part I’ve heard of.

Actually I’ve heard of both, but
I’ve not heard of them together.

That is praying in
supernatural languages,

God talk.

Steven Brooks: Yes.

Sid: And
visualizing at the same time.

Steven Brooks: Yes.

It’s what launched my ministry.

Sid: Give me a
real life example,

maybe launching your ministry.

Tell me about it.

Steven Brooks: Yes and it can
work for anybody regardless of

their career,
occupation or calling.

For me, there was a strong
desire to go out and pray every

weekend afternoon on the
bleachers of the ball park.

I would just walk back and
forth on the empty bleachers.

There was nobody there and I
would pray in the Spirit for

hours because I had the sense
God has a ministry for me to the

nations and I didn’t
even have a passport.

But this thing was in me, you’re
going to go to the nations,

begin to pray into it.

So I would pray into it by
speaking in tongues and just

praying out in the Spirit.

At the same while I would do
that to emphasize the impact of

it, I would visualize myself
getting on large jet airliners

and going to nations.

And it took some
time of doing that,

week after week.

And now that is my life calling
of running to the nations.

We just back from Europe and
God is doing great miracles.

Sid: If you hadn’t done that.

Steven Brooks: Right.

Sid: Would you be
where you are today?

Steven Brooks: I would
not be where I’m at today.

I prepared it and sowed into
it, and now I’m

reaping that harvest.

Sid: Good.

Could it be the
scripture, “Many are called,

few are chosen,” he was
called, but most just say,

well if it’s going to
happen, it’s going to happen.

I don’t believe that.

Do you?

Steven Brooks: We
have to pursue.

There is the prophetic promise,
but we must go after the Lord

with all of our energy, all of
our strength and we’ll achieve

amazing results.

Sid: You talk about actually
prophetic actions released in

the manifestation.

Tell me about that couple
that needed a land rover.

Steven Brooks: Well there’s many
examples that you can do to step

out in faith.

You have defined some type of
specific work to attach

to your faith.

And there was a missionary that
was believing God

for a land rover.

And he’s out in an
area of great remote,

a place where there’s no access
to receive help from what we

would call the outside world.

But yet he’s believing
God for a land rover.

And what he did is decide to
wash an imaginary land rover.

So he got a bucket of water and
he got some soap and a sponge,

and he said, “I by faith believe
that God is going to get me a

land rover and I’m going to
start washing it every day

because when I get it I’m
going to take good care of it.”

And by faith he
said, “I’ve got it now.”

And to the shock of all the
locals who were watching him do

this crazy act, to the shock
of everybody in the community,

God blessed that man.

Miraculously, somebody
bought him a land rover.


Sid: Now when you went to Heaven
you received a mantle of wisdom.

Steven Brooks: Yes.

Sid: But you’ve received many
mantles and he’s prayed for

people to receive mantles
and they have received them.

Tell me a few,
just real briefly,

two or three types of
mantles that people can receive.

Steven Brooks: One of
the easiest mantles to get

especially in this anointing
that’s here right now is a

prophetic mantle.

That way you can
flow with the Spirit.

We had to have a
prophetic anointing.

Jesus is a prophet.

He’s very prophetic and he
speaks through

prophetic imagery.

And when you can pick up on that
you can begin to know how Jesus

moves and operates.

Sid: Okay.

When we come back I’m going to
have Steven pray for healings,

miracles and mantles.

Be right back.


We’ll be right back
to It’s Supernatural!

We now return to
It’s Supernatural!


Sid: Now I said to Steven,
whatever he

tells you to do, do it.

Sound familiar?



Steven Brooks: Yes.

Sid: You just got back
from meetings in England.

What happened there?

Steven Brooks: We had some very
powerful meetings in England

where the Spirit
of God was moving.

And in the last service mantles
began to fall on the people in a

very, very tangible way,
coming over their shoulders,

people having powerful
sensations of a burning in their

hands, healing gifts being
released to God’s people.

You know, it’s
like a new wardrobe.

If we wore the same clothes for
30 years it might get a little

bit boring.

So God releases new
mantles, new garments,

new assignments, new
callings and new giftings,

and they fall on God’s people
with tangible presence

of God’s goodness.

Sid: Many physical
healings take place?

Steven Brooks: Yes.

Healings take place and also
people can get healed while at

the same time
receiving a healing anointing.

Sid: No, I’m talking about
in the meeting in England.

Steven Brooks: Yes.

Yes, it was happening.

People were being healed in
their bodies and then standing

up and receiving a new anointing
to go out and pray for the sick

from the very thing
they just got healed from.

Sid: You know,
I’m hearing things,

people with
problems in the neck,

if you move your head you’ll
see that the pain is gone.

Anything actually
from the neck up,

sinus, thyroid and
any, it’s yours.

Just take it.

Steven Brooks: Yes.

Sid: Steven, we hear
the term from the Bible,

“Prayer and supplication.”

What does the word, I
know what prayer means.

What does the word
“supplication” mean?

Steven Brooks: Sid, before we
talk about that supplication

there are people that
are watching right now,

you’re smelling a fragrance like
a burning incense and the Lord

is healing sinuses, the Lord is
healing incurable infections and

you’re like, what is this
fragrance that smells like myrrh

or frankincense burning?

And so that is the
cleaning power of God.

There are people watching with
HIV and as you’re smelling this,

God is cleansing you of that
disease and you can go back and

check, you’re going to find
out that Jesus has healed

you of HIV.

So receive the healing
anointing of Jesus now.


Sid: Okay.


Steven Brooks: It’s just where
you go before the Lord in prayer

and you’re asking, but
you’re asking in the sense like,

“Lord, I can’t take
no for an answer.

Lord, you promised me in your
Word that you would

do this for me.”

And you come before the Lord and
you pour your heart out before

God, and God
looks down and says,

“I’m going to do this for you.

You have given me your heart.

You have devoted
your life to me.

I’m going to answer
your prayer by fire.”

Sid: Briefly, I’ve got to ask
you about this angelic wealth

transfer you teach on.

Steven Brooks: It is in the
Word of God revealed in the New

Testament as an End Time
revelation for

the Body of Christ.

You see in Haggai,
Chapter 2, Verse 8,

where the Lord says, “The
silver and gold is mine,

saith the Lord of Hosts.”

And that basically
means, Lord of Hosts,

the captain of
the angelic armies,

and Jesus Messiah is captain
over all the armies of Heaven.

But often times we don’t see in
the New Testament what we see in

the Old Testament of
the Jehovah names of God,

Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah
Nissi, Jehovah Shalom.

You move to the New
Covenant, you don’t see that.

But in the Book of
James, Chapter 5,

it says that “The wicked rich
have heaped up treasure in the

last days and it’s come to the
ears of the Lord of Sabaoth.”

Who is the Lord of Sabaoth?

That is a transliteration
where we have lost the original

Hebrew, meaning it
is the Lord of Hosts.

It is Jehovah Sabaoth and it
is the captain

of the angelic armies.

He is going to come
and send his angels,

and shake wealth into the
Body of Christ where the Body of

Christ is moved from being
the tail to becoming the head.

Sid: I’m going to
tell you something.

I believe that the Glory of
God is so strong on this set.

Steven Brooks: Yes.

Sid: You said I was distracting
you because you can’t see maybe

on TV, but if you were close
you would see gold on my face.

Steven Brooks: Yes.

I almost feel like I’m vibrating
and shaking under the power of

God that’s in this
studio right now.

Sid: I need you to
pray right now mantles,


Steven Brooks: Lift up your
hands wherever you’re at.

Father, in the name of Jesus,
this is an End Time church that

you have.

The End Time church must
be a prophetic church.

There was one John the Baptist,
but now there’s a corporate body

saying, “Prepare the way
for the Lord’s return.”

Father, let that End
Time prophetic anointing,

lift your hands, let it
come on your people now.

In the name of Jesus receive
healing anointings falling on

you now.

Somebody’s lungs
were completely healed.

You can now breathe.

You are delivered from asthma.

Anointings for prosperity,
financial anointings,

gold anointings
are coming down now.

Evangelistic mantles are
calling and falling upon you.

John the Baptist and
Paul type ministries,

receive it and go out in
the power of the Holy Spirit.

Mighty, mighty, evangelistic
mantles are falling upon young

people all over the world.

Take it and run
with the fire of God.

Sid: And in Yeshua’s
name, in Jesus’ name,

yes there is an Orthodox Jewish
person watching me right now.

I say to you that the promises
of God for everyone are yes and

so be it in Yeshua’s name.


Sid: Next week on
It’s Supernatural!

Jonathan Cahn: Is it possible
that there actually exists a

master blueprint from ancient
times that we’re all following

and that reveals
everything that has happened,

that has happened
and that will happen?

Join me, Jonathan Cahn, on
It’s Supernatural and find out.

Your gifts to this ministry will
help Sid air It’s Supernatural

in Israel 28 times a week and
distribute his evangelistic book

to the Jewish people worldwide.