113.199 lượt xem • 23 thg 9, 2023 • ELEVATION CHURCH – BALLANTYNE

When we make time for God throughout our day, it helps eliminate distractions that could be keeping us from reaching our full potential. This is an excerpt from “Torn But Trustin.” To watch the full message from @elevationchurch, click here:    • Torn But Trusting | Pastor Steven Fur…   #faith #peace #hope #stevenfurtick #elevationchurch Chapters: 0:00 – I’m Feeling Torn 2:27 – Distracted By The Enemy 4:42 – Stop Trying To Just “Get Through” 7:57 – You Are Missing Blessings In-Between 11:24 – For Everybody Who’s Torn 14:40 – God Will Meet You In-Between

the truth is

I’m torn

that’s one of the things about being

between things

and say you can feel kind of torn

I mean just imagine I’m not going to

demonstrate it

two big strong guys standing on either

side of me today

and one is pulling me here

and one is pulling me there

and here I am in between

two things

in between my heavenly calling call

Justified glorified write with God

and then my sinful tendencies



I can be very I can be very I can be a

very convincing victim

it’s their fault they didn’t they should


I can I can be a lot of things

I’m I’m torn

I know that starting the sermon this way

would be kind of interesting

because I think what people are looking

for when they come to church

is for me to talk about certain things

and then to leave other things for

Monday through Saturday

problem with that approach to Ministry


it’s what happens in between our Sunday


in between

it it will not be sufficient if you

write down everything I say today and

live none of it out until the next time

I see him

it will not be sufficient for us to get

a Bible lesson today that for a few

moments maybe tickles our intellect or

enlightens our senses or helps us to

know something grammatical or historical

about the word of God it is what we do

in between

I’ll prove it from the Bible faith comes

by hearing hearing by the word of God

but faith without works is dead

so Jesus said A sower went out to sow he

started sowing some of the seed before

it even hit the soil got snatched up by

the bird can that really happen of

course it can in between the release of

the seed of the word of God and the

Fertilization in the soil even before it

could hit the soil let alone germinate

beneath the soil before it even had the

opportunity to be what it could have

been what it should have been and what

it really was on the inside something

snatched it in between so you have to be

very careful about how you spend the

first first 30 minutes after you hear a


you have to beat back Birds the first

because the the enemy knows the enemy of

your soul the devil Satan no Slew Foot

Lucifer that old devil that Old Devil

the animal Pitchfork Devil he’s a little

bird he’s a cute little bird comes up in

you as a distraction snatches it in

between you can’t even get to the car

and hold on to what has been said

because we don’t know how to be bored

anymore we don’t know how to sit with

anything anymore we can’t think about a

word we can’t get out of search and

reflect on it for a minute so it can’t

germinate because you don’t meditate

because it got snatched in between

how many feel convicted

that we just run from one thing to the

other and and nothing in between so so

now I have so many games and so many

apps and so many distractions on my

phone that I have no time for any

creativity how could God Remind Me of

anything I gave him no space to set up

in between my appointments

and our lives are very crowded because

even the Bible itself is full of amazing

things that happened

in between

think about that

if we took out everything in the Bible

that happened

as the characters were going somewhere


we would have removed some of our best

Bible stories and we would have neutered

some of our best Bible characters

like Moses

the burning bush

if Moses

had had data

on his phone

he wouldn’t have seen the bush burning

because all he was doing was trying to

go to Horeb with the sheep for his

father-in-law jethra

and then he was going to go back to

Midian and in between

this bush catches on fire and God Says

by the way you’re about to lead a nation

out of slavery

that happened as he was going to do

something else

now that have been me

I’m I’m very sure that I wouldn’t have

looked at the bush

because I’d have been right here looking


something else the enemy is good at

filling the in between spaces

so you don’t even see God

I see this in in the life of Moses I was

thinking about

I guess my favorite Bible story because

it’s the first one I ever preached how

Peter walked on water to Jesus

you know that happened

just as they were trying to get from

Jesus didn’t Jesus didn’t set up a water

walking seminar that day

all they were trying to do is get from

the Eastern Shore to the western shore

and they were going to the western shore

to do miracles

but they had to leave the Eastern Shore

to go to Western store along the way

here comes the storm

and in the middle of the Storm Here

Comes Jesus

and as Jesus comes toward Peter Peter’s

like I want to come toward you and Peter

comes to our Jesus he falls down Jesus

picks him up takes him back to the boat

and they say truly you are the son of

God and we love that story

but it happened in between

it happened in between

you think Mary wanted to give birth to

Jesus in Bethlehem

you want to give birth to Jesus away

from your doctors away from your

hometown they were there for a census

and the savior of the world was born I’m

just trying to say

it’s some of the best stuff

happens in between

I want to remind you of that some of the

best things in your life while you’re so

focused on oh when I get through this

when I get through that oh when I just

get I just want to get to the end of

2022. you’ve been saying that for the

last 47 years about this time every year

you start thinking if I could just get

through this year I’m just waiting for a

new year and here it is follow okay just

a few more months if I could just get

through 2022. if you could just get

through 2022 you are going to take 2020

you into 2023 and 2022 ain’t gonna kill

20 20 you

I got stuck in a trap at one point in my

life of just surviving between Sundays

as a preacher

and at that time we were doing Saturday

night services

I haven’t forgot about Jacob I’m setting

this up okay

I haven’t forgot about it but I’m gonna

tell you something in between I read my

scripture now I’m gonna illustrate then

I’m gonna go back to Jacob I used to

just think

if I could just get to Sunday

and get another sermon

study pray beg plead offer my children

on the altar what do you want

and scary thing it’s a scary thing

y’all’s expectations are really high

it is y’all y’all really do have high

expectations be serious be funny be

wise you you


want one


I’m so torn if you can see me right now

I mean I might be holding it together on

the outside but on the inside

so I’ll just try to get to Sunday

and then I think if I could just get

through Sunday so wait a minute

your whole life is getting too

and getting through

and you are missing

so many things

in between

oh if I can get this degree

what you think that degree is going to


what do you think that degree is really

going to do it’s going to open doors

what’s on the other side of a door

what do you think’s on the other side of

the door a massage table

you think it’s a beach on the other side

of the door that the grill open the door

then you got to do the stuff that they

taught you to do that isn’t really what

you got to do because they don’t really

teach you in school what you got to do

what do you think that degree is going

to do for you

somebody shout I’m in between

you didn’t shout it convincingly because

it’s not sexy oh watch this watch this

somebody shout I made it

you see how much better you did that

shot this I’m gonna do it

come on shout it from your chest


but that in between thing you didn’t say

that too good on practice that

we don’t practice that in between we

don’t really know how to be in between

we really don’t know how to be in


oh we definitely know how to think about

the future

just we know how to in our minds

picture Jacob he’s he’s going to meet

with Esau he’s like okay now when you

get there you give him a first gift and

then you give him a second gift so it

won’t kill me you give him a third he’s

out there in the future he’s really good

at sending stuff ahead he’s sending

everything ahead so he thinks it’ll be

all right when he gets there he’s

sending everything ahead by the way he’s

come a long way he just got back from

mahanim where the angels of God met him

where the angels of God attended to him

where the angels of God show up so he’s

seen a lot of wonderful things behind

him but now we see Jacob in a very

interesting place he’s not in shechem

yet where he’s going but he can’t go

back to laban’s house either that’s his

uncle who he’s been living with for 20

years an angel of God tells him you got

to get up you got to go you got to move

right now you don’t have time to think

about it you don’t have time to

strategize it the only problem is if he

leaves Laban he has to deal with Esau

and the last time he saw Esau Esau had

blood in his eyes now we meet Jacob in

Genesis chapter 32 and the Bible says

that the angel of God begins to wrestle

with him at night and wrestles with him

all night

all night long Jacob is struggling with

something that he doesn’t know what it

is but this is nothing new to Jacob you

see he’s been practicing this since the

womb he’s been manipulating situations

since he was old enough to calculate

he’s been moving here and moving there

and doing this and doing that and

scheming things and plotting things not

only did he steal his brother’s

Birthright he stole his Blessing too by

pretending to be his brother and now

he’s got to face the one that he

pretended to be who wanted to kill him

the last time he saw him but I can’t

stay with Laban but I can’t deal with

Esau I’m standing here needing the help

of God and so God comes not to help him

but the wrestle with him

and it’s interesting to me

that it didn’t happen when he got to


the fight

Esau gave him a hug

and God gave him a broken hip

I’m confused

I thought you asked God to bless you


and he said bless me

bless me I’m not letting go until he

bless me let’s read the text again this


wow wow this is just unbelievable for

for everybody who’s in between right now

for everybody who’s torn

between what you believe that God has

spoken that you really are and what you

feel like from time to time

everybody who’s torn right now how many

of you are in a seasonal shift in your

life was very difficult for you to

comprehend where you’re at because I’m

42. how many of y’all think that’s Young

how many I think that’s old

I’m torn

I’m torn

I’m torn Graham’s hand went up so high

when I said oh

and half this section I don’t know

what’s going on over here in this

section y’all said it was really young

I’m torn

I’ll know which one to believe

life is tricky because

life will intersect in betweens

so you raise teenagers

but you’re also a teenager

because he’s about to turn 15.

I’m close to turning 50. both of us are

in the middle of something

and I don’t know what I’m in the middle

of and he doesn’t know what he’s in the

middle of

and so now I’m trying to raise somebody

as I walk through something

that I haven’t seen the end of yet

myself and look back at what he’s in the

middle of well I’m in the middle of mine

and tell him about the middle of his and

bring him safely through it and don’t

get him killed

and he’s stubborn so when he wants to

learn how to drive watch this he doesn’t

have enough money to afford a car

but he doesn’t have enough humility to

listen to me when I’m teaching him how

to drive it


I’m just kidding Graham You’re So


he’s going to be a great driver I

prophesied I declare it I decree it I

plead the blood


but that’s what I mean by in between is

Jacob knowing I can’t stay with Laban

where he met his his wife Leah and his

other wife Rachel

and he married one and thought he was

marrying the other

this dude has a lot of problems at night

Jacob needs to put a 9 pm curfew on

himself because he gets in trouble at

night he went and slept with the wrong

sister at night woke up and the Bible’s

so funny the Bible says he thought he

laid down with Rachel that’s who he

wanted to marry he he commits to her

father I’m a work seven years so I can

marry Rachel okay at the end of seven

years the father Laban slips in Leah the

other sister who has what we say the

good personality

Leah has a good personality Jacob goes

to bed thinking it’s Rachel wakes up and

there the Bible says there was Leah so


this is kind of like that because

everything in the text watch this is

what Drew Drew me to the text when I was

thinking about being in between things

nobody’s calling me the young Pastor

anymore but nobody thinks I’m an old

sage either oh God what am I I am not a

spiritual Bible quote and tongue talking

Christian all the time but I’m not

trying to cuss people out either and

start fights because I’ve learned too

much to be ugly all the time and no I’m

gonna have to clean up messes after I

make them so I’m too saved to be angry

and too fleshly to be perfect and I’m

stuck in the middle feeling like ah



because I could handle it if I had the

self-control to just pray for people

that would be one thing if I was just

worldly and I knew Jujitsu I could

handle it that way


but it’s in between so

it’s night time

Jacob is heading to what he thinks is

his appointment

he’s leaving what has been his Refuge

and God

meets him in


the Lord said to tell you today he’s


to meet you in between

and he’s got you

in between

for a reason

hey thanks for stopping by my YouTube

channel I hope you were blessed today if

you were share this with somebody like

And subscribe and leave me a comment let

me know where you’re watching from what

we can pray for you about hope to see

you back here again really soon
