Don’t let your beliefs limit your potential. In “The Greatest Limitation On Your Life,” Pastor Steven Furtick shows us how to unlock our potential by replacing our beliefs with what God really says about us. This is an excerpt from “We Are We Label.” To watch the full message from @elevationchurch, click here:    • We Are We Label | Pastor Steven Furti…   #faith #peace #hope #stevenfurtick #elevationchurch Chapters: 0:00 – God Hates Labels 3:06 – The Greatest Limitation On Your Life 6:42 – God Is More Concerned With You Are 9:04 – We Become What We Believe 11:22 – I Want To Be More… 14:22 – Your Comfort Zone Is What Kills You Scripture References: Romans 4, verse 18

a lot of the times in our life

we will label something

and limit someone

while we are still

figuring out

what it is

and a lot of what God speaks over your


never happens

not because of your limits

but because of your


there were those in the early church

that wanted to limit salvation to those

who were circumcised

Paul says I hate your labels

because in Christ there is no longer

slave nor free male nor female Gentile

non-gentile God doesn’t run around

labeling stuff like you label stuff

and the difference between you and God

is you label things you didn’t even make

you try to label stuff that doesn’t even

belong to you

we try to judge other people I’m real

bothered about it and I don’t want to

talk about it much because I get angry

and I get unfiltered when I think about

it I hate how our culture has become so

eager to believe the worst about anybody

the first time we hear it

I hate that

so something somebody says gets taken

out of context oh now they’re a racist

you didn’t even see the whole sentence

that they said you just read a headline

and now they’re racist

you’re kind of scared to say something

to that we do it all the time and that’s

not black people white people that can

go any way you want to put it we’ll call

somebody something because we heard a

rumor from somebody that we didn’t even

verify if that person was the very thing

that they were calling the other

and especially during political season

when you see how they make these ads

they are preying on our prejudice trying

to get us to believe a snapshot of

somebody so we will go out and

categorize ourselves as enemies of

something that we don’t even understand


and Paul said don’t get this twisted

don’t get this Twisted in Christ it’s

not about what it looks like on the


it is not about what you can identify

Somebody by that you can see and that

you can understand we love labels

because we have limitations on our


so the only way we can get through our

life is to safely categorize people like

we try to organize our pantry so we can

know which shelf to put somebody on


oh he’s not qualified she’s not

qualified she’s from this family oh they

are from that background we love labels

and God

hates them

not telling you to go through and peel

off everything on your soup and your

green beans in your pantry

some superstitious thing like that I’m

saying that

God hates

when we label something

in order to limit something

which is why I chose Romans 4 or why I

believe the Holy Spirit chose Romans 4

to talk to us about this today

because the greatest limitation on your

life right now

is not your potential it’s your belief

when we look at the Bible stories

of characters like Abraham

we get into this complicated story and

we see one example of his life

and he looks like a man of great faith

but how many know we could have labeled

him a lot of things

we could have labeled him a liar because

he lied

we could have labeled him an adulterer

because he slept with somebody he wasn’t

his wife even though the cultural custom

of the time was very different than ours

we could have labeled him a lot of


we could have labeled him by the fact

that he laughed at God we could have

labeled him by a lot of things

but when God labels him he calls him the

father of many nations in fact it says

something that really got my attention

you ready for this it says Abraham

believed and so became

let’s look at that with our own two

eyeballs I want you to believe it

because I said I want you to believe it

because God said it it said in verse

18 Abraham against all Hope in Hope

believed and so became say that with me

he believed

and so became

he believed

and so became

I love that

I love it because you would think he

became it

so he believed it

once he saw the evidence that God could

do what he promised then he believed it

that’s how human hope works you know it

needs to see something to believe it

this is a very different kind of Faith

this faith of Abraham the Faith by which

God justifies us the faith which has an

ability to know

that I can stand in the middle of

something that I don’t understand

waiting on a detail that I don’t yet

have and still believe

God that

get out

that I can produce a promise that is

inside of me that I can’t even perceive

with my senses I feel Faith in my spirit

right now

because sometimes I have to believe

things that I can’t see that I can’t

feel but that God has called me to be

now often when we talk about believing

if you go by cultures understanding of

belief and faith we are believing to

have something I want to have a better

job I want to have a better body I want

to have a wife I want to have a husband

I want to have a child and that’s fine

because God will give you things he will

give you the desires of your heart Psalm

37 4 and not only will he put the desire

in your heart but he will fulfill the

desire so he’ll put the desire there and

he will fulfill the desire he will give

you things that you didn’t even think

you were worthy of having

some of us are standing in a place in

life today that we honestly never knew

to ask God to bring us to I mean I

didn’t know to ask God that I could

pastor this church I made myself

available to him and he did it but that

doesn’t mean that I knew that it was in

me when I asked God to use me but here

you are and here I am and here we are

here we are


the greatest thing that God will give

you faith for though

is not something that he wants you to



that he wants you

to be

not what does God want me to have

although that is a very important thing

to your father I’ll prove it to you

Jesus said that the birds Don’t store up

yet they’re never far from the worm

because your father knows they need them

so he’ll give you a worm

but he is more

concerned infinitely more concerned

about who you are becoming in the

process of receiving

I don’t know who this is for

but if you get it

and God doesn’t get you

you will not be able to sustain

what you obtain

because it’s going to take the same

Grace and the same Faith to keep it that

it takes to come into it

only this Foundation this is so

important this is so important

in the passage I read it said Abraham


and so



when it was so far past his time

when it seemed like there was no way it

would work

when there was nothing pointing to the

fact that he had the potential to bring

forth this nation

believed it

and so he became it

certain scriptures are not prescriptive

meaning that they don’t tell us what to

do they tell us what the character did

that’s called descriptive not all Bible

verses are telling you what to do

for instance Jonah ran from the Lord

so that don’t mean you go and run from

the Lord because you read that Jonah ran

from the Lord is telling you what he did

I give you a better one Judas went and

hanged himself don’t do that

you’re right about the Man start opening

his Bible he said God speak to me give

me a word show me what to do and he

pointed and it said Judas went and

hanged himself he said oh God let me try

that again flipped again put his finger

right down on the Bible and it said

whatever thou doest do quickly don’t do


preacher joke

but look at this I wonder if this

Dynamic I know I’m not Abraham I know

you’re not Abraham I know you’re not the

father of many nations I’m not the

father of many nations I’m the father of

three kids and I got my hands full and

my quiver full and my quiver is

overflowing and my cup is flowing over

and everything’s running over and I’m

grateful and I don’t want any more but

I’m saying thus the dynamic apply that

we all become

what we believe

not what God says

if everybody became what God Said then

everybody would be the righteousness of


if everybody became what God said we

wouldn’t live a day of our life defeated

because we wouldn’t be addicted because

we are more than conquerors through him

who loved us because that’s what God


but it is not what God Said over your


that determines the limit of what you

will be

that limit is determined by your belief

and I just want to stand here and tell

you I want to be all that God called me

to be

all of it

I want to do everything he called me to


I want to walk in everything he called

me to walk in I want to give everything

he called me to give I want to say

everything he called me to say I want to

write everything he called me to write

every song every sermon every

conversation I want to put it all out

here while I’m here as long as I’m here

I want to see what God can do through me

I want to get to heaven and God show me

a whole Warehouse of who I would have


if I had listened to him rather than

listening to the labels of people whose

own minds were limited I don’t want to

get to heaven and God showed me the

church I could have Pastor if I would

have had the faith the stand flat-footed

and say what he told me to say I don’t

want to get there and regret

that God would speak something that I

would refuse to believe I don’t want to

go 10 years not eating Doritos


because you told me Fritos were health


now I want you to get something in your

mind let’s make this a seminar today

because that’s all wonderful oh Abraham

had faith and that’s wonderful and

Abraham set out and that’s wonderful and

Abraham received the promise and that’s

awesome and that’s terrific and that’s

spectacular but if we just do that this

is a fantasy football service

where none of us do anything

but watch somebody do something

and Loosely associate with what they did

and call ourselves a coach

the Lord said a lot of people’s faith is

a Fantasy Realm

we don’t know how to do this believe God

okay yeah I believe God that’s great I

believe in God he’s directing my past

but what does it mean to believe

until you become

in order to do this we’re going to all

do this everybody in the room everybody

on efam I want you to get one thing

write it down put it online if you’re

online put it in your notebook if you’re

on a notebook put it in your phone if

you can open your phone and not be

distracted by the people who have been

texting you who should be in church

right now but are busy distracting you

trying to snatch this word while God’s

preaching it I want you to get one thing

on your mind we’re going to make this so

some you can’t leave here today and be

like okay Abraham is the man

we’re going to talk about you

we’re going to talk about you your label

your limits your faith your belief

because he said we are all the offspring

of Abraham who believe

so God doesn’t look through the room and

be like okay this sermon is good for her

she’s at an 11th grade Christianity

level he’s at the fifth grade she’s at

the third grade uh he’s gonna be he’s

gonna need some summer school God

doesn’t look at the class like that we

all need the same Grace none of us need

many Grace bitty Grace itty bitty little

Grace we all need the same Grace so

here’s what I want you to get on your


what is one thing

that you want to be

that you don’t feel like you are right


I want to be not what I want to have

and don’t put rich

and don’t put skinny

and don’t put ripped

put something that we can’t pull up on

Tick Tock or YouTube shorts right now

put something deeper down I want to be


what is it

put it in the chat if you’re watching

online I believe God is calling me to be


somebody got one shouted out

okay okay I’ll get her one confident

that’s a good one right write that down

hall confident



you said that’s kind of angry loving you

really seem like you need it I’m just

kidding I’m just kidding I just thought

that was funny laughing

love it my God

I want to be more wet

no no no you can’t pray for that one

is that comfortable he said comfortable

because because I’ma tell you why

because a lot of times your comfort zone

is what kills you

so if God makes you more comfortable

he’s going to make you more complacent

because if you get comfortable you get


so God is never going to design a life

for you that doesn’t require him

he’s always going to give you something

in your life where you feel like oh I

don’t deserve this I’m not worthy of

this I can’t do this the moment that

stops happening you stop growing the

moment you stop growing you start dying


and God isn’t like that so he’ll say I

know that at this point in your life

you’ve gotten pretty comfortable Abraham

I know you’re rich Abraham I know you

settled Abraham but I’m going to give

you a place in your life where you don’t

have it yet that you still need me so

that you can see me for who I am not who

you thought I was when you labeled me

when you first met me

hey thanks for stopping by my YouTube

channel I hope you were blessed today if

you were share this with somebody like

And subscribe and leave me a comment let

me know where you’re watching from what

we can pray for you about hope to see

you back here again really soon
