If you haven’t received what you’ve been asking for, it may be time to turn to the source.

you are not blessed based on the Word of
God that you hear or the Word of God

that you understand your base blessed
and your life has changed in accordance

with the Word of God that you apply obey
and act on that’s why you can hear

thirteen years of teaching and still be
mean as the serpent in the Garden of

Eden that’s what no that’s why you can
hear a lot of teaching about love but if

you don’t make the decision to forgive
the teaching about love will be snatched

up by the birds of the air will not take
root in your heart so verse 4 becomes

really important if we really want to
change if we really want to get beneath

the surface and you know not just have a
skin deep spirituality and a skin deep

relationship with God where we can fake
it for a little while and we create

stages to impress people and we have
armor that we put on to go out into our

job but we come home and feel like
miserable miserable people to live with

or we feel like we don’t know how to be
intimate but we know how to be

impressive and so as long as people only
see us from a distance they don’t really

notice we’re starting to cover our skin
and cover our souls and things that are

just leaping out of us at all the wrong
time verse 4 says that naman went to his

master and told him what the girl from
Israel had said and this took courage

and it took humility for naman to go to
his master and show his but to show his

vulnerability when he was a man with so
many victories I just want to stay there

for a minute because sometimes I feel
like we use prayer as an opportunity to

read God our resume you know and while I
think it’s great to celebrate all the

goliaths that we killed
sometimes the Giants in us are kicking

our butt and we don’t say anything about
it until it’s too late

and I’m getting bolder every year I
passed her as I commit more and more to

preaching too the part of you that you
would just as

hi and never mention because I think
that’s where real help is found and

Neyman went to his master and and told
him what the girl from Israel had said I

mean this is this is a servant girl and
naman is what a great man a great man

he’s a great man but he’s got these
spots that are starting to spread and if

he doesn’t do something soon there’s no
telling what might happen next and since

there are no essential oils for this
particular form of leprosy at this point

in antiquity naman has to take the
advice of a little girl and now we have

a great man going to an enemy nation in
Israel because of the advice of a little

girl are you willing to obey God even if
he speaks through something that seems

smaller than you because I notice a lot
of us won’t a lot of teenagers will

listen to me preach and roll their eyes
at their parents and I don’t understand

that because I’m not paying for your
college or your braces I’m not even

buying you ramen noodles and sometimes
I’ve noticed that men will listen to me

preach but their wife knows them better
than I do and could say some things that

would actually help them it’s getting
quiet and even the women left me out on

that one
it’s like that I’m a can still reflect

if y’all don’t help me with this sermon

it’s something about exposure and when a
spot in your life everybody say spot a

leprous spots something that is
consuming you that others can’t see when

it is exposed by an experience that’s
the second stage I wanted to mention is

experience because things will happen in
your life and you’ll come up upon

situations that will expose something
that you would prefer to hide and what

you do next determines whether you get

so naman went to his master and told him
what the girl from Israel it said verse

five says that the King said by all
means go I will send a letter to the

king of Israel so naman left taking with
him ten talents of silver six thousand

shekels of gold that’s like seventy five
pounds of each so naman is going to

Israel with his resources to attain
healing he’s gonna he’s gonna deal with

this like he always deals with things
cuz he’s a great man

he’s a persistent man he’s a prepared
man he’s a powerful man

he’s other things that start with the
letter P as well and the letter that he

took to the king of Israel read with
this letter

I am sending my servant naman to you so
that you may cure him of his leprosy

there’s all kind of stuff wrong with
that sentence it’s like the telephone

game we used to play when you pass a
message along to somebody and it starts

out we’re having Joe chicken for lunch
and it ends with I’m dying of cancer and

you pass it down and it only takes three
people this chain of communication has

polluted the message itself because
number one the servant girl didn’t say

the king can heal him and said the
prophet can and sometimes we run to the

wrong people because we have our own
ideas about where our help comes from

talk to me and it’s not the king that is
going to have the faith to get him

healed it’s the prophet his name is
Elijah but the king sends the commander

to the king because you know this is
this is to me the most logical way to

get him healed we’ll go straight to the
top but watch the Kings response and

this is kind of interesting because when
the king gets a letter and naman shows

up with all of the accumulated wealth
that he believes it’s gonna take to get

him he’ll you know how we have our own
ideas about what it’s gonna take to make

a change in our life and I’m a too how
many think i’ma gonna do it I’m gonna go

back and get my degree and I go back I’m
gonna get my degree and

I’m a imma eat so much Gail’s gonna be
coming out of my nose I’m not even

gluten again until 2024 I’m gonna do hot
yoga and cold yoga and powerlifting and

I’m gonna do it I’m gonna do it all
Marie mabye mama delete ever dis social

media off my phone I’m never going on
Facebook again I got my face in the book

and he shows love stop that he thinks
you need to get healed but his son 4/7

as the king of Israel read the letter he
tore his robes and said oh my god you

want me to do what I got this friend yo
his name is Alex early he was my college

roommate and he used to make prank phone
calls in college and they were hilarious

most of them were clean we were
Christians but he had the ability to

push people to their breaking point
he was a big fan of a guy at the time

who did prank calls named Roy D Mercer
and this guy was famous for taking

people right to the edge and so we would
laughing we still have these phone calls

recorded and one day I’m gonna release
them on soundcloud and these phone calls

to me just bring me joy at times in my
life because everybody’s reaction was

the same he make up of million scenarios
you know he would use this name this

alias do Wayne McGraw duw AI in E and
put a thing over the e cuz it’s French

my name is du Wayne McGraw and he’d say
my boy Bobby is throwing up all over the

shag carpet because I came to grocery
store and I bought bad milk and he would

always say this no matter what scenario
he made up one time it’d be Bobby’s

throwing up on the shag carpet one time
it’d be I took my trousers to your

laundromat and they shrunk up and now
they’re coming up around my thighs and I

look like a European and you know but
whatever scenario he would bring up

their response was generally the same
what do you want me to do about it

what look to the king the king is like
you brought me a leper do you think I’m

God I’m not a doctor I’m a king have you
ever felt like life brought you

something that was above your paygrade
to handle god they’re doing that thing

again where they sit there and look at
me like they always have it together and

they have all the answers cuz I looked
at my kids the other day and said I am

NOT Google I am NOT a search engine
I do not know furthermore I do not care

get out of my face sometimes I wake up
in the middle of the night and replay

things that I’ve said to my kids and
feel so bad that I have to get up and

baptize myself in the bathtub and get
saved again just as I am without one

plea Oh Lamb of God what do you want
from me I’m only a man and the King says

I know what this is this man what can I
kill and bring back to life he’s

triggered because he is confronted with
the situation that he is unable to

transform and whenever life presents you
with something that you were not

equipped for so you got to be a dad and
you didn’t have a dad you got to pay a

bill but God didn’t give you a job
you’ve got to step into something that

you’ve never seen before with the faith
to believe that it’s already done and it

can be exasperated to the point watch
this that you allow your past experience

to contaminate your perspective of the
present moment

remember what I said the the the king of
Aran benedetta

ii would often go and invade ahora más
lands your harms king of israel and so

when he gets the letter saying hey can
you help my guide name it can you heal

my guy naman it triggered within him a
traumatic memory of the last time he was

attacked and so he goes off not because
of the situation that he’s experiencing

but because of past experiences do you
ever wonder why you go off and it’s it’s

inexplicable like the level of the
offense does not match the level of the

outrage and you wonder why what was that
all about

have you ever with the Elevation Church
sticker on your car said some words that

weren’t bless the Lord O my soul and
wondered you know how y’all think Holly

is so sweet what time in college she was
singing a worship song in her Ford

Contour and the song said I was there I
was in the passenger seat the song said

you are so patient with me Lord she
didn’t get to Lourdes before she was

screaming at the at the Dodge Ram that
pulled out in front of her and she is

loud Holly is like when she’s up here a
reflection be smiling but say something

about Holly Ferdie

what bow is that all about where did
that voice come from wait and then the

devil starts telling you all well you
know you’re not a real Christian you’re

hypocrite some of y’all are gonna lose
it before the day is over because of

your fantasy football lineup no not
because of anything significant to

anything having to do with real life in
any way because of other men that have

absolutely no effect on you other than a
hundred dollars at the end of the season

and you wonder why did I there go off
like that it’s understandable because we

live in not only the age of anxiety but
if you notice we live in the age of

outrage to how trendy it is now to just
get mad about anything that you don’t

like the first time you hear it well
y’all aren’t gonna like this part of the

sermon I don’t think too much but can I
be honest with you I don’t really care

what shoes you wore to church today no
maybe my perspective is different but I

spent I spent too much time seeing
people’s butts to care about what you

have on your feet today so I don’t have
time when team suicide is at an all-time

high to check and see if you’re wearing
adidas or Nike if you got Yeezys or you

want to just do it I don’t really have
time to debate with you about a swoosh

or a commercial or get mad about I
really don’t have time for it up here

when people’s lives are on the line I
really don’t have time for it in here

when people are on antidepressants and a
rate that’s making them more depressed

but they don’t know where else to turn
and we’re running to all kinds of places

better leaving us empty
but we want to fight there will be at

least one comment on this YouTube video
about the holes in my jeans are you for

real right now but it triggers something
you’re not fighting me over shoes you’re

not fighting me over jeans
one moment old me until you save your

beard I can’t watch you anymore

this is psychotic

she said I’m praying for you I want to
say I’m praying for you I’m a fast forty

days if you’re bad bad stop I don’t know
why I went off I think like for me this

is just what I’m working through and so
this makes you think I’m crazy or right

but I’m going through this season of my
life where I don’t want to keep blaming

my environment or consulting things that
happen in my life because the cross of

Jesus Christ gives me a new reality
and it really changes everything in the

sense that all of my life has to be
viewed through that lens of what he did

for me and who he says I am if I’m not
careful I’ll be like the king who when

confronted with an impossible situation
that reminded him of a past hurt he

inflicted the opportunity of his present
moment with the pain of his past

did you see him saying he projected see
every time he dealt with Arum it was an

attack and now it’s an opportunity for
this man to be healed and see what God

can do but if what you went through
isn’t healed by what Christ did for you

you will treat the opportunity like an
attack hey thank you for watching make

sure you subscribe to this channel so
you don’t miss a single video or live

stream and share this video with a
friend and don’t forget you can join me

live every Sunday thanks again for