The books of 1 and 2 Samuel highlight the life and influences of the prophet Samuel—especially in the early chapters of 1 Samuel, which record his miraculous birth and prophetic calling. Through Samuel’s prophetic office, God allowed and established a king in Israel. Though God wanted to be his people’s King, they wanted to have a human king like those over other nations. So, he gave them Saul and then later David, the two monarchs who are the main focus of 1–2 Samuel. These books not only show Samuel’s influence over Israel in bringing God’s Word to his people, but they also teach some powerful spiritual lessons. We see the consequences of disobedience as Saul’s failure to obey God cost him his kingdom rule. But, we also see the emergence of David as the “man after [God’s] own heart” (1 Sam 13:14). In 2 Samuel, David is anointed as king, and God makes a covenant with him to establish his royal line forever—a line through which the Messiah would come. Thus, David is a key figure in God’s kingdom agenda—not only for Israel but for the whole world. Second Samuel is about spiritual priorities and obedience, but it is also about grace. When David sinned greatly, God did not take his life. He showed him mercy. Both books teach us to walk under God’s kingdom rule so that we can experience the full benefit of his kingdom blessing as kingdom people.
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