Dr. Tony Evans delves into the concept of order in the court of God. He draws parallels between a courtroom setting and the disruptions caused by Satan’s influence in our lives, families, and society. He emphasizes the importance of aligning ourselves with God’s order, discussing how rebellion disrupts the proceedings and can lead to a breakdown of divine connection and assistance. By understanding the principles of authority, submission, and representation, we can strive for harmony and fulfillment in our lives according to God’s plan. SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/drtonyev… If you would like to download two encouraging, FREE full-length MP3s of Tony’s popular sermons: “The Sovereignty of God” and “How to Handle a Crisis,” you can do so by clicking on this link: https://share.hsforms.com/1atT9MJvXQN…

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Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative and author of over 100 books, booklets and Bible studies. The first African American to earn a doctorate of theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, he has been named one of the 12 Most Effective Preachers in the English-Speaking World by Baylor University. Dr. Evans holds the honor of writing and publishing the first full-Bible commentary and study Bible by an African American. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on over 1,400 radio outlets daily and in more than 130 countries. Dr. Evans’ sermons are also streamed and downloaded over 20,000,000 times annually. #tonyevans #tonyevanssermon #GodsPlan

if I submit to the one above me it’ll

take care of the problems underneath me

if I submit to the one in charge of me

it’ll cover the stuff underneath me a

lot of us want God to cover the stuff

down here when he can’t get us to submit

to the one up there but if we can submit

to the one up there he’ll cover a lot of

the junk down here in our situations and

in our culture


thank you

we’ve all either been in a courtroom or

seen on television

a judge stop the proceedings bang his

gavel and call for Order in the Court

the judge is going to do that because

there has been a disruption in the


there has been something that has

interfered with the process

the ultimate disrupter

of the order of your life your world

your family the church the society

is the program in process

of Satan

his goal is to bring about disorder in

the court of God

we’ve spent some time talking about the

fact that God relates to his creation

covenantally thus legally

relationally to be sure because a

covenant is a divinely created

relational Bond

and he wants to disrupt the proceedings

in order to detour you and me and us

from our destiny

from God’s purpose

and from what God wants to happen in our

lives he creates


so what I want to do today is I want you

to hear God call for Order in the Court

First Corinthians Chapter 14 verse 40

says that all things that God has to do

with must be done decently and with


there must be order in the courtroom of

God for the proceedings for your


to continue

now to understand this we have to go all

the way back

to the creative order

when God created he created

civilization and history to operate in a

certain order

when that order is disrupted

Satan gets to rule so there must be


in the court order in the operation of

God’s programming

in history

now this principle applies even to


because it applies to even governments

Titus Chapter 3 verse 1 says make sure

that the citizens are properly subject

to the government

so it is a system that God is operating

from Humanity so this racial chaos and

cultural chaos and all this stuff is

satanic disruption to keep God away and

here’s the key if you’re out of order

then your prayers are not going to be


that when you when the order is


then there is chaos

and confusion satanic success

so there must be a Return To Order in

the Court


First Corinthians 11 verse 3.

the book of First Corinthians as Paul

writes a church that is out of order

the church at Corinth was a chaotic


Paul has got to get things back on track

and so he says

but I Want You Verse 3 to understand

that Christ is the head of every man

the man is the head of a woman

and God is the head of Christ

he lays out a divine order

the word head

the word hand is the divinely authorized

governing Authority that’s what we mean

by hand or headship it is the divinely

authorized governing authority to be had

in scriptural language is that you have

been duly authorized to operate in this

realm in this sphere this way by God it

is called headship

God is the head of Christ so let’s start

there since that becomes the Paradigm

for how we function here God is the head

of Christ now we all know Christ is

equal to God

Christ is God the son he has all the

marks of deity

so headship has absolutely nothing to do

with equality of being

because Jesus is equal to God Jesus says

me and my father we are one you know the

Bible says all the fullness of deity

dwells in him in bodily form so all that

makes God God is Incorporated in the

person of Jesus Christ yet we’re told

in verse 3 that God that is the father

is the head the governing authority of


so headship is not concerned with

equality of being it is concerned with

inequality of function

it is a functional difference not an

Essence difference

why is God the head of Christ

God is the head of Christ because there

was a program to perform in history

namely our redemption in order for the

program and the purpose

to be realized from Heaven into history

Jesus had to volunteer

so he who was in the form of God thought

it not robbery to be equal with God

Philippians chapter 2 and made himself

of no reputation he volunteered for the

purpose of redemption let me go a little


in the principle of headship

is the principle of representation

whoever is above you represents you

say that again

whoever is above you represents you

the Bible says in Adam all die

well wait a minute we weren’t in the

Garden of Eden

we didn’t need the forbidden fruit

when an offensive lineman goes offside

the whole team is penalized not just


because they’re part of the team

you and I are part of the human race

Adam was our representative

and in Adam all die

because we had a representative who

failed and it affected us

that’s why it’s important to know when

you need to switch Representatives

because in Adam all died

but Jesus is the last adder

so you know why you’re here today

because you switched reps

you’re now tied to the last Adam not the

first Adam because the first Adam is

physical death and eternal death the

last Adam is no physical death and

eternal life

so you switch Representatives


it is in this understanding

of the representative principle



that is critical for now you and I

operating in history in the courtroom of

God as he calls for Order in the Court

this this order started with Satan

he did not want to follow the regime

he was the archangel

Chief angel in charge

and his big statement was I will be like

the most high

he wanted there to be two gods

and two kingdoms

now what was it about God that he wanted

so badly what was it about God he knew

he couldn’t create he couldn’t create


so he Rebels

and so he is wreaking havoc with

Rebellion he’s first started with the

angels He got one third of the angels to

rebel and I like the way Jude puts it

book of Jude verse 6 says and Angels who

did not keep their own domain but

abandoned the proper Abode their proper

role he has kept in Eternal bonds under

the darkness for the Judgment of the

great day so the angels that rebelled

with Satan are now under judgment

because they left the position God put

them in verse 9 but Michael the

Archangel kind of took the place of

Satan when he disputed with the devil

and argued about the body of Moses did

not dare pronounce against Satan him a

railing judgment but said the Lord

rebuke you

he appealed to a higher order

but if you out of order you lose your


he says

this is how Christ operates

and therefore Redemption was achieved

but he goes deeper

he says


is the head

of every man

you don’t get to Define manhood

independently of the Jesus rule in your



Dr Evans will be right back after this

important announcement





thank you

God did not create Adam and Eve at the

same time

they were not created simultaneously on


in Genesis chapter 2 he creates man

he gives man a job

cultivate the garden

he gave him his word from every tree to

God you may freely eat

you know treat in the midst of the God

and you would not eat Adam I’m telling

you what to do I am your boss

I’m the boss here

okay he tells how to name all the

animals right

yeah some pears cows you know giraffes

elephants he naming all the animals

and God goes over here and he Fashions a

woman okay and the Bible says

Adam named her

that’s why I love being a man


because you get the name stuff

he named her and he says whatever he

named her named that became its name

he brought it but Adam named her

whatever you name you’re responsible for


see naming involves responsibility

you you have to own the responsibility

so if she took your name she’s accepting

that you’re going to be responsible




slick comes into the garden

and he skips Adam

in Genesis 3 1-6 he skips Adam and he

goes and talks to Eve

he appeals to Sister girls emotions

she starts feeling this tree and feeling

the fruit it was a delight to make one’s

eyes he leaves off the word Lord only

says God because Satan doesn’t mind

religion as long as Jesus is not in

charge so he drops the name Lord

and it says and she gave to Adam to eat


when they sinned

God did not come looking for Eve

he said Adam where are you

but he said but this woman I wasn’t I

was happy single this woman who you gave

me like I was fine this woman who you

gave me he’s oh no no no no no no no no

no no no no I left you in charge

so if the house is out of order you’re



he says

I held you in charge Adam where are you

and then he says because you listen to

your wife

because even your woman is not to

overrule me

I’m in charge here and I’m in charge of

you and my word has the final say so

every man is under Christ he’s under

Spiritual Authority

that’s what headship means

he says this belongs to every single man

in fact he gave him a reminder because

remember he was not on the scene yet

he put a tree in the den

tree in the in the den because it was in

this it was in the middle of the garden

he said

when you pass through the den you pass

through this tree this information


he says you can’t eat that

because I don’t want you to get your

information independently of me

I want I want to be your information

center because there’s evil on this tree

that’s good on this tree too but there’s

evil I don’t want you trying to figure

that out

I want you Consulting with me and I’ll

tell you what’s right wrong good bad up


I’m your boss

I’m your boss that’s why Satan wants to

get rid of many wants to get rid of men

because he wants to get rid of the order

and so in getting rid of men and making

them irresponsible and making them not

fulfill their obligations and keeping

them from repent when they do fail all

of that is designed to disrupt the

courtroom proceedings

okay ladies your turn


he says in verse 3 the man is the head

of a woman

okay let’s get it straight not all women

so don’t get that don’t get this messed

up man you ain’t you ain’t over every

female okay

I know you think you Don Juan and all

that Billy D and all that kind of stuff


a woman


governing Authority divinely authorized

governing Authority but you won’t do it

right if you’re not under Christ

if you’re not under Christ then you

won’t be leading right

she is to place herself under his

legitimate Authority that is her first

commitment is to the Lord

so you have the power of appeal

when your head is off

you have the power of appeal and you

should use that power both in heaven and

through the church when there is

rebellion on his part and he names the

name of Christ which means there’s

authority of the church to be operating

that’s why First Corinthians 6 says the

church should have a court to mitigate


no woman is to be abused misused cussed

at uh physically harmed

you’re you’re not to be treated like a

rag doll you’re not to be used up and

toe up from the floor you don’t have to

accept that

nor should you accept that because he

calls himself a man ah no he has a head

over him and when his head over him

can’t get to him you have a point of

appeal it says you are to recognize his

headship and you are to given there’s no

command in the Bible for a wife to love

her husband none

none Titan says teach the woman how to

love their husband but that’s not a

command that’s an indicative there’s no

command in the Bible for a wife to love

her husband the command is to respect



a woman’s knee is in her heart a man’s

need is in his hand

he needs to know he is honored held in

high esteem highly valued

Ephesians 5 33 see to it that you

respect your husband

but then he goes a little deeper he says

verse 4 every man with something on his

head while praying is prophesying

disgraces his head that is this gracious

Christ every woman who has her head

uncovered while praying and prophesy

this grace is her head which is her

husband for she is one and the same as

the woman who is shaved

okay now we get into this head covering

okay stay with me here

in verse 16 which is very important but

if one is inclined to be contentious we

have no other practice

the Greek word that means custom

nor have the Churches of God

there was a practice a custom

there was a it was a physical visible

demonstration that I recognized I’m

doing this under legitimate he was

legitimate Authority okay so she

demonstrated that


there were women refusing to do it

he says well if if you if you really

want to be a man why don’t you just cut

all your head off

he’s speaking about their Rebellion

which was reflected in the custom or the


so he’s not saying every woman who comes

into church has to have available first

of all if they pray to prophesy so it

wasn’t just in general but he’s dealing

with the problem of women who are out of


rebellious women rebellious wives

who don’t want to submit to legitimate

keyword legitimate a legitimate


and he says that Rebellion

you want to be a man that way so let’s

get something straight

women are women and men are men okay

a man is a real man when he’s operating

under Christ a woman is a real woman

when she’s operating under Christ and if

she has a man legitimately underneath

his authority

why does this matter

verse 10.

therefore the woman ought to have a

symbol of authority that’s our word

on her head

because of the Angels


what’s Angel’s got to do with this

because of the Angels

remember we’re talking about ordering

the court

God has a post office

every day the postman comes to your

house to deliver the mail

they are the postal workers of the

delivery system

from the post office they deliver

every believer has been assigned an


Hebrews 1 14.

so every believer

and in this case he’s talking to women

the principle is for every believer

though every believer has an angel

assigned to them so you have a

postal worker from Heaven who’s assigned

to deliver the mail to you

in other words they deliver God’s

answers to your prayers they deliver

God’s answers to your needs they deliver

God’s answers to your circumstances

when you are operating in Rebellion to

legitimate this word legitimate


your angel takes the day off

you will not get the delivery of Heaven

to your prayers to your needs if you are

rebelling against Divine Authority if

you are a rebellious woman rebellious

wife same principle for men if you are

not operating underneath God’s regimen

Authority then your prayers are not

heard answers are not given because

there is confusion in the court

he says because of the Angels you you

will not get Angelic assistance

your sign Angel is not working for you

and so a lot of men and a lot of women

are not getting what they need from God

because the post office is saying stay

in they ain’t home

they’re operating in spiritual rebellion

and so they are in contempt of court

Isaiah chapter 3 verse 12. says this

because the people weren’t doing it

God’s way it says oh my people

their children are their oppressors

the women are ruling over them

oh my people those who Guide You Lead

You astray

and confuse the direction of your past

we got confusion because we look

listening to the wrong leaders

and we’re not making an appeal or we’re

being the wrong leaders

he says that was chaos in the culture

children were telling parents what to do

women were were bossing men around the

men went around and let me tell you what

happened with the men verse 23 verse 25

your men will fall by the sword

in other words ruling women make weak



your men are falling men are collapsing

because everything is out of order

for how I created it

First Corinthians chapter 7.

it says in verse

14 for the unbelieving husband is

Sanctified through his wife and the

unbelieving wife is Sanctified through

her believing husband for otherwise your

children are unclean but now they are

holy when you’re operating in order you

bring benefit to everybody else in your


and he says

you keep your children safe amen God

covers your children when you’re in


when you get a chance this week read


chapter 7.

verses 2 to 10.

here’s a centurion he’s a big man he’s a

he’s a he’s a he’s a main man and

there’s sickness in his house


and appeals to God or Jesus come here

I got sickness in my house there’s no

solution come here

Jesus is on his way to heal

the Centurion he’s a big time guy

tell Jesus he don’t need to come

and then he says watch this I’m a man

under Authority

but then I tell my man go here and do

this and do that and they do it just

because I said it

I’m a man under see I’m under Authority

but I’m also in Authority I got somebody

over me but I’m over some other folk so

I’m under Authority and I’m in authority

so you don’t have to come all you got to

do is speak the word

because I understand a principle

Jesus says about this man in Luke

chapter 7 I have never seen Faith like

this in all of Israel what was he

talking about faith like this it was

faith that understood Authority the man

said I’m under Authority I’m over a

thing I got folks over me so I know this

thing how this thing works and if I

submit to the one legitimately above me

it’ll take care of the problems

underneath me if I submit to the one in

charge of me it’ll cover the stuff

underneath me a lot of us want God to

cover the stuff down here when he can’t

get us to submit to the one up there but

if we can submit to the one up there

he’ll cover a lot of the junks down here

that we need in our situations and in

our culture every man is under Christ

every woman is under the legitimate mail

and all of us are under the rule of God

and then we can see Heaven come down in

history and the kingdom of God advance




thank you