Dr. Tony Evans reminds us how to find encouragement and support in times of fear and uncertainty. Drawing on the importance of community and fellowship within the church, join him as he emphasizes the value of seeking help and being help to others in times of need. SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/drtonyev… If you would like to download two encouraging, FREE full-length MP3s of Tony’s popular sermons: “The Sovereignty of God” and “How to Handle a Crisis,” you can do so by clicking on this link: https://share.hsforms.com/1atT9MJvXQN… If you would like to sign up for our daily devotional bringing you hope and inspiration, please go to this link: https://share.hsforms.com/1CkOLA910Sm… ▶ Do you know Jesus as your Savior? https://tonyevans.org/know-jesus-christ/ ▶ Stream Sermons: https://tonyevans.org/podcast/ ▶▶ Free Sermon App: https://subsplash.com/tonyevans/app/ ▶▶ DONATE: https://give.tonyevans.org/the-altern… ▶ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drtonyevans/ ▶ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drtonyevans/ ▶ Are you a preacher? Free sermon outlines: https://go.tonyevans.org/dr-tony-evan… Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative and author of over 100 books, booklets and Bible studies. The first African American to earn a doctorate of theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, he has been named one of the 12 Most Effective Preachers in the English-Speaking World by Baylor University. Dr. Evans holds the honor of writing and publishing the first full-Bible commentary and study Bible by an African American. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on over 1,400 radio outlets daily and in more than 130 countries. Dr. Evans’ sermons are also streamed and downloaded over 20,000,000 times annually. #tonyevans #tonyevanssermon #Encouragement

that sometimes God uses the wrong things

from our perspective

to accomplish his purpose

in our life sometimes God uses something

that we would never see coming or

someone that we would never see coming

to help us or to instruct us or to

challenge us or to grow us so watch the

left hand I went out and took this

boxing lesson the other day and I don’t

know if I’m going to go back because

I got these these uh these injured

shoulders these 43 year old men injuries

so I gotta weigh the cost benefit

of going out there and doing this this

MMA at this stage in my life but when he

was teaching me the the boxing stuff


he said I’m glad you you know your

stance because one time a guy showed me

that because I’m right-handed

I don’t lead with my right foot

that the leg that my power comes from

boom my right hand I’m going to Pivot

off that leg so I I don’t want to stand

up right now and demonstrate this

because I might scare you but your left

leg leads

right and then you pivot from the hip to

get the power

from the right hand


I’m leading with the leg that’s not on

my strong side

so power can come from the back


I probably need to take another boxing

lesson or two before I start teaching

this principle publicly but between me

and you I think that

is in itself kind of a metaphor

for the fact that sometimes God will

lead with something that looks like

weakness left leg weak side

because the power is in the pivot

so that his power watch this his right


can do the work

God sent a left-handed deliverer

and you know I don’t know the

percentages but there are less

left-handed people

and particularly in the military some

commentators say that it was unusual for

a left-handed

a left-handed

Marksman or a left-handed Archer or a

left-handed Slinger to be promoted in

the ranks you know the right-handed

people but first well we’re going to see

all through the Book of Judges as I come

back to these devotions while we’re

doing our personal family reading from

the Book of Judges we’re going to see

over and over again


sometimes God is going to do something

and he’s going to lead with the left

he’s going to lead with the thing that

we don’t expect

and many times in your life you are

diminishing what makes you different

and Destiny is sometimes in your


you are comparing yourself so much to

others who you think oh they’re the

right person they’re the they do it the

right way they got the right stuff

you know the New Kids on the Block

weren’t the only ones singing about you

got the right stuff we all look at

somebody else well she got the right

stuff he’s got the right stuff


I guess God can use them how smart they


wow I guess God can use them oh God

charismatic there I guess God can use


look what all their parents taught them

look what they inherited stop talking

about that and look in the left hand

what do you have

that is uniquely you

that God can use

for his purpose

Isaiah said I am like an arrow my mouth

is like an arrow that God has hidden

it is hidden because it is significant

you are hidden because you are


really important things you put away

or thieves can’t break in and steal


God has things locked inside of you

he’s locked them because they are

valuable he has locked the treasure the

resource of your contribution

of your spiritual gift

of your acts of service and when the

time is right

he’s going to bring you forth and use


and so the idea that

he locked the door what’s the

significance of him locking the door and

it says in a later verse that they found

the key and unlocked the door where the

King was sitting there Dead with his

gut spilling out