Make a Big Deal About Jesus This Christmas | Tony Evans Highlight

Dr. Tony Evans urges believers to make Jesus the centerpiece of their Christmas celebration, emphasizing that true peace, joy, and purpose come from honoring Christ as King. SUBSCRIBE:… If you would like to download two encouraging, FREE full-length MP3s of Tony’s popular sermons: “The Sovereignty of God” and “How to Handle a Crisis,” you can do so by clicking on this link:… If you would like to sign up for our daily devotional bringing you hope and inspiration, please go to this link:… ▶ Do you know Jesus as your Savior? ▶ Stream Sermons: ▶▶ Free Sermon App: ▶▶ DONATE:… ▶ Facebook:   / drtonyevans   ▶ Instagram:   / drtonyevans   ▶ Are you a preacher? Free sermon outlines:… Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative and author of over 100 books, booklets and Bible studies. The first African American to earn a doctorate of theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, he has been named one of the 12 Most Effective Preachers in the English-Speaking World by Baylor University. Dr. Evans holds the honor of writing and publishing the first full-Bible commentary and study Bible by an African American. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on over 1,400 radio outlets daily and in more than 130 countries. Dr. Evans’ sermons are also streamed and downloaded over 20,000,000 times annually. #tonyevans #tonyevanssermon #Christmas

so don’t you leave Christ out this

Christmas in fact make a big deal about

him because that blood still has healing

power that blood still has saving power

that blood still has delivering power

that blood still has Freedom Power that

blood can overcome the worst thing you

are facing today I’m going to make a big

deal about Jesus so I can get all of God

that God wants to give

me the reason why we have a lot of

trouble we have in our world in our

lives in our homes today is because the

King has been

rejected so as a result there’s chaos

and confusion and weeping and mourning

and pain and division because Jesus can

be in the vicinity he just can’t be on


throne he can’t be telling me what to do

he can’t be my point of reference he

can’t overrule me let me

explain if Jesus can’t overrule you you

not celebrating

Christmas if Jesus can’t silence you

when he speaks you’re not celebrating

Christmas if Jesus can’t tell you no

when you think yes you’re not

celebrating Christmas if Jesus can’t

boss you around you’re not celebrating

Christmas you’re celebrating you like

it’s your

birthday you see harod didn’t want

competition he didn’t want any anybody

else claiming a throne next to

him the Bible says that Jesus Christ is

King of Kings and is Lord of

lords and he’s in charge so if you

really want to celebrate

Christmas tell Jesus he’s your

king he’s your ruler he’s the final say

so over your life now you’re ready for a

holiday so you’re not ready for a

holiday just cuz you got off of

work you’re not ready for a holiday just

because the food is in the oven just

because the family is coming over if

Jesus is not King just call it a

party but don’t call it

Christmas because the wise men wanted to

know where the King

was and Herod was upset cuz there’s a

king in the vicinity if he’s not in

charge it’s not

Christmas so today we have people who

want to claim the holiday but not claim

the Christ

politicians who want to pay

homage but who don’t want to be ruled by

him and wonder why we all can’t get

along wonder why conflicts

abound you

see we don’t finish a statement when we

quote some Bible

verses peace on

Earth and Good Will to men you going to

hear that all holiday season peace peace

on Earth Good Will to men but they going

to leave something

off because Jesus said they going to be

peace on Earth and Good Will to men with

whom he’s well

pleased he go say with whom he’s well

pleased see everybody want the first

part but not the last part they don’t

want to please him but they want peace

on Earth and Good Will to men you can’t

have peace in your life you can’t have

peace peace in your home you can’t have

peace in your mind you can’t have peace

in your circumstances if he’s not

pleased with

you so if you want all of that then you

better make sure he happy on his

birthday in fact you should be singing

the song every day it’s your birthday

it’s your birthday you better tell Jesus

it’s his

birthday fact make every day

Christmas because then he’s well

pleased and then the conflicts the

harmony the peace The Joy the stuff that

we want that people will be singing

about and praying about and talking

about becomes a possibility because he

is well you cannot displease Jesus and

get the benefits of his

throne doesn’t work that


well there’s another group that missed

Christmas the religious

folk the folk who went to

church how can you go to church and miss

Christmas cuz we’re


that King

Herod when he heard about this

king called together verse four of

Matthew 2 all the chief priests and

scribes of the people he inquired of

them where Messiah was to be born now

let’s let’s just stop there he goes to

all the religious folk the preachers the

leaders and he says where is Messiah to

be born wait minute the first thing he

did is he called him

Messiah that means he knew enough

Bible to reference who this king would

be cuz he calls him the Messiah and the

Messiah would be the anointed one

prophesied in the Old

Testament he went to the preachers cuz

they had been the

Seminary they’ve been a bible college

and they knew the Bible yeah so there

everybody talking about this King Herod

says so clergy tell me where this king

is going to be

born the religious folk said verse 5 in

Bethlehem of

Judea for this is what the prophet

wrote and you Bethlehem land of Judah

are by no means least among the leaders

of Judah for out of you shall come forth

a ruler who will be who will Shepherd My


Israel they

quoted Micah

52 that’s a quote from Micah 52 now

watch this Micah was written 700

years before this event in Matthew the

birth of Jesus

so 700 years before Jesus was born Micah

prophesied that Messiah the ruler would

be born in Bethlehem now you have to

understand Bethlehem is a two- bit town

in other words it’s a tiny village if

you were going to guess you wouldn’t

guess Bethlehem it’s too

insignificant but 700 years see some

people want to know why you so why you

so EV stuck on the

Bible I’m stuck on the Bible cuz if you

can predict 700 years before an event

happens not only that the event going to

happen who’s going to be involved in the

event when it happens but the specific

location of a two bit town where it’s

going to happen oh I’m going to take

that book

serious that’s why we believe here at

Oak Cliff in the inherency of scripture

that means it is without error that’s

right it is without error every word is

inspired it’s called plenary verbal

inspiration every word comes from the

mouth of God and it is

perfect so guess what these religious

leaders knew the scripture cuz when

Herod asked them where he was going to

be born they quoted Micah 52 on the spot

yes yes but wait a minute they knew the

scripture but never made the trip

yeah they knew the verse but they didn’t

go to Bethlehem wait a minute the guys

who didn’t go to Seminary didn’t go to

Bible College the wise men the folks who

didn’t have formal biblical

training went to

Bethlehem the folk who were in The Bible

Church didn’t go to Bethlehem

they knew the Bible but they didn’t make

the trip what I’m trying to say is if

you know the

Bible but don’t go and meet the

Savior you miss

Christmas you see if the written word

doesn’t lead you to the Living Word it

just becomes another

word unless your knowledge of the Bible

leads you to a deeper walk with the

Savior then the Bible will be of no

value to you they knew the Bible but

they never went to

Bethlehem it’s better to know less and

go to Jesus than to know more and stay

away from Jesus because the purpose of

the written word is to lead you to the

Living Word and so these Bible to qu


folk never made it to an intimate

relationship with Jesus

Christ as John 5:39 and 40 says Jesus

says you do search the

scriptures but you don’t have life

because you don’t come to me unless you

are drawn to him because of what you

read don’t make don’t misunderstand me

you need what is written

but the purpose of what is written is to

cultivate a deeper

relationship so you can study the Bible

till you blew in the face and be as

carnal or unsaved cuz these folk were

unsaved but they knew their Bible on

their way to hell but they could quote

scripture no they missed

Christmas because the written word

didn’t lead lead them to The Living Word

even when Jesus became a grown man in

Luke 4 verse 22 and he he Pro he had

proven he was the Messiah all they could

say was isn’t this Joseph’s son I mean

the blind of seeing and the the lame of

walking and the deaf of hearing and he’s

proclaiming to be Messiah cuz Messiah

was supposed to do all this and all they

could come was isn’t that Joseph’s Son

by now you should know this is more than

a carpent the

son but they hadn’t graduated

in their intimacy they only graduated

with their

information that’s why the Bible says

the letter kth you can become a worse

Christian by studying the Bible because

you’re not led to the person that the

Bible is about you’re not drawn to the

Savior you’re not drawn to Jesus Christ

now why why weren’t these religious

people drawn to the Savior yeah I mean

Bethlehem from Jerusalem I mean it’s not

that far was not like a long trip you

ain’t need an airplane you could walk

it but here’s the

problem the reason that they didn’t go

see Jesus is they didn’t think they had

a problem that Jesus needed to

solve in other words they don’t they

didn’t understand why Jesus came he came

to deal with sin and to provide

Salvation And if you don’t understand

that’s why he came then you missing a

party cuz Jesus is not there he came to

deal with sin in our lives so that we

would be saved and s in our lives so

that we would have fellowship with him


inde so they knew the

Bible but they never made it to

Jesus so the question I want to ask you

is are you missing Christ This

Christmas is this a holiday if it’s only

a holiday that’s fine yeah call it that

but don’t call it

Christmas cuz if Christ doesn’t have

anything to do with it what good is a

birthday if the person who the birthday

is for is not

welcome and that’s the kind of world you

and I are living in today we are having

a christless Christmas other than

mentioning him from time to time out of

courtesy no you give you give him the

honor do his name cuz cuz when you

understand the folks who discovered

Christmas and what they did even with

when Mary wrapped him in the cloth that

was a deep thing when she wrapped them

in a car that’s more than a

diaper but if you don’t understand that

you won’t understand

Christmas one of the things that you

need to know when the wise men came you

you see all these nativity

scenes where the wise men are

surrounding a baby in a Manger yeah

that’s not what what the Bible says says

when the wise men came Jesus was a

toddler in a house not a baby in a

Manger but if you don’t read the

scripture you’re going to be fooled by

nativity scenes he was a toddler in the

house so if they saw the star when he


born but they couldn’t get to him until

he was a tiddler in a house that meant

they took many months to get to him cuz

you’re getting close to 2 years old if

you’re a toddler they figured Jesus was

worth the journey we won’t even go down


street to celebrate

Jesus when they cross continents to get

to him cuz they knew who they were

dealing with when you understand he’s

the king of kings and the Lord of lords

then you’re willing to be convenience

for that party because you understand

that he’s a king on a throne and he’s

worthy to be

praised so don’t you leave Christ out

this Christmas in fact make a big deal

about him so if I were you and if you

were me make a big deal about Jesus this

Christmas because that blood still has

healing power that blood still has

saving power that blood still has

delivering power that blood still has

Victory power that blood still has

Freedom Power that blood can overcome

the worst thing you are facing today so

if I were you and you were me

I make a big deal about Jesus if God

gets excited about the big deal you make

about Jesus I’m telling God right now

you going to have a lot to be excited

about cuz it’s going to be Jesus in the

morning Jesus at noon time and Jesus

when the Sun goes down I’m going to make

a big deal about Jesus so I can get all

of God that God wants to give me cuz

Jesus is the reason for the season
