Chrystal and Jonathan talk with their Dad about some of the issues facing families and individuals today. Do you have questions or concerns not covered in today’s video? Post yours in the comments and let us know.

[Chrystal] hey y’all we had an opportunity to air

the message from Sunday what on earth is

going on and I know a lot of you all

have seen that and we’ve been looking at

your comments we see your concerns we

see your responses and we wanted to take

this opportunity just to present some of

your questions and some of the things

that you’ve mentioned to dad we see a lot

of you talking about how you were both

excited to see us still having church on

Sunday in an empty sanctuary but someone

actually said that they were convicted

because it reminded them of the fact

that with Church being empty that

shouldn’t stop their engagement with God

but by themselves kind of what do they

do they’re at a loss without coming to

church and without being led in worship

what they can do with all of this extra

time that they now have to seek God for

themselves so how can somebody who’s at

home spend time in practical ways with

God [Tony] well that’s a great question and

it’s also this crisis that’s created a

great opportunity because you know in

Scripture they not only gather together

you know corporately but they went from

house to house so you got you had you

had a lot of house churches and I think

often collective gathering has sometimes

taken away from personal worship and to

come to God now in a daily surrender one

because you can’t go to church and

number two because we’re in a crisis you

put those two together then you take the

Word of God and since the Bible says the

Holy Spirit is in us we are the temple

and the temple of the place of worship

this is a learning opportunity to enter

into personal church each day doesn’t

have to be long like your regular church

service but now it can be regular

because you have the flexibility and the

freedom to do that how do you do that you can take

a section of scripture you can take a

devotional book you can

go online it’s a technology that’s given us

all kind of things I mean you know our

ministry has devotionals those other

ministries have devotionals so so you can

use the support of others

you know songs that you have sung in

church now’s the time for you to be your

own choir director and your own song leader

and sing it to the Lord not be ashamed

about your voice okay and sing to him

praise him pray to him look at His word

and then use this time to deal with

things in your life with Him that you

know you need to deal with that Church

can cover up but now that you’re in your own

private place you don’t have to hide now

you can be raw with God respectfully raw

[Jonathan] but this kind of shows us too

how much of a dependency we

have on the brick and mortar that we

have this great dependency on well I’m

gonna go to church and when I get inside

the building that’s when I’m gonna have

an opportunity to worship God and so

talk about what we’re going through as a

country right now and how that’s gonna

strip us of that dependency where people

are gonna say well now I can’t just go

to church I have to really learn how to

be the church [Tony] well absolutely I think

one of the benefits of a bad situation

that God allows which Bible calls

trials these trials are designed to

teach and so we’re in a teaching learning

situation since our country for example

since our country is so disunified God

decided to help us get together

that’s what he did was he created a crisis

or He allowed a crisis to force things so

when it comes to now defining church you

know in Acts chapter 8 God let

persecution come in to force the

Christians out of Jerusalem

so they would take the gospel worldwide

so he let a bad situation force

witnessing so he’s let a bad situation

force caring force personal worship force

prayer he is setting the stage for

us to have to do things that we should

have been voluntarily doing on her own

so let’s look for the teaching in the

trial [Jonathan] hmm it’s hard to be a narcissist

in a global problem that’s great

families you know when we did our

service people saw the family together

and for some people that was encouraging

we’ve got messages saying hey we love

you guys y’all are kind of a blueprint

all of those different things as far as

family is concerned even though we’ve

gone through a lot in our family but

then there were some people who were

discouraged because they don’t have the

family support they don’t have the

support in their family they don’t have

the support in their their community so

how does someone out there that’s going

through what we’re going through

globally but they’re feeling it

personally the effect on them how did

they move forward and negotiate these

times with very little support [Tony] well

first of all we have to come up with a

bigger definition of family because

Jesus said the one who is my mother

father brother and sister is the one who

does my will so don’t limit family to

nuclear don’t even limit it to

biologically extended family you want

faith family and when you—that’s why

every Christian should be a vital part

of the local church because if something

like this happens and you don’t have

immediate or extended family but you’re

not connected spiritually then you

know you become a lone ranger and see

people don’t realize that until they get

in this situation but if you have a

church that not only preaches and

teachers that’s foundational but cares

that builds community all the one one-

another’s of Scripture love one another

care for one another share with one

another help with one another connect

one another pray for one another all those

one another’s in scriptures is we

supposed to live it out right now

so let this be a teaching lesson if you

are disconnected spiritually to as soon

as you can get connected spiritually now

again technology provides the

opportunity for online connectivity so

you can get connected with us and you

can get connected with each other

because even without—so you can be

like I know the government wants us

like you know six feet apart you can be

a hundred thousand miles apart and still

get connected so technology is

addressing this quite crisis through

some form of connectivity [Jonathan] Those

one-another sound familiar you did a

series on them? [Tony] I did a whole series on them

because that’s what the church is supposed to be

about it’s not just coming sitting

soaking and souring it is being

involved in the lives of one another in

a responsible biblio centric

God centered Christ honoring Holy Spirit

in that way [Chrystal] just to piggyback on that

though this is also a great time for

your literal nuclear one-anothers and

for the person who not only doesn’t have

support but maybe hasn’t really

connected with their family in a long

time or now we got a bunch of parents

who are thrust with their kids being

home all the time I think a lot of our

togetherness as a family is because we

bonded together as a family doing things

that a lot of families have the time to

do right now so what are some of the

intentional things that you feel like we

did as a family to build our family bond

so that maybe people who are watching

can get ideas for what to do with this

extra time that they have on their hands

with the people that are in their homes

[Tony] this is a great opportunity this is so

great in a bad season this is a great

opportunity because let’s take something

as simple as eating meals together

that’s what we did we ate meals together

so now you have the time to not rush

there no baseball games to go to there’s no

basketball games to go to you don’t

have to rush out and do this and do that

so just sit down and relax and talk

about each other’s lives talk

about each other’s needs pray for one

another around the table have family

devotions that you weren’t having before

then play some games together now that’s

one of the things we did was play

monopoly that’s my favorite game cuz I got to

do my real estate business you know when I play

monopoly but yeah play games

together laugh together watch family

shows together you know they

got a Netflix and all these flicks that

you can do together in the

safety of your home get to know parents

get to know your kids again get to know

your kids you know you’re rushing they’re

rushing get to know them and talk to

them about life this is great time to talk

about life because life is hitting them

and everybody and they need to

understand what’s going on and I got a

call from my grandkids on my way to do

this and they had some biblical

questions because the family was around

together just talking and they have

biblical questions so they called me it

was just a great time to answer some

spiritual questions

don’t waste Corona don’t waste Corona

Corona is a virus that has created an

opportunity [Jonathan] what’s amazing to especially

millennial parents is that the easiest

thing for us to do is I have five kids

eleven nine six four and one

[Tony] that’s too many kids [Jonathan] I’m in the middle of the woods

with no navigation like we’re just in

there and our temptation is just to

give them a gadget our temptation is

just give them a phone so they can have

their time we can have our time and then

the day is gone and everybody’s just

been staring at screens and it’s almost

like you know like you always say to me

boy why you always looking for the easy

way out you’re always looking for the

easy way but a lot of times

we’ll take the easy way out and not

realize that it’s detrimental for that

family camaraderie and for the

teaching times that we have and so it’s

really making the hardship that we’re

going through

another what we would say hardship with

actually spending the time with your

kids and not handing them off to

something else

but that’s what I’m doing as I took

it from you I don’t know how you did it

because they told me I was crawling under

the tables [Tony] you all over the place

[Jonathan] exactly but there’s a lot of parents out

there who are experiencing that so what

would you say take us back to your 38

year old self when you had a bunch of

young children in the house and how you

still spent time with us I know

there wasn’t that much technology then

so we have a higher temptation to do

that but just those times of spending

time together [Chrystal] talent shows

[Jonathan] yeah talent shows charades

yeah we played charades we did talent

shows we had flannel boards back then

teach the Bible lessons with the

flannel board and sometimes one of the

kids we’d ask them to teach the lesson

or do the devotion or read the Scripture

Ask one of the kids to read the

scripture play hide-and-go-seek

that’s right and that’s

a fun thing to do and what it says is

family is important family matters it is

that’s the foundation of the

kingdom it was all built on the family

so reconnecting with family at whatever

level you can do is the most important

thing you can do right now and the

greatest opportunity that has been

granted to us by God through a virus