As a Christian trying to fulfill the will of God in your life, you might find yourself headed in the wrong direction. When that happens, you might find the consequences of making a wrong turn overwhelming. From the book of James, Tony Evans provides you with the key to making a U-turn and heading back toward God.

on the highway of life it’s not uncommon

to find yourself going in the wrong

direction you made a poor decision you

followed some bad advice and before you

know it you’re off course in that moment

you have a decision to make do I ignore

the warning in my head and continue

driving down the road or do I find a way

to turn myself around and start moving

toward my true destination what you need

is a u-turn a place where you can get

off the wrong Highway reverse course and

get back on the right one the turn is

coming the question is what will you do

when a person has a master key to a

facility that means that they can unlock

any door all doors are subject to this

one key I want to launch our time

together today by giving you the master

key because the key I’m getting ready to

give you will unlock every door you are

not an exception to this key it’s a

master key for whatever the circumstance

or consequence is you are dealing with

what is the master key that can give you

hope about a reversal in your

circumstances simply stated the master

key for the reversal of consequences

brought on by sin is developing a

lifestyle of repentance repentance is

necessary because of the existence of

sin sin may be defined as any violation

of the divine standard any violation of

the divine standard the biblical word

for it is sin the biblical word is not

mistake the biblical word is not bad

habit the biblical word is not my bad

the biblical word for the violation of a

divine standard is the word sin let me

hear you say sin the reason why I wanted

you to say it is because it’s not like a

popular word but it is the only word God

recognizes when it comes to the need for

the repentance that gives hope for the

reversal of circumstances so whenever we

violate transgress the standard of God

God says that sin now the reason is the


has to do with the nature of God the

Bible describes God as perfect and

righteous in all of his ways he is a

perfect being in the same way that you

don’t like trash or garbage God doesn’t

like sin so God cannot have any

relationship with sin and maintain his

holy integrity

so that means sin has to be addressed

before consequences can be addressed

what many people want is God to change

their consequence without them facing

their sin leave my sin alone but get rid

of the problems caused by it don’t ask

me to adjust my sin make me feel better

look better be better help a brother out

help a sister out there can be no

dealing with the consequence unless we

deal with the cause and the cause is sin

which is an affront to a holy God and a

violation of his divine standard sin in

the Bible violating God’s revealed

righteous standard is associated


with death you saw it over and over

again in this exact you’ll 18 passage

why will you die repent so that you

don’t die romans 6:23 the wages of sin

is death

James 1:15 when sin is completed it

brings forth death over and over again

hosea 14 1 your downfall is because of

your sin so

death is associated with sin in the

Bible death means separation a

separation occurs when we sin a death

occurs because a separation occurs

what’s the separation fellowship with

God is lost when sin is introduced God

must separate from sin since we are

sinning he has to separate from us in

terms of our personal relationship which

I’ll explain in a moment a distance

occurs when sin is introduced into a

scenario when that gap occurs because

sin has been introduced that space due

to the gap caused by sin then becomes

filled with consequences there is a

spacing issue where consequences fill in

the gap where the sin created the

separation because God is no longer

there to block it you remember when God

told Adam the day you eat the fruit that

same day you will die but he didn’t fall

down dead that day he didn’t physically

die that day oh but he died because the

Bible says that God removed him from the

garden and from intimate fellowship with

him so there was a spiritual death there

was an emotional death it says fear took

over and controlled him emotional death

is when you can’t live with you

relational death we hear we hear couples

say when they are getting a divorce the

death of a marriage there is a

relational death that can occur there is

economic death where your bills are

controlling you and you’re not

controlling them

and so there is the death economically

that can occur so there are all these

kinds of deaths and they’re all death in

the Bible because the biblical meaning

of death is an illegitimate separation

and of course then there is the worst

death of all eternal death we call it

hell eternal death is where a person is

separated from fellowship with God

forever as all all those are called

death in the Bible so you must now clear

your mind of limiting the definition of

death to a funeral and understand that

death is any illegitimate separation so

then what is life life is the coming

together of things that should not be

separated it is the spirit in the body

it is the relationship on track

it is the economics in harmony life or

what the Bible calls eternal life is not

a place that’s heaven it’s an experience

that his life in the Bible is

experiencing God’s reality in harmony

with you and in the various scenarios of

your life so if you are a dead man

walking or a dead woman walking in some


there has been an illegitimate

separation that needs to be harmonized

again and the word that God uses to

bring the illegitimate to the legitimate

is the word repent that is this word of

turning death into life sin is the word

for taking life and turning it into

death so that’s why repentance is the

master key for whatever the scenarios

are today

opening the door based on God’s

prerogative – reversing limiting

canceling or giving you the capacity to

handle consequences it’s his prerogative

but you don’t even get position for that

prerogative without the word repent

repentance is defined as an internal

resolve and determination to turn from

your sin repentance is an internal

resolve and determination to turn from

your sin sin creates a broken

relationship where consequences brought

on by Satan or situations or even what

God allows to enter into your life

because there has been a rupture

repentance is God’s way of sewing back


the rupture with him when the rupture

with him is sewn back together through

repentance the possibility of reversal

of consequences now exists repentance is

the internal resolve and determination

to turn from your sin without that

internal resolve and determination thus

no real repentance then you and your

consequences must learn to live together

the best way you can cuz you are stuck

with them let me tell you the

ingredients that you need to stir

together to get a real repentance

number one to repent starts off with a

recognition of sin there is a

recognition of sin to see if you don’t

believe it’s sin then you don’t need to

repent of it it is sin because there’s a

violation of a divine standard that’s

what makes something sin so you must

recognize it to be so first John 1:9

says that if we confess our sins he’s

faithful and just to forgive us our sins

and cleanse us from all unrighteousness

the Greek word confess means to say the

same thing that’s what the griot

mulligan means to say the same thing you

must say about that thing what God says

about it

secondly there must be remorse over what

you now recognize what the Bible calls

in 2nd Corinthians 7 verses 10 and 11

godly sorrow godly sorrow is I’ve hurt

God now you may have heard your

neighbors you may have hurt yourself but

the one thing has offended the most is

God so he says godly sorrow leads to

repentance that this thing whatever the

thing is has hurt the heart of God he

says it must be godly sorrow not the

world’s sorrow worldly sorrow is you got


godly sorrow is I’ve hurt the heart of

God godly sorrow guilt and shame over

sin must be the reaction to the

recognition of sin then what’s

recognizing it and being remorseful over

it that must be the decision to reverse

it the decision to reverse it how do you

know that this thing is real that you

really want to deal with it fruit in

other words you are doing something that

demonstrates you want a reversal

he uses the word over and over in

Scripture return return Zechariah

chapter 1 verses 3 & 4 return to me so I

can return to you Malachi chapter 3

verse 7 return to me so I can return to

you I want to come back to you but you

keep dying on me by refusal to address

the sin havingness it is one thing not

addressing it is another in James

chapter 4 the people were concerned that

their prayers were not being answered

they were praying and nothing was


he says you have not because you ask not

in verse 2 verse 3 Thins you asked but

you still don’t receive because you ask

with wrong motives so that you may spend

it on your own pleasures your

adulteresses don’t you know that

friendship with the world is hostility

toward God whoever wishes to be a friend

of the world makes himself an enemy of

God God has enemies

don’t camp because he’s writing to

Christians or do you not think that the

scripture says to no purpose he

jealously desires the spirit which he is

made to dwell in you why this a big deal

of God to leave the jealous person he

saved you for himself but he gives

greater grace all he’s giving you divine

favor therefore it says God is opposed

to the proud you can do it without him

but gives grace to the humble so what

should you do submit yourself therefore

to God resist the devil and he will flee

from you don’t miss read that he didn’t

tell you resist the devil he said submit

to God a lot of people say oh I can’t

get rid of this devil and you won’t

because he’s got space to work in so he

first says submit to God submit means to

place yourself underneath the authority

of someone place yourself under the

authority of God and then resists the

devil why because once you get God on

your side you got help with the devil so

if the devil is bringing these

consequences and you want to get the

devil off of your back you’ve got to

first come underneath God so God can

work with you and getting the devil off

of you because the devil can handle you

he can’t handle God working with you and

how do you do that verse 8 says draw

near to God and He will draw near to you

repentance is a lifestyle of

acknowledging to God our sin with the

remorse that I’ve heard God with the

request that he intervenes in not only

my forgiveness but in my circumstances

and repentance opens the door for him to

limit postpone avoid reverse

kids sue or empower in the midst of

dealing with the circumstance it’s his

prerogative but you’ve opened the door

for one many or all of the above that’s

why whenever you see or almost every

time you see repent connected with the

word return he tells you what he’s gonna

do for you if you do it he says you will

establish now the grounds for God to

deal with your consequences Isaiah 30

verse 15 says your deliverance is in

your repentance oh I love what Acts

chapter 3 says verses 19 to 21 therefore

repent and return so that your sins may

be wiped out in order that times of

refreshing may come because it’s never

what you want when you got consequence I

want to be refreshed from refreshing may

come from the presence of the Lord and

that he may send Jesus the Christ

appointed to you whom heaven must

receive until the period of restoration

of all things about which God spoke

about by the mouth of his holy prophets

from ancient time he says repent and

return so that you can be refreshed the

Bible says all have sinned and fallen

short of the glory of God as judge he

has pronounced the whole world guilty

because all have sinned so when we

relate to God judicially as a judge

we’re guilty so what the judge did god

what sin Jesus Christ to the cross to

bear our guilt God can only accept you

into heaven if you are as perfect as he

so what God did was become a man down

the cross and credit the righteousness

of Christ to all who come to Christ for


so judicially as a judge you stand I

stand we stand all who come to Christ

stand before God as though we’ve never

sinned because God has credited to our

account the righteousness of Christ he

who knew no sin became sin for us so

when it comes to your eternal destiny

guilt has been covered which is why you

can’t lose your salvation guilt has been

covered by the death of Jesus Christ

because when it comes to your eternal


the judge has acquitted you once you

come to Christ first John 2:2 makes it

clear that at the death of Christ he

died in propitiation for our sins but

not for our sins only but for the sins

of the whole world it says so he says

your deliverance is in your repentance

you’re driving south on the highway as

you’re driving south on the highway it

dawns on you you should have been going

north so you recognize you’re going the

wrong way you’re saying that you’re

going the wrong way but you keep passing

exit then you have not yet repented you

recognize it you feel bad about it but

there has been no reversal or attempt to

reverse now you feel bad enough long

enough it dawns on you I better do

something different so you see an exit

coming up 1/2 a mile you move over to

your right lane

and you exit off of confession off-ramp

I agree that I’ve been going the wrong


I confess South is not the right way so

I’m getting no now you haven’t solved

the problem yet but you’ve acted you’ve

acted you got me

it may not be big fruit but it’s some

fruit and you’ve acted and you’ve pulled

off on confession are friendly but

there’s a bigger problem getting all

doesn’t solve your problem

coz loft is over there but there is a

connection between the ramp you got off

and the ramp you need to get on we’ll

call it grace overpass because the Bible

says grace is greater than our sin so

when you get off the confession off-ramp

there has been a buttress built for you

to make it right so you now cross over

grace overpass on the other side of the

overpass is an on-ramp we’ll call that

restoration on ramp so you get off on

confession exit off ramp you cross over

grace overpass you get back on

restoration on ramp and guess what

you’re headed in the right direction now

depending on how long you’ve been going

wrong it may take you a minute to get

back fully on the right Road but I got

some good news for you if you’ve ever

been on a long trip and gone on a long

journey and that was time to come on

have you ever noticed it seems to take

less time

to get home then it did going there no

wait a minute it’s the same amount of

miles if you’re taking the same route it

may be the same amount of distance

because you’re taking the same route but

it feels different and you know I feel


cuz you go at home God says if I can

just get you to come home it may take a

minute it may take some time but because

you’re coming home and I want your home


the key to your reversal is spiritual

your circumstances and mine when they’re

negative often are tied to the fact that

we are not in proper spiritual alignment

and that’s why in our passage in spite

of the fact that we may be praying if we

have not identified and addressed the

unrighteousness then we have not

addressed what God needs to see

addressed in order to feel free enough

to provide the change that we’re

desperately crying out and calling on

him cruel so if you want to see your

reversal make sure there is no spiritual

impediment to the change that you

desperately are crying out to God for to

take place in your own life the passage

says that he gives greater grace he

gives a greater flow of his of his

provision of victory of his provision of

divine favor when he sees that you feel

about sin and I feel about sinning the

way he feels about sin when he sees that

humility our willingness to humble

ourselves under his authority and yield

to his rule over our lives then that

lets him know we’re serious and that

allows the free flow of His divine

goodness to more graphically come in our


none of us is perfect but we can pursue

godliness when we pursue godliness and

God seeing us pursue him then grace

flows a lot freer and transformation a

lot quicker and that is the single

greatest key to seeing God reverse

things in your life


haven’t you ever wanted to go back in

time to place yourself into the pages of

the Bible to immerse yourself in the

stories of Ruth of David of Solomon the

Bible allows us to travel back in time

and experience real history and to a

place where God wrote the greatest story

ever told the story of Jesus Christ

now you’re invited on an adventure to

the land where it all began in November

2018 join me on a tour of the Holy Land

experience the sights and sounds of the

Jordan Jericho and Jerusalem let history

come alive and discover Israel with me

November 2018 visit tony evans dot org

to learn more




in the brand-new series

u-turn reversing the consequences in

your life renowned pastor and theologian

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things around in your life who doesn’t

need a tool from time to time request

this powerful complete series today and

start heading in the direction of your

