Trust God’s Timing – Tony Evans Films’ Legacy Moments ft. Johanna Fisher

Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative and author of over 100 books, booklets and Bible studies. The first African American to earn a doctorate of theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, he has been named one of the 12 Most Effective Preachers in the English-Speaking World by Baylor University. Dr. Evans holds the honor of writing and publishing the first full-Bible commentary and study Bible by an African American. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on over 1,400 radio outlets daily and in more than 130 countries. Dr. Evans’ sermons are also streamed and downloaded over 20,000,000 times annually. #TonyEvans #inspiration #hope

i don’t have a degree in music

you know i’m not well

trained in music

but i can’t remember a moment without

music in my life


i love that

music just

it gives me a way

to tell god how much i love him

now i was a rebellious child

i couldn’t live off of somebody else’s


i had to experience stuff for my own

i had a

mother who

she did not

take up from me and now that i’m older i

appreciate that but that was hard

growing up

i was withdrawn i was very shy

if i got upset or mad i’d go and bang

bang bang bang bang on the piano

um and so that was

a means of expression for me music

when i was old enough and could get away

from the house i moved into philly into

my own apartment

i went to a church in


b sam hart was the pastor

and i played for the church and directed

the music program

for 13 years

he started doing

mission trips


they got an invitation to go to


and so i went with them and played for

the crusade

and the last night of the crusade

this young man comes forward


rededicate himself to

christian service

we are god’s alternatives

we are the ones who serve notice on this

generation that the kingdom of god

is alive and well

we are his divine


i just marvel now when i look back

to those

days that was in 1968.

the first assignment b sam hart gave to

tony evans

was to go to south america to be the

lead man

for a crusade they wanted to do there

we were invited as a part of the team

the trio

i played the piano for the crusade we


and tony was the lead guy

when we got off the plane

in georgetown south america

tony evans came up to me and he said

i’ve got somebody i want you to meet

and it was lois

i was there at the very beginning of it

i mean he just he just knew that he knew

that he knew that she was the one for


and that’s how he moved

it was exciting to me that they invited

me to play for their wedding

i have always felt the need for family

and while i did not have the biological

family that i would have hoped for

the lord has just given me family

that’s why i feel

as i do about the evans family

i worked for the american bible society

for 10 years

and they wanted me to move to new york

and to take a

bigger position there

and i didn’t feel comfortable doing that

well after i left tony evans came to our

church in philly we all as young people

we all took him out to dinner afterwards

and we always wanted to fellowship with

him and so he would ask everybody what

are you doing what are you doing what

are you doing when he asked me i told

him i didn’t know what i was going to be

doing his words were we need to get you

in dallas

he recommended me for a job down here in

dallas for an independent oil company

well for the first six

weeks that i moved to dallas i stayed

with them

lois to her wonderful credit took me in

as a member of the family i sat around

the table with them

the children eventually came to call me

at joe

which i also loved

the independent oil company i worked for

them for a year and maybe a year and a


but they went belly up

tony evans was starting tony evans

ministries which is what it was known at

that time

he knew that i was looking for work

after i left the oil company and he

would say to me well i need an

administrative assistant no i don’t want

to do that i want to do something


from time to time you say how’s the job

hunt doing i said not finding anything

well i need an administrative assistant

no i don’t want to do that

so that went on

several times

and he said it to me one more time and i


oh okay

one month later

is when i met the general manager of


the lord knew i didn’t know

i didn’t know i wouldn’t have waited so

long but it was in his timing


i was with kcbi for 23 years

so i had an interview with carl singer

and he told me what it entailed

and i’m like

i don’t know nothing about radio

so he said no but you know people

and we can teach you radio

and so he and i co-hosted together


i can’t remember how long but a while

then he decided to retire

then for over the next 15 years probably

that i had the talk show and was able to

decide what guest i wanted to bring in

what topic someone didn’t talk about

it was a wonderful time of learning

it was interacting with people

and it was the most beautiful thing in

my life


and i’m so grateful

so grateful to the lord for bringing me


those 23

years throughout the day


especially the old hymns

come to me


sometimes an answer to something i’m

looking for comes to me in a hymn or a



it’s so amazing to look back on it and

to even think about it now

i received a call from a pastor in

philadelphia asking me if i would come

and play for their church

tony evans came to our church in philly

i moved to dallas

carlsinger came to tony’s office i met

them there and that’s how i came to kcbi


music just

it’s done some wonderful things for me

and i’m thankful for

that gift
