Trusting The God You Believe In | Sermon by Tony Evans

Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative, chaplain of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, and author of over 100 books, booklets & Bible studies. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on more than 1,300 US outlets daily and in more than 130 countries.

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a number of years ago on a family

vacation I drove from Dallas to

California to take the kids to

Disneyland but we decided to go up to

San Francisco first and then work our

way down to LA if you’ve taken that

route you know there are a number of

options that you have

but the scenic option along the

California coastline route one is

marvelous and at the same time

treacherous route 1 is a very winding

road on one side of the mountains then

the other other cliffs leading down to

the ocean all along the route they are

signs to help you to navigate safely

through the twists and the turns and the

oncoming vehicles for one wrong move on

reward one inadvertent turn could cost

you your life it’s a beautiful thing to

look at but it’s a dangerous road to

travel well I thought about that I

thought about life it’s full of twists

and turns

it’s full of uncertainties and many

times we don’t know what’s coming around

the bend like if you’ve lived here long

enough you know that it can be tough to

navigate many of us here today would

love the opportunity to start over again

because we’ve already run onto rocks but

what they have on Route one God has on

the route of your life and that our

signpost design helped you and me

navigate this thing called life

successfully the question I want to

address today is why are there so many

stalled vehicle

on this road called life why are there

so many with their hood up unable to go

forward why do we look along the reach

and find those who’ve gone over the

cliff and then the question becomes more

intriguing when we want to know why so

many of these are Christians who find

themselves unable to navigate through

the twists and turns of life may I

suggest to you probably no more greater

words than I can give you them today

that far too many of us as believers

believe in a God we don’t trust

everybody here today affirms the

existence of God and of course if you’re

believer you affirm the work of Jesus

Christ on the cross for you and yet

there seems to be a disconnect from my

faith in Christ to get me to heaven and

my trust in Christ to navigate me on

earth there seems to be a disconnect and

I’d like to suggest to you the

disconnect is that many of us maybe even

most of us don’t trust it the book of

proverbs is a book of wisdom wisdom is

the ability to navigate life and wisdom

is the ability to perceive the true

nature of a thing and if you implement

the will of God regarding it wisdom is

the ability to perceive the true nature

of a thing what’s really going on and

then to have the ability to apply

implement the will of God regarding that


it’s been called the art of skillful

living the ability to effectively apply

truth to everyday decisions

Solomon understood its importance when

he praised Lord don’t give me Richard

give me with the book opens up with a

cry for a father to teach his son the

importance of gaining wisdom in fact he

says in chapter 1 verse 20 that wisdom

screams in the street she lived her

voice in the square

among all the noise that surround wisdom

says please pay attention to me that he

says in chapter 1 verse 33 he who

listens to me wisdom shall live securely

and shall be at ease from the dread of

evil many of us would not be where we

are today if back then when we made the

decision we had more wisdom

you didn’t need more money you needed

more wisdom you wouldn’t have made that

decision at that time regarding that

situation if you just had some with if I

were to leave you with the thought it

would be this one to start living the

rest of your life wisely how do you do

that just in the Lord with all your

heart well what do you mean faster don’t

lean to your own understanding in all

your ways acknowledge him and he will

make your paths straight that verse says

three things those two verses proverbs

3:5 and 6 it’s those three things I want

to share with you now number one trust

in God entirely

the first thing you need to know if

you’re going to get wisdom which is the

way to navigate life successfully you

must trust in the Lord

entirely the word trust means to lay it

down or it has the idea of putting one’s

complete weight or it’s much akin to

what you’re doing right now when you’re

sitting in the pew when you’re sitting

in the seat and all of your weight is

resting on the ability of the pew upon

which your city to hold you up now

trusting in the pew to hold you up

wouldn’t be much if the pew kiss hold

you up but you must own something you’ve

assumed that the pew can hold you up and

the reason why I know it is not because

you told me because I’m looking might

not and all your weights on it in fact

you are so secure about the pews ability

to sustain your weight and everybody on

there with you you’re not even helping

it out me I don’t see anybody sitting

but kind of pushing themselves up in

case in case this pew doesn’t make it I

want to make sure I got a little bit of

me in here cause if pew may not make it

he says trust in the Lord with all your

heart that’s not off with the order

trust in the Lord the reason why the

order is critical is because when it

comes to navigating our lives most of us

start with ourselves and work back to

God in other words we start with what we

think what our perception is what our

orientation is and when that does not


we say try God there would be a lot less

pain in life if you would start with God

and not thought with you or me start

with myself the proof that we don’t

trust God even though we declare that we

believe in him is that we turn to other

sources first to address life’s problems

what you trust is where you go first

did you Jimmy you can always discover

what you trust because you go there

first that is what you’re banking on and

you bank on the thing you believe will

be the best thing to help you so that’s

where you go first

so if you want to know whether you trust

in the Lord answer the question where do

I go first why should I trust in the

Lord first so many scriptures we could

turn to and time will not allow us to

turn to them all but I love the way

Romans 11 puts it when he talks about

the nature of God’s wisdom because in

communicating this the Apostle Paul said

that this way in romans 11:33 all the

depths of the riches both of the wisdom

and knowledge of God how unsearchable

are his judgments unfathomable his ways

who is known the mind of the Lord and

who became his counselor or who has he

first given to him that was not paid

back to him again for from him through

him and to him all things to him be the

glory forever amen he says the reason

you should trust in the Lord is because

his wisdom is beyond your ability to

conceive it some time when you go home

you need to read Joe 28 verses 12

through 33 where job says I’m looking

for wisdom where can I find it he says I

look to people I couldn’t find it

fair now look to the depths of the sea I

couldn’t find it there

I looked up in the sky I couldn’t find

it there he says I could not find wisdom

among the living

nothing around me could give me wisdom

but Thou O Lord knowest it the reason

that you should trust in the Lord and

because him wisdom is infinite infinite

wisdom his ability to coagulate and

cross coordinates all the events of

history from time through eternity his

resume and experience his omniscience

and information base says you go to him


it’s beyond finding out the Bible says

that God be true Romans 3:4 and every

man a liar God says he wants you to come

to him and then go to men and his men on

saying what he said they’re wrong not

him no exception let every man be a liar

unfortunately what we have done is

called God a liar and called people the

truth created beings who gone down like

you we call them the truth we call the

Creator a liar and we don’t use those

words we just don’t go to him first in

understanding this trusting in the Lord

with all of your heart that’s a simple

way of things completely or entirely the

hot makes up your inner core being

sometimes it refers to emotions

sometimes it refers to intellect

sometimes it refers to will but sense it

could refer to any of the three it

simply means that you are the trust in

the Lord

completely entirely in every aspect of

your life your knowledge intellect your

decision-making will and your feelings

emotion so that’s that’s all you at the

heart of who you are

trust in the Lord how do I know if I’m

trusting in the Lord simple you’re not

leading to your own understanding it

gives the flip side or the negative of

trusting in the Lord

human understanding is flawed by sin

human understanding is limited and

stoked by finiteness you said and I hear

this all the time people say well God

expects me to use my brain doesn’t he

God has given us all common sense

hasn’t he well if it was that common we

wouldn’t be where we are yes God expects

you to use your brain underneath his

supervision he doesn’t expect you to use

your brain apart from him because we are

limited by finiteness and we are flawed

and contaminated by sin therefore

decision-making will always be


unless governed within the standard of

the Lord Paul says in Philippians 3:3

put no confidence in the flesh don’t

simply rest on your human capacity to

make the right decision you’re not that

good and for 99.9% of it the only

response we could give to that is amen

and amen

we’re not that good if we were we

wouldn’t did that that this that we

thought our own understanding when we

first made the decision it was a good


it looked like that for us the problem

is our fight line is limited now let me

tell you what we do

because we’re Christians we know we we

got to trust in the Lord because that’s

like comes with the job description so

we know we got to bleed this God stuff

we got to take the Bible seriously you

know we got to go to church so we got we

know we got to trust in the Lord but

then we got this other side of us like

the real world we got the real world

part and in the real world come on you

got to be practical in the real world

okay that Bible was written many years

ago by men long way away and and so

let’s get to the real world

so here’s what most of us watch this I’m

going somewhere we mix the two so we mix

it you could see we got to do the

Christian stuff because we Christians

but we live in the real world so we got

to do the real world stuff and we mix

the two

now the Bible has a word for mixing the

two it’s called double mindedness double

mindedness when you mix the sacred and

the secular because you want the secular

to help the sacred it’s called double

mindedness or thinking with two minds

James 3 says there is a wisdom from

above that comes from God and then he

says and there is a wisdom from below

that comes from earthly thinking and he

says the wisdom from below that comes

from the natural way of thinking comes

from Hell so he doesn’t say the wisdom

comes from hell

it says the wisdom comes from earth but

the wisdom that comes from earth comes

from Hell so to think like a natural man

is to join the devil’s way of thinking

when you mix the two you lose

wisdom from God James 1:5 If any man

lacks wisdom let him ask of God If any

man needs guidance for decision made

so that he can live a skillful life let

him ask of God and guess what he says

one of the great promises in the Bible

who gives it liberally he must send you

with it

he wants to give you wisdom he wants to

give you directions he wants to give you

guys can he will give you an abundance

of it but then he goes on and give the

warning he says but when you ask ask you

face not doubting for a double minded

man is unstable in all his way watch

this here’s the curse let not that man

think he will receive anything from the

Lord music but I prayed about it

but if God saw a double mine he’s not

going to answer your prayer I got

counseling about it but if it was based

on a double mind the mixing of the

secular and the sacred and by mixing of

the secular and the sacred a non

Christian worldview trying to be mixed

with a Christian worldview the Bible

says that negates me so we actually like

this cancel out Sunday usually every


most Christians cancel Sunday on Monday

because then they go to a secular that

is natural or non-christian viewpoint

and try to mix it with Sunday and God

says that man will receive nothing from

the Lord oh no this is explaining why

we’re not seeing prayers answer because

God said I see you mixing stuff the

plane was flying higher plane needs a

control tower control tower fence when

you got a plane airplane there’s cloudy

you can’t see it and you tell them up

but I think it’s ok you don’t have that

ability you are limited that’s why you

need a control tower what you think

right now is

irrelevant not because your brain is


your brain is absolutely critical to

navigate the plane but your fight you

can’t see so you need to adjust your

brain to what the power says so many of

us are cancelling out by trying to make

human and divine with them that may not

sound as deep as it is but if you’re

mixing it God says I can’t help you I

can help you I didn’t go flood I haven’t

been God for billions of years to need

help my son Jonathan developed this new

hobby in college breeding pitbulls I

don’t know where this has come from I

can’t conceive away this idea of

breeding pitbulls has come from but it

has become his hobby in college he’s

he’s had like six or seven pitbulls and

I guess some entrepreneurial mindset

he’s in because each other EADS them

himself and maybe I ain’t getting enough

money at college or something but but

that’s kind of his thing he comes home

on the weekends and he brings to the pit

bulls with it not a happy situation in

my house he connects these pit bulls to

this cord that they can’t break and

they’re in the yard then is these two

pitbulls are pretty friendly and

everything’s events they’re not like

he’s violent kind but they pitbull

I walk out to the yard this past weekend

I’m walking in the yard and the

particular friendly one of the queue

what’s the play he wants to jump up he

wants to he wants some activity in

coming to me to play he goes the wrong

way around the tree so he wrapped the

cord around the tree I’m trying to get

him to go back the other way because

that’s the way he’s going he’s

entangling himself but he doesn’t know


I’m trying to get him back around this

way one time he thinks I’m playing with

him the next time he thinks I don’t know

what I’m doing

so he continues to go in his own

understand he continues to go his own

way now it wasn’t that he wasn’t sincere

it wasn’t that he was not dedicated it

just he doesn’t under the null so he

doesn’t understand and he keeps going

he’s always I keep trying pulling back

and now he’s resisting because he

doesn’t think I know what I’m doing he

wants me to not bother him he wants me

to leave him alone but not to his own

understand all he’s doing is entangling

himself more by the time we are finished

the exercise he can’t move because he’s

rested so many times around the tree

that he is stuck now all of a sudden it

dawns on him he did not know what he was

doing so now the dog that wanted to be

independent on his own do his own thing

is now gone

mady’s crying all of a sudden I’m

significant now I’m important now i’m

strategic now because even wrapped

himself up here not cuz he’s a dog

no because what we do in our beastly way

of thinking is insist on our own way and

even we got pushes up without him like

that we go this way

until we have wrapped ourselves up

around the circumstances of life and now

we want to talk to our trust in the Lord

with all your heart and that means don’t

leave to your own understand no if he

doesn’t say don’t have it he says don’t

lean on it you can have your thoughts

but those thoughts have to be measured

against us and God told Peter

don’t throw your net on that side throw

it on the other side

the problem was Peter was a professional

fisherman Peter knew where you throw the

net when you throw the net

Peter said Jesus look we’ve been out

here all night all right so they’re not

hiding Jesus look I know where to throw

the net I was raised on a fishermen’s

family I’m president of zebedee fishing

corporation I know how to fish but Peter

says to humor you let me go ahead and do

what you say just so you can see that

really you really ought to stick to


I know fish you know sermons stick to

that the Bible says that that the net

got so full it was dragging the boats

under she loved to his own understanding

he would have been issue it Mary didn’t

understand how this thing could be Jesus

how can this be since I am a virgin

how can I be pregnant the angel says

well there’s nothing impossible with God

and so she says me and B has the one my

own understanding can’t figure this out

however if it’s you talkin let it be God

sends Abraham to a place he had not gone

he goes my face looking for a city whose

builder and maker with God he acted not

on his own understanding or else he

wouldn’t last Moses I mean Moses we’re

talking about a man raised in Pharaoh’s

house we talked about Holly edge of

Mackay today we’re talking about a guy

who has been trained we’re talking about

a guy who had wealth we talked about a

god who had it all who didn’t need

divine information except he made a

decision to suffer what the people of

God because he was going to use his

infant I am NOT suggesting don’t get

your college degree but you have to

understand when you get your BA MBA PhD

all you have gotten is information and

information doesn’t automatically

transfer the wisdom you could have just

moved from being an uneducated fool to

an educated fool wisdom is the ability

to use it correctly in making life

choices let me tell you one of the the

key ways which you will face this

question of wisdom it is when you are

facing a trial when you going through it

it’s always our natural tendency the one

our own way out of it because we don’t

understand that God is doing something

with it you got to take the perspective

of joke though he slay me yet will I

trust you see everything is going apart

from me now it’s killing me now but I’m

still gonna trust him I’m gonna rest

completely and rely completely on him

them to deal with this I’m not going to

get out of it my own human way that is a

way that is unprescribed by him but you

can’t make you you can’t have Church and

your horoscope today we can you cancel

it hard and you don’t have to go to a

horoscope all you got to go is to human

understanding you know you’re on to go

to Scientology on to go ology all you

got to go is to human viewpoint and you

cancel the wisdom of God so with all

your heart that means entirely


no exceptions you must lean on God and

not on you or anybody you know you have

to lean on that which is giving you God

whether it comes to your mind or the

brain of somebody else secondly you must

trust God intimately first of all you

must trust him entirely all your heart

now you must trust him intimately he

says in all your ways acknowledge him in

all your ways acknowledge he now

acknowledgment the word here now that

does not mean a quaint recognition like

um if I come into the room and you say

good morning to me you’ve acknowledged

my presence the absent one is talking

about acknowledgement the word

acknowledgement here has to do with an

intimate response based on knowledge and

relationship whereby pleasing that

person becomes your goal acknowledging

who he is in relationship to who you are

how do we illustrate this when a woman

gets married maybe one who’s been single

for a long time a lady who’s been used

to making her own decisions

running her own life being her own

independent person

but now she gets married there is a an

adjustment she must learn to make now

when it comes to her decisions her

decisions are no longer just about her

she now must acknowledge somebody else

in the relationship she she got

acknowledged the fact that there is

somebody else that I must consult before

even I make this decision or if I don’t

have to consult them because I know them

so well I can go ahead and make it

because I know they would be ok with it

or if there’s a question about it she

has to now say well let me check with my

husband first and I’ll get back to you

that’s acknowledgement acknowledgement

has to do with bringing the leader to

bear before the decision is made even

because you know what their decision

would be so you don’t even have to talk

to them about it or you don’t know what

the decision should be so you have to

talk to them about it that’s

acknowledgement how broad is this

acknowledgement well I think the first

in in all your ways in all your ways God

wants to be involved in the details of

your life how many of them all of them

all of them he wants to be a partner in

this relationship actually the leader of

the relationship who is consulted about

anything involving the relationship when

you write a check I hope you have

consulted with the bank first

now there are two ways you can consult

with the bank when you write a check

when you consult you consult intuitively

or personally you consult intuitively

because you just know that you have it

there you just know I deposit my check

and and I have my offering or whatever

the bill is that your pay so I know it’s

there so I’m consulting but it’s an

intuitive consult I don’t have to

actually call the bank I don’t have to

get online because I just know it’s been

deposited in there so it’s a consulting

but it’s intuitive or if there is a

question then you get online or you call

the bank to make sure you can cover the

charge but in all cases if you are a

responsible adult person borrowing some

rare exception of miscalculation you

have the mindset of the bank always on

your mind when you write the check

because you know the resources are there

to cover it so the bank is directly or

indirectly always on your mind God is

saying when it comes to life direction

and negotiating life he is the source of

your resources

make sure the account can support the

decision we make decisions that our

spiritual account can support and we

wonder what our life keeps balances how

do you consult with God how do you

acknowledge him in all things it really

is fairly simple the word in prayer the

word in prayer I am amazed at how many

of us don’t use the word when it comes

to the decision of life we come to hear

a sermon but we don’t use the word when

it comes to a decision of life and there

is a principle or a precept for every

decision in life in the Bible in the

Bible that is a principle or a precept

for every decision that you make there’s

a principle to preset for who you should

marry principle a precept about having

children there’s a principle of precept

about job choice and job

there’s a principle and precepts about

how to get out of debt there’s a

principle and precept about how to

invest money there’s a principle and

precept about how to handle illness I’ve

been preaching for over 30 years and I

have yet in 30 years of ministry had one

situation come across my desk

come across my ministry where there has

not been a biblical principle or please

step to address it I have not been one

and I have dealt with millions of

different scenarios and there’s always a

principle apprecia

you say but the bible does not maybe

give me the specifics

it gives me sometimes it gives me the

general but I need something more

specific that’s why it has to be the

Word of God and prayer because the job

of the Holy Spirit is to apply the Word

of God to your personal situation the

Holy Spirit’s job is to take what may be

a general principle and now make it your

principle to your situation that’s why

it’s spirit and word spirit and truth in

all your ways consult him don’t just do

it because you think it do it because

you like it do it because all your

friends do it that is not acknowledging

him that’s discounting him I had a

husband and wife company one time the

husband was picked off and the husband

was ticked off because he says my wife

goes would ask all these other men what

they think about something that’s

decision and then she comes to me he

says when she comes to me I don’t want

to talk about it not because it’s not a

word the discussion but you don’t go and

talk to five other guys and then come to

your husband you come to me first and

all the way to acknowledge me it could

be vice versa the point is it’s simply

the state that God says I want to be

first I don’t want to be mixed with

anything that does not agree with me and

I want to be consulted about all your

ways your the trust God entirely

you’re the trust god intimately finally

you ought to trust God progressively and

he will make your paths straight Wow

make your paths straight he will make

your paths straight

listen that slowly he will meaning you

won’t have to she will make your paths

straight it doesn’t get any better than

anybody here crooked life is crooked

finances are crooked

marriage is crooked single life is


future is crooked he says he will make

your path straight now a path means

you’re going somewhere a path is always

connected to a destination so

something’s you going somewhere

at least you trying to go somewhere this

you supposed to be going somewhere or

maybe y’all going somewhere going in

circles Oh


cuz a lot of folks I’m going in circles

they’re not going anywhere cuz they got

a wild pass and a crooked path and they

here today and they had a Morahan they

don’t know where they are

she says he will if you do it this way

trust them entirely trust him intimately

and then trust him progressively the

word make your path straight the concept

there was use of travel being made safe

by leveling a road to remove the

obstacles in order for the traveler to

reach the goal you say every time I try

to go somewhere I got this boulder I got

people stopping me I got circumstances

stopping me I got money stopping me I

just don’t seem to be able to get off

the dime I don’t seem to be able to get

where I’m supposed to go I don’t know

what to do God says he will remove the

boulders get rid of the obstacles and

make your path go toward his intended

destination for you to put it another

way he says wisdom allows you to

experience God’s plan for your life

chapter 3 verse 2 says for the length of

days and years of life and peace will be

added to you verse 24 says you will lie

down and you will not be afraid when you

lie down your sleep will be sweet whoa

in the time you got a full night’s sleep

again if you will take wisdom seriously

you won’t need those sleeping pills

related to life’s directions and

decisions he says I will make your sweet

sweet the Bible says and the Lord giveth

his beloved sleep because he’s clearing

the boulders you’re staying up because


trying to figure out how to move on but

he says if you get it in line like this

guess what

I will move them for you you listen to

the traffic report or the weather report

you turn on the radio and you listen to

somebody who’s looking at a picture you

can’t see God says he rewards the pass

and a judge rest the hindrances so that

you get to your intended destination

whenever I travel people pick me up or

they send a car to pick me up I never if

I’m going on a ministry trip win a car

the reason I don’t run a car is because

I don’t know where I am and I don’t know

where I’m going all right for another

pass invite you to a church or a

conference and I accept the engagement

they picked me up they stand same thing

we do and we invite our guests here we

pick them up if they want us to I let

them pick me up because it was a place

I’ve never been before

I don’t want to go through all the

headaches looking at the map and trying

to drive and read the map and go through

all of that when there is somebody there

who lives there who knows the way who’s

been the way before you know what I do I

get on the passenger side and let them

live me down the path to my location

why kill myself when there’s somebody

who already knows how to get there while

we’re gonna line why why go for the

extra edit edit what when do that women

is I’m not it who already know even if I

know the path and I take the path if

there’s something blocking the path I

don’t have time to look for all part of

the route but if they already live there

they know where to get off where to get

on they know the side street let me tell

you something about God he know the

alternative route

to get you to your destination God wants

you to start trusting him so you can

start living again God wants you to

trust him entirely he wants your

complete trust unmixed he does not want

a non-biblical non-christian worldview

to be integrated in your thinking

anymore he doesn’t want the feminist

movement telling you ladies how to be a

wife he doesn’t what guys who don’t know

God telling you the definition of a man

he does not want

Wall Street giving you the ethics of

business yes he does not want Fifth

Avenue telling you what you have to buy

and have to own he does not want a


he wants to entire control you and he

wants to be intimately involved with the

process and he says then he will

progressively move you to where you are

to go we don’t have time flower and

understand so what God wants to know is

are you going to just believe in me or

will you trust me in the movie that

Titanic there was one thing that

interrupted everybody it was the feeling

that was repeated over and over and over

and over again every time the movie or

clip from the movie was shown this thing

was there and wasn’t the Titanic going

under that wasn’t to see another scene

her name was rose and Rose is living an

empty meaningless fruitless life she

she’s living large she’s she’s what they

Uppercross she’s she’s got notoriety she

is engaged to a great guy she’s all of

this stuff is going on but

deep down in roses hot she is empty road

meet jack the jack doesn’t have all his

fancy stuff that she has but Jack loves

her she comes up to the deck of the boat

and when she comes up to the deck of the

boat Jack is on the deck and hauls rolls

over to the bow and says take my jacks

left his all his hands

to Rose and he leaves Rose over to the

bow of the ship he says closure eyes she

closes her eyes and is ready to talk

isn’t she don’t don’t don’t speak it’s

closure as she’s holding on to the pole

at the bow the bow and Jack says let go

leave let go I’m hanging over the ocean

he says she’s scared to let go she’s

nervous to let go she’s terrified to let

go cuz this is her security he said let

go and then he asked her do you trust me

if you trust me let go she lets her hand

go leaving her hands totally at the

mercy of Jack she lets your hand go jack

says open your eyes she opens her eyes

and it’s hanging over the bow of the

boat in the breeze looking it out over

the ocean at the water and she says I’m

lying I’m lying something you gotta let


you’ve been holding on to your own way

of thinking old way of living all the

way operating only a feeling all the way

accent oh well conjugating all in your

life and while you come to church on


our you’re going back to your oh wait

and God is saying let’s go yeah you say

yeah but you don’t understand I’ve held

onto them let’s go but your dog is that

let go

but God do you trust me and God has said

if you let go you’ll be able to fly

again you can have your life back

it’s time
