“A Party isn’t a Party” – DeVon Franklin


it is a blessing to be alive and it is a

blessing to be here tonight god bless

all of you that are standing amen

I’m here to tell you there are very few

places in the world that on a Wednesday

night people showing up for Bible study

you know what I’m say in Los Angeles

California in Hollywood California we

here for Bible study so I need you to

know that the hunger you brought into

this place God is going to honor it he

is going to honor it as I was preparing

Lord what do you want your people to

know one of the things that that dawned

on me and we’ll get into our text in a

moment was that too often we don’t

operate in the unique gifting in which

we were created because we are obsessing

over the gifts of others asking God why

not me

I’m gonna talk to this side okay right

now if I had a chance to talk to you

there’s a level of frustration that’s in

your spirit because you aren’t quite

where you want to be and you’re not

quite doing what you want to do and

instead of finding out why you are

outsourcing the work that you need to do

now and you’re masking it as frustration

because you’re looking at somebody

else’s gift saying Lord why aren’t you

doing that with my gift anybody have

enough courage to say yep you’re right

come on come on be honest be honest wait

listen put us to work we got to be

honest all right this is about

transparency so you can change a man so

I can change when we come in the house

we keep it real so here’s what’s so

fascinating as God was talking to me

about where we needed to be and what

need to have with our gifting he brought

two moments to my memory that I want to

share with you I need you to understand

the difference between where you are and

what you’re called to do

and your commitment to doing it no

matter what is life or death is life or

death if I don’t put it in those terms

you may never take what he’s calling you

to do seriously enough to commit to the

process that’s going to be required to

harness what’s in you just earlier I was

doing a Facebook live chat and somebody

asked me why does it have to be so hard

anybody asked that question why does it

have to be so hard to do what I’m called

to do I gave an analogy I said that if

you had an image of what you want to

look like you know have you ever put an

image on your mirror of okay I want

those six-pack ABS Who am I talking to

y’all don’t don’t get all churchy on me

all right anybody ever took a picture

say that I want to have just like that

Who am I talking to okay all right now

yeah yeah you know like yeah I want

those ABS look really good you know so

if I told you you can get that image but

all you have to do is just show up at

the gym and it’s going to happen I would

be lying to you am i right why because

to get the ABS is going to require

discipline you have to get in the gym

and you have to feel something you’re

going to have to go through something do

you know that you will not physically

change until you put your body under

stress the way that your muscles grow is

they go under stress they tear and as a

result they grow might I submit for your

consideration the way that you grow is

you go through stress you hair you get a

breakthrough and as a result of your

breakthrough you come out of it stronger

not weaker so what you’re going through

now is like a holy gym trying to get you

strong enough to handle the gift within

you because let me tell you God put

something incredibly powerful within you

and if it came out right now some of you

may not have the strength to harness to

get that you’re carrying

it’s life or death it’s life or death I

want to just take you back in my story

over 10 years ago and at the time I

thought that I was in relatively good

health even though I never went to the

gym I didn’t do much running but just

because I look in the mirror and thought

that I was healthy I just said well I

got enough health to get by so I’m good

might I submit for your consideration

just because you have the talent doesn’t

mean that your talent is going to get

you by and cover your lack of

preparation I’m sorry when I got talent

I got to combine that talent with some

discipline with some hard work in order

for that thing to manifest so there I

was thinking that just because I looked

healthy I was healthy stay in your notes

Devon stay in your notes

here’s what I know we put too much of a

premium and what we see we judge things

by these eyes not by what God is telling

us sometimes in order to discern a

situation or a person you got to close

your eyes and say God don’t let my eyes

manipulate what it is you’re trying to

deliver to my spirit I don’t want to

look at a person like this I want to

look at a person like this God where are

you what am i sensing what are you

telling me right now because our eyes

will deceive us even about who we are

what we’re called to do so there I was

thinking I was relatively in a good

amount of health and next thing you know

because I was not eating the right foods

I was just eating whatever I saw and

said if it’s good to my eye it must be

good oh my lord to my body oh man

everything that looks good is not good

everything that looks good is not good

that’s why the Bible says you know a man

looketh on the outward appearance but

God looks on the heart so here I was

thinking I could just eat whatever I

wanted my metabolism you know is high

enough to handle it right next thing I

know I find myself in cedars-sinai


right down the street having to prepare

for emergency surgery

why because I did not have enough fiber

in my system and my digestion was all

messed up and the only way that it could

be fixed was to go under the knife and I

ended up undergoing a surgery that was

incredibly painful and took a process

for me to heal from and as I’m sitting

there in the hospital bed at

cedars-sinai I asked myself how did I

get here

have you taken time to ask yourself how

did I get here some of you are going

from trauma to trauma accident –

accident relationship – relationship and

you have not taken enough time to ask

yourself how did I get here and is it

possible that maybe I’m making decisions

that are contributing to where I am in

order for this word to resonate it has

to be wrapped in accountability not

everything that happens to us is a trick

of the enemy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy

oh boy oh boy not everything that

happens to us is the trick of the enemy

some things that happen to us are a

result of our own decision-making so

here I am I’m in cedars-sinai recovering

from emergency surgery as a result of my

decision not because the enemy was after

me I was the one that chose not to eat

according to what I knew I was the one

that was making the choices to put in my

system things that would not edify my

body or my spirit and Here I am paying

the price and when I got out of it I

said God if you have given me a body if

you have given me a mind I will no

longer be foul

the temple I will no longer disregard

the vessel you’ve given me because I

only got one body and I no longer will

take for granted the body you have given

me because maybe my destiny could get

cut short not because the spirit is weak

but the temple is crumbling I’m talking

to somebody right now in order for you

to use your gifting you have to have a

strong temple by which your gift can

dwell so I’ve made a commitment coming

out of that I’m going to eat right and

I’m going to work out as much as I can

why because I’m that committed to the


now here’s what was crazy once you

commit to something get what happens you

go to extremes right listen I got out

that hospital I was doing my Beachbody

p90x okay let me tell you something I

didn’t look very healthy alright I got

down to like 160 okay I was looking

terrible all right but then I balanced

it out right but what God was telling me

through this experience was the gift and

the talent are going to require us to be

in physical shape as well as spiritual

shape maybe maybe you’re not where you

want to be not because you don’t have

the talent not because I don’t have a

talent but maybe I’m just out of

spiritual shame oh oh oh and the church

it’s quiet

ha ha ha oh my goodness y’all let me try

to stick to my notes because God has

given me some stuff check this out I

like what I say after talent and

discipline I’m trying to say discipline

watch this and we’ll get to our

scripture in a minute what does it mean

to be in shape it’s a it’s a excuse me

it’s a state of being in good health

good condition but also being in a state

of readiness

Oh Oh

so so I know what shape I’m in based

upon how ready I am at any given moment

to do what God has called me to do Oh

Oh Bishop Jake’s you know his famous

thing is what are you ready are you

ready are you ready those you know

Bishop takes everything are you ready

ready ready are you ready

so I’m gonna steal it are you ready are

you ready are you ready I can do that I

can remix it I’ve owned like your credit

to the author right are you ready

because here’s what I know so much of

your preparation time is being

squandered in frustration such that if

you were to receive what you’ve been

praying for God to deliver right now

you may not be ready for it because

you’re out of spirits are saying can I

say that can I say it

right now what is the thing you’re

praying about I want you to put it on

your mind what are you praying for what

are you praying for

will you pray for everybody know it okay

if it happens right now what do you do

who’s ready wait I love it I love it

good some of y’all like God I want to be

ready but I’m not quite yet part of

getting ready part of being in shape is

working on your talent and gift as often

and frequently as you can okay work on

it work on it Romans 12 chapter Romans

12 verse 4 through 8 is our text Paul is

saying this for just as each of us has

one body with many members and these

members do not all have the same

function if I turn to my foot if the arm

and the foot have a conversation and

arms us to the foot why can’t you walk

would you look at the armor said what is

your problem why because the arm was

created with a different function than

the foot and in order for the body to be

healthy every part has to operate in the

area in which they are gifted and if the

arm is obsessing all day about being a

foot no matter how much it obsesses it

will never become a foot so why do you

find yourselves in moments where you are

scrolling and you are obsessing over

being something that you were not

created to be instead of owning the

power of what already lies within you

you you don’t need to be a foot you

might be a great arm do you know how

much an arm can do you may not need to

be an arm you could be a great foot do

you know what a foot can do the body of

Christ is only as healthy as the members

that operate in their assignment how

close are you to operating in your

assignment right now part of your shape

depends on am i operating in the area of

my gifting or am i wishing I was a

different part a bit let me Lord help me

Jesus I have spent more days than I care

to really admit wishing I was a

different part I have spent so many days

because for some people I’m too

spiritual you know my day job is I

produce films and television I here in

Hollywood and and for some people in

Hollywood you know Devon you’re great

butcher you’re just so spiritual do you

have to use the word safe I am NOT

playing I was on a conference call

well this God has to be in it you know

do you think we can still do it without

God in it you know I mean we know that

your faith is important to you but this

may not sell if it has faith in it and I

said well god bless your heart you must

not know who you are talking to part of

my faith is what makes me a good arm

trying to be no foot I ain’t trying to

be no toe I will be the arm of the Lord

and if faith is what he’s told me to be

about and I’m going to be about it and

we’re going to see how much I can do

with my faith based health I will not

compromise the word I will not

compromise who is created me to be and

guess what

so what if I lose the deal the right

deal will come because I am owning my


somebody needs to own your assignment oh

you’re so worried about foot

opportunities you ain’t and focus on

your arm opportunity worry about with

God and for you and do it the way he

told you to do it

I’m tired of us obsessing and

compromising just to get what we think

is going to make us happy but let me

tell you something your peace is

dependent on your assignment you want

peace get into your assignment you want

to sleep at night get into your

assignment most of the time the reason

why we have no peace is because we’re

picking over somebody else an assignment

why would God do that why would he do

that and not duel with me I have spent

more time in that emotional state than I

care to admit obsessing and for some in

the spiritual world

I’m too secular now you know we love

Devon but you know he he works in


yes well God’s going to call him out one

day well bless your heart you better

keep praying you know why because when

you look at Daniel Shadrach Meshach and

Abednego where were they in Babylon

every time they honor God did he take

them out of Babylon no he promoted them

gave him more influence more money more

power to influence the world on behalf

of God so I am going to stay in the

industry that God has called me to and I

ask you to say whoever God has called

you to

you cannot shine light in life you gotta

shine some light in some darkness he

wants to raise you up

but you got to get in shape I’m sharing

with you my struggles I’m share with you

my struggles to help you because I’ve

struggled with the part that God was

created in me to fulfill in the body of

Christ struggled because I’m not fully

this and I’m not fully that and I say

God I can’t preach like Bishop Jake’s I

can’t connect like Joel Osteen I can’t

produce like will Packer I can never be

what Overbrook entertainment is and God

says you’re absolutely right you’re

right you’re right I’m so glad you got

the revelation you’re right you cannot

be like anybody else you’re right

you cannot covet anyone else’s anointing

you’re right and the more you’re looking

at their anointing the more you’re

missing the anointing that is try to

knock you upside your head you don’t

even realize how much anointing I’m

pouring on you because you’re obsessing

over being another part God says what

you just own who you are and know that

it is more than enough turning

everything I’m more than enough I’m more

than enough I’m more than enough you you

listen to me please please please please

please stop please stop asking God why

you weren’t created differently he he

didn’t need another hand he needed you

if he needed another hand you’d be a

hand right so whatever part you are

called to fulfill it’s because that’s

where the need is and here’s what I know

here’s what I know

sometimes in the body of Christ okay we

might need to UM can someone you had a

motorcycle out there to get me out of

here about what I’m getting ready to say

I just want to get out quick because

y’all might throw some Rotten Tomatoes

at me okay here’s what I know and this

is one of the reasons why I’m glad

you’re here growing up in the church and

I love the church I want you to know I

love the church I love

going to church I love the music I love

the scripture I mean in all kinds of

church I love it and I was raised in the

church but here’s what happened in the

church the moment that my gifting did

not fit the approved level and list of

gifts who am I talking to you know the

approved list of church gifts at the

moment that my gifting didn’t was not on

the list I found myself in an

environment and that it did not

encourage me to become all that I could

be they encouraged me to sign up for one

of the gifts on the list I said but

that’s not everything God is calling me

to be everything that I need to be and

my gifting does not fit on the list and

instead of being embraced I was

ostracized who am I talking to anybody

ever been ostracized because of your

gift your gif didn’t fit you didn’t fit

but I’m here to tell you thank God you

didn’t fit thank God you didn’t limit

yourself you are made the way he needs

you to be made to do what he’s called

you to do and there is no list that can

handle who you are doesn’t exist it

doesn’t exist and I know that the church

means well but here’s the church that we

have here at this church is like being

who you are that’s why I love one says

you can be who you are it’s an

environment that fosters creativity and

identity and an individuality why is it

important because the more you like who

looks back at you in the mirror the

better you’re going to be in getting in

shape and using your gift the way it

would call to be use amen watch this

watch this for each one of us has one

body with many members and these members

do not all share the same function hmm

oh boy go help me not get ahead of my

notes one of the things about our

gifting is that when you look at it in

the context of an overall body right the

body of Christ has many members many

parts it means in order for the body to

be successful we have to work together

okay let me come and sit right next to

you why are you so concerned about

helping the person next to you as if

help from God is a limited resource

here’s what I need you to know the more

that you help the more generous you are

the more God will give back to you

here’s what I want to see in this

community I want to see more unity I

want to see more teamwork okay I want to

see more help all right I really want to

see it why here’s why here’s why because

you I don’t want you to be so obsessed

about getting put on that you step over

people along the way and you justify it

as what is required to make it let me

tell you something anything God has

called you to do will not require you to

step on people it will require you to

lift people up along the way

the more people you lift up the higher

you’re going to be the more people you

lift up the higher you’re going to be

the more people you lift up the higher

you’re going to go so more people you

help along the way the more people will

help you

would you please start looking to your

left and right and say what do you need

how can I help

it’s as simple as this we are we live in

a social media obsessed world right

instead of when you scroll getting

jealous of a friend having an


why don’t you repost it and say thank

God which puts up with the hands the

praying hands in the high-five hands

come on now why don’t you do that well

oh come on you know what I’m rooting for

you I’m behind you

and I know that if God is doing that in

your life I know what he’s getting ready

to do in my life because the God oh that

is your God is still my god and the same

power that’s all you is absolutely on me

so I don’t mind giving you a hashtag go

get it I don’t mind giving you a hashtag

hallelujah I don’t mind giving you a

hashtag I got your back why because I

noticed that as long as I help you and

do a goddess told me to do then my

opportunity is on the way and I don’t

have time to be jealous I don’t have

time to be envious I don’t have time to

be frustrated when I see the glory fall

on you i’ma go like this

if it fell on my brother my sister but I

know it’s getting ready to follow me and

I will be excited for the glory on them

I will be excited for what God is doing

on them come on somebody stop being so

mad when you see your friend Megan when

you see them trying to get up don’t pull

them down you push them up what do you

need let me play with you before the

audition we go on in for the same horse

let’s get prayer right there in the

parking lot because if you get it we

still gonna win

why should we’re all a part of the same

team we’re all a part of the same body

stop all this backbiting stop it please

stop it

hold your neighbors hand right now grab

it say I want you to be successful

hey I want you to be successful now

watch this watch this as you’re holding

your neighbors hand as you’re holding

your neighbors hand what happens when

you stand up

when you stand up the whole body gets a

why because we’re connected and your

victory is my victory you can’t ride

without me and I can’t ride without you

we are one body with many members and

this is what happens when we work

together we all get the victory oh you

are victorious you are victorious you

are victorious and I’m going to help you

along the way

hold your neighbors hand wave it in the

air there is a victory way hallelujah

somebody hallelujah somebody

hallelujah somebody oh we’re going to

break the spirit of envy and greed we

breaking it tonight it’s getting broke

tonight I want you to succeed I want

your movie to work I want your book to

work alright I want your album to go to

the top of the charts come on somebody

I want your teaching program to be

talking all the schools across the

country I want you to have the deal I

want you to have the case I want you to

succeed because when you succeed we all

succeed somebody oh alright not young

sit down now sit in y’all get me excited

you get me excited you get me excited


how many feel the spirit of unity right

now how many feel it

it’s so important to be supportive of

other members of the same body that’s

critical to get in shape

second verse verse number five Tempest

well Romans so in Christ though many

form one body and each member belongs to

all the others our success is connected

okay it is connected so the more that I

as a person of faith have success in

Hollywood the more you and somebody in

faith will have success in Hollywood do

you get that the more you have success

in your field the more you’re going to

open the door for others to come behind

you to be successful so I cannot hate on

you I actually want you to go do what

you have to do because that means it’s

actually evidence that God’s going to do

what he needs to do in my life because

we all belong to each other

we have different gifts according to the

grace given to each of us if your gift

is prophesying then prophesy in

accordance with your faith in accordance

to your faith one of the areas where we

are out of shape is in our faith might I

submit for your consideration to just

help this analogy make sense fear lack

of faith is spiritual fat


fear is spiritual fat anybody ever been


we’re literally um you know you ate the


you had the cookies you had the pie

right watch this and you went into the

mirror and you were like I’m still

looking pretty good

anybody bend anymore or you like yo okay

I can kind of eat what I want I’m good

and then what happens somebody takes a

picture of you and they post it and then

you get a chance to see how you really

look oh yeah the cheesecake the cookie

and the pie hit the bank a man ha ha ha

ha but you don’t always see it because

you don’t always have the perspective to

realize you’re as out of shape as you

may be or I am as out of shape as I may

be do you realize my cousin got married

and I’ll never forget one of the guys at

church right before the wedding came in

and said Oh Sivan you know you put on

some weight like what you talking about

put on some weight I look good what’d

she mean put on some weight I’m like

yeah whatever you don’t even tell my man

you know why we want to old elders you

just being an old elder you being a

cranky elder right ha ha ha so then I

went to the wedding took the pictures

everything was cool

when I saw the pictures from the wedding

I said my god you’re right I said Lord

in the name of Jesus I rebuke this fat I

rebuke it i rebuked a fat IRA I rebuke

it all out my face my spec come on out

myself out my oh my leg come on

I rebuke a lot why because my choices

caught up with me and they started to

show you think that you can get by with

moments of fear and it doesn’t show your

fear accumulates and you don’t realize

that you’re showing your fear in ways

you never imagined how do I know because

you’re not happy

why aren’t you happy because you’re not

operating in your calling

why aren’t you operating in your calling

good question

why aren’t you operating in your call

what’s stopping you what’s stopping me

my younger brother David is here god

bless his name what’s up – David from

Baltimore Maryland be more in the house

watch this I’ll never forget back in my

early 20s he had come home to Oakland

along with some of his other college

buddies and they were leading out of a

revival in Oakland now I started pretty

soon when I was 15 but because I wanted

to go to Hollywood I didn’t want to have

anything to do with ministry it’s a fact

people say old going to ministry I said

no they said you can run but you can’t

hide I said I’m running fast I’m gonna

real fast right we’re talking about fear

and how it cripples us and prevents us

from operating in our calling so he

comes out to Oakland with his buddies

they do a revival now at the time I’m in

my early 20s they’re in their teenage

years about four when five of them

tearing up the place preaching the roof

down and Here I am sitting in the back

of the church and I’m saying I can

preach no and then God said why aren’t

you usually a gift he said the only

difference between you and them is


that that’s the obedience scan right

there how obedient are you being with

you again now here’s where we struggle

here’s where we struggle how do I get


mm-hmm the how it’s the wrong approach

it’s to do

how I just do so after I got convicted

in that moment what I do I just start

being open I said Lord I’m gonna be open

to however you want to use my preaching

gift as I still pursue my Hollywood

dreams soon thereafter the pastor our

pastor from Oakland called me and said

can you come up once a month to preach

for me now it’s not something I wanted

to do but I just prayed to God I’m going

to be open I’m going to be obedient see

the opportunities to use your gift may

not always align with your feelings but

if you are praising your feelings

instead of being open and obedient you

may miss what God is doing can I say

that to you because I’m here to tell you

the more that we’re obedient the more

that we say you know what feelings I’m

just going to put you to the side and

I’m going to use my give you’re going to

see God do amazing things in your life

so as I just started to being open to

him using my gift and I went once a

month I started preaching try to preach

they started preaching do you know my

Hollywood dream didn’t get diminished it

actually got strengthened why because

the more that I operated in my unique

dynamic gifting the more rare I became

might I tell you something that the more

you focus on your gift the more rare you

will become and we operate in a world

that rewards those that are rare this is

why I can’t have you obsessing over

someone else and their rarity no you’re

just as rare you’re just as powerful

you’re just as dynamic listen God bless

Beyonce’s Ark she’s amazing okay that’s

cool but you know that you got your only

hive okay you know that you got your old

people that God has called you to speak

into so don’t be so obsessed okay and

enamored with somebody else’s obedience

to their gift that you miss out on the

opportunity to be obedient to your gift

what is stopping you well I don’t happen

I don’t have the money god bless your

heart let me tell you something about

money God’s got a lot of it amen the god

you serve has a lot of it alright he

knows what you need he knows how much

you need and he knows when you need it

there are some times he may not release

the funds because

you don’t have the faith to receive it

you’re allowing your fear to eat up your


God wants to release more finances but

you got to have more faith what does

that mean it means start using your gift

right now start using it so using it if

you’re a singer saying if you’re right

or right if you’re a teacher teach if

you’re a coach coach you may listen you

might need to go get your little niece

or nephew all right and say okay I want

you to sit here and I’m going to sing

for you all right ha ha come on now stop

worrying about who it’s for and just

start using it I promise you the more

your obedient with what you have you

will find yourself in situations where

people will want what it is you have to

offer people ask me all the time what

about giving it away do you just give

away your gift for free yes when you’re

in the process of getting started we are

in the process you just need to nity all

right so so you should look at

opportunity as valuable as if it were

money because it really is it’s just

money and hiding the more opportunity I

have to be obedient for my gift the more

money ultimately will be released for me

to do the thing I’m learning how to do

right now so don’t obsess over how much

compensation compensation is more than

just money use it use it use it use it

use it why do we not use our gift

because I think we’re afraid here’s what

we’re afraid of

we’re afraid that we’re gonna fail and

we’re gonna look foolish while we doing

who am I talking to oh my goodness let

me tell you something do you realize how

foolish I’ve looked on my own on my way

to using this gift I mean y’all if you

would have seen some of these early

sermons okay if y’all would have seen

some of the first meetings that I was in

as an executive in his business it’s a

miracle I’m standing before you now okay

like I didn’t know what I was saying I

didn’t all I was just trying to do is be

the best God allowed me to be right and

I said well Lord either I’m going to

fail or I’m going to make it but I got

to find out and I can’t have too much

vanity and how

look on the way to doing it that that’s

the vanity scan right there it let me

let me say some of you anybody that’s

going to laugh at your attempt to use

your gift is not worthy to share your

airspace anybody that’s going to make

you feel bad about doing the thing God

told you to do and laugh at you and

ridet you you might I submit for your

consideration they are not worthy to

call you friend or family because those

that love you that care for you are

going to encourage you it’s alright baby

pick yourself up it’s okay let me dust

you off it’s alright I got you don’t

worry about how you look just get in a

position of goo-goo to remember the Nike

campaign just do it just do it just do

it just do it match the person who is

getting convicted right now about really

operating the more obedience who’s

getting convicted who’s getting

convicted because there are ideas in you

that we need there’s ideas that you that

we need but you got to get out of Lord

how and just say okay Lord let me do let

me do because the moment I do I begin to

fight spiritual fat which is fear the

Lord and not give us a spirit of fear

but of power love and a sound mind so

the way that I come back fear is with

faith you got to have more faith with

your gift you got to trust that if God

gave it to you he has a plan for how I

come out into the world

alright he said my word will not return

to me void that means everything he

spoke over to you it’s as good as money

in the bank but you got to have the

faith to believe it here’s what I

realize once you start operating in

faith once you start using your gift

people are going to be attracted to it

one of the key things to keep your gift

in shape is to put yourself in a process

where you understand those that want

your gift and that those that actually

want you

there’s a difference we live in a town

where the line gets blurred people like

to hang and they want to be down with

those they believe will help them get to

where they’re going yes your gift is

very attractive I need you to know your

gift is very attractive it’s not how you

look it’s what’s in you and it’s

interesting it some people can see

what’s in you before sometimes you can

even see it but as you start to use your

gift there’s going to be a temptation

and I must I must warn you there’s going

to be a temptation to want to bask in

the adulation and the praise you receive

from using your gift and here’s what

happens the more that we use our gift to

get applause from people the less our

gift retains its purity in which it was


um how do I say this how I said it what

I’m trying to really say is that is that

you and I should be obedient and praise

God if someone says good job but let me

not use my gift as a way to get the

validation let me already believe I’m

validated because God gave it to me I’m

not on a hunt for validation with my


I’m already validated all right and if

one person says you’re amazing or a

million say you’re amazing it doesn’t

affect how I think of myself and how God

thinks of me

because I need you to understand we were

not created to receive praise we were

created to give it this is the problem

with Fame

everybody wants to praise you praise me

and they oh you’re so great and if we

eat up all that praise we don’t know how

to handle it we have to say thank you

but it’s really him looks working

through me that is blessing you I am

just a vessel I am just being obedient

let me deflect the praise because the

more I eat that praise is like eating a

whole tub of ice cream it may taste good

but you want to pay for it later I’m

talking to somebody right now please

stop using your gift to get applause the

only applause doesn’t matter are the

ones that come from a heaven and they

are applauding your obedience right now

okay God why do you want me to say this

Lord that’s a different message God okay

I got to give you a commercial break and

I’ll come right back to our regular

scheduled program I promise I will mmm

because her gift is so attracted to

people there’s a tendency to to see your

social circle grow and you you value you

look at your social circle growing and

saying oh wow I’m finally making it in

this town I have an option of people I

can hang out with on Saturday night I

used to not know have I just not have

anybody to call I’m talking to somebody

right now I’m talking to somebody right

now but but but beware just because you

have more people to hang with not

everybody that wants to party with you

celebrate you

not everybody that wants to go out with

you celebrate you how do you know the

difference a party is as a social

gathering but a celebration is honoring

who you really are a celebration is

respecting the gift that God put in you

if you want to know if somebody just

wants to party or they really celebrate

you say no no I don’t feel like hanging

out tonight but if you want to come over

do Bible study I’m really struggling on

my gift but come on somebody now now

let’s talk about who one get let in

let’s talk about who will get turned up

in no I don’t want to go to one over

tonight no no I want you to come to one

church tonight I want you to come and

get this word are you now let’s see

where the party polygit hmm

see here’s what I know we all are

seeking validation okay what our

validation can be found in using the

gift not in the people that are enamored

by it and just because people want a

party that doesn’t mean they celebrate

you there are some people that just want

to get close to you because they’re

jealous of who you are what you got

Jesus Lord

okay God would see here’s what happens

and and I’m trying to stay on my message

but God’s just wanted me to tell you

this here’s what happens this is what

happens right if I were to ask you what

makes a good party and we were not in

the church you would say you got to have

the right environment you got to have

the right music and and many times when

I’ve talked to people about the party

it’s not really a party unless you have

the right alcohol

you ain’t gotta say man cuz I know you I

know I know you know what I’m talking

about I’m not saying that’s the way it

should be but let’s just be honest

that’s what you would say mix at the

party you can just go ahead and not in

your spirit say anything davon you

talking good I don’t want out myself

watch this watch this watch this watch

this watch this

why is it in order to have a good party

I have to detach myself

from reality with a certain level of

inebriation in order to call the moment

good where does the Bible say that in

order to to really receive the fullness

of your gift in order to really maximize

the moment you must get out of your mind

mentally did I say that in the word do

not fit so into the culture without

thinking look at Romans chapter 12 the

message Bible when you get a chance

right here’s what I’m saying about

partying is that one of your keys to

success in managing your gift is to

manage your sobriety it’s not a word

you’re going to say amen to but I know

it’s a good word because if the Lord and

give me the spirit of fear but of power

love and a sound mind I mean I got to

protect my mind at all cost because

there are some people around you and the

first thing they want to do when you get

to the party what do they do they want

to hand you something am i right you can

say amen to that doesn’t mean yet to

drink it but you know am i right what I

realized there are some people that only

want to see you destroy your gift and

might I submit their consideration that

everybody that brings you something

they’re not there to toast you they know

what happens when you drink and instead

of saying no you shouldn’t really do

this tonight

they encourage you they foster an

environment where you live beneath your

calling and they say are we having a

good time I’m talking to somebody right

now I’m talking to somebody right now

I’m talking to somebody right now in

order to use your gift you got to value

your sobriety I don’t I I don’t believe

in in in in mask off

I told I don’t I told y’all but also

don’t autumn time I say you can google

it afterwards is art the majority of you

caught what I’m saying because I’m like

will you wait a minute wait a minute I

have to pop what in order to deliver my

gift no no I was created already with

the lyrics in my head I already got some

melody in my spirit I already got some

scripts in my body I don’t need anything

to help me get there I’m already there

because that is how I was born God made

me on a spiritual high I don’t need a

drink nothing I don’t need a smoke

nothing I don’t need a pop nothing but

the Word of God that’s the only thing

that can get me where I want to be so

I’m talking to somebody right now I come

against the spirit of alcohol in your

life I come against the spirit of drug

addiction in your life of pill-popping

in your life are we smoking in your life

I come against it why because your gift

can be held captivity by these drugs by

this alcohol and God says Devon speak to

their gift your get this powerful you

don’t need any of that to turn up or

turn on you were born turned up and

turned on I promise you if you would

just allow yourself to get in a moment

where you say I’m not drinking either

tonight I’m not doing nothing to alter

my mind why cuz I want to see I want to

see is this person really my friend when

you keep your mind clear you see like

you never had before try it next part of

you go to don’t do anything and then

watch what you see you want to see

people you thought were friends hitting

on other people that they know they

shouldn’t be hitting on you’re going to

see situations and environments and

you’re going to say wow how is it that I

was calling this a good time bless your

heart sometimes celebration looks like

isolation sometimes celebration

looks like isolation just because you

see parties depend on people alright

when you party it’s about people but

celebration can also be isolation God

can be celebrating you so much that he

decided to isolate you he said I’m going

to take you apart I’m going to set you

away I’m going to perfect you I’m going

to work on your character I’m going to

work on your integrity I’m going to take

you out of the environment everyone else

is in and I

no you might be lonely but God bless

your heart don’t allow your loneliness

to get you to make a choice that works

against your gifting use your loneliness

to know that I’m going to bring you

before great men and women if you were

just but submit your gift to me

sometimes he celebrates you by taking

you apart by moving you away it’s not

because he is trying to give you pain

but he’s trying to protect you he’s

trying to develop you mmm anybody been

feeling lonely stand up right now if you

can feel alone stand up right now stand

up right now stand up right now

stand up right now I want you to know

your loneliness is not a sign that he’s

not with you and I know there have been

moments or even a hill we’re all human

we want connection we want to be liked

we want validation but sometimes when

we’re in the crowd we can’t get the

words on how to use our gift so this

period of loneliness has been because

God wants to whisper in your spirit

things you would not hear if you were

not lonely I want you to know that this

loneliness you’ve been feeling is not a

sign that something’s wrong it’s a sign

that you’re right where you need to be

and he wants to talk to you in the quiet

moments of your heart to let you know I

created you for a plan purpose I have a

plan for your life he wants you to know

the gift I put within you how I’ve made

you is exactly how I’ve intended for you

to be he said I’m taking you away for a

moment to help you heal because you’ve

been going through a whole lot of pain

who am I talking to

Who am I talking to

and and it’s hard it’s hard it’s really

hard when you you want to be used and

you have a dream and a vision of God has

given you on how you want your life to

play out and it seems like it’s not

happening I need you to know that the

pain you’ve experienced God has not

allowed that to depress you he’s not

allowed it to destroy he said all things

work together for the good of those that

love him and are called according to his

purpose so in this period of isolation

where you feel lonely I want you to know

you are not lonely look around you look

around look at how many people have

stood up there is strength in numbers

so you’re not going through this by

yourself and there are some things God

is trying to reveal to you in this quiet

time that I want you to ask him more

deliberately God what do I need to hear

because so often when we’re lonely

we immediately react we don’t like the

feeling so we fight it I’m asking you

don’t fight your loneliness embracing it

is not a permanent state it is temporary

it’s not permanent it is temporary

Amen it is temporary it is temporary

there have been moments when I felt so

lonely and I said God why are you doing

this and now when I look back he was

preparing me to be able to help you

because sometimes you can’t help

somebody in something they haven’t that

you have been to yourself I’ve been


I’ve been isolated I’ve been frustrated

and in those moments I said God show me

what you want me to do and can I tell

you that every time I would cry out in

my loneliness he would say Devon you’re

right where you need to be

you’re right where you need to be so I’m

going to say to you you’re right or

you’re right where you need to be now

part of this lonely journey using your

gift it is hard and we need

encouragement that’s why we come

together to get the word to encourage

you to each other and to keep going if

you need encouragement through prayer


come down right now come down come down

right now

you want more strength to resist the

temptation to live beneath your call you

want more strength to operate in the

power of your feet you want more

strength to push through the pain don’t

come on come on come on come on come on

you may have to move up to the aisle it

doesn’t matter just make a move just

make a move you making a move is letting

your spirit know putting everybody on

knows that you’re not gonna say the same

now you’re making a move towards your



I need you to know you have what it

takes you have what it takes you have

what it takes

you’ve been questioning yourself am i

good enough Oh bless your heart give

better than good

you’re the best you’ve ever made you are

the best

amen you you you you you here’s one of

the things I want you to do the enemy

his desire is to isolate you because if

you can isolate you then he can co-op

these moments when God wants to use the

loneliness in the moments when you’re

alone to build you up the enemy wants to

use those moments to break you down this

is why it’s so important to keep coming

the more that you come the more that you

have community the more that you have

connection the stronger your going to be

and deal with the lonely period unity so

people say well why do I need to come to

church I can just watch it from home

that may be true but there’s a power

come on am i right am i right so if

you’re in our online community keep

watching but if you’re local please go

and if you’re here and you’re local keep

coming why because every time you come

this moisture lastly I’m gonna stand

we’re going to pray if you could just

see how incredible the rest of this year

is going to be if you can see if you’re

just see if you could just see if you

could see what you’re getting ready to

receive if you could see it you you you

wouldn’t even be able to hold your seat

you’d be running around this place

you’d be knocking people over I’m here

tell you wait till you see what God does

in September October November December

the fourth quarter is when God does his

best work the game is not over

you think Steph Curry got a shot you

think Michael Jordan LeBron wait to see

you’re gone I’ve read the fourth quarter

of your year watch it he’s getting ready

to do it he’s getting ready to do it

every hand raised right now to the

considers to heaven every hand raised to

the ceiling in the name of Jesus I pray

right now I pray right now in the name

of Jesus pray I pray for their gift Lord

I pray Lord for their gift I pray your

God for their gift

we need their gift your heavenly Father

so I’m praying right now as you have

spoken to Lord that were one body of


many members I’m praying that every

member here their God would become the

best version of who you created them to

be and know that that is more than


I am praying upon for their uniqueness

their distinctiveness their hair color

their Lord their wardrobe choices their

heavenly father just how they look at

the world I’ll bring their gods that

they was not trying to come a cheer I am

a patient on somebody else but they

would all who you create enough to be

and as

opportunity open up doors that have been

closed open to God let the doors by off

the hinges because they are open to what

you have to do not put themselves to the

foster gods but open up the door that

can never be shut you that I pray right

now in the mighty holy master name of

Jesus every hand raised right now I pray

peace I speak peace i I speak to you


you will sleep well tonight yes you will

you will have a good night’s rest yes

you will shine will not squander in

frustration I don’t get solution right

now you will not depress yourself out of

curiosity so today will not happen like

me peace to your spirit I speak power

and I speak

brokenness over your dream your gift I

pray divergent that right now and you

would take your get back

well the name of trust reprint and all

gods such a thing

amen amen you’ve got a handbrake you’ve

got an average
