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before I go any further I want to just

pause and can we just honor the queen of

this conference pastor Sara James

Roberts she’s she’s not just the queen

of this conference petal

she’s la reina me chorus aw la manna de

Luca a song hallelujah she’s the queen

of my heart let’s make some noise for

Pastor Sarah we love you so much what a

gift you are to this world and I thank

god you’re born our leaders are here can

we honor and celebrate Bishop TD and

First Lady Serita Jake’s every leader

needs a leader and was so grateful for

them and the way that they lead and I

got not just my leaders but they’re

there they’re my parents I’ve got extra

parents in them and I the weak you know

our relationship my relationship with my

father in love and my mother in love

defies every in-law lie every in-law

maybe even a reality for some it defies

all of that it’s been beautiful from the

very beginning come on somebody how many

of us know when God is in something come

on us that’s why you want you want to

let God orchestrates your marriage and

your relationships and all those sort of

things I’ve got something that I want to

do always like to give gifts first of

all let me tell you I get nervous when I

speak in front of a bunch of women uh

yeah both of our campuses are multiple

thousands of members but when I speak to

a crowd that is predominantly women I

get nervous and the reason why I get

nervous is because I actually think that

I understand who you are

and I find it a real honor and a

privilege to be entrusted with the

message that speaks to the identity of a

woman I take it very seriously because I

don’t think there’s anything more

beautiful and anything more glorious

than a woman flourishing and who she’s

called to be come on somebody it’s the

truth there’s nothing in fact the man’s

job the man’s job is to facilitate that

flourishing that is our job if God look

at just stay wait for a second but but

but if God if we look at scripture it

can be argued theologically that God

unfolds significance as it relates to

creation he unfolds significance via


he starts with with everything that is

non-human and then he ends with

humankind and then when we thought that

was done then there humankind had

another dimension and that final

dimension which was the capstone of

creation was the woman a man’s job from

the very beginning was to be a steward

of the environment that causes the woman

to flourish that’s our job

that’s why even like in salsa and pastor

Hosea can probably just I can probably

help me with this but but even in salsa

like if you ever see a man and a woman

do a salsa and and the man is out doing

the woman he missed the whole point

because the whole job he is supposed to

use his moves to accentuate her come on

somebody so that she can look as

beautiful as she’s designed to be

anybody want a real man come on somebody

I don’t want you to settle because I

believe and I watch this I believe that

God is raising up a generation of men

that are gonna see honor but I feel the

Spirit of God that are gonna see you

right that are gonna love you right that

will understand see we’re getting back

to identity we’re getting back to our

callings we’re getting back see Adam oh

god I’m not supposed to be preaching


I’ve got stuff to do see let me tell you

what happened with Adam and Eve let me

just tell you what happened really

quickly really quickly because because

everybody gets on Eve right because Eve

had the encounter with the serpent right

now watch this

Eve was being assertive because she was

created to be you got to catch this she

wasn’t being out of order out of line

God created the woman to be assertive

the problem was Adam actually didn’t do

his job because because he was supposed

to manage that assertiveness he was

gonna say baby now you got a lot in you

you got a lot to birth you got a lot to

produce but but since I was here before

you got here

let me give you perspective on the world

that you’re being called to do business

and I’m gonna give you perspective I’m

not gonna diminish you I’m not gonna

hold you back

I’m not gonna decrease you what I’m

gonna do is I’m gonna come alongside of

you and I’m gonna give you some

perspective and I’m gonna give you some

parameters I’m not trying to control you

baby together we go we gonna win

together so let me give you watch this

let me give you perspective let me give

you parameters and let me give you

prophecy because the real one that God

has for you will have insight and wisdom

concerning you that was for free just

just take notes of that that was for

free here’s the thing we got all

different types of people and of all

different types of socio-economic

background here’s the truth if you got a

hunt it and you don’t need it and you

know it

then I want you to take that hundred I

want you to sowed in somebody’s life

right and if somebody sold it into your

life and you don’t need it I want you to

pay it forward and sew it into come on

somebody because we gonna get a promise

to somebody we

we’re gonna get a blessing to somebody

are you tracking with me alright alright

alright alright

Genesis chapter 1

and if you have a difficult time finally

Genesis chapter 1 come up to the altar

for prayer

I’m gonna read Genesis 1:1 through 2 and

I’m gonna read verses 9 through 12 my

kids are here too all my kids are here

they’re working all my kids my daughter

is singing my sons are working in the in

the various capacities in the cafe and

everything is just amazing this is a god

thing everybody that can work works my

daughter my daughter mackynzie was

working doing some stuff I just I just

think God how many of us know if you get

saved then you just stick with it and

you keep praying and you keep a line and

God will bless and save your whole house

no blessing to save your whole house

Genesis 1:1 through 2 then I’ll skip

down to verse 9 through 12 and then

we’re going to go to proverbs chapter 34

Irene verse three and four there and it

will go to Luke chapter two verse 52

here we go that’s a lotta I’ll tie it

all together I promise if you pray for

me in the beginning God created the

heavens and the earth the earth was

without form and void and darkness was

on the face of the deep and the Spirit

of God was hovering over the face of the

waters there was nothing there at first

except the Spirit hovering can I just

give you something for free sometimes

something looks like nothing and you

might be in a situation where where you

are believing God for a transformation

you’re believing God for manifestation

and you’ll find yourself in any moment

of upgrade you will find yourself where

it seems like you have nothing and I

want you to know I want you to hear this

clearly no matter where you are no

matter what you’re going through and

maybe a devoid of strength it may be

devoid a resource it may be devoid of

something that you need something that

you need and I hear God saying no matter

where you are what you’re going through

my spirit is hovering over you Basia my

spirit the spirit the spirit the Spirit

of God hovers over empty places the

Spirit of God hovers over void places

that fear to God Hubbard’s hovers over

that which has no form because the

Spirit of God is going to brief form

into those things are you tracking with

me sometimes you have

vision but you have no form and you’re

trying to figure out how will this ever

be what God showed me and I hear God’s

saying it’s not going to happen by your

own mind it’s not gonna happen by your

own strip it’s gonna happen by the

Spirit of God it’s gonna happen by the

breath of the Living Savior and God is

hovering me – hallelujah and the Spirit

of God was hovering over the face of the

waters then God said let the waters

under the heavens be gathered together

into one place and let the dry land

appear and it was so that’s important

I’m gonna come back to that later then

God said let the waters under the

heavens be gathered together to one

place and that the dry land appear and

it was so God said it and it was so he

said it was so and then verse 10 it says

and God called the dry land earth so God

said ultimately let the earth be and it

was so and the gathering together of the

waters he called seas and God saw that

it was good in verse 11 it says then God

said let the earth bring forth let it

bring forth let the earth bring forth

the herb that yields seed and the fruit

tree that yields fruit according to its

kind whose seed is in itself on the

earth and it was so a whole lot of salt

God said and everything God says is so

right but then in verse 12 it gets even

a little more interesting and said then

the earth brought forth so when God said

it it was so but then and it says and

the earth brought forth they brought

forth and the earth brought forth grass

that yields the seeds seed according to

its kind in a tree that yields fruit

whose seed is in itself according to its

kind and God saw that it was good so

when I said it it was so but when it was

brought forth that’s when it became good

just we’re gonna put a bookmark in that

proverbs chapter 24 verse 3 and 4 the

Bible says through wisdom a house is

built and by understanding it is

established and by knowledge the rooms

are filled with all precious

and pleasant riches Luke 2:52 and Jesus

increased in wisdom in stature and in

favor with God and man our thought for

today we’re going to go on a journey

based on this thought today our thought

is becoming a producer come on somebody

tell your neighbor I’m a producer I’m a

producer come on come on say it like you

mean it I’m a producer I’m a producer

I’m a producer if you are able to and if

you don’t mind grab your neighbors hand

if you don’t want to that’s cool with it

because sometimes is it like that you

don’t I mean that’s okay just touch him

nod and let them know you’re in

agreement but if you can grab their hand

nobody’s judging either way spirit of

the Living God we honor you we bless you

we acknowledge that we can do nothing

without you nothing moves outside of

your spirit and so God even as I touch

my neighbor’s hand right now I’m putting

my knees to the side just for a moment

and I’m asking Holy Spirit that you

would touch my neighbor right now God

some have come from a long way for this

touch and so god I pray even in this

moment right now that you would be that

you would allow me to be your touch in

my neighbour’s life lord I thank you for

the spirit of wisdom and revelation and

insight and knowledge and prophecy and

full use of heavens resources to bring

words not just one word but words God

words may your words flow to every heart

and mind under the sound of my voice

here are watching via livestream Holy

Spirit just flow and just communicate

trews trews that break down every lie

choose that break yokes truths that heal

God truths that enlighten the eyes

throughs God that causes the eyes of our

understanding to be enlightened to the

extent that none of us would ever be the

same again men and women boys and girls

who was whoever is under the sound of my

voice may they get something God that

changes their lives

radically and the matchless name of

Jesus we pray amen amen

do me a favor give God a shout high-five

your neighbor

high-five your neighbor and you may be

seated as the spirit of God leads you

hallelujah glory to God I feel something

happening in here I’ve got to tell you

something that happened to me recently

I’ve got to tell you something that

happened to me recently recently I was

in a very successful person’s home and I

had the privilege a wildly accessible

successful human being I had the

privilege of being in their home and and

their home was amazing it was a

sprawling estate and and the art in the

home was absolutely incredible expensive

incredible and amazing and just just

wonderful and and and you walked through

the home and there are these artifacts

of the goodness of God and all these

artifacts of opulent sin and there were

awards and and various things that

really said that this is a life

well-lived than a and a life of great

accomplishment achievement and success

it was amazing and I was just looking at

the house and I’m marveled at the house

and I marveled at the yard and I

marveled at all those things and then

all of a sudden I stopped looking at the

things and I started looking at the

person because and I know it was by the

Spirit of the Lord because as I sat

there and I looked at the person I

realize that everything that was outside

of him was in him I got to say that

better I got to say that better so you

can get it at first

I’m marveled at what was outside of him

what he had amassed but then all of a

sudden my focus was redirected from the

stuff to the man because the Lord just

showed me that that all those things

that you see were actually in him he

just found a way to get out of him what

was in him oh you’re gonna get it today

he go

you are gonna get it you’re gonna get it

today I’m gonna get this fly today – and

I hate flies I don’t know the devil is

angry belzebub Lord of the Flies I bind

you rebuke you hit the mighty and

matchless name of Jesus Christ you will

not distract me ignore them your sons

and daughters your daughters in

particular are going to get this word

from heaven it’s gonna be absolutely

wonderful and life-changing they’re

gonna say through God I can run through

troops and leap over a wall if that’s

your testimony if you’re not leaving

here empty if you gonna lay hold of

everything for which God has laid hold

on you let me eat your best shot


hallelujah come on somebody we in passed

the saris conference we don’t blame with

no devils and demons come on somebody

cuz I look I got a bruised heel too in

Jesus name

come on somebody we gotta eat them

snakes if you get one of them snakes I

want you to if you find one we wanted

snakes I just want to put it under my

foot in front of the people today glory

to God I looked I stopped looking at the

stuff and then I looked at the man and

it was like the Holy Spirit said that is

a large individual oh I feel it right

there that’s a large person

some of you are bigger than you think

you are you have more in you than you

know and I’m convinced that this

gentleman and even like the Oprah’s of

the world and even like the sayers of

the world I’m convinced that they didn’t

always know what was there but

throughout their journey they got

inspired a little bit and dared to act

and to move on that inspiration I

stopped looking at the stuff and I

looked at him and I said who are you

because all the things that I saw came

out of him over the course of his life

are we tracking together does turn to

neighbors say I’m a producer I’m a

producer I’m a producer

they learned this is what the great

people share in common I’m talking my

people who are great in God somehow

someway they learned how to get what was

in them now

here’s the crazy thing you and I were

created to bring forth that that is the

natural order of what it means to be a

human being a human being literally has

been designed to bring forth let’s go to

Genesis let’s go back Genesis you don’t

get this you don’t get this you get this

you get this in Genesis when it says in

the beginning God created the heavens

and the earth and the earth was formed

and without boy when we skip down to

verse 9 what you’re going to see that is

pretty interesting is that we’re going

to see the male and female attributes of

God on display before God even uses the

word male or female y’all stay with me

watch this i’ma show you male and i’ma

show you female what we know just based

on Anatomy is the man is the initiator

he’s initiated we just as there’s no

sexual okay he don’t get quiet on me

because that’s not a foreign topic to

two or three of you in your glory to God

the most of that

I know judgment this is called humanity

okay look at me all funny don’t do that

yeah I start prophesied over you just

you know but even as it relates to

intercourse the man is the initiator

right even even his sperm and he

initiates what will be produced so the

male aspect of God is going to be good


the male aspect of God is that which

initiates starts or begins the female

aspect of God is she brings forth hmm

you understand what I’m saying

so so so the natural educates us on the

spiritual so so what’s interesting about

God is we call God he but really God is

just as much she as God is e y’all not

ready for that you church folks ain’t

ready without you ready for that he says

let us make man in our image and in our

likeness and then we looked up and he

causes meant mankind to be male and

female so the likeness of God is not

male and the likeness of God is not

female the likeness of God is both you

now ready you ain’t ready so when we we

get caught up in semantics because

because if we were created the image of

God and the image of God expressly is

male and female how do we shift in to

become he God does not have he parts he

is spirit which means that there is a

spiritual aspect of God that relates to

male and a spiritual aspect of God that

relates to female and that’s why when

the manifestation of man was just man

God said that ain’t good is it anything


that’s that’s not fullness are you

tracking with me and so right there in

the text I think what’s amazing is we’re

going to see male and female via the

idea of initiator versus produce her

before we even go male and female we see

it in verse nine he says then God said

let the waters under the heavens be

gathered together into one place and let

the dry land appeared God says this

right and it was so so when God says

something it is so that is the

initiation male and then when we jump

down to verse 12 and it says then the

earth brought forth grass etc that is

the female can I talk to you like this

we don’t go on the journey there I

promise this won’t bless your life but I

want to lay some some groundwork there

are you tracking with me so so God is

that male aspect of God is to start

something but the amazing thing is what

God starts is established there’s a

passage of scripture that says that

God’s Word is settled in heaven what we

have to do is learn how to get what is

settled in heaven into the earth realm

so you see God has said something about

you but you’re trying to figure it out

it says and God said and when God said

it it was so but there was a process to

bring it forth and so what in you what

you and I are doing as we live out this

life is we are trying to wrap our minds

around what God said about me God what

are you what did you say about me that I

don’t know about me

I’m trying to figure myself out because

if I’m alive and I’m breathing that

means that I need to steal I still got

some producing in me that word bring

forth when it says in the earth brought

forth it’s only used two times in the

Bible there and in Joel 2 in the context

of restoration and I just want to slide

in there

inspiration to two or three people in

this room right now there’s a

restoration coming to about two or three

people in here right now

and it’s going to happen through your

ability to become a producer I came to

shake some stuff loose today because you

are a producer that’s who you’re called

to be and I must show you my garlic how

to produce something anybody come to get

pregnant in this house today anybody

come to get stirred up you believe that

there’s something on the inside of you

and you want it to come out come on

somebody anybody’s baby

leapin since this conference started

you’ve been feeling bumps in your womb

not in your womb checking in your the

baby is coming the baby I feel it the

baby is coming the baby is coming we

didn’t come here to inspire you we came

here to impregnate you

the baby is coming come there’s some

things in you and it is natural what’s

this it’s natural for you to produce and

unnatural for you to not it is I want

you to see this right because I didn’t

come to teach you how to produce I came

to show you how to not not produce

because the natural flow God said earth

do this boom and the earth did it that

is the natural flow you are supposed to

naturally produce but the thing that the

earth had the thing that you have that

the earth didn’t have was an element of


the earth didn’t have contention you

have you have contention the earth that

the earth that the time had it easier

than you have it and now you have to

overcome the things that sabotage fill

the Lord you gotta you gotta you got to

overcome something but but understand

that watch this

you’re supposed to bring things forth

that the baby process is beautiful as

amazing as that is is again the natural

pointing to the spiritual you supposed

to birth stuff that that until you die

I bet the great I bet I’m just thinking

about over right now but but I like

Sarah more I saw me you Sarah I just

like I bet that every once in a while

when she looks around and she looks at

her life and she’s just getting started

this is just gonna start but even still

but even still I bet every once in

awhile she looks around and she looks at

her life as she looks at how God has

blessed her I bet I bet every once in a

while she does two things one marvels at

the fact that that was in her but then

marvels at what yet what may steal

beyond in the side of her see this thing

gets good watch this when you learn how

to not not produce when you learn how to

overcome the things that keep you from

not producing it is not trying to figure

out how to produce I promise you that’s

not it

that’s the wrong class you will

naturally produce when you get a line

with God and when you discover the

things that hinder what should be

natural can I go deeper

can I go further that’s where song or

proverbs rather 24 comes in proverbs 24

I love this I think that this is a

proverb about life he’s talking about a

house but in the scripture of the house

is oftentimes used to describe a life or

family and so I want you to I want you

to see this because I believe this

proverb is about life but but even more

specifically it’s about how our lives

are supposed to evolve and what happens

when they do

there is this evolution that’s supposed

to take place in our lives and I believe

that that this evolution that proverbs

24 and 3 is going to talk about is going

to show you how to combat not

non-producing let’s go for it so if we

go back to Psalm or two prior keep

saying Psalm 24 what is Psalm 24 say I

make a look at it later maybe that’s

what somebody you read it that’d be your

homework you just read and memorize

Psalm 24 and let it let it bless you

Psalm 24 and I keep doing it how am i

messing around put it up there in a


I’m curious bring me some water proverbs

24 and three it says by wisdom a house

is built we’re talking about identifying

the sabotages overcoming the things that

keep us from producing if I can overcome

what keeps me from producing our produce

naturally you don’t have to get

permission to age you just naturally age

come on somebody you don’t have to get

permission to grow older you just grow

older you don’t have to get the gray

does not have to get permission to show

up in your head it just does it just it

does and so so I believe that when we

get aligned and when we learn to

overcome the things that keep us from

producing there’s going to be a natural

evolution that will bring us to a place

of constant and consistent production

tell your neighbor again I’m a producer

so it starts off with wisdom it says

that wisdom builds the house now here’s

a reason why I believe that that the the

great wise Solomon is talking about

wisdom first because I think that the

chief sabotager of Destiny is ignorance

it’s ignorance you you just don’t know

who you are and as long as you don’t

know who you are you can never pursue or

even qualify what belongs to you and

I’ll tell you right now I’ll tell you

right now even as it relates to to

ignorance one of the the chief culprits

of ignorance is environment can I take

my time the environment let me tell you

something the the the lack of exposure

is lethal

it is absolutely lethal because in some

environments you will never be told who

you are are you tracking with me that

this is a real real big thing it’s such

a big thing that when God is getting

ready to shape Abraham when he’s getting

ready to put his hands on him and lead

him into destiny what he’s getting ready

to do that the first thing that he tells

Abraham is imma need you to get up out

of your father’s house the first thing

he does is he challenges Abraham to

change his environment that’s why I’m so

glad a few thousand of you came to

Denver Colorado I believe that that

sometimes in your own environment you

don’t get to hear who you are come on

somebody it’s the same stuff different

day you got a whole bunch of people that

think that they know you but they don’t

know you they think that you’re like

them but you’re not like them because if

you would like them

they’d be sitting next to you got to

shift the environment because I’m gonna

be straight up with you some of you are

too big for the environment that you’re

trying to grow in I’m just gonna be

honest with you I’m just gonna be honest

with you and it doesn’t mean you’re

better than anybody we’re mature it is

not that it has nothing to do with that

it just has to do with your capacity and

the capacity of the environment I can’t

grow beyond my environment come on

somebody so you gotta get out of your

father’s house and away from your

country this is what God tells Abraham

he says he says get out of your father’s

house and from your country and from

your kinfolk sometimes he says unto a

land that I will show you and he says

and what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna bless

you and I’m gonna make your knife field


I’m gonna make your name great some

things are not gonna happen until you

are big enough and bad enough and bold

enough to make them go I figure make a

move make a move my whole life I’ve been

making moves my whole every upgrade of

my life had to do with the move that I

made where my people you say you know

what I’m determined

to produce something and if I’ve got to

move in order to do it i’ma move


environments let me tell you some um be

straight up with you and our churches we

have members but I don’t do members

membership is not a requirement and one

of the reasons for me while wisdom is

not a requirement or scuse me membership

is not a requirement is because if you

got to go I don’t want you to think that

you have to come and get my permission


good good Reverend can if you don’t mind

I uh I didn’t need you to release me

would you mind can you just wait a

minute if God called you


leave right but leave I don’t want to

hear if God wants your sake my whole

ship come on Jonah it’s not called you

to go you better go and if you stay too

long there’s gonna be trouble are you

tracking with me I don’t want you good

to have to come and get permission from


Who am I if God called you I’ll bless

you I’ll anoint you might put some money

in your hands but you better go sink my

ship I’ll be wondering what’s going on

lot of money is funny on this kind of

stuff go environment will keep you

ignorant someone you had to come all the

way to Denver Colorado to get a word

about who you are but I think godless

I’m hungry women in the house of God

I’ll go to the ends of the earth to find

myself if you call me where my desperate

people you say God I need to find myself



can I do anything for it

I’m desperate to find me if I gotta go

to Timbuktu to get a word do you go

there how bad do you want it come on

somebody I want to feel your hunger how

bad do you wanna know how bad do you

wanna know who you are come on somebody

like I see some opossum all that’s in

here saying forget

reaching forward

it already stopped pressing toward the


I came to the mountains to give my word

come on somebody I can to the high place

to give my word because I’ve got too big



of that which God has laid hold on me

has God laid hold on anybody in here I’m

trying to grasp what I’ve been grasp for


trying to grasp it Who am I

because if I don’t know who I am I

cannot be a producer


I’ll make the change

I’ll make the shift I’ll leave the job

I’ll start the business

I’ll make the move I’ll take the step of

faith I’ll shake loose the crew that

brings out the worst in me I don’t want

to be a freak no more

I don’t want to be a fool no mo that’s


I don’t want to be that anymore watch

this I don’t want to be afraid anymore I

don’t want to bow the knee to idols

anymore I don’t want to do that anymore

I want to be everything that God has

created me to be wisdom builds the house

because wisdom combats ignorance and

ignorance will get you someone you

simply put it washes and ignorance is

not a cuss word Paul wrote I would that

you would not be ignorant ignorance is

actually normal at first

ignorance means without knowledge one of

the reasons why you got to shake your

environment sometimes is because we just

pass all knowledge the same knowledge we

regurgitate and recirculate the same old

knowledge the same old songs the same

old stuff and all that’s wonderful but

you just got to know that it will keep

you trapped in that subculture that’s

why we switch up the music come on

somebody will go from Hillsong the God’s

gonna turn it around on you the lack of

exposure is lethal it’s nothing to play

with and that’s why he told Abraham to

get out of his father’s house I didn’t

mean to go there with that some

environments I know I said it but I said

it when I was happy I want you to get

this some environments aren’t big enough

to manifest you’re big

they’re too small sometimes what’s in

you is too big for what you’re in did

you understand what I said sometimes

what is in you is too big for what you

are in that’s why environment is

everything because I cannot become in an

environment that does not have the

capacity for me and so you’ve got to

break out you got to break out and so

wisdom is critical but wisdom is just

the beginning it’s as a relates to the

evolution of a life wisdom is just the

start that’s why I said it says wisdom

builds the house and then it goes on and

talked about two other phases wisdom if

you’re taking those wisdom wisdom is

just the priming of potentiality it is

just the crowning of it it is the

priming of it it is it is just the

beginning that you’ve got to have it you

can’t build your life without wisdom but

it is just the beginning

wisdom will start you but it won’t take

you all the way there or we track it

together some of you have built your

house it’s to start it’s a wonderful

start your eyes are open you you realize

it’s your time you’ve heard the call you

plugged into to woman Eve all but before

that you were plugged in a woman Thou

Art Loosed hello somebody so your house

is being built but now you have to

actually evolve and that’s where the

real works begin because there’s another

level after wisdom wisdom builds the

house but what establishes the house is


can we talk about understanding for just

a second at the end of the day coming

into understanding is really about

character hey yeah it’s really it’s

about character understanding is when

you have answers to questions that you

once didn’t even know you needed to ask

hey can we grow up today can we grow up

to them can we grow can we grow I don’t

want to to excite you without

establishing you because if inspiration

inspiration without transformation is

futile are you tracking with me I didn’t

come to inspire you I came to change

your life

don’t don’t don’t tell me I preach good

I appreciate that compliment that saw

you feel what I want to hear you say if

you mean it is you changed my life

that’s the mark for me

anybody can inspire you go down to Chuck

E Cheese and get inspired I’m trying to

change your life understanding is when

you’ve come to this place where you have

learned to ask yourself the deeper

evasive questions

the elusive questions and through that

process you’ve found precious answers

that change your life see when you come

to understanding you start asking

yourself why do I do this

so you see most people don’t look that

deeply into life most people are not

self-aware they just they just they just

function but they’re not self-aware so

when you come to this place it’s this

level of understanding it’s not just

what I do

but it’s why do I do it why did that

hurt me like it hurt me why do I keep

falling into these same patterns

and rhythms that’s understanding can we

go further when you graduate into

understanding it forces you to ask tough

questions like this have I faced my

giants I’m gonna take my time right up

in here see in order to to move to a

place where your life is established

you’re gonna have to go into this this

level of understanding and this level of

understanding makes you ask the question

and be serious is there a giant at loose

in my life that I’m afraid to confront I

feel the Holy Ghost can I be a good

teacher can I be like a fake doctor I

need a Philips or something like that

like a fake therapist right now see

they’re giants in your life that you

have to subdue in order to move forward

Wow can I just talk to you for real and

a giant is daunting because a giant is

something that seems bigger than you it

was bigger than your mama and it was

bigger than your daddy and it’s bigger

than everybody in your neighborhood and

it talks you and there’s a part of you

that knows that it’s the thing holding

you back

but there is a fear and sometimes even

an element of shame I don’t I don’t want

to even look at it

I’d rather pretend it’s not there and do

business as usual but the reality of it

is you cannot be established until you

kill your Giants David was not

established Goliath established David

you’re quiet today praise God I came to

get about 1,700 people free in God’s

house today let’s go further let’s go

further in his giant business I feel

like I struck a nerve which means i’ma

stay there for a minute

what you don’t kill will perpetually

confront you oh let’s dig into this and

you can’t kill what you won’t confront

what if I was anointed to kill the giant

and all I had to do was face it what if

that thing that is daunting it scares

you to even to look at it is frightening

but what if you already have the victory

over it it’s just a matter if you step

into it let’s go further I’ll tell you

right now the facing your giant

necessitates vulnerability you got to be

vulnerable you got it you got to get

past the the shame man I didn’t mean to

go this deep in this one you have to get

past the shame and the embarrassment so

that you can get what you need some

giants necessitate you being open and

honest to someone who can help you feel

holy goes you got to say I’ve been

trouble because you know what we do we

like to have it all together we like to

look like we got all together but

there’s a monster in the background of

our lives that is constantly robbing us

every time you take one step forward

that thing pulls you two step backwards

and that giant I’m gonna be straight up

with you there’s a giant outside this

church saying you can be in there all

day long if you want to you know what

being you God you know you scared of me

come on somebody I got you by the hand

I’m serious the giant will drop you off

at church

giant driving your over enjoy you’ll be


I see you what time to session over I’ll

see you in a minute but you have to get

to a place where you say Who I am is too

important to be proper fooling around

with you I don’t want just half of what

I could have had I want everything that

God said when he called my name all I

feel the Lord when you call my name

before the foundation of the art God I

want everything that was in my name

someone you don’t even know your name

but I hear the Spirit of God calling you

by your true name today oh I feel God

see your identity is connected to what

is in you when God calls Abraham in fact

when God called Abraham before God

officially changed his name he had given

his name by what he would do he said

Abraham you’re going to be a father of

Nations in other words there are nations

where on the inside of you right so then

when he produced and manifests what God

said God changed his name he said no

longer will you be called Abram you

shall be called Abraham but see he

called them Abraham when he called him

to do what he called him to do you have

to allow this is important you have to

allow what God calls you to do to define

you that’s the only way to know your

name if you tell me i’ma take my city

then that’s my name if you tell me imma

take this nation

then that’s my name if you tell me I’m a

man of Estes business and it’s gonna be

like no other business why not you there

is no one born that had more than what

you have oh you don’t like that you

don’t like that because they don’t know

I grew up in these circumstances

so did Oprah so the bishop takes so

December and to a certain degree so did

I why not you why not you start the next

text company tech company why not you

start the next network do I have any

crazy faith in God’s house today what

not to be the next don’t change up why

not and here’s the thing you don’t know

what’s in you so you gotta keep swinging

at it you gotta keep going at it you

gotta keep beating what’s feeding you


what’s your name what’s your name I

don’t think your name is the name that

your mama gave you I don’t think your

name is the name that your daddy gave

you what’s your name

and you got to keep swinging at it until

you figure it out

understanding it’s about character I’ll

fight that giant because in my name that

giant is slain before I got here God

placed the victory over every giant in

my life before I got here in other words

I have been pre-qualified to triumph

over everything that comes again I feel

the Lord that comes against me I got I

got I gotta move along I got

got to move along you start asking

yourself questions when you’ve come to a

place of understanding have you faced

your giants have you killed the the

spirit of procrastination and excuse

making let me tell you right now

procrastination and greatness don’t go

hand in hand they not they not they not

they not they’re not friends they don’t

they don’t mix they don’t they don’t mix

because because procrastination suggests

that that life is on your schedule



procrastination procrastination says

I’ve got time

Bishop Rosie O’Neil says something

profound y’all know her she says

something profound the other day at

bishops conference she said I’m probably

gonna say it wrong but you’ll get the

gist she said she said procrastination

is the arrogant assumption that God will

give you another chance in the future to

do something he called you to do today



procrastination doesn’t take into

account this thing called time right now

times ticking right now right now and so

maturity understanding is maturity we

don’t see that in a second but maturity

makes you start asking yourself some

hard questions am I even qualified for

what I’ve asked them for have I killed

the spirit of procrastination

I kind of believe it’s the spirit I

really do I ain’t a demon but I’m just

I’m out of spirit you don’t mean it’s

like a lazy spirit it’s just it’s just

it’s just so you start asking about

procrastination if you’re in business

you start asking yourself have I grown

in leadership

did you know you actually have to be a

good leader and not just an entrepreneur

you have to learn how to motivate people

and build people you can’t because of

people out and going off on people but

you have to speak to them and nourish

them and pull out the best and you know

that that sometimes it’s not about

firing a person it’s about putting them

in a different and if you are the one

having conflict with everybody in your

company the common denominator is – can

I talk to you a little bit see

understanding will make you start asking

these type of questions you start asking

questions of yourself and my whole say

you have to become something to produce

something am I have I prepared for what

God promised preparation says to God

that you believe what he said prophet

Isaiah told her till the barren woman

enlarge the place of your dwelling

some of you I love you I swear I swear

the Lord I love you some of you haven’t

made room for what God promised and

you’re mad at God and you’re frustrated

and God is saying I’m too big for the

space that you created for me so so

preparation says I believe what God said

I love pastor Josiah stepping out on

faith and doing his confidence don’t do

it in his church and he just said God

spoke to him and said no it’s bigger

than that and he stepped out on facing a

faith and all kind of money and stuff

like that it caused and all dealing with

the city and all these sort of things I

so respect you for that man because that

says to God I have finally found some

body who will build me a place to do


mmm-hmm top my understanding we got it

we got it we got a we got to grow up

what what do I need to get out of my

default settings because I automatically

go here and when you walk with God

oftentimes it is all about a

reprogramming of your default settings

are you tracking with me let me run

through these these these are the types

of questions what do I need to unlearn

what what lie do I need to overturn that

has been subconsciously shaping my

perception of self and what I do it’s

time for understanding and let me tell

you another thing another sign of

understanding which is maturity is

consistency I can do it but only for a

little while consistency that’s when

you’ve come to a place of understanding

you’re not like children tossed to and

fro see wisdom will build the house but

understanding is different understanding

is about character and it’s about

integrity and that’s what causes you to

be here to stay there are many people

who were wise that got to the top and

fell because in the process of getting

wise they didn’t get understanding

see wisdom is knowing what to do

understanding is knowing you better do

what you know to do but yet and still

there’s another level are we together so

wisdom wisdom builds the house

understanding establishes the house it’s

my character it’s Who I am

underneath it is what I like to call

what’s under the hood oh I feel the Lord

and the third level there and there’s

the final stage of its evolution and

it’s a cycle so you never arrive

the final stage of this evolution of

life and of self is knowledge knowledge

what is what is knowledge not knowledge

is the foliage of character it is it is

it is see that proverbs 31 woman I love

that proverbs 31 woman you don’t see

ones that I love the proverbs 31 woman I

talked about last year but she is not

what people think people think she just

just sweet as candy just all her life

made all the right decisions and waited

until she got married and that’s

wonderful praise God I got daughters so

praise the Lord I just wonderful thank

you Jesus hallelujah glory to God I

ain’t knocking it at all not even a

little bit but that wasn’t her proverbs

31 woman she had been through some stuff

and I won’t go into it too deep but she

and in fact most theologians believe and

I think is easy to deduce that this was

Bathsheba who was that proverbs 31 woman

and as funny we look at her life we look

at her life and and we want it but do

you really want it but the beautiful

thing about the proverbs 31 woman not to

belabor the point the beautiful thing

about the problem story woman is she

have foilage what is foilage is the

extra stuff it says by wisdom a house is

built through understanding it’s

established it says but through

knowledge its chambers are filled with

rare and precious treasures but that’s

that’s fullness that that is the

manifestation of everything I’ve seen

you see some of you are in different

stages of what I’m talking about some of

you you just got wizard you just getting

started and your house is built and

that’s wonderful but you’ve got to keep

going you got to continue to evolve now

maybe you got to work on your insides

hello somebody

maybe you got to work when you can

listen even Jesus even Jesus had to grow

see remember that passes the scripture

that I brought up a Luke 2:52 what

fascinates it says it says Jesus grew in

wisdom and in

stature and in favor with God and man

just before that is the story of when he

was in the temple and he had so much

wisdom in the temple that he’s actually

talking to the lawyers and he’s talking

to the educated people and there are

amazed and astonished at him but God

still didn’t put him on yet you got to

catch what I just said he was with the

scholars at the time and he was full of

wisdom and they were amazed at his

wisdom but God still didn’t put him on

yet it says after that from 12 to 30 it

said and Jesus put look 252 up there it

says and Jesus grew watch this you might

see something and Jesus grew in wisdom

stature and in favor with God and with


Weymouth does three things – okay so

wait wisdom builds the house

understanding establishes the house and

knowledge is the reward of all of that

and it causes the house to be filled

with treasure and precious jewels the

finest of things that’s our journey

that’s us then it says Jesus he grew his

journey of evolution was that he grew in

wisdom stature all right hold up what is


maturity study even Jesus matured even

Jesus had to grow and develop this the

wisdom was the seed it was the beginning

it was the the outer constructs of the

house but even he God said no not yet

even Jesus had to mature so let’s look

at that so on us we’ve got wisdom we’ve

got understanding and we got knowledge

and we’ll get it all the whole enchilada

through that progression are you

tracking with me we together Jesus who

is our example has the same journey he

grew in wisdom and stature that is

maturity and the reward for that was he

grew in favor with God and with man the

spirit told me something as I was

preparing for this message it says when

Jesus evolves and he grew it unlocked

favor not only with God but also with

man which means that if you do not

become you cannot attract the right

people that are assigned to your life I

gotta say that better

me and my wife would not have worked had

we not come to at least a certain place

of understanding oh I feel the Holy

Ghost we wouldn’t worked our brokenness

would have caused us to bounce off of

each other and go in opposite directions

instead of growing and and blending

together I talked about in the message I

preached well I don’t want the right

thing too soon


what I’m gonna do is I’m a keep on

becoming because if I keep on becoming

everything that is assigned to me God

will attract to me I gotta land this


Atlanta’s plane but can we go a little

further Jesus walked the same thing out

so I’m talking about character and

character is it tough it’s a tough

conversation it’s a tough conversation

because and the reason why it’s tough is

at the end of the day you asking

questions I think the average person who

asks question how do I become what I’m

not how do I become what I’m not and not

only am I not it my mama wasn’t it and

my grandmama wasn’t it and my daddy

wasn’t it and everybody in my

neighborhood wasn’t it in fact I’ve

never seen it before

how do I can we just have a real

conversation here how do i how do I

become what I have not seen I got one

answer you do so by this person called

the helper you do it by the Holy Spirit

here hear me hear me hear me you got to

understand this you got to understand

who the Holy Spirit is and what his job

is the Holy Spirit is the only one in

this life that sees you right you pay

attention again pages all day pay

attention here but the Holy Spirit he’s

called in the scripture the Spirit of

Truth that word truth literally means

without ignorance so the Holy Spirit the

truth of the Holy Spirit has perfect

knowledge there is no ignorance in the

Holy Spirit past present or future

that’s why we can allow the Holy Spirit

to lead us because the Holy Spirit knows

what’s around the corner

hello somebody you’d be saying no I need

to go down holy pissin you don’t see

that pothole right there I’m telling you

I know the lane looks clear the dealers

in front of you everything looks good on

paper but something on the inside says

you’re in a relationship with someone

and everything lives it looks good on

paper but the Holy Spirit says if

sometimes the reason why the Holy Spirit

does that watch this is because the Holy

Spirit knows who the person will become

you know who the person is or who they

are purporting to be the Holy Spirit

knows who they will be the moment you

give them a degree of access to you can

I just throw that in there for free

so so when we’re dealing with the Holy

Spirit when we’re dealing with the Holy

Spirit we’re dealing with perfect

knowledge perfect knowledge and the Holy

Spirit sees who you really are that word

that was translated helper Parakletos

and the Greek it literally means

advocate and I wish I had about 30 more

minutes with you it literally it

literally means advocate so the Holy

Spirit is your personal advocate he is

your destiny advocate before God and

puts you in your mother’s womb God knew

you so the Holy Spirit knows the you

that you’re trying to get to he sees you

right okay how do I become what I’ve

never seen how do I I live life at this

level of integrity when I don’t even

feel it I don’t even how do you even do

that how do you stop doing this how do

you start doing that watch this let’s

keep it 100

that’s not even me the study with me and

the reality of it is you don’t even know

who you are I got take my time right in

here because I think that this is where

we need to get to there’s not even

something I do it it’s not even

something I move towards that’s not even

how and God says and yet there is

another you and yet there is another you

that you are constantly meeting in the

secret place you know let me let me tell

you what the main benefit of worship is

the main benefit of worship is to see

yourself properly are you not ready for

that can I have some real spiritual

people in here you’re like how do I see

myself when I worship what Colossians 3

up there I didn’t put it in my notes but

it.we I wonder can I just help two or

three people just just for a second I

didn’t put up there but let me tell you

what Colossians 3 says Colossians 3

beginning at verse 1 says this I’m just

gonna tell you he says since you have

been raised if in you were raised with

Christ seek those things which are above

right so so first of all understand

what’s happening he is saying that you

are raised with Christ so there is a you

that is there come on that there’s a

perfect at you there’s a you that’s

walking out perfection walking out the

process of being perfected and there’s a

you in Christ that already is oh you’re

gonna get this today

so so so you only know that you that you

are you only know that you that’s

struggling and trying to figure it out

and walking it out and you got issues

and you’re trying to do this and how am

I gonna break this yo and that’s the

phone cuz that’s to you that you’ve been

exposed to both in your life but there

is another year that God saw before he

put you in your mother’s womb and that

you does not have issues that you does

not have heart up but that you does not

have struggles that you was not insecure

come on somebody that you was not broken

that you was not needy so what you are

trying to do is to get back to you so so

worship true worship is always vertical

it’s always vertical why because I’m

trying to get to that you watch this

watch this

it says if then you were raised with

Christ seek those things which are above

isn’t that what we do when we worship we

start celebrating God and the best way

to worship watch this is to align

yourself with the worship service that’s

already taking place in heaven right now

if you study revelations 4 and 5 I’m

gonna teach you today if you study

revelations 4 and 5

it speaks of this incredible worship

service with their angels around the

throne and their elders and they’re

saying holy holy holy is the Lord God

Almighty the whole earth is full of his

glory that’s happening right now and the

reason why we feel like we’ve left the

building when we get deep in worship is

because we have aligned ourselves with

the worship service that’s happening in


we experience the glory that’s why you

can’t worship thinking about your boo


I’m looking up so it says if then you

were raised with Christ seek those

things which are above where Christ is

sitting at the right hand of God isn’t

that what you do when you worship you’re

seeing the throne right and then if we

keep going it says it says in verse 2 if

they keep it all beautiful then it says

set your mind my dad talked about levels

of worship in service a couple of

Sundays ago at the potter’s house Dallas

but their levels to it because because

you seek but then you go deeper in

worship and you set your mind that’s

when you have entered into a place where

there are no longer distractions and

you’re not thinking about carnal things

and you’re not praying for houses and

booze and money because silver and gold

you don’t need

rather you pass through something

well you don’t care about how skinny you

are you don’t care about how fly you’re

looking you don’t care about nothing you

are overwhelmed with the presence and

the glory of the team of keys in his

presence there is fullness of joy you

are pressed into something and you

realize that you don’t need nothing but

him do I have any people in God’s house

and you come to a place oh that need is

at the end of the day you are the one

thing that I desire you will never leave

me nor forsake me you know my risings

have my down sittings yet you still love

me when you gonna find that axe I’m

crazy about my wife but I can’t give her

that like that

you seek me you set your mind pass

through something so glad the Binion’s

taught on worship yesterday and he says

set your mind on things above not on

things on the earth now watch this it

says in verse 3 it says for you died

what you remember I told you that were

too young as you go deeper in the

reality of the fact that the old Jew is

dead stop giving blood

to what God has killed

are you breathing you died if any man is

in Christ he’s a new creature old things

have passed away behold all things

become new but here’s what I’m getting

at it says for you died and your life so

one of you died but there is another one

of you and I love it because this one of

you it is hidden with Christ in God

preserved reserved untouched unscarred

unmade unbroken in our life suppose

tomorrow I’m trying I’m trying to I’m

trying to lay hold of that for which

it says for you died and your life is

hidden with Christ in God that’s where

you are but if you go to verse 4 watch

this this is why worship is where you

find yourself it says and when cry so

I’m seeking and when I see Christ when

Christ who is our life appears then you

will also then you also will appear with

him in glory now here is what we thought

that meant exclusively we thought that

met them when we die when we get to

glory there’s nothing about that passage

that would suggest that it’s saying that

when you access the presence in a deep

way and Jesus shows up and shows you his

face you lose your face in his face and

that is how transformation takes place

the more I see me the more I can be me I

see you strong I see you secure I see

you anointed I see you full of faith and

the advocate sees that version of you

and that advocate inspires you toward

that you because he sees that that’s why

grieving the Holy Spirit is a grief to

your destiny you’re not hurting God

you’re hurting you because the Holy

Spirit is only grieved when we are in

error the conviction of the Holy Spirit

is a gift

how do I become who I’ve never met

it’s by accepting Jesus real and

yielding to the Holy Spirit it would

change your life

can I tell you my story and I’ll be done

from from from 9 to 26 all I knew all I

knew about the faith is that if I died

that was going to heaven I thank God for

the Baptist Church praise loaf and about

the church what a wonderful foundation

to get but typically you gonna have to

move on typically not all the time

I know some incredible Baptist churches

but I think I’m and I think God can be

pretty accurate and say typically you

may have to at least expose yourself to

other things

at least all I knew was if I died I was

going to heaven which is a wonderful

thing to know my 16 years old when I got

shot that gave me a piece okay I knew

that if I got in trouble God would bail

me out and he did time and time again

but there was more I found out later

that there was more and so so my life up

to that point was me not realizing that

I was reciting my flesh it was supposed

to be dead when I got saved and there

was powered by the Spirit of the Lord

for it to be dead but I didn’t know what

ignorant sorry I said ignorance will get

you some because I figured well if I

said I like I do is ask forgiveness so

this must be the rhythm of life the

grace means you just saying and ask for

forgiveness and that’s how you debt

that’s know but that that’s fine it it’s

true that you can ask forgiveness but

there’s no transformation if there’s no


and so I was 26 and I was prospering in

every way externally but internally I

was not and I had an encounter with God

and God showed me revealed to me that

you can actually be who you’re trying to

be but you can’t do without me you can

actually be who you’re trying to be you

can actually be who you’re called to be

you just can’t do it without me right so

I look back over my life and I thought

about the goodness of God the grace God

from watch y’all this rough come on we

got to be from Watson I bless the Lord

thank you Jesus

yes come on somebody it just got real up

in here he got he carried me and he kept

me and I could have been dead when I was

16 SOT so he took me back over my life

and then did well in corporate America

six figures young man you’re not

supposed that snot supposed to be my

story and he took me back over my life

and he said that was me he wasn’t

because he was so smart that was my

grace but now I’m calling you you you

got wisdom but now I’m calling it to a

life of understanding and I had a

decision to make I had a decision to

make and the decision was to walk with

God not to ask God to walk with me

but like David put it

I turned my feet to his testimony’s and

when that happened he filled me with the


I’ve got baptized in the spirit without

even hands laid now I believe that hands

should be laid and I’m gonna lay hands

today maybe if pastor will allow me the

Spirit of God came over me and the point

that I’m making is there were things

that I could not say no teeth if it

showed up it was going down immediately

that in one encounter with the Holy

Spirit one encounter the things that had

me I finally for once in my life had it

do we had that snake put me one them


anyone who snakes quickly please click I

swear I swear this is what I felt and I

think this is gonna be a prophetic

symbol just somebody

and I remember praying I remember

praying and this thing had me staying at

me and and it will holding there was a

step and pastor Sarah alluded to it last

night there was a step I liked what had



so there was one part of me that was one

part of me that was praying Lord taken

there was another part of me saying but

not tonight and even and even as I was

asking him i’ma tell you how crazy life

is even as I was asking him to take it I

was fantasizing about doing it again and

he didn’t take it then areand he didn’t

take it because I didn’t want it gone

bad enough Sara so I’m taking a step

forward in God and then that thing would

show up and I would fall back into it

and now I’m going back to God condemned

Here I am again Lord and I get the

courage and I feel washed and clean and

then I go back and that thing was show

up again and people to take me out and

finally I got to a point after a series

of this I got to a point to where I

actually begin to hate it and the reason

why I hated it is because I knew God was

trying to take me somewhere cuz I could

feel the lane opening up see don’t you

mess around and get her a vision of

where God is trying to take you don’t

you mess around and come to the potter’s

house in Denver Colorado you backs

around and come the woman he bought and

get a glimpse of how things could be

that was me and I remember family one

night and I was praying and I said Lord

I can’t do this by myself

I was honest

I said I can’t do this by myself I said

I want to be everything you called me to

be but this thing is getting in the way

man it was like it was like a game this

giant would show up and it would take me

down and I felt like a piece of bread go

and go to church – ray i’ma pick you up

at 12:45 I got you but this time family

this time I said god I don’t want this

no mom I don’t want this thing to have

this much power over me I want to be

strong I want to be a man of God and I

just believe that that you can do it and

I’m telling you as I was praying my

mother Oakley shot as I was praying God

gave me the image of an alligator of a

crocodile and as I stepped down on the

head of that thing it cracked like an

egg I feel that with somebody if this is

minister to your spirit I want you to

take your right foot or your left foot

right where you are bring it up


right something about people to come


all somebody not seriously take about

come on I may not even need to lay hands

come on a break

come on don’t stop starting it just like

at 17


get free

in order to get free

get free

not today devil map tomorrow


hear me here is the testimony that’s God

is my witness I have never fallen like

that again it’s been 19 years it’s been

19 years 19 years and just that the

bloggers don’t get crazy

it was promiscuity for me hello somebody

I was a hope but not Nomos

and what’s crazy and what’s crazy is now

I realize that I had to get free so that

he can trust me with women not a scandal

not a one woman in any of our churches

kids say pastor came on to me pastor

slept with me I planted a church in

Hollywood I had to get free

I can’t be like it and change it so what

my God have for you now you not crushing

the head of the serpent it’s keeping you

from what time is ticking I want to pray

for you if you’re here baby come up here

if you’re here and you say pastor I did

not know where you were going

but I want you to pray for me see I

can’t give you what I don’t have but

what I have I give to you then men’s

spiritual sons of mine and they were

wild to me

they’ve been celebrate for years

good-looking brothers come on somebody

with plenty of options it’s easy to be

celibate when you ain’t got no options


I believe in the spirit of god let me

see my name on my towel bring it back

I need the Spirit of God I can’t do it

we told our churches the other day

because there’s two of me there’s two of


one of me looks like me talks like me

walks like me drives my same car lives

in my house and is married to Sara

uh-huh and I gotta kill that me I say

all the time every day I go on my prayer

closet two of us go in but only one

comes out I gotta kill that me because

that he kills me he kills everything to

sign to me if you hear and you say I

need that he was talking to me Petey I

need that I want you to come here it

ain’t weird it’s real if you’re here and

you don’t know the Lord yet just talking

to a precious person yesterday and this

individual said I I left Christianity

and she began to describe the reasons

why she left Christianity and all the

reasons watch this we’re love-based

reasons I don’t like the way to treat

people I don’t like the judgment and I

said oh baby you didn’t leave

Christianity I said you left religion

I think for some of you judgmentalism

and Chris that’s not Christianity wait I

mean that doesn’t even make that’s anti

Christianity who the Sun sets free is

free indeed for God so loved the world

he gave His only begotten Son who sent

believes in him will not perish but have

everlasting life for God did not send

his it specifically says for God did not

send his Son into the world to condemn

it but that the world through him might

be saved

so condemnation is an antichrist spirit

Romans 8 there is therefore now no

condemnation for those who are in Christ

so you come to faith to get away from

condemnation not to be condemn us out

now baby you didn’t walk away from

Christian sounds like you might be

walking towards Jesus so if you hear

when you say you know what I cannot deny

the power that’s been in this conference

since I got here I cannot deny all of

the steps everything that led me to this

moment and I don’t want it to just be an

experience that I have when I’m on

pastor Sarah’s Instagram or watching her

videos or in the churches but I want I

want this see what you love about Sarah

is the God in her that’s what you’re

drawn to now she’s fine as all outdoors

and flyer than anybody but that’s not

what’s drawing you you wouldn’t come to

Denver just for that you could just see

that on social media is to God in her

reflecting back to you who you are

called to be

so if you’re here and you say I want to

try this thing I don’t have all the

answers I don’t really know there’s some

things that I got questions about I have

questions too but if you cannot deny God

tapping you all the way in the balcony

if you cannot deny God tapping you come

here we’re gonna pray for you just cut

them but take a minute come on just come

just come just come just come so God

you’ve called all of us really but

certainly these women to be producers

that’s their birthright it is not

something that is the exception them

bringing forth is the rule it is their

identity the father I thank you Lord

that they’re not just going to be people

of wisdom they can be people of

understanding and then knowledge is

gonna come they’re gonna grow in wisdom

they’re gonna grow in stature and

they’re gonna grow in favor with you and

with man now God we know the only way to

become we can’t mind-over-matter our way

into becoming this becoming takes place

by transformation and that

transformation by the renewing of our

mind and that renewing of our mind a

direct the direct result of our worship

and those who worship God must worship

Him in spirit and in truth

so that’s what we’re after if we worship

you in spirit and in truth our minds

will be renewed and we will be

transformed into the image of who we

truly are in you the father your sons

and daughters have come down because you

by your spirit have drawn them and your

spirit does not simply want to touch

them your spirit wants to feel them