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well now it’s time to get into this word

i love you god bless you let’s stay


well god bless you family we thank god

for worship we thank god for this

movement and we thank god for this


what is this moment it’s time for the

word i’m so

so thrilled about what god is is doing

and one of the things that i love about

god is that god is always

making us better

a life with god is is a lie it’s a

journey where we get to become

better we we get to become who he has

created us to be and who we have been

created to be is absolutely incredible

and we’re going to talk about it as we

get into this word even further

we’re talking about conversations on on

new year’s eve and into new year’s

weekend we we started a series called

the higher conversation series and my

heart was

i just don’t know

if we are having the right conversation

sometimes and so i just believe that god

wants to elevate our conversations and

and if you weren’t here

or if you didn’t experience the new

year’s eve service or that weekend

service higher conversations i encourage

you go the podcast go to youtube if you

missed last week we talked about

conversations with god i encourage you

again to go to the podcast go to youtube

get these messages in your spirit

because i believe that as our

conversation improves

as we get better at at communing and

conversing with god as we as we elevate

our conversation our life very much is

going to be elevated you you you would

be shocked to know

how interlinked your conversation your

conversation with god your conversation

with self which is where we’re going

today and your conversations with others

you’d be shocked to know how linked

those things are how that is

as a direct is it directly related to

the quality of your life i just believe

it with all my heart and so we’re going

to pray we’re going to go further into

this message there’s a passage of


that i want us to look at uh it’s not

unfamiliar but as i was studying uh and

really seeking a word

some text that would bring context to

what we’re talking about this one jumped

out at me

and i’ve talked i’ve preached this this

passage several times before but there

was something in it that really blessed

me and i think is going to to help us

to better understand what it means to

have a conversation with ourselves so

let’s get right into it that’s in first

corinthians chapter 2 uh beginning at

the ninth verse and we’ll read through

verse 16

and it says but as it is written eye has

not seen

nor ear heard

nor have entered to the heart of man the

things which god has prepared for those

who love him

but god has revealed them to us through

his spirit

for the spirit searches all things yes

the deep

things of god

and then it says something and this is

really insightful in verse 11 it says

for what man knows the things of a man

except the spirit of the man which is in

him that’s powerful for what man knows

the things of a man in fact if you study

that in the greek the things the the

words things of a were actually added to

try to help us to understand

what was what’s being implied but it

actually more literally reads for what

man knows the man

except the spirit of the man which is in

him and i’m going to talk about that

even so no one knows the things of god

except the spirit of god now we have

received not the spirit of the world but

the spirit who is from god that we may


the things that have been freely given

to us by god hallelujah that blesses me

these things we also speak

not in words which man’s wisdom teaches


with the holy spirit but that which the

holy spirit teaches comparing spiritual

things with spiritual

but the natural man does not receive the

things of the spirit of god for they are

foolishness to him

nor can he know them because they are

spiritually discerned

but he who is spiritual judges all

things yet he himself

is not rightly judged by no one


who has known the mind of the lord that

he may instruct him


but we have

the mind of christ hallelujah let’s pray

let’s pray family

father thank you so much

for this opportunity to get into your

word to learn and to grow and

and to become hallelujah i thank you for

wisdom revelation insight knowledge god

access to the gifts and the fruit of the


to bless your people your sons and

daughters that are under my voice i

thank you that they won’t be the same

after this word goes forth for your word

is a transformation agent hallelujah


shapes us and shifts us and strengthens

us from the inside out there’s nothing

like it we don’t live by bread alone we

live by the words that come out of your

mouth your words shape us they shape our

mind they shape our heart

they shape our souls they shape our

lives and i thank you god that along

with this word

there will be a measure of faith

hallelujah faith to walk in this word

hallelujah that it won’t be something

that just goes in one ear not the other

but that it would take root and bear

fruit in the lives of the hears we thank

you holy spirit for a wonderful time in

your word in jesus

matchless and mighty name we pray

amen amen anybody receive that i just i

just i feel something this is happening

in this moment right now i feel like the

holy spirit’s stirring i feel like like

somebody’s about to get better i just i

just feel like there has been habits bad

habits and bad ways of of talking to

yourself and you’ve just been bullied by

you and i just feel like after this

message after this experience

you’re going to get some you’re going to

be up on top of something something was

up on top of you but you’re about to get

on top of something and i just believe

that things are getting ready to click

for you the light bulb is getting ready

to go on you’re going to start walking

in something different if that’s your

words that’s my word pt i am ready for a

new beginning i am ready for

breakthrough i am ready to become

everything that god has called me to

become i feel it is it’s here it’s here

and sometimes you just gotta prophesy

see even that pastor said those things

we speak and that’s what i’m doing

because there’s power in what you speak

in your conversation to yourself and i

want to begin to break down that wall of

doubt and break down that wall that

tells you you can’t i want to start

speaking to the enemy that is with enemy

are you tracking with me

i just want to be free today can i be


can i be free because we we’re going to

break a we we’re going to fix some

negative conversation we’re gonna fix

some unprofitable conversation and we’re

gonna talk about how to do it this is

not just gonna be a hype moment we’re

getting ready to get tools i feel that

thing just put it right there in the

feed or if you’re driving say it out

loud i’m getting ready to get tools come

on i’m getting ready to get me some

tools see sometimes the difference

between failure and success sometimes

the difference between defeat and

victory are tools

and that’s one of the things that i love

about god god gives us tools hallelujah

you know the scriptures say that the

weapons of our warfare he talks about

the weapons of our warfare he’s talking

about tools

god gives us tools he doesn’t put he

doesn’t allow us to go out into the


and go out into the cray-cray of life

and go out into to the heavy oppression

that’s in the world without giving us


god is wise enough and smart enough

to know how to prepare us i feel it i

feel it i feel it you’re more prepared

than you think when you got jesus you

got prepared i feel the spirit of god he

he he put tools out there

see let me just say this and we’re going

to get to the message let me just say

let me say this and say this before god

puts you in any environment he has

already placed in the environment graces

and tools to allow you to not just

survive it but to thrive in it

so you’re called to thrive i want you to

hear me clearly you’re not just called

to get through i know sometimes you feel

like you’re drowning i know sometimes it

feels like like the water you’re like

you’re in over your head the water is

coming over your head i know you feel

that but you’re not gonna drown you just

gotta grab a tool

are you tracking with me and so that’s

what we’re going to get today we’re

going to get some tools let’s get into

this word we’re talking about


with self

and last week

we talked about in detail

conversations with god

and if you weren’t here you need to get

it and i do think

that the most important conversation

that you need to recognize and and

improve the quality of

is your conversation with god your life

literally we talked about it last week


is a conversation with god god is always

speaking and oftentimes he speaks

through circumstances but he’s always

speaking and we talked about last week

the seven


that anyone who wants to improve the

quality of their conversation with god

must ask and and there were many of them

but one that stands out one worth

reiterating again

is the question shall i go up

it is the art of surrendering to god’s

directive for your life

and not being so uh anxious

eager or desperate that you move without

him particularly

in this season that we’re in

this is a way that we have never been

before this is an age and a stage an era

in life

in the history of the world none of us

have been here before i know there’s

nothing new under the sun i know history

repeats itself but at the end of the day

even if history repeats itself you

weren’t there when it happened

and the way that it’s going to happen

and so it is imperative and i’m just i’m

i’m highlighting this even though that’s

last week’s word i’m highlighting this

because i want to reiterate and

reinforce the the command for you to not



without the confirmation of the lord

even if it seems good just take a minute

and say god maybe this is one of the

other questions is this it or shall i

look for another

i really really really want you to do

that do this because there is a rhythm

and a pace to this year and you don’t

start off running

if you don’t know where you’re going

you pace it

you pace it out

you pray and you pace it

and when god brings clarity and he will

bring clarity and he will say this is

the way walk in it then

you can run

are you tracking with me so the most

important conversation

that any of us ought to to get good at

is our conversation with god and again i

talked about last week but the very next


best conversation that we ought to be


ought to be improving at and growing in

our understanding of is our conversation

with self

our conversation

itself is everything and

many of you may not know

this or you may not think this because

it happens so naturally and so so so

much without effort

is that we are always pretty much in a

conversation with ourself

we might just call it thinking or

whatever and all that kind of stuff but

we are we are all we’re conversing with

right now you’re conversing with

yourself you’re processing what’s being

said you’re you’re some of you are

saying is that really for me

you know can i really all that kind of

stuff so so so you and i we converse

with ourselves and watch this this means


each of us

have a relationship with ourselves

did you know that did you know that you

have a relationship

with you


well i’ma teach today

and the crazy thing is and the honest

thing is

is most people

don’t have a good relationship with


have you ever said something bad about


hit yourself on the forehead say what

were you thinking

come on about i know i tori then i start

calling myself turret sometimes i call

this my toray thomas roberts


because we’re in relationship with

ourselves and again like i said

sometimes we’re not in relationships

with ourselves in a good way in fact

watch this without some sort of


it usually isn’t the best relationship

with ourselves well this is why jesus

when you think about jesus when jesus

was asked what the great commandment was

what was the greatest commandment you

know the story he says oh it’s easy love

the lord your god with all your heart

mind soul and strength he says and then

love your neighbor as you love


so jesus ultimately was saying that you

know to the greatest commandment and

then i’ll talk about commandment what

that means but the greatest commandment

is to love god but then

the next one is to love yourself you say

wait a minute no i’m supposed to love my

neighbor no he said love your neighbor

as you love yourself

so so so how you love yourself

was actually meant to be the benchmark

of how you love other people

so jesus knew

that what we needed was to be in a

better relationship

with us


are you

and you doing

i know how you and your boo are doing i

know how you would but how how how are

you and you doing

what what’s what’s your

relationship like and see this is crazy

this is something we don’t really think

on these lines because cause doesn’t it

kind of almost seem weird to think that

maybe there’s more than one me

isn’t it kind of like a little a little

off or a little weird

to think you know having a relationship

with myself

isn’t it just one of me no it’s two

in fact if we take a look at verse 11 in

the text

and this is something that i’d never

really seen before bruno’s i’d never

seen this before but it kind of jumped

out at me

in verse 11. let’s look at it really


it says for

what man

this one man


the things and like i mentioned before

things is not in there so let’s read it

the way it’s actually laid out in the

greek text

for what man

knows the man

for what man

knows the man


the spirit of the man

which is in the man

did you see it

so so watch this

what man

knows the man

except the spirit of the man which is in

the man which means that the spirit of

the man

that’s in the man is the one that is in

relationship with the man

did you catch what i just said

so so the spirit

the spirit of men all of us

we have us and then we have the spirit

of us

and it is the spirit of us that’s always

talking to us the spirit of us watch

this it says what man knows the spirit

of us is the one that perceives us

that that knows us that that thinks that

it knows us the one that is in

relationship with us so your spirit is

in relationship with you and our spirits

and this can work positively or


the spirit our spirit is subject to


so the part of us that is in us that

shapes our perspective of us is subject

to the influence of things

environments upbringing

let’s take a spiritual the demonic

okay the the enemy


our experiences how we process our

experiences watch this

influence the spirit in us which is the

one that relates to us and even projects

unto us

in a way

that affects us

self-talk you’ve heard you’ve heard

there have been studies on self-talk

and how critical the narrative of self


how critical self-doubt even in science

and psychology self-talk they they

recognize the power of self-talk

what you say to yourself

and what you say to yourself is vital

vital but you have to look at that what

i say what i say to me but what part of

me is the one saying it

and the text are we tracking together

are we trying because we’re going to

teach today you know i’m going to preach

we’re going to teach today just if

you’re tracking just put it right there

in the feed see i’m track i’m still

tracking pt i’m still tracking

so so we have to get in here and

understand how to

to differentiate

the voices

how to know what’s me

and what’s the spirit of me and the

beautiful thing about the spirit of me

is the spirit of me can change

are we tracking

and so

so your conversation with yourself i’m

going to talk about this more but your

conversation with yourself comes down to

your relationship with yourself


self-conversation or self-talk

is largely based upon self-perception

self-perception this is why when you

when you look at

god and and when god deals with us deals

with us he always goes right to identity

get in oh you mighty man of valor

you know he calls us you know i’m gonna

make jeremiah i’m gonna make you a

prophet to the nation right he’s dealing

with the reality that he knows that we

come standard issue

with less than ideal


because look at jeremiah jeremiah was

young when god goes to jeremiah and

jeremiah chapter one and he says

jeremiah before i formed you in your

mother’s womb i knew you ordained you i

set you apart to be a prophet in the

nations what does jeremiah do jeremiah

immediately says oh no no no i am a

child i cannot speak where where did he

get that from

but god in his love for us and his

desire for us to fulfill our potential

knows that one of the first things that

he has to do when he engages us is he

has to begin to deal with the identity

or the our perception of our identity

because as a man thinks so is he and as

a man thinks so that man speaks

and so our conversation has to do with

with our perception of self and i don’t

believe that the average person watch

this i don’t believe the average person

reflects upon

the value

of who they are enough

i i don’t think so

i think instead of reflecting upon

the mystery of who we are

we obsess over

our weaknesses and our shortcomings

when the reality of it is you know see

there’s a passage of scripture in psalm

chapter 8

and the psalmist says something and he

says what is man he says what is man

look at the question he says what is man

that you are mindful of him

and what is the son of man that you

visit him they believe that psalm eight

somewhere around verse four read your


reach reach you’ll find it okay

what is man look at he’s asking a


what is man that you’re mindful of him

or the son of man that you visit him he

says and then he says and you made him a

little lower than

and most translations read

the angels

that’s inaccurate that word there is the

word elohim

and elohim is the same word used for god

or gods in the plural

and so so he’s saying

man who am i

what wait what is man that you that

you’re mindful that you that you’re


and so invested in me

and who am i that that you god almighty

who are


and you don’t have a to use

you don’t have a you and the spirit of

you you are perfectly whole and complete

who are you

to to to be mindful what does that say

about me and you made me just a little

lower than you


that’s the posture

that the individual

should have

it is a posture

of curiosity

not condemnation

oh i feel the holy spirit

see see when you make a mistake

you should ponder not penalize

wait wait wait there is a solution in me

and so instead of me

dwelling on the negative

i’m saying what is man

who who am i i i i’m

an exquisite creation

and and i need to be

see i’m talking about self-perception

because your self-perception has to do

with your self-narrative and your


and the way that we should should see


and perceive self

is to be in awe of the watch this

untapped and undiscovered

reality of who i am

you ought to be curious about you

oh hallelujah who am i really

what am i gonna be

when this is all said and done

what am i gonna be

when i grow a little bit more

what what am i going to be when i get a

little bit more whole

what am i going to be

when i i’m i’m able to from level to

level evict every negative idea and

every every

self-deprecating a thought that comes in

my head who am i gonna be when i’m free

and so i’m excited

and so even when i make a mistake yeah

hey i repent i need to make a move but

but there’s something in me that’s going

to heal come on somebody that part of me

that made me do that if i don’t allow

condemnation to keep me down

anybody curious about who you are

my very first book was a book called

purpose awakening discover the epic idea

that motivated your birth and the

premise of that book and i think that

was one of my best book balance is

coming out and

balance is a game changer but but but


that first book man it was something the

premise was every life began as a

brilliant thought in god’s mind

and a thought so wonderful it was the


for your birth

i want you to get curious about you i

feel the spirit of god i don’t want you

to come down on you i want you to start

really getting god who am i like to talk

about last week god who am i for real

god there’s something in me

i i you know because some of us are

pleased with where we are but you’re

untapped land

you’re like australia you’re

you’re not even fully inhabited yet you

know what i mean i think australia like

40 of australia is not uh is

uninhabited or you know it’s not fully

you know developed and cultivated and

may have something to do with the

climate or whatever but still at the end

of the day there’s still more

or maybe a better analogy is to see

right we are so we’re land creatures and

we know the land we know mountains and

we know the deer and the goats and the

bot cats and all that kind of stuff we

know all those things but you know when

you get in the ocean there’s a whole

another world

and that’s how you are

there’s more to you

than you think

and since there’s more to you than you


watch this

if you let me put it this way if you

take notes this is a good this is a good

quotable it’s a good tweetable

if you see yourself as a mystery

you will arrive this will lead you to


i’ma say it again

seeing yourself as a mystery

will lead you to self-mastery

because there’s more

to you are we tracking together

i want to talk a little bit more about

what that looks like


when you find a problem you don’t

you don’t penalize yourself you you

start pondering there’s a passage in


what the writer says in the day of

prosperity rejoice

but then he says in the day of adversity

consider ponder

isn’t that something because you would

think that if if we’re talking about

opposites in a day of adversity rejoice

then you would think that well then if

in the good or in the day of prosperity

i’m sorry in a day of prosperity rejoice

and then the day of adversity you would

think beside but he doesn’t say be sad

he says ponder

he says search

he says seek

because i’ve got solutions

and there are solutions i feel the

spirit of god that there are solutions

in you

one of the things that i appreciate

about science is science is is

super optimistic

it really is sciences if i just keep


if i just keep searching if i just keep


i’m gonna find cures for things

are you tracking with me now sometimes

it can be overly optimistic but i would

rather you be overly optimistic

than pessimistic

are you tracking what i’m saying we got

to have that same thing if i keep if i

just keep pondering

if i just keep believing see i i’m i’m

pondering because i believe that there


more in me

than what i’m experiencing i feel this

are you catching what i’m saying i mean

like like like no i’m not gonna come

down on myself

i’m gonna dig into myself i’m gonna find

out what god knew about me before he put

me in my mother’s womb are you tracking

with me we have to develop in such a way

as it relates to our conversation with

ourselves that we start

talking ourselves into things and not

out of things


god ever try to do something for you and

you talk yourself out of it

has life ever tried to present itself to

you and you say nah that not me oh

god i feel the spirit of god

there’s so many things that i believe

that i would have been able to realize


if i would have talked myself into it

and not out of it

that’s what i want you to do and i

believe that as you develop in your

conversation with yourself

i believe with all of my heart you’re

going to start talking yourself into

things see there’s some of you under the

sound of my voice right now and you’d be

talking yourself out of stuff be i i

said that to english to you you beat

y’all like it just flows better you be

talking yourself

out of stuff

yeah yeah yeah that person that that

other that the spirit

that other person that’s in you that

you’re in relationship with you know you

get a little fired up and then here

comes that little voice

saying now you what about this

what about that

what about this what about that and the

next thing you know you’re not even

postured for it anymore

oh i feel the holy spirit you have to be

in position to receive what god has for


and what that voice and what that

negative self-talk will do is it will

move you out of position you you will


and sometimes the miracles sometimes the

blessing sometimes the open door is not

for the shrinker

sometimes it only responds to the person

that stands tall and believes in his or

herself you have no idea

how powerful it is to believe about

yourself what god believes about you

because until you believe who you are no

one else around you will and your belief

in self particularly if it is aligned

with who god knows you are will move

people around you i feel it belief is a

powerful thing the power of belief you

can get somebody to believe so much in

you because of you that they will open a

door and give you everything because

most people don’t know who they are and

the person who knows who they are will

stand out from the crowd people are

looking for something that is real

are you for real i feel the spirit of

god are you for real life this is a

question that life is going to ask you

over and over and over again are you the

real thing

i’m thinking about john the baptist when

he was in prison

and he asked when he heard about jesus

you know he sent word are you the real

thing or shall i look for another



destiny these things will always be

asking the question are you for real

because here is the thing god will not

bless a counterfeit

oh i feel the holy spirit

this is why

when jesus walked the earth he was so

discouraged by faith he wasn’t

discouraged by faith

he was i’m sorry he was encouraged by

faith discouraged by doubt he was not

discouraged by doubt because he was mad

at people

he just knew that they could not access


outside of faith

oh god i feel it you and i can’t even

access us


without believing in us

you and i can’t even access levels of us

so that we can realize our potential

unless we believe

in who god says we are

what is man that you are mindful

who am i that you would send your son

who was perfect and sinless

to die for me

what value what do you see in me

i am not your pet project

i am not doing this god is not doing


because you know you’re his littlest uh

you know his little project

you’re not god’s project watch this

you’re god’s product

and you have to know that and you have

to say god what did you produce

when you produce me

i’m not your project

the lord said you got to say that god

i’m not your project and sometimes i

live my life as if i’m god’s project

that is little old me

and i need a widow all helping hand from


and god just wants to no no no no baby

i’m your product

you have shaped me with your bare hands

you made me you breathed your breath

into my nostrils and i came alive

you created me in your image

i am somebody

i am some thing i am an exquisite



i think it was coldplay

a miracle wrapped up in chemicals

i’m a miracle god i feel it

i want you to look in the mirror and say

i’m a miracle

i’m not ordinary

i’m not

some project some divine project

i am a divine product i am a partaker of

the divine nature and there is so much

to me

yet to be discovered i don’t need to be

trying to find a partner i need to be

trying to find me

first and foremost

cause i’m something

oh you’re tracking me

this is

what healthy

self-talk looks like

this is what healthy

conversation looks like

and it’s based on a healthy


of and relationship with self but

but but but

if i am to be totally honest here

if it were that simple

most people

wouldn’t struggle

in the area of self-talk

if it were that simple

and that’s why in the text

the emphasis is placed

on the spirit of god

let’s go back to the text let’s go back

to the text

it says

but as it is written i has not seen nor

ear heard nor have entered into the

heart of man the things which god has

prepared for those who love him

and so it it it is not



see the truth of the matter is

seeing yourself


necessitates a revelation

eye is not seen

nor ear hurt neither has it into the

heart of man

that’s why

it is easy to be talked out of who you


because it doesn’t come natural

to know who you are

anymore that it is natural for a child

to be born

knowing its greatness unless an outer

influence upon the child affirms them in


are we tracking together

it says but but

but god has revealed them to us

through what

through his spirit

ah here we go his spirit remember it was

our spirit


is influenced



to talk to us or to converse with us to

relate to us to know us in such a way

that it can determine

how we see ourselves

but we’re talking here about god’s

spirit right so let’s let’s let’s check

this out but god has revealed them to us

through his spirit for the spirit

searches all things

yes the deep things of god then it goes

into what man for what you know the

analogy of for what man knows that


knows man what man knows the man except

the spirit of the man which is in him it

says even so no one knows


things of god

except the spirit of god now we have

received here we go now we have to

qualify this week

because not everyone has received the

spirit of god receiving the spirit of


is a gift

that is rewarded to you and i based on

our belief

in his son

belief in the son is not just some

religious little thing that happens and

oh my god you click your hears three

times and everything’s good no when you

believe in the lord you come into a

relationship with the lord because the

holy spirit the spirit of truth has

drawn you

to perceive jesus properly

then one of the initial rewards which

the scriptures say in ephesians is the

down payment

is the spirit

and so when he says for we have respec

receive he’s writing to the church of

corinth those of people who have already

received jesus that jesus not somebody

to come and help your life you realize

jesus is much more than that

he is the christ he is the bridge he is

the way right and so it says that that


now we in verse 12

it says now we have received not the

spirit of the world but this spirit

capital s the spirit who is from god

that we might know oh this is beautiful

that we might know the things

that have been freely given to us

by god that we might know i love that

word that word no

that’s translated there is in the

perfect tense it’s it’s it’s in the

perfect what’s called the perfect

present tense

and the perfect present tense

brings something brings a word in

present tense that is perfected and

that’s why if you i’ll explain in a

second that’s why when it says that we

might know the things that have been

freely given to us by god that we might

know in the present tense what we have


oh god that we might know in the present

tense what we already know in the spirit

and that’s why having a relationship

with the holy spirit is so powerful is

because in the moment when you need to

know you know because the spirit has

already known it

that’s why things are familiar in the

holy spirit sometimes you have a

familiar experience and how do i know

this truth

how do i how did i get this knowledge

about something

that i have no knowledge of it’s because

when you receive the spirit watch this

remember i said there is no distinction

between god and his spirit they are one

there is a distinction between us and

our spirit that’s why ultimately we have

to get to a place where we submit our


to god’s spirit

oh can i teach today

yeah i love that’s one thing that i love

about god i can walk in the truth

without ever having experienced that


i can walk in a knowledge and in a

wisdom and an

information that i have never ever ever

been exposed to and let me just run this

alongside to the person that is always

disqualifying themselves not feeling

like they belong in the rooms that

sometimes the spirit and the anointing

opens the doors to allow you to walk

into let me tell you something if you

have got the holy ghost you are the

smartest person in the room now i’m not

saying that to make you proud i’m not

saying that that doesn’t mean you can’t

learn i’m not saying that they’re things

that you you shouldn’t be uh mentored

into but trust me you if the spirit

brings you in the room you have a right

to be in the room because the spirit is

the knowledge of god

are you hearing the words that are

coming out

of my mouth this is how the playing


get leveled

sometimes god will put you in the room

and you’d be like why am i here

and guess

which you is saying why am i here

see you know it’s not the spirit because

the spirit doesn’t talk like that

the spirit doesn’t speak with a deficit


because the spirit is omniscient the

spirit is omnipotent the spirit is


the spirit knows

so anytime you hear the words

why what am i doing here i don’t belong

to being there no that’s your spirit

not the spirit

oh hallelujah see part of

growing in your conversation is

recognizing the voice recognizing when

this spirit is speaking versus when your

spirit is speaking

can i talk like this today sir bronies

it is distinguishing

between the two

if you have see see the holy spirit is

not insecure

the holy spirit is not fearful

the holy spirit is not jealous

the holy spirit is not empty the holy

spirit is full

the holy spirit watch this here’s one

the holy spirit

does not focus on self-preservation

see our spirit

because our spirit has a lack mentality

our spirit has a deficit mentality our


is ultimately insecure

you know what you when you’re trying to

self-preserve you’re trying to preserve

your job you’re trying to preserve your

position you’re trying to you know

you’re trying to you’re trying to

protect yourself

the holy spirit has no such concern

the holy spirit is god

the holy spirit is complete

the holy spirit lacks nothing

the holy spirit recognizes that in truth

there are no real threats because even

if the weapon is formed the holy spirit

knows it will not prosper

watch this the holy spirit is free

the holy spirit is i feel the spirit of


see when you are preoccupied with who

you’re not you can’t be free

when you are preoccupied with what you

don’t have you can’t be free

when you are preoccupied with the notion

of what might happen to you you are not


and you are

in fight or flight mode

which does not

utilize your frontal cortex

which is

where all your creativity comes from are

you tracking with me so so so the holy

spirit will unlock you

can i talk to you like this today the

holy spirit will unlock your genius

because it is not into self-preservation

it is not into fight or flight it is not


trying to survive

the holy spirit does not put you into

survival mode it puts you into

thrive mode

are you tracking with me

and so

as i mentioned

we get there

that will ultimately to the place that

ultimately brings us

to this place of

of of conversation in fact speaking of

conversations i i almost forgot about

verse thing it says now verse 13 now we

have received not the spirit of the

world but the spirit who is from god

that we might know the things that have

been freely given to us by god and then

look at what it says right after that it

says what these things we also speak

oh that’s good

speak to who

speak to our circumstances

speak to others but most importantly

we speak to ourselves

see your conversation with self

has to do with how well you and i submit

our spirit to the holy spirit

and the natural

byproduct and fruit the natural response

of this phenomenon

is how we talk

these things we speak

are you tracking

to circumstances

these things we speak to mountains

these things we speak to others to bless

and influence their lives

but most importantly these things we


oh to ourselves can i go further

can i go a little deeper

is that okay just just if you if i can

go deeper just put in the feet right

there say you can go deeper you can go

deeper you can go deeper


we need the holy spirit

in order

to have


and healthy



ourselves what

is the holy spirit saying to us

in these uncertain times versus what our

own spirits are saying

even in this moment that we’re in right


oh god i feel holy spirit

even in the these moments that we’re in

right now these scary moments

these uncertain moments

these trying moments

who’s talking to you

who are you listening to

what what is the holy spirit saying to

you about the world

is it safe

am i safe

do i have a future

what is that future

am i going to be able to survive

will i be able to provide for myself

will i be able to take care of myself

see this is critical

especially now

because if you don’t

tap into the right self-talk

then you and i will be making fear-based


and not


decisions oh god

the earth shook but god did not

all of man’s plans over the last couple

of years shook

but not the council of the lord


whether it be delta

or fluorona

omarion omicron whoever ought none of


watch this shook prophecy

in fact

it aligns for prophecy

so i have to be careful in uncertain

times to make certain

that i’m not missing the most important



because his voice has not changed i feel

the holy spirit somebody needs to know

this god’s plan has not changed for your


he’s still good i hear him saying in

jeremiah 29 11 for i know for i know

look at what god is saying he doesn’t

even say he has plans for you he says

for i know

the plans that i have for you

i know yada in the hebrew i am

intimately connected to watch this i am

in relationship with my plans for you


oh god i feel it for i know the plans

that i have for you they are good and

not evil plans to prosper you and not to

harm you oh my god if you recognize the

context of him communicating that it’s

when the children of israel were getting

ready to go into babylonian captivity

for 70 years

that word came in a tough time

and maybe that word is coming to you

right now in a tough time but why did

god give him that word in a tough time

it’s because he wanted them to focus on

the divine narrative

when they were in conversations with


are we tracking

and so what is the holy spirit saying

and how do i get to his voice

the beautiful thing is like i said we

can subject our spirits

to the spirit of god

through watch this through spiritual

and discipline

through spiritual disciplines

and discipline what what do i mean

by spiritual disciplines when i say

spiritual disciplines i’m talking about

principle based practices

principle based practices

again i’m saying that you can submit

your spirit to the holy spirit through

spiritual disciplines and through being

disciplined and when i say being

disciplined i mean fortitude in other

words you have to work

the practices

with fortitude

it’s not just that you know the

spiritual disciplines it takes i’m

telling you let me tell you something

when you start really developing and

really pursuing to grow in the things of

the spirit you’re going to have to press

through because there’s going to be all

sorts of things that attempt to distract

that because the greatest thing that you

can do is become

the greatest thing that you can do is

become the greatest threat to anything

negative and evil around you is you

becoming who you really are

the enemy to your soul banks on you

never getting there

the enemy to your soul banks on you

not figuring out who you are not being

curious i feel the lord being curious

and so and so and so

and i’m gonna these i’m gonna give you

four things look these things are gonna


common knowledge to people who are

serious about spiritual development but

sometimes common knowledge the reminder

to do what you know to do is everything

for some it’s going to be

revelation for some it’s going to be

different but i’m going to give you


of these spiritual these principle-based

spiritual disciplines that i want you to

be disciplined in doing particularly in

this season is that okay


number one

your personal

worship time

your personal

worship time i think that every single


we ought to have


worship time i’m not talking about in

your small group

not talking about at your church not

talking about in the corporate gathering

as you’re watching online or you’re in a

service well i’m not talking about that

that’s your corporate that’s your

corporate worship experience that is

wonderful it’s it’s beautiful it’s

amazing but that ain’t what i’m talking

about because that typically is not

where the majority of the believer’s

development takes place

i’m talking about your personal

worship time it’s interesting in the

model prayer when when the disciples

asked jesus to teach them how to pray he

starts the prayer off by saying our

father who art in heaven hallowed be thy


he was basically starting them off in


our father who art in heaven

holy is your name that’s worship

worship is a part of prayer but your

personal and private worship time have

you as we are stepping into this new

year and we’re working new habits and

we’re working new disciplines what about

the habit and the discipline of personal

worship time

every single day

you and god

in a set apart place

without any particular agenda


than to be

in the awareness of his presence and

allow whatever happens in that

experience to happen

your place

of intimacy

with god himself

not with the pastor

not with no with god

it doesn’t have to be long you don’t

have to be in there for hours sometimes

you might want that

but what if you just set aside

20 minutes 45 minutes an hour 30 minutes

whatever you have and you’re just going

to be there and you’re just going to

open up to the lord

and you’re just going to say and maybe

you start with

my father

who is in heaven

holy is your name

and you just start there

and you enter into his gates

and you enter

into god’s presence

you know what happens when you get there

the first thing that happens when you

get there if you dig in a little bit is

a mirror comes up

i talk about this in my book balance and

and it is a shameless plug you can

pre-order it now

and if you know that you have the

tendency to procrastinate the way that

you break the spirit of procrastination

is you embrace the spirit of immediacy

so put it down when you finish this

message go and pre-order balance so that

it’ll be showing up in your house on

april 26th when it comes out shameless


but so be it

but i talk about um what your day should

look like anyway i i got distracted but

you understand what i’m saying

that mirror comes up in your private and

personal worship time that mirror comes


and you start seeing right

let me give you an example uh in psalm

73 and i believe that the writer of this

psalm was asaph and asaph was having a

difficult time he was seeing the

prosperity of the wicked and he just

felt like like serving god wasn’t paying

off he was like man i’m you know i’m

doing the right thing i’m doing it right

and people around me and they ain’t

serving god and they’re getting blessed

and i don’t understand and it’s not

worth it it’s not worth it and he said

his foot almost slipped

and then he says until you find this in

psalm 73 he says until i went into the

sanctuary until i went into the place of

worship he said and then i understood

sometimes it’s right in that personal

private god some of you your life is

getting ready to change by worship

god thought you got to do any miracles

anything like that you just had to get

into the place where you see right where

the conversation that comes to you is


first thing

talk about disciplines and i want you to

do it right i want you to do it every


if you’re rushing and you can only do it

for 10 minutes 10 minutes is better than

no minutes

your personal worship time is number one

number two this is critical particularly

when you’re trying to

to bring your spirit ins and

bring your spirit subject to the spirit

is consecration

and i might add fasting consecration

what is consecration consecration is is

clean sometimes you got to delete your

social media off your phone

because if you’re like me you know and

it could be anything maybe emails you

got to delete emails whatever or or or

take your phone and just put it

somewhere for a season or whatever but

sometimes you’ve got to clean out and

clear out

because because we are in an information

age which means that that information is

coming at us all the time in the book

balance i talk about techniques and how

to quiet the noise life is so noisy

it’s noisy it’s loud

everybody has a microphone

wise people have a microphone fools have

a microphone

and everything in between everybody’s

got a microphone and watch this and

everybody has access to you and your


so you have to find a way to protect

yourself in seasons while you are trying

to get your conversation with self to

where it needs to be


fasting is powerful pastor stephanie did

a wonderful job teaching on fasting uh

just a couple i think about a month ago

it was amazing but fasting and study

fasting there are a number of different

facts i’m not going to get into it now

but there are a number but the idea that

i’m the predominant idea that i’m

speaking of right now is consecration is


a clean slate

so that god can begin to rewrite the


about you

and about the plans he has for you some

of you when you just consecrate when you

get off that social

or you just pull back for a minute or

you take a couple days down

spin with god and consecrate yourself

watch this and only let god in

it’s gonna make a big difference in

helping you

to allow the spirit

to manage your self-talk

so number two is consecration and

fasting number three is reading it’s so

critical and of course

scripture is amazing to read because

scripture talks to you in god language

you know what i mean it’s god talk you

can find the voice of god in scripture

and so you certainly want to do

scripture but then also anointed books

shameless plug again

i wrote three

my wife wrote

four five five i think and there’s

several other anointed books not just

let me tell you something


let me put it this way because i’m not

going to do what i was about to do let

me put it this way listen for the voice

of the lord

and you have to know the voice of the

lord in order to perceive the voice of

the lord every good voice is not a god


and it doesn’t mean that that that just

because it’s not god it’s it’s bad i’m

not saying that at all

but but you you want to the the shaping

that you and i need

to uncover the mystery of us

you need the anointing for that

and so anointed books and pray that the

lord will lead you to anointed books as

well to complement your study of the

scripture right one personal worship

time two consecration fasting three

readings scripture anointed books and

then four and again there can be ten of

these but i’m giving you four that i

know work

aligned relationships

see if you have the holy spirit and i

have the holy spirit

there’s there’s power in agreement

and and and you can you can agree

concerning things but then we sharpen

each other the scripture says that iron

sharpens iron community is very


in in keeping your conversation right

you want somebody that when you start

talking crazy about yourself you want to

buy hey hey hold up hold up

my wife and and and one of her best

friends and you know and her best

friends would would have a moment and

and try to say something about herself

and my wife ah don’t be talking about my

friend like that

you need somebody who can help you to


when your conversation

with self is not healthy

and so family i believe that if you work

first of all if you take this


this understanding that you are a


this understanding that you are

absolutely exquisite

that there is so much more

to you

and that you are awesomely and

wonderfully made

and if you take the posture

where you say what am i

and not what am i like what a mess am i

no no no god what am i

that you’re mindful of me that what am i

that that you sent this message to me

what am i really

what’s in there


and and you stop coming down on yourself

and and you just say if i get it wrong

that just means that i gotta i gotta dig

into me deeper

that’s all there’s a solution in me

and i just gotta consecrate more i gotta

press it more but i’ma figure it out but

i won’t get there

by talking bad to myself

i won’t get there

by going off of myself not believing in



i’m gonna get there first by posturing

myself same way the writer of the psalm



what am i

that you’re my you made me just a little

lower than you who am i then

just a little lower than elohim

who am i

and you work the disciplines


if you’ve never opened up your heart to

the lord

that’s the first step

because you just like all of us

need god’s spirit

to be talking to us


will put his spirit in you

and your self-talk will change


and you’ll have a fighting chance

his spirit

says wonderful things about you all the



so what i want to do i’m we’re going to

pray in a moment

and then i have a

video about an exciting thing that that

we do on on the regular with children’s

hospital but

but i want to give you an opportunity i

know many of you have already done this

you’ve already tapped into this but

but if you have never

said yes

to jesus


is being presented to you by the holy


not by religion not by force but

but these words we pray these words that

are coming in you that are resonating

are not my words they’re words that are

produced by my relationship with the

holy spirit

that came to be because of my


with jesus the son of god

and so if you’re under the sound of my

voice and you’ve

these words are

touching you deeply and and

they almost in some part some some

moments in this felt even familiar

if you’re over there and you say i i


to see myself this way and i need to

have the power

to overcome my own

negative self narrative

by embracing

the divine narrative concerning my life

and i’m ready to say yes to all of the

goodness that god has promised me and


some of the promises that i’ve even

perceived in this message

and i’m ready to surrender

and to say yes

if that is you

i just want you to say yes

say yes if you’re driving in your car if

you’re watching this at home if you’re

at work just say yes god knows

if you’re right there

on the live feed i want you to say yes

just put just put yes in there just put

yes just put yes not hard just put yes

that’s all god wants

because his yes is unlocked by our yes

the things that god wants to say yet in

fact no not that god wants to say yes

there are things that god has said yes


concerning your life

there’s a passage that says that all of

the promises of god are yes and amen in


so there’s some yeses already you’ve

gotten a lot of no’s you’ve got a lot of

doors closed you’ve gotten a lot of


not realizing that the real you

has innumerable yes it’s a sign of your


crazy yeses that will blow your mind

yeses from now into the day that you




god wants to baptize you in every good


that’s a sign of your life and to get

his yes

all you got to do

is give him yours

he’s knocking on the door of your heart

just say yes i’m yours put it right

there in the feed say it out loud yes

and i believe that as you do the spirit

of god who’s knocking

on the outside trying to get in so that

he can make a difference in your life

from the inside out

is going to come in hallelujah


everything is going to change

strength is coming to you

clarity is coming to you hear me loud

and clear because i feel this so strong

in my knower

healing is coming to you physical


is coming to you without a shadow of a


of course emotional healing and

spiritual healing but i’m talking about

physical healing

as you say yes i’m telling you it’s

gonna happen right now and you’re gonna

be tweeting us and emailing us and

sending us testimony healing is coming

to you right now i decree it right now

as you say yes

and some of you are giving god a re-yes

you gave him a yes before and that’s

okay like sheep all fall astray all go

astray sometimes

but you’re giving him a fresh yes

and restoration is coming to you


no pastor you don’t know it’s been it’s

been too crazy but no i don’t want to

hear that

god knows

he’s omniscient he already knows

god has a way of saving things for us


saving things for us thank you lord just

say yes come on flood flood flood your

car flood your work flood your home

flood this timeline with yes just yes

just yes just yes just yes and i feel

like every time you say yes god’s going

to release a yes yes yes yes yes to your

healing yes to your breakthrough yes to

your miracle yes to your future yes to

your family yes yes


thank you lord so lord you know

what’s happened in the hearts and the

minds of those that you

have engaged in this moment in this

unique specific way i thank you for

breakthrough i thank you for testimony i

thank you for healing i thank you god

for what you’re doing

and god i thank you


that the quality

of their self-talk



of their relationship with themselves

is going to a whole another level

and now

instead of having an antagonist within

they’re going to have the encourager

the counselor

the supporter

the advocate

the holy spirit




and encouraging their way thank you god

i seal this

in jesus name


amen amen hallelujah