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I want to get into the word and I want

to get out of the way so God can do

whatever it is he has decided to do in

this place thank you Jesus we welcome

you in this place I’m going to be in

John 2 verse 1 through 10 if you are

visiting at the risk of making you feel

uncomfortable it is our custom to stand

for the reading of the word and if your

feet are able we would ask that you just

be family with us today I’m going to

start in verse 1 where it says on the

third day there was a wedding in Cana of

Galilee and the mother of Jesus was

there now both Jesus and His disciples

were invited to the wedding and when

they ran out of wine the mother of Jesus

said to him they have no wine jesus said

to her woman what does your concern have

to do with me my hour has not yet come

his mother said to the servants whatever

he says to you do it now there were set

there six waterpots of stone according

to the manner of purification of the

Jews containing twenty or thirty gallons

apiece jesus said to them fill the

waterpots with water and they filled

them up to the brim and he said to them

draw some out now and take it to the

master of the feast and they took it

when the master of the feast had tasted

the water that was made wine and did not

know where it came from but the servants

who had drawn the water knew the master

of the feast called the bridegroom and

he said to him every man at the

beginning sets out the good wine and

when the guests have welled

than the feet inferior you have kept the

good wine until now my subject for this

evening is draw it out so God we just

invites you to take complete control of

this room if you would have me to throw

out this text and throw out these notes

that would be a-okay with me because at

the end of the day we came to hear from

you and God there is nothing that we can

do without your presence only your

presence can change lives only your

presence can perform miracles so god we

humble ourselves under your voice God

and I ask that you would meet every

person who came in with the need and

that you would give them clarity that

you would give them vision that you

would give them strength and power and

focus and wisdom God that you would

order their steps as only you can do

take control of this place oh great God

that you are and as for me I turned

myself over to you let there be no

nerves no fear no anxiety just your

strength your power your anointing

standing tall and me until chains are

broken and fear bounce down because

that’s what you do when you enter a room

in Jesus name Amen

and then you guys can get seated and be

comfortable if I could get a little

power and the microphone that would be


you know I’m soft-spoken in Jesus name I

was thinking as I was coming down here

that one of the best ways that I could

even help us set up a parallel between

what is happening in this text is to

explain to you a few things about being

in relationship with people and your

surroundings and environment in such a

way that it draws something out of you

I learned this personally about two

years into my marriage with your pastor

pastor Tori can we thank God for pastor


of this house that’s my man


everything I am is because of him

and two years into our marriage I

realized that I was being more

vulnerable because you know I used to be

like people don’t like when I say I was

a thug but I was like an emotional thug

I have never killed anyone I don’t think

it was just emotionally I just had this

wall I just didn’t want to let people in

and all of a sudden about two years into

our marriage I started getting very

vulnerable and I would share my feelings

and emotions and and I thought that I

was doing it because I had just grown

and decided to be vulnerable and I

realized in the middle of pastor and I

having a conversation that what was

actually happening was that Petey has

started leading the witness in such a

way that I thought I was being

vulnerable but he was really just asking

questions to make me become vulnerable

which is a powerful powerful gift and

talent to have when we use it on our

children and he uses it on me I take

issue with it if Pastor Trey had not

been a pastor he would have been a

lawyer and so I peep game about two

years into our marriage and so now when

he starts asking me questions I’m like

don’t lead the witness that’s rude when

I’m ready to open up I’ll open up don’t

start asking me no questions but he

leads the witness because I realized

that he’s trying to draw something out

of me

and because he’s trying to draw

something out of me there is nothing

that he won’t do no path no Avenue that

he won’t take to draw something out of

me and I couldn’t help but think about

how that reflects so greatly my

relationship with God as I look back

over in my life I thought that I was

making my own decisions I thought that I

was living life my own way but now I

look back over my life and I see how

each of those circumstances were set up

in such a way that it would

or something out of me yes so that it

would draw out my insecurity so that

ultimately I could confront them and

overcome them God has this way of

drawing things out of us and it’s not

always comfortable when he does that but

when we look back over it we recognize

that had it not been drawn out of us

then we would have never realized what

was in us not just the negative but the

powerful the strength I don’t know if

I’m the only person in this room who

looks back over their life and saying I

know that situation didn’t work out the

way that I wanted to I know it broke my

heart but it really actually drew

something out of me because when

everything was said and done and the

dust had finished settling I was

stronger than I thought I was I had more

wisdom than I had before I lost the job

but I learned how to budget it drew some

responsibility out of me it drew some

wisdom out of me and so in this text we

see the fullness of who Jesus has been

called to be being drawn out of him and

God uses his mother Mary who got

partnered with to bring Jesus into the

world to draw something out of him this

is a point where Jesus is going to go

from being a miracle to performing


everyone wants a miracle but no one

recognizes that having received a

miracle we have a responsibility to then

perpetuate those miracles in our life

I received grace so I can give grace

where I’m from they were saying I’m

blessed to be a blessing culture would

have us to believe that we need a

miracle so that we can look good but

kingdom says that I need a miracle so

that I can be a miracle so that I can in

some things in my community so that I

can break some generational curses you

see God is injured

interested in healing you for the sake

of you being healed he wants your life

to be a monument of his glory and of his

grace so that I can perpetuate what he’s

done in my life I don’t get up and speak

because it’s easy I get up and speak

because God has done something for me

and I’m crazy enough to believe that I

can show you what he’s doing in your

life I’m trying to perpetuate what he’s

done in my life you’re not just writing

the movie you’re perpetuating what God

has done in your life you’re not just

writing a book you’re not just in a

marriage you’re not just raising

children you are perpetuating what God

has done in your life so when you’re

trying to figure out what to reproduce

in this earth start with what God has

planted down on the inside of you

because that is the only thing that is

worthy of reproducing in this earth

that’s that’s a whole word it’s a whole

okay it’s a whole word because I don’t

want to recreate anyone else’s success

and at the end of the day only what we

do for Christ is going to last that’s

the only thing that’s gonna withstand

rejection that’s the only thing that’s

gonna withstand people not validate and

yet so God what is it that you have done

in my life that you saved me that I was

on the edge of suicide but you ended up

helping me put the gun down that I was

going through depression and now I’m not

battling anymore I want to perpetuate

that thing in my life I want to help

someone who went through what I went

through to not have to go through what I

went through because I came out on the

other side I don’t want to just look

good I know I don’t look like what I

went through but I still go back to what

I went through because there’s somebody

who needs to know that you can make it

out on the other side I got to say that

thing so that it gets down in somebody’s

spirit real good

I want to perpetuate what you’ve done in

my life and if you want power and you

want to Authority and you want passion

you can’t look at the world to give it

to you God gave it to you when he saved

you God gave it to you when he created

an opportunity for you to make it to the

next dimension it wasn’t for a dollar

signs it wasn’t for your naming on in


wasn’t for Instagram it was so that you

could perpetuate what he’s done he’s

looking for a tunnel heaven is looking

for a tunnel to earth and I just want to

know if you’re gonna begin I just want

to know if you’re gonna be the one that

heaven can look down on and say there

clear enough and open enough and free

enough and flexible enough for me to use

them for what I want to do in there I

want to be a vessel I’m sorry that’s

just me that’s just the way I do what I

do I just want people to look at me and

see him that’s it and so Jesus and I

really believe prophetically that you

and I are going from this place of being

a miracle to perpetuating and producing

and performing miracles it’s a miracle

I’m still here it’s a miracle I still

have my mind it’s a miracle I could

forgive it’s a miracle I still have joy

it’s a miracle I still have peace but I

don’t want to just rest in my miracle I

want to spread this thing God I need it

to ricochet throughout the earth because

everybody else is making everything else

ricochet I see everything else in

culture moving things that can’t kick

that can’t give God any glory so if he’s

going to use anybody why won’t he use

the one who’s most passionate about what

he’s done in their life I’m not talking

about being weird I’m talking about

being real I’m not talking about being

crazy I’m talking about look you can

still be dope in love god I’m talking

about you can still make music that

glorifies God and do it for the kingdom

talking about something real that this

earth hasn’t seen and I want to know who

wants to break the norms of what it

means to be traditional in church and go

out into the world and say yes I love

God yes I’m still flying yes I will cast

out a devil yes I will review some

cancer yes I will make demons go

trembling and yes I can still kick it

and not judge you and still love you and

still look at you the way that God loves

you because that’s who I am and that’s

what he’s done for me


activate activate la it’s not so that we

can have a 10th meeting in here and go

out and be undercover in the world so

that we can be empowered in here to be

authentic out there so that our light

can shine so bright that it makes people

curious about who we are and like so

they can be like what are you on like no

matter what’s happening at work you keep

your peace you keep your joy what is

that I just want to know what it is and

that’s what I’m gonna tell them that I

know a man named Jesus and when y’all

start getting on my nerves I start

asking him to give me a mind like him

yes I should have lost my mind yes I

should have been in brokenness I should

be drunk out of my mind somewhere but I

met this man named Jesus I’m sorry I

feel like being a church girl tonight

because when I think about the goodness

of Jesus and all that he has done for me

my soul cries out my soul cries out

hallelujah to the risen King hallelujah

to the Savior

to the one who saw fit to save a wretch

like me

I’m wretched and ratchet and he still

loves me


he did something then on the inside of

me I don’t even know when it happened I

just looked up one day and my faith

couldn’t be shaken I just looked up one

day and I felt too anointed I felt

equipped I really felt like greater is

He that is in me and when fear started

talking to me I started reminded me I’m

anointed I’ve been anointed since I was

being brokenness but I messed around and

got awakened to that anointing and now I

live my life in such a way that it’s

protecting the anointing that he has

given me so I keep my mind clear and I

keep my circle tight because I’m trying

to produce miracles and I can’t do it if

I’m connected to toxicity all right so

when we find Jesus in the text he has

gone throughout and recruited disciples

he’s been baptized he is fully aware of

who he is but he has not yet activated

that into the earth in a way that it

exposes who he is to the world

he’s a waiting to strike if you will

he’s waiting for the opportunity to see

when he should unleash his anointing

specifically he’s waiting for a need

that is worthy of his power so that his

anointing can be exposed and so he

thought that he was coming to a wedding

and he thought that he was just supposed

to be attending the wedding and

celebrating with other people not

realizing that as he was attending the

wedding that it was actually going to be

the moment in which his anointing is

Unleashed so the wedding is running out

of wine and darkness is running out of


because he’s about to go from being a

miracle to performing miracles he’s

about to go from being of the of the

heavens and in earth to establishing the

heaven on earth so at the same time I

love this text because I just saw it so

clearly the wedding is running out of

wine and Jesus the true vine the true

vine has put darkness on notice guy help

me Jesus what’s he saying in the wedding

is running out of wine the environment

that would produce Jesus anointing was

beginning to have a need the need came

before his anointing was unleashed he

created the need before he unleashed his

power a lot of us want to unleash our

power but we don’t have the need yet and

so we just want to unleash the power to

show that we’re powerful but God says

I’ve got to create the need because if I

create the need and your power meets the

need then it will send out an echo into

the earth so be patient I know you’re

anointed I know you’ve got your

disciples I just want you to stay ready

to strike at any given moment you know

what you got to do to stay ready how you

got to be ready to strike at any moment

at any moment God could call upon my

anointing so I wish in my life in such a

way that I’m ready to strike at any

given moment god I don’t know when

you’re going to do it I don’t know when

the phone is going to

I don’t know when I’m gonna get the

finances but when you stay ready you

don’t have to get ready so I stay prayed

up I stay waiting for you to tell me god

is this the opportunity God is this the

relationship because I’m ready to strike

because I feel fire shut up in my bones

and I don’t want to waste my fire on

someone else’s opportunity I want to

unleash my fire where it’s gonna have

the most impact I’m waiting to strike

somebody needs to let hell know I’m

waiting this strength I’m not just

sitting down Twitter let my thumbs I’m

waiting to strike I’m waiting for God to

say now it’s time I feel that for

somebody you’ve been waiting for a

confirmation and God said you’ve been

ready and I’m telling you now I’m ready

for you to strike

I’m ready for you to unleash it I’m

ready for you to meet the need that

you’ve been looking at that’s not for

everybody but that is for somebody it’s

time for you to strike it’s time for you

to strike you’re in alignment I got you

in the right city you’re in the right

room you’re connected to the right

people and I hear heaven saying now is

the time for you to strike and unleash

the fullness of your anointing not just

this baby infant sized version of who

you are but the fullness of who you are

my husband and I we preach Jesus we Holy

Ghost field

listen if we could shout we would tear –

searched up and we are talking to

mainstream industry about our Jesus we

didn’t have to shrink we didn’t have to

act like something we weren’t we didn’t

have to just no inspiration and universe

in the energy we preached Jesus

doors still open we prestigious and the

network called us we were sitting at

home minding our holy ghost business and

the network called us you can do this

thing for the kingdom and still bust the

doors open in the culture yes I’m here

no I’m not going nowhere because he’s

ordering my steps we’ve been waiting to


we’ve been waiting to strike they say

reality we said we can’t do reality

because we want to make sure we preserve

our integrity so we passed up chance and

we passed up opportunities but that was

okay with us because we understand the

fullness of our anointing can’t just be

unleashed in any environment it needs to

be unleashing an environment that

recognizes who we are and what we carry

and if you don’t get it that’s cool cuz

imma carry it by myself

I’ll do my own stuff if I have to we’ll

log up in here on a Thursday night and

set Hell on fire

because I don’t need nobody else’s help

to do it I’m me with or without you

what’s up LA


kind of way in here tonight and I don’t

even come here to play with char tonight

but I’m just trying to let you know that

he is not a man that he shall live you

don’t have to pretend to be anybody else

to activate this city for his glory

I’ll do it flat-footed preaching the

King of Kings and the Lord of lords and

I watched doors swing open on my behalf

I watched him pave the way where he said

it was over don’t don’t start with us

tonight okay all right i’ma just get to

the point because I see that my three

points and my stanza and my haiku is not

gonna hit it tonight cuz y’all came to

be activated



so Jesus is waiting to strike and God

uses Mary to tell him this is where it’s

supposed to happen and there are water

pots laying around and he says take the

water pots and fill them with water he

says to take what you already have lying

around and fill them with the resource

you already have I’m gonna do the

miracle with what you already have lying

around and a resource that can never run

dry I kept wondering to myself why is it

that of all the things that could have

ran out that they ran out of wine

I know child I was like Lord the Saints

gonna think I’m saying to drink wine

first of all don’t try me and don’t send

me no letters that is not what I’m

saying tonight I wondered they could

have run out of meat they could have run

out of bread they could have run out of

anything why is it that they ran out of

wine and I realized that they had to run

out of wine because wine is something

that cannot be easily replaced that wine

can only be produced in seasons that it

takes time to replace wine and so he had

to use wine because he wanted to defy

human knowledge and human reasoning and

he wanted to use what they already had

laying around and a resource that could

never never run out to replace the wine

and he says to them fill the waterpots

with water to the brim and Mary says

whatever he says do it and they fill the

waterpots with water this is when I

realized that the most powerful

character in this story besides Jesus

was the servants who knew that there was

no wine but filled the water pots with

water you see because it would be the

servants who would take the water and

give it to the master of the feast it

would be the servants who would then

have to put their neck on the line when

everyone else is asking for wine and all

they had was water when everyone else

was asking for us to be naked on

Instagram we were the ones who started

putting up scriptures we were drawing

I’m drawing from water you see not

everyone that gets to draw from more

wine not everyone gets to just go out

and get more wine some people in this

room have been drawing from water I

didn’t have any resources I didn’t have

the family that everyone else had I’ve

been drawing from water and everyone is

asking me for wine I’ve been drawing

from water I’ve been drawing from water

and I hear God say if you draw from

water I’ll turn it into wine

that if you draw it out I’ll draw out

the one that’s better than y’all fully

understand because the sir

had to be willing to draw from the water

and serve it to the master knowing that

it started with water but trusting that

somewhere along the way that Jesus was

going to turn it to one all I came here

to tell you on this great Thursday

evening in Los Angeles is that you’ve

been drawing from water and I hear God’s

saying if you keep drawing I’m gonna

turn it into a miracle if you keep

drawing I know you don’t have it the way

you want to I know you don’t feel like

you are connected as you should be but

I’m telling you I’m drawing something

out of you and I want you to keep

drawing so I can keep drawing the more

that you draw the more that I pour yeah

he said draw some out now draw it out

now I know it looks like water I know it

looks like what you’re working with

isn’t enough to satisfy the need god

help me I know I know these last few

weeks haven’t been easy I know the

demand that’s been on you and I know

that keep asking for joy and they keep

asking for forgiveness and they keep

asking for peace in the middle of the

storm but they don’t know I’m not

drawing from wine I’m drawing from water

which means I don’t even have what

you’re asking me so I’m just praying

that somewhere along the way when I draw

from the water that he’s gonna turn it

into wine and somewhere along the way

the servants decided to listen to what

he said and they took it to the master

of the feasts and he tasted the water

that was made wine but the servants who

had drawn the water knew that it didn’t

start as wine

snack on starters wine wine is a spirit

it is what creates life in a party some

what have you believe some not me

make sure y’all his mama and

grandmothers know that because I’m not

saying that that’s what it is but I’m

saying it was the absence of a spirit

that gave the spirit in Jesus room to be

unleashed and so when they started

drawing from the water he transformed it

in the middle of it and all I was doing

as I was praying and asking God what it

is that you want me to say to your

people tonight and what it is that you

want them to know above all it was that

I know you’re drawing from water I know

that you’re drawing from something that

doesn’t seem like enough but I hear God

saying for you and from me and for

everyone watching that I have you

drawing from the water because I have a

plan to do something miraculous but I

can only do it if you’re willing to

serve the water and trust that it’s

going to turn into wine you see the

servants that will taste the water and

wine first they didn’t taste it they

didn’t give it to lower-level people

they took that thing that they knew was

water and still served it to the highest

person at the feast so because they had

so much trust and what God said that he

was going to do that he just believed at

the moment it touches their lips that

they’re gonna see one where I once saw

water I know the idea isn’t fully

fleshed out I know the business plan is

and all the way together but I hear God

saying that if you trusted that I gave

it to you and you’re going

do exactly as I say – I’m telling you to

serve it to the highest person in the

room don’t go to your friends circle on

this one go to someone higher who’s not

connected to your feelings or emotions

but who’s going to tell you the truth so

that they can tell you just how

excellent it is I hear God’s saying that

somewhere in the midst of the struggle

that you forgot how special your

anointing is and that he is going to

create scenarios and situations that

demand that you draw it out so that he

can show you that you and him are a

winning combination draw it out god help

us to draw it out and to serve it like

we trust that it’s going to turn into

what you said it was God helped me to

draw out every idea every plan every

mission every concept God helped me to

draw out peace help me to draw out

forgiveness help me to draw it out of

water God because I don’t really have it

to give I feel the presence of God in

this place that life has been demanding

something out of you that you don’t even

know if you have it to give and God says

I’m not asking you for the finished

product I’m asking you for what you have

now because if you will give me what you

have now then I can take care of the

finished product I want it on your level

right now discombobulated and

disorganized give it to me right there

on that level broken and shattered

that’s it I want you to draw it out now

because when there’s

for you to serve it it’s going to go

through the process of transformation

and before I put you in a room that’s

bigger than you a miracle is going to

touch that idea I feel the presence of

God in this place for somebody who’s

been wondering and believing that God is

going to take there not enough and turn

it into more than enough and I just want

to prophesy in this place to everyone

who has been feeling like they’ve been

drawing from water that life has been

ahead of them and they can hardly keep

up I want to prophesy in the name of

Jesus that guy he would give you the

strength to draw from what you have to

pull from the resources that you have

laying around God open our eyes right

now in the name of Jesus that we will

see waterpots waiting to be filled that

we will see water where we once saw

Berenice so that we can see your miracle

working power take place in our lives

God you’ve been asking from many of us

more than we have to give but it is so

that you can show us that the more that

we give the more that you feel and so

God we surrender in this moment to who

you have called us to be to the identity

that you have declared would be ours

from the day that you formed us in our

mother’s womb and God I ask that you

would give us trust in you that you

would give us faith in you like never

before and that you would take every

single idea that exists in this room

every passion every purpose every desire

and that you would transform it in a way

that only you can do our prophesy

acceleration acceleration God where it

would take why

seasons to come into being right that

she would take water and do with it

overnight what it took years for others

to accomplish because our heart was in

the right place and because our trust

was where it would need to be God we

receive every part of this word that is

for us and we ask that it would take

root and produce fruit in our lives like

never before now can’t we worship for

just a minute can we worship
